Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Bell, John B. Co-Author Distance Author ID: bell.john-b Published as: Bell, John B.; Bell, J. B.; Bell, John more...less Homepage: https://ccse.lbl.gov/people/jbb/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 95 Publications since 1981, including 6 Additional arXiv Preprints Software Indexed: 4 Packages Co-Authors: 127 Co-Authors with 83 Joint Publications 2,004 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 10 single-authored 21 Almgren, Ann S. 15 Day, Marcus S. 10 Garcia, Alejandro L. 10 Shubin, Gregory R. 8 Colella, Phillip 7 Crutchfield, William Y. 7 Donev, Aleksandar 6 Nonaka, Andy 5 Aspden, Andrew J. 5 Marcus, Daniel L. 5 Trangenstein, John Arthur 4 Howell, Louis H. 4 Lijewski, Michael J. 4 Solomon, Jay M. 4 Welcome, Michael L. 3 Duarte, Max 3 Grcar, Joseph F. 3 Minion, Michael L. 3 Rendleman, Charles A. 3 Stephens, Arthur B. 3 Szymczak, William G. 3 Williams, Sarah A. 3 Zhang, Weiqun 2 Alder, Berni Julian 2 Berger, Marsha J. 2 Dalziel, Stuart B. 2 Emmett, Matthew 2 Fai, Thomas G. 2 Goodman, Jonathan B. 2 Griffith, Boyce E. 2 Grout, Ray W. 2 Henry de Frahan, Marc T. 2 Huang, Zhisheng 2 May, Sandra 2 Morzfeld, Matthias 2 Motheau, Emmanuel 2 Pau, George Shu Heng 2 Rider, William J. 2 Sun, Yifei 1 Alawieh, Leen 1 Aziz, A. Kadir 1 Balakrishnan, Kaushik 1 Barenblatt, Grigory Isaakovich 1 Barrio Sanchez, I. 1 Beckner, Vincent E. 1 Berger, Alan E. 1 Bhattacharjee, Amitava 1 Cai, Mingchao 1 Chen, Jacqueline H. 1 Chorin, Alexandre Joel 1 Daniel, David J. 1 Dawson, Clint N. 1 Delgado-Buscalioni, Rafael 1 Deslippe, Jack 1 Diachin, Lori Freitag 1 Djurdjevac, Ana 1 Draeger, Erik 1 Dubey, Anshu 1 Dunning, Thom H. jun. 1 Echekki, Tarek 1 Esclapez, Lucas 1 Evans, Thomas M. 1 Eyink, Gregory L. 1 Finsterle, Stefan A. 1 Foo, Jasmine 1 Foster, Ian T. 1 Francois, Marianne M. 1 Germann, Tim 1 Giuliani, Andrew 1 Glaz, Harland M. 1 Gordon, Mark S. 1 Gulizzi, Vincenzo 1 Habib, Salman 1 Hackerman, L. B. 1 Halappanavar, Mahantesh 1 Hamilton, Steven P. 1 Huang, Zhenyu 1 Hungerford, Aimee L. 1 Kasen, Daniel 1 Kent, Paul R. C. 1 Kolev, Tzanio V. 1 Kothe, Douglas B. 1 Kronfeld, Andreas S. 1 Lijewski, Mike 1 Luo, Ye 1 Mackenzie, Paul B. 1 Marthaler, Tyler 1 McCallen, David B. 1 Messer, Bronson 1 Mniszewski, Sue 1 Monmont, Franck 1 Nikiforakis, Nikolaos 1 Nikiforakis, Nikos 1 Nonaka, Andrew J. 1 Oehmen, Chris 1 Pazner, Will E. 1 Pember, Richard B. 1 Péraud, Jean-Philippe M. 1 Perazzo, Amedeo 1 Perez, Danny ...and 28 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 22 Journal of Computational Physics 8 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 7 Combustion Theory and Modelling 6 Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 4 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 3 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 2 SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Physics of Fluids 1 AIAA Journal 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 Computing and Visualization in Science 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 1 Communications in Computational Physics 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences all top 5 Fields 66 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 44 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 19 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 13 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 6 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 6 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 77 Publications have been cited 2,421 times in 1,739 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A second-order projection method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0681.76030 Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Glaz, Harland M. 500 1989 An adaptive level set approach for incompressible two-phase flows. Zbl 0930.76068 Sussman, Mark; Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Howell, Louis H.; Welcome, Michael L. 215 1999 A conservative adaptive projection method for the variable density incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0933.76055 Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Howell, Louis H.; Welcome, Michael L. 183 1998 A high-order projection method for tracking fluid interfaces in variable density incompressible flows. Zbl 0872.76065 Puckett, Elbridge Gerry; Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Marcus, Daniel L.; Rider, William J. 162 1997 An adaptive Cartesian grid