Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Baaz, Matthias Co-Author Distance Author ID: baaz.matthias Published as: Baaz, Matthias; Baaz, M. Homepage: https://www.dmg.tuwien.ac.at/baaz/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · ResearchGate · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 133 Publications since 1985, including 1 Book and 4 Additional arXiv Preprints 9 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 49 Co-Authors with 126 Joint Publications 1,509 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 16 single-authored 25 Fermüller, Christian G. 25 Leitsch, Alexander 19 Zach, Richard 16 Ciabattoni, Agata 12 Lolic, Anela 8 Iemhoff, Rosalie 8 Preining, Norbert 7 Veith, Helmut 6 Hetzl, Stefan 4 Aguilera, Juan Pablo 4 Moser, Georg 4 Salzer, Gernot 3 Egly, Uwe 3 Fasching, Oliver 3 Metcalfe, George 3 Richter, Clemens 3 Spohr, Hendrik 2 Hájek, Petr 2 Harper, Charles L. jun. 2 Krajíček, Jan 2 Kreisel, Georg 2 Lahav, Ori 2 Montagna, Franco 2 Papadimitriou, Christos Harilaos 2 Putnam, Hilary Whitehall 2 Scott, Dana Stewart 2 Weller, Daniel S. 2 Zamansky, Anna 1 Artemov, Sergei 1 Brunner, Norbert 1 Bydžovský, Jan 1 Ertel, Marcel 1 Friedman, Harvey M. 1 Friedman, Sy-David 1 Gabbay, Dov M. 1 Gehrke, Mai 1 Gottlob, Georg 1 Kahle, Reinhard 1 Makowsky, Johann-Andreas 1 Ovrutcki, Arie 1 Piecha, Thomas 1 Pudlák, Pavel 1 Quirchmayr, Gerald 1 Reis, Giselle 1 Švejda, David 1 Svozil, Karl 1 van Gool, Samuel Jacob 1 von Plato, Jan 1 Voronkov, Andrei 1 Wojtylak, Piotr all top 5 Serials 12 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 9 Journal of Logic and Computation 6 Theoretical Computer Science 5 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 Studia Logica 4 Archive for Mathematical Logic 3 Journal of Symbolic Computation 2 Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1 Sitzungsberichte. Abteilung II. Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse 1 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Series IV 1 Information and Computation 1 Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics 1 Journal of Automated Reasoning 1 Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Mitteilungen der Mathematischen Gesellschaft in Hamburg 1 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 1 Logic Journal of the IGPL 1 Soft Computing 1 Fundamenta Informaticae 1 Lecture Notes in Logic 1 Trends in Logic – Studia Logica Library 1 Logical Methods in Computer Science all top 5 Fields 134 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 37 Computer science (68-XX) 10 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 99 Publications have been cited 745 times in 417 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Infinite-valued Gödel logics with 0-1-projections and relativizations. Zbl 0862.03015 Baaz, Matthias 84 1996 First-order Gödel logics. Zbl 1146.03010 Baaz, Matthias; Preining, Norbert; Zach, Richard 28 2007 Hypersequent calculi for Gödel logics – a survey. Zbl 1051.03046 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 27 2003 On Skolemization and proof complexity. Zbl 0815.03003 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 27 1994 Cut-elimination and redundancy-elimination by resolution. Zbl 0976.03059 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 27 2000 Elimination of cuts in first-order finite-valued logics. Zbl 0821.03013 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Zach, Richard 21 1993 Finite-valued semantics for canonical labelled calculi. Zbl 1314.03016 Baaz, Matthias; Lahav, Ori; Zamansky, Anna 20 2013 Interpolation in fuzzy logic. Zbl 0936.03026 Baaz, Matthias; Veith, Helmut 19 1999 Resolution-based theorem proving for many-valued logics. Zbl 0839.68091 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 19 1995 Hypersequents and the proof theory of intuitionistic fuzzy logic. Zbl 0973.03029 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 19 2000 