Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Burns, John A. Co-Author Distance Author ID: burns.john-a Published as: Burns, John A.; Burns, J. A.; Burns, John; Burns, J. more...less Homepage: https://personal.math.vt.edu/jaburns/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND Documents Indexed: 84 Publications since 1975, including 1 Book 3 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Co-Authors: 64 Co-Authors with 85 Joint Publications 1,536 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 4 single-authored 21 Cliff, Eugene M. 13 Herdman, Terry L. 9 Banks, Harvey Thomas 5 King, Belinda Batten 5 Liu, Zhuangyi 5 Peichl, Gunther H. 5 Turi, Janos 4 Borggaard, Jeff T. 4 Gilliam, David S. 3 Spies, Ruben D. 3 Stanley, Lisa G. 3 Stech, Harlan W. 3 Zietsman, Lizette 2 Abuhamdia, Tariq 2 Allen, Edward James 2 Gunzburger, Max Donald 2 Ito, Kazufumi 2 Kang, Sungkwon 2 Miller, Robert E. 2 Powers, Robert K. 2 Rautenberg, Carlos N. 2 Shubov, Viktor Isaakovich 2 Singler, John R. 2 Taheri, Saied 1 Akhtar, Imran 1 Amillo Gil, Jose M. 1 Amouroux, Marcel 1 Antipin, Anatoliĭ Sergeevich 1 Araya, Rodrigo 1 Artstein, Zvi 1 Aubrun, J.-N. 1 Aulisa, Eugenio 1 Babary, Jean-Pierre 1 Bahar, Leon Y. 1 Baillieul, John B. 1 Balas, Mark J. 1 Bar-Kana, Izhak 1 Bayard, David S. 1 Ben-Asher, Joseph Z. 1 Bentsman, Joseph 1 Bertoni, Gianni 1 Bontsema, Jan 1 Borggard, Jeff 1 Boussalis, Dhemetrios 1 Brewer, Dennis W. 1 Brisbane, T. E. 1 Brunovská, A. 1 Brunovský, Pavol 1 Burkardt, John V. 1 Burke, Shawn E. 1 Capitani, Gloria 1 Chen, Jay Chung 1 Cheung, James 1 Childers, Adam 1 Curtain, Ruth Frances 1 de Lafontaine, Jean 1 Delfour, Michel Claude 1 Demetriou, Michael A. 1 Deumlich, Reinhard 1 Dontchev, Asen L. 1 Doughty, S. E. 1 El Bagdouri, M. 1 El Jai, Abdelhaq 1 Eldred, D. 1 Elster, Karl-Heinz 1 Eremin, Ivan Ivanovich 1 Fabiano, Richard H. 1 Faner, M. A. 1 Fathi, Zohreh 1 Fayard, Didier 1 Felippe de Souza, J. A. M. 1 Fiagbedzi, Yawvi A. 1 Fischl, Robert 1 Forrest-Barlach, M. G. 1 Fortuna, Zenon 1 Garba, John A. 1 Gatsonis, Nikolaos A. 1 Gay, D. H. 1 Gessing, Ryszard S. 1 Giannessi, Franco 1 Gicev, Todor R. 1 Graham, John W. 1 Grossmann, Christian 1 Guddat, Jürgen 1 Hadaegh, Fred Y. 1 Havas, T. W. 1 Helferty, John J. 1 Henninger, W. C. 1 Herczfeld, P. R. 1 Hill, James Murray 1 Hille, G. 1 Hirsch, P. D. 1 Holnicki, Piotr 1 Hu, Weiwei 1 Hubbard, James E. jun. 1 Hulsing, K. P. 1 Ih, Che-Hang Charles 1 Imtiaz, Haroon 1 Janiak, Andrzej 1 Jankowska-Zorychta, Zofia ...and 127 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 5 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 5 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Journal of Mathematical Systems, Estimation, and Control 3 Journal of Vibration and Control 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 2 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 2 Systems & Control Letters 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Differential and Integral Equations 2 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 2 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 2 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 1 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Mathematical Systems Theory 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 1 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 Dynamics and Control 1 Matemática Aplicada e Computacional 1 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 1 IFAC Proceedings Series 1 Progress in Systems and Control Theory 1 Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace MESA all top 5 Fields 36 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 33 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 26 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 16 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 11 Operator theory (47-XX) 11 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 8 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 6 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 65 Publications have been cited 617 times in 468 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Hereditary control problems: Numerical methods based on averaging approximations. Zbl 0379.49025 