Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Broy, Manfred Co-Author Distance Author ID: broy.manfred Published as: Broy, Manfred; Broy, M. Homepage: https://www.professoren.tum.de/en/broy-manfred External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 122 Publications since 1978, including 12 Books 27 Contributions as Editor · 3 Further Contributions Co-Authors: 60 Co-Authors with 75 Joint Publications 1,000 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 74 single-authored 29 Wirsing, Martin 14 Pepper, Peter 9 Bauer, Friedrich Ludwig 9 Partsch, Helmut A. 6 Dosch, Walter 6 Gnatz, Rupert 5 Krieg-Brückner, Bernd 4 Bjørner, Dines 4 Steinbrüggen, Ralf 3 Hoare, Charles Antony Richard 3 Möller, Bernhard 3 Rumpe, Bernhard 3 Schieder, Birgit 3 Wössner, H. 3 Zamulin, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 2 Luqi 2 Streicher, Thomas 2 Tucker, John V. 1 Astesiano, Egidio 1 Belinfante, Axel 1 Berg, Therese 1 Bergstra, Jan A. 1 Berkenkötter, Kirsten 1 Björklund, Henrik 1 Botaschanjan, Jewgenij 1 Boullier, Pierre 1 Breu, Ruth 1 Briones, Laura Brandán 1 Bruda, Stefan D. 1 Cerone, Antonio 1 Colin, Séverine 1 Dai, Zhen Ru 1 Denert, Ernst 1 Deransart, Pierre 1 Dijkstra, Edsger Wybe 1 Din, George 1 El-Ramly, Mohammad 1 Finance, Jean-Pierre 1 Frantzen, Lars 1 Gargantini, Angelo 1 Gaston, Christophe 1 Gaudel, Marie-Claude 1 Gruler, Alexander 1 Grünbauer, Johannes 1 Harhurin, Alexander 1 Herzberg, Dominikus 1 Hinkel, Ursula 1 Horstmann, Marc 1 Huber, Franz 1 Jones, Neil D. 1 Jonsson, Bengt 1 Kastens, Uwe 1 Katoen, Joost-Pieter 1 Kirner, Raimund 1 Knapp, Steffen 1 Kof, Leonid 1 Kotov, Vadim E. 1 Krichen, Moez 1 Krüger, Ingolf H. 1 Laut, Alfred 1 Lengauer, Christian 1 Leucker, Martin 1 Lúcio, Levi 1 Luckmann, M. 1 Mariani, Leonardo 1 Matzner, T. 1 Nipkow, Tobias 1 Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger 1 Pair, Claude 1 Paul, Wolfgang Jakob 1 Peureux, Fabien 1 Philipps, Jan 1 Pizka, M. 1 Pottosin, Igor V. 1 Prehofer, Christian 1 Prenninger, Wolfgang 1 Pretschner, Alexander 1 Quere, A. 1 Raffelt, Harald 1 Raskovsky, Martin 1 Reggio, Gianna 1 Remy, Jean-Luc 1 Ripken, Knut 1 Roggenbach, Markus 1 Röhl, Mathias 1 Samelson, Klaus 1 Samer, Marko 1 Sandberg, Sven 1 Schallhart, Christian 1 Schlingloff, Bernd-Holger 1 Schmidt, David A. 1 Schmidt, Gunther 1 Schneider, Gerardo 1 Schwerin, Wolfgang 1 Seifert, Dirk 1 Shaikh, Siraj Ahmed 1 Slotosch, Oscar 1 Spaniol, Otto 1 Spichkova, Maria 1 Spies, Katharina ...and 7 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 9 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8 Theoretical Computer Science 8 Science of Computer Programming 7 NATO ASI Series. Series F. Computer and Systems Sciences 6 Information Processing Letters 4 Springer-Lehrbuch 3 Acta Informatica 3 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 3 ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems 3 Formal Aspects of Computing 2 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Series IV 2 Distributed Computing 2 NATO Science Series III: Computer & Systems Sciences 1 Computer Languages 1 The Computer Journal. Section A / Section B 1 Information and Control 1 RAIRO, Informatique Théorique 1 RAIRO. Technique et Science Informatiques 1 International Journal of Parallel Programming 1 Information and Computation 1 Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS) 1 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 1 Formal Methods in System Design 1 Nordic Journal of Computing 1 Journal of the ACM 1 NATO ASI Series. Series C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 1 Texts in Theoretical Computer Science. An EATCS Series Fields 150 Computer science (68-XX) 23 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 93 Publications have been cited 530 times in 349 