Complexity of t-tautologies. Zbl 1006.03022 Baaz, Matthias; Hájek, Petr; Montagna, Franco; Veith, Helmut 18 2002 Automated deduction for many-valued logics. Zbl 0992.03015 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Salzer, Gernot 18 2001 Methods of cut-elimination. Zbl 1225.03075 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 17 2011 Dual systems of sequents and tableaux for many-valued logics. Zbl 0788.03029 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Zach, Richard 16 1993 Herbrand’s theorem for prenex Gödel logic and its consequences for theorem proving. Zbl 1275.03098 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 16 2001 Normal form transformations. Zbl 1005.03013 Baaz, Matthias; Egly, Uwe; Leitsch, Alexander 16 2001 Cut normal forms and proof complexity. Zbl 0940.03062 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 15 1999 Labeled calculi and finite-valued logics. Zbl 0963.03039 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Salzer, Gernot; Zach, Richard 15 1998 CERES: An analysis of Fürstenberg’s proof of the infinity of primes. Zbl 1181.68264 Baaz, Matthias; Hetzl, Stefan; Leitsch, Alexander; Richter, Clemens; Spohr, Hendrik 14 2008 Unsound inferences make proofs shorter. Zbl 1439.03095 Aguilera, Juan P.; Baaz, Matthias 13 2019 Cut-elimination: experiments with CERES. Zbl 1108.03305 Baaz, Matthias; Hetzl, Stefan; Leitsch, Alexander; Richter, Clemens; Spohr, Hendrik 12 2005 MUltlog 1.0: towards an expert system for many-valued logics. Zbl 1412.68204 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Salzer, Gernot; Zach, Richard 12 1996 Analytic calculi for monoidal t-norm based logic. Zbl 1057.03019 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Montagna, Franco 11 2004 Herbrand’s theorem, Skolemization and proof systems for first-order Łukasiewicz logic. Zbl 1188.03014 Baaz, Matthias; Metcalfe, George 11 2010 Analytic calculi for projective logics. Zbl 0931.03066 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 10 1999 Monadic fragments of Gödel logics: Decidability and undecidability results. Zbl 1138.03025 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 10 2007 Towards a clausal analysis of cut-elimination. Zbl 1125.03013 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 10 2006 On the complexity of proof deskolemization. Zbl 1345.03104 Baaz, Matthias; Hetzl, Stefan; Weller, Daniel 9 2012 The Skolemization of existential quantifiers in intuitionistic logic. Zbl 1106.03004 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 9 2006 Completeness of a first-order temporal logic with time-gaps. Zbl 0872.68171 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander; Zach, Richard 8 1996 Gentzen calculi for the existence predicate. Zbl 1097.03046 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 8 2006 Proof transformation by CERES. Zbl 1125.03012 Baaz, Matthias; Hetzl, Stefan; Leitsch, Alexander; Richter, Clemens; Spohr, Hendrik 8 2006 Embedding logics into product logic. Zbl 0962.03019 Baaz, Matthias; Hájek, Petr; Krajíček, Jan; Švejda, David 7 1998 Algorithmic structuring of cut-free proofs. Zbl 0794.03076 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 7 1993 A Schütte-Tait style cut-elimination proof for first-order Gödel logic. Zbl 1015.03052 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata 7 2002 Resolution for many-valued logics. Zbl 0920.03019 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 6 1992 Complexity of resolution proofs and function introduction. Zbl 0769.03009 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 6 1992 Quantified propositional Gödel logics. Zbl 0988.03014 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Zach, Richard 5 2000 Sequent of relations calculi: A framework for analytic deduction in many-valued logics. Zbl 1041.03020 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 5 2003 On Skolemization in constructive theories. Zbl 1171.03035 