Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Bhat, Vijay Kumar Co-Author Distance Author ID: bhat.vijay-kumar Published as: Bhat, V. K.; Bhat, Vijay Kumar; Bhat, Vijay K.; Bhatt, V. K.; Bhat, Vijay more...less External Links: MGP Documents Indexed: 109 Publications since 1999, including 1 Book and 7 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 22 Co-Authors with 64 Joint Publications 362 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 45 single-authored 22 Sharma, Sunny Kumar 12 Raina, Ravi 9 Singh, Pradeep 6 Gosani, Smarti 6 Kumari, Neetu 5 Lal, Sohan 5 Raza, Hassan 5 Sharma, Karnika 5 Sharma, Sahil 4 Nehra, Neeraj 4 Prakash, Om 3 Abrol, Meeru 3 Chib, Kiran 3 Hanna, Latif A.-M. 3 Liu, Jia-bao 2 Alkandari, Maryam 2 Singh, Malkesh 1 Alkandhari, Maryam 1 Dutta, Arun 1 Kaul, Ajay 1 Wangneo, C. L. 1 Xing, Baohua all top 5 Serials 8 East-West Journal of Mathematics 6 Acta Mathematica Academiae Paedagogicae Nyíregyháziensis. New Series 6 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 5 Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 5 International Journal of Mathematics, Game Theory and Algebra 5 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 5 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 4 International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 3 The Journal of the Indian Academy of Mathematics 3 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 3 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 3 International Journal of Algebra 2 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 2 Utilitas Mathematica 2 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 2 JCMCC. The Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 2 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 2 International Electronic Journal of Algebra (IEJA) 2 Albanian Journal of Mathematics 2 Armenian Journal of Mathematics 1 Ars Combinatoria 1 Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 Discrete Mathematics and Applications 1 The New York Journal of Mathematics 1 Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Matematică Informatică 1 Vietnam Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 1 Bulletin of Pure & Applied Sciences E. Mathematics and Statistics 1 Mathematica Moravica 1 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 1 Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications 1 International Review of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Pacific-Asian Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 1 Journal of Mathematics 1 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 Journal of Algebra, Combinatorics, Discrete Structures and Applications 1 Cogent Mathematics 1 AIMS Mathematics all top 5 Fields 74 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 33 Combinatorics (05-XX) 12 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 40 Publications have been cited 118 times in 51 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Metric dimension of heptagonal circular ladder. Zbl 1459.05067 Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 12 2021 Associated prime ideals of skew polynomial rings. Zbl 1167.16020 Bhat, V. K. 9 2008 A note on completely prime ideals of Ore extensions. Zbl 1194.16020 Bhat, V. K. 8 2010 Fault-tolerant metric dimension of two-fold heptagonal-nonagonal circular ladder. Zbl 1487.05083 Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 8 2022 Adjacency matrix and Wiener index of zero divisor graph \(\varGamma (Z_n)\). Zbl 1475.05043 Singh, Pradeep; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 8 2021 Transparent rings and their extensions. Zbl 1183.16021 Bhat, Vijay Kumar 7 2009 Zero-divisor graphs of finite commutative rings: a survey. Zbl 1449.05137 