Banks, H. T.; Burns, J. A. 123 1978 Linear functional differential equations as semigroups on product spaces. Zbl 0528.34062 Burns, John A.; Herdman, Terry L.; Stech, Harlan W. 56 1983 A PDE sensitivity equation method for optimal aerodynamic design. Zbl 0903.76064 Borggaard, Jeff; Burns, John 45 1997 Parameter estimation and identification for systems with delays. Zbl 0504.93019 Banks, H. T.; Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M. 36 1981 On the energy decay of a linear thermoelastic bar. Zbl 0803.35150 Burns, John A.; Liu, Zhuangyi; Zheng, Songmu 26 1993 A reduced basis approach to the design of low-order feedback controllers for nonlinear continuous systems. Zbl 0949.93514 Burns, John A.; King, Belinda B. 17 1998 Adjoint semigroup theory for a class of functional differential equations. Zbl 0336.45002 Burns, J. A.; Herdman, T. L. 17 1976 Feedback stabilization of a thermal fluid system with mixed boundary control. Zbl 1443.76128 Burns, John A.; He, Xiaoming; Hu, Weiwei 17 2016 On nonconvergence of adjoint semigroups for control systems with delays. Zbl 0661.93038 Burns, John; Ito, Kazufumi; Propst, Georg 16 1988 Mesh independence of Kleinman-Newton iterations for Riccati equations in Hilbert space. Zbl 1171.49024 Burns, J. A.; Sachs, E. W.; Zietsman, L. 15 2008 Using functional gains for effective sensor location in flow control: a reduced-order modelling approach. Zbl 1359.76110 Akhtar, Imran; Borggaard, Jeff; Burns, John A.; Imtiaz, Haroon; Zietsman, Lizette 15 2015 The infinite-dimensional optimal filtering problem with mobile and stationary sensor networks. Zbl 1316.47024 Burns, John A.; Rautenberg, Carlos N. 12 2015 An abstract framework for approximate solutions to optimal control problems governed by hereditary systems. Zbl 0346.65027 Banks, H. T.; Burns, J. A. 11 1975 Integration of compact set-valued functions. Zbl 0324.28006 Artstein, Zvi; Burns, John A. 10 1975 Numerical stationary solutions for a viscous Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0892.35134 Burns, J.; Balogh, A.; Gilliam, D. S.; Shubov, V. I. 10 1998 Time-optimal slewing of flexible spacecraft. Zbl 0775.93137 Ben-Asher, Joseph; Burns, John A.; Cliff, Eugene M. 9 1992 Parameter identification for an abstract Cauchy problem by quasilinearization. Zbl 0782.65067 Brewer, Dennis W.; Burns, John A.; Cliff, Eugene M. 8 1993 Feedback control of a thermal fluid using state estimation. Zbl 0939.76026 Burns, J. A.; King, B. B.; Rubio, D. 8 1998 Solutions and approximations to the Riccati integral equation with values in a space of compact operators. Zbl 1321.47164 Burns, John A.; Rautenberg, Carlos N. 8 2015 Neutral functional integro-differential equations with weakly singular kernels. Zbl 0695.45009 Burns, J. A.; Herdman, T. L.; Turi, J. 8 1990 Numerical methods for approximating functional gains in LQR boundary control problems. Zbl 0967.93052 Burns, J. A.; Hulsing, K. P. 7 2001 A difference equation approach to parameter estimation for differential- delay equations. Zbl 0454.93041 Burns, John A.; Hirsch, P. D. 7 1980 A sensitivity equation approach to shape optimization in fluid flows. Zbl 0849.76074 Borggaard, Jeff; Burns, John 6 1995 Sensitivity calculations for a 2D, inviscid, supersonic forebody problem. Zbl 0800.93417 Borggaard, Jeff; Burns, John; Cliff, Eugene; Gunzburger, Max 6 1993 Sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation for a model of Chlamydia Trachomatis infection. Zbl 1129.34052 Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M.; Doughty, S. E. 6 2007 Methods for approximating solutions to linear hereditary quadratic optimal control problems. Zbl 0403.49031 Burns, John A.; Cliff, Eugene M. 6 1978 A Petrov Galerkin finite-element method for interface problems arising in sensitivity computations. Zbl 1087.65078 Burns, J. A.; Lin, T.; Stanley, L. G. 6 2005 Modelling and approximation for a viscoelastic control problem. Zbl 0644.73040 Burns, J. A.; Fabiano, R. H. 6 1987 Optimal fixed-finite-dimensional compensator for Burgers’ equation with unbounded input/output operators. Zbl 0824.93016 Burns, John A.; Marrekchi, Hamadi 5 1993 A stabilization problem for Burger’s equation with unbounded control and observation. Zbl 0767.93046 Burns, John