Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Bombieri, Enrico Co-Author Distance Author ID: bombieri.enrico Published as: Bombieri, Enrico; Bombieri, E. Further Spellings: Бомбьери Энрико Homepage: https://www.ias.edu/math/people/faculty/eb External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Awards: Fields Medal (1974) · Crafoord Prize (2020) Documents Indexed: 177 Publications since 1957, including 5 Books and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 4 Contributions as Editor · 4 Further Contributions Biographic References: 4 Publications Co-Authors: 57 Co-Authors with 87 Joint Publications 1,737 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 94 single-authored 15 Zannier, Umberto M. 8 Mueller, Julia H. 7 Iwaniec, Henryk 7 Masser, David William 6 Friedlander, John Benjamin 5 van der Poorten, Alfred J. 4 Bourgain, Jean 4 Davenport, Harold 4 Giusti, Enrico 4 Perelli, Alberto 3 De Giorgi, Ennio 3 Sperber, Steven I. 3 Tretkoff, Paula 3 Vaaler, Jeffrey D. 2 Catanese, Fabrizio M. E. 2 Gubler, Walter Bruno 2 Hejhal, Dennis A. 2 Hunt, David C. 2 Mumford, David Bryant 2 Schmidt, Wolfgang M. 2 Taylor, Jean Ellen 1 Andreotti, Aldo 1 Arthur, James Greig 1 Aubert, Karl Egil 1 Beauzamy, Bernard 1 Berger, Melvyn S. 1 Birch, Bryan John 1 Carlson, James A. 1 Cenkl, Bohous 1 Chandrasekharan, Komaravolu 1 Cook, Stephen Arthur 1 Deligne, Pierre 1 Enflo, Per Henrik 1 Fefferman, Charles Louis 1 Garabedian, Paul Roesel 1 Ghosh, Amit 1 Goldfeld, Dorian Morris 1 Goldschmidt, Hubert Leopold 1 Granville, Andrew James 1 Gray, Jeremy 1 Griffiths, Phillip Augustus 1 Habegger, Philipp 1 Hirzebruch, Friedrich 1 Husemoller, Dale H. 1 Jaffe, Arthur Michael 1 Katz, Nicholas Michael 1 Kohn, Joseph John 1 Konyagin, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 1 Lagarias, Jeffrey C. 1 Lang, Serge 1 Lelong, Pierre 1 Milnor, John Willard 1 Miranda, Mario 1 Montgomery, Hugh Lowell 1 Nirenberg, Louis 1 Odlyzko, Andrew M. 1 Pila, Jonathan 1 Pintz, Janos 1 Poe, Milja 1 Prasad, Gopal 1 Ragnedda, Pasquale 1 Salerno, Saverio 1 Serre, Jean-Pierre 1 Simon, Leon Melvin 1 Springer, Tonny Albert 1 Swinnerton-Dyer, Peter 1 Tits, Jacques 1 Wiles, Andrew John 1 Witten, Edward all top 5 Serials 11 Inventiones Mathematicae 10 Acta Arithmetica 10 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 7 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Serie IX. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni 6 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 6 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series III 4 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Scienze Fisiche e Matematiche. III. Ser 3 American Journal of Mathematics 3 Duke Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of Number Theory 3 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Serie Ottava. Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 3 L’Enseignement Mathématique. 2e Série 3 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 2 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica 2 Michigan Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 2 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 2 Expositiones Mathematicae 2 Istituto Lombardo, Accademia di Scienze e Lettere, Rendiconti, Scienze Matematiche, Fisiche, Chimiche e Geologiche, Serie A 2 Rivista di Matematica della Universitá di Parma, II. Serie 2 Astérisque 2 New Mathematical Monographs 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Publications Mathématiques 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of Differential Geometry 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematika 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matemàtico e Fisico di Milano 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Internationale Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Forum Mathematicum 1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Rendiconti del Seminario della Facoltà di Scienze dell’ Università di Cagliari 1 Experimental Mathematics 1 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 1 Izvestiya: Mathematics 1 The Asian Journal of Mathematics 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Serie VIII. Sezione A. La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Milan Journal of Mathematics 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series IV 1 Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma 1 Annals of Mathematics