Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Bollobás, Béla Co-Author Distance Author ID: bollobas.bela Published as: Bollobás, Béla; Bollobas, Bela; Bollobás, B.; Bollobas, B.; Bollobás, Bela; Bollabás, Béla; Bollobas, Béla; Bollobàs, Bela; Boolobás, Béla more...less Homepage: https://www.memphis.edu/msci/people/bollobas.php External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · ResearchGate · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 516 Publications since 1962, including 19 Books and 15 Additional arXiv Preprints 19 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 3 Publications Co-Authors: 189 Co-Authors with 404 Joint Publications 6,579 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 126 single-authored 64 Balister, Paul N. 61 Riordan, Oliver Maxim 33 Leader, Imre 29 Balogh, József 28 Morris, Robert D. 25 Scott, Alexander D. 20 Brightwell, Graham R. 20 Erdős, Pál 19 Thomason, Andrew G. 14 Janson, Svante 14 Nikiforov, Vladimir S. 12 Smith, Paul 12 Walters, Mark 11 Alon, Noga 11 Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu 11 Tiba, Marius 9 Sahasrabudhe, Julian 8 Narayanan, Bhargav P. 8 Sarkar, Amites 7 Frieze, Alan Michael 6 Jin, Guoping 6 Schelp, Richard Herbert 5 Borgs, Christian 5 Chayes, Jennifer Tour 5 Cockayne, Ernest J. 5 Eldridge, Stephen E. 5 Fenner, Trevor I. 5 Simonovits, Miklós 5 Stacey, Alan M. 5 Weinreich, David 4 Arratia, Richard Alejandro 4 Gerke, Stefanie 4 Gunderson, Karen 4 Kozma, Robert Thijs 4 Krivelevich, Michael 4 Lee, Jonathan D. 4 Łuczak, Tomasz 4 Sorkin, Gregory B. 4 Wegener, Ingo 3 Coppersmith, Don 3 Duminil-Copin, Hugo 3 Furedi, Zoltan 3 Harary, Frank 3 Kim, Jeong Han 3 Kostochka, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 3 Lehel, Jeno 3 Przykucki, Michał 3 Radcliffe, Andrew John 3 Rousseau, Cecil C. 3 Simon, Istvan 3 Sudakov, Benny 3 Szabó, Tamás T. 3 Szemerédi, Endre 3 Uzzell, Andrew J. 2 Baker, Alan 2 Berger, Noam 2 Catlin, Paul A. 2 Chung, Fan 2 Duchet, Pierre 2 Eccles, Tom 2 Elkin, Michael 2 Freeman, Walter J. 2 Griffiths, Simon 2 Gyárfás, András 2 Häggkvist, Roland 2 Hajnal, András 2 Holmgren, Cecilia Ingrid 2 Jayawardene, Chula J. 2 Kindler, Guy 2 Letzter, Shoham 2 Morayne, Michał 2 Nakprasit, Kittikorn 2 O’Donnell, Ryan 2 Pebody, Luke 2 Pritchard, David A. G. 2 Puljic, Marko 2 Quas, Anthony 2 Rothvoß, Thomas 2 Saito, Akira 2 Spencer, Joel H. 2 Thomassen, Carsten 2 Welzl, Emo 2 West, Douglas Brent 1 Albertson, Michael O. 1 Arora, Sanjeev 1 Balla, Igor 1 Ballister, P. N. 1 Bartal, Yair 1 Bermond, Jean-Claude 1 Bertuzzo, Enrico 1 Bingham, Nicholas Hugh 1 Bohman, Tom 1 Broder, Andrei Z. 1 Caldarelli, Guido 1 Campos, Marcelo 1 Chung, Kai Lai 1 Clark, Lane H. 1 Cooley, Oliver 1 Cooper, Colin 1 Cutler, Jonathan ...and 98 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 43 Discrete Mathematics 42 Random Structures & Algorithms 37 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 27 European Journal of Combinatorics 19 Combinatorica 19 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 18 Journal of Graph Theory 16 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 10 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 10 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 9 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 8 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 8 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 7 Discrete Applied Mathematics 7 Israel Journal of Mathematics 7 Probability Theory and Related Fields 6 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 6 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 5 Advances in Applied Probability 4 The Annals of Probability 4 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 4 The Annals of Applied Probability 4 Elemente der Mathematik 4 Oberwolfach Reports 3 Annales Universitatis Scientiarum Budapestinensis de Rolando Eötvös Nominatae. Sectio Mathematica 3 Ars Combinatoria 3 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 3 Internet Mathematics 3 Annals of Discrete Mathematics 3 Graduate Texts in Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 2 American Mathematical Monthly 2 Studia Mathematica 2 Algebra Universalis 2 Journal of Applied Probability 2 Journal of Number Theory 2 Matematikai Lapok 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series 2 SIAM Journal on Computing 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Utilitas Mathematica 2 Journal of Algorithms 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Graphs and Combinatorics 2 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 2 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 Bolyai Society Mathematical Studies 2 Cambridge Mathematical Textbooks 1 Acta Universitatis Carolinae. Mathematica et Physica 1 Biological Cybernetics 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Journal of Statistical Physics 1 Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Physica A 1 Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Technischen Hochschule Ilmenau 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Mathematics Magazine 1 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 1 Acta Arithmetica 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 1 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 The Mathematical Scientist 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Order 1 Algorithmica 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 1 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 1 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 1 Congressus Numerantium 1 Nordic Journal of Computing 1 Journal of Combinatorial Designs 1 Electronic Journal of Probability 1 Documenta Mathematica 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory 1 Bulletin Société Mathématique de Grèce. Nouvelle Série 1 Cambridge Studies in Advanced Mathematics 1 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 1 London Mathematical Society Monographs 1 Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics 1 Regional Conference Series in Mathematics 1 Algebra & Number Theory 1 Theory of Computing 1 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 1 Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics all top 5 Fields 400 Combinatorics (05-XX) 123 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 40 Computer science (68-XX) 26 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 23 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 22 Number theory (11-XX) 17 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 16 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 14 Functional analysis (46-XX) 11 Operator theory (47-XX) 10 History and biography (01-XX) 9 Measure and integration (28-XX) 9 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 8 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 457 Publications have been cited 12,803 times in 9,174 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Modern graph theory. Zbl 0902.05016 Bollobás, Béla 1,047 1998 Random graphs. 2nd ed. Zbl 0979.05003 Bollobás, Béla 769 2001 Extremal graph theory. Zbl 0419.05031 Bollobas, Bela 656 1978 Random graphs. Zbl 0567.05042 Bollobás, Béla 512 1985 A probabilistic proof of an asymptotic formula for the number of labelled regular graphs. Zbl 0457.05038 Bollobas, Bela 387 1980 The phase transition in inhomogeneous random graphs. Zbl 1123.05083 Bollobàs, Bela; Janson, Svante; Riordan, Oliver 275 2007 Paths in graphs. Zbl 0997.05049 Bollobás, B.; Sarkar, A. 255 2001 Graphs of extremal weights. Zbl 0963.05068 Bollobás, Béla; Erdős, Paul 255 1998 The degree sequence of a scale-free random graph process. Zbl 0985.05047 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver; Spencer, Joel; Tusnády, Gábor 206 2001 Combinatorics. Set systems, hypergraphs, families of vectors and combinatorial probability. Zbl 0595.05001 Bollobás, Béla 202 1986 Graph theory. An introductory course. Zbl 0411.05032 Bollobás, Béla 190 1979 On generalized graphs. Zbl 0138.19404 Bollobás, B. 183 1965 Percolation. Zbl 1118.60001 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 165 2006 Graph-theoretic parameters concerning domination, independence, and irredundance. Zbl 0418.05049 Bollobas, B.; Cockayne, E. J. 141 1979 The chromatic number of random graphs. Zbl 0666.05033 Bollobás, Béla 131 1988 Extremal graph theory. Reprint of the 1978 original. Zbl 1099.05044 Bollobás, Béla 127 2004 Cliques in random graphs. Zbl 0344.05155 Bollobás, Béla; Erdős, Paul 122 1976 The diameter of a scale-free random graph. Zbl 1047.05038 Bollobás, B.; Riordan, O. 118 2004 The evolution of random graphs. Zbl 0579.05046 Bollobás, Béla 113 1984 Threshold functions. Zbl 0648.05048 Bollobás, Béla; Thomason, A. 103 1987 The sharp threshold for bootstrap percolation in all dimensions. Zbl 1238.60108 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Duminil-Copin, Hugo; Morris, Robert 99 2012 An extension to the theorem of Bishop and Phelps. Zbl 0217.45104 Bollobás, B. 96 1970 The evolution of sparse graphs. Zbl 0552.05047 Bollobás, Béla 92 1984 Pentagons vs. triangles. Zbl 1152.05034 Bollobás, Béla; Győri, Ervin 85 2008 A polynomial of graphs on surfaces. Zbl 1004.05021 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 83 2002 Problems and results on judicious partitions. Zbl 1013.05059 Bollobás, B.; Scott, A. D. 76 2002 The isoperimetric number of random regular graphs. Zbl 0673.05086 Bollobás, Béla 74 1988 Sets of independent edges of a hypergraph. Zbl 0337.05135 Bollobás, Béla; Daykin, D. E.; Erdős, Paul 73 1976 Directed scale-free graphs. Zbl 1094.68605 Bollobás, Béla; Borgs, Christian; Chayes, Jennifer; Riordan, Oliver 73 2003 Projections of bodies and hereditary properties of hypergraphs. Zbl 0836.05072 Bollobás, Béla; Thomason, Andrew 68 1995 Threshold functions for small