Singh, Pradeep; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 7 2020 Metric dimension and edge metric dimension of windmill graphs. Zbl 1525.05040 Singh, Pradeep; Sharma, Sahil; Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 5 2021 On some plane graphs and their metric dimension. Zbl 1499.05171 Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 5 2021 On near pseudo-valuation rings and their extensions. Zbl 1162.13304 Bhat, V. K. 4 2009 On metric dimension of plane graphs \(\mathfrak{J}_n, \mathfrak{K}_n\) and \(\mathfrak{L}_n \). Zbl 1482.05071 Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 4 2021 Associated prime ideals of weak \(\sigma\)-rigid rings and their extensions. Zbl 1212.16049 Bhat, V. K. 3 2010 Polynomial rings over pseudovaluation rings. Zbl 1167.16021 Bhat, V. K. 3 2007 On 2-primal Ore extensions over Noetherian \(\sigma(*)\)-rings. Zbl 1222.16016 Bhat, Vijay Kumar 3 2011 Ring extensions and their quotient rings. Zbl 1165.16012 Bhat, V. K. 2 2007 Decomposability of iterated extensions. Zbl 1136.16306 Bhat, V. K. 2 2006 Transparency of \(\sigma(*)\)-rings and their extensions. Zbl 1175.16022 Bhat, V. K.; Kumari, Neetu 2 2008 Skew polynomial rings over weak \(\sigma\)-rigid rings and \(\sigma(*)\)-rings. Zbl 1389.16046 Bhat, Vijay; Kumari, Neetu; Gosani, Smarti 2 2013 Minimal prime ideals of \(\sigma(*)\)-rings and their extensions. Zbl 1285.16022 Bhat, V. K. 2 2013 The vertex-edge resolvability of some wheel-related graphs. Zbl 1477.05068 Xing, Bao-Hua; Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar; Raza, Hassan; Liu, Jia-Bao 2 2021 Prime ideals of \(\sigma(*)\)-rings and their extensions. Zbl 1255.16025 Bhat, V. K. 1 2011 Associated prime ideals of enveloping algebras: differential operator rings. Zbl 1137.16030 Bhat, V. K.; Raina, Ravi 1 2007 Commutativity of prime \(\Gamma\)-near rings with \(\Gamma\)-\((\sigma,\tau)\)-derivation. Zbl 1208.16037 Raina, Ravi; Bhat, V. K.; Kumari, Neetu 1 2009 Ore extensions over weak \(\sigma\)-rigid rings and \(\sigma(*)\)-rings. Zbl 1214.16020 Bhat, V. K. 1 2010 A note on zero divisor graph over rings. Zbl 1138.16304 Bhat, V. K.; Raina, Ravi; Nehra, Neeraj; Prakash, Om 1 2007 Associated prime ideals of a complete lattice. Zbl 1156.06002 Bhat, V. K.; Nehra, Neeraj; Kaul, Ajay; Raina, Ravi; Prakash, Om 1 2007 Corrigendum to: On near pseudo-valuation rings and their extensions [Int. Electron. J. Algebra 5 (2009), 70–77]. Zbl 1187.13017 Bhat, V. K. 1 2009 Decomposability of extension rings. Zbl 1175.16021 Bhat, V. K. 1 2008 A note on Krull dimension of skew polynomial rings. Zbl 1113.16026 Bhat, Vijay Kumar 1 2006 Transparent Ore extensions over weak \(\sigma\)-rigid rings. Zbl 1329.16021 Bhat, V. K.; Chib, Kiran 1 2011 Ore extensions over \((\sigma, \delta)\)-rings. Zbl 1395.16024 Abrol, Meeru; Bhat, Vijay K. 1 2015 Prime radical of Ore extensions over \(\delta\)-rigid rings. Zbl 1170.16020 Bhat, V. K. 1 2009 On 2-primal Ore extensions over Noetherian weak \(\sigma\)-rigid rings. Zbl 1311.16020 Bhat, Vijay Kumar 1 2014 Fault-tolerant resolvability of some graphs of convex polytopes. Zbl 1519.05065 Sharma, Sunny K.; Raza, Hassan; Bhat, Vijay K. 1 2023 On some topological indices for the orbit graph of dihedral groups. Zbl 07868681 Bhat, Vijay Kumar; Sharma, Karnika 1 2023 On the orbital regular graph of finite solvable groups. Zbl 1541.05084 Sharma, Karnika; Bhat, Vijay Kumar; Singh, Pradeep 1 2023 On Ore extensions over near pseudo valuation rings. Zbl 1316.16019 Bhat, V. K.; Kumari, Neetu 1 2011 Fault-tolerant metric dimension of zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings. Zbl 1487.05124 Sharma, Sahil; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 1 2022 Graph invariants of the line graph of