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Model-based testing of reactive systems. Advanced lectures. Zbl 1070.68088 51 2005 Partial abstract types. Zbl 0494.68020 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin 38 1982 Specification and development of interactive systems. Focus on streams, interfaces, and refinement. Zbl 0981.68115 Broy, Manfred; Stølen, Ketil 36 2001 Programming concepts and methods. Proceedings of the IFIP working group 2.2/2.3 working conference, Sea of Galilee, Israel, 2-5 April 1990. Zbl 0744.68016 22 1990 A theory for nondeterminism, parallelism, communication, and concurrency. Zbl 0601.68022 Broy, Manfred 20 1986 Semantics of nondeterministic and noncontinuous constructs. Zbl 0406.03059 Broy, M.; Gnatz, R.; Wirsing, M. 18 1979 On hierarchies of abstract data types. Zbl 0513.68015 Wirsing, Martin; Pepper, Peter; Partsch, Helmut; Dosch, Walter; Broy, Manfred 16 1983 On the power of algebraic specifications. Zbl 0462.68001 Bergstra, J. A.; Broy, M.; Tucker, J. V.; Wirsing, M. 16 1981 On the algebraic specification of nondeterministic programming languages. Zbl 0462.68063 Broy, M.; Wirsing, M. 15 1981 Existential quantifiers in abstract data types. Zbl 0404.68026 Broy, M.; Dosch, W.; Partsch, H.; Pepper, P.; Wirsing, M. 13 1979 On the algebraic definition of programming languages. Zbl 0627.68009 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin; Pepper, Peter 13 1987 Fixed point theory for communication and concurrency. Zbl 0512.68024 Broy, Manfred 12 1983 Programming languages as abstract data types. Zbl 0433.68014 Broy, M.; Wirsing, M. 12 1980 Programming in a wide spectrum language: A collection of examples. Zbl 0469.68003 Bauer, F. L.; Broy, M.; Dosch, W.; Gnatz, R.; Krieg-Brückner, B.; Laut, A.; Luckmann, M.; Matzner, T.; Möller, B.; Partsch, H.; Pepper, P.; Samelson, K.; Steinbrüggen, R.; Wirsing, M.; Wössner, H. 11 1981 Nondeterministic data flow programs: How to avoid the merge anomaly. Zbl 0632.68016 Broy, Manfred 11 1988 Abstract data types as lattices of finitely generated models. Zbl 0441.68014 Wirsing, M.; Broy, M. 10 1980 A systematic study of models of abstract data types. Zbl 0552.68010 Broy, M.; Wirsing, M.; Pair, C. 9 1984 The algebra of stream processing functions. Zbl 0973.68172 Broy, M.; Ştefănescu, G. 9 2001 Semantics of finite and infinite networks of concurrent communicating agents. Zbl 0621.68012 Broy, Manfred 8 1987 Logic of programming and calculi of discrete design. (Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Logic of Programming and Calculi of Discrete Design held in Marktoberdorf, Federal Republic of Germany, July 29 - August 10, 1986). International Summer School directed by F. L. Bauer, M. Broy, E. W. Dijkstra, C. A. R. Hoare. Zbl 0619.00021 7 1987 Algebraic implementations preserve program correctness. Zbl 0597.68021 Broy, Manfred; Möller, Bernhard; Pepper, Peter; Wirsing, Martin 7 1986 Computer science and mathematics. (Informatik und Mathematik.) Zbl 0751.68003 6 1991 Specification and top down design of distributed systems. Zbl 0563.68020 Broy, Manfred 5 1985 Program. construction. International summer school. Zbl 0396.00016 5 1979 Predicative specifications for functional programs describing communicating networks. Zbl 0625.68007 Broy, Manfred 5 1987 Software pioneers. Contributions to software engineering. Incl. 4 DVD. Zbl 0997.68001 5 2002 Formal stystems specification. The RPC-memory specification case study. Zbl 1060.68504 5 1996 Computability and realizability for interactive computations. Zbl 1309.68064 Broy, Manfred 4 2015 On the Herbrand Kleene universe for nondeterministic computations. Zbl 0553.68026 Broy, Manfred 4 1984 A fixed point approach to applicative multiprogramming. Zbl 0508.68012 Broy, Manfred 4 1982 Algebraic definition of a functional programming language and its