Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Becker, Stephen R. Co-Author Distance Author ID: becker.stephen-r Published as: Becker, Stephen; Becker, Stephen R.; Becker, S. R. more...less Documents Indexed: 39 Publications since 1989, including 14 Additional arXiv Preprints Software Indexed: 2 Packages Co-Authors: 40 Co-Authors with 33 Joint Publications 890 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 1 single-authored 7 Doostan, Alireza 6 Malik, Osman Asif 3 Cheng, Nuojin 3 Dall’Anese, Emiliano 3 Folberth, James 3 Madden, Liam 2 Aravkin, Aleksandr Y. 2 Candès, Emmanuel J. 2 Driggs, Derek 2 Kleiber, William 2 Kozak, David 2 Krock, Mitchell L. 2 Narayan, Akil C. 2 Tenorio, Luis 2 Xu, Yiming 1 Bae, Y. M. 1 Ben Sassi, Mohamed Amin 1 Bobin, Jérôme 1 Boyd-Graber, Jordan 1 Clancy, Richard J 1 Combettes, Patrick L. 1 De, Subhayan 1 Doherty, Kevin 1 Durst, Franz 1 Dütsch, H. 1 Fadili, Jalal M. 1 Fadili, Mohamed-Jalal 1 Grant, Michael C. 1 Grigori, Laura 1 Gronski, Jessica A. 1 Homeyer, N. 1 Horesh, Lior 1 Huang, Zhishen 1 Jonnalagadda, Bhavana 1 Kel, A. E. 1 Konovalova, T. 1 Laird, Lucas 1 Lewicki-Potapov, B. 1 Li, Angran 1 Lienhart, H. 1 Lladser, Manuel E. 1 Ochs, Peter 1 Pourkamali-Anaraki, Farhad 1 Sankaranarayanan, Sriram 1 Shand, Will 1 Simpson, Cooper 1 Stegmaier, P. 1 Tillquist, Richard C. 1 Zhuk, Sergiĭ M. all top 5 Serials 2 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 2 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1 Astronomy and Astrophysics 1 Computers and Fluids 1 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 1 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 SIAM Journal on Optimization 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Formal Methods in System Design 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 1 Advances in Computational Mathematics 1 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 1 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 1 Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 Mathematical Programming Computation 1 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification all top 5 Fields 13 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 13 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 6 Statistics (62-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 14 Publications have been cited 361 times in 318 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ NESTA: A fast and accurate first-order method for sparse recovery. Zbl 1209.90265 Becker, Stephen; Bobin, Jérôme; Candès, Emmanuel J. 140 2011 Templates for convex cone problems with applications to sparse signal recovery. Zbl 1257.90042 Becker, Stephen R.; Candès, Emmanuel J.; Grant, Michael C. 135 2011 Low-Reynolds-number flow around an oscillating circular cylinder at low Keulegan-Carpenter numbers. Zbl 0922.76024 Dütsch, H.; Durst, F.; Becker, S.; Lienhart, H. 99 1998 On quasi-Newton forward-backward splitting: proximal calculus and convergence. Zbl 1461.65128 Becker, Stephen; Fadili, Jalal; Ochs, Peter 23 2019 An algorithm for splitting parallel sums of linearly composed monotone operators, with applications to signal recovery. Zbl 1293.47059 Becker, Stephen R.; Combettes, Patrick L. 14 2014 A stochastic subspace approach to gradient-free optimization in high dimensions. Zbl 1473.90087 Kozak, David; Becker, Stephen; Doostan, Alireza; Tenorio, Luis 8 2021 Guarantees for the Kronecker fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform using a coherence and sampling argument. Zbl 1444.15009 Malik, Osman Asif; Becker, Stephen 8 2020 Resolvability of Hamming graphs. Zbl 1450.05019 Laird, Lucas; Tillquist, Richard C.; Becker, Stephen; Lladser, Manuel E. 7 2020 A hybrid prediction method for low-subsonic turbulent flow noise. Zbl 1242.76079 Moon, Y. J.; Seo, J. H.; Bae, Y. M.; Roger, M.; Becker, S. 5 2010 Fast randomized matrix and tensor interpolative decomposition using countsketch. Zbl 1469.65089 Malik, Osman Asif; Becker, Stephen 4 2020 Preconditioned data sparsification for big data with applications to PCA and K-means. Zbl 1368.94060 Pourkamali-Anaraki, Farhad; Becker, Stephen 4 2017 Nonstationary modeling with sparsity for spatial data via