method for unsteady compressible flow in irregular regions. Zbl 0842.76056 Pember, Richard B.; Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Crutchfield, William Y.; Welcome, Michael L. 105 1995 A second-order projection method for variable-density flows. Zbl 0759.76045 Bell, John B.; Marcus, Daniel L. 103 1992 Three-dimensional adaptive mesh refinement for hyperbolic conservation laws. Zbl 0793.65072 Bell, John; Berger, Marsha; Saltzman, Jeff; Welcome, Mike 100 1994 Numerical simulation of laminar reacting flows with complex chemistry. Zbl 0970.76065 Day, M. S.; Bell, J. B. 79 2000 A numerical method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations based on an approximate projection. Zbl 0845.76055 Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Szymczak, William G. 72 1996 An unsplit, higher order Godunov method for scalar conservation laws in multiple dimensions. Zbl 0684.65088 Bell, John B.; Dawson, Clint N.; Shubin, Gregory R. 67 1988 Adaptive mesh and algorithm refinement using direct simulation Monte Carlo. Zbl 0954.76075 Garcia, Alejandro L.; Bell, John B.; Crutchfield, William Y.; Alder, Berni J. 64 1999 Higher order Godunov methods for general systems of hyperbolic conservation laws. Zbl 0675.65090 Bell, John B.; Colella, Philip; Trangenstein, John A. 55 1989 A Cartesian grid projection method for the incompressible Euler equations in complex geometries. Zbl 0910.76040 Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Marthaler, Tyler 55 1997 Mathematical structure of the black-oil model for petroleum reservoir simulation. Zbl 0669.76125 Trangenstein, John A.; Bell, John B. 47 1989 Approximate projection methods. I: Inviscid analysis. Zbl 0995.76059 Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Crutchfield, William Y. 46 2000 A modified equation approach to constructing fourth order methods for acoustic wave propagation. Zbl 0611.76091 Shubin, Gregory R.; Bell, John B. 42 1987 Conservation laws of mixed type describing three-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 0614.76100 Bell, John B.; Trangenstein, John A.; Shubin, Gregory R. 33 1986 On the accuracy of finite-volume schemes for fluctuating hydrodynamics. Zbl 1277.76089 Donev, Aleksandar; Vanden-Eijnden, Eric; Garcia, Alejandro; Bell, John 30 2010 Mathematical structure of compositional reservoir simulation. Zbl 0672.76103 Trangenstein, John A.; Bell, John B. 28 1989 An adaptive mesh projection method for viscous incompressible flow. Zbl 0901.76057 Howell, Louis H.; Bell, John B. 28 1997 Analysis of implicit LES methods. Zbl 1162.76024 Aspden, Andrew; Nikiforakis, Nikos; Dalziel, Stuart; Bell, John B. 23 2008 Adaptive low Mach number simulations of nuclear flame microphysics. Zbl 1115.85302 Bell, J. B.; Day, M. S.; Rendleman, C. A.; Woosley, S. E.; Zingale, M. A. 22 2004 An analysis of the grid orientation effect in numerical simulation of miscible displacement. Zbl 0535.76117 Shubin, G. R.; Bell, J. B. 19 1984 Parallelization of structured, hierarchical adaptive mesh refinement algorithms. Zbl 0971.65089 Rendleman, Charles A.; Beckner, Vincent E.; Lijewski, Mike; Crutchfield, William; Bell, John B. 19 2000 Staggered schemes for fluctuating hydrodynamics. Zbl 1310.76108 Usabiaga, Florencio Balboa; Bell, John B.; Delgado-Buscalioni, Rafael; Donev, Aleksandar; Fai, Thomas G.; Griffith, Boyce E.; Peskin, Charles S. 19 2012 Vorticity intensification and transition to turbulence in the three- dimensional Euler equations. Zbl 0755.76062 Bell, John B.; Marcus, Daniel L. 17 1992 Efficient variable-coefficient finite-volume Stokes solvers. Zbl 1373.76119 Cai, Mingchao; Nonaka, Andy; Bell, John B.; Griffith, Boyce E.; Donev, Aleksandar 17 2014 A finite difference Galerkin formulation for the incompressible Navier- Stokes equations. Zbl 0525.76026 Stephens, A. B.; Bell, J. B.; Solomon, J. M.; Hackerman, L. B. 16 1984 Turbulence-flame interactions in lean premixed hydrogen: transition to the distributed burning regime. Zbl 1241.76435 Aspden, A. J.; Day, M. S.; Bell, J. B. 15 2011 An adaptive grid finite difference method for conservation laws. Zbl 0517.65066 Bell, J. B.; Shubin, G. R. 14 1983 The noncharacteristic Cauchy problem for a class of equations with time dependence. I: Problems in one space dimension. Zbl 0482.35013 Bell, John B. 13 1981 A hybrid particle-continuum method for hydrodynamics of complex fluids. Zbl 1248.76119 Donev, Aleksandar; Bell, John B.; Garcia, Alejandro L.; Alder, Berni J. 12 2010 On the use of higher-order projection