zero divisor graph of \(\mathbb{Z}_n \). Zbl 1486.05136 Singh, Pradeep; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 1 2022 Computing vertex resolvability of some regular planar graphs. Zbl 1516.05057 Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 1 2023 Fault-tolerant resolvability of some graphs of convex polytopes. Zbl 1519.05065 Sharma, Sunny K.; Raza, Hassan; Bhat, Vijay K. 1 2023 On some topological indices for the orbit graph of dihedral groups. Zbl 07868681 Bhat, Vijay Kumar; Sharma, Karnika 1 2023 On the orbital regular graph of finite solvable groups. Zbl 1541.05084 Sharma, Karnika; Bhat, Vijay Kumar; Singh, Pradeep 1 2023 Computing vertex resolvability of some regular planar graphs. Zbl 1516.05057 Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 1 2023 Fault-tolerant metric dimension of two-fold heptagonal-nonagonal circular ladder. Zbl 1487.05083 Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 8 2022 Fault-tolerant metric dimension of zero-divisor graphs of commutative rings. Zbl 1487.05124 Sharma, Sahil; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 1 2022 Graph invariants of the line graph of zero divisor graph of \(\mathbb{Z}_n \). Zbl 1486.05136 Singh, Pradeep; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 1 2022 Metric dimension of heptagonal circular ladder. Zbl 1459.05067 Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 12 2021 Adjacency matrix and Wiener index of zero divisor graph \(\varGamma (Z_n)\). Zbl 1475.05043 Singh, Pradeep; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 8 2021 Metric dimension and edge metric dimension of windmill graphs. Zbl 1525.05040 Singh, Pradeep; Sharma, Sahil; Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 5 2021 On some plane graphs and their metric dimension. Zbl 1499.05171 Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 5 2021 On metric dimension of plane graphs \(\mathfrak{J}_n, \mathfrak{K}_n\) and \(\mathfrak{L}_n \). Zbl 1482.05071 Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 4 2021 The vertex-edge resolvability of some wheel-related graphs. Zbl 1477.05068 Xing, Bao-Hua; Sharma, Sunny Kumar; Bhat, Vijay Kumar; Raza, Hassan; Liu, Jia-Bao 2 2021 Zero-divisor graphs of finite commutative rings: a survey. Zbl 1449.05137 Singh, Pradeep; Bhat, Vijay Kumar 7 2020 Ore extensions over \((\sigma, \delta)\)-rings. Zbl 1395.16024 Abrol, Meeru; Bhat, Vijay K. 1 2015 On 2-primal Ore extensions over Noetherian weak \(\sigma\)-rigid rings. Zbl 1311.16020 Bhat, Vijay Kumar 1 2014 Skew polynomial rings over weak \(\sigma\)-rigid rings and \(\sigma(*)\)-rings. Zbl 1389.16046 Bhat, Vijay; Kumari, Neetu; Gosani, Smarti 2 2013 Minimal prime ideals of \(\sigma(*)\)-rings and their extensions. Zbl 1285.16022 Bhat, V. K. 2 2013 On 2-primal Ore extensions over Noetherian \(\sigma(*)\)-rings. Zbl 1222.16016 Bhat, Vijay Kumar 3 2011 Prime ideals of \(\sigma(*)\)-rings and their extensions. Zbl 1255.16025 Bhat, V. K. 1 2011 Transparent Ore extensions over weak \(\sigma\)-rigid rings. Zbl 1329.16021 Bhat, V. K.; Chib, Kiran 1 2011 On Ore extensions over near pseudo valuation rings. Zbl 1316.16019 Bhat, V. K.; Kumari, Neetu 1 2011 A note on completely prime ideals of Ore extensions. Zbl 1194.16020 Bhat, V. K. 8 2010 Associated prime ideals of weak \(\sigma\)-rigid rings and their extensions. Zbl 1212.16049 Bhat, V. K. 3 2010 Ore extensions over weak \(\sigma\)-rigid rings and \(\sigma(*)\)-rings. Zbl 1214.16020 Bhat, V. K. 1 2010 Transparent rings and their extensions. Zbl 1183.16021 Bhat, Vijay Kumar 7 2009 On near pseudo-valuation rings and their extensions. Zbl 1162.13304 Bhat, V. K. 4 2009 Commutativity of prime \(\Gamma\)-near rings with \(\Gamma\)-\((\sigma,\tau)\)-derivation. Zbl 1208.16037 