
Bürkner, Paul-Christian

Author ID: burkner.paul-christian Recent zbMATH articles by "Bürkner, Paul-Christian"
Published as: Bürkner, Paul-Christian
Documents Indexed: 18 Publications since 2017
Software Indexed: 8 Packages
Co-Authors: 29 Co-Authors with 17 Joint Publications
464 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

13 Publications have been cited 104 times in 88 Documents Cited by Year
Rank-normalization, folding, and localization: an improved \(\widehat{R}\) for assessing convergence of MCMC (with Discussion). Zbl 07637221
Vehtari, Aki; Gelman, Andrew; Simpson, Daniel; Carpenter, Bob; Bürkner, Paul-Christian
Approximate leave-future-out cross-validation for Bayesian time series models. Zbl 07480189
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Gabry, Jonah; Vehtari, Aki
Implicitly adaptive importance sampling. Zbl 1475.62053
Paananen, Topi; Piironen, Juho; Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Vehtari, Aki
A fully Bayesian sparse polynomial chaos expansion approach with joint priors on the coefficients and global selection of terms. Zbl 07696975
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Kröker, Ilja; Oladyshkin, Sergey; Nowak, Wolfgang
Graphical test for discrete uniformity and its applications in goodness-of-fit evaluation and multiple sample comparison. Zbl 1484.62010
Säilynoja, Teemu; Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Vehtari, Aki
Practical Hilbert space approximate Bayesian Gaussian processes for probabilistic programming. Zbl 1502.62024
Riutort-Mayol, Gabriel; Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Andersen, Michael R.; Solin, Arno; Vehtari, Aki
Intuitive joint priors for Bayesian linear multilevel models: the R2D2M2 prior. Zbl 07725166
Aguilar, Javier Enrique; Bürkner, Paul-Christian
Modelling monotonic effects of ordinal predictors in Bayesian regression models. Zbl 1534.62173
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Charpentier, Emmanuel
Optimal designs for the generalized partial credit model. Zbl 1420.62326
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Schwabe, Rainer; Holling, Heinz
Efficient leave-one-out cross-validation for Bayesian non-factorized normal and Student-\(t\) models. Zbl 1505.62082
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Gabry, Jonah; Vehtari, Aki
Using reference models in variable selection. Zbl 07696213
Pavone, Federico; Piironen, Juho; Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Vehtari, Aki
Optimal design of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-test. Zbl 1357.62312
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Doebler, Philipp; Holling, Heinz
On the information obtainable from comparative judgments. Zbl 1499.62430
Bürkner, Paul-Christian
A fully Bayesian sparse polynomial chaos expansion approach with joint priors on the coefficients and global selection of terms. Zbl 07696975
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Kröker, Ilja; Oladyshkin, Sergey; Nowak, Wolfgang
Practical Hilbert space approximate Bayesian Gaussian processes for probabilistic programming. Zbl 1502.62024
Riutort-Mayol, Gabriel; Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Andersen, Michael R.; Solin, Arno; Vehtari, Aki
Intuitive joint priors for Bayesian linear multilevel models: the R2D2M2 prior. Zbl 07725166
Aguilar, Javier Enrique; Bürkner, Paul-Christian
Using reference models in variable selection. Zbl 07696213
Pavone, Federico; Piironen, Juho; Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Vehtari, Aki
Graphical test for discrete uniformity and its applications in goodness-of-fit evaluation and multiple sample comparison. Zbl 1484.62010
Säilynoja, Teemu; Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Vehtari, Aki
On the information obtainable from comparative judgments. Zbl 1499.62430
Bürkner, Paul-Christian
Rank-normalization, folding, and localization: an improved \(\widehat{R}\) for assessing convergence of MCMC (with Discussion). Zbl 07637221
Vehtari, Aki; Gelman, Andrew; Simpson, Daniel; Carpenter, Bob; Bürkner, Paul-Christian
Implicitly adaptive importance sampling. Zbl 1475.62053
Paananen, Topi; Piironen, Juho; Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Vehtari, Aki
Efficient leave-one-out cross-validation for Bayesian non-factorized normal and Student-\(t\) models. Zbl 1505.62082
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Gabry, Jonah; Vehtari, Aki
Approximate leave-future-out cross-validation for Bayesian time series models. Zbl 07480189
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Gabry, Jonah; Vehtari, Aki
Modelling monotonic effects of ordinal predictors in Bayesian regression models. Zbl 1534.62173
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Charpentier, Emmanuel
Optimal designs for the generalized partial credit model. Zbl 1420.62326
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Schwabe, Rainer; Holling, Heinz
Optimal design of the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney-test. Zbl 1357.62312
Bürkner, Paul-Christian; Doebler, Philipp; Holling, Heinz
all top 5

