Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Belyi, Vladimir Ivanovich (b. 1938 d. 1997) Co-Author Distance Author ID: belyi.vladimir-i Published as: Belyj, V. I.; Belyĭ, V. I.; Belyi, V. I.; Belyi, Vladimir I.; Belyǐ, Vladimir I. more...less Further Spellings: Belyĭ, Vladimir Ivanovich; Белый Владимир Иванович; Білий Володимир Іванович External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND Documents Indexed: 61 Publications since 1965, including 2 Books 6 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 24 Co-Authors with 40 Joint Publications 404 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 27 single-authored 9 Andrievskii, Vladimir V. 5 Majmeskul, V. V. 5 Suvorov, Georgii Dmitrievich 4 Gutlyanskiĭ, Vladimir Ya. 3 Gridasova, I. V. 3 Kravchuk, Elena V. 3 Miklyukov, Vladimir Mikhaiĭlovich 2 Aleksandrov, Igor’ Aleksandrovich 2 Belinskii, P. P. 2 Danilyuk, Ivan Il’ich 2 Golub, Anatoly P. 2 Lavrent’ev, Mikhail Alekseevich 2 Lopatyns’kyĭ, Yaroslav Borysovych 2 Shabat, Boris Vladimirovich 2 Shevchuk, Igor Oleksandrovych 2 Stelkovskaya, I. V. 2 Tamrazov, Promarz Melikovich 1 Barsegian, Grigor A. 1 Belinsky, E. S. 1 Dveĭrin, Mikhail Z. 1 Dzyadyk, Vladyslav Kyrylovych 1 Pritsker, Igor E. 1 Strelkovskaya, I. V. 1 Volkov, Yu. I. all top 5 Serials 8 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 8 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 3 Mathematical Notes 3 Dopovidi Akademiï Nauk Ukraïns’koï RSR. Seriya A 2 Doklady Akademii Nauk Ukrainskoĭ SSR, Seriya A 2 Matematicheskie Zametki 2 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 2 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Armyanskoi SSR. Matematika 2 Mathematics of the USSR, Sbornik 2 Dopovidi Akademiï Nauk Ukraïns’koï RSR 1 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedeniĭ, Matematika 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 1 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik. Novaya Seriya 1 Mathematics of the USSR. Izvestiya 1 Siberian Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya 1 Matematicheskiĭ Sbornik 1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1 Trudy Instituta Prikladnoĭ Matematiki i Mekhaniki 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications all top 5 Fields 53 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 14 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 21 Publications have been cited 150 times in 114 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Conformal invariants in constructive theory of functions of complex variable. Transl. from the Russian by D. N. Kravchuk. Zbl 1156.30300 Andrievskii, V. V.; Belyi, V. I.; Dzjadyk, V. K. 69 1995 Conformal mappings and the approximation of analytic functions in domains with a quasiconformal boundary. Zbl 0388.30007 Belyi, V. I. 47 1977 Conformal mappings and the approximation of analytic functions in domains with a quasi-conformal boundary. (Konforme Abbildungen und die Approximation analytischer Funktionen in Gebieten mit quasikonformem Rand.) Zbl 0358.30005 Belyĭ, V. I. 4 1977 Metric questions in the theory of functions and mappings. 6. (Метрические вопросы теории функций и отображений. Вып. VI.) Zbl 0298.00011 4 1975 Approximation of solutions of the equation \({\bar \partial}^ jf=0\), j\(\geq 1\), in domains with quasiconformal boundary. Zbl 0712.35032 Andrievskij, V. V.; Belyj, V. I.; Majmeskul, V. V. 3 1990 Some properties of conformal and quasiconformal mappings and direct theorems of the constructive theory of functions. Zbl 0314.30031 Belyj, V. I.; Miklyukov, V. M. 3 1976 On the curved wedge condition and the continuity moduli of conformal mappings. Zbl 0808.30007 Belyj, V. I.; Pritsker, I. E. 2 1993 Polynomial approximations and smoothness moduli of functions in regions with a quasiconformal boundary. Zbl 0457.30031 Tamrazov, P. M.; Belyj, V. I. 2 1980 Metric