the basis graphical Lasso. Zbl 07499873 Krock, Mitchell; Kleiber, William; Becker, Stephen 4 2021 Adapting regularized low-rank models for parallel architectures. Zbl 1405.65079 Driggs, Derek; Becker, Stephen; Aravkin, Aleksandr 3 2019 Template polyhedra and bilinear optimization. Zbl 1426.65079 Gronski, Jessica; Ben Sassi, Mohamed-Amin; Becker, Stephen; Sankaranarayanan, Sriram 3 2019 A stochastic subspace approach to gradient-free optimization in high dimensions. Zbl 1473.90087 Kozak, David; Becker, Stephen; Doostan, Alireza; Tenorio, Luis 8 2021 Nonstationary modeling with sparsity for spatial data via the basis graphical Lasso. Zbl 07499873 Krock, Mitchell; Kleiber, William; Becker, Stephen 4 2021 Guarantees for the Kronecker fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform using a coherence and sampling argument. Zbl 1444.15009 Malik, Osman Asif; Becker, Stephen 8 2020 Resolvability of Hamming graphs. Zbl 1450.05019 Laird, Lucas; Tillquist, Richard C.; Becker, Stephen; Lladser, Manuel E. 7 2020 Fast randomized matrix and tensor interpolative decomposition using countsketch. Zbl 1469.65089 Malik, Osman Asif; Becker, Stephen 4 2020 On quasi-Newton forward-backward splitting: proximal calculus and convergence. Zbl 1461.65128 Becker, Stephen; Fadili, Jalal; Ochs, Peter 23 2019 Adapting regularized low-rank models for parallel architectures. Zbl 1405.65079 Driggs, Derek; Becker, Stephen; Aravkin, Aleksandr 3 2019 Template polyhedra and bilinear optimization. Zbl 1426.65079 Gronski, Jessica; Ben Sassi, Mohamed-Amin; Becker, Stephen; Sankaranarayanan, Sriram 3 2019 Preconditioned data sparsification for big data with applications to PCA and K-means. Zbl 1368.94060 Pourkamali-Anaraki, Farhad; Becker, Stephen 4 2017 An algorithm for splitting parallel sums of linearly composed monotone operators, with applications to signal recovery. Zbl 1293.47059 Becker, Stephen R.; Combettes, Patrick L. 14 2014 NESTA: A fast and accurate first-order method for sparse recovery. Zbl 1209.90265 Becker, Stephen; Bobin, Jérôme; Candès, Emmanuel J. 140 2011 Templates for convex cone problems with applications to sparse signal recovery. Zbl 1257.90042 Becker, Stephen R.; Candès, Emmanuel J.; Grant, Michael C. 135 2011 A hybrid prediction method for low-subsonic turbulent flow noise. Zbl 1242.76079 Moon, Y. J.; Seo, J. H.; Bae, Y. M.; Roger, M.; Becker, S. 5 2010 Low-Reynolds-number flow around an oscillating circular cylinder at low Keulegan-Carpenter numbers. Zbl 0922.76024 Dütsch, H.; Durst, F.; Becker, S.; Lienhart, H. 99 1998 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 672 Authors 10 Tran Dinh Quoc 8 Candès, Emmanuel J. 7 Pong, Ting Kei 6 Aminifard, Zohre 6 Babaie-Kafaki, Saman 6 Rosasco, Lorenzo A. 6 Villa, Silvia 5 Becker, Stephen R. 5 Strohmer, Thomas 4 Andersen, Martin S. 4 Cevher, Volkan 4 Combettes, Patrick L. 4 Fountoulakis, Kimon 4 Gondzio, Jacek 4 Han, Deren 4 Hansen, Per Christian 4 He, Xing 4 Iwen, Mark A. 4 Lan, Guanghui 4 Taylor, Jonathan E. 4 Toh, Kim Chuan 4 Wen, Bo 3 Ahookhosh, Masoud 3 Aravkin, Aleksandr Y. 3 Boyd, Stephen Poythress 3 Cai, Xingju 3 Che, Maolin 3 Chen, Xiaojun 3 Cheng, Lizhi 3 Curtis, Frank E. 3 d’Aspremont, Alexandre 3 Jiao, Yuling 3 Kanzow, Christian 3 Molinari, Cesare 3 Morigi, Serena 3 Nakayama, Shummin 3 Narushima, Yasushi 3 Nocedal, Jorge 3 Osher, Stanley Joel 3 Ouyang, Yuyuan 3 Peng, Jigen 3 Roberts, Lindon 3 Shen, Chungen 3 Shen, Lixin 3 Shi, Yueyong 3 Soltanolkotabi, Mahdi 3 Sun, Defeng 3 Suter, Bruce W. 3 Takeda, Akiko 3 Tibshirani, Ryan J. 3 Vũ, Bằng Công 3 Wei, Yimin 3 Wu, Soon-Yi 3 Xiao, Yunhai 3 Yu, Yongchao 3 Zhang, Lei-Hong 2 Adcock, Ben 2 Alcantara, Jan Harold 2 Byrd, Richard H. 2 Chen, Feishe 2 Chen, Jein-Shan 2 Chen, Ke 2 Chen, Yunmei 2 Dai, Yutong 2 Friedlander, Michael P. 2 Fu, Xiaoling 2 Fung, Samy Wu 2 Ghafoori, Saeide 2 Goldfarb, Donald 2 He, Hongjin 2 Huang, Ting-Zhu 2 Kyrillidis, Anastasios 2 Landi, Germana 2 Lanza, Alessandro 2 Lechner, Theresa 2 Liu, Hongwei 2 Liu, Ruyu 2 Liu, Tianxiang 2 Liu, Zexian 2 Lladser, Manuel E. 2 Lockhart, Richard A. 2 Lu, Zhaosong 2 Macêdo, Ives 2 Morgenshtern, Veniamin I. 2 Needell, Deanna 2 Negrut, Dan 2 Neumaier, Arnold 2 Pan, Shaohua 2 