Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Boas, Ralph Philip jun. (b. 1912 d. 1992) Co-Author Distance Author ID: boas.ralph-philip-jun Published as: Boas, R. P. jun.; Boas, R. P.; Boas, Ralph P. jun.; Boas, Ralph P.; Pondiczery, E. S.; Boas, Ralph Philip jun.; Boas, B. P. jun.; Boas, K. P. jun.; Boas, R. P. jun; Boas, R. jun.; Boas, B. P. more...less Further Spellings: Боас (мл.) Ральф Филип External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 241 Publications since 1935, including 10 Books 4 Contributions as Editor · 4 Further Contributions Reviewing Activity: 5 Reviews Biographic References: 6 Publications Co-Authors: 31 Co-Authors with 60 Joint Publications 949 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 184 single-authored 7 Widder, David Vernon 5 Pollard, Harry 4 Bochner, Salomon 4 Buck, Robert Creighton 3 Alexanderson, Gerald L. 3 Boas, Mary L. 3 Marcus, Michael B. 3 Rahman, Qazi Ibadur 3 Reddy, A. R. 3 Schaeffer, Albert Charles 3 Tukey, John Wilder 2 Askey, Richard Allen 2 Chung, Kai Lai 2 Lehmer, Derrick Henry 2 Pólya, George 2 Read, Ronald C. 2 Schattschneider, Doris J. 2 Schiffer, Menahem Max 2 Schoenfeld, Alan Henry 2 Schoenfeld, Lowell 2 Smithies, Frank 1 Agnew, Ralph Palmer 1 Anselone, Philip M. 1 Boas, Harold P. 1 Brenner, Joël Lee 1 Cargo, Gerald T. 1 Chandrasekharan, Komaravolu 1 Erdős, Pál 1 Gonzalez-Fernandez, Jose M. 1 Imoru, Christopher Olutunde 1 Izumi, Shin-ichi 1 Kac, Mark 1 Klamkin, Murray Seymour 1 Klema, Virginia C. 1 Lange, Lester H. 1 Levinson, Norman 1 Lohwater, Arthur J. 1 Mugler, Dale H. 1 Prather, Carl L. 1 Shohat, James Alexander 1 Tamarkin, Jacob David 1 Thorpe, Alana I. 1 Trembinska, A. M. 1 Wrench, John W. jun. all top 5 Serials 39 Duke Mathematical Journal 23 American Mathematical Monthly 21 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 15 American Journal of Mathematics 11 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 10 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 Journal of the London Mathematical Society 8 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 8 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 7 Mathematics Magazine 4 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 4 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 4 Mathematische Zeitschrift 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Studia Mathematica 3 Michigan Mathematical Journal 3 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 3 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris 3 The Carus Mathematical Monographs 3 Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete 2 Mathematics of Computation 2 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 2 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde. Derde Serie 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 SIAM Review 2 Proceedings. Akadamie van Wetenschappen Amsterdam 2 Recueil Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 2 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques. Deuxième Série 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Indian Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Approximation Theory 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 The Mathematics Student 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Publikacije Elektrotehnickog Fakulteta. Univerzitat u Beogradu. Serija Matematika i Fizika 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series 1 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 1 Soviet Mathematics. Doklady 1 Elemente der Mathematik 1 L’Enseignement Mathématique. 2e Série 1 Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya Matematicheskaya 1 Journal of Recreational Mathematics 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Publications de la Faculté d’Électrotechnique de l’Université à Belgrade. Série Mathématiques et Physique 1 Mathematicians of Our Time 1 Pure and Applied Mathematics (Academic Press) 1 Journal of Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Journal of the University of Bombay (New Series) 1 Mathematical Surveys 1 MAA Textbooks 1 MAA Spectrum all top 5 Fields 21 Real functions (26-XX) 16 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 11 History and biography (01-XX) 11 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 5 Number theory (11-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 188 Publications have been cited 2,345 times in 2,066 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Entire functions. Zbl 0058.30201 Boas, Ralph Philip jun. 986 1954 Polynomial expansions of analytic functions. 