Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Beirão da Veiga, Hugo Co-Author Distance Author ID: beirao-da-veiga.hugo Published as: Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Beirão da Veiga, H.; da Veiga, Hugo Beirão; Beirão Da Veiga, H.; Beirão Da Veiga, Hugo; Veiga, Hugo Beirão da more...less External Links: MGP · ResearchGate Documents Indexed: 168 Publications since 1970, including 7 Additional arXiv Preprints 6 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 4 Publications Co-Authors: 30 Co-Authors with 45 Joint Publications 945 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 129 single-authored 11 Yang, Jiaqi 10 Crispo, Francesca 6 Valli, Alberto 4 Dias, João-Paulo 3 Růžička, Michael 2 Berselli, Luigi Carlo 2 Grisanti, Carlo-Romano 2 Kaplický, Petr 1 Alonso Rodríguez, Ana 1 Bemelmans, Josef 1 Brand, Johannes 1 Clain, Stéphane Louis 1 Constantin, Peter 1 Conti, Franco 1 Costa, Ricardo 1 Debussche, Arnaud 1 Flandoli, Franco 1 Galdi, Giovanni Paolo 1 Ghergu, Marius 1 Li, Tatsien 1 Machado, Gaspar J. 1 Minhós, Feliz Manuel 1 Morando, Alessandro 1 Nóbrega, João M. 1 Quarteroni, Alfio M. 1 Rodrigues, José Francisco 1 Sanchez Rodrigues, Luis 1 Secchi, Paolo 1 Sequeira, Adélia 1 Serapioni, Raul Paolo 1 Seregin, Gregory A. 1 Trebeschi, Paola 1 Van Goethem, Nicolas 1 Videman, Juha Hans all top 5 Serials 15 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 9 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 9 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 7 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 7 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 7 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 4 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 4 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 4 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 3 Journal of Differential Equations 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 3 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 3 Differential and Integral Equations 3 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 3 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 3 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Nonlinearity 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Portugaliae Mathematica 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 2 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Serie Ottava. Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 2 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 2 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 2 Bollettino dell’Unione Matematica Italiana. Series IX 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 American Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Nuova Serie. Sezione VII 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie V. C. Analisi Funzionale e Applicazioni 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell’Università di Modena 1 Journal of Partial Differential Equations 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 1 Advances in Differential Equations 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series IV 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series V. B 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche. III. Ser 1 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 1 RIMS Kôkyûroku Bessatsu 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences all top 5 Fields 152 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 110 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 11 Operator theory (47-XX) 8 Functional analysis (46-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 133 Publications have been cited 1,993 times in 1,146 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A new regularity class for the Navier-Stokes equations in \(\mathbb{R}^ n\). Zbl 0837.35111 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 224 1995 On the existence of strong solutions to a coupled fluid-structure evolution problem. Zbl 1068.35087 Beirão da Veiga, H. 85 2004 Sharp inviscid limit results under Navier-type boundary conditions. An \(L^p\) theory. Zbl 1261.35099 Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, Francesca 84 2010 An \(L^ p\)-theory for the \(n\)-dimensional, stationary, compressible Navier-Stokes equations, and the incompressible limit for compressible fluids. The equilibrium solutions. Zbl 0621.76074 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 66 1987 Regularity for Stokes and generalized Stokes systems under nonhomogeneous slip-type boundary conditions. Zbl 1103.35084 Beirão da Veiga, H. 66 2004 On the regularity of flows with Ladyzhenskaya shear-dependent viscosity and slip or non-slip boundary conditions. Zbl 1075.35045 Beirão da Veiga, H. 64 2005 On the regularizing effect of the vorticity direction in incompressible viscous flows. Zbl 1014.35072 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Berselli, Luigi C. 59 2002 Navier-Stokes equations: Green’s matrices, vorticity direction, and regularity up to the boundary. Zbl 1155.35067 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Berselli, Luigi C. 52 2009 Boundary regularity of shear thickening flows. Zbl 1270.35360 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Kaplický, Petr; Ružička, Michael 47 2011 Existence and asymptotic behavior for strong solutions of the Navier- Stokes equations in the whole space. Zbl 0601.35093 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 