Author ID: bavard.christophe Recent zbMATH articles by "Bavard, Christophe"
Published as: Bavard, Christophe; Bavard, C.; Bavard, Ch.
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Member of Collective: de Saint-Gervais, Henri Paul

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

22 Publications have been cited 262 times in 216 Documents Cited by Year
Stable length of commutators. (Longueur stable des commutateurs.) Zbl 0810.20026
Bavard, Christophe
Sur le volume minimal de \({\mathbb{R}}^ 2\). (On the minimal volume of \({\mathbb{R}}^ 2)\). Zbl 0611.53038
Bavard, Christophe; Pansu, Pierre
Extremal disks and modular surfaces. (Disques extrémaux et surfaces modulaires.) Zbl 0873.30026
Bavard, Christophe
Uniformization of Riemann surfaces. Revisiting a hundred-year-old theorem. Translated from the French by Robert G. Burns. Zbl 1332.30001
de Saint-Gervais, Henri Paul
Uniformization of Riemann surfaces. Revisiting a hundred-year-old theorem. (Uniformisation des surfaces de Riemann. Retour sur un théorème centenaire.) Zbl 1228.30001
de Saint-Gervais, Henri Paul
Systole and Hermite invariant. (Systole et invariant d’Hermite.) Zbl 1011.53035
Bavard, Christophe
Inégalité isosystolique pour la bouteille de Klein. (Isosystolic inequalities for the Klein bottle). Zbl 0578.53032
Bavard, Christophe
Planar polygons and hyperbolic polyhedra. (Polygones du plan et polyèdres hyperboliques.) Zbl 0758.52001
Bavard, Christophe; Ghys, Etienne
Isosystolic conformal inequalities. (Inégalités isosystoliques conformes.) Zbl 0783.53041
Bavard, Christophe
Inégalités isosystoliques conformes pour la bouteille de Klein. (Conformal isosystolic inequalities for the Klein bottle). Zbl 0667.53033
Bavard, C.
On Lorentzian compact surfaces without conjugate points. (Sur les surfaces lorentziennes compactes sans points conjugués.) Zbl 1262.53059
Bavard, Christophe; Mounoud, Pierre
Voronoï’s geometric theory. Finiteness properties for families of lattices and similar objects. (Théorie de Voronoï géométrique. Propriétés de finitude pour les familles de réseaux et analogues.) Zbl 1085.11033
Bavard, Christophe
Commutators in metabelian groups. (Commutateurs dans les groupes métabéliens.) Zbl 0769.20015
Bavard, Christophe; Meigniez, Gaël
A remark about the systolic geometry of the Klein bottle. (Une remarque sur la géométrie systolique de la bouteille de Klein.) Zbl 1109.53037
Bavard, Christophe
Minimal classes of lattices and equivariant geometric retractions in symmetric spaces. (Classes minimales de réseaux et rétractions géométriques équivariantes dans les espaces symétriques.) Zbl 1031.11042
Bavard, Christophe
Maximal extensions and classification of Lorentzian tori with a Killing field. (Extensions maximales et classification des tores Lorentziens munis d’un champ de Killing.) Zbl 1445.53051
Bavard, Christophe; Mounoud, Pierre
Extremal rings in Riemann surfaces. (Anneaux extrémaux dans les surfaces de Riemann.) Zbl 1092.53005
Bavard, C.
Le rayon d’injectivité des surfaces à courbure majorée. Zbl 0536.53045
Bavard, C.
Sur l’espace des surfaces à courbure et aire bornées. (On the space of surfaces with bounded curvature and area). Zbl 0636.53054
Bavard, Ch.; Pansu, P.
Courbure presque négative en dimension 3. (Almost negative curvature in dimension 3). Zbl 0642.53047
Bavard, C.
Hyperbolic families of symplectic lattices. (Familles hyperboliques de résaux symplectiques.) Zbl 1008.11027
Bavard, Christophe
