Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Bos, Len P. Co-Author Distance Author ID: bos.len-p Published as: Bos, Len; Bos, L.; Bos, L. P.; Bos, Len P. more...less Documents Indexed: 116 Publications since 1983, including 5 Additional arXiv Preprints 1 Contribution as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Software Indexed: 1 Package Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 42 Co-Authors with 99 Joint Publications 1,000 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 17 single-authored 25 Levenberg, Norman jun. 20 De Marchi, Stefano 17 Vianello, Marco 11 Slawinski, Michael A. 9 Waldron, Shayne F. D. 8 Šalkauskas, Kȩstutis 8 Sommariva, Alvise 7 Bloom, Thomas 6 Calvi, Jean-Paul 6 Ma’u, Sione 6 Milman, Pierre D. 5 Caliari, Marco 5 Piazzon, Federico 5 Stanoev, Theodore 3 Brudnyi, Alexander 3 Hormann, Kai 3 Taylor, Bert Alan 3 Taylor, Mark Alan 3 Wingate, Beth A. 2 Bagby, Thomas 2 Dalton, David R. 2 Gotay, Mark J. 2 Grabenstetter, J. E. 2 Maier, Ulrike 2 Pavlov, Boris Sergeevich 2 Ware, Antony F. 2 Xu, Yuan 1 Cavoretto, Roberto 1 Danek, Tomasz 1 De Rossi, Alessandra 1 Della Vecchia, Biancamaria 1 Dell’Accio, Francesco 1 Elefante, Giacomo 1 Erb, Wolfgang 1 Galler, Bruce I. 1 Klein, Georges 1 Korevaar, Jacob 1 Marchetti, Francesco 1 Mastroianni, Giuseppe 1 Narayan, Akil C. 1 Ortega-Cerdà, Joaquim 1 Perracchione, Emma 1 Poggiali, Davide 1 Santin, Gabriele 1 Sidon, Jean 1 Slawinski, Raphaël 1 Totik, Vilmos 1 Vianello, Maurizio 1 Ware, Tony all top 5 Serials 17 Journal of Approximation Theory 10 Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation 6 Constructive Approximation 5 Annales Polonici Mathematici 4 Journal of Elasticity 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 3 East Journal on Approximations 3 GEM - International Journal on Geomathematics 2 Analysis Mathematica 2 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 2 Quarterly Journal of Mechanics and Applied Mathematics 2 Mathematics of Computation 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Numerische Mathematik 2 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 New Zealand Journal of Mathematics 2 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 1 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Arkiv för Matematik 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Calcolo 1 Computing 1 Journal of Differential Geometry 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 Publications de l’Institut Mathématique. Nouvelle Série 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Performance Evaluation 1 Computer Aided Geometric Design 1 Applied Numerical Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Geometric and Functional Analysis. GAFA 1 Computational Statistics 1 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Quantitative Finance 1 Computational Methods and Function Theory 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications all top 5 Fields 77 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 22 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 13 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 8 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 8 Geophysics (86-XX) 7 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Real functions (26-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Operator theory (47-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Potential theory (31-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 92 Publications have been cited 1,084 times in 602 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the Padua points: the generating curve approach. Zbl 1113.41001 Bos, Len; Caliari, Marco; De Marchi, Stefano; Vianello, Marco; Xu, Yuan 67 2006 Computing multivariate Fekete and Leja points by numerical linear algebra. Zbl 1221.41005 Bos, L.; De Marchi, S.; Sommariva, A.; Vianello, M. 64 2010 Geometric weakly admissible meshes, discrete least squares approximations and approximate Fekete points. Zbl 1228.41002 Bos, L.; Calvi, J.