Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Burton, Theodore Allen Co-Author Distance Author ID: burton.theodore-allen Published as: Burton, T. A.; Burton, Theodore A.; Burton, T.; Burton, Theodore; Burton, Theodore Allen; Burton, Théodore A. more...less Homepage: https://math.siu.edu/faculty-staff/emeritus/burton.php External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 230 Publications since 1965, including 6 Books 2 Contributions as Editor Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 28 Co-Authors with 116 Joint Publications 525 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 113 single-authored 23 Purnaras, Ioannis K. 20 Zhang, Bo 14 Furumochi, Tetsuo 12 Becker, Leigh C. 7 Grimmer, Ronald 7 Haddock, John R. 6 Dwiggins, D. P. 6 Mahfoud, Wadi Elias 5 Somolinos, Alfredo S. 4 Hatvani, László 4 Huang, Qichang 3 Hering, Roger H. 3 Makay, Géza 3 Zhang, Shunian 2 Arino, Ovide 2 Casal, Alfonso Carlos 2 Eloe, Paul W. 2 Feng, Youhe 2 Islam, Muhammad Nazmul 2 Terjéki, József 2 Townsend, Carl G. 1 Hamaya, Yoshihiro 1 Hooker, John W. 1 Kirk, Colleen M. 1 Krisztin, Tibor 1 Martynyuk, Anatoliĭ Andriĭovych 1 Muldowney, James S. 1 Wong, James S. W. all top 5 Serials 15 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 14 Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 13 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 11 Funkcialaj Ekvacioj. Serio Internacia 11 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 9 Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory 8 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 8 Fixed Point Theory 7 Nonlinear Studies 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 6 Dynamic Systems and Applications 5 Journal of Differential Equations 5 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 4 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 4 Monatshefte für Mathematik 4 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Archiv der Mathematik 3 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 3 Annals of Differential Equations 3 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 3 Mathematics in Science and Engineering 3 Journal of Fractional Calculus and Applications 2 Mathematische Nachrichten 2 Journal of Integral Equations 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Differential and Integral Equations 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 2 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 2 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 2 Cubo 2 Differential Equations and Applications 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics and Computation 1 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal 1 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Bollettino della Unione Matemàtica Italiana. Serie VI. C. Analisi Funzionale e Applicazioni 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Stochastic Analysis 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 Atti della Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. Serie Ottava. Rendiconti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matematiche e Naturali 1 SIAM Review 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 1 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 1 Opuscula Mathematica 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems 1 Communications in Applied Analysis 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series B. Applications & Algorithms 1 Seminar on Fixed Point Theory Cluj-Napoca 1 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Carpathian Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 SIAM Journal on Control 1 Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iași, New Series 1 Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Difference Equations 1 Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics. Series A. Control 1 AIMS Mathematics 1 Advances in the Theory of Nonlinear Analysis and its Applications all top 5 Fields 129 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 104 Integral equations (45-XX) 59 Operator theory (47-XX) 8 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 8 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 166 Publications have been cited 2,905 times in 1,747 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Stability and periodic solutions of ordinary and functional differential equations. Zbl 0635.34001 Burton, T. A. 415 1985 Volterra integral and differential equations. Zbl 0515.45001 Burton, T. A. 212 1983 Volterra integral and differential equations. 