Author ID: bengio.samy Recent zbMATH articles by "Bengio, Samy"
Published as: Bengio, Samy; Bengio, S.
Documents Indexed: 22 Publications since 1996
Co-Authors: 52 Co-Authors with 21 Joint Publications
576 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

16 Publications have been cited 204 times in 198 Documents Cited by Year
SVMTorch: Support vector machines for large-scale regression problems. Zbl 1052.68111
Collobert, Ronan; Bengio, Samy
The vehicle routing problem with time windows. II: Genetic search. Zbl 0866.90058
Potvin, Jean-Yves; Bengio, Samy
Why does unsupervised pre-training help deep learning? Zbl 1242.68219
Erhan, Dumitru; Bengio, Yoshua; Courville, Aaron; Manzagol, Pierre-Antoine; Vincent, Pascal; Bengio, Samy
A parallel mixture of SVMs for very large scale problems. Zbl 1003.68135
Collobert, Ronan; Bengio, Samy; Bengio, Yoshua
Large scale online learning of image similarity through ranking. Zbl 1242.68212
Chechik, Gal; Sharma, Varun; Shalit, Uri; Bengio, Samy
The BANCA database and evaluation protocol. Zbl 1050.68651
Bailly-Bailliére, Enrique; Bengio, Samy; Bimbot, Frédéric; Hamouz, Miroslav; Kittler, Josef; Mariéthoz, Johnny; Matas, Jiri; Messer, Kieron; Popovici, Vlad; Porée, Fabienne; Ruiz, Belen; Thiran, Jean-Philippe
Large scale image annotation: learning to rank with joint word-image embeddings. Zbl 1470.68197
Weston, Jason; Bengio, Samy; Usunier, Nicolas
Training highly multiclass classifiers. Zbl 1318.68143
Gupta, Maya R.; Bengio, Samy; Weston, Jason
LLORMA: local low-rank matrix approximation. Zbl 1360.68686
Lee, Joonseok; Kim, Seungyeon; Lebanon, Guy; Singer, Yoram; Bengio, Samy
Face verification competition on the XM2VTS database. Zbl 1050.68830
Messer, Kieron; Kittler, Josef; Sadeghi, Mohammad; Marcel, Sebastien; Marcel, Christine; Bengio, Samy; Cardinaux, F.; Sanderson, C.; Czyz, J.; Vandendorpe, L.; Srisuk, Sanun; Petrou, Maria; Kurutach, Werasak; Kadyrov, Alexander; Paredes, Roberto; Kepenekci, B.; Tek, F. B.; Akar, G. B.; Deravi, Farzin; Mavity, Nick
How do correlation and variance of base-experts affect fusion in biometric authentication tasks? Zbl 1373.62585
Poh, Norman; Bengio, Samy
Robust features for frontal face authentication in difficult image conditions. Zbl 1050.68887
Sanderson, Conrad; Bengio, Samy
Scalability analysis of audio-visual person identity verification. Zbl 1050.68707
Czyz, Jacek; Bengio, Samy; Marcel, Christine; Vandendorpe, Luc
A kernel trick for sequences applied to text-independent speaker verification systems. Zbl 1120.68088
Mariéthoz, Johnny; Bengio, Samy
Multi channel sequence processing. Zbl 1133.68389