43 1987 Concerning the \(W^{k,p}\)-inviscid limit for 3-D flows under a slip boundary condition. Zbl 1270.35333 Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F. 43 2011 Vorticity and regularity for flows under the Navier boundary condition. Zbl 1132.35067 Beirão da Veiga, H. 38 2006 Time-periodic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded cylindrical domains-Leray’s problem for periodic flows. Zbl 1108.35132 Beirão da Veiga, H. 33 2005 Diffusion on viscous fluids. Existence and asymptotic properties of solutions. Zbl 0531.76095 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 30 1983 Long time behavior for one-dimensional motion of a general barotropic viscous fluid. Zbl 0704.76020 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 29 1989 Navier-Stokes equations with shear thinning viscosity. Regularity up to the boundary. Zbl 1190.35174 Beirão da Veiga, H. 29 2009 A sufficient condition on the pressure for the regularity of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0970.35105 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 29 2000 On the Ladyzhenskaya-Smagorinsky turbulence model of the Navier-Stokes equations in smooth domains. The regularity problem. Zbl 1155.35073 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 26 2009 On the global regularity of shear thinning flows in smooth domains. Zbl 1229.35200 Beirão da Veiga, H. 26 2009 On the global \(W^{2,q}\) regularity for nonlinear \(N\)-systems of the \(p\)-Laplacian type in \(n\) space variables. Zbl 1243.35059 Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F. 25 2012 Boundary-value problems for a class of first order partial differential equations in Sobolev spaces and applications to the Euler flow. Zbl 0709.35082 Beirão da Veiga, H. 24 1988 On the smoothness of a class of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0972.35089 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 24 2000 Navier-Stokes equations with shear-thickening viscosity. Regularity up to the boundary. Zbl 1213.76047 Beirão da Veiga, H. 23 2009 Singular limits in compressible fluid dynamics. Zbl 0829.76073 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 23 1994 On the Euler equations for nonhomogeneous fluids. II. Zbl 0503.76008 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Valli, Alberto 23 1980 Existence results in Sobolev spaces for a stationary transport equation. Zbl 0691.35087 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 22 1987 \(L^ p\)-stability for the strong solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in the whole space. Zbl 0678.35076 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Secchi, P. 22 1987 Existence of \(C\infty\) solutions of the Euler equations for non- homogeneous fluids. Zbl 0437.35059 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Valli, Alberto 22 1980 On the barotropic motion of compressible perfect fluids. Zbl 0477.76059 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 22 1981 Stationary motions and the incompressible limit for compressible viscous fluids. Zbl 0663.76066 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 20 1987 Regularity of solutions to a non homogeneous boundary value problem for general Stokes systems in \(\mathbb R^n_+\). Zbl 1062.35059 Beirão da Veiga, H. 20 2005 Perturbation theorems for linear hyperbolic mixed problems and applications to the compressible Euler equations. Zbl 0791.35102 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 20 1993 On the motion of non-homogeneous fluids in the presence of diffusion. Zbl 0593.76104 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Serapioni, Raul; Valli, Alberto 19 1982 On the energy equality for solutions to Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Zbl 1418.35290 da Veiga, Hugo Beirão; Yang, Jiaqi 18 2019 The 3D inviscid limit result under slip boundary conditions. A negative answer. Zbl 1294.35057 Beirão Da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F. 18 2012 On the global regularity for nonlinear systems of the \(p\)-Laplacian type. Zbl 1263.35094 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Crispo, Francesca 16 2013 On the Euler equations for nonhomogeneous fluids. I. Zbl 0459.76003 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Valli, Alberto 16 1980 Perturbation theory and well-posedness in Hadamard’s sense of hyperbolic initial-boundary value problems. Zbl 0818.35057 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 16 1994 A missed persistence property for the Euler equations and its effect on inviscid limits. Zbl 1245.35087 Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F. 16 2012 Data dependence in the mathematical theory of compressible inviscid fluids. Zbl 0754.76068 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 15 1992 Vorticity and regularity for viscous incompressible flows under the Dirichlet boundary condition. Results and related open problems. Zbl 1132.35430 Beirão da Veiga, H. 15 2007 On the suitable weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in the whole space. Zbl 0615.35067 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 14 1985 On a stationary transport equation. Zbl 0641.35006 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 14 1986 Remarks on the Navier-Stokes evolution equations under slip type boundary conditions with linear friction. Zbl 1152.35085 Beirão da Veiga, H. 14 2007 Sur la régularité des solutions de l’équation \(\text{div}\;A (x,u,\nabla u) = B(x,u,\nabla u)\) avec des conditions aux limites unilatérales et melées. Zbl 0278.35023 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 14 1972 Concerning the regularity problem for the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0840.35075 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 14 1995 On an Euler-type equation in hydrodynamics. Zbl 0576.76010 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 13 1980 On non-Newtonian p-fluids. The pseudo-plastic case. Zbl 1168.76001 Beirão da Veiga, H. 13 2008 Concerning the regularity of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations via the truncation method. II. Zbl 0927.35077 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 13 1998 Sulla hölderianità delle soluzioni di alcune disequazioni variazionali con condizioni unilatere al bordo. Zbl 0201.13401 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 13 1970 On the Shinbrot’s criteria for energy equality to Newtonian fluids: a simplified proof, and an extension of the range of application. Zbl 1437.35525 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Yang, Jiaqi 13 2020 Kato’s perturbation theory and well-posedness for the Euler equations in bounded domains. Zbl 0672.35044 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 12 1988 Reducing slip boundary value problems from the half to the whole space. Applications to inviscid limits and to non-Newtonian fluids. Zbl 1223.35254 Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F.; Grisanti, C. R. 11 2011 Vorticity and smoothness in viscous flows. Zbl 1183.76666 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 11 2002 Equazioni ellittiche non lineari con ostacoli sottili. Applicazioni allo studio dei punti regolari. Zbl 0259.35034 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Conti, Franco 11 1972 Remarks on the smoothness of the \(L^\infty(0,T;L^3)\) solutions of the 3-D Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0896.35102 Beirão da Veiga, H. 10 1997 Turbulence models, p-fluid flows, and \(W^{2, L}\) regularity of solutions. Zbl 1168.35031 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 10 2009 On the semiconductor drift diffusion equations. Zbl 0859.35055 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 10 1996 On the construction of suitable weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations via a general approximation theorem. Zbl 0615.35068 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 9 1985 On the sharp vanishing viscosity limit of viscous incompressible fluid flows. Zbl 1195.35246 Beirão da Veiga, H. 9 2010 Direction of vorticity and regularity up to the boundary: on the Lipschitz-continuous case. Zbl 1410.76035 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 9 2013 Concerning the regularity of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations via the truncation method; Part I. Zbl 0940.35154 Beirão da Veiga, H. 9 1997 On nonlinear potential theory, and regular boundary points, for the \(p\)-Laplacian in \(N\) space variables. Zbl 1284.31002 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 9 2014 The stability of one dimensional stationary flows of compressible viscous fluids. Zbl 0712.76074 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 8 1990 On the \(W^{2,p}\)-regularity for solutions of mixed problems. Zbl 0264.35017 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 8 1974 On a family of results concerning direction of vorticity and regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1303.35053 Beirão da Veiga, H. 8 2014 Long time behaviour of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations with diffusion. Zbl 0901.35069 Beirão da Veiga, H. 8 1996 A well-posedness theorem for non-homogeneous inviscid fluids via a perturbation theorem. Zbl 0682.35012 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 7 1989 A review on some contributions to perturbation theory, singular limits and well-posedness. Zbl 1170.35012 Beirão da Veiga, H. 7 2009 On the extension to slip boundary conditions of a Bae and Choe regularity criterion for the Navier-Stokes equations. the half-space case. Zbl 1367.35103 Beirão da Veiga, H. 7 2017 On the solutions in the large of the two-dimensional flow of a nonviscous incompressible fluid. Zbl 0497.35005 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 7 1983 On the singular limit for slightly compressible fluids. Zbl 0805.35009 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 7 1994 A new approach to the \(L^ 2\)-regularity theorems for linear stationary nonhomogeneous Stokes systems. Zbl 0885.35088 Beirão da Veiga, H. 7 1997 Navier-Stokes equations: some questions related to the direction of the vorticity. Zbl 1411.35219 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 7 2019 On the motion of a non-homogeneous ideal incompressible fluid in an external force field. Zbl 0433.76001 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Valli, Alberto 6 1978 Regularity criteria for Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions on non-flat boundaries via two velocity components. Zbl 1420.35180 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Yang, Jiaqi 6 2020 Viscous incompressible flows under stress-free boundary conditions. The smoothness effect of near orthogonality or near parallelism between velocity and vorticity. Zbl 1256.35049 Beirão da Veiga, H. 5 2012 Regularity theorems, up to the boundary, for shear thickening flows. Zbl 