2nd ed. Zbl 1075.45001 Burton, T. A. 153 2005 Stability by fixed point theory for functional differential equations. Zbl 1160.34001 Burton, T. A. 144 2006 A fixed-point theorem of Krasnoselskii. Zbl 1127.47318 Burton, T. A. 140 1998 A fixed point theorem of Krasnoselskii-Schaefer type. Zbl 0896.47042 Burton, T. A.; Kirk, Colleen 110 1998 Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem and stability. Zbl 1015.34046 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 60 2002 Stability by fixed point theory or Liapunov theory: a comparison. Zbl 1061.47065 Burton, T. A. 54 2003 Integral equations, implicit functions, and fixed points. Zbl 0873.45003 Burton, T. A. 52 1996 Fixed points and stability of a nonconvolution equation. Zbl 1050.34110 Burton, T. A. 49 2004 Unified boundedness, periodicity, and stability in ordinary and functional differential equations. Zbl 0626.34038 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Shunian 45 1986 Stability and periodic solutions of ordinary and functional differential equations. Corrected version of the 1985 original. Zbl 1209.34001 Burton, T. A. 44 2005 Fixed points and problems in stability theory for ordinary and functional differential equations. Zbl 1021.34042 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 43 2001 Fixed points and stability of an integral equation: nonuniqueness. Zbl 1066.45002 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 41 2004 Fixed points, stability, and exact linearization. Zbl 1067.34077 Burton, T. A. 39 2005 Stability theorems for nonautonomous functional differential equations by Lyapunov functionals. Zbl 0677.34060 Burton, Theodore; Hatvani, László 38 1989 On the equation \(x'' +f(x)h(x')x' +g(x) = e(t)\). Zbl 0194.40203 Burton, T. A. 36 1970 On the generalized Lienard equation with forcing function. Zbl 0174.13602 Burton, T. A.; Townsend, C. G. 36 1968 Some properties of solutions of \(u''(t)+a(t)f(u)g(u') = 0\). II. Zbl 0142.06402 Wong, J. S. W.; Burton, T. A. 35 1965 Uniform asymptotic stability in functional differential equations. Zbl 0378.34058 Burton, T. A. 35 1978 Liapunov functionals, fixed points, and stability by Krasnoselskii’s theorem. Zbl 1084.47522 Burton, T. A. 35 2002 Stability, fixed points and inverses of delays. Zbl 1112.34054 Becker, Leigh C.; Burton, T. A. 34 2006 Asymptotic behavior of solutions of functional differential equations by fixed point theorems. Zbl 1044.34033 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 34 2002 Periodic solutions to functional differential equations. Zbl 0582.34077 Arino, O. A.; Burton, T. A.; Haddock, J. R. 33 1985 A note on stability by Schauder’s theorem. Zbl 1158.34329 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 32 2001 Periodic solutions of abstract differential equations with infinite delay. Zbl 0760.34060 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 30 1991 Fractional differential equations and Lyapunov functionals. Zbl 1226.34004 Burton, T. A. 29 2011 Stability criteria for Volterra equations. Zbl 0522.45006 Burton, T. A.; Mahfoud, W. E. 28 1983 Integral equations, Volterra equations, and the remarkable resolvent: contractions. Zbl 1090.45002 Burton, T. A. 23 2006 Repellers in systems with infinite delay. Zbl 0677.92016 Burton, T.; Hutson, V. 23 1989 On the delay-differential equations x’(t) + a(t)f(x(t - r(t))) = 0 and x”(t) + a(t)f(x(t - r(t)))=0. Zbl 0344.34065 Burton, T. A.; Haddock, John R. 22 1976 Stability theory for Volterra equations. Zbl 0422.45009 Burton, T. A. 21 1979 Perron-type stability theorems for neutral equations. Zbl 1044.34028 Burton, T. A. 20 2003 On continuability of solutions of second order differential equations. Zbl 0231.34008 Burton, T.; Grimmer, R. 20 1971 Oscillation, continuation, and uniqueness of solutions of retarded differential equations. Zbl 0286.34113 Burton, T.; Grimmer, R. 20 1973 The generalized Lienard equation. Zbl 0135.30201 Burton, T. A. 20 1965 Stability properties of \((r(t)u')'+a(t)f(u)g(u') = 0\). Zbl 0195.09804 Burton, T. A.; Grimmer, R. C. 19 1970 On nonuniform asymptotic stability for nonautonomous functional differential equations. Zbl 0736.34068 Burton, T. A.; Hatvani, L. 18 1990 Fractional equations and generalizations of Schaefer’s and Krasnosel’skii’s fixed point theorems. Zbl 1266.34013 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 18 2012 Permanence for non-autonomous predator-prey systems. Zbl 0733.34053 Burton, T. A.; Hutson, V. 17 1991 Upper and lower bounds for Liapunov functionals. Zbl 0687.34067 Burton, T. A.; Casal, A.; Somolinos, A. 15 1989 Uniform ultimate boundedness and periodicity in functional differential equations. Zbl 0678.34073 Burton, Theodore Allen; Zhang, Bo 14 1990 Asymptotic stability for functional differential equations. Zbl 0805.34068 Burton, T. A.; Makay, G. 14 1994 Asymptotic stability of second order ordinary, functional, and partial differential equations. Zbl 0779.34042 