Studies 1 Colloques Internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 CIME Summer Schools 1 Journal de Physique 1 Matematica, Cultura e Società. Rivista dell’Unione Matematica Italiana. Serie I all top 5 Fields 113 Number theory (11-XX) 40 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 12 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 12 Differential geometry (53-XX) 10 History and biography (01-XX) 8 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 7 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 154 Publications have been cited 3,705 times in 2,994 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Heights in Diophantine geometry. Zbl 1115.11034 Bombieri, Enrico; Gubler, Walter 369 2006 Minimal cones and the Bernstein problem. Zbl 0183.25901 Bombieri, E.; De Giorgi, E.; Giusti, E. 296 1969 Canonical models of surfaces of general type. Zbl 0259.14005 Bombieri, E. 171 1972 The number of integral points on arcs and ovals. Zbl 0718.11048 Bombieri, E.; Pila, J. 147 1989 On Siegel’s lemma. Zbl 0533.10030 Bombieri, E.; Vaaler, J. 144 1983 On the large sieve. Zbl 0136.33004 Bombieri, E. 116 1965 Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli. Zbl 0588.10042 Bombieri, E.; Friedlander, J. B.; Iwaniec, H. 106 1986 Enriques’ classification of surfaces in char p. III. Zbl 0336.14010 Bombieri, E.; Mumford, D. 103 1976 On exponential sums in finite fields. Zbl 0171.41504 Bombieri, E. 101 1966 Una maggiorazione a priori relativa alle ipersuperfici minimali non parametriche. Zbl 0184.32803 Bombieri, E.; de Giorgi, E.; Miranda, M. 93 1969 Enriques’ classification of surfaces in char. \(p\). II. Zbl 0348.14021 Bombieri, E.; Mumford, D. 75 1977 On the moduli spaces of surfaces of general type. Appendix: Letter of E. Bombieri written to the author. Zbl 0549.14012 Catanese, F. 69 1984 Harnack’s inequality for elliptic differential equations on minimal surfaces. Zbl 0227.35021 Bombieri, E.; Giusti, E. 68 1972 Complements to Li’s criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis. Zbl 0972.11079 Bombieri, Enrico; Lagarias, Jeffrey C. 66 1999 Regularity theory for almost minimal currents. Zbl 0485.49024 Bombieri, Enrico 65 1982 Intersecting a curve with algebraic subgroups of multiplicative groups. Zbl 0938.11031 Bombieri, E.; Masser, D.; Zannier, U. 63 1999 Incomplete Kloosterman sums and a divisor problem. Appendix: On some exponential sums by Bryan J. Birch and Enrico Bombieri. Zbl 0572.10029 Friedlander, John B.; Iwaniec, Henryk 61 1985 On the order of \(\zeta(+it)\). Zbl 0615.10047 Bombieri, E.; Iwaniec, H. 57 1986 Algebraic values of meromorphic maps. Zbl 0214.33702 Bombieri, E. 56 1970 A note on heights in certain infinite extensions of \(\mathbb Q\). Zbl 1072.11077 Bombieri, Enrico; Zannier, Umberto 54 2001 On Thue’s equation. Zbl 0614.10018 Bombieri, E.; Schmidt, W. M. 49 1987 Products of polynomials in many variables. Zbl 0729.30004 Beauzamy, Bernard; Bombieri, Enrico; Enflo, Per; Montgomery, Hugh L. 48 1990 Anomalous subvarieties – structure theorems and applications. Zbl 1145.11049 Bombieri, E.; Masser, D.; Zannier, U. 46 2007 On the distribution of zeros of linear combinations of Euler products. Zbl 0853.11074 Bombieri, E.; Hejhal, D. A. 45 1995 The large sieve in analytic number theory. (Le grand crible dans la théorie analytique des nombres.) Zbl 0292.10035 Bombieri, Enrico 44 1974 A remark on Bohr’s inequality. Zbl 1069.30001 Bombieri, E.; Bourgain, J. 43 2004 Sugli omeomorfismi delle varieta algebriche. Zbl 0184.24503 Andreotti, Aldo; Bombieri, E. 43 1969 Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli. II. Zbl 0625.10036 Bombieri, E.; Friedlander, J. B.; Iwaniec, H. 41 1987 Sopra un teorema di H. Bohr e G. Ricci sulle funzioni maggioranti delle serie di potenze. Zbl 0109.04801 Bombieri, E. 39 1962 Which distributions of matter diffract? An initial investigation. Zbl 0693.52002 Bombieri, E.; Taylor, Jean E. 38 1986 On exponential sums in finite fields. II. Zbl 0396.14001 Bombieri, E. 37 1978 Continued fractions and the Markoff tree. Zbl 1153.11030 Bombieri, Enrico 36 2007 Le grand crible dans la théorie analytique des nombres. (2e éd. rev. et augmentée). (The large sieve in analytic number theory). Zbl 0618.10042 Bombieri, Enrico 35 1987 Small differences between prime numbers. Zbl 0151.04201 Bombieri, E.; Davenport, Harold 35 1966 The Millennium Prize problems. Zbl 1155.00001 32 2006 Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli. III. Zbl 0674.10036 Bombieri, E.; Friedlander, J. B.; Iwaniec, H. 31 1989 On the local maximum property of the Koebe function. Zbl 0174.12301 Bombieri, E. 31 1967 A problem on sums of two squares. Zbl 1364.11091 Bombieri, Enrico; Bourgain, Jean 28 2015 Algebraic points on subvarieties of \(\mathbb{G}_ m^ n\). Zbl 0848.11030 Bombieri, E.; Zannier, U. 26 1995 On the Thue-Siegel-Dyson theorem. Zbl 0505.10015 Bombieri, Enrico 26 1982 Classification and embeddings of surfaces. Zbl 0326.14009 Bombieri, Enrico; Husemoller, Dale H. 26 1975 The Mordell conjecture revisited. Zbl 0722.14010 Bombieri, Enrico 26 1990 Quasicrystals, tilings, and algebraic number theory: some preliminary connections. Zbl 0617.43002 Bombieri, Enrico; Taylor, Jean E. 24 1987 Heights in Diophantine geometry. Paperback reprint of the 2006 original. Zbl 1130.11034 Bombieri, Enrico; Gubler, Walter 24 2007 Local estimates for the gradient of non-parametric surfaces of prescribed mean curvature. Zbl 0266.53042 Bombieri, E.; Giusti, E. 24 1973 On unlikely intersections of complex varieties with tori. Zbl 1162.11031 Bombieri, E.; Masser, D.; Zannier, U. 23 2008 Around the Davenport-Heilbronn function. Zbl 1247.11116 Bombieri, E.; Ghosh, A. 23 2011 Some mean-value theorems for exponential sums. Zbl 0615.10046 Bombieri, E.; Iwaniec, H. 21 1986 On G-functions. Zbl 0461.10031 Bombieri, E. 21 1981 Thompson’s problem (\(\sigma^2=3\)) With two appendices. I: The numerical verification of Thompson’s identity by Andrew Odlyzko: II: A check of the Ree group conjecture for small fields by David Hunt. Zbl 0442.20016 Bombieri, Enrico 20 1980 On the local zeta function of a cubic threefold. Zbl 0153.50501 Bombieri, E.; Swinnerton-Dyer, H. P. F. 20 1967 Counting points on curves over inite fields (d’apres S. A. Stepanov). Zbl 0307.14011 Bombieri, Enrico 20 1974 Distinct zeros of \(L\)-functions. Zbl 0891.11044 Bombieri, E.; Perelli, A. 18 1998 On effective measures of irrationality for \(\root r\of {a/b}\) and related numbers. Zbl 0516.10024 Bombieri, Enrico; Mueller, Julia 18 1983 Squares in arithmetic progressions. Zbl 0771.11034 Bombieri, Enrico; Granville, Andrew; Pintz, János 16 1992 Effective Diophantine approximation on \(\mathbb{G}_ m\). Zbl 0774.11034 Bombieri, Enrico 16 1993 Seminormalita e singolarita ordinarie. Zbl 0294.14015 Bombieri, E. 16 1973 On Weil’s ”theoreme de decomposition”. Zbl 0516.12009 Bombieri, Enrico 16 1983 Heights of algebraic points on subvarieties of abelian varieties. Zbl 0897.11020 Bombieri, E.; Zannier, U. 14 1996 A note on Maurin’s theorem. Zbl 1209.11057 Bombieri, Enrico; Habegger, P.; Masser, D.; Zannier, Umberto 14 2010 Polynomials with low height and prescribed vanishing. Zbl 0629.10024 Bombieri, Enrico; Vaaler, Jeffrey D. 13 1987 Remarks on Weil’s quadratic functional in the theory of prime numbers. I. Zbl 1008.11034 Bombieri, Enrico 13 2000 Some quantitative results related to Roth’s theorem. Zbl 0664.10017 Bombieri, E.; van der Poorten, A. J. 12 1988 On the large sieve method. Zbl 0207.05702 Bombieri, E.; Davenport, Harold 12 1968 Analytic subgroups of group varieties. Zbl 0237.14015 Bombieri, Enrico; Lang, Serge 12 1970 The asymptotic sieve. Zbl 0422.10042 Bombieri, Enrico 12 1976 Effective measures of irrationality for cubic extensions of number fields. Zbl 0879.11035 Bombieri, E.; van der Poorten, Alfred J.; Vaaler, J. D. 11 1996 Continued fractions of algebraic numbers. Zbl 0835.11025 Bombieri, Enrico; van der Poorten, Alfred J. 11 1995 A note on squares in arithmetic progressions. II. Zbl 1072.11010 Zannier, Umberto; Bombieri, Enrico 11 2002 The Riemann hypothesis. Zbl 1194.11001 Bombieri, Enrico 11 2006 The pluricanonical map of a complex surface. Zbl 0213.47601 Bombieri, Enrico 11 1970 Intersecting a plane with algebraic subgroups of multiplicative groups. Zbl 1150.11022 Bombieri, Enrico; Masser, David; Zannier, Umberto 11 2008 On Kahane’s ultraflat polynomials. Zbl 1170.42001 Bombieri, Enrico; Bourgain, Jean 11 2009 Finiteness results for multiplicatively dependent points on complex curves. Zbl 1048.11056 Bombieri, E.; Masser, D. W.; Zannier, U. 10 2003 Sulle formule di A. Selberg generalizzate per classi di funzioni aritmetiche e le applicazioni al problema del resto nel ’Primzahlsatz’. Zbl 0121.28307 Bombieri, E. 10 1962 Intersecting curves and algebraic subgroups: conjectures and more results. Zbl 1161.11025 Bombieri, E.; Masser, D.; Zannier, U. 