Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Logunov, Anatoliĭ Alekseevich (b. 1926 d. 2015) Co-Author Distance Author ID: logunov.anatolij-a Published as: Logunov, A. A.; Logunov, A.; Logunov, Anatolij A.; Logunov, Anatolii; Logunow, A. A. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 160 Publications since 1952, including 12 Books 5 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 3 Publications Co-Authors: 65 Co-Authors with 141 Joint Publications 1,833 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 24 single-authored 57 Mestvirishvili, Mirian Alekseevich 22 Gershtein, S. S. 18 Denisov, Viktor Ivanovich 15 Vlasov, Al. A. 11 Loskutov, Yu. M. 11 Tavkhelidze, Albert Nikiforovich 10 Folomeshkin, V. N. 8 Bogolyubov, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 8 Chugreev, Yu. V. 8 Todorov, Ivan T. 4 Tavchelidze, A. N. 4 Vladimirov, Vasiliĭ Sergeevich 3 Chernikov, N. A. 3 Faustov, R. N. 3 Khrustalëv, O. A. 3 Marchuk, Guriĭ Ivanovich 3 Nguyen van Hieu 3 Stepanov, B. M. 2 Aleksandrov, Pavel Sergeevich 2 Arbuzov, Boris A. 2 Bilenky, S. M. 2 Dobrokhotov, Sergei Yurievich 2 Filipov, A. T. 2 Lavrent’ev, Mikhail Alekseevich 2 Oksak, A. I. 2 Osipov, Yuriĭ Sergeevich 2 Sadovnichiĭ, Viktor Antonovich 2 Solovyov, L. D. 2 Tavhelidze, A. N. 2 Terleckij, Ja. P. 2 Terletskij, Ya. P. 2 van Hieu, N. 1 Araf’eva, I. Ya. 1 Arbusov, B. A. 1 Barbashov, Boris Mikhaĭlovich 1 Bogolyubov, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich jun. 1 Bykov, Dmitri V. 1 Chernous’ko, Feliks Leonidovich 1 Frenkin, A. R. 1 Fulling, Stephen A. 1 Gamkrelidze, Revaz Valerianovich 1 Il’in, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1 Isaev, P. S. 1 Kadyshevsky, V. G. 1 Karasev, Mikhail Vladimirovich 1 Kazakov, Dmitri I. 1 Kholevo, Aleksandr Semënovich 1 Khurstalev, O. A. 1 Kiselev, Valery V. 1 Kozlov, Valeriĭ Vasil’evich 1 Kulish, Petr Petrovich 1 Kuz’menko, R. I. 1 Libanov, M. V. 1 Marshakov, Andrei V. 1 Maslov, Viktor Pavlovich 1 Meshcheryakov, V. A. 1 Morozov, Alexei Yurievich 1 Paton, Borys Yevgenovych 1 Plakida, Nikolay M. 1 Rubakov, Valery A. 1 Semikhatov, Alexei M. 1 Shabat, Alekseĭ Borisovich 1 Shirkov, Dmitriĭ Vasil’evich 1 Shumovsky, Alexander S. 1 Slavyanov, Sergeĭ Yur’evich 1 Sukhanov, A. D. 1 Tyutin, Igor Viktorovich 1 Vlassov, A. A. 1 Volovich, Igor’ Vasil’evich 1 Yarina, T. B. all top 5 Serials 60 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 15 Teoreticheskaya i Matematicheskaya Fizika 13 Doklady Akademii Nauk 10 Nuclear Physics 8 Soviet Physics. Doklady 5 Doklady Physics 4 Moscow University Physics Bulletin 4 Soviet Physics, JETP 4 Physics Letters 3 Russian Mathematical Surveys 3 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series 2 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 2 Hadronic Journal 2 Soobshcheniya Akademii Nauk Gruzinskoĭ SSR 2 Zhurnal Èksperimentalnoĭ i Teoreticheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya III. Fizika, Astronomiya 1 Annals of Physics 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya 1 Zeitschrift für Naturforschung. A. Physik, Physikalische Chemie, Kosmophysik 1 Progress of Theoretical Physics 1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics, Group Theory and Nonlinear Optics 1 Mathematical Physics and Applied Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Trudy Matematicheskogo Instituta Imeni V. A. Steklova 1 Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskikh i Èstestvennykh Nauk all top 5 Fields 107 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 72 Differential geometry (53-XX) 14 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Quantum theory (81-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 77 Publications have been cited 447 times in 337 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ General principles of quantum field theory. Transl. from the Russian by G. G. Gould. Zbl 0732.46040 Bogolyubov, N. N.; Logunov, A. A.; Oksak, A. I.; Todorov, I. T. 96 1990 Relativistic theory of gravitation. (Relyativistskaya teoriya gravitatsii.) Zbl 0667.53057 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 60 1989 Introduction to axiomatic quantum field theory. Authorized translation from the Russian original by Stephen A. Fulling and Ludmilla G. Popova. Edited by Stephen A. Fulling. Zbl 1114.81300 Bogoljubov, Nikolaj N.; Logunov, Anatolij A.; Todorov, Ivan T. 56 1975 Fundamentals of the axiomatic approach in quantum field theory. (Основы аксиоматического подхода в квантовои теории поля.) Zbl 0195.28402 