Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Berti, Patrizia Co-Author Distance Author ID: berti.patrizia Published as: Berti, Patrizia; Berti, P. Documents Indexed: 66 Publications since 1980, including 1 Additional arXiv Preprint Co-Authors: 14 Co-Authors with 66 Joint Publications 267 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 0 single-authored 64 Rigo, Pietro 36 Pratelli, Luca 9 Dreassi, Emanuela 6 Crimaldi, Irene 6 Regazzini, Eugenio 4 Leisen, Fabrizio 1 Consonni, Guido 1 Crescioli, Marco 1 Fattorini, Lorenzo 1 Gori, Michele 1 Mattei, Alessandra 1 Miranda, Enrique 1 Scozzafava, Romano 1 Spizzichino, Fabio L. all top 5 Serials 5 The Annals of Probability 3 The Annals of Statistics 3 Statistics & Probability Letters 3 Probability Theory and Related Fields 3 Journal of Theoretical Probability 3 Bernoulli 3 Stochastics 3 Sankhyā 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Journal of Applied Probability 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell’Università di Modena 2 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 2 Electronic Journal of Probability 2 Electronic Communications in Probability 2 Statistical Methods and Applications 2 Journal of the Italian Statistical Society 1 Teoriya Veroyatnosteĭ i eë Primeneniya 1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 1 Statistical Science 1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1 The Annals of Applied Probability 1 Test 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Statistica Sinica 1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 1 Theory of Stochastic Processes 1 International Mathematical Journal 1 Decisions in Economics and Finance 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series V. A 1 Sankhyā. Series A 1 Dependence Modeling Fields 59 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 25 Statistics (62-XX) 9 Measure and integration (28-XX) 7 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 58 Publications have been cited 350 times in 189 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Limit theorems for a class of identically distributed random variables. Zbl 1050.60004 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 39 2004 Almost sure weak convergence of random probability measures. Zbl 1100.60025 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 16 2006 A central limit theorem and its applications to multicolor randomly reinforced urns. Zbl 1225.60038 Berti, Patrizia; Crimaldi, Irene; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 15 2011 Coherent statistical inference and Bayes theorem. Zbl 0742.62003 Berti, Patrizia; Regazzini, Eugenio; Rigo, Pietro 13 1991 On coherent conditional probabilities and disintegrations. Zbl 1005.60008 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 13 2002 Rate of convergence of predictive distributions for dependent data. Zbl 1375.60063 Berti, Patrizia; Crimaldi, Irene; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 13 2009 Strong previsions of random elements. Zbl 1155.60300 Berti, Patrizia; Regazzini, Eugenio; Rigo, Pietro 12 2001 Limit theorems for empirical processes based on dependent data. Zbl 1246.60009 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 11 2012 Well-calibrated, coherent forecasting systems. Zbl 0909.62085 Berti, P.; Regazzini, E.; Rigo, P. 11 1997 Sufficient conditions for the existence of disintegrations. Zbl 0926.60012 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 10 1999 A Glivenko-Cantelli theorem for exchangeable random variables. Zbl 0904.60025 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 10 1997 Convergence in distribution of nonmeasurable random elements. Zbl 1049.60004 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 9 2004 Integral representation of linear functionals on spaces of unbounded functions. Zbl 0952.28009 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 9 2000 Weak disintegrability as a form of preservation of coherence. Zbl 1446.60003 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 8 1992 Exchangeable sequences driven by an absolutely continuous random measure. Zbl 1277.60064 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 8 2013 Skorohod representation on a given probability space. Zbl 1106.60003 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 8 2007 0-1 laws for regular conditional distributions. Zbl 1118.60004 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 8 2007 Compatibility results for conditional distributions. Zbl 1280.62060 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Rigo, Pietro 7 2014 Basic ideas underlying conglomerability and disintegrability. Zbl 1427.