Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Berge, Claude Jacques Roger (b. 1926 d. 2002) Co-Author Distance Author ID: berge.claude Published as: Berge, Claude; Berge, C. External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Member of Collective: Ouvroir de littérature potentielle (Oulipo) Documents Indexed: 150 Publications since 1950, including 27 Books 4 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 6 Publications Co-Authors: 22 Co-Authors with 32 Joint Publications 701 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 121 single-authored 6 Duchet, Pierre 4 Las Vergnas, Michel 3 Ghouila-Houri, Alain 2 Chvátal, Václav 2 Reed, Bruce Alan 2 Simonovits, Miklós 2 Sterboul, Francois 1 Bresson, D. 1 Camion, Paul F. 1 Chen, Chuan-Chong 1 Fouquet, Jean-Luc 1 Fournier, Jean-Claude 1 Ghouilla-Houri, A. 1 Hilton, Anthony J. W. 1 Hoffman, Alan J. 1 Johnson, Ellis L. 1 Rado, Richard 1 Ramírez Alfonsín, Jorge Luis 1 Rao, A. Ramachandra 1 Ray-Chaudhuri, Dijen K. 1 Scheinerman, Edward R. 1 Schützenberger, Marcel-Paul 1 Seow, C. S. 1 Ullman, Daniel H. all top 5 Serials 13 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris 10 Discrete Mathematics 9 Cahiers du Centre d’Études de Recherche Opérationnelle 4 Discrete Applied Mathematics 4 North-Holland Mathematical Library 3 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 2 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 2 Le Matematiche 2 Combinatorica 2 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 2 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 2 Annals of Discrete Mathematics 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Journal of Graph Theory 1 The Journal of the University of Kuwait. (Science) 1 Mathematical Programming Study 1 Mathematical Programming 1 Publications de l’Institut de Statistique de l’Université de Paris 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica 1 European Journal of Operational Research 1 Proceedings of the Indian National Science Academy. Part A. Physical Sciences 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1 Scientia. Series A: Mathematical Sciences 1 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 1 Annals of Mathematics Studies 1 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1 ISI Lecture Notes 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Mathematics in Science and Engineering 1 Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen. Proceedings. Series A. Indagationes Mathematicae 1 Séminaire de Mathématiques Supérieures all top 5 Fields 118 Combinatorics (05-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 123 Publications have been cited 5,156 times in 4,602 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Multicolorings of graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 0483.05029 Berge, C. 777 1979 Topological spaces including a treatment of multi-valued functions, vector spaces and convexity. Zbl 0114.38602 Berge, Claude 533 1963 Graphes et hypergraphes. Zbl 0213.25702 Berge, Claude 382 1970 Hypergraphs. Combinatorics of finite sets. Transl. from the French. Zbl 0674.05001 Berge, Claude 352 1989 Graphs and hypergraphs. Translated by Edward Minieka. Zbl 0254.05101 Berge, Claude 326 1973 The theory of graphs and its applications. Zbl 0097.38903 Berge, Claude 326 1962 Hypergraphs generalizing bipartite graphs. Zbl 0334.05117 Berge, C. 179 1970 Espaces topologiques. Fonctions multivoques. Zbl 0088.14703 Berge, Claude 169 1959 Sur le couplage maximum d’un graphe. Zbl 0086.16301 Berge, Claude 152 1958 Two theorems in graph theory. Zbl 0086.16202 Berge, Claude 149 1957 Principles of combinatorics. Zbl 0227.05002 Berge, C. 129 1971 Topics on perfect graphs. Zbl 0546.00006 114 1984 Espaces topologiques. Fonctions multivoques. 