Pock, Thomas 2 Rauhut, Holger 2 Rebegoldi, Simone 2 Rebrova, Elizaveta 2 Robinson, Daniel P. 2 Royer, Clément W. 2 Seelamantula, Chandra Sekhar 2 Selesnick, Ivan W. 2 Sgallari, Fiorella 2 Soltani, Sara 2 Teboulle, Marc 2 Tibshirani, Robert John ...and 572 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 109 Serials 25 Computational Optimization and Applications 14 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 14 SIAM Journal on Optimization 11 The Annals of Statistics 11 Journal of Scientific Computing 11 Optimization Methods & Software 10 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 9 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 7 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 6 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 6 Numerical Algorithms 6 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 5 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 5 Journal of Global Optimization 4 Inverse Problems 4 Mathematics of Operations Research 4 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 4 SIAM Review 4 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 4 Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 Optimization and Engineering 4 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 4 Acta Numerica 4 Optimization Letters 4 Inverse Problems and Imaging 4 Mathematical Programming Computation 3 Journal of Computational Physics 3 Mathematics of Computation 3 Information Sciences 3 Neural Networks 3 Machine Learning 3 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 3 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 3 Statistics and Computing 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2 Discrete Applied Mathematics 2 BIT 2 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 2 International Journal of Computer Vision 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 Abstract and Applied Analysis 2 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 2 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 2 Science China. Mathematics 2 Science China. Information Sciences 2 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 2 Information and Inference 2 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 2 Sampling Theory, Signal Processing, and Data Analysis 2 Environmetrics 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 1 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 1 Automatica 1 Calcolo 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 1 Journal of Computational Mathematics 1 Optimization 1 ACM Transactions on Graphics 1 Statistical Science 1 Information and Computation 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Neural Computation 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1 Formal Methods in System Design 1 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 1 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 1 Bernoulli 1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Soft Computing 1 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery 1 New Journal of Physics 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 1 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 1 Analysis and Applications (Singapore) 1 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Engineering Optimization 1 Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) 1 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 1 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1 Communications in Computational Physics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 1 Electronic Journal of Statistics ...and 9 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 31 Fields 196 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 135 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 73 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 54 Statistics (62-XX) 48 Computer science (68-XX) 43 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 20 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 11 Operator theory (47-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 8 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 6 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Citations by Year