Bengio, Samy; Bourlard, Hervé
Writer adaptation techniques in HMM based off-line cursive script recognition. Zbl 1015.68157
Vinciarelli, Alessandro; Bengio, Samy
LLORMA: local low-rank matrix approximation. Zbl 1360.68686
Lee, Joonseok; Kim, Seungyeon; Lebanon, Guy; Singer, Yoram; Bengio, Samy
Training highly multiclass classifiers. Zbl 1318.68143
Gupta, Maya R.; Bengio, Samy; Weston, Jason
Why does unsupervised pre-training help deep learning? Zbl 1242.68219
Erhan, Dumitru; Bengio, Yoshua; Courville, Aaron; Manzagol, Pierre-Antoine; Vincent, Pascal; Bengio, Samy
Large scale online learning of image similarity through ranking. Zbl 1242.68212
Chechik, Gal; Sharma, Varun; Shalit, Uri; Bengio, Samy
Large scale image annotation: learning to rank with joint word-image embeddings. Zbl 1470.68197
Weston, Jason; Bengio, Samy; Usunier, Nicolas
A kernel trick for sequences applied to text-independent speaker verification systems. Zbl 1120.68088
Mariéthoz, Johnny; Bengio, Samy
How do correlation and variance of base-experts affect fusion in biometric authentication tasks? Zbl 1373.62585
Poh, Norman; Bengio, Samy
Multi channel sequence processing. Zbl 1133.68389
Bengio, Samy; Bourlard, Hervé
The BANCA database and evaluation protocol. Zbl 1050.68651
Bailly-Bailliére, Enrique; Bengio, Samy; Bimbot, Frédéric; Hamouz, Miroslav; Kittler, Josef; Mariéthoz, Johnny; Matas, Jiri; Messer, Kieron; Popovici, Vlad; Porée, Fabienne; Ruiz, Belen; Thiran, Jean-Philippe
Face verification competition on the XM2VTS database. Zbl 1050.68830
Messer, Kieron; Kittler, Josef; Sadeghi, Mohammad; Marcel, Sebastien; Marcel, Christine; Bengio, Samy; Cardinaux, F.; Sanderson, C.; Czyz, J.; Vandendorpe, L.; Srisuk, Sanun; Petrou, Maria; Kurutach, Werasak; Kadyrov, Alexander; Paredes, Roberto; Kepenekci, B.; Tek, F. B.; Akar, G. B.; Deravi, Farzin; Mavity, Nick
Robust features for frontal face authentication in difficult image conditions. Zbl 1050.68887
Sanderson, Conrad; Bengio, Samy
Scalability analysis of audio-visual person identity verification. Zbl 1050.68707
Czyz, Jacek; Bengio, Samy; Marcel, Christine; Vandendorpe, Luc
A parallel mixture of SVMs for very large scale problems. Zbl 1003.68135
Collobert, Ronan; Bengio, Samy; Bengio, Yoshua
Writer adaptation techniques in HMM based off-line cursive script recognition. Zbl 1015.68157
Vinciarelli, Alessandro; Bengio, Samy
SVMTorch: Support vector machines for large-scale regression problems. Zbl 1052.68111
Collobert, Ronan; Bengio, Samy
The vehicle routing problem with time windows. II: Genetic search. Zbl 0866.90058
Potvin, Jean-Yves; Bengio, Samy
all top 5

