Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Băleanu, Dumitru I. Co-Author Distance Author ID: baleanu.dumitru-i Published as: Baleanu, Dumitru; Baleanu, D.; Băleanu, Dumitru; Băleanu, D.; Baleanu, Dumitru I.; Băleanu, Dumitru I.; Baleanu, Dimitru; Bǎleanu, D. more...less Homepage: https://www.intechopen.com/profiles/105623 External Links: arXiv · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp · GND Documents Indexed: 1,031 Publications since 1990, including 5 Books and 12 Additional arXiv Preprints 34 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 929 Co-Authors with 1,043 Joint Publications 17,184 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 19 single-authored 45 Rezapour, Shahram 40 Inc, Mustafa 36 Abdeljawad, Thabet 35 Wu, Guocheng 30 Jafari, Hossein 30 Muslih, Sami I. 30 Salahshour, Soheil 29 Sooppy Nisar, Kottakkaran 29 Yang, Xiao-Jun 27 Golmankhaneh, Alireza Khalili 27 Jajarmi, Amin 27 Machado, José António Tenreiro 26 Jarad, Fahd 25 Kumar, Devendra 25 Yusuf, Abdullahi A. 24 Bhrawy, Ali Hassan 24 Singh, Jagdev 21 Aliyu, Aliyu Isa 20 Agarwal, Ravi P. 20 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 18 Rabei, Eqab M. 17 Arjunan, Mani Mallika 17 Doha, Eid H. 16 Ahmadian, Ali 16 Alshomrani, Ali Saleh 15 Mustafa, Octavian G. 15 Purohit, Sunil Dutt 14 Chu, Yuming 14 Golmankhaneh, Ali Khalili 14 Hosseini, Kamyar 14 Mohammadi, Hakimeh 14 Rafiq, Muhammad Naveed 13 Akgül, Ali 13 Hajipour, Mojtaba 13 Taş, Kenan 12 Fernandez, Arran 12 Khan, Hasib 12 Suganya, Selvaraj 12 Wang, Guotao 11 Agarwal, Praveen 11 Ahmed, Nauman 11 Alipour, Mohsen 11 Can, Nguyen Huu 11 Etemad, Sina 11 Gómez-Aguilar, José Francisco 11 Nguyen Huy Tuan 11 O’Regan, Donal 10 Ibrahim, Rabha Waell 10 Khan, Hassan Ali 10 Long, Le Dinh 10 Mohammed, Pshtiwan Othman 9 Abbas, Muhammad Mohsin 9 Defterli, Ozlem 9 Ezz-Eldien, Samer S. 9 Ghaffar, Abdul 9 Hammouch, Zakia 9 Herzallah, Mohamed A. E. 9 Khan, Rahmat Ali 9 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad 9 Rashid, Saima 9 Rehman, Muhammad Aziz-Ur 9 Ugurlu, Ekin 9 Zeng, Shengda 8 Al-Omari, Shrideh Khalaf Qasem 8 Arshad, Sadia 8 Cattani, Carlo 8 Güler, Yurdahan 8 Jaradat, Imad 8 Kadem, Abdelouahab 8 Khan, Aziz Ullah 8 Luc, Nguyen Hoang 8 Mustafa, Ghulam 8 Saad, Khaled Mohammed 8 Shiri, Babak 8 Sweilam, Nasser Hassan 8 Zhang, Lihong 7 Abdelkawy, Mohamed A. 7 Agheli, Bahram 7 Agrawal, Om Prakash 7 Al-Mekhlafi, Seham Mahyoub 7 Alquran, Marwan Taiseer 7 Atangana, Abdon 7 Babakhani, Azizollah 7 Darzi, Rahmat 7 Dassios, Ioannis K. 7 Dinç, Erdal 7 Hafez, Ramy Mahmoud 7 Hınçal, Evren 7 Jafarian, Ahmad 7 Karaca, Yeliz 7 Khater, Mostafa M. A. 7 Momani, Shaher M. 7 Nigmatullin, Raoul R. 7 Osman, Mohamed Sayed Ali 7 Sabir, Zulqurnain 7 Shah, Kamal 7 Shah, Rasool 7 Trujillo, Juan J. 7 Ullah, Malik Zaka 6 Al Qurashi, Maysaa’ Mohamed ...and 832 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 190 Advances in Difference Equations 58 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 56 Abstract and Applied Analysis 34 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 32 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 31 AIMS Mathematics 26 Fractals 25 Nonlinear Dynamics 22 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 21 Applied Mathematics and Computation 20 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 18 Romanian Journal of Physics 17 Applied Numerical Mathematics 17 Chaos 17 Boundary Value Problems 16 Journal of Vibration and Control 15 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 15 Physica A 14 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 13 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 13 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics 10 Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 10 Advances in Mathematical Physics 9 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 8 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 8 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 8 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 7 Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Analele Științifice ale Universității “Ovidius” Constanța. Seria: Matematică 6 Journal of Mathematical Physics 6 Reports on Mathematical Physics 6 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 6 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 5 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 5 Filomat 5 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 5 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 5 Nonlinear Systems and Complexity 5 Open Mathematics 4 Modern Physics Letters A 4 Helvetica Physica Acta 4 Physics Letters. A 4 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 4 Applied Mathematical Modelling 4 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 4 Scientific Bulletin. Series A. Applied Mathematics and Physics. Politehnica University of Bucharest 4 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 4 Physica Scripta 4 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 4 Waves in Random and Complex Media 4 International Journal of Biomathematics 4 Communications in Theoretical Physics 4 Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 3 International Journal of Modern Physics A 3 Journal of Computational Physics 3 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 3 Complexity 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 3 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 3 Miskolc Mathematical Notes 3 Series on Complexity, Nonlinearity, and Chaos 3 Journal of Mathematics 3 Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 3 Journal of Function Spaces 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 2 Signal Processing 2 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 2 Numerical Algorithms 2 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Nonlinear Studies 2 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2 Analysis (München) 2 Fundamenta Informaticae 2 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 2 Discussiones Mathematicae. Differential Inclusions, Control and Optimization 2 Acta Physica Polonica B 2 Entropy 2 Proceedings of the Romanian Academy. Series A: Mathematics, Physics, Technical Sciences, Information Science 2 Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 2 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 2 Annals of the Academy of Romanian Scientists. Mathematics and its Applications 2 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Symmetry 2 Asian Journal of Control 2 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 2 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics 2 Discontinuity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity 2 Mathematics 2 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 2 Handbook of Fractional Calculus with Applications 1 Acta Mechanica ...and 64 more Serials all top 5 Fields 