Burton, T. A.; Hatvani, L. 14 1993 An extension of Liapunov’s direct method. Zbl 0187.34201 Burton, T. A. 14 1969 Boundedness, periodicity, and convergence of solutions in a retarded Liénard equation. Zbl 0803.34064 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 13 1993 Fixed points, Volterra equations, and Becker’s resolvent. Zbl 1091.34040 Burton, T. A. 13 2005 Functional differential equations and Jensen’s inequality. Zbl 0669.34076 Becker, Leigh C.; Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Shunian 12 1989 A note on existence and uniqueness for integral equations with sum of two operators: progressive contractions. Zbl 1439.45001 Burton, T. A. 12 2019 \(L^p\)-solutions of fractional differential equations. Zbl 1300.34015 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 12 2012 Fixed points and fractional differential equations: examples. Zbl 1281.34008 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 12 2013 Construction of Ljapunov functionals for Volterra equations. Zbl 0508.45009 Burton, T. A. 11 1982 Nonlinear integrodifferential equations and a priori bounds on periodic solutions. Zbl 0756.45012 Burton, T. A.; Eloe, P. W.; Islam, M. N. 10 1992 Boundedness in functional differential equations. Zbl 0515.34064 Burton, T. A. 10 1982 Integral equations, \(L^{p}\)-forcing, remarkable resolvent: Lyapunov functionals. Zbl 1129.45002 Burton, T. A. 10 2008 A unification theory of Krasnoselskii for differential equations. Zbl 1317.34001 Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 10 2013 Periodic solutions of functional differential equations with infinite delay. Zbl 0691.45010 Burton, T. A.; Dwiggins, D. P.; Feng, Youhe 9 1989 Differential inequalities and existence theory for differential, integral, and delay equations. Zbl 0809.34006 Burton, T. A. 9 1994 On the asymptotic behavior of solutions of \(x''+a(t)f(x)=e(t)\). Zbl 0245.34024 Burton, T.; Grimmer, R. 9 1972 Correction to ”An extension of Liapunov’s direct method”. Zbl 0256.34060 Burton, T. A. 9 1970 Complementary equations: a fractional differential equation and a Volterra integral equation. Zbl 1349.34005 Becker, Leigh; Burton, Theodore; Purnaras, Ioannis 9 2015 Floquet theory for a Volterra equation. Zbl 0645.45006 Becker, L. C.; Burton, T. A.; Krisztin, T. 9 1988 Basic neutral integral equations of advanced type. Zbl 0888.45005 Burton, T. A. 8 1998 Krasnoselskii’s inversion principle and fixed points. Zbl 0894.47041 Burton, T. A. 8 1997 Lyapunov theory for functional differential equations. Zbl 0806.34067 Burton, T. A.; Hering, R. H. 8 1994 On the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of \(x''+\alpha (t)f(x)=0\). Zbl 0235.34075 Burton, T.; Grimmer, R. 8 1971 Limit circle results for second order equations. Zbl 0339.34028 Burton, T. A.; Patula, W. T. 8 1976 Stability theory for delay equations. Zbl 0441.34055 Burton, T. A. 8 1979 Fixed points, stability, and harmless perturbations. Zbl 1121.34077 Burton, T. A. 8 2005 Liapunov theory for integral equations with singular kernels and fractional differential equations. Zbl 1270.45010 Burton, T. A. 8 2012 Liapunov functionals of convolution type. Zbl 0587.34042 Burton, T. A.; Huang, Quichang; Mahfoud, W. E. 8 1985 Periodic solutions of nonlinear Volterra equations. Zbl 0569.45012 Burton, T. A. 8 1984 Integral and fractional equations, positive solutions, and Schaefer’s fixed point theorem. Zbl 1342.34010 Becker, L. C.; Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 8 2016 Liapunov functions and boundedness. Zbl 0386.34050 Burton, T. A. 7 1977 Periodic solutions of linear integro-differential equations. Zbl 0725.45006 Burton, T. A.; Eloe, P. W.; Islam, M. N. 7 1990 Uniform stabilities for Volterra equations. Zbl 0454.45004 Burton, T. A. 7 1980 On solutions of differential equations tending to zero. Zbl 0298.34042 Burton, T. A.; Hooker, J. W. 7 1974 Existence and uniqueness results by progressive contractions for integro-differential equations. Zbl 1357.45006 Burton, T. A. 7 2016 Periodic solutions of linear Volterra equations. Zbl 0552.45011 Burton, T. A. 7 1984 Stability by decompositions for Volterra equations. Zbl 0579.45009 Burton, Theodore Allen; Mahfoud, Wadi Elias 7 1985 A continuation result for differential equations. Zbl 0379.34001 Burton, T. A. 6 1978 Uniform boundedness for delay equations. Zbl 0728.34078 Burton, T. A. 6 1990 Fixed points and differential equations with asymptotically constant or periodic solutions. Zbl 1083.34055 Burton, T. A. 6 2004 Perturbed Volterra equations. Zbl 0501.45009 Burton, T. A. 6 1982 An inversion of a fractional differential equation and fixed points. Zbl 1333.34005 Becker, L. C.; Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 6 2015 Stability by fixed