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Miranda, Enrique; Rigo, Pietro 7 2017 Finitely additive equivalent martingale measures. Zbl 1302.60009 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 6 2013 Asymptotics for randomly reinforced urns with random barriers. Zbl 1358.60005 Berti, Patrizia; Crimaldi, Irene; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 6 2016 Gluing lemmas and Skorohod representations. Zbl 1330.60010 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 6 2015 Trivial intersection of \(\sigma \)-fields and Gibbs sampling. Zbl 1159.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 6 2008 Central limit theorems for an Indian buffet model with random weights. Zbl 1314.60015 Berti, Patrizia; Crimaldi, Irene; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 5 2015 Two versions of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing. Zbl 1326.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 5 2015 Uniform convergence of empirical and predictive measures. Zbl 1221.60038 Berti, Patrizia; Mattei, Alessandra; Rigo, Pietro 5 2002 Central limit theorems for multicolor urns with dominated colors. Zbl 1203.60025 Berti, Patrizia; Crimaldi, Irene; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 5 2010 Asymptotic behaviour of the empirical process for exchangeable data. Zbl 1087.60503 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 5 2006 Coherent inferences and improper priors. Zbl 0827.62003 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 4 1994 Finitely additive Radon-Nikodým theorem and concentration function of a probability with respect to a probability. Zbl 0749.60001 Berti, Patrizia; Regazzini, Eugenio; Rigo, Pietro 4 1992 Equivalent or absolutely continuous probability measures with given marginals. Zbl 1328.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro; Spizzichino, Fabio 4 2015 On the existence of inferences which are consistent with a given model. Zbl 0866.62001 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 4 1996 Skorohod representation theorem via disintegrations. Zbl 1209.60005 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 4 2010 A class of models for Bayesian predictive inference. Zbl 1466.62274 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 4 2021 A notion of conditional probability and some of its consequences. Zbl 1455.60006 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Rigo, Pietro 4 2020 A uniform limit theorem for predictive distributions. Zbl 1023.60033 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 3 2002 A Skorohod representation theorem for uniform distance. Zbl 1228.60009 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 3 2011 A conditional 0-1 law for the symmetric \(\sigma\)-field. Zbl 1147.60300 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 3 2008 A note on Zenga concentration index. Zbl 1446.62300 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 3 1995 Atomic intersection of \(\sigma \)-fields and some of its consequences. Zbl 1200.60008 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 3 2010 A unifying view on some problems in probability and statistics. Zbl 1478.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 2 2014 A consistency theorem for regular conditional distributions. Zbl 1291.60010 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Rigo, Pietro 2 2013 A note on the absurd law of large numbers in economics. Zbl 1238.60035 Berti, Patrizia; Gori, Michele; Rigo, Pietro 2 2012 Eliminating nuisance parameters: Two characterizations. Zbl 0954.62003 Berti, Patrizia; Fattorini, Lorenzo; Rigo, Pietro 2 2000 Finitely additive mixtures of probability measures. Zbl 1457.60001 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 2 2021 Almost sure uniform convergence of empirical distribution functions. Zbl 1221.60039 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 2 2002 Finitely additive uniform limit theorems. Zbl 1192.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 2 2006 Kernel based Dirichlet sequences. Zbl 1527.60003 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Leisen, Fabrizio; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 2 2023 Asymptotic predictive inference with exchangeable data. Zbl 1404.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 2 2018 New perspectives on knockoffs construction. Zbl 1498.62037 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Leisen, Fabrizio; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 2 2023 Price uniqueness and fundamental theorem of asset pricing with finitely additive probabilities. Zbl 1398.60003 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 1 2014 A Skorohod representation theorem without separability. Zbl 1308.