-P.; Levenberg, N.; Sommariva, A.; Vianello, M. 43 2011 On certain configurations of points in \(\mathbb{R}{}^ n\) which are unisolvent for polynomial interpolation. Zbl 0737.41002 Bos, L. 41 1991 On the Lebesgue constant of barycentric rational interpolation at equidistant nodes. Zbl 1252.41003 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Hormann, Kai; Klein, Georges 38 2012 Bounding the Lebesgue function for Lagrange interpolatin in a simplex. Zbl 0546.41003 Bos, L. P. 36 1983 Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the Padua points: The ideal theory approach. Zbl 1126.41002 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Vianello, Marco; Xu, Yuan 34 2007 Polynomial interpolation of holomorphic functions in \(\mathbb{C}\) and \(\mathbb{C}^ n\). Zbl 0763.32009 Bloom, T.; Bos, L.; Christensen, C.; Levenberg, N. 33 1992 Multivariate simultaneous approximation. Zbl 1025.41002 Bagby, T.; Bos, L.; Levenberg, N. 32 2002 Tangential Markov inequalities characterize algebraic submanifolds of \(\mathbb{R}^ N\). Zbl 0824.41015 Bos, L.; Levenberg, N.; Milman, P.; Taylor, B. A. 32 1995 Polynomial interpolation and approximation in \(\mathbb C^d\). Zbl 1254.32045 Bloom, T.; Bos, L. P.; Calvi, J.-P.; Levenberg, N. 32 2012 Tensor product Gauss-Lobatto points are Fekete points for the cube. Zbl 0985.41007 Bos, L.; Taylor, M. A.; Wingate, B. A. 30 2001 Sobolev-Gagliardo-Nirenberg and Markov type inequalities on subanalytic domains. Zbl 0848.46022 Bos, L. P.; Milman, P. D. 28 1995 On the Lebesgue constant of Berrut’s rational interpolant at equidistant nodes. Zbl 1231.41003 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Hormann, Kai 28 2011 A cardinal function algorithm for computing multivariate quadrature points. Zbl 1142.65028 Taylor, Mark A.; Wingate, Beth A.; Bos, Len P. 27 2007 Weakly admissible meshes and discrete extremal sets. Zbl 1249.65014 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Sommariva, Alvise; Vianello, Marco 22 2011 Bernstein-Walsh theory associated to convex bodies and applications to multivariate approximation theory. Zbl 1454.32023 Bos, L.; Levenberg, N. 20 2018 Moving least-squares are Backus-Gilbert optimal. Zbl 0729.41008 Bos, L. P.; Salkauskas, K. 19 1989 On the Lebesgue constant for the Xu interpolation formula. Zbl 1099.41002 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Vianello, Marco 18 2006 Bounding the Lebesgue constant for Berrut’s rational interpolant at general nodes. Zbl 1281.41001 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Hormann, Kai; Sidon, Jean 17 2013 Low cardinality admissible meshes on quadrangles, triangles and disks. Zbl 1238.41005 Bos, Len; Vianello, Marco 16 2012 Tangential Markov inequalities on real algebraic varieties. Zbl 0938.32008 Bos, L. P.; Levenberg, N.; Milman, P. D.; Taylor, B. A. 14 1998 On the calculation of approximate fekete points: the univariate case. Zbl 1176.41001 Bos, L. P.; Levenberg, N. 14 2008 Pseudometrics, distances and multivariate polynomial inequalities. Zbl 1154.41007 Bos, Len; Levenberg, Norm; Waldron, Shayne 14 2008 On the convergence of optimal measures. Zbl 1217.32012 Bloom, T.; Bos, L.; Levenberg, N.; Waldron, S. 13 2010 Subperiodic trigonometric interpolation and quadrature. Zbl 1252.65219 Bos, Len; Vianello, Marco 13 2012 On the asymptotics of Christoffel functions for centrally symmetric weight functions on the ball in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 0910.33008 Bos, L.; Della Vecchia, B.; Mastroianni, G. 12 1998 Tangential Markov inequalities on transcendental curves. Zbl 1041.41010 Bos, L. P.; Brudnyi, A.; Levenberg, N.; Totik, V. 12 2003 Polynomial approximation on Lissajous curves in the \(d\)-cube. Zbl 1372.65028 Bos, L.; De Marchi, S.; Vianello, M. 12 2017 Taylorian points of an algebraic curve and bivariate Hermite interpolation. Zbl 1177.41001 Bos, Len; Calvi, Jean-Paul 12 2008 Asymptotics for the Christoffel function for Jacobi like weights on a ball in \(\mathbb{R}^ m\). Zbl 0828.42014 Bos, Len 12 1994 Metrics associated to multivariate polynomial inequalities. Zbl 1068.41022 Bos, Len; Levenberg, Norm; Waldron, Shayne 11 2004 A numerical study of the xu polynomial interpolation formula in two variables. Zbl 1087.65009 Bos, L.; Caliari, M.; De Marchi, S.; Vianello, M. 11 2006 Singular angular momentum mappings. Zbl 0588.58022 Gotay, Mark J.; Bos, Len 10 1986 Some remarks on the Fejér problem for Lagrange interpolation in several variables. Zbl 0707.41006 Bos, Len 10 1990 On the spacing