semantic models. Zbl 0515.68017 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin 4 1983 On the algebraic specification of finitary infinite communicating sequential processes. Zbl 0512.68021 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin 4 1983 Systematics of transformation rules. Zbl 0399.68009 Bauer, F. L.; Broy, M.; Partsch, H.; Pepper, P.; Wössner, H. 4 1979 Examples for change of types and object structures. Zbl 0399.68030 Partsch, H.; Broy, M. 4 1979 On relations between programs. Zbl 0435.68017 Broy, M.; Pepper, P.; Wirsing, M. 4 1980 Adapting calculational logic to the undefined. Zbl 0941.03031 Schieder, Birgit; Broy, Manfred 4 1999 Algebraic methods for program construction: The project CIP. Zbl 0547.68011 Broy, Manfred 4 1984 Compositional refinement of interactive systems. Zbl 0904.68002 Broy, Manfred 4 1997 Semantics of communicating processes. Zbl 0591.68030 Broy, Manfred 4 1984 On the algebraic extensions of abstract data types. Zbl 0492.68024 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin 3 1981 Generalized heterogeneous algebras and partial interpretations. Zbl 0522.08001 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin 3 1983 Towards a wide spectrum language to support program specification and program development. Zbl 0409.68003 Bauer, F. L.; Broy, M.; Gnatz, R.; Hesse, W.; Krieg-Brückner, B.; Partsch, H.; Pepper, P.; Wössner, H. 3 1979 Interaction and realizability. Zbl 1132.68031 Broy, Manfred 3 2007 Transformational semantics for concurrent programs. Zbl 0444.68017 Broy, M. 3 1980 Program development as a formal activity. Zbl 0447.68005 Broy, Manfred; Pepper, Peter 3 1981 Transformation parallel ablaufender Programme. Zbl 0461.68013 Broy, Manfred 3 1980 Derivation of invariant assertions during program development by transformation. Zbl 0468.68016 Broy, Manfred; Krieg-Brückner, Bernd 3 1980 Programming and mathematical method. Proceedings held at Marktoberdorf, DE, July 24 - August 5, 1990. Zbl 0817.68055 3 1992 Trace-oriented models of concurrency. Zbl 1021.68040 Broy, Manfred; Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger 3 2001 Refinement of time. Zbl 0954.68097 Broy, M. 3 2001 Theory and methodology of assumption/commitment based system interface specification and architectural contracts. Zbl 1392.68238 Broy, Manfred 3 2018 Extensional behaviour of concurrent, nondeterministic, communicating systems. Zbl 0566.68019 Broy, Manfred 2 1985 Theoretical foundations of programming methodology. Lecture Notes of an International Summer School (Marktoberdorf, Germany 1981), directed by F. L. Bauer, E. W. Dijkstra and C. A. R. Hoare. Zbl 0507.00015 2 1982 Denotational semantics of communicating processes based on a language for applicative multiprogramming. Zbl 0509.68019 Broy, Manfred 2 1983 Program construction by transformations: A family tree of sorting programs. Zbl 0518.68018 Broy, Manfred 2 1983 Service-oriented systems engineering: modeling services and layered architectures. Zbl 1279.68063 Broy, Manfred 2 2003 Semantic relations in programming languages. Zbl 0443.68005 Broy, M.; Partsch, H.; Pepper, P.; Wirsing, M. 2 1980 Formal methods for software engineering. Languages, methods, application domains. With a foreword by Manfred Broy and a contribution on the origins and development of formal methods by John V. Tucker. Zbl 1492.68003 Roggenbach, Markus; Cerone, Antonio; Schlingloff, Bernd-Holger; Schneider, Gerardo; Shaikh, Siraj Ahmed 2 2022 Requirement and design specification for distributed systems. Zbl 0663.68029 Broy, Manfred 2 1988 Methods of programming. Selected papers on the CIP-project. Zbl 0875.00050 2 1991 Modeling layered distributed communication systems. Zbl 1101.68383 Herzberg, Dominikus; Broy, Manfred 2 2005 Views of distributed systems. Zbl 0626.68012 Broy, Manfred; Streicher, Thomas 