10 2006 Seminar on minimal submanifolds. Zbl 0521.00014 10 1983 The classical theory of zeta and \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1275.11117 Bombieri, E. 9 2010 On twin almost primes. Zbl 0319.10051 Bombieri, Enrico 9 1975 A note on the large sieve. Zbl 0219.10055 Bombieri, E. 9 1971 Sur les zéros des fonctions zêta d’Epstein. (On the zeros of Epstein zeta-functions). Zbl 0638.10043 Bombieri, Enrico; Hejhal, Dennis A. 8 1987 A note on lower bounds for Frobenius traces. Zbl 1220.11078 Bombieri, Enrico; Katz, Nicholas M. 8 2010 A geometric approach to some coefficient inequalities for univalent functions. Zbl 0186.13201 Bombieri, E. 8 1968 Effective diophantine approximation on \(\mathbb{G}_M\). II. Zbl 0912.11028 Bombieri, E.; Cohen, P. B. 7 1997 Siegel’s lemma, Padé approximations and Jacobians. With an appendix by Umberto Zannier. Zbl 1073.11518 Bombieri, Enrico; Cohen, Paula B. 7 1997 Sul teorema di Tschebotarev. (On a theorem of Chebotarev). Zbl 0123.04505 Bombieri, E. 7 1963 Some inequalities involving trigonometrical polynomials. Zbl 0186.08201 Bombieri, E.; Davenport, Harold 7 1969 Dirichlet polynomial approximations to zeta functions. Zbl 0837.11051 Bombieri, E.; Friedlander, J. B. 6 1995 Zeros and poles of Dirichlet series. Zbl 1170.11320 Bombieri, Enrico; Perelli, Alberto 6 2001 On Poincaré’s isoperimetric problem for simple closed geodesics. Zbl 0469.58007 Berger, M. S.; Bombieri, E. 6 1981 On the zeros of certain Epstein zeta functions. Zbl 1217.11040 Bombieri, Enrico; Mueller, Julia 6 2008 Recent progress in the theory of minimal surfaces. Zbl 0414.49032 Bombieri, E. 6 1979 An introduction to minimal currents and parametric variational problems. Zbl 0875.49032 Bombieri, E. 5 1985 On the estimation of certain exponential sums. Zbl 0826.11040 Bombieri, E.; Sperber, S. 5 1995 New progress on the zeta function: from old conjectures to a major breakthrough. Zbl 1431.11104 Bombieri, Enrico 5 2019 Density theorems for the zeta function. Zbl 0216.30802 Bombieri, E. 5 1971 On the p-adic analyticity of solutions of linear differential equations. Zbl 0476.12018 Bombieri, E.; Sperber, S. 4 1982 Remarks on the analytic complexity of zeta functions. Zbl 1030.11041 Bombieri, Enrico 4 1997 Sulla dimostrazione di C.L. Siegel del teorema fondamentale di Minkowski nella geometrica dei numeri. Zbl 0107.26902 Bombieri, E. 4 1962 Sul problema di Bieberbach per le funzioni univalenti. Zbl 0151.09303 Bombieri, E. 4 1963 New progress on the zeta function: from old conjectures to a major breakthrough. Zbl 1431.11104 Bombieri, Enrico 5 2019 A problem on sums of two squares. Zbl 1364.11091 Bombieri, Enrico; Bourgain, Jean 28 2015 Around the Davenport-Heilbronn function. Zbl 1247.11116 Bombieri, E.; Ghosh, A. 23 2011 A note on Maurin’s theorem. Zbl 1209.11057 Bombieri, Enrico; Habegger, P.; Masser, D.; Zannier, Umberto 14 2010 The classical theory of zeta and \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1275.11117 Bombieri, E. 9 2010 A note on lower bounds for Frobenius traces. Zbl 1220.11078 Bombieri, Enrico; Katz, Nicholas M. 8 2010 On Kahane’s ultraflat polynomials. Zbl 1170.42001 Bombieri, Enrico; Bourgain, Jean 11 2009 Roots of polynomials in subgroups of \(\mathbb F_p^{\ast}\) and applications to congruences. Zbl 1213.11058 Bombieri, E.; Bourgain, J.; Konyagin, S. V. 3 2009 Problems and results on the distribution of algebraic points on algebraic varieties. Zbl 1194.11070 Bombieri, Enrico 2 2009 On unlikely intersections of complex varieties with tori. Zbl 1162.11031 Bombieri, E.; Masser, D.; Zannier, U. 23 2008 Intersecting a plane with algebraic subgroups of multiplicative groups. Zbl 1150.11022 Bombieri, Enrico; Masser, David; Zannier, Umberto 11 2008 On the zeros of certain Epstein zeta functions. Zbl 1217.11040 Bombieri, Enrico; Mueller, Julia 6 2008 Anomalous subvarieties – structure theorems and applications. Zbl 1145.11049 Bombieri, E.; Masser, D.; Zannier, U. 46 2007 Continued fractions and the Markoff tree. Zbl 1153.11030 Bombieri, Enrico 36 2007 Heights in Diophantine geometry. Paperback reprint of the 2006 original. Zbl 1130.11034 Bombieri, Enrico; Gubler, Walter 24 2007 Heights in Diophantine geometry. Zbl 1115.11034 Bombieri, Enrico; Gubler, Walter 369 2006 The Millennium Prize problems. Zbl 1155.00001 32 2006 The Riemann hypothesis. Zbl 1194.11001 Bombieri, Enrico 11 2006 Intersecting curves and algebraic subgroups: conjectures