1352.35085 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Kaplický, Petr; Růžička, Michael 5 2010 Régularité pour une classe d’inéquations non linéaires. Zbl 0204.11801 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 5 1970 Structural stability and data dependence for fully nonlinear hyperbolic mixed problems. Zbl 0801.35083 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 4 1992 Inhomogeneous evolution equations in Banach spaces with a bounded variation data. Zbl 0408.35050 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 4 1979 Proprieta di sommabilita e di limitatezza per soluzioni di disequazioni variazionali ellittiche. Zbl 0236.35021 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 4 1972 Punti regolari per una classe di operatori ellittici non lineari. Zbl 0245.35036 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 4 1972 Concerning the existence of classical solutions to the Stokes system. On the minimal assumptions problem. Zbl 1309.35068 Beirão Da Veiga, H. 4 2014 Classical solutions to the two-dimensional Euler equations and elliptic boundary value problems, an overview. Zbl 1362.35217 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 4 2016 Homogeneous and non-homogeneous boundary value problems for first order linear hyperbolic systems arising in fluid-mechanics. I. Zbl 0503.35052 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 4 1982 The initial-boundary value problem for the non-barotropic compressible Euler equations: Structural-stability and data dependence. Zbl 0836.35092 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 4 1994 On some regularity results for the stationary Stokes system and the 2-\(D\) Euler equations. Zbl 1348.35179 da Veiga, Hugo Beirão 4 2015 On the global regularity for singular \(p\)-systems under non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1259.35091 Beirão da Veiga, H. 3 2013 Concerning the Ladyzhenskaya-Smagorinsky turbulence model of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1128.35079 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 3 2007 Attracting properties for one dimensional flows of a general barotropic viscous fluid. Periodic flows. Zbl 0753.76145 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 3 1992 Differentiability for Green’s operators of variational inequalities and applications to the determination of bifurcation points. Zbl 0431.47039 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 3 1979 Sur l’existence et la régularité des solutions faibles d’une inéquation parabolique non linéaire. Zbl 0256.35043 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Dias, João-Paulo 3 1973 Un principe de maximum pour les solutions d’une classe d’inéquations paraboliques quasi-linéaires. Zbl 0291.35050 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 3 1974 On a two components condition for regularity of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations under physical slip boundary conditions on non-flat boundaries. Zbl 1420.35179 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Bemelmans, Josef; Brand, Johannes 3 2019 Elliptic boundary value problems in spaces of continuous functions. Zbl 1334.31002 Veiga, Hugo Beirão da 3 2016 On the existence theorem for the barotropic motion of a compressible inviscid fluid in the half-space. Zbl 0784.76077 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 3 1993 Singular limits in fluid dynamics. Zbl 0853.76073 Beirão da Veiga, H. 3 1995 Homogeneous and non-homogeneous boundary value problems for first order linear hyperbolic systems arising in fluid mechanics. Zbl 0533.35012 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 3 1983 On mixed pressure-velocity regularity criteria to the Navier-Stokes equations in Lorentz spaces. Zbl 1464.35169 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Yang, Jiaqi 3 2021 A survey on some vanishing viscosity limit results. Zbl 1517.35148 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Crispo, Francesca 2 2023 Imposing slip conditions on curved boundaries for 3D incompressible flows with a very high-order accurate finite volume scheme on polygonal meshes. Zbl 1539.76050 Costa, Ricardo; Clain, Stéphane; Machado, Gaspar J.; Nóbrega, João M.; Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Crispo, Francesca 1 2023 Navier-Stokes equations under slip boundary conditions: lower bounds to the minimal amplitude of possible time-discontinuities of solutions with two components in \(L^{\infty} (L^3)\). Zbl 1498.35380 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Yang, Jiaqi 1 2022 On mixed pressure-velocity regularity criteria to the Navier-Stokes equations in Lorentz spaces. Zbl 1464.35169 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Yang, Jiaqi 3 2021 On the partial regularity of suitable weak solutions in the non-Newtonian shear-thinning case. Zbl 1476.35166 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Yang, Jiaqi 1 2021 On the Shinbrot’s criteria for energy equality to Newtonian fluids: a simplified proof, and an extension of the range of application. Zbl 1437.35525 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Yang, Jiaqi 13 2020 Regularity criteria for Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions on non-flat boundaries via two velocity components. Zbl 1420.35180 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Yang, Jiaqi 6 2020 Onsager’s conjecture for the incompressible Euler equations in the Hölog spaces \(C^{0,\alpha}_\lambda (\bar{\Omega})\). Zbl 1435.35288 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Yang, Jiaqi 1 2020 On the energy equality for solutions to Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids. Zbl 1418.35290 da Veiga, Hugo Beirão; Yang, Jiaqi 18 2019 Navier-Stokes equations: some questions related to the direction of the vorticity. Zbl 1411.35219 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 7 2019 On a two components condition for regularity of the 3D Navier-Stokes equations under physical slip boundary conditions on non-flat boundaries. Zbl 1420.35179 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Bemelmans, Josef; Brand, Johannes 3 2019 On the truth, and limits, of a full equivalence \(p \cong v^2\) in the regularity theory of the Navier-Stokes equations: A point of view. Zbl 1442.76037 Beirão da Veiga, H. 2 2018 Moduli of continuity, functional spaces, and elliptic boundary value problems. The full regularity spaces \(C_\alpha^{0,\lambda}(\overline{\Omega})\). Zbl 1383.35041 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 1 2018 On the extension to slip boundary conditions of a Bae and Choe regularity criterion for the Navier-Stokes equations. the half-space case. Zbl 1367.35103 Beirão da Veiga, H. 7 2017 Classical solutions to the two-dimensional Euler equations and elliptic boundary value problems, an overview. Zbl 1362.35217 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 4 2016 Elliptic boundary value problems in spaces of continuous functions. Zbl 1334.31002 Veiga, Hugo Beirão da 3 2016 On the singular \(p\)-Laplacian system under Navier slip type boundary conditions: the gradient-symmetric case. Zbl 1339.35131 Beirão da Veiga, H. 1 2016 On some regularity results for the stationary Stokes system and the 2-\(D\) Euler equations. Zbl 1348.35179 da Veiga, Hugo Beirão 4 2015 On nonlinear potential theory, and regular boundary points, for the \(p\)-Laplacian in \(N\) space variables. Zbl 1284.31002 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 9 2014 On a family of results concerning direction of vorticity and regularity for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1303.35053 Beirão da Veiga, H. 8 2014 Concerning the existence of classical solutions to the Stokes system. On the minimal assumptions problem. Zbl 1309.35068 Beirão Da Veiga, H. 4 2014 On singular parabolic \(p\)-Laplacian systems under nonsmooth external forces. Regularity up to the boundary. Zbl 1320.35122 Beirão da Veiga, H. 2 2014 Direction of vorticity and smoothness of viscous fluid flows subjected to boundary constraints. Zbl 1305.35006 Beirão da Veiga, H. 1 2014 On the global regularity for nonlinear systems of the \(p\)-Laplacian type. Zbl 1263.35094 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Crispo, Francesca 16 2013 Direction of vorticity and regularity up to the boundary: on the Lipschitz-continuous case. Zbl 1410.76035 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 9 2013 On the global regularity for singular \(p\)-systems under non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1259.35091 Beirão da Veiga, H. 3 2013 On the global \(W^{2,q}\) regularity for nonlinear \(N\)-systems of the \(p\)-Laplacian type in \(n\) space variables. Zbl 1243.35059 Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F. 25 2012 The 3D inviscid limit result under slip boundary conditions. A negative answer. Zbl 1294.35057 Beirão Da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F. 18 2012 A missed persistence property for the Euler equations and its effect on inviscid limits. Zbl 1245.35087 Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F. 16 2012 Viscous incompressible flows under stress-free boundary conditions. The smoothness effect of near orthogonality or near parallelism between velocity and vorticity. Zbl 1256.35049 Beirão da Veiga, H. 5 2012 Boundary regularity of shear thickening flows. Zbl 1270.35360 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Kaplický, Petr; Ružička, Michael 47 2011 Concerning the \(W^{k,p}\)-inviscid limit for 3-D flows under a slip boundary condition. Zbl 1270.35333 Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F. 43 2011 Reducing slip boundary value problems from the half to the whole space. Applications to inviscid limits and to non-Newtonian fluids. Zbl 1223.35254 Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, F.; Grisanti, C. R. 11 2011 Sharp inviscid limit results under Navier-type boundary conditions. An \(L^p\) theory. Zbl 1261.35099 Beirão da Veiga, H.; Crispo, Francesca 84 2010 On the sharp vanishing viscosity limit of viscous incompressible fluid flows. Zbl 1195.35246 Beirão da Veiga, H. 9 2010 Regularity theorems, up to the boundary, for shear thickening flows. Zbl 1352.35085 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Kaplický, Petr; Růžička, Michael 5 2010 A challenging open problem: the inviscid limit under slip-type boundary conditions. Zbl 1193.35137 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 2 2010 On the global integrability for any finite power of the full gradient for a class of generalized power law models \(p<2\). Zbl 1374.35278 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 2 2010 Erratum to: Time-periodic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded cylindrical domains – Leray’s problem for periodic flows. Zbl 1225.35161 Beirão da Veiga, H. 1 2010 Navier-Stokes equations: Green’s matrices, vorticity direction, and