Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Biswas, Anjan Co-Author Distance Author ID: biswas.anjan Published as: Biswas, Anjan; Biswas, A.; Biswas, Aanjan more...less Homepage: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anjan-biswas-a9082825 External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND Documents Indexed: 340 Publications since 1998, including 2 Books Co-Authors: 188 Co-Authors with 277 Joint Publications 3,255 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 53 single-authored 50 Belić, Milivoj R. 45 Zhou, Qin 42 Triki, Houria 37 Ekici, Mehmet 34 Alzahrani, Abdullah Khamis Hassan 33 Zerrad, Essaid 29 Kara, Abdul Hamid 29 Yıldırım, Yakup 28 Milovic, Daniela M. 20 Liu, Wenjun J. 17 Alshehri, Hashim M. 17 Konar, Swapan 16 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad 16 Zayed, Elsayed M. E. 15 Ebadi, Ghodrat 12 Khalique, Chaudry Masood 11 Krishnan, Edamana Vasudevan 11 Moshokoa, Seithuti Philemon 10 Alngar, Mohamed E. M. 10 Asma, Mir 10 Petković, Marko D. 9 Alshomrani, Ali Saleh 8 Khan, Salam 8 Moraru, Luminita 8 Wang, Gangwei 7 Arnous, Ahmed H. 7 Song, Ming 7 Sönmezoğlu, Abdullah 6 Aldossary, Omar M. 6 Eslami, Mostafa 6 Hayat, Tasawar 6 Kohl, Russell W. 6 Kumar, Sachin 6 Mohamad-Jawad, Anwar Ja’afar 6 Sassaman, Ryan 6 Shohib, Reham M. A. 6 Vega-Guzmán, José M. 5 Alghamdi, Abdulah A. 5 Johnpillai, Andrew Gratien 5 Lott, Dawn A. 5 Majid, Fayequa B. 5 Sturdevant, Benjamin J. M. 4 Aphane, Maggie 4 Arshed, Saima 4 Bansal, Anupma 4 Bhrawy, Ali Hassan 4 González-Gaxiola, Oswaldo 4 Guggilla, Padmaja 4 Labidi, Manel 4 Mahmood, Mohammad F. 4 Ranasinghe, Arjuna I. 4 Yıldırım, Ahmet 3 Abdelkawy, Mohamed A. 3 Adem, Abdullahi Rashid 3 El-Horbaty, Mahmoud M. 3 Heidari, Alireza 3 Liu, Xiaoyan 3 Liu, Zhengrong 3 Luan, Zitong 3 Shwetanshumala, Shwetanshumala 3 Suárez, Pablo U. 2 Ahmed, Bouthina S. 2 Ak, Turgut 2 Al-Ghafri, K. S. 2 Asif, Noushin 2 Atif, Sami 2 Ayela, Amour Marc 2 Azzouzi, Faiçal 2 Bhosale, Bharat 2 Bokhari, Ashfaque H. 2 Daoui, Abdel Kader 2 Edah, Gaston G. 2 Elloh, Camille 2 Girgis, Laila 2 Green, Patrice D. 2 Guan, Xue 2 Henriquez, Auris 2 Inc, Mustafa 2 Jafari, Hossein 2 Kudryashov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 2 Liu, Suzhi 2 Malik, Sandeep 2 Mojaver, Aida 2 Razborova, Polina 2 Sarma, Amarendra K. 2 Savescu, Michelle 2 Tang, Lu 2 Xu, Tianzhou 2 Yu, Weitian 2 Zaman, Fiazud Din 1 Abdel-Gawad, Hamdy Ibrahim 1 Abdelaty, Mahmoud 1 Agyemang, Daniel T. 1 Al-Denari, Rasha B. 1 Al-Kalbani, Kaltham K. 1 Al-Mazmumy, M. 1 Almuhalbedi, S. O. 1 Antonova, Mariana 1 Asiri, Asim M. 1 Bagchi, Bijan Kumar ...and 89 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 41 Physics Letters. A 40 Applied Mathematics and Computation 30 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 25 Nonlinear Dynamics 22 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 18 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 15 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 11 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 10 Waves in Random and Complex Media 6 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 5 Applied Mathematics Letters 5 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 4 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 4 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 4 Physica Scripta 4 Acta Physica Polonica B 4 Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences 4 Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics 4 Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace MESA 3 Nonlinear Studies 3 International Mathematical Journal 3 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 3 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 Applied and Computational Mathematics 2 Modern Physics Letters B 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Journal of the Franklin Institute 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 2 Journal of Modern Optics 2 International Journal of Biomathematics 2 International Journal of Nonlinear Science 1 Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 1 Astrophysics and Space Science 1 Computers and Fluids 1 Mathematical Biosciences 1 Nuclear Physics. B 1 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 1 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 1 Fractals 1 Mathematical Communications 1 Scientific Bulletin. Series A. Applied Mathematics and Physics. Politehnica University of Bucharest 1 Chaos 1 Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Advances in Difference Equations 1 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 1 International Mathematical Forum 1 Applications and Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 1 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 1 International Journal of Mathematical Analysis (Ruse) 1 International Journal of Modern Mathematics 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 Communications in Theoretical Physics 1 Pacific Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Advances in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 1 Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics 1 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 1 Caspian Journal of Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 1 Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Applied Nonlinear Dynamics 1 Nonlinear Physical Science 1 Environmetrics all top 5 Fields 310 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 125 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 104 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 46 Quantum theory (81-XX) 23 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 23 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 17 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 8 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 5 Special functions (33-XX) 4 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 285 Publications have been cited 3,110 times in 1,598 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Modified simple equation method for nonlinear evolution equations. Zbl 1201.65119 Mohamad Jawad, Anwar Ja’afar; Petković, Marko D.; Biswas, Anjan 112 2010 1-soliton solution of the \(K(m,n)\) equation with generalized evolution. Zbl 1221.35099 Biswas, Anjan 81 2008 Solitary wave solution for the generalized Kawahara equation. Zbl 1163.35468 Biswas, Anjan 73 2009 Introduction to non-Kerr law optical solitons. Zbl 1156.78001 Biswas, Anjan; Konar, Swapan 69 2007 Bright and dark solitons of the generalized nonlinear Schrödinger’s equation. Zbl 1221.78033 Biswas, Anjan; Milovic, Daniela 59 2010 Adiabatic parameter dynamics of perturbed solitary waves. Zbl 1221.35321 Antonova, Mariana; Biswas, Anjan 59 2009 Optical solitons in nonlinear directional couplers by sine-cosine function method and Bernoulli’s equation approach. Zbl 1348.78023 