questions of the theory of functions and mappings. No. 4. (Метрические вопросы теории функций и отображений. Вып. IV.) Zbl 0271.00006 2 1973 Einige Eigenschaften konformer und quasikonformer Abbildungen und direkte Sätze der konstruktiven Funktionentheorie. Zbl 0312.30035 Belyj, V. I.; Miklyukov, V. M. 2 1974 On moduli of continuity of exterior and interior conformal mappings of the unit disk. Zbl 0677.30006 Belyj, V. I. 2 1989 Modern methods of the geometric theory of functions of a complex variable in approximation problems. Zbl 0907.30001 Belyĭ, V. I. 1 1997 On Hölder continuity of the Riemann mapping function. Zbl 0714.30010 Belyj, V. I. 1 1988 The application of conformal invariants to the approximation problems of functions of the complex variable. Zbl 0416.41010 Belyj, V. I. 1 1978 The problem of the best linear methods for approximating functions which are analytic in the unit circle. Zbl 0199.12702 Belyj, V. I. 1 1968 Asymptotic behavior of conformal mapping near the boundary and conditions for a domain belonging to the class of (B)-type sets. Zbl 0358.30004 Belyĭ, V. I. 1 1977 Quasiconformal continuation and approximation of functions. Zbl 0541.30026 Belyj, V. I. 1 1983 Moduli of continuity of exterior and interior conformal mappings of the unit disc. Zbl 0692.30005 Belyj, V. I. 1 1989 Distortion of distances under conformal mappings and direct theorems of constuctive function theory. Zbl 0469.30030 Belyj, V. I. 1 1977 Development of the method of conformal invariants and quasiconformal quasi-invariants from the viewpoint of application to problems of polynomial approximation. Zbl 0484.30025 Belyj, V. I. 1 1981 Approximation of functions in domains with a quasiconformal boundary. Zbl 0465.30027 Andrievskij, V. V.; Belyj, V. I. 1 1981 Modern methods of the geometric theory of functions of a complex variable in approximation problems. Zbl 0907.30001 Belyĭ, V. I. 1 1997 Conformal invariants in constructive theory of functions of complex variable. Transl. from the Russian by D. N. Kravchuk. Zbl 1156.30300 Andrievskii, V. V.; Belyi, V. I.; Dzjadyk, V. K. 69 1995 On the curved wedge condition and the continuity moduli of conformal mappings. Zbl 0808.30007 Belyj, V. I.; Pritsker, I. E. 2 1993 Approximation of solutions of the equation \({\bar \partial}^ jf=0\), j\(\geq 1\), in domains with quasiconformal boundary. Zbl 0712.35032 Andrievskij, V. V.; Belyj, V. I.; Majmeskul, V. V. 3 1990 On moduli of continuity of exterior and interior conformal mappings of the unit disk. Zbl 0677.30006 Belyj, V. I. 2 1989 Moduli of continuity of exterior and interior conformal mappings of the unit disc. Zbl 0692.30005 Belyj, V. I. 1 1989 On Hölder continuity of the Riemann mapping function. Zbl 0714.30010 Belyj, V. I. 1 1988 Quasiconformal continuation and approximation of functions. Zbl 0541.30026 Belyj, V. I. 1 1983 Development of the method of conformal invariants and quasiconformal quasi-invariants from the viewpoint of application to problems of polynomial approximation. Zbl 0484.30025 Belyj, V. I. 1 1981 Approximation of functions in domains with a quasiconformal boundary. Zbl 0465.30027 Andrievskij, V. V.; Belyj, V. I. 1 1981 Polynomial approximations and smoothness moduli of functions in regions with a quasiconformal boundary. Zbl 0457.30031 Tamrazov, P. M.; Belyj, V. I. 2 1980 The application of conformal invariants to the approximation problems of functions of the complex variable. Zbl 0416.41010 Belyj, V. I. 1 1978 Conformal mappings and the approximation of analytic functions in domains with a quasiconformal boundary. Zbl 0388.30007 Belyi, V. I. 47 1977 Conformal mappings and the approximation of analytic functions in domains with a quasi-conformal boundary. (Konforme Abbildungen und die Approximation analytischer Funktionen in Gebieten mit quasikonformem Rand.) Zbl 0358.30005 Belyĭ, V. I. 4 1977 Asymptotic behavior of conformal mapping near the boundary and conditions for a domain belonging to the class of (B)-type sets. Zbl 0358.30004 Belyĭ, V. I. 1 1977 Distortion of distances under conformal mappings and direct theorems of constuctive function theory. Zbl 0469.30030 Belyj, V. I. 1 1977 Some properties of conformal and quasiconformal mappings and direct theorems of the constructive theory of functions. Zbl 0314.30031 Belyj, V. I.; Miklyukov, V. M. 3 1976 Metric questions in the theory of functions and mappings. 