methods for incompressible turbulent flow. Zbl 1264.76032 Almgren, A. S.; Aspden, A. J.; Bell, J. B.; Minion, M. L. 12 2013 High-order algorithms for compressible reacting flow with complex chemistry. Zbl 1519.76083 Emmett, Matthew; Zhang, Weiqun; Bell, John B. 11 2014 Computational fluctuating fluid dynamics. Zbl 1426.76627 Bell, John B.; Garcia, Alejandro L.; Williams, Sarah A. 11 2010 Algorithm refinement for fluctuating hydrodynamics. Zbl 1247.76065 Williams, Sarah A.; Bell, John B.; Garcia, Alejandro L. 9 2008 Iterative importance sampling algorithms for parameter estimation. Zbl 1385.65007 Morzfeld, Matthias; Day, Marcus S.; Grout, Ray W.; Heng Pau, George Shu; Finsterle, Stefan A.; Bell, John B. 9 2018 A parallel second-order adaptive mesh algorithm for incompressible flow in porous media. Zbl 1192.76056 Pau, George S. H.; Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Lijewski, Michael J. 8 2009 A conservative, thermodynamically consistent numerical approach for low Mach number combustion. I: Single-level integration. Zbl 1519.80163 Nonaka, Andrew; Day, Marcus S.; Bell, John B. 7 2018 A high-order spectral deferred correction strategy for low Mach number flow with complex chemistry. Zbl 1519.80289 Pazner, Will E.; Nonaka, Andrew; Bell, John B.; Day, Marcus S.; Minion, Michael L. 7 2016 Projection method for viscous incompressible flow on quadrilateral grids. Zbl 0919.76052 Bell, John B.; Solomon, Jay M.; Szymczak, William G. 7 1994 Fully implicit shock tracking. Zbl 0494.76006 Bell, J. B.; Shubin, G. R.; Solomon, J. M. 7 1982 Algorithm refinement for the stochastic Burgers’ equation. Zbl 1113.65007 Bell, John B.; Foo, Jasmine; Garcia, Alejandro L. 7 2007 Low Mach number fluctuating hydrodynamics of diffusively mixing fluids. Zbl 1317.76087 Donev, Aleksandar; Nonaka, Andy; Sun, Yifei; Fai, Thomas G.; Garcia, Alejandro L.; Bell, John B. 6 2014 A fourth-order adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for the multicomponent, reacting compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1519.76171 Emmett, Matthew; Motheau, Emmanuel; Zhang, Weiqun; Minion, Michael; Bell, John B. 5 2019 A method for reducing numerical dispersion in two-phase black-oil reservoir simulation. Zbl 0655.76074 Bell, John B.; Shubin, Gregory R.; Trangenstein, John A. 5 1986 The noncharacteristic Cauchy problem for a class of equations with time dependence. II: Multidimensional problems. Zbl 0482.35014 Bell, John B. 5 1981 AMR for low Mach number reacting flow. Zbl 1246.76122 Bell, John 5 2005 A parallel adaptive projection method for low Mach number flows. Zbl 1058.76579 Bell, J. B.; Day, M. S.; Almgren, A. S.; Lijewski, M. J.; Rendleman, C. A. 5 2002 Active control for statistically stationary turbulent premixed flame simulations. Zbl 1121.80008 Bell, John B.; Day, Marcus S.; Grcar, Joseph F.; Lijewski, Michael J. 5 2006 The thermal explosion revisited. Zbl 0926.76127 Barenblatt, G. I.; Bell, J. B.; Crutchfield, W. Y. 5 1998 A coupled discontinuous Galerkin-finite volume framework for solving gas dynamics over embedded geometries. Zbl 07517120 Gulizzi, Vincenzo; Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B. 4 2022 Instabilities of the Skyrme model. Zbl 0797.65097 Crutchfield, William Y.; Bell, John B. 4 1994 Numerical simulation of a viscous vortex ring interaction with a density interface. Zbl 0828.76018 Marcus, Daniel L.; Bell, John B. 4 1994 A segmentation approach to grid generation using biharmonics. Zbl 0486.65013 Bell, J. B.; Shubin, G. R.; Stephens, A. B. 4 1982 Fluctuation-enhanced electric conductivity in electrolyte solutions. Zbl 1404.78032 Péraud, Jean-Philippe; Nonaka, Andrew J.; Bell, John B.; Donev, Aleksandar; Garcia, Alejandro L. 4 2017 Three dimensional grid generation using biharmonics. Zbl 0504.65067 Shubin, G. R.; Stephens, A. B.; Bell, J. B. 4 1982 Low Mach number fluctuating hydrodynamics of binary liquid mixtures. Zbl 1326.76073 Nonaka, Andy; Sun, Yifei; Bell, John B.; Donev, Aleksandar 4 2015 The mathematical structure of multiphase thermal models of flow in porous media. Zbl 1186.76691 Van Odyck, Daniel E. A.; Bell, John B.; Monmont, Franck; Nikiforakis, Nikolaos 4 2009 A weighted state redistribution algorithm for embedded boundary grids. Zbl 07540352 Giuliani, A.; Almgren, A. S.; Bell, J. B.; Berger, M. J.; Henry de Frahan, M. T.; Rangarajan, D. 3 2022 Exascale applications: skin in the game. Zbl 1462.65230 