of Fekete points for a sphere, ball or simplex. Zbl 1161.41001 Bos, Len; Levenberg, Norm; Waldron, Shayne 10 2008 Least-squares polynomial approximation on weakly admissible meshes: Disk and triangle. Zbl 1200.65010 Bos, Len; Sommariva, Alvise; Vianello, Marco 10 2010 Multipoint Taylor interpolation. Zbl 1168.41301 Bos, Len; Calvi, Jean-Paul 10 2008 Some remarks on Heisenberg frames and sets of equiangular lines. Zbl 1200.05047 Bos, Len; Waldron, Shayne 9 2007 Bivariate interpolation at Xu points: results, extensions and applications. Zbl 1115.65304 Bos, Len; Caliari, Marco; De Marchi, Stefano; Vianello, Marco 9 2006 On Markov and Sobolev type inequalities on sets in \(\mathbb{R}^ n\). Zbl 0865.46018 Bos, L. P.; Milman, P. D. 8 1993 A simple recipe for modelling a \(d\)-cube by Lissajous curves. Zbl 1372.65029 Bos, Len 7 2017 On polynomial inequalities on exponential curves in \(\mathbb C^{n }\). Zbl 1183.41009 Bos, L. P.; Brudnyi, A.; Levenberg, N. 7 2010 Tangential Markov inequalities on singular varieties. Zbl 1103.41012 Bos, L.; Milman, P. 7 2006 On the Sičiak extremal function for real compact convex sets. Zbl 1028.32015 Bos, Len; Calvi, Jean-Paul; Levenberg, Norman 6 2001 Weighted splines as optimal interpolants. Zbl 0761.41014 Šalkauskas, K.; Bos, L. 6 1992 On a semi-spectral method for pricing an option on a mean-reverting asset. Zbl 1405.91689 Bos, L. P.; Ware, A. F.; Pavlov, B. S. 6 2002 The extremal function for the complex ball for generalized notions of degree and multivariate polynomial approximation. Zbl 1439.32085 Bloom, T.; Bos, L.; Levenberg, N.; Ma’u, S.; Piazzon, F. 6 2019 Tchakaloff polynomial meshes. Zbl 1431.41004 Bos, Len; Vianello, Marco 6 2019 Comment on the representation of splines as Boolean sums. Zbl 0691.41016 Bos, L. P.; Salkauskas, K. 5 1988 Kergin interpolants at the roots of unity approximate \(C^2\) functions. Zbl 0901.41002 Bos, Len; Calvi, Jean-Paul 5 1997 On the matrix \([| x_ i-x_ j| ^ 3]\) and the cubic spline continuity equations. Zbl 0653.41018 Bos, L. P.; Salkauskas, K. 5 1987 On Backus average for generally anisotropic layers. Zbl 1368.86005 Bos, Len; Dalton, David R.; Slawinski, Michael A.; Stanoev, Theodore 5 2017 Limits of weighted splines based on piecewise constant weight functions. Zbl 0796.41010 Bos, L.; Salkauskas, K. 5 1993 On Kergin interpolation in the disk. Zbl 0533.41001 Bos, Len 5 1983 Application of modified Leja sequences to polynomial interpolation. Zbl 1370.41002 Bos, Len P.; Caliari, Marco 4 2015 A weighted extremal function and equilibrium measure. Zbl 1397.32011 Bos, Len; Levenberg, Norman; Ma’u, Sione; Piazzon, Federico 4 2017 Characterization of smooth, compact algebraic curves in \(\mathbb{R}^ 2\). Zbl 0834.41012 Bos, L.; Levenberg, N.; Taylor, B. A. 4 1995 Near G-optimal Tchakaloff designs. Zbl 1482.62004 Bos, Len; Piazzon, Federico; Vianello, Marco 4 2020 A model of transaction blocking in databases. Zbl 0511.68020 Galler, Bruce I.; Bos, Len 4 1983 Trivariate polynomial approximation on Lissajous curves. Zbl 1433.41003 Bos, L.; De Marchi, S.; Vianello, M. 4 2017 Markov factors on average – an \(L_2\) case. Zbl 1521.41005 Bos, Len 4 2019 Fekete points for bivariate polynomials restricted to \(y=x^ m\). Zbl 1084.41500 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano 3 2000 Reduced canonical formalism for a particle with zero angular momentum. Zbl 0567.58007 Bos, Len; Gotay, Mark J. 3 1984 Quantitative approximation theorems for elliptic operators. Zbl 0851.30022 Bagby, Thomas; Bos, Len; Levenberg, Norman 3 1996 Limiting values under scaling of the Lebesgue function for polynomial interpolation on spheres. Zbl 0927.41002 Bos, L.; De Marchi, S. 3 1999 Weighted splines based on piecewise polynomial weight functions. Zbl 0797.41013 Bos, L.; Salkauskas, K. 3 1992 Extremal growth of polynomials. Zbl 1463.32016 Bos, L.; Ma’u, S.; Waldron, S. 3 2020 The transfinite diameter of the real ball and simplex. Zbl 1266.32042 Bloom, T.; Bos, L.; Levenberg, N. 3 2012 Statistical and numerical considerations of Backus-average product approximation. Zbl 1395.74008 Bos, Len; Danek, Tomasz; Slawinski, Michael A.; Stanoev, Theodore 3 2018 A note on polynomial-free unisolvence of polyharmonic splines at random points. Zbl 1546.41005 