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 5 2008 Generalizing theorems in real closed fields. Zbl 0829.03033 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 5 1995 Note on the existence of most general semi-unifiers. Zbl 0806.03036 Baaz, Matthias 5 1993 On the non-confluence of cut-elimination. Zbl 1220.03048 Baaz, Matthias; Hetzl, Stefan 5 2011 Quantifier elimination in fuzzy logic. Zbl 0933.03022 Baaz, Matthias; Veith, Helmut 4 1999 Cut elimination for first order Gödel logic by hyperclause resolution. Zbl 1182.03102 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 4 2008 Gödel-Dummett logics. Zbl 1284.03173 Baaz, Matthias; Preining, Norbert 4 2011 On interpolation in existence logics. Zbl 1143.03325 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 4 2005 Short proofs of tautologies using the schema of equivalence. Zbl 0953.03513 Baaz, M.; Zach, R. 4 1994 Kripke-type semantics for Da Costa’s paraconsistent logic \(C_{\omega}\). Zbl 0622.03013 Baaz, Matthias 4 1986 CERES in many-valued logics. Zbl 1109.03007 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 3 2005 Proof theory of fuzzy logics: Urquhart’s \(C\) and related logics. Zbl 0921.03028 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian; Veith, Helmut 3 1998 Note on the generalization of calculations. Zbl 0930.03008 Baaz, Matthias 3 1999 An axiomatization of quantified propositional Gödel logic using the Takeuti-Titani rule. Zbl 0943.03020 Baaz, Matthias; Veith, Helmut 3 2000 A natural deduction system for intuitionistic fuzzy logic. Zbl 1008.03015 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 3 2001 SAT in monadic Gödel logics: a borderline between decidability and undecidability. Zbl 1246.03046 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Preining, Norbert 3 2009 Kreisel’s conjecture for \(L\exists_ 1\). (Including a postscript by Georg Kreisel). Zbl 0812.03024 Baaz, Matthias; Pudlák, Pavel 3 1993 Kurt Gödel and the foundations of mathematics. Horizons of truth. Zbl 1253.00009 3 2011 Generalizing proofs in monadic languages (with a postscript by Georg Kreisel). Zbl 1153.03040 Baaz, Matthias; Wojtylak, Piotr 3 2008 Quantifier elimination for quantified propositional logics on Kripke frames of type \({\omega}\). Zbl 1146.03011 Baaz, Matthias; Preining, Norbert 3 2008 Incompleteness of a first-order Gödel logic and some temporal logics of programs. Zbl 1540.03051 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander; Zach, Richard 3 1996 Note on a translation to characterize constructivity. Zbl 1079.03055 Baaz, M. 2 2003 Eskolemization in intuitionistic logic. Zbl 1241.03067 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 2 2011 Monotone operators on Gödel logic. Zbl 1432.03035 Fasching, Oliver; Baaz, Matthias 2 2014 Methods of functional extension. Zbl 0840.03042 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 2 1995 First-order satisfiability in Gödel logics: an NP-complete fragment. Zbl 1244.03090 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Preining, Norbert 2 2011 A resolution mechanism for prenex Gödel logic. Zbl 1238.03022 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 2 2010 MULTLOG: A system for axiomatizing many-valued logics. Zbl 0793.68126 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Ovrutcki, Arie; Zach, Richard 2 1993 Fast cut-elimination by projection. Zbl 0889.03048 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 2 1997 Note on witnessed Gödel logics with Delta. Zbl 1183.03022 Baaz, Matthias; Fasching, Oliver 2 2009 Theorem proving for prenex Gödel logic with \(\Delta\): checking validity and unsatisfiability. Zbl 1238.03021 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 2 2012 Effective finite-valued semantics for labelled calculi. Zbl 1358.03018 Baaz, Matthias; Lahav, Ori; Zamansky, Anna 2 2012 Gödel logics with monotone operators. Zbl 1258.03027 Baaz, Matthias; Fasching, Oliver 2 2012 On the classification of first order Gödel logics. Zbl 1445.03034 Baaz, Matthias; Preining, Norbert 2 2019 Herbrand theorems and Skolemization for prenex fuzzy logics. Zbl 1142.03340 Baaz, Matthias; Metcalfe, George 2 2008 Computer science logic. 