403 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 396 Real functions (26-XX) 299 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 235 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 97 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 91 Operator theory (47-XX) 74 Integral equations (45-XX) 59 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 57 Special functions (33-XX) 56 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 54 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 43 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 39 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 32 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 30 Quantum theory (81-XX) 27 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 25 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 22 Differential geometry (53-XX) 22 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 21 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 20 Measure and integration (28-XX) 20 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 18 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 17 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 16 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 16 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 15 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 15 Computer science (68-XX) 14 Functional analysis (46-XX) 11 General topology (54-XX) 11 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 9 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 9 Statistics (62-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 8 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 7 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 2 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 917 Publications have been cited 22,525 times in 10,084 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Fractional calculus. Models and numerical methods. Zbl 1248.26011 Baleanu, Dumitru; Diethelm, Kai; Scalas, Enrico; Trujillo, Juan J. 1,044 2012 A new collection of real world applications of fractional calculus in science and engineering. Zbl 1509.26005 Sun, HongGuang; Zhang, Yong; Baleanu, Dumitru; Chen, Wen; Chen, YangQuan 507 2018 A new study on the mathematical modelling of human liver with Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative. Zbl 1483.92041 Baleanu, Dumitru; Jajarmi, Amin; Mohammadi, Hakimeh; Rezapour, Shahram 313 2020 New trends in nanotechnology and fractional calculus applications. Selected papers based on the presentations at the workshop new trends in science and technology (NTST 08), and the workshop fractional differentiation and its applications (FDA 09), Ankara, Türkei, November 2008. Zbl 1196.65021 257 2010 Caputo-type modification of the Hadamard fractional derivatives. Zbl 1346.26002 Jarad, Fahd; Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru 221 2012 Discrete fractional logistic map and its chaos. Zbl 1281.34121 Wu, Guo-Cheng; Baleanu, Dumitru 207 2014 On a new class of fractional operators. Zbl 1422.26004 Jarad, Fahd; Uğurlu, Ekin; Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru 193 2017 New properties of conformable derivative. Zbl 1354.26008 Atangana, Abdon; Baleanu, Dumitru; Alsaedi, Ahmed 176 2015 Some existence results on nonlinear fractional differential equations. Zbl 1342.34009 Baleanu, Dumitru; Rezapour, Shahram; Mohammadi, Hakimeh 156 2013 A new fractional model and optimal control of a tumor-immune surveillance with non-singular derivative operator. Zbl 1420.92039 Baleanu, D.; Jajarmi, A.; Sajjadi, S. S.; Mozyrska, D. 149 2019 Integration by parts and its applications of a new nonlocal fractional derivative with Mittag-Leffler nonsingular kernel. Zbl 1412.47086 Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru 147 2017 A hybrid Caputo fractional modeling for thermostat with hybrid boundary value conditions. Zbl 1495.34006 Baleanu, Dumitru; Etemad, Sina; Rezapour, Shahram 145 2020 Analysis of the model of HIV-1 infection of \(CD4^+\) T-cell with a new approach of fractional derivative. Zbl 1482.37090 Baleanu, Dumitru; Mohammadi, Hakimeh; Rezapour, Shahram 145 2020 A Hamiltonian formulation and a direct numerical scheme for fractional optimal control problems. Zbl 1182.70047 Agrawal, Om. P.; Baleanu, Dumitru 137 2007 Controllability of fractional evolution nonlocal impulsive quasilinear delay integro-differential systems. Zbl 1228.45013 Debbouche, Amar; Baleanu, Dumitru 136 2011 On some new properties of fractional derivatives with Mittag-Leffler kernel. Zbl 1510.34004 Baleanu, Dumitru; Fernandez, Arran 135 2018 A spectral tau algorithm based on Jacobi operational matrix for numerical solution of time fractional diffusion-wave equations. Zbl 1349.65504 Bhrawy, A. H.; Doha, E. H.; Baleanu, D.; Ezz-Eldien, S. S. 131 2015 On the existence of solutions for some infinite coefficient-symmetric Caputo-fabrizio fractional integro-differential equations. Zbl 1377.45004 Baleanu, Dumitru; Mousalou, Asef; Rezapour, Shahram 130 2017 On the generalized fractional derivatives and their Caputo modification. Zbl 1412.26006 Jarad, F.; Abdeljawad, T.; Baleanu, D. 129 2017 On Caputo modification of the Hadamard fractional derivatives. Zbl 1343.26002 Gambo, Yusuf Y.; Jarad, Fahd; Baleanu, Dumitru; Abdeljawad, Thabet 126 2014 Stability analysis of Caputo fractional-order nonlinear systems revisited. Zbl 1243.93081 Delavari, Hadi; Baleanu, Dumitru; Sadati, Jalil 124 2012 On fractional integro-differential inclusions via the extended fractional Caputo-Fabrizio derivation. Zbl 1524.45012 Baleanu, Dumitru; Rezapour, Shahram; Saberpour, Zohreh 124 2019 On fractional derivatives with exponential kernel and their discrete versions. Zbl 1384.26025 Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru 121 2017 Discrete fractional differences with nonsingular discrete Mittag-Leffler kernels. Zbl 1419.34211 Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru 120 2016 Lagrangian formulation of classical fields within Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives. Zbl 1122.70360 Baleanu, Dumitru; Muslih, Sami I. 117 2005 On approximate solutions for two higher-order Caputo-Fabrizio fractional integro-differential equations. Zbl 1422.34019 Aydogan, S. Melike; Baleanu, Dumitru; Mousalou, Asef; Rezapour, Shahram 113 2017 On the global existence of solutions to a class of fractional differential equations. Zbl 1189.34006 Băleanu, Dumitru; Mustafa, Octavian G. 112 2010 Local fractional integral transforms and their applications. Zbl 1336.44001 Yang, Xiao-Jun; Baleanu, Dumitru; Srivastava, H. M. 105 2016 Analysis of regularized long-wave equation associated with a new fractional operator with Mittag-Leffler type kernel. Zbl 1514.35463 Kumar, Devendra; Singh, Jagdev; Baleanu, Dumitru; Sushila 104 2018 On an accurate discretization of a variable-order fractional