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Eslami, Mostafa; Zerrad, Essaid; Mahmood, Mohammad F.; Biswas, Anjan; Belic, Milivoj 51 2015 Cnoidal and snoidal wave solutions to coupled nonlinear wave equations by the extended Jacobi’s elliptic function method. Zbl 1261.35044 Bhrawy, A. H.; Abdelkawy, M. A.; Biswas, Anjan 44 2013 Additional conservation laws for Rosenau-KdV-RLW equation with power law nonlinearity by Lie symmetry. Zbl 1331.35023 Razborova, Polina; Kara, Abdul H.; Biswas, Anjan 44 2015 Soliton perturbation theory for phi-four model and nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations. Zbl 1221.35316 Sassaman, Ryan; Biswas, Anjan 43 2009 Solitary wave solution for KdV equation with power-law nonlinearity and time-dependent coefficients. Zbl 1183.35241 Biswas, Anjan 41 2009 Soliton solutions to resonant nonlinear Schrödinger’s equation with time-dependent coefficients by trial solution approach. Zbl 1347.35216 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Arnous, A. H.; Mahmood, M. F.; Zerrad, Essaid; Biswas, Anjan 41 2015 Solitary waves of Boussinesq equation in a power law media. Zbl 1221.35311 Biswas, Anjan; Milovic, Daniela; Ranasinghe, Arjuna 36 2009 1-soliton solution of (1+2)-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger’s equation in dual-power law media. Zbl 1223.35266 Biswas, Anjan 34 2008 Solitary waves for power-law regularized long-wave equation and \(R(m,n)\) equation. Zbl 1183.76649 Biswas, Anjan 34 2010 1-soliton solution of the equation with generalized evolution. Zbl 1221.35305 Biswas, Anjan 33 2009 A Lie symmetry approach to nonlinear Schrödinger’s equation with non-Kerr law nonlinearity. Zbl 1221.35396 Khalique, C. Masood; Biswas, Anjan 32 2009 Perturbation of topological solitons due to sine-Gordon equation and its type. Zbl 1221.37121 Fabian, Anne L.; Kohl, Russell; Biswas, Anjan 31 2009 Some lump solutions for a generalized (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. Zbl 1433.35338 Guan, Xue; Liu, Wenjun; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan 30 2020 1-soliton solution of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation with dual-power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1221.35312 Biswas, Anjan; Zerrad, Essaid 29 2009 1-soliton solution of KdV6 equation. Zbl 1345.35018 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Eslami, Mostafa; Biswas, Anjan 29 2015 Phase-shift controlling of three solitons in dispersion-decreasing fibers. Zbl 1430.78006 Liu, Suzhi; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Liu, Wenjun 29 2019 Solitary wave solution for the generalized KdV equation with time-dependent damping and dispersion. Zbl 1221.35306 Biswas, Anjan 27 2009 1-soliton solution of the generalized Camassa-Holm Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. Zbl 1221.35309 Biswas, Anjan 27 2009 Solitary wave solution of the Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation in plasmas with power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1196.35179 Biswas, Anjan; Zerrad, Essaid 27 2010 Bright and dark optical solitons with time-dependent coefficients in a non-Kerr law media. Zbl 1222.78040 Green, Patrice D.; Biswas, Anjan 27 2010 Optical solitons with complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. Zbl 1349.35364 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Ekici, Mehmet; Sonmezoglu, Abdullah; Eslami, Mostafa; Zhou, Qin; Kara, Abdul H.; Milovic, Daniela; Majid, Fayequa B.; Biswas, Anjan; Belić, Milivoj 27 2016 Soliton solutions of the generalized Klein-Gordon equation by using \(\left(\frac{G'}{G}\right)\)-expansion method. Zbl 1307.35249 Mirzazadeh, M.; Eslami, M.; Biswas, Anjan 27 2014 Topological and non-topological solitons of the generalized Klein-Gordon equations. Zbl 1176.35150 Sassaman, Ryan; Biswas, Anjan 26 2009 Optical solitons with non-Kerr law nonlinearity and inter-modal dispersion with time-dependent coefficients. Zbl 1222.78044 Topkara, Engin; Milovic, Daniela; Sarma, Amarendra K.; Zerrad, Essaid; Biswas, Anjan 26 2010 Optical solitons in nonlinear directional couplers with spatio-temporal dispersion. Zbl 1356.78035 Savescu, Michelle; Bhrawy, A. H.; Alshaery, A. A.; Hilal, E. M.; Khan, Kaisar R.; Mahmood, M. F.; Biswas, Anjan 26 2014 The method and topological soliton solution of the \(K(m, n)\) equation. Zbl 1221.35330 Ebadi, Ghodrat; Biswas, Anjan 25 2011 Singular solitons, shock waves, and other solutions to potential KdV equation. Zbl 1306.35116 Wang, Gang-Wei; Xu, Tian-Zhou; Ebadi, Ghodrat; Johnson, Stephen; Strong, Andre J.; Biswas, Anjan 25 2014 Soliton perturbation theory for the quadratic nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation. Zbl 1161.35480 Biswas, Anjan; Zony, Chenwi; Zerrad, Essaid 24 2008 Dark optical solitons in power law media with time-dependent coefficients. Zbl 1234.78008 Saha, Manirupa; Sarma, Amarendra K.; Biswas, Anjan 24 2009 Solitons and conservation laws of Klein-Gordon equation with power law and log law nonlinearities. Zbl 1281.35069 Biswas, Anjan; Kara, Abdul H.; Bokhari, Ashfaque H.; Zaman, F. D. 24 2013 1-soliton solution of the generalized Radhakrishnan, Kundu, Lakshmanan equation. Zbl 1231.78014 Biswas, Anjan 24 2009 1-soliton solution of Benjamin-Bona-Mahoney equation with dual-power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1222.35157 Biswas, Anjan 24 2010 A study of shallow water waves with Gardner’s equation. Zbl 1356.76045 Krishnan, E. V.; Triki, Houria; Labidi, Manel; Biswas, Anjan 22 2011 Solitons and other nonlinear waves of the Boussinesq equation. Zbl 1268.35023 Krishnan, E. V.; Kumar, Sachin; Biswas, Anjan 22 2012 Topological and non-topological solitons of nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations by He’s semi-inverse variational principle. Zbl 1210.35213 Sassaman, Ryan; Heidari, Alireza; Biswas, Anjan 22 2010 1-soliton solution of the coupled KdV equation and Gear-Grimshaw model. Zbl 1197.35215 Biswas, Anjan; Ismail, M. S. 22 2010 Group analysis, exact solutions and conservation laws of a generalized fifth order KdV equation. Zbl 1360.35232 Wang, Gangwei; Kara, Abdul H.; Fakhar, Kamran; Vega-Guzman, Jose; Biswas, Anjan 22 2016 Dark solitons for a generalized nonlinear Schrödinger equation with parabolic law and dual-power law nonlinearities. Zbl 1219.35287 Triki, Houria; Biswas, Anjan 21 2011 The \(\frac{G'}{G}\) method and 1-soliton solution of the Davey-Stewartson equation. Zbl 1217.35171 Ebadi, Ghodrat; Biswas, Anjan 21 2011 Application of the \(G'/G\)-expansion method for nonlinear diffusion equations with nonlinear source. Zbl 1207.35016 Ebadi, Ghodrat; Biswas, Anjan 21 2010 1-soliton solution of the \(K(m,n)\) equation with generalized evolution and time-dependent damping and dispersion. Zbl 1193.35181 Biswas, Anjan 21 2010 Optical solitons in \((2+1)\)-dimensions with Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar equation by extended trial function scheme. Zbl 1539.35253 Ekici, Mehmet; Sonmezoglu, Abdullah; Biswas, Anjan; Belic, Milivoj R. 21 2019 Optical soliton perturbation for Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation via two analytical techniques. Zbl 1543.35191 Arshed, Saima; Biswas, Anjan; Abdelaty, Mahmoud; Zhou, Qin; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Belic, Milivoj 21 2018 Topological and non-topological solitons of the Klein-Gordon equations in \(1+2\) dimensions. Zbl 1204.35148 Sassaman, Ryan; Biswas, Anjan 20 2010 1-soliton solution of the generalized Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation with nonlinear dispersion and time-dependent coefficients. Zbl 1233.35170 Biswas, Anjan 20 2009 Symmetry reduction, exact group-invariant solutions and conservation laws of the Benjamin-Bona-Mahoney equation. Zbl 1257.35151 Johnpillai, A. G.; Kara, A. H.; Biswas, Anjan 20 2013 Generation and control of multiple solitons under the influence of parameters. Zbl 1439.78013 Liu, Xiaoyan; Triki, Houria; Zhou, Qin; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Liu, Wenjun; Biswas, Anjan; Belic, Milivoj 19 2019 Soliton solutions of Burgers equations and perturbed Burgers equation. Zbl 1195.35262 Mohamad Jawad, Anwar Ja’afar; Petković, Marko D.; Biswas, Anjan 18 2010 Optical solitons with log-law nonlinearity. Zbl 1222.78037 Biswas, Anjan; Milović, Daniela 18 2010 1-soliton solution of the Klein-Gordon-Zakharov equation with power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1206.35219 Ismail, M. S.; Biswas, Anjan 17 2010 Symmetry solutions and reductions of a class of generalized \((2+1)\)-dimensional Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. Zbl 1401.35270 Johnpillai, A. G.; Kara, A. H.; Biswas, Anjan 17 2011 The first integral method and traveling wave solutions to Davey-Stewartson equation. Zbl 1311.35289 Jafari, Hossein; Sooraki, Atefe; Talebi, Yahya; Biswas, Anjan 17 2012 Application of He’s principles to Rosenau-Sawahara equation. Zbl 1215.65164 Labidi, Manel; Biswas, Anjan 16 2011 1-soliton solution of the generalized Zakharov equation in plasmas by He’s variational principle. Zbl 1185.35208 Biswas, Anjan; Zerrad, Essaid; Gwanmesia, Jude; Khouri, Ramzi 16 2010 Perturbation of solitons with non-Kerr law nonlinearity. Zbl 1073.35535 Biswas, Anjan 16 2002 1-soliton solution of Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation with power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1172.35476 Biswas, Anjan; Ranasinghe, Arjuna 15 2009 Analytical and numerical solutions to the Davey-Stewartson equation with power-law nonlinearity. Zbl 1274.76167 Ebadi, Ghodrat; Krishnan, E. V.; Labidi, Manel; Zerrad, Essaid; Biswas, Anjan 15 2011 Perturbation of chiral solitons. Zbl 1192.35142 Biswas, Anjan 15 2009 Domain wall and bifurcation analysis of the Klein-Gordon Zakharov equation in (1+2)-dimensions with power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1323.35008 Song, Ming; Ahmed, Bouthina S.; Zerrad, Essaid; Biswas, Anjan 15 2013 Solitons and other solutions to the quantum Zakharov-Kuznetsov equation. Zbl 1284.81112 Ebadi, Ghodrat; Mojaver, Aida; Milovic, Daniela; Johnson, Stephen; Biswas, Anjan 15 2012 Thirring combo-solitons with cubic nonlinearity and spatio-temporal dispersion. Zbl 1378.35289 Zhou, Qin; Zhong, Yi; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Bhrawy, Ali H.; Zerrad, Essaid; Biswas, Anjan 15 2016 Optical soliton perturbation, group invariants and conservation laws of perturbed Fokas-Lenells equation. Zbl 1415.35009 Bansal, Anupma; Kara, A. H.; Biswas, Anjan; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Belic, Milivoj 15 2018 1-soliton solution of the generalized Zakharov-Kuznetsov modified equal width equation. Zbl 1179.35260 Biswas, Anjan 14 2009 Soliton solution of the generalized Klein-Gordon equation by semi-inverse variational principle. Zbl 1211.35244 Sassaman, Ryan; Biswas, Anjan 14 2011 Optical soliton perturbation with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity using a couple of strategic algorithms. Zbl 1543.78009 Biswas, Anjan; Yıldırım, Yakup; Yaşar, Emrullah; Zhou, Qin; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Belic, Milivoj 14 2018 Soliton solution and conservation laws of the Zakharov equation in plasmas with power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1298.35164 Morris, Richard; Kara, Abdul Hamid; Biswas, Anjan 14 2013 Phase shift, oscillation and collision of the anti-dark solitons for the \((3+1)\)-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation in an optical fiber communication system. Zbl 1430.35217 Yu, Weitian; Liu, Wenjun; Triki, Houria; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan 14 2019 Dromion-like soliton interactions for nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients in inhomogeneous optical fibers. Zbl 1437.35633 Liu, Wenjun; Zhang, Yujia; Luan, Zitong; Zhou, Qin; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Ekici, Mehmet; Biswas, Anjan 14 2019 Periodic attenuating oscillation between soliton interactions for higher-order variable coefficient nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1437.35146 Liu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Wenjun; Triki, Houria; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan 14 2019 New exact solutions for the sine-Gordon equation in \(2+1\) dimensions. Zbl 1249.37041 Johnson, S.; Suarez, P.; Biswas, A. 13 2012 Topological 1-soliton solution of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with Kerr law nonlinearity in \(1 + 2\) dimensions. Zbl 1221.78032 Biswas, Anjan 13 2009 New solutions for (1+1)-dimensional and (2+1)-dimensional Kaup–Kupershmidt equations. Zbl 1259.35008 Bhrawy, A. H.; Biswas, Anjan; Javidi, M.; Ma, Wen Xiu; Pınar, Zehra; Yıldırım, Ahmet 13 2013 Optical solitons with power law nonlinearity using Lie group analysis. Zbl 1229.35263 Khalique, Chaudry Masood; Biswas, Anjan 13 2009 A new approach for numerical solution of modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. Zbl 1448.65148 Ak, Turgut; Karakoc, S. Battal Gazi; Biswas, Anjan 13 2017 Control of dark and anti-dark solitons in the \((2+1)\)-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with perturbed dispersion and nonlinearity in a nonlinear optical system. Zbl 1430.35218 Yu, Weitian; Liu, Wenjun; Triki, Houria; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Belić, Milivoj R. 13 2019 Painlevé analysis and a solution to the traveling wave reduction of the Radhakrishnan-Kundu-Lakshmanan equation. Zbl 1434.78022 Kudryashov, Nikolay A.; Safonova, Dariya V.; Biswas, Anjan 13 2019 1-soliton solution and conservation laws of the generalized Dullin-Gottwald-Holm equation. Zbl 1200.35250 Biswas, Anjan; Kara, A. H. 12 2010 Soliton perturbation theory for the Gardner equation. Zbl 