subgraphs. Zbl 0475.05074 Bollobas, Bela 68 1981 Hereditary and monotone properties of graphs. Zbl 0866.05030 Bollobás, Béla; Thomason, Andrew 67 1997 Packings of graphs and applications to computational complexity. Zbl 0387.05020 Bollobás, Béla; Eldridge, Stephen E. 66 1978 Edge-isoperimetric inequalities in the grid. Zbl 0755.05045 Bollobás, Béla; Leader, Imre 65 1991 The critical probability for random Voronoi percolation in the plane is 1/2. Zbl 1100.60054 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 65 2006 Bootstrap percolation on the hypercube. Zbl 1087.60068 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla 64 2006 The art of mathematics. Coffee time in Memphis. Zbl 1238.00002 Bollobás, Béla 61 2006 A polynomial invariant of graphs on orientable surfaces. Zbl 1015.05024 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 60 2001 Proof of a conjecture of Mader, Erdős and Hajnal on topological complete subgraphs. Zbl 0918.05095 Bollobás, Béla; Thomason, Andrew 59 1998 Bootstrap percolation in three dimensions. Zbl 1187.60082 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 57 2009 Highly linked graphs. Zbl 0870.05044 Bollobás, Béla; Thomason, Andrew 54 1996 The speed of hereditary properties of graphs. Zbl 1026.05062 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Weinreich, David 54 2000 Compressions and isoperimetric inequalities. Zbl 0731.05043 Bollobás, Béla; Leader, Imre 53 1991 Robustness and vulnerability of scale-free random graphs. Zbl 1062.05080 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 52 2003 The scaling window of the 2-SAT transition. Zbl 0979.68053 Bollobás, Béla; Borgs, Christian; Chayes, Jennifer T.; Kim, Jeong Han; Wilson, David B. 52 2001 A Tutte polynomial for coloured graphs. Zbl 0926.05017 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 50 1999 On complete subgraphs of different orders. Zbl 0325.05117 Bollobas, Bela 50 1976 Weakly k-saturated graphs. Zbl 0172.48905 Bollobas, B. 50 1968 Random graphs of small order. Zbl 0588.05040 Bollobás, Béla; Thomason, Andrew 50 1985 The interlace polynomial of a graph. Zbl 1060.05062 Arratia, Richard; Bollobás, Béla; Sorkin, Gregory B. 49 2004 Better bounds for Max Cut. Zbl 1014.90082 Bollobás, B.; Scott, A. D. 49 2002 Alternating Hamiltonian cycles. Zbl 0325.05114 Bollobás, Béla; Erdős, Paul 48 1976 Hadwiger’s conjecture is true for almost every graph. Zbl 0457.05041 Bollobás, Béla; Catlin, Paul A.; Erdős, Pál 48 1980 Metrics for sparse graphs. Zbl 1182.05106 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 48 2009 Maximum cuts and judicious partitions in graphs without short cycles. Zbl 1030.05060 Alon, Noga; Bollobás, Béla; Krivelevich, Michael; Sudakov, Benny 48 2003 Random graphs. Zbl 0489.05050 Bollobas, Bela 47 1981 Littlewood’s miscellany. (Revised ed.). Zbl 0603.01017 47 1986 Cliques and the spectral radius. Zbl 1124.05058 Bollobás, Béla; Nikiforov, Vladimir 47 2007 Exact bounds for judicious partitions of graphs. Zbl 0985.05028 Bollobás, B.; Scott, A. D. 46 1999 Extremal graph theory. Zbl 0844.05054 Bollobás, Béla 45 1995 The diameter of random regular graphs. Zbl 0505.05053 Bollobas, B.; Fernandez de la Vega, W. 45 1982 Bootstrap percolation in high dimensions. Zbl 1263.60082 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 44 2010 Three-graphs without two triples whose symmetric difference is contained in a third. Zbl 0291.05114 Bollobas, Bela 43 1974 List-colourings of graphs. Zbl 0606.05027 Bollobás, Béla; Harris, A. J. 43 1985 On a Ramsey-Turán type problem. Zbl 0337.05134 Bollobás, Béla; Erdős, Paul 42 1976 Extremal graphs for weights. Zbl 0933.05081 Bollobás, Béla; Erdős, Paul; Sarkar, Amites 42 1999 The number of matchings in random regular graphs and bipartite graphs. Zbl 0602.05050 Bollobás, Béla; McKay, B. D. 42 1986 The structure of almost all graphs in a hereditary property. Zbl 1217.05193 Alon, Noga; Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 41 2011 Monotone cellular automata in a random environment. Zbl 1371.60170 Bollobás, Béla; Smith, Paul; Uzzell, Andrew 41 2015 On matchings and Hamiltonian cycles in random graphs. Zbl 0592.05052 Bollobás, Béla; Frieze, Alan M. 41 1985 Graphs which contain all small graphs. Zbl 0471.05037 Bollobas, Bela; Thomason, Andrew 40 1981 Sparse graphs: metrics and random models. Zbl 1223.05271 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 40 2011 On the stability of the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem. Zbl 1325.05145 Bollobás, Béla; Narayanan, Bhargav P.; Raigorodskii, Andrei M. 39 2016 The independence ratio of regular graphs. Zbl 0474.05057 Bollobas, Bela 39 1981 The diameter of a cycle plus a random matching. Zbl 0664.05036 Bollobás, Béla; Chung, F. R. K. 38 1988 Vertex distinguishing colorings of graphs with \(\Delta(G)=2\). Zbl 1005.05019 Balister, P. N.; Bollobás, B.; Schelp, R. H. 37 2002 Cycles through specified