2nd printing corrected. Zbl 0116.28105 Boas, R. P. jun.; Buck, R. C. 110 1964 Integrability theorems for trigonometric transforms. Zbl 0145.06804 Boas, R. P. jun. 106 1967 Polynomial expansions of analytic functions. Zbl 0082.05702 Boas, Ralph P. jun.; Buck, R. Creighton 83 1958 The problem of moments. Reprinted. Zbl 0041.43302 Shohat, J. A.; Tamarkin, J. D. 48 1950 The Stieltjes moment problem for functions of bounded variation. Zbl 0021.30702 Boas, R. P. jun. 36 1939 Inequalities for Fourier transforms of positive functions. Zbl 0060.25602 Boas, R. P. jun.; Kac, M. 31 1945 Fourier series with positive coefficients. Zbl 0154.06102 Boas, R. P. jun. 30 1967 Summation formulas and band-limited signals. Zbl 0238.42009 Boas, R. P. jun. 29 1972 Quasi-positive sequences and trigonometric series. Zbl 0128.29302 Boas, R. P. jun. 28 1965 Representation of functions by Lidstone series. Zbl 0061.11512 Boas, R. P. jun. 28 1943 Polynomials defined by generating relations. Zbl 0073.05802 Boas, R. P. jun.; Buck, R. C. 24 1956 \(L^ p\) inequalities for polynomials and entire functions. Zbl 0129.29101 Boas, R. P. jun.; Rahman, Q. I. 22 1962 Integrability of trigonometric series. III. Zbl 0046.29604 Boas, R. P. jun. 20 1952 A uniqueness theorem for harmonic functions. Zbl 0233.31002 Boas, R. P. jun. 19 1972 The Stieltjes moment problem for functions of bounded variation. JFM 65.0518.05 Boas, R. P. jun. 18 1939 The integrability class of the sine transform of a monotonic function. Zbl 0237.42011 Boas, R. P. jun. 17 1972 Functions with positive differences. Zbl 0026.10702 Boas, R. P. jun.; Widder, D. V. 17 1940 Power problems in abstract spaces. Zbl 0060.39601 Pondiczery, E. S. 17 1944 A general moment problem. JFM 67.0423.01 Boas, R. P. jun. 16 1941 Signs of derivatives and analytic behavior. Zbl 0224.26011 Boas, R. P. jun. 15 1971 Univalent derivatives of entire functions. JFM 66.0355.01 Boas, R. P. jun. 14 1940 Absolute convergence and integrability of trigonometric series. Zbl 0071.28404 Boas, R. P. jun. 14 1956 Inequalities for asymmetric entire functions. Zbl 0077.07601 Boas, R. P. jun. 14 1957 Some uniformly convex spaces. JFM 66.0533.03 Boas, R. P. jun. 13 1940 Lipschitz behavior and integrability of characteristic functions. Zbl 0147.17401 Boas, R. P. jun. 13 1967 Inequalities for the derivatives of polynomials. Zbl 0179.37803 Boas, R. P. jun. 13 1969 Some integral inequalities related to Hardy’s inequality. Zbl 0206.06803 Boas, R. P. jun. 13 1970 George Polya: Collected papers. Vol. I: Singularities of analytic functions. Vol. II: Location of zeros. Zbl 0319.01021 13 1974 Complete sets of Bessel and Legendre functions. Zbl 0029.35602 Boas, R. P. jun.; Pollard, H. 13 1947 The multiplicative completion of sets of functions. Zbl 0032.15301 Boas, R. P. jun.; Pollard, Harry 13 1948 Partial sums of infinite series, and how they grow. Zbl 0355.65001 Boas, R. P. jun. 12 1977 The Jensen-Steffensen inequality. Zbl 0213.34601 Boas, R. P. jun. 12 1970 A general moment problem. Zbl 0025.25404 Boas, R. P. jun. 12 1941 Integrability of trigonometric series. I. Zbl 0045.03302 Boas, R. P. jun. 12 1951 The growth of solutions of a differential equation. Zbl 0061.18605 Boas, Mary L.; Boas, R. P. jun.; Levinson, Norman 12 1942 A primer of real functions. Zbl 0089.03401 Boas, Ralph P. jun. 12 1960 Majorant problems for trigonometric series. Zbl 0111.26702 Boas, R. P. jun. 12 1963 Beurling’s test for absolute convergence of Fourier series. Zbl 0100.06203 Boas, R. P. jun. 11 1960 Isomorphism between \(H^p\) and \(L^p\). Zbl 0065.34502 Boas, R. P. jun. 10 1955 Continuous analogues of series. Zbl 0252.42019 Boas, R. P. jun.; Pollard, H. 9 1973 A primer of real functions. 