regularity up to the boundary. Zbl 1155.35067 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Berselli, Luigi C. 52 2009 Navier-Stokes equations with shear thinning viscosity. Regularity up to the boundary. Zbl 1190.35174 Beirão da Veiga, H. 29 2009 On the Ladyzhenskaya-Smagorinsky turbulence model of the Navier-Stokes equations in smooth domains. The regularity problem. Zbl 1155.35073 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 26 2009 On the global regularity of shear thinning flows in smooth domains. Zbl 1229.35200 Beirão da Veiga, H. 26 2009 Navier-Stokes equations with shear-thickening viscosity. Regularity up to the boundary. Zbl 1213.76047 Beirão da Veiga, H. 23 2009 Turbulence models, p-fluid flows, and \(W^{2, L}\) regularity of solutions. Zbl 1168.35031 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 10 2009 A review on some contributions to perturbation theory, singular limits and well-posedness. Zbl 1170.35012 Beirão da Veiga, H. 7 2009 On non-Newtonian p-fluids. The pseudo-plastic case. Zbl 1168.76001 Beirão da Veiga, H. 13 2008 Vorticity and regularity for viscous incompressible flows under the Dirichlet boundary condition. Results and related open problems. Zbl 1132.35430 Beirão da Veiga, H. 15 2007 Remarks on the Navier-Stokes evolution equations under slip type boundary conditions with linear friction. Zbl 1152.35085 Beirão da Veiga, H. 14 2007 Concerning the Ladyzhenskaya-Smagorinsky turbulence model of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1128.35079 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 3 2007 Vorticity and smoothness in incompressible viscous flows. Boundary value problems. Zbl 1119.35044 Beirão da Veiga, H. 2 2007 Vorticity and regularity for flows under the Navier boundary condition. Zbl 1132.35067 Beirão da Veiga, H. 38 2006 Concerning time-periodic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in cylindrical domains under Navier boundary conditions. Zbl 1118.35026 Beirão da Veiga, H. 1 2006 On the regularity of flows with Ladyzhenskaya shear-dependent viscosity and slip or non-slip boundary conditions. Zbl 1075.35045 Beirão da Veiga, H. 64 2005 Time-periodic solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in unbounded cylindrical domains-Leray’s problem for periodic flows. Zbl 1108.35132 Beirão da Veiga, H. 33 2005 Regularity of solutions to a non homogeneous boundary value problem for general Stokes systems in \(\mathbb R^n_+\). Zbl 1062.35059 Beirão da Veiga, H. 20 2005 On some boundary value problems for incompressible viscous flows with shear dependent viscosity. Zbl 1081.35070 Beirão da Veiga, H. 1 2005 On the existence of strong solutions to a coupled fluid-structure evolution problem. Zbl 1068.35087 Beirão da Veiga, H. 85 2004 Regularity for Stokes and generalized Stokes systems under nonhomogeneous slip-type boundary conditions. Zbl 1103.35084 Beirão da Veiga, H. 66 2004 On the regularizing effect of the vorticity direction in incompressible viscous flows. Zbl 1014.35072 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Berselli, Luigi C. 59 2002 Vorticity and smoothness in viscous flows. Zbl 1183.76666 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 11 2002 A sufficient condition on the pressure for the regularity of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0970.35105 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 29 2000 On the smoothness of a class of weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0972.35089 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 24 2000 Applied nonlinear analysis. In honor of the 70th birthday of Professor Jindřich Nečas. Zbl 0939.00054 1 1999 Concerning the regularity of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations via the truncation method. II. Zbl 0927.35077 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 13 1998 Remarks on the smoothness of the \(L^\infty(0,T;L^3)\) solutions of the 3-D Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0896.35102 Beirão da Veiga, H. 10 1997 Concerning the regularity of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations via the truncation method; Part I. Zbl 0940.35154 Beirão da Veiga, H. 9 1997 A new approach to the \(L^ 2\)-regularity theorems for linear stationary nonhomogeneous Stokes systems. Zbl 0885.35088 Beirão da Veiga, H. 7 1997 On the semiconductor drift diffusion equations. Zbl 0859.35055 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 10 1996 Long time behaviour of the solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations with diffusion. Zbl 0901.35069 Beirão da Veiga, H. 8 1996 A new regularity class for the Navier-Stokes equations in \(\mathbb{R}^ n\). Zbl 0837.35111 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 224 1995 Concerning the regularity problem for the solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0840.35075 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 14 1995 Singular limits in fluid dynamics. Zbl 0853.76073 Beirão da Veiga, H. 3 1995 On the sharp singular limit for slightly compressible fluids. Zbl 0819.35111 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 1 1995 Remarks on the flow of holes and electrons in crystalline semiconductors. Zbl 0856.35122 Beirão da Veiga, H. 1 1995 Singular limits in compressible fluid dynamics. Zbl 0829.76073 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 23 1994 Perturbation theory and well-posedness in Hadamard’s sense of hyperbolic initial-boundary