Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Babu, Gutti Jogesh Co-Author Distance Author ID: babu.gutti-jogesh Published as: Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Babu, G. Jogesh; Babu, G. J.; Jogesh Babu, Gutti; Jogesh Babu, G. more...less Homepage: http://sites.stat.psu.edu/~babu/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 109 Publications since 1972, including 2 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 49 Co-Authors with 71 Joint Publications 2,093 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 40 single-authored 14 Singh, Kesar 11 Rao, Calyampudi Radhakrishna 6 Manstavičius, Eugenijus 5 Bai, Zhi-Dong 5 Feigelson, Eric D. 5 Ghosh, Malay 5 Padmanabhan, Appaswamy Ramanathan 4 Chaubey, Yogendra Prasad 3 Erdős, Pál 2 Bose, Arup 2 Djorgovski, S. George 2 Li, Bing 2 Mahabal, Ashish 2 Pathak, Pramod K. 2 Ramachandra, Kanakanahalli 2 Serinko, Regis J. 1 Andrews, George Eyre 1 Bhaskara Rao, M. 1 Boyarsky, Abraham 1 Canty, Angelo J. 1 Chernoff, Herman 1 Chinchilli, Vernon M. 1 Cho, Hyunsoon 1 Choi, Kwok Pui 1 Deo, Chandrakant M. 1 Frieden, Roy B. 1 Fujikoshi, Yasunori 1 Góra, Paweł 1 Koti, Kallappa M. 1 Lee, Hyunsook 1 Linder, Ernst 1 Mangalam, Vasudevan 1 Mardia, Kanti V. 1 Mukhopadhyay, Nitis 1 Parr, William C. 1 Pereira, Basilio de Bragança 1 Pingle, Urmila 1 Puri, Madan Lal 1 Rao, Arni S. R. Srinivasa 1 Rosenberger, James L. 1 Sang, Hailin 1 Scargle, Jeffrey D. 1 Toreti, Andrea 1 Varadhan, S. R. Srinivasa 1 Wang, Shouyi 1 Williams, Roy D. 1 Wu, Yuehua 1 Yang, Yaning 1 Zacharovas, Vytas all top 5 Serials 16 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 9 Acta Arithmetica 9 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 8 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 6 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 5 Statistics & Probability Letters 4 The Annals of Statistics 3 Probability Theory and Related Fields 2 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 2 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 2 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 2 Statistical Methodology 2 Sankhyā. Series A 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 1 The Annals of Probability 1 Biometrical Journal 1 Biometrics 1 International Statistical Review 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Statistical Science 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Litovskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1 Bernoulli 1 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 1 Lecture Notes in Statistics 1 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 1 Sankhyā 1 Lithuanian Mathematical Transactions of the Academy of Sciences of the Lithuanian SSR all top 5 Fields 68 Statistics (62-XX) 33 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 24 Number theory (11-XX) 8 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 79 Publications have been cited 671 times in 505 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Application of Bernstein polynomials for smooth estimation of a distribution and density function. Zbl 0992.62038 Babu, G. Jogesh; Canty, Angelo J.; Chaubey, Yogendra P. 87 2002 On deviations between empirical and quantile processes for mixing random variables. Zbl 0395.62039 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 47 1978 A note on bootstrapping the sample median. Zbl 0541.62010 Ghosh, Malay; Parr, William C.; Singh, Kesar; Babu, G. Jogesh 40 1984 On one term Edgeworth correction by Efron’s bootstrap. Zbl 0568.62019 Babu, G. Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 38 1984 Smooth estimation of a distribution and density function on a hypercube using Bernstein polynomials for dependent random vectors. Zbl 1089.62034 Babu, G. Jogesh; Chaubey, Yogendra P. 37 2006 Goodness-of-fit tests when parameters are estimated. Zbl 1192.62126 Babu, G. Jogesh; Rao, C. R. 36 2004 Inference on means using the bootstrap. Zbl 0539.62043 Babu, G. Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 31 1983 Strong representations for LAD estimators in linear models. Zbl 0665.62033 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 27 1989 Joint asymptotic distribution of marginal quantiles and quantile functions in samples from a multivariate population. Zbl 0649.62050 Babu, G. Jogesh; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 25 1988 Edgeworth expansions for sampling without replacement from finite populations. Zbl 0589.62009 Babu, G. Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 22 1985 Sign test for ranked-set sampling. Zbl 0900.62249 Koti, Kallappa M.; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 19 1996 Bootstrapping statistics with linear combinations of chi-squares as weak limit. Zbl 0598.62040 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 17 1984 A note on bootstrapping the variance of sample quantile. Zbl 0625.62018 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 13 1986 Expansions for statistics involving the mean absolute deviations. Zbl 0766.62007 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 11 1992 Asymptotic representations related to jackknifing and bootstrapping L- statistics. Zbl 0568.62038 Babu, G. Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 11 1984 Limit processes with independent increments for the Ewens sampling formula. Zbl 1014.92024 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Manstavičius, Eugenijus 11 2002 Edgeworth expansions for compound Poisson processes and the bootstrap. Zbl 1050.62020 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar; Yang, Yaning 10 2003 Brownian motion for random permutations. Zbl 0978.60027 Babu, G. J.; Manstavičius, E. 10 1999 Nonparametric estimation of specific occurrence/exposure rate in risk and survival analysis. Zbl 0781.62171 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Rao, C. Radhakrishna; Bhaskara Rao, M. 9 1992 Mixtures of global and local Edgeworth expansions and their applications. Zbl 0864.62006 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Bai, Z. D. 9 1996 On Edgeworth expansions in the mixture cases. Zbl 0669.62003 Babu, G. J.; Singh, K. 8 1989 Weak limit theorems for univariate \(k\)-mean clustering under a nonregular condition. Zbl 0753.60026 Serinko, Regis J.; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 8 1992 On rates of convergence to normality for \(\Phi\)-mixing processes. Zbl 0414.60025 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Ghosh, Malay; Singh, Kesar 8 1978 A random functional central limit theorem for martingales. Zbl 0345.60028 Babu, G. Jogesh; Ghosh, M. 8 1976 Bootstrap confidence intervals. Zbl 0850.62397 Babu, G. J.; Bose, A. 7 1988 Bootstrap methodology. Zbl 0855.62031 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 6 1993 Spatial point processes in astronomy. Zbl 0848.62049 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Feigelson, Eric D. 6 1996 Almost sure convergence of sums of maxima and minima of positive random variables. Zbl 0296.60017 Ghosh, Malay; Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Mukhopadhyay, Nitis 5 1975 Probabilities of moderate deviations in a Banach space. Zbl 0475.60005 Deo, Chandrakant M.; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 5 1981 Resampling methods for the nonparametric Behrens-Fisher problem. Zbl 1192.62124 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Padmanabhan, A. R. 5 2002 Estimation of the reciprocal of the density quantile function at a point. Zbl 0698.62038 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 4 1990 Probabilities of moderate deviations for some stationary strong-mixing processes. Zbl 0413.60020 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 4 1978 Probabilistic methods in the theory of arithmetic functions. Zbl 0426.10056 Jogesh Babu, Gutti 4 1978 Probabilities of moderate deviations for some stationary \(\varphi\)-mixing processes. Zbl 0382.60036 Ghosh, Malay; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 4 1977 On the mean values and distributions of arithmetic functions. Zbl 0396.10043 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 4 1981 Edgeworth expansions for errors-in-variables models. Zbl 0754.62010 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Bai, Z. D. 3 1992 On asymptotic optimality of the bootstrap. Zbl 0719.62054 Singh, Kesar; Babu, G. J. 3 1990 Edgeworth expansions for statistics which are functions of lattice and non-lattice variables. Zbl 0724.62021 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 3 1991 Infinitely divisible limit processes for the Ewens sampling formula. Zbl 1018.60003 Babu, G. J.; Manstavičius, E. 3 2002 Edgeworth expansions of a function of sample means under minimal moment conditions and partial Cramér’s condition. Zbl 0791.62018 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Bai, Z. D. 3 1993 Robust one-way ANOVA under possibly non-regular conditions. Zbl 0931.62056 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Padmanabhan, A. R.; Puri, Madan L. 3 1999 On r-quick limit