reaction-diffusion equation. Zbl 1509.65071 Hajipour, Mojtaba; Jajarmi, Amin; Baleanu, Dumitru; Sun, HongGuang 102 2019 A central difference numerical scheme for fractional optimal control problems. Zbl 1272.49068 Baleanu, Dumitru; Defterli, Ozlem; Agrawal, Om P. 99 2009 New variable-order fractional chaotic systems for fast image encryption. Zbl 1420.34028 Wu, Guo-Cheng; Deng, Zhen-Guo; Baleanu, Dumitru; Zeng, De-Qiang 97 2019 A new method for investigating approximate solutions of some fractional integro-differential equations involving the Caputo-Fabrizio derivative. Zbl 1422.34219 Baleanu, Dumitru; Mousalou, Asef; Rezapour, Shahram 97 2017 The Hamilton formalism with fractional derivatives. Zbl 1104.70012 Rabei, Eqab M.; Nawafleh, Khaled I.; Hijjawi, Raed S.; Muslih, Sami I.; Baleanu, Dumitru 95 2007 On exact traveling-wave solutions for local fractional Korteweg-de Vries equation. Zbl 1378.35329 Yang, Xiao-Jun; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cattani, Carlo 94 2016 A new fractional modelling and control strategy for the outbreak of dengue fever. Zbl 07571256 Jajarmi, Amin; Arshad, Sadia; Baleanu, Dumitru 94 2019 A new and efficient numerical method for the fractional modeling and optimal control of diabetes and tuberculosis co-existence. Zbl 1423.92093 Jajarmi, Amin; Ghanbari, Behzad; Baleanu, Dumitru 93 2019 Lyapunov functions for Riemann-Liouville-like fractional difference equations. Zbl 1426.39010 Wu, Guo-Cheng; Baleanu, Dumitru; Luo, Wei-Hua 92 2017 On high order fractional integro-differential equations including the Caputo-Fabrizio derivative. Zbl 1499.34400 Aydogan, Melike S.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Mousalou, Asef; Rezapour, Shahram 92 2018 Fractional dynamics and control. Papers based on the presentations at the 3rd conference on nonlinear science and complexity (NSC) Ankara, Turkey, July 27–31, 2010. Zbl 1231.93003 91 2012 On the analysis of vibration equation involving a fractional derivative with Mittag-Leffler law. Zbl 1442.35515 Kumar, Devendra; Singh, Jagdev; Baleanu, Dumitru 91 2020 Fractional Hamiltonian formalism within Caputo’s derivative. Zbl 1111.37304 Baleanu, Dumitru; Agrawal, Om. P. 90 2006 Chaos synchronization of fractional chaotic maps based on the stability condition. Zbl 1400.34107 Wu, Guo-Cheng; Baleanu, Dumitru; Xie, He-Ping; Chen, Fu-Lai 90 2016 Fractional calculus. Models and numerical methods. 2nd expanded edition. Zbl 1347.26006 Baleanu, Dumitru; Diethelm, Kai; Scalas, Enrico; Trujillo, Juan J. 89 2017 A new fractional analysis on the interaction of HIV with \(\text{CD4}^+\) T-cells. Zbl 1404.92117 Jajarmi, Amin; Baleanu, Dumitru 88 2018 Analyzing transient response of the parallel RCL circuit by using the Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative. Zbl 1487.94202 Alizadeh, Shahram; Baleanu, Dumitru; Rezapour, Shahram 88 2020 A survey on fuzzy fractional differential and optimal control nonlocal evolution equations. Zbl 1388.34005 Agarwal, Ravi P.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Nieto, Juan J.; Torres, Delfim F. M.; Zhou, Yong 87 2018 Hamiltonian formulation of systems with linear velocities within Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives. Zbl 1149.70320 Muslih, Sami I.; Baleanu, Dumitru 87 2005 On fractional calculus with general analytic kernels. Zbl 1428.26011 Fernandez, Arran; Özarslan, Mehmet Ali; Baleanu, Dumitru 85 2019 Fractional differences and integration by parts. Zbl 1225.39008 Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru 81 2011 Some existence results for a nonlinear fractional differential equation on partially ordered Banach spaces. Zbl 1301.34007 Baleanu, Dumitru; Agarwal, Ravi P.; Mohammadi, Hakimeh; Rezapour, Shahram 81 2013 Stability analysis of Caputo-like discrete fractional systems. Zbl 1510.39013 Baleanu, Dumitru; Wu, Guo-Cheng; Bai, Yun-Ru; Chen, Fu-Lai 81 2017 Chaos analysis and asymptotic stability of generalized Caputo fractional differential equations. Zbl 1374.34306 Baleanu, Dumitru; Wu, Guo-Cheng; Zeng, Sheng-Da 80 2017 New aspects of fractional Biswas-Milovic model with Mittag-Leffler law. Zbl 1423.35415 Singh, Jagdev; Kumar, Devendra; Baleanu, Dumitru 78 2019 New exact solutions of Burgers’ type equations with conformable derivative. Zbl 1375.35595 Çenesiz, Yücel; Baleanu, Dumitru; Kurt, Ali; Tasbozan, Orkun 77 2017 On the existence and the uniqueness theorem for fractional differential equations with bounded delay within Caputo derivatives. Zbl 1179.26024 Maraaba, Thabet Abdeljawad; Jarad, Fahd; Baleanu, Dumitru 77 2008 On coupled systems of time-fractional differential problems by using a new fractional derivative. Zbl 1367.34006 Alsaedi, Ahmed; Baleanu, Dumitru; Etemad, Sina; Rezapour, Shahram 76 2016 Two analytical methods for time-fractional nonlinear coupled Boussinesq-Burger’s equations arise in propagation of shallow water waves. Zbl 1355.76015 Kumar, Sunil; Kumar, Amit; Baleanu, Dumitru 76 2016 A new fractional model for giving up smoking dynamics. Zbl 1422.34062 Singh, Jagdev; Kumar, Devendra; Al Qurashi, Maysaa; Baleanu, Dumitru 76 2017 A new approach for solving multi variable orders differential equations with Mittag-Leffler kernel. Zbl 1489.65112 Ganji, R. M.; Jafari, H.; Baleanu, D. 76 2020 An efficient numerical algorithm for the fractional Drinfeld-Sokolov-Wilson equation. Zbl 1427.65324 Singh, Jagdev; Kumar, Devendra; Baleanu, Dumitru; Rathore, Sushila 75 2018 A new adaptive synchronization and hyperchaos control of a biological snap oscillator. Zbl 1490.92005 Sajjadi, Samaneh Sadat; Baleanu, Dumitru; Jajarmi, Amin; Pirouz, Hassan Mohammadi 75 2020 Caputo \(q\)-fractional initial value problems and a \(q\)-analogue Mittag-Leffler function. Zbl 1231.26006 Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru 74 2011 On Cauchy problems with Caputo Hadamard fractional derivatives. Zbl 1336.34010 Adjabi, Y.; Jarad, F.; Baleanu, D.; Abdeljawad, T. 74 2016 Fractional modeling of blood ethanol concentration system with real data application. Zbl 1406.92325 Qureshi, Sania; Yusuf, Abdullahi; Shaikh, Asif Ali; Inc, Mustafa; Baleanu, Dumitru 74 2019 An existence result for a superlinear fractional differential equation. Zbl 1200.34004 Băleanu, Dumitru; Mustafa, Octavian G.; Agarwal, Ravi P. 73 2010 On the fractional optimal control problems with a general derivative operator. Zbl 07878870 Jajarmi, Amin; Baleanu, Dumitru 73 2021 Stability of \(q\)-fractional non-autonomous systems. Zbl 1258.34014 Jarad, Fahd; Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru 71 2013 Series representations for fractional-calculus operators involving generalised Mittag-Leffler functions. Zbl 1508.26006 Fernandez, Arran; Baleanu, Dumitru; Srivastava, H. M. 71 2019 Cantor-type cylindrical-coordinate method for differential equations with local fractional derivatives. Zbl 1298.35243 Yang, Xiao-Jun; Srivastava, H. M.; He, Ji-Huan; Baleanu, Dumitru 