17th international workshop CSL 2003, 12th annual conference of the EACSL, 8th Kurt Gödel colloquium KGC 2003, Vienna, Austria, August 25–30, 2003. Proceedings. Zbl 1019.00011 2 2003 A note on the proof-theoretic strength of a single application of the schema of identity. Zbl 1024.03060 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 2 2001 Ten problems in Gödel logic. Zbl 1386.03024 Aguilera, Juan P.; Baaz, Matthias 2 2017 A sequent-calculus based formulation of the extended first epsilon theorem. Zbl 1503.03044 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander; Lolic, Anela 2 2018 Cut-elimination: syntax and semantics. Zbl 1354.03086 Baaz, M.; Leitsch, A. 2 2014 Controlling witnesses. Zbl 1090.03033 Baaz, Matthias 1 2005 Note on generalizing theorems in algebraically closed fields. Zbl 0905.03038 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 1 1998 Lean induction principles for tableaux. Zbl 1415.03015 Baaz, Matthias; Egly, Uwe; Fermüller, Christian G. 1 1997 Automatisches Beweisen für endlichwertige Logiken. (Automatic theorem- proving for finite-valued logics). Zbl 0735.03002 Baaz, Matthias 1 1990 The axiom of choice in quantum theory. Zbl 0868.03019 Brunner, Norbert; Svozil, Karl; Baaz, Matthias 1 1996 Über den allgemeinen Gehalt von Beweisen. (On the general content of proofs). Zbl 0694.03036 Baaz, Matthias 1 1988 Combining many-valued and intuitionistic tableaux. Zbl 1415.03016 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 1 1996 Skolemization in intermediate logics with the finite model property. Zbl 1405.03068 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 1 2016 A globally sound analytic calculus for Henkin quantifiers. Zbl 1485.03140 Baaz, Matthias; Lolic, Anela 1 2020 Comparing the complexity of cut-elimination methods. Zbl 1024.03058 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 1 2001 Effective finite-valued approximations of general propositional logics. Zbl 1133.03328 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 1 2008 First-order interpolation of non-classical logics derived from propositional interpolation. Zbl 1496.03097 Baaz, Matthias; Lolic, Anela 1 2017 The number of axioms. Zbl 1539.03185 Aguilera, J. P.; Baaz, M.; Bydžovský, J. 1 2022 Strong splitting rules in automated theorem proving. Zbl 1209.68503 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 1 1989 Eine Methode zur automatischen Problemreduktion. Zbl 0607.68071 Baaz, M.; Leitsch, A. 1 1985 Die Anwendung starker Reduktionsregeln in automatischen Beweisen. Zbl 0596.03007 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 1 1985 Recollections of a non-contradictory logician. Zbl 1213.01056 Baaz, Matthias 1 2009 Fast cut-elimination by CERES. Zbl 1221.03057 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 1 2010 Andrews Skolemization may shorten resolution proofs non-elementarily. Zbl 1541.03153 Baaz, Matthias; Lolic, Anela 1 2022 Epsilon theorems in intermediate logics. Zbl 07541918 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 1 2022 The number of axioms. Zbl 1539.03185 Aguilera, J. P.; Baaz, M.; Bydžovský, J. 1 2022 Andrews Skolemization may shorten resolution proofs non-elementarily. Zbl 1541.03153 Baaz, Matthias; Lolic, Anela 1 2022 Epsilon theorems in intermediate logics. Zbl 07541918 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 1 2022 A globally sound analytic calculus for Henkin quantifiers. Zbl 1485.03140 Baaz, Matthias; Lolic, Anela 1 2020 Unsound inferences make proofs shorter. Zbl 1439.03095 Aguilera, Juan P.; Baaz, Matthias 13 2019 On the classification of first order Gödel logics. Zbl 1445.03034 Baaz, Matthias; Preining, Norbert 2 2019 A sequent-calculus based formulation