Alexander, Francis; Almgren, Ann; Bell, John; Bhattacharjee, Amitava; Chen, Jacqueline; Colella, Phil; Daniel, David; Deslippe, Jack; Diachin, Lori; Draeger, Erik; Dubey, Anshu; Dunning, Thom; Evans, Thomas; Foster, Ian; Francois, Marianne; Germann, Tim; Gordon, Mark; Habib, Salman; Halappanavar, Mahantesh; Hamilton, Steven; Hart, William; Huang, Zhenyu (Henry); Hungerford, Aimee; Kasen, Daniel; Kent, Paul R. C.; Kolev, Tzanio; Kothe, Douglas B.; Kronfeld, Andreas; Luo, Ye; Mackenzie, Paul; McCallen, David; Messer, Bronson; Mniszewski, Sue; Oehmen, Chris; Perazzo, Amedeo; Perez, Danny; Richards, David; Rider, William J.; Rieben, Rob; Roche, Kenneth; Siegel, Andrew; Sprague, Michael; Steefel, Carl; Stevens, Rick; Syamlal, Madhava; Taylor, Mark; Turner, John; Vay, Jean-Luc; Voter, Artur F.; Windus, Theresa L.; Yelick, Katherine 3 2020 Thermal fluctuations in the dissipation range of homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Zbl 1508.76048 Bell, John B.; Nonaka, Andrew; Garcia, Alejandro L.; Eyink, Gregory 3 2022 Analysis of a new method for computing the flow of miscible fluids in a porous medium. Zbl 0586.76168 Bell, John B.; Shubin, Gregory R.; Wheeler, Mary Fanett 3 1985 Multiple discrete solutions of the incompressible steady-state Navier- Stokes equations. Zbl 0642.76032 Szymczak, W. G.; Solomon, J. M.; Berger, A. E.; Bell, J. B. 3 1988 Pragmatic logics. Zbl 0760.03007 Bell, John 3 1991 A spectral deferred correction strategy for low Mach number reacting flows subject to electric fields. Zbl 1519.80051 Esclapez, Lucas; Ricchiuti, Valentina; Bell, John B.; Day, Marcus S. 2 2020 Low Mach number modeling of stratified flows. Zbl 1304.76032 Almgren, Ann; Bell, John; Nonaka, Andrew; Zingale, Michael 2 2014 A high resolution adaptive projection method for regional atmospheric modeling. Zbl 0923.76178 Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Howell, Louis H.; Welcome, Michael L. 2 1997 Stochastic algorithms for the analysis of numerical flame simulations. Zbl 1117.80004 Bell, J. B.; Day, M. S.; Grcar, J. F.; Lijewski, M. J. 2 2005 Existence and uniqueness for an equation of mixed type in a rectangle. Zbl 0486.35056 Aziz, A. K.; Bell, J. B.; Schneider, M. 2 1982 Adaptive methods for simulation of turbulent combustion. Zbl 1380.76049 Bell, John; Day, Marcus 2 2011 Towards the distributed burning regime in turbulent premixed flames. Zbl 1419.76693 Aspden, Andrew J.; Day, M. S.; Bell, J. B. 2 2019 A three-dimensional, unsplit Godunov method for scalar conservation laws. Zbl 1387.65098 Nonaka, A.; May, S.; Almgren, A. S.; Bell, J. B. 1 2011 Dynamic obligation hierarchies. Zbl 0940.03006 Bell, John; Huang, Zhisheng 1 1999 The structure and evolution of the vorticity and temperature fields in thermals. Zbl 0775.76040 Marcus, Daniel L.; Bell, John B. 1 1992 The regime diagram for premixed flame kernel-vortex interactions-revisited. Zbl 1190.76125 Vasudeo, Nikhil; Echekki, Tarek; Day, Marcus S.; Bell, John B. 1 2010 A hybrid adaptive low-Mach number/compressible method: Euler equations. Zbl 1415.76502 Motheau, Emmanuel; Duarte, Max; Almgren, Ann; Bell, John B. 1 2018 A coupled discontinuous Galerkin-finite volume framework for solving gas dynamics over embedded geometries. Zbl 07517120 Gulizzi, Vincenzo; Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B. 4 2022 A weighted state redistribution algorithm for embedded boundary grids. Zbl 07540352 Giuliani, A.; Almgren, A. S.; Bell, J. B.; Berger, M. J.; Henry de Frahan, M. T.; Rangarajan, D. 3 2022 Thermal fluctuations in the dissipation range of homogeneous isotropic turbulence. Zbl 1508.76048 Bell, John B.; Nonaka, Andrew; Garcia, Alejandro L.; Eyink, Gregory 3 2022 Exascale applications: skin in the game. Zbl 1462.65230 Alexander, Francis; Almgren, Ann; Bell, John; Bhattacharjee, Amitava; Chen, Jacqueline; Colella, Phil; Daniel, David; Deslippe, Jack; Diachin, Lori; Draeger, Erik; Dubey, Anshu; Dunning, Thom; Evans, Thomas; Foster, Ian; Francois, Marianne; Germann, Tim; Gordon, Mark; Habib, Salman; Halappanavar, Mahantesh; Hamilton, Steven; Hart, William; Huang, Zhenyu (Henry); Hungerford, Aimee; Kasen, Daniel; Kent, Paul R. C.; Kolev, Tzanio; Kothe, Douglas B.; Kronfeld, Andreas; Luo, Ye; Mackenzie, Paul; McCallen, David; Messer, Bronson; Mniszewski, Sue; Oehmen, Chris; Perazzo, Amedeo; Perez, Danny; Richards, David; Rider, William J.; Rieben, Rob; Roche, Kenneth; Siegel, Andrew; Sprague, Michael; Steefel, Carl; Stevens, Rick; Syamlal, Madhava; Taylor, Mark; Turner, John; Vay, Jean-Luc; Voter, Artur F.; Windus, Theresa L.; Yelick, Katherine 3 2020 A spectral deferred