A.; Kang, Sungkwon 5 1991 On coupled transversal and axial motions of two beams with a joint. Zbl 1233.74016 Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M.; Liu, Z.; Spies, R. D. 5 2008 The impact of finite precision arithmetic and sensitivity on the numerical solution of partial differential equations. Zbl 1060.65116 Allen, E.; Burns, J.; Gilliam, D.; Hill, Joe D.; Shubov, V. 4 2002 Existence theorems and necessary conditions for a general formulation of the minimum effort problem. Zbl 0279.49009 Burns, J. A. 4 1975 Approximations of thermoelastic and viscoelastic control systems. Zbl 0754.35013 Burns, J. A.; Liu, Z. Y.; Miller, R. E. 4 1991 Introduction to the calculus of variations and control with modern applications. Zbl 1280.49001 Burns, John A. 4 2014 Feedback controller for a flexible structure using piezoceramic actuators. Zbl 0837.73047 Tadi, M.; Burns, John A. 3 1995 On well-posedness of integro-differential equations in weighted \(L^ 2\)- spaces. Zbl 0813.34064 Burns, John A.; Ito, Kazufumi 3 1995 Parameter differentiability of the solution of a nonlinear abstract Cauchy problem. Zbl 0977.34057 Burns, John A.; Morin, Pedro; Spies, Ruben D. 3 2000 Adjoint semigroup theory for a Volterra integrodifferential system. Zbl 0316.45019 Burns, J. A.; Herdman, T. L. 3 1975 Functional differential equations with discontinuous right hand side. Zbl 0418.34067 Herdman, T. L.; Burns, J. A. 3 1979 Euclidean controllable realizations of linear hereditary systems. Zbl 0433.93010 Cliff, E. M.; Burns, J. A. 3 1978 Nonlinear neutral functional differential equations in product spaces. Zbl 0525.34050 Amillo Gil, Jose M.; Burns, John A.; Cliff, Eugene M. 3 1982 A note on the mathematical modelling of damped second order systems. Zbl 0904.35043 Burns, John A.; King, Belinda B. 3 1998 Polynomial stability of a joint-leg-beam system with local damping. Zbl 1173.74336 Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M.; Liu, Z.; Spies, R. D. 3 2007 Numerical approximations of the dynamical system generated by Burgers’ equation with Neumann-Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1283.37072 Allen, Edward J.; Burns, John A.; Gilliam, David S. 3 2013 Representation of feedback operators for hyperbolic systems. Zbl 0831.49005 Burns, John A.; King, Belinda B. 2 1995 A note on the regularity of solutions of infinite dimensional Riccati equations. Zbl 0810.93043 Burns, J. A.; King, B. B. 2 1994 Computational methods for optimal design and control. Proceedings of the 2nd AFOSR workshop on Optimal design and control. Arlington, VA, USA, September 30 - October 3, 1997. Zbl 0901.00062 2 1998 Reduced approximations in parameter identification of hereditary systems. Zbl 0492.93023 Cliff, E. M.; Burns, J. A. 2 1982 An abstract quasi-linearization algorithm for estimating parameters in hereditary systems. Zbl 0433.93016 Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M. 2 1980 A note on the use of transformations in sensitivity computations for elliptic systems. Zbl 0972.65083 Burns, J. A.; Stanley, L. G. 2 2001 Well-posedness of functional differential equations with nonatomic D operators. Zbl 0575.34056 Burns, John A.; Herdman, Terry L.; Turi, Janos 2 1985 The geometry of the minimum cost problem. Zbl 0308.49005 Burns, John A. 2 1975 Finite difference methods for identification of hereditary control systems. Zbl 0525.93018 Burns, J. A. 2 1982 On integral transforms appearing in the derivation of the equations of an aeroelastic system. Zbl 0645.73018 Burns, John A.; Cliff, Eugene M.; Herdman, Terry L.; Turi, Janos 2 1987 Factorization and reduction methods for optimal control of hereditary systems. Zbl 0636.93042 Burns, John A.; Powers, Robert K. 2 1986 Infinite dimensional delay differential equations in control and sensitivity analysis. Zbl 1300.34179 Burns, John A.; Herdman, Terry L.; Zietsman, Lizette 2 2013 A projection method for accurate computation of design sensitivities. Zbl 0912.65069 Burns, John A.; Stanley, Lisa G.; Stewart, Dawn L. 1 1998 The Cauchy problem for linear functional differential equations. Zbl 0471.34003 Burns, John A.; Herdman, Terry L.; Stech, Harlan W. 1 1981 Spline-based approximation methods for control and identification of hereditary