69 2013 On analytical solutions of the fractional differential equation with uncertainty: application to the Basset problem. Zbl 1338.34025 Salahshour, Soheil; Ahmadian, Ali; Senu, Norazak; Baleanu, Dumitru; Agarwal, Praveen 69 2015 Collocation methods for fractional differential equations involving non-singular kernel. Zbl 1442.65140 Baleanu, D.; Shiri, B. 69 2018 New fractional derivatives with non-singular kernel applied to the Burgers equation. Zbl 1394.35565 Saad, Khaled M.; Atangana, Abdon; Baleanu, Dumitru 68 2018 Existence and uniqueness results for fractional differential equations with uncertainty. Zbl 1350.34011 Salahshour, S.; Allahviranloo, T.; Abbasbandy, S.; Baleanu, D. 67 2012 Positivity-preserving sixth-order implicit finite difference weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme for the nonlinear heat equation. Zbl 1429.65183 Hajipour, Mojtaba; Jajarmi, Amin; Malek, Alaeddin; Baleanu, Dumitru 67 2018 Fractional Bloch equation with delay. Zbl 1217.34123 Bhalekar, Sachin; Daftardar-Gejji, Varsha; Baleanu, Dumitru; Magin, Richard 66 2011 Monotonicity results for fractional difference operators with discrete exponential kernels. Zbl 1422.39048 Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru 66 2017 A fractional differential equation model for the COVID-19 transmission by using the Caputo-Fabrizio derivative. Zbl 1485.37075 Baleanu, Dumitru; Mohammadi, Hakimeh; Rezapour, Shahram 66 2020 On nonlinear fractional Klein-Gordon equation. Zbl 1203.94031 Golmankhaneh, Alireza K.; Golmankhaneh, Ali K.; Baleanu, Dumitru 65 2011 LMI-based stabilization of a class of fractional-order chaotic systems. Zbl 1268.93121 Faieghi, Mohammadreza; Kuntanapreeda, Suwat; Delavari, Hadi; Baleanu, Dumitru 65 2013 Discrete chaos in fractional sine and standard maps. Zbl 1331.37048 Wu, Guo-Cheng; Baleanu, Dumitru; Zeng, Sheng-Da 65 2014 On the accurate discretization of a highly nonlinear boundary value problem. Zbl 1405.65143 Hajipour, Mojtaba; Jajarmi, Amin; Baleanu, Dumitru 65 2018 A new analysis for fractional model of regularized long-wave equation arising in ion acoustic plasma waves. Zbl 1388.35212 Kumar, Devendra; Singh, Jagdev; Baleanu, Dumitru 65 2017 On exact solutions of a class of fractional Euler-Lagrange equations. Zbl 1170.70328 Baleanu, Dumitru; Trujillo, Juan J. 63 2008 A new approach for solving a system of fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1381.35221 Jafari, H.; Nazari, M.; Baleanu, D.; Khalique, C. M. 63 2013 On the analysis of fractional diabetes model with exponential law. Zbl 1446.34018 Singh, Jagdev; Kumar, Devendra; Baleanu, Dumitru 63 2018 On the solution set for a class of sequential fractional differential equations. Zbl 1216.34004 Băleanu, Dumitru; Mustafa, Octavian G.; Agarwal, Ravi P. 62 2010 The extended fractional Caputo-Fabrizio derivative of order \(0\leq \sigma <1\) on \(C_{\mathbb{R}}[0,1]\) and the existence of solutions for two higher-order series-type differential equations. Zbl 1446.34009 Baleanu, Dumitru; Mousalou, Asef; Rezapour, Shahram 62 2018 A Chebyshev spectral method based on operational matrix for fractional differential equations involving non-singular Mittag-Leffler kernel. Zbl 1448.65062 Baleanu, D.; Shiri, B.; Srivastava, H. M.; Al Qurashi, M. 62 2018 Variational iteration method for the Burgers’ flow with fractional derivatives – new Lagrange multipliers. Zbl 1438.76046 Wu, Guo-Cheng; Baleanu, Dumitru 62 2013 Fractional optimal control problems with several state and control variables. Zbl 1269.49002 Agrawal, Om P.; Defterli, Ozlem; Baleanu, Dumitru 60 2010 Two fractional derivative inclusion problems via integral boundary condition. Zbl 1338.34048 Agarwal, Ravi P.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Hedayati, Vahid; Rezapour, Shahram 60 2015 Two-strain epidemic model involving fractional derivative with Mittag-Leffler kernel. Zbl 1404.92211 Yusuf, Abdullahi; Qureshi, Sania; Inc, Mustafa; Aliyu, Aliyu Isa; Baleanu, Dumitru; Shaikh, Asif Ali 60 2018 Hyperchaotic behaviors, optimal control, and synchronization of a nonautonomous cardiac conduction system. Zbl 1494.34137 Baleanu, Dumitru; Sajjadi, Samaneh Sadat; Asad, Jihad H.; Jajarmi, Amin; Estiri, Elham 60 2021 A new fractional SIRS-SI malaria disease model with application of vaccines, antimalarial drugs, and spraying. Zbl 1485.92136 Kumar, Devendra; Singh, Jagdev; Al Qurashi, Maysaa; Baleanu, Dumitru 60 2019 Existence and uniqueness theorem for a class of delay differential equations with left and right Caputo fractional derivatives. Zbl 1152.81550 Maraaba, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru; Jarad, Fahd 59 2008 On the existence of solutions of a three steps crisis integro-differential equation. Zbl 1445.45011 Baleanu, Dumitru; Ghafarnezhad, Khadijeh; Rezapour, Shahram; Shabibi, Mehdi 59 2018 A spectral Legendre-Gauss-Lobatto collocation method for a space-fractional advection diffusion equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 1292.65109 Bhrawy, A. H.; Baleanu, D. 58 2013 A new Jacobi rational-Gauss collocation method for numerical solution of generalized pantograph equations. Zbl 1302.65175 Doha, E. H.; Bhrawy, A. H.; Baleanu, D.; Hafez, R. M. 58 2014 New spectral techniques for systems of fractional differential equations using fractional-order generalized Laguerre orthogonal functions. Zbl 1312.65166 Bhrawy, Ali; Alhamed, Yahia; Baleanu, Dumitru; Al-Zahrani, Abdulrahim 58 2014 Monotone iterative method for a nonlinear fractional conformable \(p\)-Laplacian differential system. Zbl 07924810 Wang, Guotao; Qin, Jianfang; Zhang, Lihong; Baleanu, D. 2 2024 Dynamics of COVID-19 via singular and non-singular fractional operators under real statistical observations. Zbl 1543.92050 Alghamdi, Metib; Alqarni, M. S.; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh; Ullah, Malik Zaka; Baleanu, Dumitru 2 2024 Trajectory controllability of impulsive neutral stochastic functional integrodifferential equations driven by fBm with noncompact semigroup via Mönch fixed point. Zbl 1531.35011 Kasinathan, Ramkumar; Kasinathan, Ravikumar; Chalishajar, Dimplekumar; Sandrasekaran, Varshini; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2024 Controllability of Prabhakar fractional dynamical systems. Zbl 1532.37078 Ansari, Md Samshad Hussain; Malik, Muslim; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2024 Numerical solutions of fractional parabolic equations with generalized Mittag-Leffler kernels. Zbl 1531.65209 Alomari, Abedel-Karrem; Abdeljawad, Thabet; Baleanu, Dumitru; Saad, Khaled M.; Al-Mdallal, Qasem M. 1 2024 Analytic studies of a class of Langevin differential equations dominated by a class of Julia fractal functions. Zbl 07959516 Ibrahim, Rabha W.; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2024 Analytical and approximate monotone solutions of the