Bos, Len; Sommariva, Alvise; Vianello, Marco 3 2024 A characteristic of points in \({\mathbb{R}}^ 2\) having Lebesgue function of polynomial growth. Zbl 0675.41013 Bos, Len 2 1989 Characterization of algebraic curves by Chebyshev quadrature. Zbl 0924.41020 Korevaar, J.; Bos, L. 2 1998 The equivalence of the usual and quotient topologies for \(C^ \infty{}(E)\) when \(E \subset{}\mathbb{R}{}^ n\) is Whitney \(p\)-regular. Zbl 0768.46004 Bos, L. P.; Milman, P. D. 2 1992 An orthogonality property of the Legendre polynomials. Zbl 1362.33010 Bos, L.; Narayan, A.; Levenberg, N.; Piazzon, F. 2 2017 Proof of validity of first-order seismic traveltime estimates. Zbl 1260.86008 Bos, Len; Slawinski, Michael A. 2 2011 2-norm effective isotropic Hookean solids. Zbl 1317.86014 Bos, Len; Slawinski, Michael A. 2 2015 Univariate radial basis functions with compact support cardinal functions. Zbl 1219.41001 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano 2 2008 SICs and the elements of order three in the Clifford group. Zbl 1507.81114 Bos, Len; Waldron, Shayne 2 2019 On Fekete points for a real simplex. Zbl 07654702 Bos, Len 2 2023 Optimal polynomial prediction measures and extremal polynomial growth. Zbl 1518.30008 Bos, L.; Levenberg, N.; Ortega-Cerdà, J. 2 2021 Fekete points as norming sets. Zbl 1540.41004 Bos, Len 2 2018 Radial extensions of vertex data. Zbl 0969.65012 Bos, L. P.; Holland, D. 1 1999 Network splines. Zbl 0879.41017 Bos, L. P.; Holland, D. 1 1996 Pseudo-tensor product interpolation and blending with families of univariate schemes. Zbl 0875.68869 Bos, L. P.; Grabenstetter, J. E.; Salkauskas, K. 1 1996 Absolute continuity of convolutions of singular measures and new branches of spectrum of Liouvillians and few-body Hamiltonians. Zbl 0949.47025 Bos, Len; Pavlov, Boris 1 1999 On the asymptotics of points which maximize determinants of the form \(\text{det} [g (|x_i - x_j|) ]\). Zbl 0948.65008 Bos, Len; Maier, Ulrike 1 1999 On the asymptotics of Fekete-type points for univariate radial basis interpolation. Zbl 1128.41301 Bos, L. P.; Maier, U. 1 2002 Finite element interpolation with weighted smoothing. Zbl 0714.41001 Bos, L.; Grabenstetter, J. E.; Salkauskas, K. 1 1990 Elastodynamic equations: characteristics, wavefronts and rays. Zbl 1273.74148 Bos, Len; Slawinski, Michael A. 1 2010 Regions of invalidity of ray-centred coordinates. Zbl 1273.74158 Bos, Len; Slawinski, Michael A. 1 2010 Markov factors on average – an \(L_\infty\) case. Zbl 1433.62277 Bos, Len 1 2019 A note on polynomial-free unisolvence of polyharmonic splines at random points. Zbl 1546.41005 Bos, Len; Sommariva, Alvise; Vianello, Marco 3 2024 On Fekete points for a real simplex. Zbl 07654702 Bos, Len 2 2023 Optimal polynomial prediction measures and extremal polynomial growth. Zbl 1518.30008 Bos, L.; Levenberg, N.; Ortega-Cerdà, J. 2 2021 Near G-optimal Tchakaloff designs. Zbl 1482.62004 Bos, Len; Piazzon, Federico; Vianello, Marco 4 2020 Extremal growth of polynomials. Zbl 1463.32016 Bos, L.; Ma’u, S.; Waldron, S. 3 2020 The extremal function for the complex ball for generalized notions of degree and multivariate polynomial approximation. Zbl 1439.32085 Bloom, T.; Bos, L.; Levenberg, N.; Ma’u, S.; Piazzon, F. 6 2019 Tchakaloff polynomial meshes. Zbl 1431.41004 Bos, Len; Vianello, Marco 6 2019 Markov factors on average – an \(L_2\) case. Zbl 1521.41005 Bos, Len 4 2019 SICs and the elements of order three in the Clifford group. Zbl 1507.81114 Bos, Len; Waldron, Shayne 2 2019 Markov factors on average – an \(L_\infty\) case. Zbl 1433.62277 Bos, Len 1 2019 Bernstein-Walsh theory associated to convex bodies and applications to multivariate approximation theory. Zbl 1454.32023 Bos, L.; Levenberg, N. 20 2018 Statistical and numerical considerations of Backus-average product approximation. Zbl 1395.74008 Bos, Len; Danek, Tomasz; Slawinski, Michael A.; Stanoev, Theodore 3 2018 Fekete points as norming sets. Zbl 1540.41004 Bos, Len 2 2018 Polynomial approximation on Lissajous curves in the \(d\)-cube. Zbl 1372.65028 Bos, L.; De Marchi, S.; Vianello, M. 12 2017 A simple recipe for modelling a \(d\)-cube by Lissajous curves. Zbl 1372.65029 Bos, Len 7 2017 On Backus average for generally anisotropic layers. Zbl 1368.86005 Bos, Len; Dalton, David