systems. Zbl 0441.49004 Banks, H. T.; Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M. 1 1979 On approximating linear hereditary dynamics by systems of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0377.65038 Cliff, E. M.; Burns, J. A. 1 1978 Modeling transition: new scenarios, system sensitivity and feedback control. Zbl 1285.76013 Burns, John A.; Singler, John R. 1 2006 Preservation of controllability under approximation and controllability radii for hereditary systems. Zbl 0715.93009 Burns, John A.; Peichl, Gunther H. 1 1989 A heterogeneous non-overlapping domain decomposition explicit finite volume method for a real-time hybrid process-state estimator of 3D unsteady advection-diffusion fields. Zbl 07540349 Gatsonis, Nikolaos A.; Tian, Xin; Demetriou, Michael A.; Burns, John A. 1 2022 An inverse method for bounded error parameter identification. Zbl 1279.93039 Burns, John A.; Childers, Adam 1 2011 A heterogeneous non-overlapping domain decomposition explicit finite volume method for a real-time hybrid process-state estimator of 3D unsteady advection-diffusion fields. Zbl 07540349 Gatsonis, Nikolaos A.; Tian, Xin; Demetriou, Michael A.; Burns, John A. 1 2022 Feedback stabilization of a thermal fluid system with mixed boundary control. Zbl 1443.76128 Burns, John A.; He, Xiaoming; Hu, Weiwei 17 2016 Using functional gains for effective sensor location in flow control: a reduced-order modelling approach. Zbl 1359.76110 Akhtar, Imran; Borggaard, Jeff; Burns, John A.; Imtiaz, Haroon; Zietsman, Lizette 15 2015 The infinite-dimensional optimal filtering problem with mobile and stationary sensor networks. Zbl 1316.47024 Burns, John A.; Rautenberg, Carlos N. 12 2015 Solutions and approximations to the Riccati integral equation with values in a space of compact operators. Zbl 1321.47164 Burns, John A.; Rautenberg, Carlos N. 8 2015 Introduction to the calculus of variations and control with modern applications. Zbl 1280.49001 Burns, John A. 4 2014 Numerical approximations of the dynamical system generated by Burgers’ equation with Neumann-Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1283.37072 Allen, Edward J.; Burns, John A.; Gilliam, David S. 3 2013 Infinite dimensional delay differential equations in control and sensitivity analysis. Zbl 1300.34179 Burns, John A.; Herdman, Terry L.; Zietsman, Lizette 2 2013 An inverse method for bounded error parameter identification. Zbl 1279.93039 Burns, John A.; Childers, Adam 1 2011 Mesh independence of Kleinman-Newton iterations for Riccati equations in Hilbert space. Zbl 1171.49024 Burns, J. A.; Sachs, E. W.; Zietsman, L. 15 2008 On coupled transversal and axial motions of two beams with a joint. Zbl 1233.74016 Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M.; Liu, Z.; Spies, R. D. 5 2008 Sensitivity analysis and parameter estimation for a model of Chlamydia Trachomatis infection. Zbl 1129.34052 Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M.; Doughty, S. E. 6 2007 Polynomial stability of a joint-leg-beam system with local damping. Zbl 1173.74336 Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M.; Liu, Z.; Spies, R. D. 3 2007 Modeling transition: new scenarios, system sensitivity and feedback control. Zbl 1285.76013 Burns, John A.; Singler, John R. 1 2006 A Petrov Galerkin finite-element method for interface problems arising in sensitivity computations. Zbl 1087.65078 Burns, J. A.; Lin, T.; Stanley, L. G. 6 2005 The impact of finite precision arithmetic and sensitivity on the numerical solution of partial differential equations. Zbl 1060.65116 Allen, E.; Burns, J.; Gilliam, D.; Hill, Joe D.; Shubov, V. 4 2002 Numerical methods for approximating functional gains in LQR boundary control problems. Zbl 0967.93052 Burns, J. A.; Hulsing, K. P. 7 2001 A note on the use of transformations in sensitivity computations for elliptic systems. Zbl 0972.65083 Burns, J. A.; Stanley, L. G. 2 2001 Parameter differentiability of the solution of a nonlinear abstract Cauchy problem. Zbl 0977.34057 Burns, John A.; Morin, Pedro; Spies, Ruben D. 3 2000 A reduced basis approach to the design of low-order feedback controllers for nonlinear continuous systems. Zbl 0949.93514 Burns, John A.; King, Belinda B. 17 1998 