3rd ed. Zbl 0473.26002 Boas, Ralph P. jun. 9 1981 A note on functions of exponential type. Zbl 0063.00481 Boas, R. P. jun. 9 1941 Inequalities for monotonic series. Zbl 0100.04701 Boas, R. P. jun. 9 1960 Partial sums of the harmonic series. Zbl 0223.65001 Boas, R. P. jun.; Wrench, J. W. jun. 8 1971 Some theorems on Fourier transforms and conjugate trigonometric integrals. Zbl 0015.21301 Boas, R. P. jun. 8 1936 Periodic entire functions. Zbl 0128.07202 Boas, R. P. jun. 7 1964 Elementary convolution inequalities. Zbl 0301.26019 Boas, R. P. jun.; Imoru, C. O. 7 1975 Short proofs of three theorems on harmonic functions. Zbl 0665.31004 Boas, H. P.; Boas, R. P. 7 1988 Representations for entire functions of exponential type. Zbl 0019.12502 Boas, R. P. jun. 7 1938 Some uniformly convex spaces. Zbl 0024.41304 Boas, R. P. jun. 7 1940 Functions of exponential type. I, II, IV. Zbl 0060.22301 Boas, R. P. jun. 7 1944 Generalized Laplace integrals. Zbl 0063.00482 Boas, R. P. jun. 7 1942 Growth of analytic functions along a line. Zbl 0065.30502 Boas, R. P. jun. 7 1955 A primer of real functions. Rev. a. upd. by Harold P. Boas. 4th ed. Zbl 0865.26001 Boas, Ralph P. jun. 6 1996 Final sets for operators on finite Fourier transforms. Zbl 0411.30015 Boas, R. P.; Prather, Carl L. 6 1979 Expansions of analytic functions. JFM 66.0344.02 Boas, R. P. jun. 6 1940 The derivative of a trigonometric integral. Zbl 0017.07202 Boas, R. P. jun. 6 1937 Some theorems on Fourier transforms and conjugate trigonometric integrals. JFM 62.0296.01 Boas, R. P. 6 1936 Influence of the signs of the derivatives of a function on its analytic character. Zbl 0061.11509 Boas, R. P. jun.; Pólya, George 6 1942 Inversion of a generalized Laplace integral. Zbl 0063.00483 Boas, R. P. jun. 6 1942 On a theorem of M. Riesz for Fourier series. Zbl 0020.21603 Boas, R. P. jun.; Bochner, Salomon 6 1939 Polynomial expansions of analytic functions. Zbl 0041.03901 Boas, R. P. jun. 6 1950 Some elementary theorems on entire functions. Zbl 0049.17301 Boas, R. P. jun. 6 1952 Selected topics from Pólya’s work in complex analysis. Zbl 0645.01015 Boas, R. P. 5 1987 Quelques généralisations d’un théorème de S. Bernstein sur la dérivée d’un polynôme trigonométrique. Zbl 0037.05102 Boas, Ralph P. 5 1948 Inequalities for functions of exponential type. Zbl 0070.29603 Boas, R. P. jun. 5 1956 Properties equivalent to the completeness of \((e^{-t}t^{rn})\). Zbl 0060.17104 Boas, R. P. jun.; Pollard, Harry 5 1946 Inequalities involving a function and its inverse. Zbl 0235.26009 Boas, R. P. jun.; Marcus, M. B. 4 1973 Growth of partial sums of divergent series. Zbl 0348.65004 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1977 Fourier coefficients of positive functions. Zbl 0175.06303 Askey, R.; Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1967 Differentiability of jump functions. Zbl 0192.14803 Boas, R. P. 4 1961 Some integrability theorems for power series with positive coefficients. Zbl 0212.41401 Askey, R.; Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1970 The random walks of George Pólya. With essays by Ralph P. Boas jr., Kai Lai Chung, D. H. Lehmer, R. C. Read, Doris Schattschneider, M. M. Schiffer, and Alan Schoenfeld. Zbl 0942.01028 Alexanderson, Gerald L. 4 2000 More inequalities for Fourier transforms. Zbl 0030.16001 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1948 Entire functions bounded on a line. Zbl 0026.31502 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1940 Expansions of analytic functions. Zbl 0025.25701 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1940 Univalent derivatives of entire functions. Zbl 0023.40403 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1940 Entire functions bounded on a line. JFM 66.1248.01 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1940 Inequalities between series and integrals involving entire functions. Zbl 0048.05501 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1952 Integrability along a line for a class of entire functions. Zbl 0049.33101 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1952 Functions which are odd about several points. Zbl 0050.28304 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1953 