and more results. Zbl 1161.11025 Bombieri, E.; Masser, D.; Zannier, U. 10 2006 The Rosetta stone of \(L\)-functions. Zbl 1184.11028 Bombieri, Enrico 2 2005 A remark on Bohr’s inequality. Zbl 1069.30001 Bombieri, E.; Bourgain, J. 43 2004 On the number of rational points on certain elliptic curves. Zbl 1080.11050 Bombieri, E.; Zannier, U. 3 2004 Donald C. Spencer (1912–2001). Zbl 1159.01337 Kohn, Joseph J.; Griffiths, Phillip A.; Goldschmidt, Hubert; Bombieri, Enrico; Cenkl, Bohous; Garabedian, Paul; Nirenberg, Louis 1 2004 Finiteness results for multiplicatively dependent points on complex curves. Zbl 1048.11056 Bombieri, E.; Masser, D. W.; Zannier, U. 10 2003 An elementary approach to effective Diophantine approximation on \(\mathbb{G}_m\). Zbl 1077.11054 Bombieri, Enrico; Cohen, Paula B. 2 2003 A variational approach to the explicit formula. Zbl 1048.11070 Bombieri, Enrico 1 2003 A note on squares in arithmetic progressions. II. Zbl 1072.11010 Zannier, Umberto; Bombieri, Enrico 11 2002 Forty years of effective results in Diophantine theory. Zbl 1080.11053 Bombieri, Enrico 1 2002 A note on heights in certain infinite extensions of \(\mathbb Q\). Zbl 1072.11077 Bombieri, Enrico; Zannier, Umberto 54 2001 Zeros and poles of Dirichlet series. Zbl 1170.11320 Bombieri, Enrico; Perelli, Alberto 6 2001 Equations in one variable over function fields. Zbl 0973.11014 Bombieri, Enrico; Mueller, Julia; Zannier, Umberto 2 2001 Remarks on Weil’s quadratic functional in the theory of prime numbers. I. Zbl 1008.11034 Bombieri, Enrico 13 2000 Diophantine equations in low dimension. Zbl 1149.11306 Bombieri, Enrico 1 2000 Complements to Li’s criterion for the Riemann Hypothesis. Zbl 0972.11079 Bombieri, Enrico; Lagarias, Jeffrey C. 66 1999 Intersecting a curve with algebraic subgroups of multiplicative groups. Zbl 0938.11031 Bombieri, E.; Masser, D.; Zannier, U. 63 1999 Distinct zeros of \(L\)-functions. Zbl 0891.11044 Bombieri, E.; Perelli, A. 18 1998 Effective diophantine approximation on \(\mathbb{G}_M\). II. Zbl 0912.11028 Bombieri, E.; Cohen, P. B. 7 1997 Siegel’s lemma, Padé approximations and Jacobians. With an appendix by Umberto Zannier. Zbl 1073.11518 Bombieri, Enrico; Cohen, Paula B. 7 1997 Remarks on the analytic complexity of zeta functions. Zbl 1030.11041 Bombieri, Enrico 4 1997 The equivariant Thue-Siegel method. Zbl 0888.11027 Bombieri, E. 2 1997 Subvarieties of linear tori and the unit equation. A survey. Zbl 0923.11097 Bombieri, Enrico 2 1997 The unit equation and the cluster principle. Zbl 0877.11018 Bombieri, E.; Mueller, J.; Poe, M. 1 1997 Heights of algebraic points on subvarieties of abelian varieties. Zbl 0897.11020 Bombieri, E.; Zannier, U. 14 1996 Effective measures of irrationality for cubic extensions of number fields. Zbl 0879.11035 Bombieri, E.; van der Poorten, Alfred J.; Vaaler, J. D. 11 1996 On the distribution of zeros of linear combinations of Euler products. Zbl 0853.11074 Bombieri, E.; Hejhal, D. A. 45 1995 Algebraic points on subvarieties of \(\mathbb{G}_ m^ n\). Zbl 0848.11030 Bombieri, E.; Zannier, U. 26 1995 Continued fractions of algebraic numbers. Zbl 0835.11025 Bombieri, Enrico; van der Poorten, Alfred J. 11 1995 Dirichlet polynomial approximations to zeta functions. Zbl 0837.11051 Bombieri, E.; Friedlander, J. B. 6 1995 On the estimation of certain exponential sums. Zbl 0826.11040 Bombieri, E.; Sperber, S. 5 1995 Determinants in the study of Thue’s method and curves with prescribed singularities. Zbl 0862.11029 Bombieri, Enrico; Hunt, David C.; van der Poorten, Alfred J. 3 1995 Trinomial equations in function fields. Zbl 0824.11013 Bombieri, Enrico; Mueller, Julia 2 1995 On the Thue-Mahler equation. II. Zbl 0820.11017 Bombieri, Enrico 2 1994 Effective Diophantine approximation on \(\mathbb{G}_ m\). Zbl 0774.11034 Bombieri, Enrico 16 1993 Squares in arithmetic progressions. Zbl 0771.11034 Bombieri, Enrico; Granville, Andrew; Pintz, János 16 1992 Proceedings of the Amalfi conference on analytic number theory, held at Maiori, Amalfi, Italy, from 25 to 29 September, 1989. Zbl 0772.00021 1 1992 The generalized Fermat equation in function fields. Zbl 0739.11012 Bombieri, E.; Mueller, J. 3 1991 Errata: The Mordell conjecture revisited. Zbl 0763.14007 Bombieri, Enrico 2 1991 Products of polynomials in many variables. Zbl 0729.30004 Beauzamy, Bernard; Bombieri, Enrico; Enflo, Per; Montgomery, Hugh L. 48 1990 The Mordell conjecture revisited. Zbl 0722.14010 