1157.35466 Biswas, Anjan; Zerrad, Essaid 11 2008 Singular soliton solution and bifurcation analysis of Klein-Gordon equation with power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1266.34069 Song, Ming; Liu, Zhengrong; Zerrad, Essaid; Biswas, Anjan 11 2013 Soliton solutions for nonlinear Calogero-Degasperis and potential Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations. (Soliton solutions for nonlinear Calaogero-Degasperis and potential Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations.) Zbl 1231.35209 Mohamad Jawad, Anwar Ja’afar; Petković, Marko D.; Biswas, Anjan 11 2011 1-soliton solution of the generalized KdV equation with generalized evolution. Zbl 1190.35200 Ismail, M. S.; Biswas, Anjan 11 2010 Soliton perturbation theory for the compound KdV equation. Zbl 1147.35346 Biswas, Anjan; Konar, Swapan 11 2007 Perturbation of solitons due to power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1032.35160 Biswas, Anjan 11 2001 Soliton perturbation theory for the generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahoney equation. Zbl 1221.35310 Biswas, Anjan; Konar, Swapan 11 2008 Quasi-particle theory of optical soliton interaction. Zbl 1350.35178 Biswas, Anjan; Konar, Swapan 10 2007 Exact solutions of the mKdV equation with time-dependent coefficients. Zbl 1246.65190 Johnpillai, Andrew Gratien; Khalique, Chaudry Masood; Biswas, Anjan 10 2011 Exact 1-soliton solution of the Zakharov equation in plasmas withpower law nonlinearity. Zbl 1213.65134 Suarez, Pablo; Biswas, Anjan 10 2011 Analysis of non-linear Klein-Gordon equations using Lie symmetry. Zbl 1197.35232 Khalique, Chaudry Masood; Biswas, Anjan 10 2010 Chiral solitons in \(1+2\) dimensions. Zbl 1186.81051 Biswas, Anjan 10 2009 Mathematical theory of dispersion-managed optical solitons. Zbl 1201.81002 Biswas, Anjan; Milovic, Daniela; Edwards, Matthew 10 2010 Soliton perturbation theory for nonlinear wave equations. Zbl 1192.35150 Girgis, Laila; Biswas, Anjan 10 2010 Optical solitons with complex Ginzburg-Landau equation for two nonlinear forms using \(F\)-expansion. Zbl 07824988 Das, Amiya; Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Zhou, Qin; Alshomrani, Ali S.; Belic, Milivoj R. 10 2019 Exact solutions of the \((2+1)\)-dimensional Camassa-Holm Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. Zbl 1308.35055 Ebadi, Ghodrat; Fard, Nazila Yousefzadeh; Triki, Houria; Biswas, Anjan 10 2012 An exact solution for the modified nonlinear Schrödinger’s equation for Davydov solitons in \(\alpha \)-helix proteins. Zbl 1195.81047 Biswas, Anjan; Moran, Allison; Milovic, Daniela; Majid, Fayequa; Biswas, Keka C. 9 2010 Bifurcation analysis and optical solitons for the concatenation model. Zbl 1527.81127 Tang, Lu; Biswas, Anjan; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alghamdi, Abdulah A. 3 2023 Chirped spatial solitons on a continuous-wave background in weak nonlocal media with polynomial law of nonlinearity. Zbl 1522.35144 Messouber, Abdelouahab; Triki, Houria; Liu, Yaxian; Biswas, Anjan; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alghamdi, Abdulah A.; Zhou, Qin 3 2023 Solitary waves, shock waves and conservation laws with the surface tension effect in the Boussinesq equation. Zbl 1519.76027 Biswas, Anjan; Vega-Guzman, Jose; Bansal, Anupma; Kara, Abdul H.; Aphane, Maggie; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alshehri, Hashim M. 1 2023 Perturbation of chirped localized waves in a dual-power law nonlinear medium. Zbl 1504.74047 Zhou, Qin; Triki, Houria; Xu, Jiakun; Zeng, Zhongliang; Liu, Wenjun; Biswas, Anjan 9 2022 Cubic-quartic optical soliton perturbation with complex Ginzburg-Landau equation by the enhanced Kudryashov’s method. Zbl 1498.35492 Arnous, Ahmed H.; Biswas, Anjan; Yıldırım, Yakup; Zhou, Qin; Liu, Wenjun; Alshomrani, Ali S.; Alshehri, Hashim M. 6 2022 Chirped optical soliton propagation in birefringent fibers modeled by coupled Fokas-Lenells system. Zbl 1498.35515 Triki, Houria; Zhou, Qin; Liu, Wenjun; Biswas, Anjan; Moraru, Luminita; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alshehri, Hashim M.; Belic, Milivoj R. 5 2022 Dark solitary pulses and moving fronts in an optical medium with the higher-order dispersive and nonlinear effects. Zbl 1508.78014 Triki, Houria; Sun, Yunzhou; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alshehri, Hashim M. 5 2022 Stationary optical solitons with Kudryashov’s quintuple power-law of refractive index having nonlinear chromatic dispersion. Zbl 1490.35396 Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Sonmezoglu, Abdullah 4 2022 Dispersive optical solitons with Schrödinger-Hirota model having multiplicative white noise via Itô calculus. Zbl 1498.81073 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Shohib, Reham M. A.; Alngar, Mohamed E. M.; Biswas, Anjan; Moraru, Luminita; Khan, Salam; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alshehri, Hashim M.; Belic, Milivoj R. 3 2022 New chirped gray and kink self-similar waves in presence of quintic nonlinearity and self-steepening effect. Zbl 1495.81047 Mecelti, Amel; Triki, Houria; Azzouzi, Faiçal; Wei, Xiong; Biswas, Anjan; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alshehri, Hashim M.; Zhou, Qin 3 2022 Highly dispersive optical solitons in polarization-preserving fibers with Kerr law nonlinearity by Lie symmetry. Zbl 1479.78023 Wang, Gangwei; Kara, Abdul H.; Biswas, Anjan; Guggilla, Padmaja; Alzahrani, Abdullah Khamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 3 2022 Optical solitons in fiber Bragg gratings with quadratic-cubic law of nonlinear refractive index and cubic-quartic dispersive reflectivity. Zbl 1491.35397 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Alngar, Mohamed E. M.; Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Khan, Salam; Alzahrani, Abdullah K.; Belic, Milivoj R. 1 2022 Conservation laws and optical soliton cooling with cubic-quintic-septic-nonic nonlinear refractive index. Zbl 1538.35111 Alshehri, Hashim M.; Biswas, Anjan 1 2022 Optical solitons in fiber Bragg gratings with cubic-quartic dispersive reflectivity by enhanced Kudryashov’s approach. Zbl 07452171 Arnous, Ahmed H.; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Guggilla, Padmaja; Khan, Salam; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alshomrani, Ali S.; Alshehri, Hashim M. 1 2022 Embedded solitons with \(\chi^{(2)}\) and \(\chi^{(3)}\) nonlinear susceptibilities having multiplicative white noise via Itô calculus. Zbl 1506.35194 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Alngar, Mohamed E. M.; Shohib, Reham M. A.; Biswas, Anjan; Yıldırım, Yakup; Moraru, Luminita; Mereuta, Elena; Alshehri, Hashim M. 1 2022 Bright optical solitons with polynomial law of nonlinear refractive index by Adomian decomposition scheme. Zbl 1502.78037 González-Gaxiola, O.; Biswas, Anjan; Yildirim, Yakup; Alshehri, Hashim