A note on functions of exponential type. Zbl 0060.22201 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1941 Functions of exponential type. III. Zbl 0063.00484 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1944 Variational methods in entire functions. Zbl 0085.05304 Boas, R. P. jun.; Schaeffer, A. C. 4 1957 Integral functions with negative zeros. Zbl 0050.08203 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1953 Remarks on a moment problem. Zbl 0050.10701 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1953 Absolute convergence of some trigonometric series. I. Zbl 0098.27503 Boas, R. P. jun.; Izumi, S. 4 1961 Representations for completely convex functions. Zbl 0099.27602 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1959 More about quotients of monotone functions. Zbl 0132.03403 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1965 Estimating remainders. Zbl 0421.40001 Boas, Ralph P. 3 1978 Functions with positive differences. JFM 66.0243.01 Boas, R. P. jun.; Widder, D. V. 3 1940 Some inequalities for polynomials and entire functions. Zbl 0122.07302 Boas, R. P.; Rahman, Q. I. 3 1962 Invitation to complex analysis. 2nd revised ed. Zbl 1203.30001 Boas, Ralph P. 3 2010 Asymptotic relations for derivatives. JFM 63.0943.01 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1937 Basic sets of polynomials. I. Zbl 0031.21104 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1948 Density theorem for power series and complete sets. Zbl 0032.06103 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1947 A theorem on analytic functions of a real variable. Zbl 0011.20105 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1935 Some uniqueness theorems for entire functions. Zbl 0024.42002 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1940 A completeness theorem. Zbl 0026.01204 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1940 Invitation to complex analysis. 2nd revised ed. Zbl 1203.30001 Boas, Ralph P. 3 2010 The random walks of George Pólya. With essays by Ralph P. Boas jr., Kai Lai Chung, D. H. Lehmer, R. C. Read, Doris Schattschneider, M. M. Schiffer, and Alan Schoenfeld. Zbl 0942.01028 Alexanderson, Gerald L. 4 2000 A primer of real functions. Rev. a. upd. by Harold P. Boas. 4th ed. Zbl 0865.26001 Boas, Ralph P. jun. 6 1996 Lion hunting and other mathematical pursuits: a collection of mathematics, verse, and stories by Ralph P. Boas, Jr. Zbl 0854.00001 Alexanderson, Gerald L.; Mugler, Dale H. 2 1995 Early days at Mathematical Reviews. Zbl 0792.01057 Boas, R. P. 1 1991 A. J. Lohwater’s Russian-English dictionary of the mathematical sciences. 2nd ed., rev. and expanded with the assistance of Alana I. Thorpe. Zbl 0704.00010 1 1990 Otto Neugebauer: 1899–1990. Zbl 1194.01063 Boas, R. P. 1 1990 When is a \(C^{\infty}\) function analytic? Zbl 0704.41021 Boas, R. P. 2 1989 Short proofs of three theorems on harmonic functions. Zbl 0665.31004 Boas, H. P.; Boas, R. P. 7 1988 An extension of Carlson’s theorem for analytic functions. Zbl 0637.30027 Boas, R. P.; Trembinska, A. M. 3 1988 Selected topics from Pólya’s work in complex analysis. Zbl 0645.01015 Boas, R. P. 5 1987 The asymptotic behavior of inhomogeneous means. Zbl 0614.26001 Boas, R. P.; Brenner, J. L. 3 1987 George Pólya. Zbl 0611.01012 Alexanderson, Gerald L.; Lange, Lester H. 2 1987 Counterexamples to l’Hôpital’s rule. Zbl 0655.26005 Boas, R. P. 2 1986 A primer of real functions. 3rd ed. Zbl 0473.26002 Boas, Ralph P. jun. 9 1981 Final sets for operators on finite Fourier transforms. Zbl 0411.30015 Boas, R. P.; Prather, Carl L. 6 1979 Generalizations of the \(64/16\) problem. Zbl 0419.10009 Boas, R. P. 1 1979 Award for distinguished service to Otto Neugebauer. Zbl 0395.01017 Boas, R. P. 1 1979 Estimating remainders. Zbl 0421.40001 Boas, Ralph P. 3 1978 Zeros of successive derivatives of a function analytic at infinity. Zbl 0448.30012 Boas, R. P. 2 1978 Extremal problems for polynomials. Zbl 0387.26009 Boas, R. P. 1 1978 Partial sums of infinite series, and how they grow. Zbl 0355.65001 Boas, R. P. jun. 12 1977 Growth of partial sums of divergent series. Zbl 0348.65004 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1977 