of the extended first epsilon theorem. Zbl 1503.03044 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander; Lolic, Anela 2 2018 Ten problems in Gödel logic. Zbl 1386.03024 Aguilera, Juan P.; Baaz, Matthias 2 2017 First-order interpolation of non-classical logics derived from propositional interpolation. Zbl 1496.03097 Baaz, Matthias; Lolic, Anela 1 2017 Skolemization in intermediate logics with the finite model property. Zbl 1405.03068 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 1 2016 Monotone operators on Gödel logic. Zbl 1432.03035 Fasching, Oliver; Baaz, Matthias 2 2014 Cut-elimination: syntax and semantics. Zbl 1354.03086 Baaz, M.; Leitsch, A. 2 2014 Finite-valued semantics for canonical labelled calculi. Zbl 1314.03016 Baaz, Matthias; Lahav, Ori; Zamansky, Anna 20 2013 On the complexity of proof deskolemization. Zbl 1345.03104 Baaz, Matthias; Hetzl, Stefan; Weller, Daniel 9 2012 Theorem proving for prenex Gödel logic with \(\Delta\): checking validity and unsatisfiability. Zbl 1238.03021 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 2 2012 Effective finite-valued semantics for labelled calculi. Zbl 1358.03018 Baaz, Matthias; Lahav, Ori; Zamansky, Anna 2 2012 Gödel logics with monotone operators. Zbl 1258.03027 Baaz, Matthias; Fasching, Oliver 2 2012 Methods of cut-elimination. Zbl 1225.03075 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 17 2011 On the non-confluence of cut-elimination. Zbl 1220.03048 Baaz, Matthias; Hetzl, Stefan 5 2011 Gödel-Dummett logics. Zbl 1284.03173 Baaz, Matthias; Preining, Norbert 4 2011 Kurt Gödel and the foundations of mathematics. Horizons of truth. Zbl 1253.00009 3 2011 Eskolemization in intuitionistic logic. Zbl 1241.03067 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 2 2011 First-order satisfiability in Gödel logics: an NP-complete fragment. Zbl 1244.03090 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Preining, Norbert 2 2011 Herbrand’s theorem, Skolemization and proof systems for first-order Łukasiewicz logic. Zbl 1188.03014 Baaz, Matthias; Metcalfe, George 11 2010 A resolution mechanism for prenex Gödel logic. Zbl 1238.03022 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 2 2010 Fast cut-elimination by CERES. Zbl 1221.03057 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 1 2010 SAT in monadic Gödel logics: a borderline between decidability and undecidability. Zbl 1246.03046 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Preining, Norbert 3 2009 Note on witnessed Gödel logics with Delta. Zbl 1183.03022 Baaz, Matthias; Fasching, Oliver 2 2009 Recollections of a non-contradictory logician. Zbl 1213.01056 Baaz, Matthias 1 2009 CERES: An analysis of Fürstenberg’s proof of the infinity of primes. Zbl 1181.68264 Baaz, Matthias; Hetzl, Stefan; Leitsch, Alexander; Richter, Clemens; Spohr, Hendrik 14 2008 On Skolemization in constructive theories. Zbl 1171.03035 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 5 2008 Cut elimination for first order Gödel logic by hyperclause resolution. Zbl 1182.03102 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 4 2008 Generalizing proofs in monadic languages (with a postscript by Georg Kreisel). Zbl 1153.03040 Baaz, Matthias; Wojtylak, Piotr 3 2008 Quantifier elimination for quantified propositional logics on Kripke frames of type \({\omega}\). Zbl 1146.03011 Baaz, Matthias; Preining, Norbert 3 2008 Herbrand theorems and Skolemization for prenex fuzzy logics. Zbl 1142.03340 Baaz, Matthias; Metcalfe, George 2 2008 Effective finite-valued approximations of general propositional logics. Zbl 1133.03328 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 1 2008 First-order Gödel logics. Zbl 1146.03010 Baaz, Matthias; Preining, Norbert; Zach, Richard 28 2007 Monadic fragments of Gödel logics: Decidability and undecidability results. Zbl 1138.03025 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 10 2007 Towards a clausal analysis of