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 1 2013 Comment: “Gibbs sampling, exponential families and orthogonal polynomials”. Zbl 1327.62056 Berti, Patrizia; Consonni, Guido; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 1 2008 Asymptotics of certain conditionally identically distributed sequences. Zbl 1457.60061 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 1 2021 Modes of convergence in the coherent framework. Zbl 1192.60006 Berti, Patrizia; Regazzini, Eugenio; Rigo, Pietro 1 2007 Integration with respect to Brownian-like processes. Zbl 1192.60077 Berti, Patrizia; Regazzini, Eugenio; Rigo, Pietro 1 2003 Una probabilita conglomerativa e bilanciata e sigma-additiva. Zbl 0478.60006 Berti, Patrizia; Scozzafava, Romano 1 1981 Rate of convergence of empirical measures for exchangeable sequences. Zbl 1505.60042 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 1 2017 Kernel based Dirichlet sequences. Zbl 1527.60003 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Leisen, Fabrizio; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 2 2023 New perspectives on knockoffs construction. Zbl 1498.62037 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Leisen, Fabrizio; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 2 2023 A class of models for Bayesian predictive inference. Zbl 1466.62274 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 4 2021 Finitely additive mixtures of probability measures. Zbl 1457.60001 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 2 2021 Asymptotics of certain conditionally identically distributed sequences. Zbl 1457.60061 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 1 2021 A notion of conditional probability and some of its consequences. Zbl 1455.60006 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Rigo, Pietro 4 2020 Asymptotic predictive inference with exchangeable data. Zbl 1404.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 2 2018 Basic ideas underlying conglomerability and disintegrability. Zbl 1427.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Miranda, Enrique; Rigo, Pietro 7 2017 Rate of convergence of empirical measures for exchangeable sequences. Zbl 1505.60042 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 1 2017 Asymptotics for randomly reinforced urns with random barriers. Zbl 1358.60005 Berti, Patrizia; Crimaldi, Irene; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 6 2016 Gluing lemmas and Skorohod representations. Zbl 1330.60010 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 6 2015 Central limit theorems for an Indian buffet model with random weights. Zbl 1314.60015 Berti, Patrizia; Crimaldi, Irene; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 5 2015 Two versions of the fundamental theorem of asset pricing. Zbl 1326.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 5 2015 Equivalent or absolutely continuous probability measures with given marginals. Zbl 1328.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro; Spizzichino, Fabio 4 2015 Compatibility results for conditional distributions. Zbl 1280.62060 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Rigo, Pietro 7 2014 A unifying view on some problems in probability and statistics. Zbl 1478.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 2 2014 Price uniqueness and fundamental theorem of asset pricing with finitely additive probabilities. Zbl 1398.60003 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 1 2014 Exchangeable sequences driven by an absolutely continuous random measure. Zbl 1277.60064 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 8 2013 Finitely additive equivalent martingale measures. Zbl 1302.60009 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 6 2013 A consistency theorem for regular conditional distributions. Zbl 1291.60010 Berti, Patrizia; Dreassi, Emanuela; Rigo, Pietro 2 2013 A Skorohod representation theorem without separability. Zbl 1308.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 1 2013 Limit theorems for empirical processes based on dependent data. Zbl 1246.60009 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 11 2012 A note on the absurd law of large numbers in economics. Zbl 1238.60035 Berti, Patrizia; Gori, Michele; Rigo, Pietro 2 2012 A central limit theorem and its applications to multicolor randomly reinforced urns. Zbl 1225.60038 Berti, Patrizia; Crimaldi, Irene; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 15 2011 A Skorohod representation theorem for uniform distance. Zbl 1228.60009 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 3 2011 Central limit theorems for multicolor urns with dominated colors. Zbl 1203.60025 Berti, Patrizia; Crimaldi, Irene; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 5 2010 Skorohod representation theorem via disintegrations. Zbl 1209.60005 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 4 2010 Atomic intersection of \(\sigma \)-fields and some of its consequences. Zbl 1200.60008 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 3 2010 Rate of convergence of predictive distributions for dependent data. Zbl 1375.60063 Berti, Patrizia; Crimaldi, Irene; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 13 2009 Trivial intersection of \(\sigma \)-fields and Gibbs sampling. Zbl 1159.