M. 1 2022 Solitons and conservation laws in magneto-optic waveguides with generalized Kudryashov’s equation. Zbl 07833876 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Alngar, Mohamed E. M.; Biswas, Anjan; Kara, Abdul H.; Asma, Mir; Ekici, Mehmet; Khan, Salam; Alzahrani, Abdullah K.; Belic, Milivoj R. 4 2021 Straddled optical solitons for cubic-quartic Lakshmanan-Porsezian-Daniel model by Lie symmetry. Zbl 07412710 Kumar, Sachin; Biswas, Anjan; Zhou, Qin; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alshehri, Hashim M.; Belic, Milivoj R. 4 2021 Stationary optical solitons with Kudryashov’s laws of refractive index. Zbl 1498.35497 Ekici, Mehmet; Sonmezoglu, Abdullah; Biswas, Anjan 3 2021 Cubic-quartic optical solitons and conservation laws with Kudryashov’s law of refractive index by extended trial function. Zbl 1480.78016 Biswas, Anjan; Sonmezoglu, Abdullah; Ekici, Mehmet; Kara, Abdul Hamid; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 3 2021 Gray optical dips of Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar model. Zbl 07409866 Triki, Houria; Benlalli, Abdelkrim; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alzahrani, Abdullah K.; Belic, Milivoj R. 3 2021 Optical solitons and bifurcation analysis in fiber Bragg gratings with Lie symmetry and Kudryashov’s approach. Zbl 1537.35146 Malik, Sandeep; Kumar, Sachin; Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Dakova, Anelia; Alzahrani, Abdullah Khamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 2 2021 Chirped super-Gaussian and super-sech pulse perturbation of nonlinear Schrödinger’s equation with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity by variational principle. Zbl 07409565 Ayela, Amour Marc; Edah, Gaston; Elloh, Camille; Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Alzahrani, Abdullah Khamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 2 2021 Stationary optical solitons with cubic-quartic law of refractive index and nonlinear chromatic dispersion. Zbl 07411300 Sonmezoglu, Abdullah; Ekici, Mehmet; Biswas, Anjan 2 2021 Chirped optical solitons having polynomial law of nonlinear refractive index with self-steepening and nonlinear dispersion. Zbl 07412707 Triki, Houria; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Liu, Wenjun; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alshehri, Hashim M.; Belic, Milivoj R. 2 2021 Solitons and modulation instability of the perturbed Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation with spatio-temporal dispersion. Zbl 1498.35152 Al-Kalbani, Kaltham K.; Al-Ghafri, K. S.; Krishnan, E. V.; Biswas, Anjan 1 2021 Time-dependent coupled complex short pulse equation: invariant analysis and complexitons. Zbl 1498.35155 Kumar, Vikas; Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Moraru, Luminita; Alzahrani, Abdullah Khamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 1 2021 Conservation laws for solitons in magneto-optic waveguides with anti-cubic and generalized anti-cubic nonlinearities. Zbl 1475.78007 Biswas, Anjan; Kara, Abdul H.; Ekici, Mehmet; Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Alzahrani, Abdullah K.; Belic, Milivoj R. 1 2021 Conservation laws for solitons in magneto-optic waveguides with dual-power law nonlinearity. Zbl 07412686 Biswas, Anjan; Vega-Guzman, Jose M.; Kara, Abdul H.; Zhou, Qin; Ekici, Mehmet; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alshehri, Hashim M.; Belic, Milivoj R. 1 2021 Some lump solutions for a generalized (3+1)-dimensional Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation. Zbl 1433.35338 Guan, Xue; Liu, Wenjun; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan 30 2020 Stationary optical solitons with Sasa-Satsuma equation having nonlinear chromatic dispersion. Zbl 1448.35077 Adem, Abdullahi Rashid; Ntsime, Basetsana Pauline; Biswas, Anjan; Asma, Mir; Ekici, Mehmet; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 8 2020 Periodic soliton interactions for higher-order nonlinear Schrödinger equation in optical fibers. Zbl 1516.37112 Chen, Jigen; Luan, Zitong; Zhou, Qin; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Biswas, Anjan; Liu, Wenjun 7 2020 Solitons in magneto-optic waveguides with dual-power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1448.35092 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Shohib, Reham M. A.; Alngar, Mohamed E. M.; Biswas, Anjan; Asma, Mir; Ekici, Mehmet; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Kamis Alzahrani, Abdullah; Belic, Milivoj R. 7 2020 (2 + 1)-dimensional Boiti-Leon-Pempinelli equation – domain walls, invariance properties and conservation laws. Zbl 1448.76045 Wang, Gangwei; Vega-Guzman, Jose; Biswas, Anjan; Kamis Alzahrani, Abdullah; Kara, A. H. 7 2020 Conservation laws for highly dispersive optical solitons in birefringent fibers. Zbl 1433.78019 Biswas, Anjan; Kara, Abdul H.; Zhou, Qin; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 6 2020 Nonautonomous matter wave bright solitons in a quasi-1D Bose-Einstein condensate system with contact repulsion and dipole-dipole attraction. Zbl 1433.82008 Triki, Houria; Choudhuri, Amitava; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh 6 2020 Optical soliton perturbation with Kudryashov’s equation by semi-inverse variational principle. Zbl 1448.35082 Biswas, Anjan; Asma, Mir; Guggilla, Padmaja; Mullick, Lipika; Moraru, Luminita; Ekici, Mehmet; Alzahrani, Abdullah K.; Belic, Milivoj R. 5 2020 Quasi-monochromatic dynamics of optical solitons having quadratic-cubic nonlinearity. Zbl 1448.35081 Biswas, Anjan 5 2020 Stationary optical solitons with nonlinear chromatic dispersion having quadratic-cubic law of refractive index. Zbl 1448.35076 Adem, Abdullahi Rashid; Ekici, Mehmet; Biswas, Anjan; Asma, Mir; Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Kamis Alzahrani, Abdullah; Belic, Milivoj R. 5 2020 Optical solitons in fiber Bragg gratings with generalized anti-cubic nonlinearity by extended auxiliary equation. Zbl 07832481 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Shohib, Reham M. A.; Biswas, Anjan; González-Gaxiola, O.; Yıldırım, Yakup; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 4 2020 Optical solitons with Kudryashov’s model by a range of integration norms. Zbl 07832412 Yıldırım, Yakup; Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Gonzalez-Gaxiola, Oswaldo; Khan, Salam; Triki, Houria; Moraru, Luminita; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 4 2020 Solitons in magneto-optic waveguides with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity. Zbl 1448.35093 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Shohib, Reham M. A.; El-Horbaty, Mahmoud M.; Biswas, Anjan; Asma, Mir; Ekici, Mehmet; Kamis Alzahrani, Abdullah; Belic, Milivoj R. 4 2020 Solitons in magneto-optic waveguides with Kudryashov’s law of refractive index. Zbl 1495.78001 