Cited by 524 Authors

5 Chung, Fu-Lai
5 Wang, Shitong
4 Bengio, Yoshua
4 Ying, Yiming
3 Guo, Zheng-Chu
3 Prins, Christian
3 Zanni, Luca
2 Bagirov, Adil M.
2 Baldi, Pierre
2 Bengio, Samy
2 Bordes, Antoine
2 Carrizosa, Emilio
2 Chen, Xiaobo
2 Gendreau, Michel
2 Gondzio, Jacek
2 Hao, Jin-Kao
2 Hoos, Holger H.
2 Hu, Guanyu
2 Hu, Wenjun
2 Ince, Huseyin
2 Kohn, Robert J.
2 Kreimer, Joseph
2 Lin, Chih-Jen
2 Niu, Lingfeng
2 Peng, Xinjun
2 Potvin, Jean-Yves
2 Quiroz, Matias
2 Reghioui, Mohamed
2 Romero Morales, Dolores
2 Serafini, Thomas
2 Sun, Jianguo
2 Taheri, Sona
2 Toh, Kar-Ann
2 Tran, Minh Ngoc
2 Villani, Mattias
2 Weston, Jason
2 Woodsend, Kristian
2 Yang, Jian
2 Zanghirati, Gaetano
2 Zhao, Yongping
2 Zhou, Dingxuan
1 Abe, Naoto
1 Abidi, Mongi A.
1 Abramovich, Felix P.
1 Achanta, Rakesh
1 Adams, Paul R.
1 Adhikary, Ansuman
1 Agarwal, Vivek
1 Agostini, Alejandro
1 Alfandari, Laurent
1 Alham, Nasullah Khalid
1 Álvarez Menéndez, L.
1 Álvarez Riesgo, J. A.
1 Amirghasemi, Mehrdad
1 Androutsopoulos, Konstantinos N.
1 Archetti, Claudia
1 Arslan, Ahmet Faruk
1 Asadi, Soodabeh
1 Ayechew, M. A.
1 Bacciu, Davide
1 Baker, Barrie M.
1 Baldacci, Roberto
1 Balzano, Laura
1 Barkaoui, Mohamed
1 Bartolini, Enrico
1 Bastanfard, Azam
1 Behnke, Sven
1 Belieres, Simon
1 Benjamini, Yuval
1 Berger, Jean
1 Bettebghor, Dimitri
1 Bhattacharyya, Biswarup
1 Biswas, Debajyoti
1 Blum, Christian
1 Bonneel, Nicolas
1 Bordetsky, Alex
1 Boulle, Marc
1 Bourlai, Thirimachos
1 Bowyer, Kevin W.
1 Bunke, Horst
1 Cao, Qiong
1 Cao, Xitailang
1 Cappart, Quentin
1 Carta, Antonio
1 Chaari, Majdi
1 Chae, Yeong Nam
1 Chang, Dongping
1 Chapelle, Olivier
1 Cheah, Chien Chern
1 Chechik, Gal
1 Chen, Bo
1 Chen, Mingtong
1 Chen, Xiaojun
1 Chen, Xiaozhou
1 Chen, Yuning
1 Chen, Zhikui
1 Cheng, Chi-Bin
1 Cheong, Chun Yew
1 Chiang, Tsung-Che
1 Chiang, Wen-Chyuan
...and 424 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 77 Serials

21 Pattern Recognition
15 European Journal of Operational Research
12 Computers & Operations Research
12 Machine Learning
10 Neural Networks
9 Neural Computation
9 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
8 Information Sciences
4 Journal of the American Statistical Association
3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications
3 Journal of the Franklin Institute
3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling
3 Advances in Computational Mathematics
3 Optimization Methods & Software
3 Soft Computing
2 Applied Mathematics and Computation
2 Computer Aided Geometric Design
2 Signal Processing
2 Annals of Operations Research
2 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
2 Computational Optimization and Applications
2 International Journal of Computer Vision
2 INFORMS Journal on Computing
2 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
2 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
2 Computational Management Science
2 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
2 Advances in Data Science and Adaptive Analysis
1 Artificial Intelligence
1 Biological Cybernetics
1 Discrete Applied Mathematics
1 International Journal of General Systems
1 Journal of Computational Physics
1 Journal of Statistical Physics
1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
1 Automatica
1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems
1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
1 Mathematics of Operations Research
1 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Designs, Codes and Cryptography
1 Applied Intelligence
1 Applied Mathematical Modelling
1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
1 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition)
1 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (JAIR)
1 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering
1 PAA. Pattern Analysis and Applications
1 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research
1 Optimization and Engineering
1 RAIRO. Operations Research
1 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
1 OR Spectrum
1 ASTIN Bulletin
1 Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
1 North American Actuarial Journal
1 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing
1 International Journal of Quantum Information
1 Acta Numerica
1 Science in China. Series F
1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
1 Electronic Journal of Statistics
1 Advances in High Energy Physics
1 Algorithms
1 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
1 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
1 Central European Journal of Computer Science
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China
1 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science

Citations by Year