Bogolyubov, N. N.; Logunov, A. A.; Todorov, I. T. 30 1969 Lectures on the theory of relativity and gravitation. A modern analysis of the problem. (Lektsii po teorii otnositel’nosti i gravitatsii. Sovremennyj analiz problemy.) Zbl 0852.53078 Logunov, A. A. 15 1987 Relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0709.53055 Logunov, A. A. 12 1990 Relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0979.83519 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 11 1985 Gauge transformation in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0676.53082 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 9 1986 New theory of space-time and gravitation. Zbl 0488.53025 Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A. 9 1982 An accelerated coordinate system is not a special case of the physical gravitational field. Zbl 1075.83512 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 7 2001 Basic equations for the massive gravitational field. Zbl 0788.53096 Logunov, A. A. 7 1992 Causality principle in the relativistic theory of gravity. Zbl 1032.83041 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 5 2001 Relativistic theory of gravitation as a theory with a broken gauge group. Zbl 0684.53063 Logunov, A. A.; Loskutov, Yu. M. 5 1989 Energy-momentum of gravitational waves in the general theory of relativity. Zbl 0411.49025 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 4 1978 Geometrized theories of gravitation. Zbl 0412.53005 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 4 1978 The energy-momentum problem and the theory of gravitation. Zbl 0412.53018 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 4 1978 Lectures in relativity and gravitation. A modern look. Transl. from the Russian by A. Repyev. Zbl 0852.53079 Logunov, A. 4 1990 Theory of gravitational field. Zbl 0883.53070 Logunov, A. A. 4 1993 Theory of gravitation based on Minkowski space and the principle of geometrization. Zbl 0579.53051 Vlasov, A. A.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 3 1984 Hilbert’s causality principle and equations of general relativity exclude the possibility of black hole formation. Zbl 1274.83013 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 3 2012 Fundamental principles of the relativistic theory of gravitation. (Osnovnye printsipy relyativistskoj teorii gravitatsii.) Zbl 0684.53065 Logunov, A. A. 3 1989 Post-Newtonian approximation in the relativistic theory of gravity. Zbl 0866.53076 Logunov, A. A. 3 1995 Gravitational waves in the relativistic theory of gravity. Zbl 1178.83044 Gershtein, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 3 2009 Gravitational field of a nonstatic spherically symmetric body in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0584.53030 Vlasov, A. A.; Logunov, A. A. 3 1985 Contradictory character of general relativity. The relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0598.53063 Logunov, A. A.; Loskutov, Yu. M. 3 1986 The fundamental principles of the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0725.53073 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 3 1991 The works of Henri Poincaré on “Dynamics of the electron”. (K rabotam Anri Puankare “O dinamike ehlektrona”). Zbl 0626.01037 Logunov, A. A. 3 1984 The asymptotic behaviour of the scattering amplitudes and the renormalisation group method. Zbl 0100.41202 Arbusov, B. A.; Logunov, A. A.; Tavkhelidze, A. N.; Faustov, R. N. 3 1962 Photoproduction processes and dispersion relations. Zbl 0082.43302 Logunov, A.; Tavkhelidze, A. N.; Solovyov, L. D. 3 1957 Postnewtonian approximation of the relativistic theory of gravity. Zbl 1194.83026 Logunov, Anatolii 2 1999 Gravitational effects in the field theory of gravitation. Zbl 0454.53026 Vlasov, A. A.; Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 1980 New concepts of space-time and gravitation. Zbl 0461.53036 Logunov, A. A.; Denisov, V. I.; Vlasov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 2 1980 Does gravitational radiation exist in the general theory of relativity? Zbl 0455.53050 Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A. 2 1980 Does general relativity theory possess the classical Newtonian limit? Zbl 0459.53025 Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A. 2 1980 Massive dust ball pulsating under the action of its gravitational field. Zbl 1145.85301 Gershtein, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 2008 The stress-energy tensor of matter as a gravitational field source. Zbl 0911.53065 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 