2e ed. Zbl 0164.52902 Berge, C. 102 1966 Théorie des graphes et ses applications. Zbl 0214.50804 Berge, C. 94 1969 Balanced matrices. Zbl 0247.05126 Berge, C. 81 1972 Graphs. Transl. from the French. 2nd rev. ed. Zbl 0566.05001 Berge, Claude 76 1985 Les problèmes de coloration en théorie des graphes. Zbl 0103.16201 Berge, Claude 68 1960 Théorie générale des jeux à \(n\) personnes. Zbl 0082.34702 Berge, Claude 63 1957 Graphes et hypergraphes. 2e éd. Zbl 0332.05101 Berge, Claude 61 1973 Strongly perfect graphs. Zbl 0558.05037 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 58 1984 The multicolourings of graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 0391.05028 Berge, Claude 49 1976 Recent problems and results about kernels in directed graphs. Zbl 0721.05027 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 40 1990 Fractional graph theory. A rational approach to the theory of graphs. With a foreword by Claude Berge. Reprint of the 1997 original. Zbl 1254.05003 Scheinerman, Edward R.; Ullman, Daniel H. 39 2011 Graphs and hypergraphs. Translated by Edward Minieka. 2nd rev. ed. Zbl 0311.05101 Berge, Claude 34 1976 Graphes. 3rd ed. Zbl 0531.05031 Berge, Claude 32 1983 Principes de combinatoire. (Principles of combinatorics.). Zbl 0227.05001 Berge, C. 31 1968 Sur un théorème du type König pour hypergraphes. (On a König-type theorem for hypergraphs). Zbl 0229.05136 Berge, Claude; Las Vergnas, Michel 28 1970 Combinatorial properties of polyominoes. Zbl 0491.05048 Berge, C.; Chen, C. C.; Chvatal, V.; Seow, C. S. 26 1981 The theory of graphs. Translated from the 1958 French edition by Alison Doig. 2nd printing of the 1962 first English edition. Zbl 0993.05001 Berge, Claude 26 2001 Path-partitions in directed graphs and posets. Zbl 0565.05030 Berge, Claude 25 1985 Isomorphism problems for hypergraphs. Zbl 0312.05122 Berge, C. 24 1974 Some common properties for regularizable graphs, edge-critical graphs and B-graphs. Zbl 0467.05056 Berge, Claude 23 1981 Nombres de coloration de l’hypergraphe h-parti complet. Zbl 0295.05130 Berge, Claude 23 1974 Théorie des graphes et ses applications. Zbl 0088.15404 Berge, Claude 23 1959 Minimax relations for the partial q-colorings of a graph. Zbl 0685.05021 Berge, C. 21 1989 k-optimal partitions of a directed graph. Zbl 0501.05037 Berge, C. 20 1982 A generalization of Gilmore’s theorem. Zbl 0325.05125 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 19 1975 Sur certains hypergraphes généralisant les graphes bipartites. Zbl 0205.54501 Berge, C. 18 1970 Some classes of perfect graphs. Zbl 0203.26403 Berge, C. 18 1967 Nouvelles extensions du noyau d’un graphe et ses applications en théorie des jeux. Zbl 0257.05113 Berge, C. 17 1973 Hypergraphs. Combinatorics of finite sets. (Hypergraphes. Combinatoire des ensembles finis.) Zbl 0623.05001 Berge, Claude 16 1987 Note sur les bonnes colorations d’un hypergraphe. Zbl 0272.05128 Berge, Claude 16 1973 Programmes, jeux et réseaux de transport. Zbl 0111.17302 Berge, C.; Ghouila-Houri, A. 16 1962 Programming, games and transportation networks. Zbl 0138.15505 Berge, C.; Ghouilla-Houri, A. 15 1964 Path partitions in directed graphs. Zbl 0523.05040 Berge, C. 14 1983 A short proof for a generalization of Vizing’s theorem. Zbl 0728.05020 Berge, Claude; Fournier, Jean Claude 13 1991 On the existence of subgraphs with degree constraints. Zbl 0377.05035 Berge, Claude; Las Vergnas, Michel 13 1978 Minimax theorems for normal hypergraphs and balanced hypergraphs - a survey. Zbl 0554.05052 Berge, C. 12 1984 Sur les jeux positionnels. Zbl 0345.90056 Berge, Claude 11 1976 Regularisable