correction strategy for low Mach number reacting flows subject to electric fields. Zbl 1519.80051 Esclapez, Lucas; Ricchiuti, Valentina; Bell, John B.; Day, Marcus S. 2 2020 A fourth-order adaptive mesh refinement algorithm for the multicomponent, reacting compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1519.76171 Emmett, Matthew; Motheau, Emmanuel; Zhang, Weiqun; Minion, Michael; Bell, John B. 5 2019 Towards the distributed burning regime in turbulent premixed flames. Zbl 1419.76693 Aspden, Andrew J.; Day, M. S.; Bell, J. B. 2 2019 Iterative importance sampling algorithms for parameter estimation. Zbl 1385.65007 Morzfeld, Matthias; Day, Marcus S.; Grout, Ray W.; Heng Pau, George Shu; Finsterle, Stefan A.; Bell, John B. 9 2018 A conservative, thermodynamically consistent numerical approach for low Mach number combustion. I: Single-level integration. Zbl 1519.80163 Nonaka, Andrew; Day, Marcus S.; Bell, John B. 7 2018 A hybrid adaptive low-Mach number/compressible method: Euler equations. Zbl 1415.76502 Motheau, Emmanuel; Duarte, Max; Almgren, Ann; Bell, John B. 1 2018 Fluctuation-enhanced electric conductivity in electrolyte solutions. Zbl 1404.78032 Péraud, Jean-Philippe; Nonaka, Andrew J.; Bell, John B.; Donev, Aleksandar; Garcia, Alejandro L. 4 2017 A high-order spectral deferred correction strategy for low Mach number flow with complex chemistry. Zbl 1519.80289 Pazner, Will E.; Nonaka, Andrew; Bell, John B.; Day, Marcus S.; Minion, Michael L. 7 2016 Low Mach number fluctuating hydrodynamics of binary liquid mixtures. Zbl 1326.76073 Nonaka, Andy; Sun, Yifei; Bell, John B.; Donev, Aleksandar 4 2015 Efficient variable-coefficient finite-volume Stokes solvers. Zbl 1373.76119 Cai, Mingchao; Nonaka, Andy; Bell, John B.; Griffith, Boyce E.; Donev, Aleksandar 17 2014 High-order algorithms for compressible reacting flow with complex chemistry. Zbl 1519.76083 Emmett, Matthew; Zhang, Weiqun; Bell, John B. 11 2014 Low Mach number fluctuating hydrodynamics of diffusively mixing fluids. Zbl 1317.76087 Donev, Aleksandar; Nonaka, Andy; Sun, Yifei; Fai, Thomas G.; Garcia, Alejandro L.; Bell, John B. 6 2014 Low Mach number modeling of stratified flows. Zbl 1304.76032 Almgren, Ann; Bell, John; Nonaka, Andrew; Zingale, Michael 2 2014 On the use of higher-order projection methods for incompressible turbulent flow. Zbl 1264.76032 Almgren, A. S.; Aspden, A. J.; Bell, J. B.; Minion, M. L. 12 2013 Staggered schemes for fluctuating hydrodynamics. Zbl 1310.76108 Usabiaga, Florencio Balboa; Bell, John B.; Delgado-Buscalioni, Rafael; Donev, Aleksandar; Fai, Thomas G.; Griffith, Boyce E.; Peskin, Charles S. 19 2012 Turbulence-flame interactions in lean premixed hydrogen: transition to the distributed burning regime. Zbl 1241.76435 Aspden, A. J.; Day, M. S.; Bell, J. B. 15 2011 Adaptive methods for simulation of turbulent combustion. Zbl 1380.76049 Bell, John; Day, Marcus 2 2011 A three-dimensional, unsplit Godunov method for scalar conservation laws. Zbl 1387.65098 Nonaka, A.; May, S.; Almgren, A. S.; Bell, J. B. 1 2011 On the accuracy of finite-volume schemes for fluctuating hydrodynamics. Zbl 1277.76089 Donev, Aleksandar; Vanden-Eijnden, Eric; Garcia, Alejandro; Bell, John 30 2010 A hybrid particle-continuum method for hydrodynamics of complex fluids. Zbl 1248.76119 Donev, Aleksandar; Bell, John B.; Garcia, Alejandro L.; Alder, Berni J. 12 2010 Computational fluctuating fluid dynamics. Zbl 1426.76627 Bell, John B.; Garcia, Alejandro L.; Williams, Sarah A. 11 2010 The regime diagram for premixed flame kernel-vortex interactions-revisited. Zbl 1190.76125 Vasudeo, Nikhil; Echekki, Tarek; Day, Marcus S.; Bell, John B. 1 2010 A parallel second-order adaptive mesh algorithm for incompressible flow in porous media. Zbl 1192.76056 Pau, George S. H.; Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Lijewski, Michael J. 8 2009 The mathematical structure of multiphase thermal models of flow in porous media. Zbl 1186.76691 Van Odyck, Daniel E. A.; Bell, John B.; Monmont, Franck; Nikiforakis, Nikolaos 4 2009 Analysis of implicit LES methods. Zbl 1162.76024 Aspden, Andrew; Nikiforakis, Nikos; Dalziel, Stuart; Bell, John B. 23 2008 Algorithm refinement for fluctuating hydrodynamics. Zbl 1247.76065 Williams, Sarah A.; Bell, John B.; Garcia, Alejandro L. 9 2008 Algorithm refinement for the stochastic Burgers’ equation. Zbl 1113.65007 Bell, John B.; Foo, Jasmine; Garcia, Alejandro L. 7 2007 Active control for statistically stationary turbulent premixed flame simulations. Zbl 