vertices. Zbl 0780.05033 Bollobás, Béla; Brightwell, Graham 36 1993 The number of graphs without forbidden subgraphs. Zbl 1044.05044 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Simonovits, Miklós 36 2004 Majority bootstrap percolation on the hypercube. Zbl 1198.60041 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 35 2009 Subcritical \(\mathcal{U}\)-bootstrap percolation models have non-trivial phase transitions. Zbl 1342.60159 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Przykucki, Michał; Smith, Paul 34 2016 Degree sequences of random graphs. Zbl 0447.05038 Bollobas, Bela 34 1981 The evolution of random subgraphs on the cube. Zbl 0779.05045 Bollobás, Béla; Kohayakawa, Y.; Łuczak, T. 33 1992 On complete subgraphs of \(r\)-chromatic graphs. Zbl 0306.05121 Bollobás, Béla; Erdős, Paul; Szemerédi, E. 32 1975 Graph bootstrap percolation. Zbl 1279.68243 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 32 2012 Proving integrality gaps without knowing the linear program. Zbl 1213.68306 Arora, Sanjeev; Bollobás, Béla; Lovász, László; Tourlakis, Iannis 32 2006 On separating systems. Zbl 1113.05097 Bollobás, Béla; Scott, Alex 32 2007 Judicious partitions of hypergraphs. Zbl 0884.05066 Bollobás, B.; Scott, A. D. 30 1997 Linear analysis. An introductory course. 2nd ed. Zbl 0923.46002 Bollobás, Béla 30 1999 Almost every graph has reconstruction number three. Zbl 0702.05061 Bollobás, Béla 30 1990 Cops and robbers in a random graph. Zbl 1261.05064 Bollobás, Béla; Kun, Gábor; Leader, Imre 30 2013 Random majority percolation. Zbl 1202.60152 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Johnson, J. Robert; Walters, Mark 29 2010 Defect Sauer results. Zbl 0835.05082 Bollobás, Béla; Radcliffe, A. J. 28 1995 An algorithm for finding Hamilton paths and cycles in random graphs. Zbl 0638.05036 Bollobás, Béla; Fenner, T. I.; Frieze, A. M. 28 1987 The typical structure of graphs without given excluded subgraphs. Zbl 1227.05216 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Simonovits, Miklós 28 2009 Graph theory. An introductory course. Corr. 3rd printing. Zbl 0688.05016 Bollobás, Béla 27 1990 The asymptotic number of unlabelled regular graphs. Zbl 0504.05051 Bollobas, Bela 27 1982 Regular factors of regular graphs. Zbl 0612.05049 Bollobás, Béla; Saito, Akira; Wormald, N. C. 27 1985 The random-cluster model on the complete graph. Zbl 0846.05075 Bollobás, B.; Grimmett, G.; Janson, S. 26 1996 Sperner systems consisting of pairs of complementary subsets. Zbl 0281.05001 Bollobás, Béla 26 1973 Linear algebra and bootstrap percolation. Zbl 1242.05190 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert; Riordan, Oliver 26 2012 Subcritical monotone cellular automata. Zbl 1536.81030 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert; Smith, Paul 1 2024 Universality for two-dimensional critical cellular automata. Zbl 1538.60156 Bollobás, Béla; Duminil-Copin, Hugo; Morris, Robert; Smith, Paul 5 2023 On the Erdős covering problem: the density of the uncovered set. Zbl 1511.11007 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert; Sahasrabudhe, Julian; Tiba, Marius 7 2022 The art of mathematics – take two. Tea time in Cambridge. Zbl 1524.00001 Bollobás, Béla 1 2022 The Erdős-Selfridge problem with square-free moduli. Zbl 1512.11012 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert; Sahasrabudhe, Julian; Tiba, Marius 6 2021 Counting independent sets in regular hypergraphs. Zbl 1459.05229 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Narayanan, Bhargav 2 2021 Flat Littlewood polynomials exist. Zbl 1470.42004 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert; Sahasrabudhe, Julian; Tiba, Marius 12 2020 Erdős covering systems. Zbl 1474.11001 Balister, P.; Bollobás, B.; Morris, R.; Sahasrabudhe, J.; Tiba, M. 5 2020 Covering intervals with arithmetic progressions. Zbl 1463.11002 Balister, P.; Bollobás, B.; Morris, R.; Sahasrabudhe, J.; Tiba, M. 2 2020 Nucleation and growth in two dimensions. Zbl 1453.82076 Bollobás, Béla; Griffiths, Simon; Morris, Robert; Rolla, Leonardo T.; Smith, Paul 1 2020 Dense subgraphs in random graphs. Zbl 1409.05180 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Sahasrabudhe, Julian; Veremyev, Alexander 5 2019 A note on Linnik’s theorem on quadratic non-residues. Zbl 1447.11100 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Lee, Jonathan D.; Morris, Robert; Riordan, Oliver 2 2019 Eigenvalues of subgraphs of the cube. Zbl 1384.05106 Bollobás, Béla; Lee, Jonathan; Letzter, Shoham 10 2018 Line percolation. Zbl 1394.60097 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Lee, Jonathan; Narayanan, Bhargav 5 2018 Counting dense connected hypergraphs via the probabilistic method. Zbl 1401.05144 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 3 2018 Random geometric graphs and isometries of normed spaces. Zbl 1393.05239 