sets for empirical and related processes based on mixing random variables. Zbl 0495.60038 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 3 1982 Distribution of the values of omega in short intervals. Zbl 0462.10038 Babu, G. J. 3 1982 Efficient estimation of the reciprocal of the density quantile function at a point. Zbl 0597.62022 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 2 1986 Asymptotics and bootstrap for inverse Gaussian regression. Zbl 0861.62017 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Chaubey, Yogendra P. 2 1996 A note on Edgeworth expansions for the lattice case. Zbl 0672.62031 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 2 1989 Astrostatistics. Zbl 0871.62104 Babu, G. Jogesh; Feigelson, Eric D. 2 1996 A note on the invariance principle for additive functions. Zbl 0284.60073 Babu, G. Jogesh 2 1973 On the distribution of arithmetic functions. Zbl 0282.10031 Babu, G. Jogesh 2 1976 Statistical challenges in modern astronomy II. Proceedings of the 2nd conference, SCMA II, University Park, PA, USA, June 2–5, 1996. Zbl 0872.00025 2 1997 Random permutations and the Ewens sampling formula in genetics. Zbl 0984.62092 Babu, G. J.; Manstavičius, E. 2 1999 On the distribution of additive arithmetical functions of integral polynomials. Zbl 0263.10023 Babu, G. Jogesh 2 1972 Bootstrapping the linear functional relationship with known error variance ratio. Zbl 0790.62039 Linder, Ernst; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 2 1994 Asymptotic theory for estimators under random censorship. Zbl 0729.62039 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 2 1991 On probabilities of moderate deviations for dependent processes. Zbl 0413.60019 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 2 1978 Limiting processes with dependent increments for measures on symmetric group of permutations. Zbl 1145.60007 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Manstavičius, Eugenijus; Zacharovas, Vytas 2 2007 Bootstrap for nonstandard cases. Zbl 0811.62049 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 1 1995 Asymptotics of \(k\)-mean clustering under non-i.i.d. sampling. Zbl 0830.62023 Serinko, Regis J.; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 1 1995 Estimation of density quantile function. Zbl 0615.62042 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 1 1986 A note on the distribution function of additive arithmetical functions in short intervals. Zbl 0638.10049 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Erdős, Paul 1 1988 C. R. Rao (1920–) celebrates his 101st birthday. Zbl 1493.01040 Andrews, George E.; Babu, G. J.; Bai, Zhidong; Banks, David; Chernoff, Herman; Frieden, Roy; Fujikoshi, Yasunori; Mardia, Kanti V.; de Bragança Pereira, Basilio; Pingle, Urmila; Rao, M. B.; Srinivasa Rao, Arni S. R.; Rosenberger, James; Varadhan, S. R. S.; Wu, Yuehua 1 2022 Skysurveys, light curves and statistical challenges. Zbl 07763536 Babu, G. Jogesh; Mahabal, Ashish 1 2016 Applications of Edgeworth expansions to bootstrap – a review. Zbl 0736.62013 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 1 1989 Accuracy of the bootstrap approximation. Zbl 0741.62017 Bose, Arup; Babu, G. J. 1 1991 Analytical and Monte Carlo comparisons of six different linear least squares fits. Zbl 0850.62505 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Feigelson, Eric D. 1 1992 An asymptotic formula in additive number theory. Zbl 0278.10047 Erdős, Paul; Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Ramachandra, K. 1 1976 Some results on the distribution of values of additive functions on the set of pairs of positive integers. I. Zbl 0282.10029 Babu, G. Jogesh 1 1973 Absolutely continuous distribution functions of additive functions \(f(p)=(\log p)^{-a}\), \(a>0\). Zbl 0268.10041 Babu, G. Jogesh 1 1975 Second-order correctness of the Poisson bootstrap. Zbl 0965.62037 Babu, G. Jogesh; Pathak, P. K.; Rao, C. R. 1 1999 A jackknife type approach to statistical model selection. Zbl 1229.62033 Lee, Hyunsook; Babu, G. Jogesh; Rao, C. R. 1 2012 A Bayesian variation of Basu’s theorem and its ramification in statistical inference. Zbl 07954279 Babu, G. Jogesh; Li, Bing 1 2024 Consistency and accuracy of the sequential bootstrap. Zbl 1022.62067 Babu, G. Jogesh; Rao, C. R.; Pathak, P. K. 1 2000 Object detection in multi-epoch data. Zbl 1248.85003 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Mahabal, A.; Djorgovski, S. George; Williams, Roy D. 1 2008 Statistical challenges in modern astronomy V. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 5th conference, University Park, PA, USA, June 13–17, 2011. Zbl 1247.85001 1 2013 Some statistical and computational challenges, and opportunities in astronomy. Zbl 1100.85500 Babu, G. Jogesh; Djorgovski, S. George 1 2004 On the distributions of multiplicative functions. Zbl 0362.10041 Babu, G. Jogesh 1 1980 Re-sampling methods for testing for location against unrestricted and ordered alternatives. Zbl 1119.62035 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Padmanabhan, A. R. 1 2007 Kesar Singh’s contributions to statistical methodology. Zbl 1486.62051 Jogesh Babu, G. 1 2014 A new statistical method for filtering and entropy estimation of a chaotic map from noisy data. Zbl 1090.37557 Babu, G. Jogesh; Boyarsky, Abraham; Chaubey, Yogendra P.; Góra, Pawel 1 2004 A Bayesian variation of Basu’s theorem and its ramification in statistical inference. Zbl 07954279 Babu, G. Jogesh; Li, Bing 1 2024 C. R. Rao (1920–) celebrates his 101st birthday. Zbl 1493.01040 Andrews, George E.; Babu, G. J.; Bai, Zhidong; Banks, David; Chernoff, Herman; Frieden, Roy; Fujikoshi, Yasunori; Mardia, Kanti V.; de Bragança Pereira, Basilio; Pingle, Urmila; Rao, M. B.; Srinivasa Rao, Arni S. R.; Rosenberger, James; Varadhan, S. R. S.; Wu, Yuehua 1 2022 Skysurveys, light curves and statistical challenges. Zbl 07763536 Babu, G. Jogesh; Mahabal, Ashish 1 2016 Kesar Singh’s contributions to statistical methodology. Zbl 1486.62051 Jogesh Babu, G. 1 2014 Statistical challenges in modern astronomy V. Selected papers based on the presentations at the 5th conference, University Park, PA, USA, June 13–17, 2011. Zbl 1247.85001 1 2013 A jackknife type approach to statistical model selection. Zbl 1229.62033 Lee, Hyunsook; Babu, G. Jogesh; Rao, C. R. 1 2012 Object detection in multi-epoch data. Zbl 1248.85003 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Mahabal, A.; Djorgovski, S. George; Williams, Roy D. 1 2008 Limiting processes with dependent increments for measures on symmetric group of permutations. Zbl 1145.60007 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Manstavičius, Eugenijus; Zacharovas, Vytas 2 2007 Re-sampling methods for testing for location against unrestricted and ordered alternatives. Zbl 1119.62035 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Padmanabhan, A. R. 1 2007 Smooth estimation of a distribution and density function on a hypercube using Bernstein polynomials for dependent random vectors. Zbl 1089.62034 Babu, G. Jogesh; Chaubey, Yogendra P. 37 2006 Goodness-of-fit tests when parameters are estimated. Zbl 1192.62126 Babu, G. Jogesh; Rao, C. R. 36 2004 Some statistical and computational challenges, and opportunities in astronomy. Zbl 1100.85500 Babu, G. Jogesh; Djorgovski, S. George 1 2004 A new statistical method for filtering and entropy estimation of a chaotic map from noisy data. Zbl 1090.37557 Babu, G. Jogesh; Boyarsky, Abraham; Chaubey, Yogendra P.; Góra, Pawel 1 2004 Edgeworth expansions for compound Poisson processes and the bootstrap. Zbl 1050.62020 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar; Yang, Yaning 10 2003 Application of Bernstein polynomials for smooth estimation of a distribution and density function. Zbl 0992.62038 Babu, G. Jogesh; Canty, Angelo J.; Chaubey, Yogendra P. 87 2002 Limit processes with independent increments for the Ewens sampling formula. Zbl 1014.92024 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Manstavičius, Eugenijus 11 2002 Resampling methods for the nonparametric Behrens-Fisher problem. Zbl 1192.62124 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Padmanabhan, A. R. 5 2002 Infinitely divisible limit processes for the Ewens sampling formula. Zbl 1018.60003 Babu, G. J.; Manstavičius, E. 3 2002 Consistency and accuracy of the sequential bootstrap. Zbl 1022.62067 Babu, G. Jogesh; Rao, C. R.; Pathak, P. K. 1 2000 Brownian motion for random permutations. Zbl 0978.60027 Babu, G. J.; Manstavičius, E. 10 1999 Robust one-way ANOVA under possibly non-regular conditions. Zbl 0931.62056 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Padmanabhan, A. R.; Puri, Madan L. 3 1999 Random permutations and the Ewens sampling formula in genetics. Zbl 0984.62092 Babu, G. J.; Manstavičius, E. 2 1999 Second-order correctness of the Poisson bootstrap. Zbl 0965.62037 Babu, G. Jogesh; Pathak, P. K.; Rao, C. R. 1 1999 Statistical challenges in modern astronomy II. Proceedings of the 2nd conference, SCMA II, University Park, PA, USA, June 2–5, 