mixed order fractional nabla operators subject to bounded conditions. Zbl 07901614 Mohammed, Pshtiwan Othman; Srivastava, Hari Mohan; Baleanu, Dumitru; Al-Sarairah, Eman; Yousif, Majeed A.; Chorfi, Nejmeddine 1 2024 Numerical simulation of nonlinear fractional delay differential equations with Mittag-Leffler kernels. Zbl 1545.65276 Odibat, Zaid; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2024 A high-order unconditionally stable numerical method for a class of multi-term time-fractional diffusion equation arising in the solute transport models. Zbl 1524.65637 Alam, Mohammad Prawesh; Khan, Arshad; Baleanu, Dumitru 9 2023 A numerical method based on the piecewise Jacobi functions for distributed-order fractional Schrödinger equation. Zbl 07609370 Heydari, M. H.; Razzaghi, M.; Baleanu, D. 6 2023 A new fractional derivative operator with generalized cardinal sine kernel: numerical simulation. Zbl 1540.26004 Odibat, Zaid; Baleanu, Dumitru 4 2023 Fractional-order dynamical model for electricity markets. Zbl 1538.34171 Dassios, Ioannis; Kërçi, Taulant; Baleanu, Dumitru; Milano, Federico 3 2023 Design of a fractional-order atmospheric model via a class of ACT-like chaotic system and its sliding mode chaos control. Zbl 07881256 Naik, Manisha Krishna; Baishya, Chandrali; Veeresha, Pundikala; Baleanu, Dumitru 3 2023 Two phase local/nonlocal thermo elastic waves in a graphene oxide composite nanobeam subjected to electrical potential. Zbl 1537.74181 Selvamani, Rajendran; Tornabene, Francesco; Baleanu, Dumitru 2 2023 On the solutions for generalised multiorder fractional partial differential equations arising in physics. Zbl 1532.35492 Purohit, Sunil Dutt; Baleanu, Dumitru; Jangid, Kamlesh 2 2023 A pseudo-operational collocation method for variable-order time-space fractional KdV-Burgers-Kuramoto equation. Zbl 1531.65201 Sadri, Khadijeh; Hosseini, Kamyar; Hinçal, Evren; Baleanu, Dumitru; Salahshour, Soheil 1 2023 Exact solutions of the fractional time-derivative Fokker-Planck equation: a novel approach. Zbl 1532.35473 Abdel-Gawad, Hamdy I.; Sweilam, Nasser H.; Al-Mekhlafi, Seham M.; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2023 Solitons of the \((1 + 1)\)- and \((2 + 1)\)-dimensional chiral nonlinear Schrodinger equations with the Jacobi elliptical function method. Zbl 1515.35259 Tala-Tebue, Eric; Rezazadeh, Hadi; Javeed, Shumaila; Baleanu, Dumitru; Korkmaz, Alper 1 2023 Terminal value problem for stochastic fractional equation within an operator with exponential kernel. Zbl 1521.35192 Phuong, Nguyen Duc; Hoan, Luu Vu Cam; Baleanu, Dumitru; Nguyen, Anh Tuan 1 2023 A general fractional formulation and tracking control for immunogenic tumor dynamics. Zbl 1531.92026 Jajarmi, Amin; Baleanu, Dumitru; Zarghami Vahid, Kianoush; Mobayen, Saleh 48 2022 Analysis and some applications of a regularized \(\Psi\)-Hilfer fractional derivative. Zbl 1505.26017 Jajarmi, Amin; Baleanu, Dumitru; Sajjadi, Samaneh Sadat; Nieto, Juan J. 27 2022 A general fractional pollution model for lakes. Zbl 1513.34331 Shiri, Babak; Baleanu, Dumitru 11 2022 On an extension of the operator with Mittag-Leffler kernel. Zbl 1514.34008 Al-Refai, Mohammed; Baleanu, Dumitru 10 2022 On time fractional pseudo-parabolic equations with nonlocal integral conditions. Zbl 1497.35503 Tuan, Nguyen Anh; O’Regan, Donal; Baleanu, Dumitru; Tuan, Nguyen H. 9 2022 An inverse source problem for pseudo-parabolic equation with Caputo derivative. Zbl 1490.35542 Long, Le Dinh; Luc, Nguyen Hoang; Tatar, Salih; Baleanu, Dumitru; Can, Nguyen Huu 7 2022 The performance of a numerical scheme on the variable-order time-fractional advection-reaction-subdiffusion equations. Zbl 07533815 Kheirkhah, Farnaz; Hajipour, Mojtaba; Baleanu, Dumitru 6 2022 On constrained minimization, variational inequality and split feasibility problem via new iteration scheme in Banach spaces. Zbl 1510.47086 Garodia, Chanchal; Uddin, Izhar; Baleanu, Dumitru 6 2022 The geophysical KdV equation: its solitons, complexiton, and conservation laws. Zbl 1492.35266 Hosseini, K.; Akbulut, A.; Baleanu, D.; Salahshour, S.; Mirzazadeh, M.; Akinyemi, L. 5 2022 Existence and controllability of a class of non-autonomous nonlinear evolution fractional integrodifferential equations with delay. Zbl 1510.34168 Mishra, Kamla Kant; Dubey, Shruti; Baleanu, Dumitru 4 2022 Regularization of the inverse problem for time fractional pseudo-parabolic equation with non-local in time conditions. Zbl 1509.35356 Phuong, Nguyen Duc; Long, Le Dinh; Nguyen, Anh Tuan; Baleanu, Dumitru 4 2022 Monic Chebyshev pseudospectral differentiation matrices for higher-order IVPs and BVPs: applications to certain types of real-life problems. Zbl 1513.65230 Abdelhakem, M.; Ahmed, A.; Baleanu, D.; El-kady, M. 3 2022 A Taylor-Chebyshev approximation technique to solve the 1D and 2D nonlinear Burgers equations. Zbl 1510.65195 Izadi, Mohammad; Yüzbaşı, Şuayip; Baleanu, Dumitru 3 2022 The Caputo-Fabrizio time-fractional Sharma-Tasso-Olver-Burgers equation and its valid approximations. Zbl 1511.35366 Hosseini, Kamyar; Ilie, Mousa; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Baleanu, Dumitru; Park, Choonkil; Salahshour, Soheil 3 2022 On a problem for the nonlinear diffusion equation with conformable time derivative. Zbl 1500.35291 Au, Vo Van; Baleanu, Dumitru; Zhou, Yong; Huu Can, Nguyen 3 2022 Advanced analysis of local fractional calculus applied to the Rice theory in fractal fracture mechanics. Zbl 1475.74008 Yang, Xiao-Jun; Baleanu, Dumitru; Srivastava, H. M. 3 2022 Some new dynamic Gronwall-Bellman-Pachpatte type inequalities with delay on time scales and certain applications. Zbl 1506.26027 El-Deeb, Ahmed A.; Baleanu, Dumitru 2 2022 A novel computing stochastic algorithm to solve the nonlinear singular periodic boundary value problems. Zbl 1513.65010 Sabir, Zulqurnain; Baleanu, Dumitru; Ali, Mohamed R.; Sadat, R. 2 2022 New classifications of monotonicity investigation for discrete operators with Mittag-Leffler kernel. Zbl 1546.47048 Mohammed, Pshtiwan Othman; Goodrich, Christopher S.; Brzo, Aram Bahroz; Baleanu, Dumitru; Hamed, Yasser S. 2 2022 Projectile motion using three parameter Mittag-Leffler function calculus. Zbl 1540.70002 Bokhari, Ahmed; Belgacem, Rachid; Kumar, Sunil; Baleanu, Dumitru; Djilali, Salih 2 2022 Finite-time stability results for fractional damped dynamical systems with time delays. Zbl 1500.34067 Arthi, Ganesan; Brindha, Nallasamy; Baleanu, Dumitru 2 2022 Fractional differential equations of variable order: existence results, numerical method and asymptotic stability conditions. Zbl 1499.34086 Wu, Guo-Cheng; Gu, Chuan-Yun; Huang, Lan-Lan; Baleanu, Dumitru 2 2022 Lie group theory for nonlinear fractional \(K(m, n)\) type equation with variable coefficients. Zbl 1479.35736 Jafari, H.; Kadkhoda, N.; Baleanu, Dumitru 2 2022 The Sharma-Tasso-Olver-Burgers equation: its conservation laws