2 1987 Equational specification of partial higher order algebras. Zbl 0625.68022 Broy, Manfred 2 1987 A systematic approach to language constructs for concurrent programs. Zbl 0536.68013 Broy, Manfred; Bauer, Friedrich L. 2 1984 Denotational semantics of concurrent programs with shared memory. Zbl 0558.68021 Broy, Manfred 2 1984 Views of queues. Zbl 0665.68014 Broy, Manfred 2 1988 Equational specification of partial higher-order algebras. Zbl 0644.68031 Broy, Manfred 2 1988 Algebraic specification of concurrent systems. Zbl 0973.68150 Astesiano, Egidio; Broy, Manfred; Reggio, Gianna 2 1999 A logical basis for modular systems engineering. Zbl 1012.68055 Broy, Manfred 2 1999 Verifying of interface assertions for infinite state Mealy machines. Zbl 1410.68218 Broy, Manfred 2 2014 A model of dynamic systems. Zbl 1417.68022 Broy, Manfred 2 2014 A theory of system interaction: components, interfaces, and services. Zbl 1266.68113 Broy, Manfred 2 2006 On the role of logic and algebra in software engineering. Zbl 1315.68083 Broy, Manfred 1 2013 A functional calculus for specification and verification of nondeterministic interactive systems. Zbl 1274.68178 Broy, Manfred 1 2003 Combining algebraic and algorithmic reasoning: an approach to the Schorr- Waite algorithm. Zbl 0483.68035 Broy, Manfred; Pepper, Peter 1 1982 Abstrakte Datentypen: Die algebraische Spezifikation von Rechenstrukturen. Zbl 0488.68024 Pepper, P.; Broy, M.; Bauer, F. L.; Partsch, H.; Dosch, W.; Wirsing, M. 1 1982 Problemspezifikation - eine Grundlage für Programmentwicklung. Zbl 0407.68005 Broy, M.; Gnatz, R.; Wirsing, M. 1 1979 Towards a wide spectrum language to support program specification and program development. Zbl 0375.68012 Bauer, F. L.; Broy, M.; Gnatz, R.; Hesse, W.; Krieg-Brückner, B. 1 1978 A wide spectrum language for program development. Zbl 0405.68003 Bauer, F. L.; Broy, M.; Gnatz, R.; Hesse, W.; Krieg-Brückner, B. 1 1978 Constructive methods in computing science. International Summer School, Marktoberdorf/FRG, July 24 – August 5, 1988. Proceedings. Zbl 0701.68005 1 1989 On the Herbrand-Kleene universe for nondeterministic computations. Zbl 0567.68024 Broy, Manfred 1 1985 Towards a formal foundation of the specification and description language SDL. Zbl 0712.68015 Broy, Manfred 1 1991 Algebraic and functional specification of an interactive serializable database interface. Zbl 0748.68011 Broy, Manfred 1 1992 Operational and denotational semantics with explicit concurrency. Zbl 0762.68041 Broy, Manfred 1 1992 A semantic and methodological essence of message sequence charts. Zbl 1085.68011 Broy, Manfred 1 2005 Interpreter verification for a functional language. Zbl 1044.68666 Broy, Manfred; Hinkel, Ursula; Nipkow, Tobias; Prehofer, Christian; Schieder, Birgit 1 1994 Partial interpretations of higher order algebraic types. Zbl 0609.68019 Broy, Manfred 1 1986 Denotational semantics of communicating sequential programs. Zbl 0612.68024 Broy, Manfred 1 1986 Specification and top-down design of distributed systems. Zbl 0619.68020 Broy, Manfred 1 1987 Specification and design of shared resource arbitration. Zbl 0741.68034 Broy, Manfred; Streicher, Thomas 1 1991 Specification and refinement of a buffer of length one. Zbl 0847.68062 Broy, Manfred 1 1996 Mathematical methods in system and software engineering. Zbl 0884.68037 Broy, Manfred 1 1997 On the correctness of upper layers of automotive systems. Zbl 1165.68047 Botaschanjan, Jewgenij; Broy, Manfred; Gruler, Alexander; Harhurin, Alexander; Knapp, Steffen; Kof, Leonid; Paul, Wolfgang; Spichkova, Maria 1 2008 Formal methods for software engineering. Languages, methods, application domains. With a foreword by Manfred Broy and a contribution on the origins and development of formal methods by John V. Tucker. Zbl 1492.68003 