1121.80008 Bell, John B.; Day, Marcus S.; Grcar, Joseph F.; Lijewski, Michael J. 5 2006 AMR for low Mach number reacting flow. Zbl 1246.76122 Bell, John 5 2005 Stochastic algorithms for the analysis of numerical flame simulations. Zbl 1117.80004 Bell, J. B.; Day, M. S.; Grcar, J. F.; Lijewski, M. J. 2 2005 Adaptive low Mach number simulations of nuclear flame microphysics. Zbl 1115.85302 Bell, J. B.; Day, M. S.; Rendleman, C. A.; Woosley, S. E.; Zingale, M. A. 22 2004 A parallel adaptive projection method for low Mach number flows. Zbl 1058.76579 Bell, J. B.; Day, M. S.; Almgren, A. S.; Lijewski, M. J.; Rendleman, C. A. 5 2002 Numerical simulation of laminar reacting flows with complex chemistry. Zbl 0970.76065 Day, M. S.; Bell, J. B. 79 2000 Approximate projection methods. I: Inviscid analysis. Zbl 0995.76059 Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Crutchfield, William Y. 46 2000 Parallelization of structured, hierarchical adaptive mesh refinement algorithms. Zbl 0971.65089 Rendleman, Charles A.; Beckner, Vincent E.; Lijewski, Mike; Crutchfield, William; Bell, John B. 19 2000 An adaptive level set approach for incompressible two-phase flows. Zbl 0930.76068 Sussman, Mark; Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Howell, Louis H.; Welcome, Michael L. 215 1999 Adaptive mesh and algorithm refinement using direct simulation Monte Carlo. Zbl 0954.76075 Garcia, Alejandro L.; Bell, John B.; Crutchfield, William Y.; Alder, Berni J. 64 1999 Dynamic obligation hierarchies. Zbl 0940.03006 Bell, John; Huang, Zhisheng 1 1999 A conservative adaptive projection method for the variable density incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0933.76055 Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Howell, Louis H.; Welcome, Michael L. 183 1998 The thermal explosion revisited. Zbl 0926.76127 Barenblatt, G. I.; Bell, J. B.; Crutchfield, W. Y. 5 1998 A high-order projection method for tracking fluid interfaces in variable density incompressible flows. Zbl 0872.76065 Puckett, Elbridge Gerry; Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Marcus, Daniel L.; Rider, William J. 162 1997 A Cartesian grid projection method for the incompressible Euler equations in complex geometries. Zbl 0910.76040 Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Marthaler, Tyler 55 1997 An adaptive mesh projection method for viscous incompressible flow. Zbl 0901.76057 Howell, Louis H.; Bell, John B. 28 1997 A high resolution adaptive projection method for regional atmospheric modeling. Zbl 0923.76178 Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Howell, Louis H.; Welcome, Michael L. 2 1997 A numerical method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations based on an approximate projection. Zbl 0845.76055 Almgren, Ann S.; Bell, John B.; Szymczak, William G. 72 1996 An adaptive Cartesian grid method for unsteady compressible flow in irregular regions. Zbl 0842.76056 Pember, Richard B.; Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Crutchfield, William Y.; Welcome, Michael L. 105 1995 Three-dimensional adaptive mesh refinement for hyperbolic conservation laws. Zbl 0793.65072 Bell, John; Berger, Marsha; Saltzman, Jeff; Welcome, Mike 100 1994 Projection method for viscous incompressible flow on quadrilateral grids. Zbl 0919.76052 Bell, John B.; Solomon, Jay M.; Szymczak, William G. 7 1994 Instabilities of the Skyrme model. Zbl 0797.65097 Crutchfield, William Y.; Bell, John B. 4 1994 Numerical simulation of a viscous vortex ring interaction with a density interface. Zbl 0828.76018 Marcus, Daniel L.; Bell, John B. 4 1994 A second-order projection method for variable-density flows. Zbl 0759.76045 Bell, John B.; Marcus, Daniel L. 103 1992 Vorticity intensification and transition to turbulence in the three- dimensional Euler equations. Zbl 0755.76062 Bell, John B.; Marcus, Daniel L. 17 1992 The structure and evolution of the vorticity and temperature fields in thermals. Zbl 0775.76040 Marcus, Daniel L.; Bell, John B. 1 1992 Pragmatic logics. Zbl 0760.03007 Bell, John 3 1991 A second-order projection method for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0681.76030 Bell, John B.; Colella, Phillip; Glaz, Harland M. 500 1989 Higher order Godunov methods for general systems of hyperbolic conservation laws. Zbl 0675.65090 Bell, John B.; Colella, Philip; Trangenstein, John A. 55 1989 Mathematical structure of the black-oil model for petroleum reservoir simulation. Zbl 0669.76125 Trangenstein, John A.; Bell, John B. 47 