Extrema of polynomials. Zbl 0346.26012 Boas, Ralph P. jun.; Klamkin, Murray S. 1 1977 Elementary convolution inequalities. Zbl 0301.26019 Boas, R. P. jun.; Imoru, C. O. 7 1975 George Polya: Collected papers. Vol. I: Singularities of analytic functions. Vol. II: Location of zeros. Zbl 0319.01021 13 1974 Generalizations of Young’s inequality. Zbl 0275.26021 Boas, R. P. jun.; Marcus, M. B. 2 1974 Inverse functions and integration by parts. Zbl 0285.26008 Boas, R. P. jun.; Marcus, M. B. 2 1974 Continuous analogues of series. Zbl 0252.42019 Boas, R. P. jun.; Pollard, H. 9 1973 Inequalities involving a function and its inverse. Zbl 0235.26009 Boas, R. P. jun.; Marcus, M. B. 4 1973 Zeros of the successive derivatives of entire functions. Zbl 0258.30024 Boas, R. P. jun.; Reddy, A. R. 1 1973 Summation formulas and band-limited signals. Zbl 0238.42009 Boas, R. P. jun. 29 1972 A uniqueness theorem for harmonic functions. Zbl 0233.31002 Boas, R. P. jun. 19 1972 The integrability class of the sine transform of a monotonic function. Zbl 0237.42011 Boas, R. P. jun. 17 1972 The integrability class of the sine transform of a monotonic functions. Zbl 0215.18203 Boas, R. P. jun. 2 1972 Signs of derivatives and analytic behavior. Zbl 0224.26011 Boas, R. P. jun. 15 1971 Partial sums of the harmonic series. Zbl 0223.65001 Boas, R. P. jun.; Wrench, J. W. jun. 8 1971 Some integral inequalities related to Hardy’s inequality. Zbl 0206.06803 Boas, R. P. jun. 13 1970 The Jensen-Steffensen inequality. Zbl 0213.34601 Boas, R. P. jun. 12 1970 Some integrability theorems for power series with positive coefficients. Zbl 0212.41401 Askey, R.; Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1970 Generalized Taylor series, quadrature formulas, and a formula by Kronecker. Zbl 0203.06101 Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1970 Inequalities for the derivatives of polynomials. Zbl 0179.37803 Boas, R. P. jun. 13 1969 Integrability theorems for trigonometric transforms. Zbl 0145.06804 Boas, R. P. jun. 106 1967 Fourier series with positive coefficients. Zbl 0154.06102 Boas, R. P. jun. 30 1967 Lipschitz behavior and integrability of characteristic functions. Zbl 0147.17401 Boas, R. P. jun. 13 1967 Fourier coefficients of positive functions. Zbl 0175.06303 Askey, R.; Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1967 Asymptotic formulas for trigonometric series. Zbl 0172.34702 Boas, R. P. jun. 2 1967 Indefinite integration by residues. Zbl 0145.30001 Boas, R. P. jun.; Schoenfeld, L. 1 1966 Fourier series with positive coefficients. Zbl 0163.07603 Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1966 Quasi-positive sequences and trigonometric series. Zbl 0128.29302 Boas, R. P. jun. 28 1965 More about quotients of monotone functions. Zbl 0132.03403 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1965 Polynomial expansions of analytic functions. 2nd printing corrected. Zbl 0116.28105 Boas, R. P. jun.; Buck, R. C. 110 1964 Periodic entire functions. Zbl 0128.07202 Boas, R. P. jun. 7 1964 Integrability of non-negative trigonometric series. II. Zbl 0133.02402 Boas, R. P. jun. 2 1964 The atypical zeros of a class of entire functions. Zbl 0192.17102 Anselone, P. M.; Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1964 Yet another proof of the fundamental theorem of algebra. Zbl 0117.03801 Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1964 Majorant problems for trigonometric series. Zbl 0111.26702 Boas, R. P. jun. 12 1963 Inversion of Fourier and Laplace transforms. Zbl 0192.21802 Boas, R. P. jun. 2 1963 On sine series with positive coefficients. Zbl 0107.05201 Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1963 \(L^ p\) inequalities for polynomials and entire functions. Zbl 0129.29101 Boas, R. P. jun.; Rahman, Q. I. 22 1962 Some inequalities for polynomials and entire functions. Zbl 0122.07302 Boas, R. P.; Rahman, Q. I. 3 1962 Integrability of nonnegative trigonometric series. Zbl 0108.27402 Boas, R. P. jun. 2 1962 Inequalities for polynomials with a prescribed zero. Zbl 0121.26501 Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1962 The distance set of the Cantor