Numerical stationary solutions for a viscous Burgers’ equation. Zbl 0892.35134 Burns, J.; Balogh, A.; Gilliam, D. S.; Shubov, V. I. 10 1998 Feedback control of a thermal fluid using state estimation. Zbl 0939.76026 Burns, J. A.; King, B. B.; Rubio, D. 8 1998 A note on the mathematical modelling of damped second order systems. Zbl 0904.35043 Burns, John A.; King, Belinda B. 3 1998 Computational methods for optimal design and control. Proceedings of the 2nd AFOSR workshop on Optimal design and control. Arlington, VA, USA, September 30 - October 3, 1997. Zbl 0901.00062 2 1998 A projection method for accurate computation of design sensitivities. Zbl 0912.65069 Burns, John A.; Stanley, Lisa G.; Stewart, Dawn L. 1 1998 A PDE sensitivity equation method for optimal aerodynamic design. Zbl 0903.76064 Borggaard, Jeff; Burns, John 45 1997 A sensitivity equation approach to shape optimization in fluid flows. Zbl 0849.76074 Borggaard, Jeff; Burns, John 6 1995 Feedback controller for a flexible structure using piezoceramic actuators. Zbl 0837.73047 Tadi, M.; Burns, John A. 3 1995 On well-posedness of integro-differential equations in weighted \(L^ 2\)- spaces. Zbl 0813.34064 Burns, John A.; Ito, Kazufumi 3 1995 Representation of feedback operators for hyperbolic systems. Zbl 0831.49005 Burns, John A.; King, Belinda B. 2 1995 A note on the regularity of solutions of infinite dimensional Riccati equations. Zbl 0810.93043 Burns, J. A.; King, B. B. 2 1994 On the energy decay of a linear thermoelastic bar. Zbl 0803.35150 Burns, John A.; Liu, Zhuangyi; Zheng, Songmu 26 1993 Parameter identification for an abstract Cauchy problem by quasilinearization. Zbl 0782.65067 Brewer, Dennis W.; Burns, John A.; Cliff, Eugene M. 8 1993 Sensitivity calculations for a 2D, inviscid, supersonic forebody problem. Zbl 0800.93417 Borggaard, Jeff; Burns, John; Cliff, Eugene; Gunzburger, Max 6 1993 Optimal fixed-finite-dimensional compensator for Burgers’ equation with unbounded input/output operators. Zbl 0824.93016 Burns, John A.; Marrekchi, Hamadi 5 1993 Time-optimal slewing of flexible spacecraft. Zbl 0775.93137 Ben-Asher, Joseph; Burns, John A.; Cliff, Eugene M. 9 1992 A stabilization problem for Burger’s equation with unbounded control and observation. Zbl 0767.93046 Burns, John A.; Kang, Sungkwon 5 1991 Approximations of thermoelastic and viscoelastic control systems. Zbl 0754.35013 Burns, J. A.; Liu, Z. Y.; Miller, R. E. 4 1991 Neutral functional integro-differential equations with weakly singular kernels. Zbl 0695.45009 Burns, J. A.; Herdman, T. L.; Turi, J. 8 1990 Preservation of controllability under approximation and controllability radii for hereditary systems. Zbl 0715.93009 Burns, John A.; Peichl, Gunther H. 1 1989 On nonconvergence of adjoint semigroups for control systems with delays. Zbl 0661.93038 Burns, John; Ito, Kazufumi; Propst, Georg 16 1988 Modelling and approximation for a viscoelastic control problem. Zbl 0644.73040 Burns, J. A.; Fabiano, R. H. 6 1987 On integral transforms appearing in the derivation of the equations of an aeroelastic system. Zbl 0645.73018 Burns, John A.; Cliff, Eugene M.; Herdman, Terry L.; Turi, Janos 2 1987 Factorization and reduction methods for optimal control of hereditary systems. Zbl 0636.93042 Burns, John A.; Powers, Robert K. 2 1986 Well-posedness of functional differential equations with nonatomic D operators. Zbl 0575.34056 Burns, John A.; Herdman, Terry L.; Turi, Janos 2 1985 Linear functional differential equations as semigroups on product spaces. Zbl 0528.34062 Burns, John A.; Herdman, Terry L.; Stech, Harlan W. 56 1983 Nonlinear neutral functional differential equations in product spaces. Zbl 0525.34050 Amillo Gil, Jose M.; Burns, John A.; Cliff, Eugene M. 3 1982 Reduced approximations in parameter identification of hereditary systems. Zbl 0492.93023 Cliff, E. M.; Burns, J. A. 2 1982 Finite difference methods for identification of hereditary control systems. Zbl 0525.93018 Burns, J. A. 2 1982 Parameter estimation and identification for systems with delays. Zbl 0504.93019 Banks, H. T.; Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M. 36 1981 The Cauchy problem for linear functional differential equations. Zbl 0471.34003 Burns, John