cut-elimination. Zbl 1125.03013 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 10 2006 The Skolemization of existential quantifiers in intuitionistic logic. Zbl 1106.03004 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 9 2006 Gentzen calculi for the existence predicate. Zbl 1097.03046 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 8 2006 Proof transformation by CERES. Zbl 1125.03012 Baaz, Matthias; Hetzl, Stefan; Leitsch, Alexander; Richter, Clemens; Spohr, Hendrik 8 2006 Cut-elimination: experiments with CERES. Zbl 1108.03305 Baaz, Matthias; Hetzl, Stefan; Leitsch, Alexander; Richter, Clemens; Spohr, Hendrik 12 2005 On interpolation in existence logics. Zbl 1143.03325 Baaz, Matthias; Iemhoff, Rosalie 4 2005 CERES in many-valued logics. Zbl 1109.03007 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 3 2005 Controlling witnesses. Zbl 1090.03033 Baaz, Matthias 1 2005 Analytic calculi for monoidal t-norm based logic. Zbl 1057.03019 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Montagna, Franco 11 2004 Hypersequent calculi for Gödel logics – a survey. Zbl 1051.03046 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 27 2003 Sequent of relations calculi: A framework for analytic deduction in many-valued logics. Zbl 1041.03020 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 5 2003 Note on a translation to characterize constructivity. Zbl 1079.03055 Baaz, M. 2 2003 Computer science logic. 17th international workshop CSL 2003, 12th annual conference of the EACSL, 8th Kurt Gödel colloquium KGC 2003, Vienna, Austria, August 25–30, 2003. Proceedings. Zbl 1019.00011 2 2003 Complexity of t-tautologies. Zbl 1006.03022 Baaz, Matthias; Hájek, Petr; Montagna, Franco; Veith, Helmut 18 2002 A Schütte-Tait style cut-elimination proof for first-order Gödel logic. Zbl 1015.03052 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata 7 2002 Automated deduction for many-valued logics. Zbl 0992.03015 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Salzer, Gernot 18 2001 Herbrand’s theorem for prenex Gödel logic and its consequences for theorem proving. Zbl 1275.03098 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 16 2001 Normal form transformations. Zbl 1005.03013 Baaz, Matthias; Egly, Uwe; Leitsch, Alexander 16 2001 A natural deduction system for intuitionistic fuzzy logic. Zbl 1008.03015 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian G. 3 2001 A note on the proof-theoretic strength of a single application of the schema of identity. Zbl 1024.03060 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 2 2001 Comparing the complexity of cut-elimination methods. Zbl 1024.03058 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 1 2001 Cut-elimination and redundancy-elimination by resolution. Zbl 0976.03059 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 27 2000 Hypersequents and the proof theory of intuitionistic fuzzy logic. Zbl 0973.03029 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 19 2000 Quantified propositional Gödel logics. Zbl 0988.03014 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Zach, Richard 5 2000 An axiomatization of quantified propositional Gödel logic using the Takeuti-Titani rule. Zbl 0943.03020 Baaz, Matthias; Veith, Helmut 3 2000 Interpolation in fuzzy logic. Zbl 0936.03026 Baaz, Matthias; Veith, Helmut 19 1999 Cut normal forms and proof complexity. Zbl 0940.03062 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 15 1999 Analytic calculi for projective logics. Zbl 0931.03066 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 10 1999 Quantifier elimination in fuzzy logic. Zbl 0933.03022 Baaz, Matthias; Veith, Helmut 4 1999 Note on the generalization of calculations. Zbl 0930.03008 Baaz, Matthias 3 1999 Labeled calculi and finite-valued logics. Zbl 0963.03039 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Salzer, Gernot; Zach, Richard 15 1998 Embedding logics into product logic. Zbl 