1997 Gravitational collapse is impossible in the relativistic theory of gravity. Zbl 1184.83046 Gershtein, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 2009 On gravitational flow in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 1257.83027 Gershteĭn, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 2006 Impossibility of gravitational collapse. Zbl 1282.83049 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 2013 What happens near the Schwardschild sphere for a nonzero graviton rest mass. Zbl 0976.83051 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 1999 External gravitational field of a nonstatic spherically symmetric body in the inertial frame. Zbl 1178.83016 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 2005 Problem of energy-momentum and gravitation theory. Zbl 0362.53020 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 2 1977 Minkowski space as a basis for a physical theory of gravitation. Zbl 0576.53072 Logunov, A. A.; Vlasov, A. A. 2 1984 Spherically symmetric solution in the theory of gravitation based on Minkowski space. Zbl 0576.53073 Vlasov, A. A.; Logunov, A. A. 2 1984 Evolution of the Universe in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0616.53052 Vlasov, A. A.; Logunov, A. A. 2 1986 Relativistic theory of gravitation and new concepts of space-time. Zbl 0637.53097 Logunov, A. A. 2 1987 The relativistic theory of gravitation based on a space of constant curvature. Zbl 0725.53072 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A.; Chugreev, Yu. V. 2 1991 The relativistic theory of gravitation and new concepts about space and time. Zbl 0616.53054 Logunov, A. A. 2 1986 Dynamics of test bodies in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0621.53060 Logunov, A. A.; Loskutov, Yu. M. 2 1987 On the proof of dispersion relations for inelastic scattering. Zbl 0093.44301 Logunov, A. A.; Todorov, I. T. 2 1959 Quasi-optical method and asymptotic behaviour of many-channel amplitudes. Zbl 0124.23205 Logunov, A. A.; van Hieu, N.; Khurstalev, O. A. 2 1964 On the theory of dispersion relations for virtual processes. Zbl 0083.43901 Logunov, A. A. 2 1959 Generalized dispersion relations. Zbl 0084.22507 Logunov, A. A.; Tavkhelidze, A. N. 2 1958 On geometrized theories of gravitation. Zbl 0385.53011 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 1 1977 Does the energy of the source change when gravitational waves are emitted in Einstein’s theory of gravitation? Zbl 0412.53019 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 1 1978 On the possibility of collapse of a dust ball in general relativity theory. Zbl 1164.83004 Gershteĭn, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2008 The internal Schwarzschild-type solution in the field theory of gravity. Zbl 1177.83083 Gershtein, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2006 Do extended bodies move along geodesics of Riemannian space-time? Zbl 0476.53038 Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 1981 Field theory of gravity and rest-mass of particles. Zbl 1090.83025 Gershteĭn, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2005 Gravitation mass and evolution of a Friedmann universe. Zbl 0675.53068 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A.; Chugreev, Yu. V. 1 1988 Fundamental principles of the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0709.53524 Logunov, A. A. 1 1989 Vasilii Sergeevich Vladimirov (obituary). Zbl 1266.01041 Volovich, I. V.; Il’in, V. A.; Kozlov, V. V.; Logunov, A. A.; Marchuk, G. I.; Matveev, V. A.; Osipov, Yu S.; Paton, B. E.; Sadovnichii, V. A. 1 2013 The structure of the integral of motion and the impossibility of gravitational collapse. Zbl 1278.83032 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2012 Über die Energieverteilung der Teilchen der primären kosmischen Strahlung. Zbl 0053.47703 Logunov, A. A.; Terleckij, Ja. P. 1 1953 Theory of the classical gravitational field and Mach’s principle. Zbl 0852.53080 Logunov, A. A. 1 1994 The inertial mass as defined in the general theory of relativity has no physical meaning. Zbl 0494.53031 Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A. 1 1982 External gravitational field of a nonstatic spherically symmetric body in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 1327.83031 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2014 Does general relativity explain gravitational effects? Zbl 0616.53053 Logunov, A. A.; Loskutov, Yu. M.; Chugreev, Yu. V. 1 1986 Hilbert’s causality principle and the impossibility