and kink solitons. Zbl 1512.35507 Hosseini, K.; Akbulut, A.; Baleanu, D.; Salahshour, S. 2 2022 Fractional evolution equation with Cauchy data in \(L^p\) spaces. Zbl 1516.60021 Phuong, Nguyen Duc; Baleanu, Dumitru; Agarwal, Ravi P.; Long, Le Dinh 2 2022 Lucas wavelet scheme for fractional Bagley-Torvik equations: Gauss-Jacobi approach. Zbl 1485.65089 Koundal, Reena; Kumar, Rakesh; Srivastava, K.; Baleanu, D. 2 2022 Positivity analysis for the discrete delta fractional differences of the Riemann-Liouville and Liouville-Caputo types. Zbl 1528.26008 Mohammed, Pshtiwan Othman; Srivastava, Hari Mohan; Baleanu, Dumitru; Elattar, Ehab E.; Hamed, Y. S. 1 2022 Third-order neutral differential equations of the mixed type: oscillatory and asymptotic behavior. Zbl 1497.34097 Qaraad, B.; Moaaz, O.; Baleanu, D.; Santra, S. S.; Ali, R.; Elabbasy, E. M. 1 2022 Oscillation result for half-linear delay difference equations of second-order. Zbl 1490.39015 Jayakumar, Chinnasamy; Santra, Shyam Sundar; Baleanu, Dumitru; Edwan, Reem; Govindan, Vediyappan; Murugesan, Arumugam; Altanji, Mohamed 1 2022 Numerical investigation of ordinary and partial differential equations with variable fractional order by Bernstein operational matrix. Zbl 1518.65079 Taleshian, Amir Hosein; Alipour, Mohsen; Babakhani, Azizollah; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2022 A new existence results on fractional differential inclusions with state-dependent delay and Mittag-Leffler kernel in Banach space. Zbl 1538.34253 Arjunan, Mani Mallika; Kavitha, Velusamy; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2022 Swarming optimization to analyze the fractional derivatives and perturbation factors for the novel singular model. Zbl 1508.65068 Sabir, Zulqurnain; Said, Salem Ben; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2022 On Ritz approximation for a class of fractional optimal control problems. Zbl 1516.49026 Firoozjaee, Mohammad Arab; Jafari, Hossein; Johnston, Sarah Jane; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2022 Weighted dynamic Hardy-type inequalities involving many functions on arbitrary time scales. Zbl 1509.26011 El-Deeb, Ahmed A.; Mohamed, Karim A.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Rezk, Haytham M. 1 2022 Application of \(q\)-Shehu transform on \(q\)-fractional kinetic equation involving the generalized hyper-Bessel function. Zbl 1523.44004 Abujarad, Eman S.; Jarad, Fahd; Abujarad, Mohammed H.; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2022 Odd-order differential equations with deviating arguments: asymptomatic behavior and oscillation. Zbl 1500.34056 Muhib, A.; Dassios, I.; Baleanu, D.; Santra, S. S.; Moaaz, O. 1 2022 Some further properties of discrete Muckenhoupt and Gehring weights. Zbl 1500.26017 Saker, Samir H.; Krnić, Mario; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2022 An asymptotic state estimator design and synchronization criteria for fractional order time-delayed genetic regulatory networks. Zbl 07887205 Anbalagan, Pratap; Hincal, Evren; Ramachandran, Raja; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cao, Jinde; Niezabitowski, Michał 1 2022 Modified Atangana-Baleanu fractional differential operators. Zbl 1520.30022 Ibrahim, Rabha W.; Baleanu, Dumitru 1 2022 On the fractional optimal control problems with a general derivative operator. Zbl 07878870 Jajarmi, Amin; Baleanu, Dumitru 73 2021 Hyperchaotic behaviors, optimal control, and synchronization of a nonautonomous cardiac conduction system. Zbl 1494.34137 Baleanu, Dumitru; Sajjadi, Samaneh Sadat; Asad, Jihad H.; Jajarmi, Amin; Estiri, Elham 60 2021 On a nonlinear dynamical system with both chaotic and nonchaotic behaviors: a new fractional analysis and control. Zbl 1494.34138 Baleanu, Dumitru; Sajjadi, Samaneh Sadat; Jajarmi, Amin; Defterli, Özlem 47 2021 A nonstandard finite difference scheme for the modeling and nonidentical synchronization of a novel fractional chaotic system. Zbl 1494.65060 Baleanu, Dumitru; Zibaei, Sadegh; Namjoo, Mehran; Jajarmi, Amin 34 2021 Discrete fractional calculus for interval-valued systems. Zbl 1464.39007 Huang, Lan-Lan; Wu, Guo-Cheng; Baleanu, Dumitru; Wang, Hong-Yong 34 2021 An efficient computational approach for local fractional Poisson equation in fractal media. Zbl 07776024 Singh, Jagdev; Ahmadian, Ali; Rathore, Sushila; Kumar, Devendra; Baleanu, Dumitru; Salimi, Mehdi; Salahshour, Soheil 28 2021 A novel modeling of boundary value problems on the glucose graph. Zbl 1466.92244 Baleanu, Dumitru; Etemad, Sina; Mohammadi, Hakimeh; Rezapour, Shahram 26 2021 Fractional calculus in the sky. Zbl 1494.26007 Baleanu, Dumitru; Agarwal, Ravi P. 24 2021 A spectral collocation method for solving fractional KdV and KdV-Burgers equations with non-singular kernel derivatives. Zbl 1457.76114 Khader, M. M.; Saad, Khaled M.; Hammouch, Zakia; Baleanu, Dumitru 23 2021 Classes of operators in fractional calculus: a case study. Zbl 1517.26006 Fernandez, Arran; Baleanu, Dumitru 22 2021 Terminal value problems for the nonlinear systems of fractional differential equations. Zbl 1482.65109 Shiri, Babak; Wu, Guo-Cheng; Baleanu, Dumitru 20 2021 Existence and Hyers-Ulam type stability results for nonlinear coupled system of Caputo-Hadamard type fractional differential equations. Zbl 1484.34035 Muthaiah, Subramanian; Baleanu, Dumitru; Thangaraj, Nandha Gopal 18 2021 Quasi-periodic, chaotic and travelling wave structures of modified Gardner equation. Zbl 1498.35455 Jhangeer, Adil; Hussain, Amjad; Junaid-U-Rehman, M.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Riaz, Muhammad Bilal 17 2021 A class of time-fractional Dirac type operators. Zbl 1505.47050 Baleanu, Dumitru; Restrepo, Joel E.; Suragan, Durvudkhan 15 2021 Approximation of fixed point and its application to fractional differential equation. Zbl 1475.54030 Khatoon, Sabiya; Uddin, Izhar; Baleanu, Dumitru 15 2021 Analysis of the fractional corona virus pandemic via deterministic modeling. Zbl 1472.34097 Tuan, Nguyen Huy; Tri, Vo Viet; Baleanu, Dumitru 15 2021 An analytic study on the approximate solution of a nonlinear time-fractional Cauchy reaction-diffusion equation with the Mittag-Leffler law. Zbl 1471.35301 Hosseini, Kamyar; Ilie, Mousa; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Baleanu, Dumitru 15 2021 SIR epidemic model of childhood diseases through fractional operators with Mittag-Leffler and exponential kernels. Zbl 1524.92096 Jena, Rajarama Mohan; Chakraverty, Snehashish; Baleanu, Dumitru 14 2021 An effective computational method to deal with a time-fractional nonlinear water wave equation in the Caputo sense. Zbl 1540.76171 Hosseini, Kamyar; Ilie, Mousa; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Yusuf, Abdullahi; Sulaiman, Tukur Abdulkadir; Baleanu, Dumitru; Salahshour, Soheil 14 2021 General Raina fractional integral inequalities on coordinates of convex functions. Zbl 