set. Zbl 0112.28602 Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1962 Differentiability of jump functions. Zbl 0192.14803 Boas, R. P. 4 1961 Absolute convergence of some trigonometric series. I. Zbl 0098.27503 Boas, R. P. jun.; Izumi, S. 4 1961 A primer of real functions. Zbl 0089.03401 Boas, Ralph P. jun. 12 1960 Beurling’s test for absolute convergence of Fourier series. Zbl 0100.06203 Boas, R. P. jun. 11 1960 Inequalities for monotonic series. Zbl 0100.04701 Boas, R. P. jun. 9 1960 A series considered by Ramanujan. Zbl 0097.02904 Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1960 Representations for completely convex functions. Zbl 0099.27602 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1959 A variational method for trigonometric polynomials. Zbl 0142.03201 Boas, R. P. jun. 2 1959 Polynomial expansions of analytic functions. Zbl 0082.05702 Boas, Ralph P. jun.; Buck, R. Creighton 83 1958 Almost completely convex functions. Zbl 0081.28001 Boas, R. P. jun. 2 1958 On generalized averaging operators. Zbl 0152.06801 Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1958 Inequalities for asymmetric entire functions. Zbl 0077.07601 Boas, R. P. jun. 14 1957 Variational methods in entire functions. Zbl 0085.05304 Boas, R. P. jun.; Schaeffer, A. C. 4 1957 Integrability theorems for Laplace-Stieltjes transforms. Zbl 0077.06002 Boas, R. P. jun.; González-Fernández, J. M. 2 1957 Growth of derivatives of entire functions. Zbl 0078.26203 Boas, R. P. jun. 2 1957 Functions which are odd about several points: Addendum. Zbl 0078.04804 Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1957 Polynomials defined by generating relations. Zbl 0073.05802 Boas, R. P. jun.; Buck, R. C. 24 1956 Absolute convergence and integrability of trigonometric series. Zbl 0071.28404 Boas, R. P. jun. 14 1956 Inequalities for functions of exponential type. Zbl 0070.29603 Boas, R. P. jun. 5 1956 Interference phenomena for entire functions. Zbl 0072.07403 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1956 Isomorphism between \(H^p\) and \(L^p\). Zbl 0065.34502 Boas, R. P. jun. 10 1955 Growth of analytic functions along a line. Zbl 0065.30502 Boas, R. P. jun. 7 1955 Entire functions. Zbl 0058.30201 Boas, Ralph Philip jun. 986 1954 Functions which are odd about several points. Zbl 0050.28304 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1953 Integral functions with negative zeros. Zbl 0050.08203 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1953 Remarks on a moment problem. Zbl 0050.10701 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1953 Asymptotic properties of functions of exponential type. Zbl 0051.05803 Boas, R. P. jun 2 1953 Two theorems on integral functions. Zbl 0050.08202 Boas, R. P. jun. 2 1953 Integrability of trigonometric series. III. Zbl 0046.29604 Boas, R. P. jun. 20 1952 Some elementary theorems on entire functions. Zbl 0049.17301 Boas, R. P. jun. 6 1952 Inequalities between series and integrals involving entire functions. Zbl 0048.05501 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1952 Integrability along a line for a class of entire functions. Zbl 0049.33101 Boas, R. P. jun. 4 1952 Sums representing Fourier transforms. Zbl 0047.10401 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1952 Growth of analytic functions along a line. Zbl 0048.31202 Boas, R. P. jun. 3 1952 Integrability of trigonometric series. II. Zbl 0046.29603 Boas, R. P. jun. 2 1952 Oscillation of partial sums of Fourier series. Zbl 0049.04702 Boas, R. P. jun. 1 1952 ...and 88 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,965 Authors 36 Rahman, Qazi Ibadur 25 Boas, Ralph Philip jun. 24 Schmeisser, Gerhard 24 Tikhonov, Sergey Yur’evich 24 Volosivets, Sergeĭ Sergeevich 22 Shah, Swarupchand M. 19 Pečarić, Josip 15 Bor, Hüseyin 14 Costabile, Francesco Aldo 13 Butzer, Paul Leo 12 Daher, Radouan 11 Gorbachëv, Dmitriĭ Viktorovich 11 Khan, Subuhi 11 Móricz, Ferenc 10 Annaby, Mahmoud H. 10 Chen, Lung-Hui 10 Csordas, George 10 D’yachenko, Mikhaĭl Ivanovich 10 Ismail, Mourad El-Houssieny 10 Kwon, Kil Hyun 9 Agarwal, Ravi P. 9 Bernal-Gonzàlez, Luis 9 Buckholtz, J. D. 9 Koosis, Paul 9 Liflyand, Elijah 