of gravitational collapse of a non-static spherical body. Zbl 1249.83002 Gershtein, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2011 Inconsistency of conservation laws for the baryon number and electric charge with the conception of black holes. Zbl 1249.83001 Gershteĭn, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2011 The absence of spherically symmetric bodies in the relativistic theory of gravitation with a nonzero mass graviton with a radius smaller or equal to the “gravitational” one. (K otsutstviyu v RTG s nenulevoj massoj gravitona sfericheski simmetrichnykh tel s radiusom men’she ili ravnym “gravitatsionnomu”). Zbl 0676.53080 Vlasov, A. A.; Logunov, A. A. 1 1988 The relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0717.53052 Logunov, A. A. 1 1990 Graviton mass and development of the Friedmann universe. Zbl 0647.53073 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A.; Chugreev, Yu. V. 1 1988 Nonuniqueness of predictions in the general theory of relativity. Zbl 0656.53073 Logunov, A. A.; Loskutov, Yu. M. 1 1988 On an upper limit for graviton mass. Zbl 1065.83524 Gershtejn, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 1998 Quasipotential character of the Mandelstam representation. Zbl 0106.20705 Logunov, A. A.; Tavkhelidze, A. N.; Khrustalev, O. A. 1 1963 On the theory of dispersion relations. Zbl 0084.22506 Logunov, A. A.; Bilenkij, S. M.; Tavkhelidze, A. N. 1 1958 External gravitational field of a nonstatic spherically symmetric body in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 1327.83031 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2014 Impossibility of gravitational collapse. Zbl 1282.83049 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 2013 Vasilii Sergeevich Vladimirov (obituary). Zbl 1266.01041 Volovich, I. V.; Il’in, V. A.; Kozlov, V. V.; Logunov, A. A.; Marchuk, G. I.; Matveev, V. A.; Osipov, Yu S.; Paton, B. E.; Sadovnichii, V. A. 1 2013 Hilbert’s causality principle and equations of general relativity exclude the possibility of black hole formation. Zbl 1274.83013 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 3 2012 The structure of the integral of motion and the impossibility of gravitational collapse. Zbl 1278.83032 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2012 Hilbert’s causality principle and the impossibility of gravitational collapse of a non-static spherical body. Zbl 1249.83002 Gershtein, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2011 Inconsistency of conservation laws for the baryon number and electric charge with the conception of black holes. Zbl 1249.83001 Gershteĭn, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2011 Gravitational waves in the relativistic theory of gravity. Zbl 1178.83044 Gershtein, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 3 2009 Gravitational collapse is impossible in the relativistic theory of gravity. Zbl 1184.83046 Gershtein, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 2009 Massive dust ball pulsating under the action of its gravitational field. Zbl 1145.85301 Gershtein, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 2008 On the possibility of collapse of a dust ball in general relativity theory. Zbl 1164.83004 Gershteĭn, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2008 On gravitational flow in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 1257.83027 Gershteĭn, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 2006 The internal Schwarzschild-type solution in the field theory of gravity. Zbl 1177.83083 Gershtein, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2006 External gravitational field of a nonstatic spherically symmetric body in the inertial frame. Zbl 1178.83016 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 2005 Field theory of gravity and rest-mass of particles. Zbl 1090.83025 Gershteĭn, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 2005 An accelerated coordinate system is not a special case of the physical gravitational field. Zbl 1075.83512 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 7 2001 Causality principle in the relativistic theory of gravity. Zbl 1032.83041 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 5 2001 Postnewtonian approximation of the relativistic theory of gravity. Zbl 1194.83026 Logunov, Anatolii 2 1999 What happens near the Schwardschild sphere for a nonzero graviton rest mass. Zbl 0976.83051 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 1999 On an upper limit for graviton mass. Zbl 1065.83524 Gershtejn, S. S.