1487.26030 Baleanu, Dumitru; Kashuri, Artion; Mohammed, Pshtiwan Othman; Meftah, Badreddine 13 2021 Fractional Mayer neuro-swarm heuristic solver for multi-fractional order doubly singular model based on Lane-Emden equation. Zbl 1481.65104 Sabir, Zulqurnain; Raja, Muhammad Asif Zahoor; Baleanu, Dumitru 13 2021 Optimal solutions for singular linear systems of Caputo fractional differential equations. Zbl 1478.34007 Dassios, Ioannis; Baleanu, Dumitru 13 2021 An efficient numerical scheme based on Lucas polynomials for the study of multidimensional Burgers-type equations. Zbl 1487.65162 Ali, Ihteram; Haq, Sirajul; Nisar, Kottakkaran Sooppy; Baleanu, Dumitru 12 2021 On the approximate solutions for a system of coupled Korteweg-de Vries equations with local fractional derivative. Zbl 07465612 Jafari, Hossein; Jassim, Hassan Kamil; Baleanu, Dumitru; Chu, Yu-Ming 12 2021 Pattern formation in superdiffusion predator-prey-like problems with integer- and noninteger-order derivatives. Zbl 1475.35360 Owolabi, Kolade M.; Karaagac, Berat; Baleanu, Dumitru 12 2021 Some exact solutions of a variable coefficients fractional biological population model. Zbl 1475.35345 Abdel Kader, Abass H.; Abdel Latif, Mohamed S.; Baleanu, Dumitru 12 2021 On quantum hybrid fractional conformable differential and integral operators in a complex domain. Zbl 1468.30041 Ibrahim, Rabha W.; Baleanu, Dumitru 12 2021 Existence, uniqueness and stability analysis of a coupled fractional-order differential systems involving Hadamard derivatives and associated with multi-point boundary conditions. Zbl 1494.34060 Subramanian, Muthaiah; Alzabut, Jehad; Baleanu, Dumitru; Samei, Mohammad Esmael; Zada, Akbar 11 2021 Achieving more precise bounds based on double and triple integral as proposed by generalized proportional fractional operators in the Hilfer sense. Zbl 1481.26004 Al-Qurashi, Maysaa; Rashid, Saima; Karaca, Yeliz; Hammouch, Zakia; Baleanu, Dumitru; Chu, Yu-Ming 10 2021 Bivariate Chebyshev polynomials of the fifth kind for variable-order time-fractional partial integro-differential equations with weakly singular kernel. Zbl 1494.65104 Sadri, Khadijeh; Hosseini, Kamyar; Baleanu, Dumitru; Ahmadian, Ali; Salahshour, Soheil 9 2021 Collision phenomena among lump, periodic and soliton solutions to a (2+1)-dimensional Bogoyavlenskii’s breaking soliton model. Zbl 07409584 Ullah, Mohammad Safi; Zulfikar Ali, M.; Roshid, Harun-Or; Seadawy, A. R.; Baleanu, Dumitru 9 2021 New Newton’s type estimates pertaining to local fractional integral via generalized \(p\)-convexity with applications. Zbl 1487.26011 Li, Yong-Min; Rashid, Saima; Hammouch, Zakia; Baleanu, Dumitru; Chu, Yu-Ming 9 2021 Henry-Gronwall type \(q\)-fractional integral inequalities. Zbl 1470.39018 Ben Makhlouf, Abdellatif; Kharrat, Mohamed; Hammami, Mohamed Ali; Baleanu, Dumitru 9 2021 Analysis and applications of the proportional Caputo derivative. Zbl 1494.26004 Akgül, Ali; Baleanu, Dumitru 8 2021 Caputo SIR model for COVID-19 under optimized fractional order. Zbl 1494.92121 Alshomrani, Ali S.; Ullah, Malik Z.; Baleanu, Dumitru 8 2021 Periodic and rogue waves for Heisenberg models of ferromagnetic spin chains with fractional beta derivative evolution and obliqueness. Zbl 1500.82006 Uddin, M. Farhad; Hafez, M. Golam; Hammouch, Zakia; Baleanu, Dumitru 7 2021 Shifted ultraspherical pseudo-Galerkin method for approximating the solutions of some types of ordinary fractional problems. Zbl 1494.65064 Abdelhakem, Mohamed; Mahmoud, Doha; Baleanu, Dumitru; El-kady, Mamdouh 7 2021 A fractal fractional model for cervical cancer due to human papillomavirus infection. Zbl 1489.37103 Akgül, A.; Ahmed, N.; Raza, A.; Iqbal, Z.; Rafiq, M.; Rehman, M. A.; Baleanu, D. 7 2021 Criteria for existence of solutions for a Liouville-Caputo boundary value problem via generalized Gronwall’s inequality. Zbl 1504.34012 Mohammadi, Hakimeh; Baleanu, Dumitru; Etemad, Sina; Rezapour, Shahram 7 2021 On the weighted fractional integral inequalities for Chebyshev functionals. Zbl 1485.26048 Rahman, Gauhar; Nisar, Kottakkaran Sooppy; Khan, Sami Ullah; Baleanu, Dumitru; Vijayakumar, V. 7 2021 Mathematical analysis of tuberculosis control model using nonsingular kernel type Caputo derivative. Zbl 1485.92108 Ahmad, Saeed; Ullah, Rafi; Baleanu, Dumitru 6 2021 A Razumikhin approach to stability and synchronization criteria for fractional order time delayed gene regulatory networks. Zbl 1484.34172 Anbalagan, Pratap; Hincal, Evren; Ramachandran, Raja; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cao, Jinde; Niezabitowski, Michal 6 2021 ...and 817 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 10,787 Authors 656 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 240 Abdeljawad, Thabet 155 Rezapour, Shahram 135 Sooppy Nisar, Kottakkaran 130 Ahmad, Bashir 111 Gómez-Aguilar, José Francisco 109 Ntouyas, Sotiris K. 106 Shah, Kamal 103 Machado, José António Tenreiro 102 Jarad, Fahd 98 Chu, Yuming 82 Agarwal, Ravi P. 82 Atangana, Abdon 82 Inc, Mustafa 81 Etemad, Sina 78 Akgül, Ali 78 Nieto Roig, Juan Jose 74 Alzabut, Jehad O. 73 Yang, Xiao-Jun 71 Al-saedi, Ahmed Eid Salem 69 Agarwal, Praveen 69 Kumar, Devendra 64 Jafari, Hossein 64 Singh, Jagdev 63 Benchohra, Mouffak 63 Rashid, Saima 61 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 60 Wang, Guotao 58 Salahshour, Soheil 57 Vijayakumar, Velusamy 56 Torres, Delfim Fernando Marado 55 Farid, Ghulam 55 Khan, Aziz Ullah 55 O’Regan, Donal 53 Khan, Hasib 53 Samei, Mohammad Esmael 51 Fernandez, Arran 50 Zada, Akbar 50 Zhou, Yong 49 Wu, Guocheng 48 Ahmadian, Ali 48 Ordokhani, Yadollah 48 Wang, Jinrong 47 Bhrawy, Ali Hassan 46 Kumar, Sunil 46 Tariboon, Jessada 44 Yusuf, Abdullahi A. 43 Rahman, Gauhar 42 Razzaghi, Mohsen 41 Nguyen Huy Tuan 39 Zhang, Lihong 38 Abdo, Mohammed Salem 38 Almeida, Ricardo 38 Baskonus, Haci Mehmet 37 Momani, Shaher M. 37 Owolabi, Kolade Matthew 35 Ouannas, Adel 35 Purohit, Sunil Dutt 34 Avazzadeh, Zakieh 34 Hammouch, Zakia 34 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein 34 Kumam, Poom 34 Li, Changpin 34 Veeresha, Pundikala 33 Cao, Jinde 33 Doha, Eid H. 33 Ibrahim, Rabha Waell 32 Al-Omari, Shrideh Khalaf Qasem 32 Cattani, Carlo 32 Golmankhaneh, Alireza Khalili 31 Abdelkawy, Mohamed A. 31 Al-Smadi, Mohammed H. 31 Liu, Fawang 31 Mohammed, Pshtiwan Othman 31 Rezazadeh, Hadi 31 Zaky, Mahmoud A. 30 Budak, Hüseyin 30 Debbouche, Amar 29 Ghanbari, Behzad 29 Khan, Ilyas 29 Sitthiwirattham, Thanin 28 Hashemi, Mir Sajjad 28 Khater, Mostafa M. A. 28 Ravichandran, Chokkalingam 28 Saad, Khaled Mohammed 28 Seadawy, Aly R. 27 Arqub, Omar Abu 27 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 27 Zhang, Yi 26 Abbas, Said 26 Chen, Yangquan 26 Ezz-Eldien, Samer S. 26 Khan, Muhammad Altaf 26 Kiliçman, Adem 26 Liu, Jiangen 26 Lopes, António M. 26 Sayevand, Khosro 26 Shah, Nehad Ali 26 Sun, Hongguang 25 Alquran, Marwan Taiseer ...and 