9 Littlejohn, Lance L. 9 Prather, Carl L. 9 Reddy, A. R. 8 Alzer, Horst 8 Daudé, Thierry 8 Heittokangas, Janne M. 8 Nicoleau, François 8 Pesenson, Isaac Zalmanovich 8 Ricci, Paolo Emilio 8 Stens, Rudolf L. 8 Wong, Patricia J. Y. 8 Zalik, Richard A. 7 Chaggara, Hamza 7 de Branges de Bourcia, Louis 7 Deng, Guantie 7 Frank, Günter 7 Higgins, John Rowland 7 Norvidas, Saulius 7 Shaw, J. K. 7 Taylor, Bert Alan 7 Widder, David Vernon 7 Young, Robert M. 7 Zikkos, Elias 6 Abuzyarova, Natal’ya Fairbakhovna 6 Aslanov, Afgan 6 Bardaro, Carlo 6 Ben Cheikh, Youssèf 6 Dimitrov, Dimitar K. 6 Dragomir, Sever Silvestru 6 Govil, Narendra Kumar 6 Ivanov, Valerĭ Ivanovich 6 Izumi, Masako 6 Kaz’min, Yu. A. 6 Kinukawa, Masakiti 6 Lubinsky, Doron S. 6 Munarini, Emanuele 6 Napoli, Anna 6 Natalini, Pierpaolo 6 Qazi, Mohammed A. 6 Seip, Kristian 6 Sunouchi, Gen-ichiro 6 Tharwat, Mohammed M. 6 Viano, Giovanni Alberto 6 Zayed, Ahmed I. 6 Zhang, Ruiming 5 Antoniou, Ioannis E. 5 Armitage, David H. 5 Berg, Christian 5 Bingham, Nicholas Hugh 5 Borchers, Hans-Jürgen 5 Chen, Yung-Ming 5 De Micheli, Enrico 5 DeMar, Richard F. 5 Dryanov, Dimiter P. 5 Duffin, Richard James 5 Gaier, Dieter 5 Ganzburg, Michael Iosifovich 5 Izumi, Shin-ichi 5 Khats’, Ruslan Vasyl’ovych 5 Kwong, Man Kam 5 Leindler, László 5 Lin, Gwo Dong 5 Loualid, El Mehdi 5 Luzón, Ana 5 Mansour, Zeinab S. I. 5 Mantellini, Ilaria 5 Marcus, Michael B. 5 Moron, Manuel Alonso 5 Pedersen, Henrik Laurberg 5 Pollard, Harry 5 Polyakova, Dar’ya Aleksandrovna 5 Popov, Anton Yur’evich 5 Révész, Szilárd György 5 Rubel, Lee Albert 5 Seoane-Sepúlveda, Juan Benigno ...and 1,865 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 381 Serials 254 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 107 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 97 Journal of Approximation Theory 85 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 42 Mathematical Notes 38 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 35 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 31 Journal of Functional Analysis 29 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 29 Mathematische Zeitschrift 23 Analysis Mathematica 22 Advances in Mathematics 21 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 21 Computational Methods and Function Theory 18 Archiv der Mathematik 17 Arkiv för Matematik 17 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 17 Mathematische Annalen 17 Monatshefte für Mathematik 17 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 17 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 15 Mathematics of Computation 15 Journal of Differential Equations 15 Results in Mathematics 15 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 14 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 14 Siberian Mathematical Journal 14 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 13 Mathematische Nachrichten 13 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 12 Communications in Mathematical Physics 12 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 12 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 11 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 10 Applicable Analysis 10 Acta Mathematica 10 Constructive Approximation 10 Linear Algebra and its Applications 10 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 9 Israel Journal of Mathematics 9 Applied Mathematics and Computation 9 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 9 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 9 The Ramanujan Journal 8 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 8 Manuscripta Mathematica 8 Aequationes Mathematicae 8 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 8 Abstract and Applied Analysis 8 Annales Henri Poincaré 8 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 7 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 7 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 7 Functional Analysis and its Applications 7 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 7 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 7 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 7 Boundary Value