graphs. Zbl 0383.05031 Berge, Claude 11 1978 Packing problems and hypergraph theory: A survey. Zbl 0425.05017 Berge, Claude 11 1979 Regularisable graphs I. Zbl 0392.05050 Berge, Claude 11 1978 An application of graph theory to a problem of coding. (Une application de la théorie des graphes à un problème de codage.) Zbl 0187.21303 Berge, C. 10 1966 The rank of a family of sets and some applications to graph theory. Zbl 0197.50402 Berge, C. 10 1969 A combinatorial problem in logic. Zbl 0352.05047 Berge, C.; Rao, A. Ramachandra 10 1977 Théorie des graphes et ses applications. 2ième éd. Zbl 0121.40101 Berge, Claude 10 1963 Some common properties for regularizable graphs, edge-critical graphs and b-graphs. Zbl 0501.05056 Berge, Claude 9 1982 Diperfect graphs. Zbl 0511.05035 Berge, Claude 9 1982 Perfect graphs and kernels. Zbl 0669.05037 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 9 1988 Note on isomorphic hypergraphs and some extensions of Whitney’s theorem to families of sets. Zbl 0275.05128 Berge, C.; Rado, R. 9 1972 The coloring numbers of the direct product of two hypergraphs. Zbl 0321.05145 Berge, C.; Simonovits, M. 9 1974 A theorem related to the Chvatal conjecture. Zbl 0324.05121 Berge, C. 9 1976 On the chromatic index of a linear hypergraph and the Chvátal conjecture. Zbl 0726.05055 Berge, C. 8 1989 Some classes of perfect graphs. Zbl 0203.26404 Berge, C. 8 1969 Nombres de coloration de l’hypergraphe h-parti complet. Zbl 0306.05135 Berge, Claude 8 1975 Perfect graphs. Zbl 0329.05118 Berge, Claude 8 1975 Coloring the edges of a hypergraph and linear programming technique. Zbl 0366.05046 Berge, Claude; Johnson, Ellis L. 8 1977 Equipartite colorings in graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 0353.05035 Berge, C.; Sterboul, F. 8 1977 Sur une propriété combinatoire des ensembles convexes. Zbl 0092.15202 Berge, Claude 8 1959 Topological games with perfect information. Zbl 0078.32904 Berge, Claude 7 1957 Balanced matrices and property (G). Zbl 0467.05048 Berge, Claude 7 1980 Optimal packings of edge-disjoint odd cycles. Zbl 0945.05048 Berge, Claude; Reed, Bruce 7 2000 On two conjectures to generalize Vizing’s theorem. Zbl 0739.05037 Berge, Claude 6 1990 Motivations and history of some of my conjectures. Zbl 0873.05066 Berge, Claude 6 1997 Regularisable graphs, II. Zbl 0392.05051 Berge, Claude 6 1978 Sur une théorie ensembliste des jeux alternatifs. Zbl 0050.35604 Berge, Claude 6 1953 Stochastic graphs and strongly perfect graphs - a survey. Zbl 0515.05049 Berge, Claude 5 1983 Alternating chain methods: a survey. Zbl 0245.05115 Berge, Claude 5 1972 The Helly property. Zbl 0424.05040 Berge, Claude 5 1977 Balanced hypergraphs and some applications to graph theory. Zbl 0264.05114 Berge, Claude 4 1973 Fractional graph theory. Zbl 0434.05054 Berge, Claude 3 1978 Regularizable graphs. Zbl 0498.05056 Berge, Claude 3 1979 New classes of perfect graphs. Zbl 0611.05026 Berge, Claude 3 1986 Recent problems and results about kernels in directed graphs. Zbl 0669.05036 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 3 1988 Origins and genesis. Zbl 0984.05040 Berge, C.; Ramírez Alfonsín, J. L. 3 2001 Stochastic graphs and strongly perfect graphs: A survey. Zbl 0716.05035 Berge, C. 3 1984 On two conjectures about edge-colouring hypergraphs. Zbl 0734.05065 Berge, C.; Hilton, A. J. W. 3 1990 Preface. Reflexions sur la place de la théorie des graphes. Zbl 0185.51604 Berge, C. 3 1967 Une généralisation du théorème de Gilmore. Zbl 0333.05122 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 3 1975 Graph theory. Zbl 0121.40102 Berge, Claude 3 1964 Jeux de Nim et solutions. Zbl 0075.29601 Berge, Claude; Schützenberger, Marcel Paul 