Cited by 254 Authors

8 Bürkner, Paul-Christian
8 Vehtari, Aki
3 Kröker, Ilja
3 Nowak, Wolfgang
3 Oladyshkin, Sergey
2 Afkham, Babak Maboudi
2 Beskos, Alexandros
2 Gelman, Andrew
2 Goodrich, Benjamin
2 Hansen, Per Christian
2 Perepolkin, Dmytro
2 Sahlin, Ullrika
2 Uribe, Felipe
1 Aguilar, Javier Enrique
1 Akhmatskaya, Elena
1 Akyildiz, Ömer Deniz
1 Alexopoulos, Angelos
1 Alghamdi, Amal Mohammed A
1 Alkema, Leontine
1 Alvares, Danilo
1 Anderson, G. Brooke
1 Aßmann, Christian
1 Baade, Peter D.
1 Baker, Ruth Elizabeth
1 Bales, Ben
1 Bathke, Arne C.
1 Becker, Benjamin
1 Bégin, Jean-François
1 Biswas, Niloy
1 Blencowe, Hannah
1 Bodnar, Olha
1 Bodnar, Taras
1 Bondell, Howard D.
1 Boonstra, Philip S.
1 Breinyn, Isaac B.
1 Bringmann, Laura F.
1 Brunner, Edgar
1 Bulliard, Jean-Luc
1 Burbano-Moreno, Alvaro Alexander
1 Cahill, Niamh
1 Cameron, Jessica
1 Campbell, Micheline
1 Carpenter, Bob
1 Carvalho, Luis Eduardo
1 Castro-Alvarez, Sebastian
1 Challenor, Peter G.
1 Chan, Jennifer So Kuen
1 Chase, Elizabeth C.
1 Che, Yifeng
1 Chekouo, Thierry
1 Chen, Irena
1 Chertkov, Michael
1 Chouzenoux, Emilie
1 Christensen, Silja L.
1 Cohen, Daniel J.
1 Collier, Willem
1 Collins, Gavin Q.
1 Corander, Jukka
1 Cramb, Susanna M.
1 Croke, Jacky
1 Darwin, P.
1 De Iorio, Maria
1 de Leon, Alexander R.
1 Dellaportas, Petros
1 Dhulipala, Somayajulu L. N.
1 Dong, Yiqiu
1 Elliott, Michael R.
1 Elvira, Víctor
1 Ernst, Jennifer
1 Fernández-Pendás, Mario
1 Fix, Miranda J.
1 Fox, Colin D.
1 Franco, Vithor Rosa
1 Francom, Devin
1 French, Benjamin
1 Frick, Susanne
1 Gaasch, Jean-Christoph
1 Gabry, Jonah
1 Gertheiss, Jan
1 Ghattas, Omar N.
1 Gijo, E. V.
1 Göddeke, Dominik
1 Goodfellow, Marc
1 Graham-Brady, Lori L.
1 Graham, Matthew M.
1 Greene, Tom H.
1 Grinsztajn, Léo
1 Grumitt, Richard D. P.
1 Grzegorczyk, Marco A.
1 Haaland, Benjamin
1 Hannachi, Fareh
1 Happ, Martin
1 Harlow, Siobán D.
1 Harrell, Frank E. jun.
1 Hartmann, Raphael
1 Heck, Daniel W.
1 Heinävaara, Sirpa
1 Hinkle, Jacob
1 Hogg, James
1 Holbrook, Andrew J.
...and 154 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 47 Serials

8 The Annals of Applied Statistics
8 Statistics and Computing
8 Statistics in Medicine
4 Psychometrika
4 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology
4 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification
3 Inverse Problems
3 Journal of Computational Physics
3 Bayesian Analysis
2 Journal of the American Statistical Association
2 Statistical Science
2 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
2 Electronic Journal of Statistics
2 Environmetrics
1 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
1 Classical and Quantum Gravity
1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
1 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software
1 Biometrical Journal
1 Biometrics
1 International Statistical Review
1 Journal of Mathematical Psychology
1 The Journal of Mathematical Sociology
1 Statistics
1 Neural Networks
1 Computational Statistics
1 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
1 Archives of Control Sciences
1 Statistical Papers
1 Bernoulli
1 Computational Geosciences
1 Logic and Logical Philosophy
1 ASTIN Bulletin
1 North American Actuarial Journal
1 Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
1 Thailand Statistician
1 GAMM-Mitteilungen
1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
1 Statistics Surveys
1 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
1 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science
1 SN Operations Research Forum
1 Stat

Citations by Year