Equality in László Fejes Tóth’s triangle bound for hyperbolic surfaces. Zbl 1299.51008
Bavard, Christophe; Böröczky, Károly jun.; Farkas, Borbála; Prok, István; Vena, Lluis; Wintsche, Gergely
Maximal extensions and classification of Lorentzian tori with a Killing field. (Extensions maximales et classification des tores Lorentziens munis d’un champ de Killing.) Zbl 1445.53051
Bavard, Christophe; Mounoud, Pierre
Uniformization of Riemann surfaces. Revisiting a hundred-year-old theorem. Translated from the French by Robert G. Burns. Zbl 1332.30001
de Saint-Gervais, Henri Paul
On Lorentzian compact surfaces without conjugate points. (Sur les surfaces lorentziennes compactes sans points conjugués.) Zbl 1262.53059
Bavard, Christophe; Mounoud, Pierre
Equality in László Fejes Tóth’s triangle bound for hyperbolic surfaces. Zbl 1299.51008
Bavard, Christophe; Böröczky, Károly jun.; Farkas, Borbála; Prok, István; Vena, Lluis; Wintsche, Gergely
Uniformization of Riemann surfaces. Revisiting a hundred-year-old theorem. (Uniformisation des surfaces de Riemann. Retour sur un théorème centenaire.) Zbl 1228.30001
de Saint-Gervais, Henri Paul
A remark about the systolic geometry of the Klein bottle. (Une remarque sur la géométrie systolique de la bouteille de Klein.) Zbl 1109.53037
Bavard, Christophe
Voronoï’s geometric theory. Finiteness properties for families of lattices and similar objects. (Théorie de Voronoï géométrique. Propriétés de finitude pour les familles de réseaux et analogues.) Zbl 1085.11033
Bavard, Christophe
Extremal rings in Riemann surfaces. (Anneaux extrémaux dans les surfaces de Riemann.) Zbl 1092.53005
Bavard, C.
Minimal classes of lattices and equivariant geometric retractions in symmetric spaces. (Classes minimales de réseaux et rétractions géométriques équivariantes dans les espaces symétriques.) Zbl 1031.11042
Bavard, Christophe
Hyperbolic families of symplectic lattices. (Familles hyperboliques de résaux symplectiques.) Zbl 1008.11027
Bavard, Christophe
Systole and Hermite invariant. (Systole et invariant d’Hermite.) Zbl 1011.53035
Bavard, Christophe
Extremal disks and modular surfaces. (Disques extrémaux et surfaces modulaires.) Zbl 0873.30026
Bavard, Christophe
Planar polygons and hyperbolic polyhedra. (Polygones du plan et polyèdres hyperboliques.) Zbl 0758.52001
Bavard, Christophe; Ghys, Etienne
Isosystolic conformal inequalities. (Inégalités isosystoliques conformes.) Zbl 0783.53041
Bavard, Christophe
Commutators in metabelian groups. (Commutateurs dans les groupes métabéliens.) Zbl 0769.20015
Bavard, Christophe; Meigniez, Gaël
Stable length of commutators. (Longueur stable des commutateurs.) Zbl 0810.20026
Bavard, Christophe
Inégalités isosystoliques conformes pour la bouteille de Klein. (Conformal isosystolic inequalities for the Klein bottle). Zbl 0667.53033
Bavard, C.
Sur l’espace des surfaces à courbure et aire bornées. (On the space of surfaces with bounded curvature and area). Zbl 0636.53054
Bavard, Ch.; Pansu, P.
Courbure presque négative en dimension 3. (Almost negative curvature in dimension 3). Zbl 0642.53047
Bavard, C.
Sur le volume minimal de \({\mathbb{R}}^ 2\). (On the minimal volume of \({\mathbb{R}}^ 2)\). Zbl 0611.53038
Bavard, Christophe; Pansu, Pierre
Inégalité isosystolique pour la bouteille de Klein. (Isosystolic inequalities for the Klein bottle). Zbl 0578.53032
Bavard, Christophe
Le rayon d’injectivité des surfaces à courbure majorée. Zbl 0536.53045
Bavard, C.
all top 5