0962.03019 Baaz, Matthias; Hájek, Petr; Krajíček, Jan; Švejda, David 7 1998 Proof theory of fuzzy logics: Urquhart’s \(C\) and related logics. Zbl 0921.03028 Baaz, Matthias; Ciabattoni, Agata; Fermüller, Christian; Veith, Helmut 3 1998 Note on generalizing theorems in algebraically closed fields. Zbl 0905.03038 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 1 1998 Fast cut-elimination by projection. Zbl 0889.03048 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 2 1997 Lean induction principles for tableaux. Zbl 1415.03015 Baaz, Matthias; Egly, Uwe; Fermüller, Christian G. 1 1997 Infinite-valued Gödel logics with 0-1-projections and relativizations. Zbl 0862.03015 Baaz, Matthias 84 1996 MUltlog 1.0: towards an expert system for many-valued logics. Zbl 1412.68204 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Salzer, Gernot; Zach, Richard 12 1996 Completeness of a first-order temporal logic with time-gaps. Zbl 0872.68171 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander; Zach, Richard 8 1996 Incompleteness of a first-order Gödel logic and some temporal logics of programs. Zbl 1540.03051 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander; Zach, Richard 3 1996 The axiom of choice in quantum theory. Zbl 0868.03019 Brunner, Norbert; Svozil, Karl; Baaz, Matthias 1 1996 Combining many-valued and intuitionistic tableaux. Zbl 1415.03016 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 1 1996 Resolution-based theorem proving for many-valued logics. Zbl 0839.68091 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 19 1995 Generalizing theorems in real closed fields. Zbl 0829.03033 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 5 1995 Methods of functional extension. Zbl 0840.03042 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 2 1995 On Skolemization and proof complexity. Zbl 0815.03003 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 27 1994 Short proofs of tautologies using the schema of equivalence. Zbl 0953.03513 Baaz, M.; Zach, R. 4 1994 Elimination of cuts in first-order finite-valued logics. Zbl 0821.03013 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Zach, Richard 21 1993 Dual systems of sequents and tableaux for many-valued logics. Zbl 0788.03029 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Zach, Richard 16 1993 Algorithmic structuring of cut-free proofs. Zbl 0794.03076 Baaz, Matthias; Zach, Richard 7 1993 Note on the existence of most general semi-unifiers. Zbl 0806.03036 Baaz, Matthias 5 1993 Kreisel’s conjecture for \(L\exists_ 1\). (Including a postscript by Georg Kreisel). Zbl 0812.03024 Baaz, Matthias; Pudlák, Pavel 3 1993 MULTLOG: A system for axiomatizing many-valued logics. Zbl 0793.68126 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G.; Ovrutcki, Arie; Zach, Richard 2 1993 Resolution for many-valued logics. Zbl 0920.03019 Baaz, Matthias; Fermüller, Christian G. 6 1992 Complexity of resolution proofs and function introduction. Zbl 0769.03009 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 6 1992 Automatisches Beweisen für endlichwertige Logiken. (Automatic theorem- proving for finite-valued logics). Zbl 0735.03002 Baaz, Matthias 1 1990 Strong splitting rules in automated theorem proving. Zbl 1209.68503 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 1 1989 Über den allgemeinen Gehalt von Beweisen. (On the general content of proofs). Zbl 0694.03036 Baaz, Matthias 1 1988 Kripke-type semantics for Da Costa’s paraconsistent logic \(C_{\omega}\). Zbl 0622.03013 Baaz, Matthias 4 1986 Eine Methode zur automatischen Problemreduktion. Zbl 0607.68071 Baaz, M.; Leitsch, A. 1 1985 Die Anwendung starker Reduktionsregeln in automatischen Beweisen. Zbl 0596.03007 Baaz, Matthias; Leitsch, Alexander 1 1985 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 383 Authors 42 Baaz, Matthias 22 Leitsch, Alexander 16 Ciabattoni, Agata 16 Hetzl, Stefan 14 Montagna, Franco 13 Metcalfe, George 11 