3 1956 Graph theory and its applications. Transl. from the French by A. A. Zykov. Edited by I. A. Vaĭnshteĭn. (Теория графов и ее применения.) Zbl 0101.16602 Berge, Claude 3 1962 Optimisation and hypergraph theory. Zbl 0746.05047 Berge, Claude 2 1990 Combinatorial games on a graph. Zbl 0849.90148 Berge, Claude 2 1996 The \(q\)-perfect graphs. II. Zbl 0798.05021 Berge, Claude 2 1992 The history of the perfect graphs. Zbl 0842.05001 Berge, Claude 2 1996 A property of k-optimal path-partitions. Zbl 0558.05025 Berge, C. 2 1984 The \(q\)-perfect graphs. I: The case \(q=2\). Zbl 0791.05036 Berge, C. 2 1992 Diperfect graphs. Zbl 0482.05037 Berge, Claude 2 1981 Une condition pour qu’un hypergraphe soit fortement isomorphe à un hypergraphe complet ou multiparti. Zbl 0236.05129 Berge, Claude 2 1972 Fractional graph theory. A rational approach to the theory of graphs. With a foreword by Claude Berge. Reprint of the 1997 original. Zbl 1254.05003 Scheinerman, Edward R.; Ullman, Daniel H. 39 2011 The theory of graphs. Translated from the 1958 French edition by Alison Doig. 2nd printing of the 1962 first English edition. Zbl 0993.05001 Berge, Claude 26 2001 Origins and genesis. Zbl 0984.05040 Berge, C.; Ramírez Alfonsín, J. L. 3 2001 Optimal packings of edge-disjoint odd cycles. Zbl 0945.05048 Berge, Claude; Reed, Bruce 7 2000 Graph theory. (La théorie des graphes.) Zbl 0983.05004 Berge, Claude 1 2000 Edge-disjoint odd cycles in graphs with small chromatic numbers. Zbl 0923.05034 Berge, Claude; Reed, Bruce 1 1999 Motivations and history of some of my conjectures. Zbl 0873.05066 Berge, Claude 6 1997 On the optimal transversals of the odd cycles. Zbl 0883.05088 Berge, C.; Fouquet, J.-L. 1 1997 Combinatorial games on a graph. Zbl 0849.90148 Berge, Claude 2 1996 The history of the perfect graphs. Zbl 0842.05001 Berge, Claude 2 1996 Some properties of non-bicolorable hypergraphs and the four-color problem. Zbl 0851.05080 Berge, Claude 1 1996 The \(q\)-perfect graphs. Zbl 0847.05053 Berge, Claude 1 1995 About vertex-critical non-bicolorable hypergraphs. Zbl 0842.05069 Berge, Claude 1 1994 The \(q\)-perfect graphs. II. Zbl 0798.05021 Berge, Claude 2 1992 The \(q\)-perfect graphs. I: The case \(q=2\). Zbl 0791.05036 Berge, C. 2 1992 The games on a graph. (Les jeux sur un graphe.) Zbl 0776.90099 Berge, Claude 1 1992 A short proof for a generalization of Vizing’s theorem. Zbl 0728.05020 Berge, Claude; Fournier, Jean Claude 13 1991 Recent problems and results about kernels in directed graphs. Zbl 0721.05027 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 40 1990 On two conjectures to generalize Vizing’s theorem. Zbl 0739.05037 Berge, Claude 6 1990 On two conjectures about edge-colouring hypergraphs. Zbl 0734.05065 Berge, C.; Hilton, A. J. W. 3 1990 Optimisation and hypergraph theory. Zbl 0746.05047 Berge, Claude 2 1990 Hypergraphs. Combinatorics of finite sets. Transl. from the French. Zbl 0674.05001 Berge, Claude 352 1989 Minimax relations for the partial q-colorings of a graph. Zbl 0685.05021 Berge, C. 21 1989 On the chromatic index of a linear hypergraph and the Chvátal conjecture. Zbl 0726.05055 Berge, C. 8 1989 Perfect graphs and kernels. Zbl 0669.05037 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 9 1988 Recent problems and results about kernels in directed graphs. Zbl 0669.05036 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 3 1988 Hypergraphs. Combinatorics of finite sets. (Hypergraphes. Combinatoire des ensembles finis.) Zbl 0623.05001 Berge, Claude 16 1987 New classes of perfect graphs. Zbl 0611.05026 Berge, Claude 3 1986 Graphs. Transl. from the French. 