1996. Zbl 0872.00025 2 1997 Sign test for ranked-set sampling. Zbl 0900.62249 Koti, Kallappa M.; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 19 1996 Mixtures of global and local Edgeworth expansions and their applications. Zbl 0864.62006 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Bai, Z. D. 9 1996 Spatial point processes in astronomy. Zbl 0848.62049 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Feigelson, Eric D. 6 1996 Asymptotics and bootstrap for inverse Gaussian regression. Zbl 0861.62017 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Chaubey, Yogendra P. 2 1996 Astrostatistics. Zbl 0871.62104 Babu, G. Jogesh; Feigelson, Eric D. 2 1996 Bootstrap for nonstandard cases. Zbl 0811.62049 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 1 1995 Asymptotics of \(k\)-mean clustering under non-i.i.d. sampling. Zbl 0830.62023 Serinko, Regis J.; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 1 1995 Bootstrapping the linear functional relationship with known error variance ratio. Zbl 0790.62039 Linder, Ernst; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 2 1994 Bootstrap methodology. Zbl 0855.62031 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 6 1993 Edgeworth expansions of a function of sample means under minimal moment conditions and partial Cramér’s condition. Zbl 0791.62018 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Bai, Z. D. 3 1993 Expansions for statistics involving the mean absolute deviations. Zbl 0766.62007 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 11 1992 Nonparametric estimation of specific occurrence/exposure rate in risk and survival analysis. Zbl 0781.62171 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Rao, C. Radhakrishna; Bhaskara Rao, M. 9 1992 Weak limit theorems for univariate \(k\)-mean clustering under a nonregular condition. Zbl 0753.60026 Serinko, Regis J.; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 8 1992 Edgeworth expansions for errors-in-variables models. Zbl 0754.62010 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Bai, Z. D. 3 1992 Analytical and Monte Carlo comparisons of six different linear least squares fits. Zbl 0850.62505 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Feigelson, Eric D. 1 1992 Edgeworth expansions for statistics which are functions of lattice and non-lattice variables. Zbl 0724.62021 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 3 1991 Asymptotic theory for estimators under random censorship. Zbl 0729.62039 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 2 1991 Accuracy of the bootstrap approximation. Zbl 0741.62017 Bose, Arup; Babu, G. J. 1 1991 Estimation of the reciprocal of the density quantile function at a point. Zbl 0698.62038 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 4 1990 On asymptotic optimality of the bootstrap. Zbl 0719.62054 Singh, Kesar; Babu, G. J. 3 1990 Strong representations for LAD estimators in linear models. Zbl 0665.62033 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 27 1989 On Edgeworth expansions in the mixture cases. Zbl 0669.62003 Babu, G. J.; Singh, K. 8 1989 A note on Edgeworth expansions for the lattice case. Zbl 0672.62031 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 2 1989 Applications of Edgeworth expansions to bootstrap – a review. Zbl 0736.62013 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 1 1989 Joint asymptotic distribution of marginal quantiles and quantile functions in samples from a multivariate population. Zbl 0649.62050 Babu, G. Jogesh; Rao, C. Radhakrishna 25 1988 Bootstrap confidence intervals. Zbl 0850.62397 Babu, G. J.; Bose, A. 7 1988 A note on the distribution function of additive arithmetical functions in short intervals. Zbl 0638.10049 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Erdős, Paul 1 1988 A note on bootstrapping the variance of sample quantile. Zbl 0625.62018 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 13 1986 Efficient estimation of the reciprocal of the density quantile function at a point. Zbl 0597.62022 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 2 1986 Estimation of density quantile function. Zbl 0615.62042 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 1 1986 Edgeworth expansions for sampling without replacement from finite populations. Zbl 0589.62009 Babu, G. Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 22 1985 A note on bootstrapping the sample median. Zbl 0541.62010 Ghosh, Malay; Parr, William C.; Singh, Kesar; Babu, G. Jogesh 40 1984 On one term Edgeworth correction by Efron’s bootstrap. Zbl 0568.62019 Babu, G. Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 38 1984 Bootstrapping statistics with linear combinations of chi-squares as weak limit. Zbl 0598.62040 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 17 1984 Asymptotic representations related to jackknifing and bootstrapping L- statistics. Zbl 0568.62038 Babu, G. Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 11 1984 Inference on means using the bootstrap. Zbl 0539.62043 Babu, G. Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 31 1983 On r-quick limit sets for empirical and related processes based on mixing random variables. Zbl 0495.60038 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 3 1982 Distribution of the values of omega in short intervals. Zbl 0462.10038 Babu, G. J. 3 1982 Probabilities of moderate deviations in a Banach space. Zbl 0475.60005 Deo, Chandrakant M.; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 5 1981 On the mean values and distributions of arithmetic functions. Zbl 0396.10043 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 4 1981 On the distributions of multiplicative functions. Zbl 0362.10041 Babu, G. Jogesh 1 1980 On deviations between empirical and quantile processes for mixing random variables. Zbl 0395.62039 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 47 1978 On rates of convergence to normality for \(\Phi\)-mixing processes. Zbl 0414.60025 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Ghosh, Malay; Singh, Kesar 8 1978 Probabilities of moderate deviations for some stationary strong-mixing processes. Zbl 0413.60020 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 4 1978 Probabilistic methods in the theory of arithmetic functions. Zbl 0426.10056 Jogesh Babu, Gutti 4 1978 On probabilities of moderate deviations for dependent processes. Zbl 0413.60019 Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Singh, Kesar 2 1978 Probabilities of moderate deviations for some stationary \(\varphi\)-mixing processes. Zbl 0382.60036 Ghosh, Malay; Babu, Gutti Jogesh 4 1977 A random functional central limit theorem for martingales. Zbl 0345.60028 Babu, G. Jogesh; Ghosh, M. 8 1976 On the distribution of arithmetic functions. Zbl 0282.10031 Babu, G. Jogesh 2 1976 An asymptotic formula in additive number theory. Zbl 0278.10047 Erdős, Paul; Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Ramachandra, K. 1 1976 Almost sure convergence of sums of maxima and minima of positive random variables. Zbl 0296.60017 Ghosh, Malay; Babu, Gutti Jogesh; Mukhopadhyay, Nitis 5 1975 Absolutely continuous distribution functions of additive functions \(f(p)=(\log p)^{-a}\), \(a>0\). Zbl 0268.10041 Babu, G. Jogesh 1 1975 A note on the invariance principle for additive functions. Zbl 0284.60073 Babu, G. Jogesh 2 1973 Some results on the distribution of values of additive functions on the set of pairs of positive integers. I. Zbl 0282.10029 Babu, G. Jogesh 1 1973 On the distribution of additive arithmetical functions of integral polynomials. Zbl 0263.10023 Babu, G. Jogesh 2 1972 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 647 Authors 29 Babu, Gutti Jogesh 14 Manstavičius, Eugenijus 10 Wang, Xuejun 9 Hu, Shuhe 8 Chaubey, Yogendra Prasad 8 Ghosh, Sujit Kumar 8 Lee, Sangyeol 8 Ozturk, Omer 8 Yang, Wenzhi 7 Lahiri, Soumendra Nath 6 Belalia, Mohamed 6 Bloznelis, Mindaugas 6 Jiménez-Gamero, María Dolores 6 Kakizawa, Yoshihide 6 Leblanc, Alexandre 6 Rao, Calyampudi Radhakrishna 6 Singh, Kesar 5 Hall, Peter Gavin 5 Indlekofer, Karl-Heinz 5 Ouimet, Frédéric 5 Politis, Dimitris Nicolas 5 Shao, Jun 5 Swanepoel, Jan W. H. 5 Wu, Yi 4 Bose, Arup 4 Bouezmarni, Taoufik 4 Ciuperca, Gabriela 4 Dhar, Subhra Sankar 4 Jodrá, Pedro 4 Lu, Dawei 4 Muñoz-García, Joaquín 4 Patrangenaru, Victor 4 Romano, Joseph P. 4 Susam, Selim Orhun 4 Wang, Lina 4 Wendler, Martin 4 Wolfe, Douglas A. 4 Xing, Guodong 4 Yang, Shanchao 4 Zhou, Zhou 3 Bai, Zhi-Dong 3 Beirlant, Jan 3 Chaudhuri, Probal 3 Datta, Somnath 3 Dey, Dipak Kumar 3 Gordaliza, Alfonso 3 Götze, Friedrich 3 Hu, Jun 3 Hutson, Alan David 3 Jammalamadaka, Sreenivasa Rao 3 Janssen, Paul 3 Kundu, Debasis 3 Li, Jun 3 Martin, Michael A. 3 Meintanis, Simos George 3 Mirakhmedov, Sherzod Mira’zam 3 Nadarajah, Saralees 3 Padmanabhan, Appaswamy Ramanathan 3 Park, Hyo-Il 3 Pauly, Markus 3 Rychlik, Zdzisław 3 Samawi, Hani M. 3 Shen, Pao-Sheng 3 Slaoui, Yousri 3 Steland, Ansgar 3 Veraverbeke, Noël 3 Wu, Wei Biao 2 Abbas, Zameer 2 Alba-Fernández, María Virtudes 