1989 Mathematical structure of compositional reservoir simulation. Zbl 0672.76103 Trangenstein, John A.; Bell, John B. 28 1989 An unsplit, higher order Godunov method for scalar conservation laws in multiple dimensions. Zbl 0684.65088 Bell, John B.; Dawson, Clint N.; Shubin, Gregory R. 67 1988 Multiple discrete solutions of the incompressible steady-state Navier- Stokes equations. Zbl 0642.76032 Szymczak, W. G.; Solomon, J. M.; Berger, A. E.; Bell, J. B. 3 1988 A modified equation approach to constructing fourth order methods for acoustic wave propagation. Zbl 0611.76091 Shubin, Gregory R.; Bell, John B. 42 1987 Conservation laws of mixed type describing three-phase flow in porous media. Zbl 0614.76100 Bell, John B.; Trangenstein, John A.; Shubin, Gregory R. 33 1986 A method for reducing numerical dispersion in two-phase black-oil reservoir simulation. Zbl 0655.76074 Bell, John B.; Shubin, Gregory R.; Trangenstein, John A. 5 1986 Analysis of a new method for computing the flow of miscible fluids in a porous medium. Zbl 0586.76168 Bell, John B.; Shubin, Gregory R.; Wheeler, Mary Fanett 3 1985 An analysis of the grid orientation effect in numerical simulation of miscible displacement. Zbl 0535.76117 Shubin, G. R.; Bell, J. B. 19 1984 A finite difference Galerkin formulation for the incompressible Navier- Stokes equations. Zbl 0525.76026 Stephens, A. B.; Bell, J. B.; Solomon, J. M.; Hackerman, L. B. 16 1984 An adaptive grid finite difference method for conservation laws. Zbl 0517.65066 Bell, J. B.; Shubin, G. R. 14 1983 Fully implicit shock tracking. Zbl 0494.76006 Bell, J. B.; Shubin, G. R.; Solomon, J. M. 7 1982 A segmentation approach to grid generation using biharmonics. Zbl 0486.65013 Bell, J. B.; Shubin, G. R.; Stephens, A. B. 4 1982 Three dimensional grid generation using biharmonics. Zbl 0504.65067 Shubin, G. R.; Stephens, A. B.; Bell, J. B. 4 1982 Existence and uniqueness for an equation of mixed type in a rectangle. Zbl 0486.35056 Aziz, A. K.; Bell, J. B.; Schneider, M. 2 1982 The noncharacteristic Cauchy problem for a class of equations with time dependence. I: Problems in one space dimension. Zbl 0482.35013 Bell, John B. 13 1981 The noncharacteristic Cauchy problem for a class of equations with time dependence. II: Multidimensional problems. Zbl 0482.35014 Bell, John B. 5 1981 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,016 Authors 42 Bell, John B. 28 Colella, Phillip 25 Dumbser, Michael 17 Kim, Junseok 15 Day, Marcus S. 14 Gibou, Frédéric 13 Adams, Nikolaus A. 13 Sussman, Mark 12 Almgren, Ann S. 12 Popinet, Stéphane 11 Löhner, Rainald 10 Busto, Saray 10 Garcia, Alejandro L. 10 Griffith, Boyce E. 10 Ni, Mingjiu 10 Tavelli, Maurizio 9 Dawson, Clint N. 9 Gao, Xinfeng 9 Klein, Rupert 9 Li, Yibao 9 Liu, Jianguo 9 Lowengrub, John Samuel 9 Min, Chohong 9 Shen, Jie 8 Abdulla, Ugur G. 8 Edwards, Michael G. 8 Fedkiw, Ronald P. 8 Li, Zhilin 8 Møyner, Olav 8 Qiu, Jingmei 8 Saye, Robert I. 8 Scardovelli, Ruben 8 Smooke, Mitchell D. 8 Stastna, Marek 8 Tchelepi, Hamdi A. 8 Tomar, Gaurav 8 Zahr, Matthew J. 8 Zhang, Jiansong 7 Bennett, Beth Anne V. 7 Berger, Marsha J. 7 Bhalla, Amneet Pal Singh 7 Biswas, Gautam 7 Fogelson, Aaron L. 7 Hu, Xiangyu Y. 7 Klar, Axel 7 Lie, Knut-Andreas 7 Manservisi, Sandro 7 Minion, Michael L. 7 Najm, Habib N. 7 Persson, Per-Olof 7 Peskin, Charles S. 7 Schröder, Wolfgang 7 Shashkov, Mikhail J. 6 Bai, Xue-Song 6 Boscheri, Walter 6 Camassa, Roberto 6 Cebral, Juan Raul 6 Deiterding, Ralf 6 Ding, Hang 6 Guermond, Jean-Luc 6 Guy, Robert D. 6 Guzik, Stephen M. 6 Koumoutsakos, Petros D. 6 Li, Zhenquan 6 López, Joaquín 6 Marchesin, Dan 6 Meinke, Matthias 6 Rider, William J. 6 Rycroft, Chris H. 6 Schneider, Kai 6 Shubin, Gregory R. 6 Sun, Tongjun 6 Theillard, Maxime 6 Udaykumar, Holavanahalli S. 6 Xiao, Feng 6 Yuan, Yirang 6 Zaleski, Stéphane 6 Zhang, Jie 6 Zhang, Qinghai 5 An, Rong 5 Atzberger, Paul J. 5 Brandt, Luca 5 Denaro, Filippo Maria 5 Drikakis, Dimitris 5 Ern, Alexandre 5 Goudon, Thierry 5 Greenough, Jeffrey A. 5 Hadjiconstantinou, Nicolas G. 5 Kirkpatrick, Michael Philip 5 Li, Changfeng 5 Liao, Wenyuan 5 Marcus, Daniel L. 5 May, Sandra 5 Mishra, Siddhartha 5 Monasse, Laurent 5 Moncorgé, Arthur 5 Osher, Stanley Joel 5 Patankar, Neelesh A. 5 Pazner, Will E. 5 Sethian, James Albert ...and 2,916 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 177 Serials 640 Journal of Computational Physics 152 Computers and Fluids 84 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 79 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 