2nd rev. ed. Zbl 0566.05001 Berge, Claude 76 1985 Path-partitions in directed graphs and posets. Zbl 0565.05030 Berge, Claude 25 1985 Topics on perfect graphs. Zbl 0546.00006 114 1984 Strongly perfect graphs. Zbl 0558.05037 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 58 1984 Minimax theorems for normal hypergraphs and balanced hypergraphs - a survey. Zbl 0554.05052 Berge, C. 12 1984 Stochastic graphs and strongly perfect graphs: A survey. Zbl 0716.05035 Berge, C. 3 1984 A property of k-optimal path-partitions. Zbl 0558.05025 Berge, C. 2 1984 Transversals of circuits and acyclic orientations in graphs and matroids. Zbl 0538.05026 Berge, C.; Las Vergnas, M. 1 1984 Graphes. 3rd ed. Zbl 0531.05031 Berge, Claude 32 1983 Path partitions in directed graphs. Zbl 0523.05040 Berge, C. 14 1983 Stochastic graphs and strongly perfect graphs - a survey. Zbl 0515.05049 Berge, Claude 5 1983 Sur le nombre minimum d’arcs à inverser pour rendre un graphe fortement connexe: Application à un problème de trafic. Zbl 0558.05023 Berge, C. 1 1983 Combinatorial mathematics. Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Graph Theory and Combinatorics, Marseille-Luminy, June 1981. Zbl 0513.00004 1 1983 k-optimal partitions of a directed graph. Zbl 0501.05037 Berge, C. 20 1982 Some common properties for regularizable graphs, edge-critical graphs and b-graphs. Zbl 0501.05056 Berge, Claude 9 1982 Diperfect graphs. Zbl 0511.05035 Berge, Claude 9 1982 Combinatorial properties of polyominoes. Zbl 0491.05048 Berge, C.; Chen, C. C.; Chvatal, V.; Seow, C. S. 26 1981 Some common properties for regularizable graphs, edge-critical graphs and B-graphs. Zbl 0467.05056 Berge, Claude 23 1981 Diperfect graphs. Zbl 0482.05037 Berge, Claude 2 1981 Balanced matrices and property (G). Zbl 0467.05048 Berge, Claude 7 1980 Multicolorings of graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 0483.05029 Berge, C. 777 1979 Packing problems and hypergraph theory: A survey. Zbl 0425.05017 Berge, Claude 11 1979 Regularizable graphs. Zbl 0498.05056 Berge, Claude 3 1979 On the existence of subgraphs with degree constraints. Zbl 0377.05035 Berge, Claude; Las Vergnas, Michel 13 1978 Regularisable graphs. Zbl 0383.05031 Berge, Claude 11 1978 Regularisable graphs I. Zbl 0392.05050 Berge, Claude 11 1978 Regularisable graphs, II. Zbl 0392.05051 Berge, Claude 6 1978 Fractional graph theory. Zbl 0434.05054 Berge, Claude 3 1978 Multicolorations dans les hypergraphes unimodulaires et matrices dont les coefficients sont des ensembles. Zbl 0412.05047 Berge, C.; Hoffman, A. J. 2 1978 The multicolorings of graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 0371.05010 Berge, Claude 1 1978 Algorithms and extremal problems for equipartite colorings in graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 0419.05040 Berge, Claude 1 1978 Multicoloring of a graph. Zbl 0428.05040 Berge, Claude 1 1978 A combinatorial problem in logic. Zbl 0352.05047 Berge, C.; Rao, A. Ramachandra 10 1977 Coloring the edges of a hypergraph and linear programming technique. Zbl 0366.05046 Berge, Claude; Johnson, Ellis L. 8 1977 Equipartite colorings in graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 0353.05035 Berge, C.; Sterboul, F. 8 1977 The Helly property. Zbl 0424.05040 Berge, Claude 5 1977 Vers une théorie générale des jeux positionnels. Zbl 0349.90137 Berge, Claude 1 1977 The multicolourings of graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 0391.05028 Berge, Claude 49 1976 Graphs and hypergraphs. Translated by Edward Minieka. 