Roggenbach, Markus; Cerone, Antonio; Schlingloff, Bernd-Holger; Schneider, Gerardo; Shaikh, Siraj Ahmed 2 2022 Theory and methodology of assumption/commitment based system interface specification and architectural contracts. Zbl 1392.68238 Broy, Manfred 3 2018 Computability and realizability for interactive computations. Zbl 1309.68064 Broy, Manfred 4 2015 Verifying of interface assertions for infinite state Mealy machines. Zbl 1410.68218 Broy, Manfred 2 2014 A model of dynamic systems. Zbl 1417.68022 Broy, Manfred 2 2014 On the role of logic and algebra in software engineering. Zbl 1315.68083 Broy, Manfred 1 2013 On the correctness of upper layers of automotive systems. Zbl 1165.68047 Botaschanjan, Jewgenij; Broy, Manfred; Gruler, Alexander; Harhurin, Alexander; Knapp, Steffen; Kof, Leonid; Paul, Wolfgang; Spichkova, Maria 1 2008 Interaction and realizability. Zbl 1132.68031 Broy, Manfred 3 2007 A theory of system interaction: components, interfaces, and services. Zbl 1266.68113 Broy, Manfred 2 2006 Model-based testing of reactive systems. Advanced lectures. Zbl 1070.68088 51 2005 Modeling layered distributed communication systems. Zbl 1101.68383 Herzberg, Dominikus; Broy, Manfred 2 2005 A semantic and methodological essence of message sequence charts. Zbl 1085.68011 Broy, Manfred 1 2005 Service-oriented systems engineering: modeling services and layered architectures. Zbl 1279.68063 Broy, Manfred 2 2003 A functional calculus for specification and verification of nondeterministic interactive systems. Zbl 1274.68178 Broy, Manfred 1 2003 Software pioneers. Contributions to software engineering. Incl. 4 DVD. Zbl 0997.68001 5 2002 Specification and development of interactive systems. Focus on streams, interfaces, and refinement. Zbl 0981.68115 Broy, Manfred; Stølen, Ketil 36 2001 The algebra of stream processing functions. Zbl 0973.68172 Broy, M.; Ştefănescu, G. 9 2001 Trace-oriented models of concurrency. Zbl 1021.68040 Broy, Manfred; Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger 3 2001 Refinement of time. Zbl 0954.68097 Broy, M. 3 2001 Adapting calculational logic to the undefined. Zbl 0941.03031 Schieder, Birgit; Broy, Manfred 4 1999 Algebraic specification of concurrent systems. Zbl 0973.68150 Astesiano, Egidio; Broy, Manfred; Reggio, Gianna 2 1999 A logical basis for modular systems engineering. Zbl 1012.68055 Broy, Manfred 2 1999 Compositional refinement of interactive systems. Zbl 0904.68002 Broy, Manfred 4 1997 Mathematical methods in system and software engineering. Zbl 0884.68037 Broy, Manfred 1 1997 Formal stystems specification. The RPC-memory specification case study. Zbl 1060.68504 5 1996 Specification and refinement of a buffer of length one. Zbl 0847.68062 Broy, Manfred 1 1996 Interpreter verification for a functional language. Zbl 1044.68666 Broy, Manfred; Hinkel, Ursula; Nipkow, Tobias; Prehofer, Christian; Schieder, Birgit 1 1994 Programming and mathematical method. Proceedings held at Marktoberdorf, DE, July 24 - August 5, 1990. Zbl 0817.68055 3 1992 Algebraic and functional specification of an interactive serializable database interface. Zbl 0748.68011 Broy, Manfred 1 1992 Operational and denotational semantics with explicit concurrency. Zbl 0762.68041 Broy, Manfred 1 1992 Computer science and mathematics. (Informatik und Mathematik.) Zbl 0751.68003 6 1991 Methods of programming. Selected papers on the CIP-project. Zbl 0875.00050 2 1991 Towards a formal foundation of the specification and description language SDL. Zbl 0712.68015 Broy, Manfred 1 1991 Specification and design of shared resource arbitration. Zbl 0741.68034 Broy, Manfred; Streicher, Thomas 1 1991 Programming concepts and methods. Proceedings of the IFIP working group 2.2/2.3 working conference, Sea of Galilee, Israel, 2-5 April 1990. Zbl 0744.68016 22 1990 Constructive