Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Borgman, Leon E. Co-Author Distance Author ID: borgman.leon-e Published as: Borgman, L. E.; Borgman, Leon E.; Borgman, L.; Borgman, Leon more...less Documents Indexed: 9 Publications since 1967 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 4 Co-Authors with 6 Joint Publications 10 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 3 single-authored 2 Faucette, R. C. 2 Yfantis, E. A. 1 Agterberg, Frederik Pieter 1 Canfield, Ronald V. 1 Chao, Li 1 Chilès, Jean-Paul 1 Damay, J. 1 Delfiner, Pierre 1 Deraisme, J. R. 1 Dowd, Peter A. 1 Frahme, R. B. 1 Guarascio, M. 1 Huijbregts, C. 1 Journel, Andre G. 1 Jousselin, C. 1 Krige, Danie Gerhardus 1 Lallement, B. 1 Marechal, Andre 1 Matheron, Georges François Paul Marie 1 Miguez, Fernando 1 Orfeuil, J. P. 1 Parker, H. M. 1 Rendu, J. M. 1 Rutledge, R. W. 1 Sabourin, Robert 1 Sinclair, Andrew J. 1 Switzer, Paul Serials 2 Mathematical Geology 1 Technometrics 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 NATO ASI Series. Series C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Annals of Mathematical Statistics all top 5 Fields 6 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Geophysics (86-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 6 Publications have been cited 20 times in 20 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ An extension of the von Mises distribution. Zbl 0509.62022 Yfantis, E. A.; Borgman, L. E. 14 1982 Advanced geostatistics in the mining industry. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the Istituto di Geologia Applicata of the University of Rome, Italy, 13-25 October 1975. Zbl 0345.62003 5 1976 Some distributions of time to failure for reliability applications. Zbl 0318.60072 Canfield, Ronald V.; Borgman, Leon E. 3 1975 Estimation of a multidimensional covariance function in case of anisotropy. Zbl 0970.86544 Borgman, Leon; Chao, Li 1 1994 Multidimensional simulation of Gaussian vector random functions in frequency domain. Zbl 0802.76063 Borgman, L.; Faucette, R. C. 1 1993 Random hydrodynamic forces on objects. Zbl 0158.23509 Borgman, L. E. 1 1967 Estimation of a multidimensional covariance function in case of anisotropy. Zbl 0970.86544 Borgman, Leon; Chao, Li 1 1994 Multidimensional simulation of Gaussian vector random functions in frequency domain. Zbl 0802.76063 Borgman, L.; Faucette, R. C. 1 1993 An extension of the von Mises distribution. Zbl 0509.62022 Yfantis, E. A.; Borgman, L. E. 14 1982 Advanced geostatistics in the mining industry. Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute held at the Istituto di Geologia Applicata of the University of Rome, Italy, 13-25 October 1975. Zbl 0345.62003 5 1976 Some distributions of time to failure for reliability applications. Zbl 0318.60072 Canfield, Ronald V.; Borgman, Leon E. 3 1975 Random hydrodynamic forces on objects. Zbl 0158.23509 Borgman, L. E. 1 1967 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 31 Authors 3 Pewsey, Arthur 3 SenGupta, Ashis 3 Shimizu, Kunio 2 Abe, Toshihiro 2 Gatto, Riccardo 2 Kato, Shogo 2 Kim, Sungsu 1 Andrade, Christiano Santos 1 Andrew, Michael E. 1 Arnold, Barry Charles 1 de la Cruz, Rolando 1 Fuhrman, David R. 1 Golalizadeh, Mousa 1 Hassanzadeh, Fatemeh 1 Hoeting, Jennifer A. 1 Jammalamadaka, Sreenivasa Rao 1 Jones, Michael Chris 1 Kalaylıoğlu, Zeynep I. 1 Kılıç, Muhammet Burak 1 Klahn, Mathias 1 Li, Shengqiao 1 Louzada-Neto, Francisco 1 Madsen, Per A. 1 Mnatsakanov, Robert M. 1 Moghimbeygi, Meisam 1 Rajarshi, Sujata 1 Tung, Yeou-Koung 1 Weller, Zachary D. 1 Wood, Andrew T. A. 1 Yeh, Keh-Chia 1 Zanforlin Almeida, Fernanda R. all top 5 Cited in 16 Serials 2 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 2 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 2 Journal of Applied Statistics 2 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 1 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 1 Statistics & Probability Letters 1 Statistics 1 Statistical Science 1 Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics 1 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 1 Bernoulli 1 Entropy 1 Statistical Methodology 1 Environmetrics all top 5 Cited in 6 Fields 18 Statistics (62-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) Citations by Year