2nd rev. ed. Zbl 0311.05101 Berge, Claude 34 1976 Sur les jeux positionnels. Zbl 0345.90056 Berge, Claude 11 1976 A theorem related to the Chvatal conjecture. Zbl 0324.05121 Berge, C. 9 1976 A generalization of Gilmore’s theorem. Zbl 0325.05125 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 19 1975 Nombres de coloration de l’hypergraphe h-parti complet. Zbl 0306.05135 Berge, Claude 8 1975 Perfect graphs. Zbl 0329.05118 Berge, Claude 8 1975 Une généralisation du théorème de Gilmore. Zbl 0333.05122 Berge, C.; Duchet, P. 3 1975 On the good k-colorings of a hypergraph. Zbl 0304.05125 Berge, C. 2 1975 Isomorphism problems for hypergraphs. Zbl 0312.05122 Berge, C. 24 1974 Nombres de coloration de l’hypergraphe h-parti complet. Zbl 0295.05130 Berge, Claude 23 1974 The coloring numbers of the direct product of two hypergraphs. Zbl 0321.05145 Berge, C.; Simonovits, M. 9 1974 Graphs and hypergraphs. Translated by Edward Minieka. Zbl 0254.05101 Berge, Claude 326 1973 Graphes et hypergraphes. 2e éd. Zbl 0332.05101 Berge, Claude 61 1973 Nouvelles extensions du noyau d’un graphe et ses applications en théorie des jeux. Zbl 0257.05113 Berge, C. 17 1973 Note sur les bonnes colorations d’un hypergraphe. Zbl 0272.05128 Berge, Claude 16 1973 Balanced hypergraphs and some applications to graph theory. Zbl 0264.05114 Berge, Claude 4 1973 Introduction à la théorie des hypergraphes. Zbl 0322.05150 Berge, Claude 2 1973 Balanced matrices. Zbl 0247.05126 Berge, C. 81 1972 Note on isomorphic hypergraphs and some extensions of Whitney’s theorem to families of sets. Zbl 0275.05128 Berge, C.; Rado, R. 9 1972 Alternating chain methods: a survey. Zbl 0245.05115 Berge, Claude 5 1972 Une condition pour qu’un hypergraphe soit fortement isomorphe à un hypergraphe complet ou multiparti. Zbl 0236.05129 Berge, Claude 2 1972 Principles of combinatorics. Zbl 0227.05002 Berge, C. 129 1971 Sur une extension de la théorie des matrices bi-stochastiques. Zbl 0287.60083 Berge, C. 1 1971 Graphes et hypergraphes. Zbl 0213.25702 Berge, Claude 382 1970 Hypergraphs generalizing bipartite graphs. Zbl 0334.05117 Berge, C. 179 1970 Sur un théorème du type König pour hypergraphes. (On a König-type theorem for hypergraphs). Zbl 0229.05136 Berge, Claude; Las Vergnas, Michel 28 1970 Sur certains hypergraphes généralisant les graphes bipartites. Zbl 0205.54501 Berge, C. 18 1970 Théorie des graphes et ses applications. Zbl 0214.50804 Berge, C. 94 1969 The rank of a family of sets and some applications to graph theory. Zbl 0197.50402 Berge, C. 10 1969 Some classes of perfect graphs. Zbl 0203.26404 Berge, C. 8 1969 Principes de combinatoire. (Principles of combinatorics.). Zbl 0227.05001 Berge, C. 31 1968 Some classes of perfect graphs. Zbl 0203.26403 Berge, C. 18 1967 Preface. Reflexions sur la place de la théorie des graphes. Zbl 0185.51604 Berge, C. 3 1967 Programme, Spiele, Transportnetze. Zbl 0183.23905 Berge, C.; Ghouila-Houri, A. 2 1967 ...and 23 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 5,348 Authors 78 de Werra, Dominique 60 Galeana-Sánchez, Hortensia 39 Maffray, Frédéric 32 Henning, Michael Anthony 26 Paschos, Vangelis Th. 24 Tuza, Zsolt 21 Hertz, Alain 21 Tomescu, Ioan 20 Berge, Claude Jacques Roger 19 Gurvich, Vladimir A. 19 Milanič, Martin 18 Hoàng, Chính T. 17 Demange, Marc 17 Hansen, Pierre 16 Bonomo-Braberman, Flavia 16 Boros, Endre 16 Jaeger, François 16 Meyniel, Henry 15 Brualdi, Richard Anthony 15 Olariu, Stephan 15 Szwarcfiter, Jayme Luiz 15 Yeo, Anders 14 Conforti, Michele 14 Golumbic, Martin Charles 14 Hamidoune, Yahya Ould 14 Hedetniemi, Stephen Travis 14 Lehel, Jeno 14 Picouleau, Christophe 14 Quilliot, Alain 14 Sanchez-Lopez, Rocio 13 Cornuéjols, Gérard P. 13 Duchet, Pierre 13 Ries, Bernard 13 Zhou, Bo 12 Bermond, Jean-Claude 12 Blidia, Mostafa 12 Chudnovsky, Maria 12 Cockayne, Ernest J. 12 Hammer, Peter Ladislaw 12 Hudry, Olivier 12 Peng, Zaiyun 12 Włodarczyk, Kazimierz 12 Yao, Jen-Chih 