Problems 7 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 6 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 6 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 6 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 6 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 6 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 6 The Mathematical Intelligencer 6 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 6 Compositio Mathematica 6 Inventiones Mathematicae 6 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 6 Kodai Mathematical Journal 6 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 6 Advances in Applied Mathematics 6 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 6 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 6 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 6 Ufimskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 5 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 5 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 5 Duke Mathematical Journal 5 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 5 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 5 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 5 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 5 Applied Mathematics Letters 5 Numerical Algorithms 5 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 5 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 5 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 5 Positivity 5 Advances in Difference Equations 5 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Troisième Série 5 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 5 Journal of Spectral Theory 4 American Mathematical Monthly 4 Journal of Mathematical Physics 4 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 4 Reports on Mathematical Physics 4 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 4 Journal of Number Theory 4 Journal of Soviet Mathematics ...and 281 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 59 Fields 536 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 417 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 249 Functional analysis (46-XX) 234 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 204 Special functions (33-XX) 203 Real functions (26-XX) 173 Operator theory (47-XX) 142 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 109 Number theory (11-XX) 109 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 96 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 88 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 73 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 72 Combinatorics (05-XX) 69 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 57 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 50 Quantum theory (81-XX) 42 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 42 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 39 Potential theory (31-XX) 39 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 32 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 28 Statistics (62-XX) 26 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 25 Integral equations (45-XX) 24 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 17 General topology (54-XX) 17 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 13 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 11 History and biography (01-XX) 10 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 10 Measure and integration (28-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 10 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 9 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 9 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 9 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 8 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 Differential geometry (53-XX) 8 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 7 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 7 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 6 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 5 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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