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 6 2008 A conditional 0-1 law for the symmetric \(\sigma\)-field. Zbl 1147.60300 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 3 2008 Comment: “Gibbs sampling, exponential families and orthogonal polynomials”. Zbl 1327.62056 Berti, Patrizia; Consonni, Guido; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 1 2008 Skorohod representation on a given probability space. Zbl 1106.60003 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 8 2007 0-1 laws for regular conditional distributions. Zbl 1118.60004 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 8 2007 Modes of convergence in the coherent framework. Zbl 1192.60006 Berti, Patrizia; Regazzini, Eugenio; Rigo, Pietro 1 2007 Almost sure weak convergence of random probability measures. Zbl 1100.60025 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 16 2006 Asymptotic behaviour of the empirical process for exchangeable data. Zbl 1087.60503 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 5 2006 Finitely additive uniform limit theorems. Zbl 1192.60007 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 2 2006 Limit theorems for a class of identically distributed random variables. Zbl 1050.60004 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 39 2004 Convergence in distribution of nonmeasurable random elements. Zbl 1049.60004 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 9 2004 Integration with respect to Brownian-like processes. Zbl 1192.60077 Berti, Patrizia; Regazzini, Eugenio; Rigo, Pietro 1 2003 On coherent conditional probabilities and disintegrations. Zbl 1005.60008 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 13 2002 Uniform convergence of empirical and predictive measures. Zbl 1221.60038 Berti, Patrizia; Mattei, Alessandra; Rigo, Pietro 5 2002 A uniform limit theorem for predictive distributions. Zbl 1023.60033 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 3 2002 Almost sure uniform convergence of empirical distribution functions. Zbl 1221.60039 Berti, Patrizia; Pratelli, Luca; Rigo, Pietro 2 2002 Strong previsions of random elements. Zbl 1155.60300 Berti, Patrizia; Regazzini, Eugenio; Rigo, Pietro 12 2001 Integral representation of linear functionals on spaces of unbounded functions. Zbl 0952.28009 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 9 2000 Eliminating nuisance parameters: Two characterizations. Zbl 0954.62003 Berti, Patrizia; Fattorini, Lorenzo; Rigo, Pietro 2 2000 Sufficient conditions for the existence of disintegrations. Zbl 0926.60012 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 10 1999 Well-calibrated, coherent forecasting systems. Zbl 0909.62085 Berti, P.; Regazzini, E.; Rigo, P. 11 1997 A Glivenko-Cantelli theorem for exchangeable random variables. Zbl 0904.60025 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 10 1997 On the existence of inferences which are consistent with a given model. Zbl 0866.62001 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 4 1996 A note on Zenga concentration index. Zbl 1446.62300 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 3 1995 Coherent inferences and improper priors. Zbl 0827.62003 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 4 1994 Weak disintegrability as a form of preservation of coherence. Zbl 1446.60003 Berti, Patrizia; Rigo, Pietro 8 1992 Finitely additive Radon-Nikodým theorem and concentration function of a probability with respect to a probability. Zbl 0749.60001 Berti, Patrizia; Regazzini, Eugenio; Rigo, Pietro 4 1992 Coherent statistical inference and Bayes theorem. Zbl 0742.62003 Berti, Patrizia; Regazzini, Eugenio; Rigo, Pietro 13 1991 Una probabilita conglomerativa e bilanciata e sigma-additiva. Zbl 0478.60006 Berti, Patrizia; Scozzafava, Romano 1 1981 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 217 Authors 50 Rigo, Pietro 42 Berti, Patrizia 32 Pratelli, Luca 19 Crimaldi, Irene 10 Dreassi, Emanuela 9 Sanfilippo, Giuseppe 8 Leisen, Fabrizio 7 Cassese, Gianluca 7 Vantaggi, Barbara 6 Aletti, Giacomo 5 Coletti, Giulianella 5 Guindani, Michele 5 Pfeifer, Niki 