value problems. Zbl 0818.35057 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 16 1994 On the singular limit for slightly compressible fluids. Zbl 0805.35009 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 7 1994 The initial-boundary value problem for the non-barotropic compressible Euler equations: Structural-stability and data dependence. Zbl 0836.35092 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 4 1994 Perturbation theorems for linear hyperbolic mixed problems and applications to the compressible Euler equations. Zbl 0791.35102 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 20 1993 On the existence theorem for the barotropic motion of a compressible inviscid fluid in the half-space. Zbl 0784.76077 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 3 1993 Well-posedness of nonlinear hyperbolic problems and the dynamics of compressible fluids. Zbl 1043.35511 Beirão da Veiga, H. 2 1993 Data dependence in the mathematical theory of compressible inviscid fluids. Zbl 0754.76068 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 15 1992 Structural stability and data dependence for fully nonlinear hyperbolic mixed problems. Zbl 0801.35083 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 4 1992 Attracting properties for one dimensional flows of a general barotropic viscous fluid. Periodic flows. Zbl 0753.76145 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 3 1992 Perturbation theorems and well-posed problems in the theory of hyperbolic partial differential equations. Zbl 0843.35080 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 1 1991 The stability of one dimensional stationary flows of compressible viscous fluids. Zbl 0712.76074 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 8 1990 Long time behavior for one-dimensional motion of a general barotropic viscous fluid. Zbl 0704.76020 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 29 1989 A well-posedness theorem for non-homogeneous inviscid fluids via a perturbation theorem. Zbl 0682.35012 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 7 1989 Boundary-value problems for a class of first order partial differential equations in Sobolev spaces and applications to the Euler flow. Zbl 0709.35082 Beirão da Veiga, H. 24 1988 Kato’s perturbation theory and well-posedness for the Euler equations in bounded domains. Zbl 0672.35044 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 12 1988 An \(L^ p\)-theory for the \(n\)-dimensional, stationary, compressible Navier-Stokes equations, and the incompressible limit for compressible fluids. The equilibrium solutions. Zbl 0621.76074 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 66 1987 Existence and asymptotic behavior for strong solutions of the Navier- Stokes equations in the whole space. Zbl 0601.35093 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 43 1987 Existence results in Sobolev spaces for a stationary transport equation. Zbl 0691.35087 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 22 1987 \(L^ p\)-stability for the strong solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations in the whole space. Zbl 0678.35076 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo; Secchi, P. 22 1987 Stationary motions and the incompressible limit for compressible viscous fluids. Zbl 0663.76066 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 20 1987 Existence and asymptotic behavior for strong solutions of the Navier- Stokes equations in the whole space. Zbl 0649.35074 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 1 1987 On a stationary transport equation. Zbl 0641.35006 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 14 1986 Local energy inequality and singular set for weak solutions of the boundary non-homogeneous Navier-Stokes problem. Zbl 0628.35080 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 2 1986 On the suitable weak solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in the whole space. Zbl 0615.35067 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 14 1985 ...and 33 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 993 Authors 74 Beirão da Veiga, Hugo 36 Fan, Jishan 34 Berselli, Luigi Carlo 30 Zhang, Zujin 24 Zhou, Yong 21 Wu, Fan 20 Liu, Qiao 19 Gala, Sadek 17 Skalák, Zdeněk 16 Secchi, Paolo 14 Crispo, Francesca 14 Yang, Jiaqi 13 Pileckas, Konstantin 13 Sin, Cholmin 13 Xin, Zhouping 12 Bae, Hyeong-Ohk 12 Růžička, Michael 11 Čanić, Sunčica 11 Li, Fucai 11 Ragusa, Maria Alessandra 11 Rojas-Medar, Marko Antonio 11 Takahashi, Takéo 11 Wang, Yanqing 11 Xiao, Yuelong 10 Guo, Zhengguang 9 Penel, Patrick 9 Valli, Alberto 9 Zhao, Jihong 8 Breit, Dominic 8 Kweon, Jae Ryong 8 Masmoudi, Nader 8 Nakamura, Gen 8 Neustupa, Jiří 8 Novotný, Antonín 8 Zajączkowski, Wojciech M. 8 Zlotnik, Alexander A. 7 Chae, Dongho 7 Cianchi, Andrea 7 Dong, Boqing 7 Galdi, Giovanni Paolo 7 Grujić, Zoran 7 Guo, Boling 7 He, Cheng 7 Kang, Kyungkeun 7 Ou, Yaobin 7 Ye, Yulin 7 Zhang, Zhipeng 6 Amrouche, Chérif 6 Chen, Qionglei 6 Ding, Shijin 6 Gazzola, Filippo 6 Geredeli, Pelin Guven 6 Grisanti, Carlo-Romano 6 Huang, Xiangdi 6 Jiang, Song 6 Jin, Bumja 6 Kaplický, Petr 6 Kučera, Petr 6 Kukavica, Igor 6 Lee, Jihoon 6 Li, Yuan 6 Muha, Boris 6 Nečasová, Šárka 6 Pokorný, Milan 6 Qian, Chenyin 6 Schwarzacher, Sebastian 6 Spirito, Stefano 6 Straškraba, Ivan 6 Wu, Jiahong 6 Yamazaki, Kazuo 6 Yao, Zhengan 6 Zhang, Zhifei 5 Chen, Zhimin 5 Consiglieri, Luisa 5 Cui, Shangbin 5 Dias, João-Paulo 5 Diening, Lars 5 Guillén