R.; Slawinski, Michael A.; Stanoev, Theodore 5 2017 A weighted extremal function and equilibrium measure. Zbl 1397.32011 Bos, Len; Levenberg, Norman; Ma’u, Sione; Piazzon, Federico 4 2017 Trivariate polynomial approximation on Lissajous curves. Zbl 1433.41003 Bos, L.; De Marchi, S.; Vianello, M. 4 2017 An orthogonality property of the Legendre polynomials. Zbl 1362.33010 Bos, L.; Narayan, A.; Levenberg, N.; Piazzon, F. 2 2017 Application of modified Leja sequences to polynomial interpolation. Zbl 1370.41002 Bos, Len P.; Caliari, Marco 4 2015 2-norm effective isotropic Hookean solids. Zbl 1317.86014 Bos, Len; Slawinski, Michael A. 2 2015 Bounding the Lebesgue constant for Berrut’s rational interpolant at general nodes. Zbl 1281.41001 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Hormann, Kai; Sidon, Jean 17 2013 On the Lebesgue constant of barycentric rational interpolation at equidistant nodes. Zbl 1252.41003 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Hormann, Kai; Klein, Georges 38 2012 Polynomial interpolation and approximation in \(\mathbb C^d\). Zbl 1254.32045 Bloom, T.; Bos, L. P.; Calvi, J.-P.; Levenberg, N. 32 2012 Low cardinality admissible meshes on quadrangles, triangles and disks. Zbl 1238.41005 Bos, Len; Vianello, Marco 16 2012 Subperiodic trigonometric interpolation and quadrature. Zbl 1252.65219 Bos, Len; Vianello, Marco 13 2012 The transfinite diameter of the real ball and simplex. Zbl 1266.32042 Bloom, T.; Bos, L.; Levenberg, N. 3 2012 Geometric weakly admissible meshes, discrete least squares approximations and approximate Fekete points. Zbl 1228.41002 Bos, L.; Calvi, J.-P.; Levenberg, N.; Sommariva, A.; Vianello, M. 43 2011 On the Lebesgue constant of Berrut’s rational interpolant at equidistant nodes. Zbl 1231.41003 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Hormann, Kai 28 2011 Weakly admissible meshes and discrete extremal sets. Zbl 1249.65014 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Sommariva, Alvise; Vianello, Marco 22 2011 Proof of validity of first-order seismic traveltime estimates. Zbl 1260.86008 Bos, Len; Slawinski, Michael A. 2 2011 Computing multivariate Fekete and Leja points by numerical linear algebra. Zbl 1221.41005 Bos, L.; De Marchi, S.; Sommariva, A.; Vianello, M. 64 2010 On the convergence of optimal measures. Zbl 1217.32012 Bloom, T.; Bos, L.; Levenberg, N.; Waldron, S. 13 2010 Least-squares polynomial approximation on weakly admissible meshes: Disk and triangle. Zbl 1200.65010 Bos, Len; Sommariva, Alvise; Vianello, Marco 10 2010 On polynomial inequalities on exponential curves in \(\mathbb C^{n }\). Zbl 1183.41009 Bos, L. P.; Brudnyi, A.; Levenberg, N. 7 2010 Elastodynamic equations: characteristics, wavefronts and rays. Zbl 1273.74148 Bos, Len; Slawinski, Michael A. 1 2010 Regions of invalidity of ray-centred coordinates. Zbl 1273.74158 Bos, Len; Slawinski, Michael A. 1 2010 On the calculation of approximate fekete points: the univariate case. Zbl 1176.41001 Bos, L. P.; Levenberg, N. 14 2008 Pseudometrics, distances and multivariate polynomial inequalities. Zbl 1154.41007 Bos, Len; Levenberg, Norm; Waldron, Shayne 14 2008 Taylorian points of an algebraic curve and bivariate Hermite interpolation. Zbl 1177.41001 Bos, Len; Calvi, Jean-Paul 12 2008 On the spacing of Fekete points for a sphere, ball or simplex. Zbl 1161.41001 Bos, Len; Levenberg, Norm; Waldron, Shayne 10 2008 Multipoint Taylor interpolation. Zbl 1168.41301 Bos, Len; Calvi, Jean-Paul 10 2008 Univariate radial basis functions with compact support cardinal functions. Zbl 1219.41001 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano 2 2008 Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the Padua points: The ideal theory approach. Zbl 1126.41002 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Vianello, Marco; Xu, Yuan 34 2007 A cardinal function algorithm for computing multivariate quadrature points. Zbl 1142.65028 Taylor, Mark A.; Wingate, Beth A.; Bos, Len P. 27 2007 Some remarks on Heisenberg frames and sets of equiangular lines. Zbl 1200.05047 Bos, Len; Waldron, Shayne 9 2007 Bivariate Lagrange interpolation at the Padua points: the generating curve approach. Zbl 1113.41001 Bos, Len; Caliari, Marco; De