Raina, Ravi; Bhat, V. K.; Kumari, Neetu 1 2009 Corrigendum to: On near pseudo-valuation rings and their extensions [Int. Electron. J. Algebra 5 (2009), 70–77]. Zbl 1187.13017 Bhat, V. K. 1 2009 Prime radical of Ore extensions over \(\delta\)-rigid rings. Zbl 1170.16020 Bhat, V. K. 1 2009 Associated prime ideals of skew polynomial rings. Zbl 1167.16020 Bhat, V. K. 9 2008 Transparency of \(\sigma(*)\)-rings and their extensions. Zbl 1175.16022 Bhat, V. K.; Kumari, Neetu 2 2008 Decomposability of extension rings. Zbl 1175.16021 Bhat, V. K. 1 2008 Polynomial rings over pseudovaluation rings. Zbl 1167.16021 Bhat, V. K. 3 2007 Ring extensions and their quotient rings. Zbl 1165.16012 Bhat, V. K. 2 2007 Associated prime ideals of enveloping algebras: differential operator rings. Zbl 1137.16030 Bhat, V. K.; Raina, Ravi 1 2007 A note on zero divisor graph over rings. Zbl 1138.16304 Bhat, V. K.; Raina, Ravi; Nehra, Neeraj; Prakash, Om 1 2007 Associated prime ideals of a complete lattice. Zbl 1156.06002 Bhat, V. K.; Nehra, Neeraj; Kaul, Ajay; Raina, Ravi; Prakash, Om 1 2007 Decomposability of iterated extensions. Zbl 1136.16306 Bhat, V. K. 2 2006 A note on Krull dimension of skew polynomial rings. Zbl 1113.16026 Bhat, Vijay Kumar 1 2006 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 68 Authors 28 Bhat, Vijay Kumar 11 Sharma, Sunny Kumar 4 Singh, Pradeep 2 Abrol, Meeru 2 Kaur, Bableen 2 Raza, Hassan 2 Reyes, Armando 2 Sharma, Karnika 2 Singh, Malkesh 2 Sinha, Deepa 1 Alaeiyan, Mehdi 1 Alkandari, Maryam 1 Artemovych, Orest Dem”yanovych 1 Arulperumjothi, M. 1 Arunkumar, G. 1 Bajaj, Saraswati 1 Boua, Abdelkarim 1 Cancan, Murat 1 Chandran, C. Saritha 1 Chattopadhyay, Sriparna 1 Chib, Kiran 1 Dutta, Arun 1 Farahani, Mohammad Reza 1 Furtula, Boris 1 Gambo, Ibrahim 1 Gangaeswari, P. 1 Garijo, Delia 1 Ghanem, Manal 1 Gursoy, Arif 1 Gursoy, Necla Kircali 1 Hanna, Latif A.-M. 1 Higuera, Sebastián 1 Johnson, Clement 1 Khasraw, Sanhan Muhammad Salih 1 Klavžar, Sandi 1 Li, Yue 1 Liu, Jia-bao 1 Lukashenko, Maria P. 1 Mao, Yaping 1 Márquez, Alberto 1 Moscarini, Marina 1 Mustafa, Heba I. 1 Nazzal, Khalida Mohammad 1 Niño, Arturo 1 Panigrahi, Pratima 1 Patil, Shobha V. 1 Patra, Kamal Lochan 1 Prabhu, Savari 1 Ramírez, María Camila 1 Reji, T. 1 Sahoo, Binod Kumar 1 Sankar, J. Ravi 1 Sankar, Ravi 1 Sarmin, Nor Haniza 1 Selvakumar, Krishnan 1 Sharma, Sahil 1 Shoaib Sardar, Muhammad 1 Silveira, Rodrigo I. 1 El-Tantawy, Osama A. 1 Ulker, Alper 1 Wang, Zhao 1 Xing, Baohua 1 Xu, Shoujun 1 Yang, Lulu 1 Zai, N. A. F. O. 1 Zaid, Nurhidayah 1 Zhou, Shuming 1 Zhuo, Yanru all top 5 Cited in 32 Serials 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 4 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 4 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 4 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 3 JCMCC. The Journal of Combinatorial Mathematics and Combinatorial Computing 2 Communications in Algebra 2 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Information Sciences 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Utilitas Mathematica 1 Discrete Mathematics and Applications 1 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 1 Mathematica Moravica 1 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 1 Algebra and Discrete Mathematics 1 Proyecciones 1 Acta Universitatis Sapientiae. Mathematica 1 International Journal of Combinatorics 1 Malaysian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Carpathian Mathematical Publications 1 Journal of Mathematics 1 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 Cogent Mathematics all top 5 Cited in 9 Fields 31 Combinatorics (05-XX) 19 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 10 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year