point methods for highly nonlinear delay equations. Zbl 1079.34057 Burton, T. A. 6 2004 Neural networks with memory. Zbl 0746.34043 Burton, T. A. 6 1991 \(L^p\)-solutions of singular integro-differential equations. Zbl 1231.45018 Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 6 2012 Periodicity in delay equations by direct fixed point mapping. Zbl 0992.34053 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 6 1998 Asymptotically periodic solutions of fractional differential equations. Zbl 1312.34008 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 6 2013 Periodic and asymptotically periodic solutions of Volterra integral equations. Zbl 0861.45003 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 5 1996 Boundedness and periodicity in integral and integro-differential equations. Zbl 0871.45003 Burton, T. A. 5 1993 Global existence of solutions of integral equations with delay: progressive contractions. Zbl 1424.45005 Burton, Theodore; Purnaras, Ioannis 5 2017 Periodic solutions of integrodifferential equations. Zbl 0577.45008 Burton, T. A. 5 1985 Rate of decay of solutions of Volterra equations. Zbl 0579.45008 Burton, T. A.; Huang, Qichang; Mahfoud, W. E. 5 1985 Fractional equations and a theorem of Brouwer-Schauder type. Zbl 1293.34008 Burton, T. A. 5 2013 Qualitative properties of solutions of integral equations. Zbl 1184.45001 Burton, T. A.; Haddock, John R. 4 2009 Continuity, compactness, fixed points, and integral equations. Zbl 1022.45001 Burton, T. A.; Makay, Géza 4 2002 Almost periodic solutions of Volterra equations and attractivity. Zbl 0856.45010 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 4 1996 Stability regions of the forced Lienard equation. Zbl 0238.34068 Burton, T. A.; Townsend, C. G. 4 1971 Open mappings: the case for a new direction in fixed point theory. Zbl 1493.45005 Burton, Theodore A.; Purnaras, Ioannis K. 1 2022 Fixed point regions, unified construction of fixed point mappings for integral, quadratic, and fractional equations. Zbl 1463.45007 Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 1 2020 A note on existence and uniqueness for integral equations with sum of two operators: progressive contractions. Zbl 1439.45001 Burton, T. A. 12 2019 Necessary and sufficient conditions for large contractions in fixed point theory. Zbl 1463.47156 Burton, Theodore; Purnaras, Ioannis 1 2019 Progressive contractions, measures of non-compactness and quadratic integral equations. Zbl 1432.45003 Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 1 2019 Krasnoselskii’s theorem, integral equations, open mappings, and non-uniqueness. Zbl 1479.47043 Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 1 2018 Global existence of solutions of integral equations with delay: progressive contractions. Zbl 1424.45005 Burton, Theodore; Purnaras, Ioannis 5 2017 An existence theorem for a fractional differential equation using progressive contractions. Zbl 1499.34035 Burton, T. A. 3 2017 A NASC for equicontinuous maps for integral equations. Zbl 1474.45019 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 2 2017 Integral and fractional equations, positive solutions, and Schaefer’s fixed point theorem. Zbl 1342.34010 Becker, L. C.; Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 8 2016 Existence and uniqueness results by progressive contractions for integro-differential equations. Zbl 1357.45006 Burton, T. A. 7 2016 Existence of solutions of nonlinear fractional differential equations of Riemann-Liouville type. Zbl 1488.34021 Becker, L. C.; Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 4 2016 Integral equations, transformations, and a Krasnoselskii-Schaefer type fixed point theorem. Zbl 1399.45002 Burton, Theodore 1 2016 Complementary equations: a fractional differential equation and a Volterra integral equation. Zbl 1349.34005 Becker, Leigh; Burton, Theodore; Purnaras, Ioannis 9 2015 An inversion of a fractional differential equation and fixed points. Zbl 1333.34005 Becker, L. C.; Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 6 2015 A Schauder-type fixed point theorem. Zbl 1304.54073 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 3 2014 Fixed points and fractional differential equations: examples. Zbl 1281.34008 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 12 2013 A unification theory of Krasnoselskii for differential equations. Zbl 1317.34001 Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 10 2013 Asymptotically periodic solutions of fractional differential equations. Zbl 1312.34008 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 6 2013 Fractional equations and a theorem of Brouwer-Schauder type. Zbl 1293.34008 Burton, T. A. 5 2013 Singular integro-differential equations with small