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Gunderson, Karen; Leader, Imre; Walters, Mark 2 2018 Longest common extension. Zbl 1375.05006 Bollobás, Béla; Letzter, Shoham 1 2018 The sharp threshold for making squares. Zbl 1430.11165 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 1 2018 River landscapes and optimal channel networks. Zbl 1416.94081 Balister, Paul; Balogh, József; Bertuzzo, Enrico; Bollobás, Béla; Caldarelli, Guido; Maritan, Amos; Mastrandrea, Rossana; Morris, Robert; Rinaldo, Andrea 1 2018 The sharp threshold for the Duarte model. Zbl 1454.60141 Bollobás, Béla; Duminil-Copin, Hugo; Morris, Robert; Smith, Paul 17 2017 Exploring hypergraphs with martingales. Zbl 1364.05051 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 11 2017 Catching a fast robber on the grid. Zbl 1369.05145 Balister, Paul; Shaw, Amy; Bollobás, Béla; Narayanan, Bhargav 8 2017 On the maximum running time in graph bootstrap percolation. Zbl 1361.05135 Bollobás, Béla; Przykucki, Michał; Riordan, Oliver; Sahasrabudhe, Julian 7 2017 The threshold for jigsaw percolation on random graphs. Zbl 1366.05096 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver; Slivken, Erik; Smith, Paul 5 2017 Packing random graphs and hypergraphs. Zbl 1370.05166 Bollobás, Béla; Janson, Svante; Scott, Alex 3 2017 Jigsaw percolation on random hypergraphs. Zbl 1396.05099 Bollobás, Béla; Cooley, Oliver; Kang, Mihyun; Koch, Christoph 3 2017 On the stability of the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem. Zbl 1325.05145 Bollobás, Béla; Narayanan, Bhargav P.; Raigorodskii, Andrei M. 39 2016 Subcritical \(\mathcal{U}\)-bootstrap percolation models have non-trivial phase transitions. Zbl 1342.60159 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Przykucki, Michał; Smith, Paul 34 2016 Counting connected hypergraphs via the probabilistic method. Zbl 1371.05257 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 5 2016 The time of bootstrap percolation in two dimensions. Zbl 1351.60125 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Smith, Paul 5 2016 Random hypergraph irregularity. Zbl 1332.05102 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Lehel, Jenö; Morayne, Michał 2 2016 Combinatorics and probability. Abstracts from the workshop held April 17–23, 2016. Zbl 1380.00036 1 2016 Monotone cellular automata in a random environment. Zbl 1371.60170 Bollobás, Béla; Smith, Paul; Uzzell, Andrew 41 2015 Transference for the Erdős-Ko-Rado theorem. Zbl 1323.05128 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Narayanan, Bhargav P. 24 2015 An old approach to the giant component problem. Zbl 1315.05123 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 23 2015 The time of bootstrap percolation with dense initial sets for all thresholds. Zbl 1323.60124 Bollobas, Béla; Smith, Paul; Uzzell, Andrew J. 6 2015 Intersections of random hypergraphs and tournaments. Zbl 1302.05165 Bollobás, Béla; Scott, Alex 1 2015 Partial shadows of set systems. Zbl 1371.05294 Bollobás, Béla; Eccles, Tom 1 2015 Disjoint induced subgraphs of the same order and size. Zbl 1315.05090 Bollobás, Béla; Kittipassorn, Teeradej; Narayanan, Bhargav P.; Scott, Alexander D. 1 2015 Intersections of hypergraphs. Zbl 1303.05131 Bollobás, Béla; Scott, Alex 1 2015 Bootstrap percolation on Galton-Watson trees. Zbl 1290.05058 Bollobás, Béla; Gunderson, Karen; Holmgren, Cecilia; Janson, Svante; Przykucki, Michał 13 2014 The time of bootstrap percolation with dense initial sets. Zbl 1311.60113 Bollobás, Béla; Holmgren, Cecilia; Smith, Paul; Uzzell, Andrew J. 11 2014 Minimal symmetric differences of lines in projective planes. Zbl 1310.51004 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Füredi, Zoltán; Thompson, John 3 2014 Cops and robbers in a random graph. Zbl 1261.05064 Bollobás, Béla; Kun, Gábor; Leader, Imre 30 2013 Metric dimension for random graphs. Zbl 1295.05095 Bollobás, Béla; Mitsche, Dieter; Prałat, Paweł 16 2013 Union-closed families of sets. Zbl 1259.05177 Balla, Igor; Bollobás, Béla; Eccles, Tom 12 2013 Cover-decomposition and polychromatic numbers. Zbl 1268.05061 Bollobás, Béla; Pritchard, David; Rothvoss, Thomas; Scott, Alex 11 2013 A small probabilistic universal set of starting points for finding roots of complex polynomials by Newton’s method. Zbl 1283.37043 Bollobás, Béla; Lackmann, Malte; Schleicher, Dierk 10 2013 The phase transition in the Erdős-Rényi random graph process. Zbl 1293.05351 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 4 2013 Repeated degrees in random uniform hypergraphs. Zbl 1268.05141 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Lehel, Jenö; Morayne, Michał 4 2013 Combinatorics and probability. Abstracts from the workshop held April 14–20, 2013. Zbl 1349.00074 1 2013 The sharp threshold for bootstrap percolation in all dimensions. Zbl 1238.60108 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Duminil-Copin, Hugo; Morris, Robert 99 2012 Graph bootstrap