11 Durán, Guillermo Alfredo 11 Heydemann, Marie-Claude 11 Lai, Hong-Jian 11 Las Vergnas, Michel 11 Lozin, Vadim Vladislavovich 11 Nowak, Andrzej S. 11 Rojas-Monroy, Rocío 11 Safe, Martín Darío 10 Borg, Peter 10 Cameron, Kathie 10 Chepoi, Victor D. 10 de Figueiredo, Celina M. Herrera 10 Dourado, Mitre Costa 10 Escoffier, Bruno 10 Frosini, Andrea 10 Furedi, Zoltan 10 Guevara, Mucuy-kak 10 Hell, Pavol 10 Hilton, Anthony J. W. 10 Körner, János 10 Levit, Vadim E. 10 Lovász, László 10 Mandrescu, Eugen 10 Plebaniak, Robert 10 Preissmann, Myriam 10 Reed, Bruce Alan 10 Sterboul, Francois 9 Bujtás, Csilla 9 Chang, Gerard Jennhwa 9 Costa, Marie-Christine 9 Diao, Zhuo 9 Ekim, Tınaz 9 Fouquet, Jean-Luc 9 Grabisch, Michel 9 Gyárfás, András 9 Hung, Nguyen Van 9 Jaśkiewicz, Anna 9 Kahn, Jeff D. 9 Lee, Orlando 9 Li, Shengjie 9 Lin, Hongying 9 Linial, Nathan 9 Makino, Kazuhisa 9 Morgan, Jacqueline 9 Selvakumar, Krishnan 9 Seymour, Paul D. 9 Wagler, Annegret Katrin 8 Barth, Dominique 8 Boxer, Laurence 8 Chvátal, Václav 8 De Simone, Caterina 8 Dragan, Feodor F. 8 Ducoffe, Guillaume 8 Dutta, Prajit K. 8 Fraenkel, Aviezri Siegmund 8 Gargano, Luisa 8 Kang, Liying ...and 5,248 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 531 Serials 673 Discrete Mathematics 377 Discrete Applied Mathematics 199 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 137 Theoretical Computer Science 105 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 93 Information Processing Letters 93 Graphs and Combinatorics 80 Linear Algebra and its Applications 79 European Journal of Combinatorics 71 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 69 European Journal of Operational Research 64 Journal of Mathematical Economics 56 Journal of Economic Theory 54 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 45 Journal of Graph Theory 38 Mathematical Programming 38 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 36 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 33 Mathematical Social Sciences 32 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 32 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 31 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 27 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 26 Algorithmica 24 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 23 Applied Mathematics and Computation 23 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 23 Mathematica Slovaca 23 Combinatorica 22 Operations Research Letters 21 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 21 Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory 21 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 20 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 20 Discrete Optimization 19 Applied Mathematics Letters 19 Journal of Global Optimization 19 Games and Economic Behavior 18 Annals of Operations Research 17 Journal of the Franklin Institute 17 Economic Theory 16 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 15 Archiv der Mathematik 15 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 15 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 14 Artificial Intelligence 14 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 14 Automatica 14 Calcolo 14 Computing 14 International Journal of Game Theory 14 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 14 Economics Letters 14 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 14 RAIRO. Operations Research 13 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 13 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 13 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 13 Optimization Letters 12 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 12 