González, Francisco M. 5 Gutiérrez-Santacreu, Juan Vicente 5 Ju, Qiangchang 5 Kim, Jaemyoung 5 Li, Kaitai 5 Maz’ya, Vladimir Gilelevich 5 Mucha, Piotr Bogusław 5 Panasenko, Grigory P. 5 Piasecki, Tomasz 5 Rousset, Frédéric 5 Sueur, Franck 5 Trebeschi, Paola 5 Wolf, Jörg 5 Zhang, Ping 5 Zhong, Xin 4 Benabidallah, Rachid 4 Bisconti, Luca 4 Boulakia, Muriel 4 Bresch, Didier 4 Burczak, Jan 4 Calgaro, Caterina 4 Chainais-Hillairet, Claire 4 Cipriano, Fernanda ...and 893 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 211 Serials 77 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 73 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 67 Journal of Differential Equations 52 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 45 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 36 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 30 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 26 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 23 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 22 Communications in Mathematical Physics 21 Applied Mathematics Letters 20 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 19 Journal of Mathematical Physics 16 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 15 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 15 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 14 Nonlinearity 13 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 13 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 13 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 12 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 12 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 12 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 12 Boundary Value Problems 11 Applicable Analysis 11 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 10 Numerische Mathematik 10 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 10 Journal of Evolution Equations 10 Science China. Mathematics 9 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 8 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 8 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 8 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 7 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 7 Applied Mathematics and Computation 7 Journal of Functional Analysis 7 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 7 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 7 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 7 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 7 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 7 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 6 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 6 Mathematische Nachrichten 6 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 5 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 5 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 5 Mathematische Annalen 5 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 5 Applications of Mathematics 5 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 5 Journal of Nonlinear Science 5 Communications in Contemporary Mathematics 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 5 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 5 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 5 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 4 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 4 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 4 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 4 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 4 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 4 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 4 Electronic Research Archive 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 3 Monatshefte für Mathematik 3 Physica D 3 Applied Numerical Mathematics 3 Journal of Scientific Computing 3 Advances in Differential Equations 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 3 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série 3 Advances in Mathematical Physics 3 Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations 3 AIMS Mathematics 3 SN Partial Differential Equations and Applications 2 Computers and Fluids 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Israel Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Mathematics of Computation 2 Annales Polonici Mathematici 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 2 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 2 Siberian Mathematical Journal 2 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series ...and 111 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 33 Fields 1,050 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 913 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 91 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 67 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 35 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 20 Operator theory (47-XX) 20 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 19 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 17 Functional analysis (46-XX) 15 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 14 Geophysics (86-XX) 13 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 13 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 12 Real functions (26-XX) 9 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 6 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year