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 1998 The stress-energy tensor of matter as a gravitational field source. Zbl 0911.53065 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 1997 Post-Newtonian approximation in the relativistic theory of gravity. Zbl 0866.53076 Logunov, A. A. 3 1995 Theory of the classical gravitational field and Mach’s principle. Zbl 0852.53080 Logunov, A. A. 1 1994 Theory of gravitational field. Zbl 0883.53070 Logunov, A. A. 4 1993 Basic equations for the massive gravitational field. Zbl 0788.53096 Logunov, A. A. 7 1992 The fundamental principles of the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0725.53073 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 3 1991 The relativistic theory of gravitation based on a space of constant curvature. Zbl 0725.53072 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A.; Chugreev, Yu. V. 2 1991 General principles of quantum field theory. Transl. from the Russian by G. G. Gould. Zbl 0732.46040 Bogolyubov, N. N.; Logunov, A. A.; Oksak, A. I.; Todorov, I. T. 96 1990 Relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0709.53055 Logunov, A. A. 12 1990 Lectures in relativity and gravitation. A modern look. Transl. from the Russian by A. Repyev. Zbl 0852.53079 Logunov, A. 4 1990 The relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0717.53052 Logunov, A. A. 1 1990 Relativistic theory of gravitation. (Relyativistskaya teoriya gravitatsii.) Zbl 0667.53057 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 60 1989 Relativistic theory of gravitation as a theory with a broken gauge group. Zbl 0684.53063 Logunov, A. A.; Loskutov, Yu. M. 5 1989 Fundamental principles of the relativistic theory of gravitation. (Osnovnye printsipy relyativistskoj teorii gravitatsii.) Zbl 0684.53065 Logunov, A. A. 3 1989 Fundamental principles of the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0709.53524 Logunov, A. A. 1 1989 Gravitation mass and evolution of a Friedmann universe. Zbl 0675.53068 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A.; Chugreev, Yu. V. 1 1988 The absence of spherically symmetric bodies in the relativistic theory of gravitation with a nonzero mass graviton with a radius smaller or equal to the “gravitational” one. (K otsutstviyu v RTG s nenulevoj massoj gravitona sfericheski simmetrichnykh tel s radiusom men’she ili ravnym “gravitatsionnomu”). Zbl 0676.53080 Vlasov, A. A.; Logunov, A. A. 1 1988 Graviton mass and development of the Friedmann universe. Zbl 0647.53073 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A.; Chugreev, Yu. V. 1 1988 Nonuniqueness of predictions in the general theory of relativity. Zbl 0656.53073 Logunov, A. A.; Loskutov, Yu. M. 1 1988 Lectures on the theory of relativity and gravitation. A modern analysis of the problem. (Lektsii po teorii otnositel’nosti i gravitatsii. Sovremennyj analiz problemy.) Zbl 0852.53078 Logunov, A. A. 15 1987 Relativistic theory of gravitation and new concepts of space-time. Zbl 0637.53097 Logunov, A. A. 2 1987 Dynamics of test bodies in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0621.53060 Logunov, A. A.; Loskutov, Yu. M. 2 1987 Gauge transformation in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0676.53082 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 9 1986 Contradictory character of general relativity. The relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0598.53063 Logunov, A. A.; Loskutov, Yu. M. 3 1986 Evolution of the Universe in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0616.53052 Vlasov, A. A.; Logunov, A. A. 2 1986 The relativistic theory of gravitation and new concepts about space and time. Zbl 0616.53054 Logunov, A. A. 2 1986 Does general relativity explain gravitational effects? Zbl 0616.53053 Logunov, A. A.; Loskutov, Yu. M.; Chugreev, Yu. V. 1 1986 Relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0979.83519 Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 11 1985 Gravitational field of a nonstatic spherically symmetric body in the relativistic theory of gravitation. Zbl 0584.53030 Vlasov, A. A.; Logunov, A. A. 3 1985 Theory of gravitation based on Minkowski space and the principle of geometrization. Zbl 0579.53051 Vlasov, A. A.