Marchi, Stefano; Vianello, Marco; Xu, Yuan 67 2006 On the Lebesgue constant for the Xu interpolation formula. Zbl 1099.41002 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano; Vianello, Marco 18 2006 A numerical study of the xu polynomial interpolation formula in two variables. Zbl 1087.65009 Bos, L.; Caliari, M.; De Marchi, S.; Vianello, M. 11 2006 Bivariate interpolation at Xu points: results, extensions and applications. Zbl 1115.65304 Bos, Len; Caliari, Marco; De Marchi, Stefano; Vianello, Marco 9 2006 Tangential Markov inequalities on singular varieties. Zbl 1103.41012 Bos, L.; Milman, P. 7 2006 Metrics associated to multivariate polynomial inequalities. Zbl 1068.41022 Bos, Len; Levenberg, Norm; Waldron, Shayne 11 2004 Tangential Markov inequalities on transcendental curves. Zbl 1041.41010 Bos, L. P.; Brudnyi, A.; Levenberg, N.; Totik, V. 12 2003 Multivariate simultaneous approximation. Zbl 1025.41002 Bagby, T.; Bos, L.; Levenberg, N. 32 2002 On a semi-spectral method for pricing an option on a mean-reverting asset. Zbl 1405.91689 Bos, L. P.; Ware, A. F.; Pavlov, B. S. 6 2002 On the asymptotics of Fekete-type points for univariate radial basis interpolation. Zbl 1128.41301 Bos, L. P.; Maier, U. 1 2002 Tensor product Gauss-Lobatto points are Fekete points for the cube. Zbl 0985.41007 Bos, L.; Taylor, M. A.; Wingate, B. A. 30 2001 On the Sičiak extremal function for real compact convex sets. Zbl 1028.32015 Bos, Len; Calvi, Jean-Paul; Levenberg, Norman 6 2001 Fekete points for bivariate polynomials restricted to \(y=x^ m\). Zbl 1084.41500 Bos, Len; De Marchi, Stefano 3 2000 Limiting values under scaling of the Lebesgue function for polynomial interpolation on spheres. Zbl 0927.41002 Bos, L.; De Marchi, S. 3 1999 Radial extensions of vertex data. Zbl 0969.65012 Bos, L. P.; Holland, D. 1 1999 Absolute continuity of convolutions of singular measures and new branches of spectrum of Liouvillians and few-body Hamiltonians. Zbl 0949.47025 Bos, Len; Pavlov, Boris 1 1999 On the asymptotics of points which maximize determinants of the form \(\text{det} [g (|x_i - x_j|) ]\). Zbl 0948.65008 Bos, Len; Maier, Ulrike 1 1999 Tangential Markov inequalities on real algebraic varieties. Zbl 0938.32008 Bos, L. P.; Levenberg, N.; Milman, P. D.; Taylor, B. A. 14 1998 On the asymptotics of Christoffel functions for centrally symmetric weight functions on the ball in \(\mathbb{R}^d\). Zbl 0910.33008 Bos, L.; Della Vecchia, B.; Mastroianni, G. 12 1998 Characterization of algebraic curves by Chebyshev quadrature. Zbl 0924.41020 Korevaar, J.; Bos, L. 2 1998 Kergin interpolants at the roots of unity approximate \(C^2\) functions. Zbl 0901.41002 Bos, Len; Calvi, Jean-Paul 5 1997 Quantitative approximation theorems for elliptic operators. Zbl 0851.30022 Bagby, Thomas; Bos, Len; Levenberg, Norman 3 1996 Network splines. Zbl 0879.41017 Bos, L. P.; Holland, D. 1 1996 Pseudo-tensor product interpolation and blending with families of univariate schemes. Zbl 0875.68869 Bos, L. P.; Grabenstetter, J. E.; Salkauskas, K. 1 1996 Tangential Markov inequalities characterize algebraic submanifolds of \(\mathbb{R}^ N\). Zbl 0824.41015 Bos, L.; Levenberg, N.; Milman, P.; Taylor, B. A. 32 1995 Sobolev-Gagliardo-Nirenberg and Markov type inequalities on subanalytic domains. Zbl 0848.46022 Bos, L. P.; Milman, P. D. 28 1995 Characterization of smooth, compact algebraic curves in \(\mathbb{R}^ 2\). Zbl 0834.41012 Bos, L.; Levenberg, N.; Taylor, B. A. 4 1995 Asymptotics for the Christoffel function for Jacobi like weights on a ball in \(\mathbb{R}^ m\). Zbl 0828.42014 Bos, Len 12 1994 On Markov and Sobolev type inequalities on sets in \(\mathbb{R}^ n\). Zbl 0865.46018 Bos, L. P.; Milman, P. D. 8 1993 Limits of weighted splines based on piecewise constant weight functions. Zbl 0796.41010 Bos, L.; Salkauskas, K. 5 1993 Polynomial interpolation of holomorphic functions in \(\mathbb{C}\) and \(\mathbb{C}^ n\). Zbl 0763.32009 Bloom, T.; Bos, L.; Christensen, C.; Levenberg, N. 33 1992 Weighted splines as optimal interpolants. Zbl 0761.41014 Šalkauskas, K.; Bos, L. 6 1992 Weighted splines based on piecewise polynomial weight functions. Zbl 0797.41013 Bos, L.; Salkauskas, K. 3 1992 The equivalence of the usual and quotient topologies for \(C^ \infty{}(E)\) when \(E \subset{}\mathbb{R}{}^ n\) is Whitney \(p\)-regular. Zbl 0768.46004 Bos, L. P.; Milman, P. D. 2 1992 On certain configurations of points in \(\mathbb{R}{}^ n\) which are unisolvent for polynomial interpolation. Zbl 0737.41002 Bos, L. 41 1991 Some remarks on the Fejér problem for Lagrange interpolation in several variables. Zbl 0707.41006 Bos, Len 10 1990 Finite element interpolation with weighted smoothing. Zbl 0714.41001 Bos, L.; Grabenstetter, J. E.; Salkauskas, K. 1 1990 Moving least-squares are Backus-Gilbert optimal. Zbl 0729.41008 Bos, L. P.; Salkauskas, K. 19 1989 A characteristic of points in \({\mathbb{R}}^ 2\) having Lebesgue function of polynomial growth. Zbl 0675.41013 Bos, Len 2 1989 Comment on the representation of splines as Boolean sums. Zbl 0691.41016 Bos, L. P.; Salkauskas, K. 5 1988 On the matrix \([| x_ i-x_ j| ^ 3]\) and the cubic spline continuity equations. Zbl 0653.41018 Bos, L. P.; Salkauskas, K. 5 1987 Singular angular momentum mappings. Zbl 0588.58022 Gotay, Mark J.; Bos, Len 10 1986 Reduced canonical formalism for a particle with zero angular momentum. Zbl 0567.58007 Bos, Len; Gotay, Mark J. 3 1984 Bounding the Lebesgue function for Lagrange interpolatin in a simplex. Zbl 0546.41003 Bos, L. P. 36 1983 On Kergin interpolation in the disk. Zbl 0533.41001 Bos, Len 5 1983 A model of transaction blocking in databases. Zbl 0511.68020 Galler, Bruce I.; Bos, Len 4 1983 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 680 Authors 52 Vianello, Marco 45 Bos, Len P. 36 De Marchi, Stefano 31 Sommariva, Alvise 24 Levenberg, Norman jun. 16 Białas-Cież, Leokadia 14 Bloom, Thomas 14 Calvi, Jean-Paul 14 Kroó, András 14 Piazzon, Federico 11 Dell’Accio, Francesco 11 Ma’u, Sione 11 Narayan, Akil C. 10 Caliari, Marco 10 Xu, Yuan 9 Erb, Wolfgang 9 Marchetti, Francesco 9 Waldron, Shayne F. D. 8 Berrut, Jean-Paul 8 Di Tommaso, Filomena 8 Hormann, Kai 8 Phung Van Manh 7 Rapetti, Francesca 7 Slawinski, Michael A. 6 Brudnyi, Alexander 6 Levin, David N. 6 Pierzchała, Rafał 5 Baran, Mirosław 5 Elefante, Giacomo 5 Frerick, Leonhard 5 Ibrahimoglu, Bayram Ali 5 Klein, Georges 5 Manh, Phung Van 5 Pasquetti, Richard 5 Perracchione, Emma 5 Phung, Van Manh 5 Santin, Gabriele 5 Siar, Najoua 5 Warburton, Timothy 4 Danek, Tomasz 4 de Klerk, Etienne 4 Harris, Lawrence A. 4 Jakeman, John Davis 4 Ma, Chunsheng 4 Perera, Menuja 4 Poggiali, Davide 4 Prymak, Andriy V. 4 Sidon, Jean 4 Taylor, Mark Alan 4 Themistoclakis, Woula 4 Yomdin, Yosef 4 Zhang, Qing 4 Zhou, Tao 3 Bruno, Ludovico Bruni 3 Carnicer, Jésus Miguel 3 Coman, Dan 3 de Camargo, André Pierro 3 Eggink, Raimondo 3 Francomano, Elisa 3 Gao, Jing 3 Geng, Xi 3 Herbig, Hans-Christian 3 Jing, ke 3 Jordá, Enrique 3 Kolomoitsev, Yurii S. 3 Kosek, Marta 3 Kowalska, Agnieszka 3 Kvasov, Boris I. 3 Laurent, Monique 3 Liang, Xuezhang 3 Lomako, Tetiana 3 Mascarenhas, Walter F. 3 Nguyen Quang Dieu 3 Ortega-Cerdà, Joaquim 3 Pauwels, Edouard Jean Robert 3 Poletsky, Evgeny A. 3 Putinar, Mihai 3 Šalkauskas, Kȩstutis 3 Seaton, Christopher W. 3 Shin, Yeonjong 3 Sun, Zhao 3 Tempone, Raúl F. 3 Tie, Jingzhi 3 Van Barel, Marc 3 Vértesi, Péter 3 Vincent, Peter E. 3 Wengenroth, Jochen 3 Xiang, Shuhuang 3 Yesha, Yelena 3 Zhang, Renjiang 3 Zingg, David W. 3 Žitňan, Peter 2 Amir, Anat 2 Aziz, Abdul 2 Babuška, Ivo 2 Bayraktar, Turgay 2 Beberok, Tomasz 2 Berman, Robert J. 2 Bertrand, François 2 Boedihardjo, Horatio ...and 580 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 174 Serials 50 Journal of Approximation Theory 35 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 33 Dolomites Research Notes on Approximation 18 Constructive Approximation 18 Numerical Algorithms 17 Applied Mathematics and Computation 16 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 13 Journal of Computational Physics 13 Mathematics of Computation 12 BIT 11 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 10 Applied Numerical Mathematics 9 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 9 Annales Polonici Mathematici 9 Numerische Mathematik 9 Advances in Computational Mathematics 8 Applied Mathematics Letters 7 Advances in Mathematics 7 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 7 Journal of Scientific Computing 7 Computational Methods and Function Theory 6 