Bombieri, Enrico 26 1990 Some quantitative results related to Roth’s theorem: Corrigenda. Zbl 0697.10028 Bombieri, E.; van der Poorten, A. J. 2 1990 Correction to my paper “On the analogue of Selberg’s formula in function fields”. Zbl 0714.11060 Bombieri, Enrico 1 1990 On Vinogradov’s mean value theorem and Weyl sums. Zbl 0734.11043 Bombieri, E. 1 1990 The number of integral points on arcs and ovals. Zbl 0718.11048 Bombieri, E.; Pila, J. 147 1989 Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli. III. Zbl 0674.10036 Bombieri, E.; Friedlander, J. B.; Iwaniec, H. 31 1989 Correction to: On Thue’s equation. Zbl 0676.10012 Bombieri, E.; Schmidt, W. 1 1989 Number theory, trace formulas, and discrete groups. Symposium in Honor of Atle Selberg, Oslo, Norway, July 14-21, 1987. Zbl 0661.00005 1 1989 Some quantitative results related to Roth’s theorem. Zbl 0664.10017 Bombieri, E.; van der Poorten, A. J. 12 1988 On Thue’s equation. Zbl 0614.10018 Bombieri, E.; Schmidt, W. M. 49 1987 Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli. II. Zbl 0625.10036 Bombieri, E.; Friedlander, J. B.; Iwaniec, H. 41 1987 Le grand crible dans la théorie analytique des nombres. (2e éd. rev. et augmentée). (The large sieve in analytic number theory). Zbl 0618.10042 Bombieri, Enrico 35 1987 Quasicrystals, tilings, and algebraic number theory: some preliminary connections. Zbl 0617.43002 Bombieri, Enrico; Taylor, Jean E. 24 1987 Polynomials with low height and prescribed vanishing. Zbl 0629.10024 Bombieri, Enrico; Vaaler, Jeffrey D. 13 1987 Sur les zéros des fonctions zêta d’Epstein. (On the zeros of Epstein zeta-functions). Zbl 0638.10043 Bombieri, Enrico; Hejhal, Dennis A. 8 1987 Lectures on the Thue principle. Zbl 0629.10025 Bombieri, Enrico 2 1987 On the Thue-Mahler equation. Zbl 0646.10009 Bombieri, E. 1 1987 Primes in arithmetic progressions to large moduli. Zbl 0588.10042 Bombieri, E.; Friedlander, J. B.; Iwaniec, H. 106 1986 On the order of \(\zeta(+it)\). Zbl 0615.10047 Bombieri, E.; Iwaniec, H. 57 1986 Which distributions of matter diffract? An initial investigation. Zbl 0693.52002 Bombieri, E.; Taylor, Jean E. 38 1986 Some mean-value theorems for exponential sums. Zbl 0615.10046 Bombieri, E.; Iwaniec, H. 21 1986 Remarks on the approximation to an algebraic number by algebraic numbers. Zbl 0593.10031 Bombieri, E.; Mueller, J. 1 1986 Incomplete Kloosterman sums and a divisor problem. Appendix: On some exponential sums by Bryan J. Birch and Enrico Bombieri. Zbl 0572.10029 Friedlander, John B.; Iwaniec, Henryk 61 1985 An introduction to minimal currents and parametric variational problems. Zbl 0875.49032 Bombieri, E. 5 1985 On the moduli spaces of surfaces of general type. Appendix: Letter of E. Bombieri written to the author. Zbl 0549.14012 Catanese, F. 69 1984 On Siegel’s lemma. Zbl 0533.10030 Bombieri, E.; Vaaler, J. 144 1983 On effective measures of irrationality for \(\root r\of {a/b}\) and related numbers. Zbl 0516.10024 Bombieri, Enrico; Mueller, Julia 18 1983 On Weil’s ”theoreme de decomposition”. Zbl 0516.12009 Bombieri, Enrico 16 1983 Seminar on minimal submanifolds. Zbl 0521.00014 10 1983 On the Gehring link problem. Zbl 0529.53005 Bombieri, Enrico; Simon, Leon 3 1983 Regularity theory for almost minimal currents. Zbl 0485.49024 Bombieri, Enrico 65 1982 On the Thue-Siegel-Dyson theorem. Zbl 0505.10015 Bombieri, Enrico 26 1982 On the p-adic analyticity of solutions of linear differential equations. Zbl 0476.12018 Bombieri, E.; Sperber, S. 4 1982 An introduction to minimal currents and parametric variational problems. Zbl 0529.49019 Bombieri, Enrico 2 1982 On G-functions. Zbl 0461.10031 Bombieri, E. 21 1981 On Poincaré’s isoperimetric problem for simple closed geodesics. Zbl 0469.58007 Berger, M. S.; Bombieri, E. 6 1981 Thompson’s problem (\(\sigma^2=3\)) With two appendices. I: The numerical verification of Thompson’s identity by Andrew Odlyzko: II: A check of the Ree group conjecture for small fields by David Hunt. Zbl 0442.20016 Bombieri, Enrico 20 1980 Recent progress in the theory of minimal surfaces. Zbl 0414.49032 Bombieri, E. 6 1979 Recent progress in the theory of minimal surfaces. Zbl 0436.49031 Bombieri, E. 3 1979 On exponential sums in finite fields. II. Zbl 0396.14001 Bombieri, E. 37 1978 The tricanonical map of a surface with \(K^2=2\), \(P_g=0\). Zbl 0423.14003 Bombieri, E.; Catanese, F. 3 1978 Enriques’ classification of surfaces in char. \(p\). II. Zbl 