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 3 1984 The works of Henri Poincaré on “Dynamics of the electron”. (K rabotam Anri Puankare “O dinamike ehlektrona”). Zbl 0626.01037 Logunov, A. A. 3 1984 Minkowski space as a basis for a physical theory of gravitation. Zbl 0576.53072 Logunov, A. A.; Vlasov, A. A. 2 1984 Spherically symmetric solution in the theory of gravitation based on Minkowski space. Zbl 0576.53073 Vlasov, A. A.; Logunov, A. A. 2 1984 New theory of space-time and gravitation. Zbl 0488.53025 Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A. 9 1982 The inertial mass as defined in the general theory of relativity has no physical meaning. Zbl 0494.53031 Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A. 1 1982 Do extended bodies move along geodesics of Riemannian space-time? Zbl 0476.53038 Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 1 1981 Gravitational effects in the field theory of gravitation. Zbl 0454.53026 Vlasov, A. A.; Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A. 2 1980 New concepts of space-time and gravitation. Zbl 0461.53036 Logunov, A. A.; Denisov, V. I.; Vlasov, A. A.; Mestvirishvili, M. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 2 1980 Does gravitational radiation exist in the general theory of relativity? Zbl 0455.53050 Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A. 2 1980 Does general relativity theory possess the classical Newtonian limit? Zbl 0459.53025 Denisov, V. I.; Logunov, A. A. 2 1980 Energy-momentum of gravitational waves in the general theory of relativity. Zbl 0411.49025 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 4 1978 Geometrized theories of gravitation. Zbl 0412.53005 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 4 1978 The energy-momentum problem and the theory of gravitation. Zbl 0412.53018 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 4 1978 Does the energy of the source change when gravitational waves are emitted in Einstein’s theory of gravitation? Zbl 0412.53019 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 1 1978 Problem of energy-momentum and gravitation theory. Zbl 0362.53020 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 2 1977 On geometrized theories of gravitation. Zbl 0385.53011 Logunov, A. A.; Folomeshkin, V. N. 1 1977 Introduction to axiomatic quantum field theory. Authorized translation from the Russian original by Stephen A. Fulling and Ludmilla G. Popova. Edited by Stephen A. Fulling. Zbl 1114.81300 Bogoljubov, Nikolaj N.; Logunov, Anatolij A.; Todorov, Ivan T. 56 1975 Fundamentals of the axiomatic approach in quantum field theory. (Основы аксиоматического подхода в квантовои теории поля.) Zbl 0195.28402 Bogolyubov, N. N.; Logunov, A. A.; Todorov, I. T. 30 1969 Quasi-optical method and asymptotic behaviour of many-channel amplitudes. Zbl 0124.23205 Logunov, A. A.; van Hieu, N.; Khurstalev, O. A. 2 1964 Quasipotential character of the Mandelstam representation. Zbl 0106.20705 Logunov, A. A.; Tavkhelidze, A. N.; Khrustalev, O. A. 1 1963 The asymptotic behaviour of the scattering amplitudes and the renormalisation group method. Zbl 0100.41202 Arbusov, B. A.; Logunov, A. A.; Tavkhelidze, A. N.; Faustov, R. N. 3 1962 On the proof of dispersion relations for inelastic scattering. Zbl 0093.44301 Logunov, A. A.; Todorov, I. T. 2 1959 On the theory of dispersion relations for virtual processes. Zbl 0083.43901 Logunov, A. A. 2 1959 Generalized dispersion relations. Zbl 0084.22507 Logunov, A. A.; Tavkhelidze, A. N. 2 1958 On the theory of dispersion relations. Zbl 0084.22506 Logunov, A. A.; Bilenkij, S. M.; Tavkhelidze, A. N. 1 1958 Photoproduction processes and dispersion relations. Zbl 0082.43302 Logunov, A.; Tavkhelidze, A. N.; Solovyov, L. D. 3 1957 Über die Energieverteilung der Teilchen der primären kosmischen Strahlung. Zbl 0053.47703 Logunov, A. A.; Terleckij, Ja. P. 1 1953 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 362 Authors 38 Logunov, Anatoliĭ Alekseevich 22 Mestvirishvili, Mirian Alekseevich 20 Lasukov, V. V. 11 Loskutov, Yu. M. 9 Chugreev, Yu. V. 6 Pitts, J. Brian 5 Denisov, Viktor Ivanovich 5 Denisova, Irene P. 5 Koshmanenko, Volodymyr Dmytrovych 5 Maharana, Jnanadeva 5 Schroer, Bert 4 Czajko, Jakub 4 Gershtein, S. S. 4 Il’kin, E. E. 4 Lowdon, Peter 4 Solov’ev, Mikhaĭl Aleksandrovich 4 Vlasov, Al. A. 3 Abdrashitova, M. O. 3 Bogolyubov, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich jun. 3 Bros, Jacques 3 Castagnino, Mario Alberto 3 Epstein, Henri 3 Gadella, Manuel 3 Hofmann, Gerald 3 Iorio, Alfredo 3 Mund, Jens 3 Novoselov, V. V. 3 Prykarpatsky, Anatoliy Karolevych 3 Rodrigues, Waldyr Alves jun. 3 Shvedov, Oleg Yur’evich 3 Unterberger, André 3 Verch, Rainer 3 Zhelnorovich, Vladimir A. 2 Albeverio, Sergio A. 2 Alvarez-Gaumé, Luis 2 Antoniou, Ioannis E. 2 Canarutto, Daniel 2 