percolation. Zbl 1279.68243 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 32 2012 Linear algebra and bootstrap percolation. Zbl 1242.05190 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert; Riordan, Oliver 26 2012 Asymptotic normality of the size of the giant component in a random hypergraph. Zbl 1255.05125 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 18 2012 Walks and paths in trees. Zbl 1242.05055 Bollobás, Béla; Tyomkyn, Mykhaylo 17 2012 Projections, entropy and sumsets. Zbl 1299.60013 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla 17 2012 Asymptotic normality of the size of the giant component via a random walk. Zbl 1237.05192 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 16 2012 Lion and man – can both win? Zbl 1260.91029 Bollobás, B.; Leader, I.; Walters, M. 11 2012 Degree powers in graphs: the Erdős-Stone theorem. Zbl 1241.05021 Bollobás, Béla; Nikiforov, Vladimir 10 2012 A simple branching process approach to the phase transition in \(G_{n,p}\). Zbl 1266.05149 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 7 2012 Critical probabilities of 1-independent percolation models. Zbl 1241.05099 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla 4 2012 Monotone graph limits and quasimonotone graphs. Zbl 1258.05121 Bollobás, Béla; Janson, Svante; Riordan, Oliver 2 2012 The structure of almost all graphs in a hereditary property. Zbl 1217.05193 Alon, Noga; Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 41 2011 Sparse graphs: metrics and random models. Zbl 1223.05271 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 40 2011 Hamilton cycles in random geometric graphs. Zbl 1222.05235 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Krivelevich, Michael; Müller, Tobias; Walters, Mark 18 2011 Sparse random graphs with clustering. Zbl 1220.05117 Bollobás, Béla; Janson, Svante; Riordan, Oliver 18 2011 The fine structure of octahedron-free graphs. Zbl 1239.05098 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Simonovits, Miklós 16 2011 Daisies and other Turán problems. Zbl 1293.05381 Bollobás, Béla; Leader, Imre; Malvenuto, Claudia 12 2011 On covering by translates of a set. Zbl 1238.05049 Bollobás, Béla; Janson, Svante; Riordan, Oliver 11 2011 Intersections of graphs. Zbl 1294.05134 Bollobás, Béla; Scott, Alex 4 2011 The lion and the Christian, and other pursuit and evasion games. Zbl 1315.91010 Bollobás, Béla 3 2011 Shadows of ordered graphs. Zbl 1232.05104 Bollobás, Béla; Brightwell, Graham; Morris, Robert 1 2011 Large joints in graphs. Zbl 1202.05066 Bollobás, Béla; Nikiforov, Vladimir 1 2011 Bootstrap percolation in high dimensions. Zbl 1263.60082 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 44 2010 Random majority percolation. Zbl 1202.60152 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Johnson, J. Robert; Walters, Mark 29 2010 Percolation on dense graph sequences. Zbl 1190.60090 Bollobás, Béla; Borgs, Christian; Chayes, Jennifer; Riordan, Oliver 19 2010 Max \(k\)-cut and judicious \(k\)-partitions. Zbl 1227.05171 Bollobás, Béla; Scott, Alex 16 2010 Percolation on self-dual polygon configurations. Zbl 1215.05021 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 13 2010 The cut metric, random graphs, and branching processes. Zbl 1197.82056 Bollobás, Béla; Janson, Svante; Riordan, Oliver 9 2010 Sentry selection in wireless networks. Zbl 1209.05221 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Sarkar, Amites; Walters, Mark 5 2010 The number of graphs with large forbidden subgraphs. Zbl 1245.05091 Bollobás, Béla; Nikiforov, Vladimir 3 2010 Erratum to: percolation on random Johnson-Mehl tessellations and related models. Zbl 1185.60105 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 2 2010 Bond percolation with attenuation in high dimensional Voronoĭ tilings. Zbl 1228.60103 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla 1 2010 Bootstrap percolation in three dimensions. Zbl 1187.60082 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 57 2009 Metrics for sparse graphs. Zbl 1182.05106 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 48 2009 Majority bootstrap percolation on the hypercube. Zbl 1198.60041 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Morris, Robert 35 2009 The typical structure of graphs without given excluded subgraphs. Zbl 1227.05216 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Simonovits, Miklós 28 2009 Handbook of large-scale random networks. Zbl 1170.05053 15 2009 The unlabelled speed of a hereditary graph property. Zbl 1168.05042 Balogh, József; Bollobás, Béla; Saks, Michael; Sós, Vera T. 12 2009 Clique percolation. Zbl 1205.60165 Bollobás, Béla; Riordan, Oliver 9 2009 A critical constant for the \(k\) nearest-neighbour model. Zbl 1160.05333 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Sarkar, Amites; Walters, Mark 7 2009 Highly connected random geometric graphs. Zbl 1156.05054 