6. (Метрические вопросы теории функций и отображений. Вып. VI.) Zbl 0298.00011 4 1975 Einige Eigenschaften konformer und quasikonformer Abbildungen und direkte Sätze der konstruktiven Funktionentheorie. Zbl 0312.30035 Belyj, V. I.; Miklyukov, V. M. 2 1974 Metric questions of the theory of functions and mappings. No. 4. (Метрические вопросы теории функций и отображений. Вып. IV.) Zbl 0271.00006 2 1973 The problem of the best linear methods for approximating functions which are analytic in the unit circle. Zbl 0199.12702 Belyj, V. I. 1 1968 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 67 Authors 36 Andrievskii, Vladimir V. 22 Abdullayev, Fahreddin G. 11 Özkartepe, Naciye Pelin 8 Belyi, Vladimir Ivanovich 7 Pritsker, Igor E. 7 Shirokov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 6 Blatt, Hans-Peter 4 Israfilov, Daniyal M. 4 Ruscheweyh, Stephan 3 Imashkyzy, Meerim 3 Kryvonos, Liudmyla 3 Majmeskul, V. V. 3 Mamedkhanov, Jamal Islam oglu 3 Sil’vanovich, Ol’ga Vasil’evna 3 Tunç, Tuncay 3 Varga, Richard Steven 2 Dadashova, Irada B. 2 Gün, Cevahir Doğanay 2 Liflyand, Elijah 2 Shevchuk, Igor Oleksandrovych 2 Sintsova, K. A. 1 Abdullayev, Gülnara A. 1 Abdullayev, Gülnare A. 1 Alexeeva, Tatyana Anatolyevna 1 Anderson, James Milne 1 Carpenter, Amos J. 1 Celik, Fatih 1 Chaĭchenko, Stanislav Olegovich 1 Chikvinidze, L. N. 1 Chui, Charles Kam-tai 1 Değer, Uğur 1 DeVore, Ronald A. 1 Dilsizoglu, Dilek 1 Dinew, Sławomir 1 Dinew, Żywomir 1 Farkov, Yuriĭ Anatol’evich 1 Frerick, Leonhard 1 Gaier, Dieter 1 Golub, Anatoly P. 1 Gridasova, I. V. 1 Guven, Ali 1 Hinkkanen, Aimo 1 Hüsing, Jörg 1 Jafarov, Sadulla Z. 1 Langarshoev, Mukhtor Ramazonovich 1 Lesley, Frank David 1 Maimeskul, Victor V. 1 Maksimov, Vyacheslav Ivanovich 1 Müller, Jürgen 1 Oruç, Eda 1 Papamichael, Nicolas 1 Riemenschneider, Sherman D. 1 Ryazanov, Vladimir Il’ich 1 Savchuk, Maryna V. 1 Savchuk, Viktor V. 1 Shabozov, Mirgand Shabozovich 1 Sharpley, Robert C. 1 Simsek, Dağıstan 1 Srebro, Uri 1 Stylianopoulos, Nikos S. 1 Tamrazov, Promarz Melikovich 1 Totik, Vilmos 1 Trigub, Roal’d Mikhaĭlovich 1 Varga, Tamas 1 Volchkov, Valeriĭ Vladimirovich 1 Yakubov, Eduard H. 1 Zhong, Lefan all top 5 Cited in 35 Serials 21 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 14 Journal of Approximation Theory 13 Constructive Approximation 13 Computational Methods and Function Theory 5 Mathematical Notes 5 Vestnik St. Petersburg University. Mathematics 4 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Siberian Mathematical Journal 3 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 2 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 2 Transactions of National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan. Series of Physical-Technical and Mathematical Sciences 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 1 Russian Mathematics 1 Potential Analysis 1 Filomat 1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 1 Journal of Classical Analysis 1 Complex Analysis and its Synergies 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Open Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 10 Fields 101 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 44 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 8 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Real functions (26-XX) 4 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.