A.; Herdman, Terry L.; Stech, Harlan W. 1 1981 A difference equation approach to parameter estimation for differential- delay equations. Zbl 0454.93041 Burns, John A.; Hirsch, P. D. 7 1980 An abstract quasi-linearization algorithm for estimating parameters in hereditary systems. Zbl 0433.93016 Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M. 2 1980 Functional differential equations with discontinuous right hand side. Zbl 0418.34067 Herdman, T. L.; Burns, J. A. 3 1979 Spline-based approximation methods for control and identification of hereditary systems. Zbl 0441.49004 Banks, H. T.; Burns, J. A.; Cliff, E. M. 1 1979 Hereditary control problems: Numerical methods based on averaging approximations. Zbl 0379.49025 Banks, H. T.; Burns, J. A. 123 1978 Methods for approximating solutions to linear hereditary quadratic optimal control problems. Zbl 0403.49031 Burns, John A.; Cliff, Eugene M. 6 1978 Euclidean controllable realizations of linear hereditary systems. Zbl 0433.93010 Cliff, E. M.; Burns, J. A. 3 1978 On approximating linear hereditary dynamics by systems of ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0377.65038 Cliff, E. M.; Burns, J. A. 1 1978 Adjoint semigroup theory for a class of functional differential equations. Zbl 0336.45002 Burns, J. A.; Herdman, T. L. 17 1976 An abstract framework for approximate solutions to optimal control problems governed by hereditary systems. Zbl 0346.65027 Banks, H. T.; Burns, J. A. 11 1975 Integration of compact set-valued functions. Zbl 0324.28006 Artstein, Zvi; Burns, John A. 10 1975 Existence theorems and necessary conditions for a general formulation of the minimum effort problem. Zbl 0279.49009 Burns, J. A. 4 1975 Adjoint semigroup theory for a Volterra integrodifferential system. Zbl 0316.45019 Burns, J. A.; Herdman, T. L. 3 1975 The geometry of the minimum cost problem. Zbl 0308.49005 Burns, John A. 2 1975 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 685 Authors 24 Burns, John A. 14 Kappel, Franz 12 Herdman, Terry L. 11 Kunisch, Karl 10 Turi, Janos 9 Teo, Kok Lay 8 Banks, Harvey Thomas 8 Ito, Kazufumi 7 Marzban, Hamid-Reza 7 Schappacher, Wilhelm 7 Sklyar, Grigory Mikhailovitch 6 Cliff, Eugene M. 6 Fabiano, Richard H. 6 Manitius, Andrzej Z. 6 Pelletier, Dominique H. 6 Rabah, Rabah 6 Rosen, I. Gary 6 Singler, John R. 5 Baker, Christopher Thomas Hale 5 Borggaard, Jeff T. 5 Delfour, Michel Claude 5 Liu, Zhuangyi 5 Spies, Ruben D. 4 Akhtar, Imran 4 Chalons, Christophe 4 Duvigneau, Régis 4 Fiorini, Camilla 4 Jajarmi, Amin 4 King, Belinda Batten 4 Krstić, Miroslav 4 Li, Jian 4 Liu, Chongyang 4 Morris, Kirsten A. 4 Nazemi, Alireza 4 Plaksin, Anton Romanovich 4 Qin, Yi 4 Qin, Yuming 4 Rautenberg, Carlos N. 4 San, Omer 3 Batten, Belinda A. 3 Bocharov, Gennady A. 3 Breiten, Tobias 3 Brunner, Hermann 3 Clements, David J. 3 Effati, Sohrab 3 Evans, Katie A. 3 Gilliam, David S. 3 Gumel, Abba B. 3 Hadd, Said 3 Hartung, Ferenc 3 Hay, Alexander 3 Hoseini, Sayyed Mohammad 3 Hu, Weiwei 3 Iftime, Orest V. 3 Ilinca, Florin 3 Jiang, Zhong-Ping 3 Lasiecka, Irena 3 Luczak, Susan E. 3 Maulik, Romit 3 Muñoz Rivera, Jaime Edilberto 3 Mustafa, Muhammad Islam 3 Powers, Robert K. 3 Raymond, Jean-Pierre 3 Rebholz, Leo Gregory 3 Sharomi, Oluwaseun Y. 3 Staffans, Olof Johan 3 Stanley, Lisa G. 3 Tadi, Mohsen 3 Verduyn Lunel, Sjoerd M. 3 Wang, Zhu 2 Ahmed, Mansoor 2 Babenko, Viktor V. 2 Babenko, Vladyslav Fedorovych 2 Boccuto, Antonio 2 Brewer, Dennis W. 2 Chekroun, Mickaël D. 2 Cheng, Sheng 2 Chukwu, Ethelbert Nwakuche 2 Curtain, Ruth Frances 2 Demetriou, Michael A. 2 Desch, Wolfgang 2 Diekmann, Odo 2 Doboszczak, Stefan 2 Fabbri, Giorgio 2 Fairbairn, Catharine E. 2 Fernandez-Berdaguer, Elena M. 2 Gao, Xinyue 2 Gatsonis, Nikolaos A. 2 Giorgi, Claudio 2 Gong, Zhaohua 2 Hajipour, Mojtaba 2 Iliescu, Traian 2 Illingworth, Simon J. 2 Imtiaz, Haroon 2 Kang, Dahyeon 2 Kantas, Nikolas 2 Khalifa, M. Eh. 2 Krämer, Boris 2 Kundu, Sudeep 2 Le Balc’h, Kévin ...and 585 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 159 Serials 30 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 23 Journal of Differential Equations 18 Automatica 15 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 14 Applied Mathematics and Computation 11 