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Alngar, Mohamed E. M.; Biswas, Anjan; Asma, Mir; Ekici, Mehmet; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 4 2020 Optical solitons with Chen-Lee-Liu equation by Lie symmetry. Zbl 1448.35079 Bansal, Anupma; Biswas, Anjan; Zhou, Qin; Arshed, Saima; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 4 2020 Cubic-quartic optical soliton perturbation and conservation laws with Kudryashov’s law of refractive index. Zbl 1448.78049 Yıldırım, Yakup; Biswas, Anjan; Kara, Abdul H.; Ekici, Mehmet; Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Alzahrani, Abdullah Khamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 4 2020 Darboux transformation for a generalized Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur hierarchy equation. Zbl 1448.37078 Guan, Xue; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Kamis Alzahrani, Abdullah; Liu, Wenjun 4 2020 Optical soliton perturbation with polynomial and triple-power laws of refractive index by semi-inverse variational principle. Zbl 1489.35268 Kohl, Russell W.; Biswas, Anjan; Zhou, Qin; Ekici, Mehmet; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 3 2020 Propagation properties of chirped optical similaritons with dual-power law nonlinearity. Zbl 1495.78008 Merabti, Abdelouahab; Triki, Houria; Azzouzi, Faiçal; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Liu, Wenjun; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; EL-Akrmi, Abdessetar 3 2020 Optical solitons in birefringent fibers with Radhakrishnan-Kundu-Lakshmanan equation by a couple of strategically sound integration architectures. Zbl 07832457 Yıldırım, Yakup; Biswas, Anjan; Zhou, Qin; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 2 2020 Optical solitons in fiber Bragg gratings having Kerr law of refractive index with extended Kudryashov’s method and new extended auxiliary equation approach. Zbl 1548.78022 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Alngar, Mohamed E. M.; El-Horbaty, Mahmoud; Biswas, Anjan; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh; Khan, Salam; Ekici, Mehmet; Triki, Houria 2 2020 Chirped optical soliton perturbation of Fokas-Lenells equation with full nonlinearity. Zbl 1482.35223 Al-Ghafri, K. S.; Krishnan, E. V.; Biswas, Anjan 2 2020 Interactions among solitons for a fifth-order variable coefficient nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1516.37119 Liu, Suzhi; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Liu, Wenjun 2 2020 Dark, singular and straddled optical solitons in birefringent fibers with generalized anti-cubic nonlinearity. Zbl 1448.35090 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Alngar, Mohamed E. M.; Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Moraru, Luminita; Kamis Alzahrani, Abdullah; Belic, Milivoj R. 2 2020 Optical solitons for Radhakrishnan-Kundu-Lakshmanan equation with full nonlinearity. Zbl 1448.35078 Arshed, Saima; Biswas, Anjan; Guggilla, Padmaja; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh 2 2020 A re-visitation to reported results on optical solitons. Zbl 1489.35227 Kumar, Sachin; Malik, Sandeep; Biswas, Anjan 2 2020 Optical solitons and conservation laws with generalized Kudryashov’s law of refractive index. Zbl 1490.78008 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Alngar, Mohamed E. M.; Biswas, Anjan; Asma, Mir; Ekici, Mehmet; Alzahrani, Abdullah K.; Belic, Milivoj R. 2 2020 Optical solitons with differential group delay for Kudryashov’s model by the auxiliary equation mapping method. Zbl 07833212 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Shohib, Reham M. A.; Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Moraru, Luminita; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis; Belic, Milivoj R. 1 2020 Optical dromions and domain walls with the Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar equation by the Laplace-Adomian decomposition scheme. Zbl 1448.65291 González-Gaxiola, Oswaldo; Biswas, Anjan; Asma, Mir; Alzahrani, Abdullah Kamis 1 2020 Solitons and conservation laws in magneto-optic waveguides having parabolic-nonlocal law of refractive index. Zbl 1448.35091 Zayed, Elsayed M. E.; Alngar, Mohamed E. M.; El-Horbaty, Mahmoud M.; Biswas, Anjan; Kara, Abdul H.; Ekici, Mehmet; Asma, Mir; Alzahrani, Abdullah K.; Belic, Milivoj R. 1 2020 Phase-shift controlling of three solitons in dispersion-decreasing fibers. Zbl 1430.78006 Liu, Suzhi; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Liu, Wenjun 29 2019 Optical solitons in \((2+1)\)-dimensions with Kundu-Mukherjee-Naskar equation by extended trial function scheme. Zbl 1539.35253 Ekici, Mehmet; Sonmezoglu, Abdullah; Biswas, Anjan; Belic, Milivoj R. 21 2019 Generation and control of multiple solitons under the influence of parameters. Zbl 1439.78013 Liu, Xiaoyan; Triki, Houria; Zhou, Qin; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Liu, Wenjun; Biswas, Anjan; Belic, Milivoj 19 2019 Phase shift, oscillation and collision of the anti-dark solitons for the \((3+1)\)-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equation in an optical fiber communication system. Zbl 1430.35217 Yu, Weitian; Liu, Wenjun; Triki, Houria; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan 14 2019 Dromion-like soliton interactions for nonlinear Schrödinger equation with variable coefficients in inhomogeneous optical fibers. Zbl 1437.35633 Liu, Wenjun; Zhang, Yujia; Luan, Zitong; Zhou, Qin; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Ekici, Mehmet; Biswas, Anjan 14 2019 Periodic attenuating oscillation between soliton interactions for higher-order variable coefficient nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1437.35146 Liu, Xiaoyan; Liu, Wenjun; Triki, Houria; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan 14 2019 Control of dark and anti-dark solitons in the \((2+1)\)-dimensional coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations with perturbed dispersion and nonlinearity in a nonlinear optical system. Zbl 1430.35218 Yu, Weitian; Liu, Wenjun; Triki, Houria; Zhou, Qin; Biswas, Anjan; Belić, Milivoj R. 13 2019 Painlevé analysis and a solution to the traveling wave reduction of the Radhakrishnan-Kundu-Lakshmanan equation. Zbl 1434.78022 Kudryashov, Nikolay A.; Safonova, Dariya V.; Biswas, Anjan 13 2019 Optical solitons with complex Ginzburg-Landau equation for two nonlinear forms using \(F\)-expansion. Zbl 07824988 Das, Amiya; Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Zhou, Qin; Alshomrani, Ali S.; Belic, Milivoj R. 10 2019 Dark two-soliton solutions for nonlinear Schrödinger equations in inhomogeneous optical fibers. Zbl 07824995 Liu, Xiaoyan; Luan, Zitong; Zhou, Qin; Liu, Wenjun; Biswas, Anjan 8 2019 Bright soliton interactions in a \((2+1)\)-dimensional fourth-order variable-coefficient nonlinear Schrödinger equation for the Heisenberg