methods in computing science. International Summer School, Marktoberdorf/FRG, July 24 – August 5, 1988. Proceedings. Zbl 0701.68005 1 1989 Nondeterministic data flow programs: How to avoid the merge anomaly. Zbl 0632.68016 Broy, Manfred 11 1988 Requirement and design specification for distributed systems. Zbl 0663.68029 Broy, Manfred 2 1988 Views of queues. Zbl 0665.68014 Broy, Manfred 2 1988 Equational specification of partial higher-order algebras. Zbl 0644.68031 Broy, Manfred 2 1988 On the algebraic definition of programming languages. Zbl 0627.68009 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin; Pepper, Peter 13 1987 Semantics of finite and infinite networks of concurrent communicating agents. Zbl 0621.68012 Broy, Manfred 8 1987 Logic of programming and calculi of discrete design. (Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute on Logic of Programming and Calculi of Discrete Design held in Marktoberdorf, Federal Republic of Germany, July 29 - August 10, 1986). International Summer School directed by F. L. Bauer, M. Broy, E. W. Dijkstra, C. A. R. Hoare. Zbl 0619.00021 7 1987 Predicative specifications for functional programs describing communicating networks. Zbl 0625.68007 Broy, Manfred 5 1987 Views of distributed systems. Zbl 0626.68012 Broy, Manfred; Streicher, Thomas 2 1987 Equational specification of partial higher order algebras. Zbl 0625.68022 Broy, Manfred 2 1987 Specification and top-down design of distributed systems. Zbl 0619.68020 Broy, Manfred 1 1987 A theory for nondeterminism, parallelism, communication, and concurrency. Zbl 0601.68022 Broy, Manfred 20 1986 Algebraic implementations preserve program correctness. Zbl 0597.68021 Broy, Manfred; Möller, Bernhard; Pepper, Peter; Wirsing, Martin 7 1986 Partial interpretations of higher order algebraic types. Zbl 0609.68019 Broy, Manfred 1 1986 Denotational semantics of communicating sequential programs. Zbl 0612.68024 Broy, Manfred 1 1986 Specification and top down design of distributed systems. Zbl 0563.68020 Broy, Manfred 5 1985 Extensional behaviour of concurrent, nondeterministic, communicating systems. Zbl 0566.68019 Broy, Manfred 2 1985 On the Herbrand-Kleene universe for nondeterministic computations. Zbl 0567.68024 Broy, Manfred 1 1985 A systematic study of models of abstract data types. Zbl 0552.68010 Broy, M.; Wirsing, M.; Pair, C. 9 1984 On the Herbrand Kleene universe for nondeterministic computations. Zbl 0553.68026 Broy, Manfred 4 1984 Algebraic methods for program construction: The project CIP. Zbl 0547.68011 Broy, Manfred 4 1984 Semantics of communicating processes. Zbl 0591.68030 Broy, Manfred 4 1984 A systematic approach to language constructs for concurrent programs. Zbl 0536.68013 Broy, Manfred; Bauer, Friedrich L. 2 1984 Denotational semantics of concurrent programs with shared memory. Zbl 0558.68021 Broy, Manfred 2 1984 On hierarchies of abstract data types. Zbl 0513.68015 Wirsing, Martin; Pepper, Peter; Partsch, Helmut; Dosch, Walter; Broy, Manfred 16 1983 Fixed point theory for communication and concurrency. Zbl 0512.68024 Broy, Manfred 12 1983 Algebraic definition of a functional programming language and its semantic models. Zbl 0515.68017 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin 4 1983 On the algebraic specification of finitary infinite communicating sequential processes. Zbl 0512.68021 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin 4 1983 Generalized heterogeneous algebras and partial interpretations. Zbl 0522.08001 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin 3 1983 Denotational semantics of communicating processes based on a language for applicative multiprogramming. Zbl 0509.68019 Broy, Manfred 2 1983 Program construction by transformations: A family tree of sorting programs. Zbl 0518.68018 Broy, Manfred 