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 6 Optimization Letters 5 Mathematische Zeitschrift 5 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 5 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 5 Computer Aided Geometric Design 5 Linear Algebra and its Applications 5 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 4 Analysis Mathematica 4 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 4 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 4 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 4 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 4 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 4 Journal of Elasticity 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Journal d’Analyse Mathématique 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Arkiv för Matematik 3 Calcolo 3 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 Inventiones Mathematicae 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Journal of Complexity 3 Potential Analysis 3 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 3 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 3 Communications in Computational Physics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 2 Journal of Geometry and Physics 2 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 2 Acta Mathematica 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Computing 2 Information Sciences 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Journal of Functional Analysis 2 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Algorithmica 2 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 2 Computational Mechanics 2 Journal of Theoretical Probability 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 2 Computational Statistics 2 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 2 SIAM Review 2 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 2 SIAM Journal on Optimization 2 The Journal of Analysis 2 Filomat 2 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 Problemy Analiza. Issues of Analysis 2 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2 Constructive Mathematical Analysis 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1 Computers and Fluids 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Physics Reports 1 Reports on Mathematical Physics 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Wave Motion 1 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Theory of Probability and its Applications 1 Automatica 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Duke Mathematical Journal 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Econometrics 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications ...and 74 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 54 Fields 314 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 286 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 65 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 46 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 39 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 28 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 24 Statistics (62-XX) 22 Functional analysis (46-XX) 22 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 20 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 20 Real functions (26-XX) 19 Special functions (33-XX) 19 Computer science (68-XX) 18 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 15 Potential theory (31-XX) 14 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 13 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 12 Operator theory (47-XX) 12 Differential geometry (53-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 10 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 10 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 Combinatorics (05-XX) 9 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 8 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 7 Integral equations (45-XX) 7 Quantum theory (81-XX) 7 Geophysics (86-XX) 6 Number theory (11-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 5 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 5 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 4 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) Citations by Year