10,687 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 513 Serials 936 Advances in Difference Equations 680 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 473 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 315 Fractals 261 Applied Mathematics and Computation 258 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 229 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 213 Abstract and Applied Analysis 194 Computational and Applied Mathematics 185 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 185 Journal of Function Spaces 179 AIMS Mathematics 167 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 149 Nonlinear Dynamics 146 Boundary Value Problems 141 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 131 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 123 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 117 Advances in Mathematical Physics 115 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 110 Physica A 99 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 98 Applied Numerical Mathematics 98 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 88 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 87 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 87 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 85 Chaos 78 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 73 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 70 Applied Mathematics Letters 69 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 65 Applied Mathematical Modelling 65 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 63 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 60 Asian Journal of Control 53 Journal of Mathematics 52 Journal of Mathematical Extension 51 Mathematical Sciences 50 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 47 Filomat 47 Complexity 46 Journal of the Franklin Institute 44 Demonstratio Mathematica 44 Numerical Algorithms 44 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 43 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 43 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 41 International Journal of Biomathematics 40 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 39 Journal of Vibration and Control 36 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 36 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 34 Journal of Computational Physics 32 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 32 Open Mathematics 31 Communications in Theoretical Physics 30 Physics Letters. A 30 Waves in Random and Complex Media 30 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 30 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 29 Journal of Scientific Computing 29 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 29 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 27 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 27 Journal of Mathematical Physics 26 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 26 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 26 International Journal of Differential Equations 25 Journal of Applied Mathematics 25 Fractional Differential Calculus 24 Applicable Analysis 24 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 23 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 23 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 22 The Journal of Analysis 22 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 21 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 20 Acta Mechanica 20 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 20 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 20 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 19 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 19 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 19 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 19 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 18 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 18 Neural Networks 18 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 18 Applications and Applied Mathematics 18 Symmetry 18 Afrika Matematika 18 Mathematics 17 International Journal of Modern Physics B 17 Information Sciences 17 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 17 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 17 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 17 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 17 Electronic Research Archive ...and 413 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 58 Fields 4,197 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3,429 Real functions (26-XX) 3,018 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2,440 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1,099 Operator theory (47-XX) 998 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 927 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 682 Integral equations (45-XX) 535 Special functions (33-XX) 486 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 468 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 442 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 370 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 292 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 279 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 180 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 177 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 172 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 153 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 141 Measure and integration (28-XX) 137 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 128 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 120 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 114 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 111 Quantum theory (81-XX) 108 Computer science (68-XX) 101 General topology (54-XX) 90 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 88 Functional analysis (46-XX) 72 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 63 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 59 Combinatorics (05-XX) 50 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 44 Number theory (11-XX) 41 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 38 Differential geometry (53-XX) 35 Geophysics (86-XX) 33 Statistics (62-XX) 32 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 18 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 15 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 15 Potential theory (31-XX) 13 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 11 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 9 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 7 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 7 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 3 Mathematics education (97-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) Citations by Year