2 1983 Partial abstract types. Zbl 0494.68020 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin 38 1982 A fixed point approach to applicative multiprogramming. Zbl 0508.68012 Broy, Manfred 4 1982 Theoretical foundations of programming methodology. Lecture Notes of an International Summer School (Marktoberdorf, Germany 1981), directed by F. L. Bauer, E. W. Dijkstra and C. A. R. Hoare. Zbl 0507.00015 2 1982 Combining algebraic and algorithmic reasoning: an approach to the Schorr- Waite algorithm. Zbl 0483.68035 Broy, Manfred; Pepper, Peter 1 1982 Abstrakte Datentypen: Die algebraische Spezifikation von Rechenstrukturen. Zbl 0488.68024 Pepper, P.; Broy, M.; Bauer, F. L.; Partsch, H.; Dosch, W.; Wirsing, M. 1 1982 On the power of algebraic specifications. Zbl 0462.68001 Bergstra, J. A.; Broy, M.; Tucker, J. V.; Wirsing, M. 16 1981 On the algebraic specification of nondeterministic programming languages. Zbl 0462.68063 Broy, M.; Wirsing, M. 15 1981 Programming in a wide spectrum language: A collection of examples. Zbl 0469.68003 Bauer, F. L.; Broy, M.; Dosch, W.; Gnatz, R.; Krieg-Brückner, B.; Laut, A.; Luckmann, M.; Matzner, T.; Möller, B.; Partsch, H.; Pepper, P.; Samelson, K.; Steinbrüggen, R.; Wirsing, M.; Wössner, H. 11 1981 On the algebraic extensions of abstract data types. Zbl 0492.68024 Broy, Manfred; Wirsing, Martin 3 1981 Program development as a formal activity. Zbl 0447.68005 Broy, Manfred; Pepper, Peter 3 1981 Programming languages as abstract data types. Zbl 0433.68014 Broy, M.; Wirsing, M. 12 1980 Abstract data types as lattices of finitely generated models. Zbl 0441.68014 Wirsing, M.; Broy, M. 10 1980 On relations between programs. Zbl 0435.68017 Broy, M.; Pepper, P.; Wirsing, M. 4 1980 Transformational semantics for concurrent programs. Zbl 0444.68017 Broy, M. 3 1980 Transformation parallel ablaufender Programme. Zbl 0461.68013 Broy, Manfred 3 1980 Derivation of invariant assertions during program development by transformation. Zbl 0468.68016 Broy, Manfred; Krieg-Brückner, Bernd 3 1980 Semantic relations in programming languages. Zbl 0443.68005 Broy, M.; Partsch, H.; Pepper, P.; Wirsing, M. 2 1980 Semantics of nondeterministic and noncontinuous constructs. Zbl 0406.03059 Broy, M.; Gnatz, R.; Wirsing, M. 18 1979 Existential quantifiers in abstract data types. Zbl 0404.68026 Broy, M.; Dosch, W.; Partsch, H.; Pepper, P.; Wirsing, M. 13 1979 Program. construction. International summer school. Zbl 0396.00016 5 1979 Systematics of transformation rules. Zbl 0399.68009 Bauer, F. L.; Broy, M.; Partsch, H.; Pepper, P.; Wössner, H. 4 1979 Examples for change of types and object structures. Zbl 0399.68030 Partsch, H.; Broy, M. 4 1979 Towards a wide spectrum language to support program specification and program development. Zbl 0409.68003 Bauer, F. L.; Broy, M.; Gnatz, R.; Hesse, W.; Krieg-Brückner, B.; Partsch, H.; Pepper, P.; Wössner, H. 3 1979 Problemspezifikation - eine Grundlage für Programmentwicklung. Zbl 0407.68005 Broy, M.; Gnatz, R.; Wirsing, M. 1 1979 Towards a wide spectrum language to support program specification and program development. Zbl 0375.68012 Bauer, F. L.; Broy, M.; Gnatz, R.; Hesse, W.; Krieg-Brückner, B. 1 1978 A wide spectrum language for program development. Zbl 0405.68003 Bauer, F. L.; Broy, M.; Gnatz, R.; Hesse, W.; Krieg-Brückner, B. 1 1978 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 450 Authors 28 Broy, Manfred 10 Wirsing, Martin 8 Hennicker, Rolf 7 Bergstra, Jan A. 7 Meseguer Guaita, José 6 Meyer, John-Jules Charles 6 Owe, Olaf 6 Steffen, Bernhard 6 Tarlecki, Andrzej 5 Guttmann, Walter 5 Jonsson, Bengt 5 Möller, Bernhard 5 Sannella, Donald T. 5 Volkov, Mikhail Vladimirovich 4 Back, Ralph-Johan 4 Ehrig, Hartmut 4 Fernau, Henning 4 Kaplan, Stéphane 4 Kreowski, Hans-Jörg 4 Olderog, Ernst-Rüdiger 4 