4 Al-Najjar, Nabil Ibraheem 4 Gilio, Angelo 4 Miranda, Enrique 4 Petrone, Sonia 4 Petturiti, Davide 4 Regazzini, Eugenio 3 Bassetti, Federico 3 Diaconis, Persi Warren 3 Fortini, Sandra 3 Ghiglietti, Andrea 3 Minelli, Ida Germana 3 Walker, Stephen Grahm 3 Zaffalon, Marco 2 Airoldi, Edoardo M. 2 Arnold, Barry Charles 2 Cifarelli, Donato Michele 2 Cirillo, Pasquale 2 Crucinio, Francesca Romana 2 De Bock, Jasper 2 Dolera, Emanuele 2 Eaton, Morris L. 2 Favaro, Stefano 2 Guglielmi, Alessandra 2 Hüsler, Jürg 2 Johansen, Adam M. 2 Kadane, Joseph Born 2 Khare, Kshitij 2 Kuznetsov, Vitalii A. 2 Louis, Pierre-Yves 2 Mohri, Mehryar 2 Pomatto, Luciano 2 Saloff-Coste, Laurent 2 Sariev, Hristo 2 Schervish, Mark J. 2 Scheutzow, Michael K. R. 2 Scozzafava, Romano 2 Seidenfeld, Teddy 2 Shaiderman, Dimitry 2 Zhu, Weixuan 1 Alonso-Ruiz, Patricia 1 Andersen, Hans Christian 1 Angelini, Pierpaolo 1 Angst, Jürgen 1 Arjovsky, Martin 1 Bai, Zhi-Dong 1 Battiston, Marco 1 Bertoli-Barsotti, Lucio 1 Bladt, Martin 1 Boldi, Paolo 1 Bottou, Léon 1 Brightwell, Graham R. 1 Broderick, Tamara 1 Campbell, Trevor 1 Cao, Fei 1 Cassese, Alberto 1 Castro, Luis Mauricio 1 Cavagnari, Giulia 1 Chan, Wai-Sum 1 Chen, Kunzhi 1 Cheung, Siu Hung 1 Consonni, Guido 1 Corielli, Francesco 1 Costa, Thiago 1 Crisma, Lucio 1 Dagan, Yuval 1 Dai Pra, Paolo 1 Daskalakis, Constantinos 1 De Battisti, Francesca 1 de Blasi, Pierpaolo 1 Del Vicario, Michela 1 Di Crescenzo, Antonio 1 Diecidue, Enrico 1 Dikkala, Nishanth 1 Dobric, Vladimir 1 Dubra, Juan 1 Duffie, James Darrell 1 Dunson, David Brian 1 Echenique, Federico 1 Edigarian, Armen 1 Erreygers, Alexander 1 Escarela, Gabriel 1 Farias, Graciela Gonzalez 1 Flournoy, Nancy 1 Freedman, David A. 1 Freeman, Nic 1 Garmirian, Patricia 1 Gelfand, Alan Enoch ...and 117 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 74 Serials 13 Bernoulli 10 Statistical Methods and Applications 9 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 8 Statistics & Probability Letters 7 Journal of Theoretical Probability 7 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 6 The Annals of Probability 5 Advances in Applied Probability 5 The Annals of Applied Probability 5 Decisions in Economics and Finance 5 Sankhyā. Series A 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 4 Probability Theory and Related Fields 4 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 4 Electronic Communications in Probability 3 The Annals of Statistics 3 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 3 Studia Logica 3 Synthese 3 Electronic Journal of Probability 3 Stochastics 3 Journal of the Italian Statistical Society 2 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of the American Statistical Association 2 Theory and Decision 2 Mathematical Social Sciences 2 Statistical Science 2 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 2 Journal of Convex Analysis 2 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 2 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 2 Electronic Journal of Statistics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Psychometrika 1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Econometrica 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Applied Probability 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Journal of Economic Theory 1 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 1 Mathematics of Operations Research 1 Mathematica Slovaca 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 1 Statistics 1 Machine Learning 1 Games and Economic Behavior 1 Computational Statistics 1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 1 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Economic Theory 1 Statistica Sinica 1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 1 Interdisciplinary Information Sciences (IIS) 1 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 1 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 1 The Review of Symbolic Logic 1 Probability Surveys 1 Science China. Mathematics 1 International Journal of Stochastic Analysis 1 Theoretical Economics 1 Bayesian Analysis 1 Mathematics 1 Dependence Modeling 1 Journal de la Société Française de Statistique & Revue de Statistique Appliquée all top 5 Cited in 22 Fields 127 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 86 Statistics (62-XX) 26 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 19 Measure and integration (28-XX) 8 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 8 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Functional analysis (46-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Combinatorics (05-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) Citations by Year