Chaichian, Masud 2 Dorfmeister, Gerda 2 Gersten, Alexander 2 Gogberashvili, M. Ya. 2 Gorbatenko, Mikhail V. 2 Ilderton, Anton 2 Khokhlov, I. A. 2 Khoze, Valentin V. 2 Khrennikov, Andreĭ Yur’evich 2 Korenblit, S. E. 2 Lambiase, Gaetano 2 Lasukova, T. V. 2 László, András 2 Lazur, Volodymyr Yu. 2 Lombardi, Olimpia 2 Lompay, Robert R. 2 Lomsadze, Yu. M. 2 Mnatsakanova, M. N. 2 Moschella, Ugo 2 Nikitin, A. S. 2 Nikolov, Nikolay M. 2 Öhme, Reinhard 2 Petrov, Alexander N. 2 Pinson, K. Kh. Eh. 2 Plyushchay, Mikhail S. 2 Pron’ko, G. P. 2 Rehren, Karl-Henning 2 Rozhkova, S. V. 2 Sabad, E. P. 2 Semenov, Victor V. 2 Silaev, Peter K. 2 Sitdikov, A. S. 2 Solov’ev, Vladimir O. 2 Taneri, Ufuk 2 Todorov, Ivan T. 2 Tunyak, V. N. 2 Tureanu, Anca 2 Vernov, Yu. S. 2 Vitiello, Giuseppe 2 Vladimirov, Vasiliĭ Sergeevich 2 Yu, Hongwei 2 Zav’yalov, Boris Ivanovich 2 Zhang, Jialin 2 Zinov’ev, Yuriĭ Mikhaĭlovich 1 Aastrup, Johannes 1 Abdesselam, Abdelmalek 1 Acquaviva, Giovanni 1 Aerts, Diederik Emiel 1 Afanasiev, N. I. 1 Agranovskij, B. A. 1 Akhmeteli, Andrey 1 Aldrovandi, Ruben 1 Alzalg, Baha M. 1 Ammari, Zied 1 Andrianov, Alexander A. 1 Andrianov, V. A. 1 Antipin, K. V. 1 Arkhipov, A. S. 1 Arminjon, Mayeul 1 Avakyan, A. N. 1 Bachelot, Alain 1 Bagarello, Fabio 1 Baiderin, A. A. ...and 262 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 72 Serials 97 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 27 Russian Physics Journal 15 Journal of High Energy Physics 14 Reports on Mathematical Physics 14 Annals of Physics 13 Journal of Mathematical Physics 13 Nuclear Physics. B 8 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 8 Physics Letters. B 7 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 6 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 6 Studies in History and Philosophy of Science. Part B. Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 5 Classical and Quantum Gravity 5 General Relativity and Gravitation 5 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 4 Communications in Mathematical Physics 4 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 4 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 4 Gravitation & Cosmology 4 Il Nuovo Cimento, X. Series 3 International Journal of Modern Physics A 3 Annales Henri Poincaré 3 Physical Review, II. Series 2 Modern Physics Letters A 2 Astrophysics and Space Science 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Physics Letters. A 2 Journal of Geometry and Physics 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 International Journal of Modern Physics D 2 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 2 Doklady Physics 2 Physical Review Letters 2 \(p\)-Adic Numbers, Ultrametric Analysis, and Applications 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Moscow University Physics Bulletin 1 Physics Reports 1 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Probability Theory and Related Fields 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Mémoires de la Société Mathématique de France. Nouvelle Série 1 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Foundations of Science 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 1 International Journal of Quantum Information 1 Foundations of Physics 1 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 1 Advances in Mathematical Physics 1 Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation 1 Axioms 1 Vestnik Udmurtskogo Universiteta. Matematika. Mekhanika. Komp’yuternye Nauki 1 Carpathian Mathematical Publications 1 Quantum Studies: Mathematics and Foundations 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Chelyabinskiĭ Fiziko-Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 1 Mechanics of Solids all top 5 Cited in 46 Fields 165 Quantum theory (81-XX) 162 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 79 Differential geometry (53-XX) 42 Functional analysis (46-XX) 21 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 21 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 19 Operator theory (47-XX) 11 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 10 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 9 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 9 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 7 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 7 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 6 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 5 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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