Roşu, Grigore 4 Tsigaridas, Elias P. 4 Vaandrager, Frits W. 3 Bernot, Gilles 3 Bidoit, Michel 3 Choppy, Christine 3 de Vink, Erik P. 3 Dershowitz, Nachum 3 Din, Crystal Chang 3 Dovland, Johan 3 Howar, Falk 3 Johnsen, Einar Broch 3 Leavens, Gary T. 3 Lucio, Paqui 3 Majster-Cederbaum, Mila E. 3 Marmsoler, Diego 3 Orejas, Fernando 3 Ponse, Alban 3 Ştefănescu, Gheorghe 3 Talcott, Carolyn L. 3 Tripakis, Stavros 3 Tucker, John V. 3 Vogler, Walter 3 Yenigun, Husnu 2 Aarts, Fides 2 Astesiano, Egidio 2 Bolotov, Alexander 2 Cassel, Sofia 2 Cerioli, Maura 2 Costa, José Félix 2 Coto, Alex 2 Cousot, Patrick 2 de Bakker, Jacobus W. 2 De Nicola, Rocco 2 Degano, Pierpaolo 2 Domínguez, César 2 Dosch, Walter 2 Ehrich, Hans-Dieter 2 Fiadeiro, José Luiz 2 Frohme, Markus 2 Gaudel, Marie-Claude 2 Gavilanes-Franco, Antonio 2 Gleirscher, Mario 2 Gold, Robert 2 Guanciale, Roberto 2 Guerra, Hélia 2 Hermo, Montserrat 2 Hoffmann, Stefan 2 Höfner, Peter 2 Ibragimov, F. N. 2 Jéron, Thierry 2 Julliand, Jacques 2 Kasymov, Nadimulla Khabibullaevich 2 Kisielewicz, Andrzej Piotr 2 Kok, Joost N. 2 Kramosil, Ivan 2 Lee, Edward Ashford 2 Leucker, Martin 2 Lucio-Carrasco, Francisca 2 Mahr, Bernd 2 Mancini, Toni 2 Mari, Federico 2 Mascari, Gianfranco 2 Massini, Annalisa 2 Masson, Pierre-Alain 2 Melatti, Igor 2 Meldal, Sigurd 2 Montanari, Ugo G. 2 Moschovakis, Yiannis Nicholas 2 Mu, Shin-Cheng 2 Orchard, Dominic A. 2 Padawitz, Peter 2 Pair, Claude 2 Pan, Victor Yakovlevich 2 Panangaden, Prakash 2 Pigozzi, Don Leonard 2 Preoteasa, Viorel 2 Refsdal, Atle 2 Reggio, Gianna 2 Rubio García, Julio Jesús ...and 350 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 50 Serials 78 Theoretical Computer Science 23 Formal Aspects of Computing 20 Acta Informatica 15 Information and Computation 15 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 13 Information Processing Letters 12 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 10 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 8 Distributed Computing 6 Formal Methods in System Design 5 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 4 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 Artificial Intelligence 3 International Journal of Parallel Programming 2 Algebra Universalis 2 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 2 Programming and Computer Software 2 Science of Computer Programming 2 Journal of Automated Reasoning 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Diagrammes 2 Journal of Functional Programming 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of General Systems 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Information Sciences 1 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 1 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 1 RAIRO, Informatique Théorique 1 Studia Logica 1 Cybernetics 1 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 1 Journal of Computer Science and Technology 1 Machine Learning 1 International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science 1 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 1 Applied Categorical Structures 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 1 Fundamenta Informaticae 1 Integers 1 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Natural Computing 1 Logical Methods in Computer Science 1 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 1 Frontiers of Computer Science in China 1 Control Theory and Technology all top 5 Cited in 23 Fields 333 Computer science (68-XX) 53 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 11 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 8 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 5 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 5 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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