Esteva, Francesc 11 Zach, Richard 10 Aguilera, Juan Pablo 10 Hájek, Petr 10 Indrzejczak, Andrzej 10 Weller, Daniel S. 9 Vychodil, Vilém 8 Iemhoff, Rosalie 8 Lolic, Anela 7 Avron, Arnon 7 Caleiro, Carlos 7 Cintula, Petr 7 Godo, Lluís 7 Marcelino, Sérgio 7 Preining, Norbert 7 Xu, Yang 6 Fermüller, Christian G. 6 Flaminio, Tommaso 6 Gottwald, Siegfried 6 Kozhemiachenko, Daniil 6 Reis, Giselle 6 Zamansky, Anna 5 Buss, Samuel R. 5 Frittella, Sabine 5 Guller, Dušan 5 Haniková, Zuzana 5 Liu, Jun 5 Marchioni, Enrico 5 Marcos, João 5 Petrukhin, Yaroslav Igorevich 5 Salzer, Gernot 5 Woltzenlogel Paleo, Bruno 4 Aguzzoli, Stefano 4 Beckmann, Arnold 4 Bianchi, Matteo 4 Bílková, Marta 4 Caicedo, Xavier 4 Cerna, David M. 4 Dubois, Didier 4 Egly, Uwe 4 Fontaine, Pascal 4 Gerasimov, Aleksandr Sergeevich 4 Lahav, Ori 4 Robles, Gemma 4 Ruan, Da 4 Voronkov, Andrei 4 Wansing, Heinrich Theodor 3 Aschieri, Federico 3 Baldi, Paolo 3 Bělohlávek, Radim 3 Bydžovský, Jan 3 Cerami, Marco 3 Coniglio, Marcelo Esteban 3 Ebner, Gabriel 3 Fasching, Oliver 3 Gerla, Brunella 3 Greati, Vitor 3 Kerre, Etienne E. 3 Kohlhase, Michael 3 Lang, Timo 3 Moser, Georg 3 Muskens, Reinhard A. 3 Negri, Sara 3 Noguera, Carles 3 Paoli, Francesco 3 Rodríguez, Ricardo Oscar 3 Shangin, Vasily 3 Wintein, Stefan 3 Woltran, Stefan 2 Alonderis, Romas 2 Başkent, Can 2 Bernreiter, Michael 2 Braüner, Torben 2 Chajda, Ivan 2 Chen, Shuwei 2 Ciucci, Davide 2 Codara, Pietro 2 Creignou, Nadia 2 D’Antona, Ottavio M. 2 Degtyarev, Anatoli Ivanovich 2 Demri, Stéphane P. 2 Diaconescu, Denisa 2 Dyckhoff, Roy 2 El-Zekey, Moataz Saleh 2 Ertola Biraben, Rodolfo C. 2 Fernández Duque, David 2 Figallo Orellano, Aldo 2 Fiorino, Guido 2 Gabbay, Dov M. 2 García-Cerdaña, Àngel 2 Gratzl, Norbert 2 Halaš, Radomír 2 Hermann, Miki 2 Hustadt, Ullrich ...and 283 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 57 Serials 44 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 31 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 28 Studia Logica 24 Archive for Mathematical Logic 17 Theoretical Computer Science 17 Journal of Automated Reasoning 13 Information Sciences 12 Journal of Philosophical Logic 12 Soft Computing 9 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 9 Logic and Logical Philosophy 9 Logica Universalis 8 Information and Computation 8 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 7 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 The Review of Symbolic Logic 5 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 5 Synthese 5 Logical Methods in Computer Science 4 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 4 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 3 Artificial Intelligence 3 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 3 Bulletin of the Section of Logic 3 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 3 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 2 Order 2 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 2 European Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Informatica 1 Information Processing Letters 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 1 Algebra and Logic 1 Algebra Universalis 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Science of Computer Programming 1 Journal of Computer Science and Technology 1 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Constraints 1 Theory of Computing Systems 1 Matematychni Studiï 1 Matematicheskie Trudy 1 Fundamenta Informaticae 1 Journal of Applied Logic 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 1 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 The Art of Discrete and Applied Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 18 Fields 376 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 108 Computer science (68-XX) 35 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 7 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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