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Sarkar, Amites; Walters, Mark 7 2009 Line-of-sight percolation. Zbl 1216.05140 Bollobás, Béla; Janson, Svante; Riordan, Oliver 6 2009 Random transceiver networks. Zbl 1220.60056 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Walters, Mark 4 2009 Pentagons vs. triangles. Zbl 1152.05034 Bollobás, Béla; Győri, Ervin 85 2008 Highly connected monochromatic subgraphs. Zbl 1137.05025 Bollobás, Béla; Gyárfás, András 16 2008 Packing \(d\)-degenerate graphs. Zbl 1130.05046 Bollobás, Béla; Kostochka, Alexandr; Nakprasit, Kittikorn 9 2008 Connectivity of addable graph classes. Zbl 1145.05033 Balister, Paul; Bollobás, Béla; Gerke, Stefanie 8 2008 Joints in graphs. Zbl 1131.05049 Bollobás, Béla; Nikiforov, Vladimir 8 2008 ...and 357 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 9,623 Authors 196 Bollobás, Béla 104 Frieze, Alan Michael 99 Krivelevich, Michael 95 Sudakov, Benny 83 Alon, Noga 70 Balogh, József 58 Janson, Svante 56 van der Hofstad, Remco W. 55 Prałat, Paweł 51 Nikiforov, Vladimir S. 50 Frankl, Péter 49 Wormald, Nicholas Charles 49 Zhukovskiĭ, Maksim Evgen’evich 46 Furedi, Zoltan 46 Kang, Mihyun 45 Li, Xueliang 44 Kohayakawa, Yoshiharu 44 Yuster, Raphael 42 Morris, Robert D. 42 Scott, Alexander D. 41 Osthus, Deryk 39 Kühn, Daniela 39 Riordan, Oliver Maxim 37 Balister, Paul N. 37 Henning, Michael Anthony 37 Łuczak, Tomasz 35 Thomason, Andrew G. 33 Kostochka, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 32 Bhamidi, Shankar 32 Dudek, Andrzej 31 Kupavskii, Andrey 31 Tuza, Zsolt 30 Cooper, Colin 30 Pikhurko, Oleg 29 Gerbner, Dániel 29 Győri, Ervin 29 Li, Shuchao 29 Mubayi, Dhruv 29 Rodl, Vojtech 28 Caro, Yair 28 Fox, Jacob 28 Leader, Imre 28 Pach, János 28 Pittel, Boris G. 28 Rautenbach, Dieter 28 Shi, Yongtang 27 Erdős, Pál 27 Kahn, Jeff D. 27 Mota, Guilherme Oliveira 26 Fountoulakis, Nikolaos 26 Liu, Hong 26 Mitsche, Dieter 26 Yu, Xingxing 25 Lubetzky, Eyal 25 Makowsky, Johann-Andreas 24 Coja-Oghlan, Amin 24 Gao, Pu 24 Hou, Jianfeng 24 Jin, Xian’an 24 Kim, Sun Kwang 24 McDiarmid, Colin J. H. 24 Moffatt, Iain 24 Person, Yury Aleksandrovic 24 Steger, Angelika 23 Ferber, Asaf 23 Linial, Nathan 23 Loh, Po-Shen 23 Raĭgorodskiĭ, Andreĭ Mikhaĭlovich 22 Duminil-Copin, Hugo 22 Girão, António 22 Keevash, Peter 22 Lozin, Vadim Vladislavovich 22 Methuku, Abhishek 22 Molloy, Michael S. O. 22 Sarkozy, Gabor N. 22 Shang, Yilun 21 Kang, Ross J. 21 Kwan, Matthew 21 Ma, Jie 21 Patkós, Balázs 21 Wang, Hong 21 Zhang, Shenggui 20 Bonato, Anthony 20 Mohar, Bojan 20 Ruciński, Andrzej 20 Szemerédi, Endre 19 Borgs, Christian 19 Falgas-Ravry, Victor 19 Foucaud, Florent 19 Kim, Jaehoon 19 Li, Hao 19 Spirakis, Paul G. 19 Zhu, Zhongxun 18 Brightwell, Graham R. 18 Chang, Shu-Chiuan 18 Chayes, Jennifer Tour 18 Cooley, Oliver 18 Lee, Han Ju 18 Long, Eoin 18 Reed, Bruce Alan ...and 9,523 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 713 Serials 796 Discrete Mathematics 429 Discrete Applied Mathematics 396 Random Structures & Algorithms 348 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 297 European Journal of Combinatorics 257 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 255 The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 249 Journal of Graph Theory 233 Theoretical Computer Science 204 Graphs and Combinatorics 184 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 152 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 130 Linear Algebra and its Applications 126 Combinatorica 114 The Annals of Applied Probability 113 Journal of Statistical Physics 82 Information Processing Letters 76 Physica A 76 The Annals of Probability 76 Applied Mathematics and Computation 73 Probability Theory and Related Fields 68 Israel Journal of Mathematics 65 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 58 Advances in Applied Probability 56 Algorithmica 56 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 53 Advances in Mathematics 51 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 50 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 47 Journal of Applied Probability 46 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 46 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 45 Advances in Applied Mathematics 41 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 39 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 39 Electronic Journal of Probability 38 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 36 Discrete & Computational Geometry 34 Communications in Mathematical Physics 33 Statistics & Probability Letters 33 Order 32 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 30 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 30 Discussiones Mathematicae. Graph Theory 30 Doklady Mathematics 29 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 27 The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 26 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 