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 11 Journal of Computational Physics 11 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 10 Systems & Control Letters 10 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 9 International Journal of Control 9 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 9 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 8 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 7 Applicable Analysis 7 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 7 Applied Mathematical Modelling 7 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 6 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 6 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 6 Applied Numerical Mathematics 5 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 5 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 5 Computational Optimization and Applications 5 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 4 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 4 Journal of the Franklin Institute 4 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 4 Journal of Scientific Computing 4 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 4 Journal of Vibration and Control 4 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 4 Nonlinear Dynamics 3 Inverse Problems 3 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Physica D 3 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 3 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 3 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 3 Advances in Computational Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 3 Differential Equations 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 2 Computers and Fluids 2 International Journal of Systems Science 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Mathematical Biosciences 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 2 Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 2 Semigroup Forum 2 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 2 Computational Mechanics 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 2 Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Optimization and Engineering 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 2 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 2 Communications in Computational Physics 2 Asian Journal of Control 2 Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 2 Mathematical Control and Related Fields 2 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 2 Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 1 The Annals of Statistics 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Calcolo 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Journal of Mathematical Economics 1 Mathematical Systems Theory 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Monatshefte für Mathematik 1 Numerische Mathematik 1 Opsearch 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Real Analysis Exchange 1 Results in Mathematics 1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Journal of Complexity 1 COMPEL ...and 59 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 35 Fields 155 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 133 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 131 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 108 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 104 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 71 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 54 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 43 Operator theory (47-XX) 32 Integral equations (45-XX) 23 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 16 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 13 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 12 Functional analysis (46-XX) 11 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 Statistics (62-XX) 8 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 8 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 6 Real functions (26-XX) 6 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 5 Measure and integration (28-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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