57 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 54 Journal of Scientific Computing 38 Combustion Theory and Modelling 34 Physics of Fluids 32 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 26 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 26 Computer Physics Communications 25 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 21 Applied Numerical Mathematics 20 Computational Geosciences 17 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 15 Applied Mathematics and Computation 14 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 12 Communications in Computational Physics 11 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 11 Physica D 11 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 8 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 8 Applied Mathematical Modelling 8 Computing and Visualization in Science 8 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 7 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 7 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 7 Computational Mechanics 7 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 7 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 7 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 7 Communications in Applied Mathematics and Computational Science 6 Numerische Mathematik 6 International Journal of Computational Methods 6 Journal of Computational Physics: X 5 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 5 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 5 Flow, Turbulence and Combustion 5 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 5 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Physica A 4 Mathematics of Computation 4 BIT 4 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 4 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 4 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 4 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 4 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 4 SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics 3 Acta Mechanica 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 3 Fluid Dynamics 3 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 3 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 3 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 3 Advances in Computational Mathematics 3 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 3 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 3 Sādhanā 3 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 2 Communications in Mathematical Physics 2 Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 2 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 2 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 2 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 2 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Numerical Algorithms 2 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 2 Journal of Turbulence 2 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Journal of Hyperbolic Differential Equations 2 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 2 Acta Mechanica Sinica 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 2 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 Modern Physics Letters B 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1 General Relativity and Gravitation 1 International Journal of Engineering Science 1 International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Physics Letters. A 1 Physics Letters. B 1 Physics Reports 1 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics ...and 77 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 34 Fields 1,397 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 878 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 307 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 118 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 112 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 53 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 44 Geophysics (86-XX) 44 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 28 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 17 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 13 Computer science (68-XX) 11 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 11 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 6 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 6 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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