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 11 Communications in Algebra 11 Information Sciences 11 Numerische Mathematik 11 Information and Computation 11 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 11 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 11 Matematický Časopis, Slovenskej Akadémie Vied 11 Advances and Applications in Discrete Mathematics 10 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 10 Order 9 Mathematical Notes 9 Physica A 9 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 9 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 9 Kybernetika 9 Topology and its Applications 9 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 9 Chaos 9 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 8 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 8 Israel Journal of Mathematics 8 Mathematische Annalen 8 Advances in Applied Mathematics 8 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 8 Social Choice and Welfare 8 Discrete & Computational Geometry 8 Computational Geometry 8 SIAM Journal on Optimization 8 Cybernetics and Systems Analysis 8 Annals of Combinatorics 8 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 8 Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle. Série Rouge 7 Journal of Mathematical Biology 7 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 7 Theory and Decision 7 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 7 Optimization 7 Computers & Operations Research ...and 431 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 56 Fields 2,771 Combinatorics (05-XX) 812 Computer science (68-XX) 692 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 570 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 194 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 158 General topology (54-XX) 118 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 116 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 107 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 103 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 93 Operator theory (47-XX) 89 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 83 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 81 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 77 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 76 Statistics (62-XX) 71 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 70 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 61 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 50 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 48 Number theory (11-XX) 42 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 35 Functional analysis (46-XX) 29 Real functions (26-XX) 26 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 24 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 23 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 21 Quantum theory (81-XX) 18 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 18 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 18 Geometry (51-XX) 17 Measure and integration (28-XX) 17 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 14 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 13 History and biography (01-XX) 13 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 12 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 11 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 8 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 7 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 7 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 5 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 5 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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