26 Journal of Theoretical Biology 24 SIAM Journal on Computing 24 European Journal of Operational Research 23 Physica D 23 Information and Computation 22 The Annals of Statistics 22 Information Sciences 22 Networks 22 Theory of Computing Systems 22 Internet Mathematics 21 Artificial Intelligence 21 Automatica 20 Mathematical Notes 19 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 19 Journal of Functional Analysis 19 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 18 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 18 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 18 Applied Mathematics Letters 18 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 18 Finite Fields and their Applications 18 Journal of Discrete Algorithms 17 Journal of Mathematical Physics 17 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 17 Bernoulli 17 Chaos 17 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 17 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 16 Computational Geometry 16 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 16 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 15 Distributed Computing 15 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 15 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 15 AKCE International Journal of Graphs and Combinatorics 15 ALEA. Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 14 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 14 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 14 Journal of Theoretical Probability 14 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 14 Annals of Combinatorics 14 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 14 Electronic Journal of Graph Theory and Applications 13 Physics Letters. A 13 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 13 Duke Mathematical Journal 13 Mathematica Slovaca 13 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 13 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 13 Transactions on Combinatorics 13 Discrete Analysis 12 Journal of Mathematical Biology ...and 613 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 63 Fields 6,859 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1,450 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1,374 Computer science (68-XX) 561 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 465 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 448 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 392 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 219 Statistics (62-XX) 217 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 208 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 203 Number theory (11-XX) 187 Functional analysis (46-XX) 168 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 159 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 138 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 137 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 127 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 114 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 92 Quantum theory (81-XX) 91 Operator theory (47-XX) 82 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 78 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 65 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 62 Measure and integration (28-XX) 62 Geometry (51-XX) 56 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 53 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 46 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 41 Differential geometry (53-XX) 38 General topology (54-XX) 35 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 34 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 34 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 32 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 29 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 28 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 27 Real functions (26-XX) 22 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 20 History and biography (01-XX) 18 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 15 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 15 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 15 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 13 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 12 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 11 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 9 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 9 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 9 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 7 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 7 Special functions (33-XX) 6 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 6 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 5 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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