0348.14021 Bombieri, E.; Mumford, D. 75 1977 ...and 54 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,667 Authors 51 Zannier, Umberto M. 36 Shparlinski, Igor E. 35 Bombieri, Enrico 25 Masser, David William 21 Corvaja, Pietro 20 Iwaniec, Henryk 19 Ponnusamy, Saminathan 18 Habegger, Philipp 17 Murty, Maruti Ram 16 Bugeaud, Yann 16 Friedlander, John Benjamin 16 Ostafe, Alina 15 Fouvry, Etienne 15 Fukshansky, Lenny 15 Ghioca, Dragos 15 Granville, Andrew James 15 Pintz, Janos 15 Vaaler, Jeffrey D. 14 Akhtari, Shabnam 14 Bourgain, Jean 14 Catanese, Fabrizio M. E. 14 Chen, Meng 14 Górny, Wojciech 14 Pila, Jonathan 14 Zaharescu, Alexandru 13 Motohashi, Yoichi 12 Amoroso, Francesco Antonio 12 Nguyen, Khoa Dang 11 Bell, Jason P. 11 Binyamini, Gal 11 Checcoli, Sara 11 Goldston, Daniel Alan 11 Levin, Aaron 11 Mazhouda, Kamel 11 Omar, Sami 11 Schmidt, Wolfgang M. 11 Wei, Juncheng 10 Dubickas, Artūras 10 Huxley, Martin N. 10 Mello, Jorge 10 Smajlović, Lejla 10 Tucker, Thomas John 10 Viada, Evelina 9 Ballico, Edoardo 9 Erdélyi, Tamás 9 Odžak, Almasa 9 Ramaré, Olivier 9 Rémond, Gaël 9 Schröer, Stefan 9 Simon, Leon Melvin 9 Widmer, Martin 9 Wigman, Igor 8 Dobrovol’skiĭ, Nikolaĭ Nikolaevich 8 Göral, Haydar 8 Katsura, Toshiyuki 8 Kayumov, Il’giz Rifatovich 8 Kerr, Bryce 8 Lang, William E. 8 Li, Xianjin 8 Liedtke, Christian 8 Luca, Florian 8 Novaga, Matteo 8 Pottmeyer, Lukas 8 Reutenauer, Christophe 8 Sha, Min 8 Stewart, Cameron L. 8 Tenenbaum, Gérald 8 Waldschmidt, Michel 7 Aliev, Iskander M. 7 Bilu, Yuri F. 7 Cabré, Xavier 7 Chirskiĭ, Vladimir Grigor’evich 7 Coffey, Mark William 7 De Philippis, Guido 7 Dill, Gabriel Andreas 7 Dobbs, David Earl 7 Edelen, Nick 7 Evertse, Jan-Hendrik 7 Heath-Brown, Roger 7 Ingram, Patrick 7 Ivić, Aleksandar 7 Kátai, Imre 7 Lawson, Herbert Blaine jun. 7 Omari, Pierpaolo 7 Petsche, Clayton 7 Sarnak, Peter Clive 7 Schmidt, Harry 7 Vatwani, Akshaa 6 Barroero, Fabrizio 6 Beltrametti, Mauro C. 6 Blomer, Valentin 6 Capuano, Laura 6 Cumino, Caterina 6 Del Pino, Manuel A. 6 Dierkes, Ulrich 6 Drappeau, Sary 6 de Lima, Henrique F. 6 Fuchs, Clemens 6 Giusti, Enrico 6 Guth, Lawrence David ...and 2,567 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 386 Serials 159 Journal of Number Theory 96 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 91 Mathematische Annalen 81 Inventiones Mathematicae 68 Compositio Mathematica 67 Mathematische Zeitschrift 58 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 56 International Journal of Number Theory 50 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 49 Advances in Mathematics 48 Manuscripta Mathematica 44 Acta Arithmetica 43 Duke Mathematical Journal 38 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 38 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 37 Mathematika 35 Monatshefte für Mathematik 32 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 31 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 28 Journal of Algebra 27 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 26 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 25 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie IV 24 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 24 Archiv der Mathematik 24 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 23 Israel Journal of Mathematics 23 Mathematical Notes 23 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 23 Acta Mathematica 23 Algebra & Number Theory 22 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 22 Finite Fields and their Applications 22 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 21 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 21 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 20 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 19 Mathematics of Computation 19 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 19 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 18 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 18 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 18 The Ramanujan Journal 17 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 17 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 17 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali. Serie IX. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e Applicazioni 16 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 16 Science China. Mathematics 15 Lithuanian Mathematical Journal 15 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 15 Journal of Differential Equations 15 Theoretical Computer Science 15 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 14 Journal of Functional Analysis 14 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 13 Mathematische Nachrichten 13 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 13 Forum Mathematicum 13 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 13 Research in Number Theory 12 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 11 Communications in Algebra 11 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 11 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 11 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 11 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 11 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 11 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 11 Journal of Algebraic Geometry 11 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 10 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 10 Journal of Geometry and Physics 10 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 10 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 10 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 10 International Journal of Mathematics 10 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 10 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 9 Communications in Mathematical Physics 9 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 9 Michigan Mathematical Journal 9 Experimental Mathematics 9 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 9 Bulletin of the Brazilian Mathematical Society. New Series 9 Oberwolfach Reports 9 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 9 Chebyshevskiĭ Sbornik 9 European Journal of Mathematics 8 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 8 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 8 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 8 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 8 Expositiones Mathematicae 8 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 8 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 7 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 7 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 7 Advances in Geometry 6 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 6 Geometriae Dedicata ...and 286 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 60 Fields 1,642 Number theory (11-XX) 797 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 295 Differential geometry (53-XX) 274 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 206 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 159 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 148 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 125 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 99 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 93 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 67 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 62 Computer science (68-XX) 61 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 58 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 57 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 54 Functional analysis (46-XX) 51 Combinatorics (05-XX) 51 Real functions (26-XX) 48 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 46 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 37 Potential theory (31-XX) 37 Operator theory (47-XX) 30 Measure and integration (28-XX) 26 History and biography (01-XX) 23 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 22 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 21 Special functions (33-XX) 21 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 21 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 19 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 19 Quantum theory (81-XX) 17 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 16 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 15 Geometry (51-XX) 13 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 13 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 12 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 11 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 8 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 6 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 6 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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