2 Barrientos, Andrés Felipe 2 Bergsma, Wicher Pieter 2 Bertail, Patrice 2 Bertozzi, Andrea Louise 2 Bharath, Karthik 2 Bhattacharya, Indrabati 2 Bhattacharya, Rabi N. 2 Blanke, Delphine 2 Bosq, Denis 2 Chakraborty, Biman 2 Chatterjee, Arindam 2 Chen, Zehua 2 Cheng, Conghua 2 Colosimo, Bianca Maria 2 Cuesta-Albertos, Juan Antonio 2 Dassios, Angelos 2 Deng, Xin 2 Desu, M. Mahamunulu 2 Dewan, Isha 2 Dey, Sanku 2 Ditzhaus, Marc 2 Donegani, Michel 2 Fakhre-Zakeri, Issa 2 Fried, Roland 2 García-Escudero, Luis Angel 2 Ghosal, Subhashis 2 Giuliano, Rita 2 Giurcanu, Mihai C. 2 Gonçalves, Sílvia 2 Grasso, Marco Luigi 2 Gunasekera, Sumith ...and 547 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 125 Serials 41 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 35 Statistics & Probability Letters 32 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 24 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 17 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 17 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 16 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 16 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 15 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 15 The Annals of Statistics 14 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 14 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 10 Journal of Econometrics 10 Statistical Methodology 9 Statistics 9 Statistical Papers 8 Probability Theory and Related Fields 7 Electronic Journal of Statistics 7 Sankhyā. Series A 5 Metrika 5 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 5 Computational Statistics 5 Test 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Statistical Science 4 Journal of Theoretical Probability 4 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 3 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 3 The Annals of Probability 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 International Statistical Review 3 Journal of Applied Probability 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Journal of Time Series Analysis 3 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 3 Bernoulli 3 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 3 Econometric Theory 3 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 3 Sankhyā. Series B 2 Advances in Applied Probability 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Biometrics 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Technometrics 2 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 2 Statistica Sinica 2 Lifetime Data Analysis 2 The Ramanujan Journal 2 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 2 Journal of Applied Statistics 2 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 2 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 2 Statistical Modelling 2 ASTIN Bulletin 2 Statistical Methods and Applications 2 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 2 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 2 The Annals of Applied Statistics 2 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Physica A 1 Physics Reports 1 Psychometrika 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 Acta Arithmetica 1 Acta Mathematica 1 Biometrical Journal 1 Econometrica 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science 1 Journal of Number Theory 1 Kybernetika 1 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 Statistica 1 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 1 American Journal of Mathematical and Management Sciences 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Sequential Analysis 1 Econometric Reviews 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Trabajos de Estadistica 1 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Random Structures & Algorithms 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1 Applicationes Mathematicae 1 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 1 Monte Carlo Methods and Applications 1 Journal of Geodesy 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 1 Revista Matemática Complutense ...and 25 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 27 Fields 435 Statistics (62-XX) 138 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 29 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 21 Number theory (11-XX) 15 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 12 Combinatorics (05-XX) 7 Special functions (33-XX) 5 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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