Cited by 235 Authors

9 Calegari, Danny Matthew Cornelius
9 Sabourau, Stéphane
7 Bavard, Christophe
6 Girondo, Ernesto
6 Nakamura, Gou
5 Fujiwara, Koji
5 Heuer, Nicolaus
5 Kawasaki, Morimichi
5 Milman, Emanuel
4 Antonelli, Gioacchino
4 El Mir, Chady
4 Gendulphe, Matthieu
4 Katz, Mikhail G.
4 Kimura, Mitsuaki
4 Löh, Clara
4 Monden, Naoyuki
4 Pansu, Pierre
4 Ritoré, Manuel
4 Shtern, Aleksandr Isaakovich
3 Akhavan-Malayeri, Mehri
3 Deblois, Jason
3 González, Ahtziri
3 Matsushita, Takahiro
3 Mimura, Masato
3 Nardulli, Stefano
3 Parlier, Hugo
3 Pozzetta, Marco
3 Ros, Antonio
3 Saglam, Ismail
3 Yassine, Zeina
2 Ambrozio, Lucas C.
2 Chen, Lvzhou
2 Chodosh, Otis
2 Eichmair, Michael
2 Faria, Mercio Botelho
2 Fillastre, François
2 Forester, Max
2 Fournier-Facio, Francesco
2 Ghys, Étienne
2 Gruber, Peter Manfred
2 Iozzi, Alessandra
2 Izmestiev, Ivan
2 Jabbour, Antonia
2 Korkmaz, Mustafa
2 Lafontaine, Jacques
2 Lopes Vieira, Vandenberg
2 López López, Jorge Luis
2 Louwsma, Joel
2 Martinet, Jacques
2 Maruyama, Shuhei
2 Mehidi, Lilia
2 Monod, Nicolas
2 Montezuma, Rafael
2 Mounoud, Pierre
2 Murray, Ryan W.
2 Mützel, Björn
2 Palazzo, Reginaldo jun.
2 Pérez Muñoz, Joaquín
2 Py, Pierre
2 Reyes, Cristian
2 Schmutz Schaller, Paul
2 Vernadakis, Efstratios
2 Walker, Alden
1 Akrout, Hugo
1 Alonso, Unai Lejarza
1 Arzhantseva, Goulnara N.
1 Balacheff, Florent
1 Barge, Jean
1 Baykur, Refik İnanç
1 ben Simon, Gabi
1 Benjamini, Itai
1 Bérard, Pierre H.
1 Bergé, Anne-Marie
1 Besson, Gérard
1 Bestvina, Mladen
1 Bhattacharya, Atreyee
1 Boissy, Corentin
1 Borman, Matthew Strom
1 Bousch, Thierry
1 Bowden, Jonathan Peter
1 Bromberg, Kenneth W.
1 Bruè, Elia
1 Budzinski, Thomas
1 Burger, Marc
1 Burns, Keith
1 Cao, Jianguo
1 Caprace, Pierre-Emmanuel
1 Casamayou-Boucau, Alexandre
1 Castillo, Federico
1 Columbus, Tobias
1 Coulangeon, Renaud
1 Courtois, Gilles
1 Cui, Xiaojun
1 Curien, Nicolas
1 de Souza, Mário José
1 Debin, Clément
1 Déserti, Julie
1 Despré, Vincent
1 Detinko, Alla S.
1 Doolittle, Joseph
...and 135 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 92 Serials

12 Geometriae Dedicata
11 Annales de l’Institut Fourier
9 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
9 Geometry & Topology
7 Mathematische Annalen
7 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
6 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA
6 Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
6 Algebraic & Geometric Topology
5 Advances in Mathematics
5 Duke Mathematical Journal
5 Inventiones Mathematicae
5 Journal of Topology and Analysis
4 Israel Journal of Mathematics
4 Manuscripta Mathematica
4 Differential Geometry and its Applications
3 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
3 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series
3 Kodai Mathematical Journal
3 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana
3 Journal of the American Mathematical Society
3 The Journal of Geometric Analysis
3 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris
2 Communications in Mathematical Physics
2 Mathematical Notes
2 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série
2 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
2 Glasgow Mathematical Journal
2 Journal of Geometry
2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
2 Siberian Mathematical Journal
2 Topology and its Applications
2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series
2 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
2 Experimental Mathematics
2 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York)
2 Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics
2 Annales Mathématiques du Québec
1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis
1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Journal of Mathematical Physics
1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
1 Journal of Geometry and Physics
1 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie
1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics
1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
1 Journal of Differential Geometry
1 Journal of Functional Analysis
1 Journal of Number Theory
1 Mathematische Zeitschrift
1 Mathematika
1 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society
1 Michigan Mathematical Journal
1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire
1 International Journal of Mathematics
1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation
1 L’Enseignement Mathématique. 2e Série
1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série
1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series
1 Boletim da Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática. Nova Série
1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI
1 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux
1 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics
1 Computational and Applied Mathematics
1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics
1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques
1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations
1 Revista Matemática Complutense
1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series
1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS)
1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
1 Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories
1 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu
1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications
1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics
1 Algebra & Number Theory
1 Journal of Topology
1 International Electronic Journal of Geometry
1 Journal of Singularities
1 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics
1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B
1 Annales Henri Lebesgue
1 Graduate Journal of Mathematics
1 Annales Fennici Mathematici
1 La Matematica
1 Journal of the Association for Mathematical Research

Citations by Year

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