ferromagnetic spin chain. Zbl 1439.35451 Yang, Chunyu; Zhou, Qin; Triki, Houria; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Ekici, Mehmet; Liu, Wen-Jun; Biswas, Anjan; Belic, Milivoj 8 2019 Optical solitons with complex Ginzburg-Landau equation having three nonlinear forms. Zbl 1479.35831 Arshed, Saima; Biswas, Anjan; Mallawi, Fouad; Belic, Milivoj R. 6 2019 Optical soliton perturbation with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity by mapping methods. Zbl 07823620 Krishnan, E. V.; Biswas, Anjan; Zhou, Qin; Ekici, Mehmet; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh; Belic, Milivoj 5 2019 Optical solitons having anti-cubic nonlinearity with two integration architectures. Zbl 07823623 Arnous, Ahmed H.; Ekici, Mehmet; Biswas, Anjan; Alshomrani, Ali Saleh; Belic, Milivoj R. 4 2019 Optical solitons and conservation laws with polarization-mode dispersion for coupled Fokas-Lenells equation using group invariance. Zbl 1448.35080 Bansal, Anupma; Kara, Abdul H.; Biswas, Anjan; Khan, Salam; Zhou, Qin; Moshokoa, Seithuti P. 3 2019 \(W\)-shaped and bright optical solitons in negative indexed materials. Zbl 1448.35089 Triki, Houria; Bensalem, Chaouki; Biswas, Anjan; Zhou, Qin; Ekici, Mehmet; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Belic, Milivoj 3 2019 Optical soliton perturbation for Gerdjikov-Ivanov equation via two analytical techniques. Zbl 1543.35191 Arshed, Saima; Biswas, Anjan; Abdelaty, Mahmoud; Zhou, Qin; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Belic, Milivoj 21 2018 Optical soliton perturbation, group invariants and conservation laws of perturbed Fokas-Lenells equation. Zbl 1415.35009 Bansal, Anupma; Kara, A. H.; Biswas, Anjan; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Belic, Milivoj 15 2018 Optical soliton perturbation with quadratic-cubic nonlinearity using a couple of strategic algorithms. Zbl 1543.78009 Biswas, Anjan; Yıldırım, Yakup; Yaşar, Emrullah; Zhou, Qin; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Belic, Milivoj 14 2018 Gaussian solitary waves to Boussinesq equation with dual dispersion and logarithmic nonlinearity. Zbl 1441.76024 Biswas, Anjan; Ekici, Mehmet; Sonmezoglu, Abdullah 5 2018 Application of fractional sub-equation method to nonlinear evolution equations. Zbl 1416.35288 Abdelkawy, Mohamed A.; El-Kalaawy, Omar H.; Al-Denari, Rasha B.; Biswas, Anjan 4 2018 Distribution and time-series modelling of ordinal circular data. Zbl 1545.62818 Jha, J.; Biswas, A. 1 2018 A new approach for numerical solution of modified Korteweg-de Vries equation. Zbl 1448.65148 Ak, Turgut; Karakoc, S. Battal Gazi; Biswas, Anjan 13 2017 Group analysis, nonlinear self-adjointness, conservation laws, and soliton solutions for the mKdV systems. Zbl 1421.35327 Wang, Gangwei; Kara, Abdul H.; Vega-Guzman, Jose; Biswas, Anjan 6 2017 Optical solitons in nonlinear directional couplers with trial function scheme. Zbl 1380.35048 Arnous, Ahmed H.; Ullah, Malik Zaka; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Zhou, Qin; Triki, Houria; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Biswas, Anjan 4 2017 Solitons in nonlinear directional couplers with optical metamaterials. Zbl 1371.35019 Vega-Guzman, Jose; Mahmood, M. F.; Zhou, Qin; Triki, Houria; Arnous, Ahmed H.; Biswas, Anjan; Moshokoa, Seithuti P.; Belic, Milivoj 4 2017 Solitons and other solutions to Wu-Zhang system. Zbl 1418.35071 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Ekici, Mehmet; Eslami, Mostafa; Krishnan, Edamana Vasudevan; Kumar, Sachin; Biswas, Anjan 4 2017 Optical solitons with complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. Zbl 1349.35364 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Ekici, Mehmet; Sonmezoglu, Abdullah; Eslami, Mostafa; Zhou, Qin; Kara, Abdul H.; Milovic, Daniela; Majid, Fayequa B.; Biswas, Anjan; Belić, Milivoj 27 2016 Group analysis, exact solutions and conservation laws of a generalized fifth order KdV equation. Zbl 1360.35232 Wang, Gangwei; Kara, Abdul H.; Fakhar, Kamran; Vega-Guzman, Jose; Biswas, Anjan 22 2016 Thirring combo-solitons with cubic nonlinearity and spatio-temporal dispersion. Zbl 1378.35289 Zhou, Qin; Zhong, Yi; Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Bhrawy, Ali H.; Zerrad, Essaid; Biswas, Anjan 15 2016 An analysis of the Zhiber-Shabat equation including Lie point symmetries and conservation laws. Zbl 1334.35290 Morris, R. M.; Kara, A. H.; Biswas, Anjan 6 2016 Multi-soliton solutions based on interactions of basic traveling waves with an application to the nonlocal Boussinesq equation. Zbl 1371.35240 Abdel-Gawad, H. I.; Biswas, Anjan 6 2016 Application of \(G^\prime/G\)-expansion method to Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. Zbl 1361.35152 Ebadi, Ghodrat; Biswas, Anjan 4 2016 A novel Hermite Taylor least square based meshfree framework with adaptive upwind scheme for two dimensional incompressible flows. Zbl 1390.65131 Borthakur, M. P.; Biswas, A. 3 2016 Optical solitons in nonlinear directional couplers by sine-cosine function method and Bernoulli’s equation approach. Zbl 1348.78023 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Eslami, Mostafa; Zerrad, Essaid; Mahmood, Mohammad F.; Biswas, Anjan; Belic, Milivoj 51 2015 Additional conservation laws for Rosenau-KdV-RLW equation with power law nonlinearity by Lie symmetry. Zbl 1331.35023 Razborova, Polina; Kara, Abdul H.; Biswas, Anjan 44 2015 Soliton solutions to resonant nonlinear Schrödinger’s equation with time-dependent coefficients by trial solution approach. Zbl 1347.35216 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Arnous, A. H.; Mahmood, M. F.; Zerrad, Essaid; Biswas, Anjan 41 2015 1-soliton solution of KdV6 equation. Zbl 1345.35018 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad; Eslami, Mostafa; Biswas, Anjan 29 2015 Solitons and other solutions to long-short wave resonance equation. Zbl 1329.35247 El-Ganaini, S. I. A.; Mirzazadeh, M.; Biswas, A. 7 2015 Solitons and conservation laws of coupled Ostrovsky equation for internal waves. Zbl 1338.35393 Kara, A. H.; Razborova, Polina; Biswas, Anjan 7 2015 Solitons and other solutions of the long-short wave equation. Zbl 1356.35215 Ebadi, Ghodrat; Mojaver, Aida; Kumar, Sachin; Biswas, Anjan 7 2015 ...and 185 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,073 Authors 170 Biswas, Anjan 57 Kudryashov, Nikolaĭ Alekseevich 57 Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid Abdul-Rahman 45 Zhou, Qin 40 Triki, Houria 33 Belić, Milivoj R. 33 Ekici, Mehmet 33 Mirzazadeh, Mohammad 32 Seadawy, Aly R. 30 Inc, Mustafa 28 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 26 Wang, Gangwei 25 Bekir, Ahmet 24 Ali Akbar, M. 24 Kara, Abdul Hamid 23 Zayed, Elsayed M. E. 21 Alzahrani, Abdullah Khamis Hassan 21 Yıldırım, Yakup 20 Rizvi, Syed Tahir Raza 18 Khalique, Chaudry Masood 18 Tian, Shoufu 18 Younis, Muhammad 17 Tian, Bo 17 Zhang, Tiantian 16 Liu, Wenjun J. 16 Milovic, Daniela M. 14 Eslami, Mostafa 14 Rezazadeh, Hadi 13 Baskonus, Haci Mehmet 13 Khan, Kamruzzaman 13 Kumar, Sachin 13 Li, Jibin 13 Lu, Dianchen 13 Tian, Lixin 13 Yang, Hongwei 13 Yusuf, Abdullahi A. 12 Sönmezoğlu, Abdullah 11 Alngar, Mohamed E. M. 11 Arnous, Ahmed H. 11 Hashemi, Mir Sajjad 11 Kumar, Mukesh 11 Raza, Nauman 11 Zerrad, Essaid 10 Aliyu, Aliyu Isa 10 Manafian Heris, Jalil 9 Ahmed, Hamdy M. 9 Akgül, Ali 9 Alshehri, Hashim M. 9 Arshed, Saima 9 Asma, Mir 9 Ma, Wen-Xiu 9 Moshokoa, Seithuti Philemon 9 Sinelshchikov, Dmitry I. 9 Song, Ming 9 Wang, Xiubin 8 Bhrawy, Ali Hassan 8 Coclite, Giuseppe Maria 8 Das, Amiya 8 Di Ruvo, Lorenzo 8 Gandarias Núñez, Maria Luz 8 Gao, Yitian 8 Güner, Özkan 8 He, Bin 8 Hosseini, Kamyar 8 Li, Zhao 8 Lü, Xing 8 Petković, Marko D. 7 Akinyemi, Lanre 7 Bulut, Hasan 7 Ebadi, Ghodrat 7 Guo, Rui 7 Kenfack Jiotsa, Aurélien 7 Korkmaz, Alper 7 Krishnan, Edamana Vasudevan 7 Li, Bangqing 7 Liu, Jianguo 7 Liu, Zhengrong 7 Ma, Yulan 7 Meng, Qing 7 Mohamad-Jawad, Anwar Ja’afar 7 Tala-Tebué, Éric 6 Adem, Abdullahi Rashid 6 Alshomrani, Ali Saleh 6 Bruzón, Maria Santos 6 Dai, Chaoqing 6 Elboree, Mohammed K. 6 Gupta, Rajesh Kumar 6 Javid, Ahmad 6 Khan, Salam 6 Khater, Mostafa M. A. 6 Kofané, Timoléon Crépin 6 Liu, Changying 6 Rabie, Wafaa B. 6 Rehman, Hamood ur 6 Shohib, Reham M. A. 6 Veni, S. Saravana 6 Wu, Xinyuan 6 Zhang, Zaiyun 6 Zhou, Jiangbo 5 Abdel-Gawad, Hamdy Ibrahim ...and 1,973 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 193 Serials 148 Nonlinear Dynamics 147 Applied Mathematics and Computation 94 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 72 Physics Letters. A 67 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 63 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 56 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 50 Waves in Random and Complex Media 44 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 34 Applied Mathematics Letters 31 Advances in Mathematical Physics 24 Communications in Theoretical Physics 24 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 21 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 19 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 18 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 18 Advances in Difference Equations 17 Computational and Applied Mathematics 17 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 17 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 17 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 16 Physica A 16 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 16 Abstract and Applied Analysis 16 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 15 International Journal of Modern Physics B 14 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 13 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 13 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 12 Applied Mathematical Modelling 12 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 12 Journal of Applied Mathematics 12 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 12 AIMS Mathematics 11 Fractals 10 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 10 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 10 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 9 Wave Motion 9 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 9 Chaos 8 Boundary Value Problems 8 Journal of Function Spaces 7 Computer Physics Communications 7 Journal of the Franklin Institute 7 Journal of Mathematical Physics 7 Numerical Algorithms 7 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 7 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 6 Applied Numerical Mathematics 6 Journal of Modern Optics 6 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 6 Mathematical Sciences 5 Applicable Analysis 5 Journal of Geometry and Physics 5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 Cogent Mathematics 4 Journal of Computational Physics 4 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 4 Studies in Applied Mathematics 4 Journal of Scientific Computing 4 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 4 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 4 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 4 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 4 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 4 Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 3 Modern Physics Letters B 3 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 3 Reports on Mathematical Physics 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 3 Quaestiones Mathematicae 3 Annals of Physics 3 Complexity 3 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 3 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 3 Thai Journal of Mathematics 3 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 3 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 3 International Journal of Biomathematics 3 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 3 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 3 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 3 Open Mathematics 3 Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics 2 Modern Physics Letters A 2 Nuclear Physics. B 2 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 Meccanica 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 Physica D 2 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 2 Applicationes Mathematicae 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems ...and 93 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 42 Fields 1,416 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 300 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 215 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 212 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 170 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 101 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 81 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 78 Quantum theory (81-XX) 49 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 45 Real functions (26-XX) 33 Special functions (33-XX) 30 Computer science (68-XX) 26 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 25 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 19 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 19 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 13 Operator theory (47-XX) 13 Geophysics (86-XX) 12 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 11 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 10 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 10 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 7 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 5 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 5 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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