kernels. Zbl 1277.45010 Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 1 2013 Fractional equations and generalizations of Schaefer’s and Krasnosel’skii’s fixed point theorems. Zbl 1266.34013 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 18 2012 \(L^p\)-solutions of fractional differential equations. Zbl 1300.34015 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 12 2012 Liapunov theory for integral equations with singular kernels and fractional differential equations. Zbl 1270.45010 Burton, T. A. 8 2012 \(L^p\)-solutions of singular integro-differential equations. Zbl 1231.45018 Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 6 2012 Singular integral equations, Liapunov functionals, and resolvents. Zbl 1241.45003 Becker, Leigh C.; Burton, T. A.; Purnaras, I. K. 2 2012 Fractional differential equations and Lyapunov functionals. Zbl 1226.34004 Burton, T. A. 29 2011 Resolvents of integral equations with continuous kernels. Zbl 1233.45001 Burton, T. A.; Dwiggins, D. P. 4 2011 Periodic solutions of singular integral equations. Zbl 1298.45002 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, B. 2 2011 A Liapunov functional for a linear integral equation. Zbl 1193.45011 Burton, T. A. 4 2010 A Liapunov functional for a singular integral equation. Zbl 1219.45001 Burton, T. A. 4 2010 Parallel theories of integral equations. Zbl 1213.45001 Burton, T. A.; Haddock, John R. 2 2010 Resolvents, integral equations, limit sets. Zbl 1224.45001 Burton, T. A.; Dwiggins, D. P. 1 2010 Qualitative properties of solutions of integral equations. Zbl 1184.45001 Burton, T. A.; Haddock, John R. 4 2009 Integral equations, \(L^{p}\)-forcing, remarkable resolvent: Lyapunov functionals. Zbl 1129.45002 Burton, T. A. 10 2008 Scalar nonlinear integral equations. Zbl 1164.47054 Burton, Theodore A. 1 2007 Stability by fixed point theory for functional differential equations. Zbl 1160.34001 Burton, T. A. 144 2006 Stability, fixed points and inverses of delays. Zbl 1112.34054 Becker, Leigh C.; Burton, T. A. 34 2006 Integral equations, Volterra equations, and the remarkable resolvent: contractions. Zbl 1090.45002 Burton, T. A. 23 2006 Volterra integral and differential equations. 2nd ed. Zbl 1075.45001 Burton, T. A. 153 2005 Stability and periodic solutions of ordinary and functional differential equations. Corrected version of the 1985 original. Zbl 1209.34001 Burton, T. A. 44 2005 Fixed points, stability, and exact linearization. Zbl 1067.34077 Burton, T. A. 39 2005 Fixed points, Volterra equations, and Becker’s resolvent. Zbl 1091.34040 Burton, T. A. 13 2005 Fixed points, stability, and harmless perturbations. Zbl 1121.34077 Burton, T. A. 8 2005 Asymptotic behavior of nonlinear functional differential equations by Schauder’s theorem. Zbl 1068.34071 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 1 2005 Fixed points and stability of a nonconvolution equation. Zbl 1050.34110 Burton, T. A. 49 2004 Fixed points and stability of an integral equation: nonuniqueness. Zbl 1066.45002 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 41 2004 Fixed points and differential equations with asymptotically constant or periodic solutions. Zbl 1083.34055 Burton, T. A. 6 2004 Stability by fixed point methods for highly nonlinear delay equations. Zbl 1079.34057 Burton, T. A. 6 2004 Stability and fixed points: addition of terms. Zbl 1133.34364 Burton, T. A. 4 2004 Jensen’s inequality and Liapunov’s direct method. Zbl 1092.34036 Becker, Leigh C.; Burton, T. A. 1 2004 Liénard equations, delays, and harmless perturbations. Zbl 1088.34063 Burton, T. A. 1 2004 Stability by fixed point theory or Liapunov theory: a comparison. Zbl 1061.47065 Burton, T. A. 54 2003 Perron-type stability theorems for neutral equations. Zbl 1044.34028 Burton, T. A. 20 2003 Krasnoselskii’s fixed point theorem and stability. Zbl 1015.34046 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 60 2002 Liapunov functionals, fixed points, and stability by Krasnoselskii’s theorem. Zbl 1084.47522 Burton, T. A. 35 2002 Asymptotic behavior of solutions of functional differential equations by fixed point theorems. Zbl 1044.34033 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 34 2002 Continuity, compactness, fixed points, and integral equations. Zbl 1022.45001 Burton, T. A.; Makay, Géza 4 2002 Fixed points, differential equations, and proper mappings. Zbl 1035.47057 Burton, T. A. 2 2002 Fixed points and problems in stability theory for ordinary and functional differential equations. Zbl 1021.34042 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 43 2001 A note on stability by Schauder’s theorem. Zbl 1158.34329 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 32 2001 Existence theorems and periodic solutions of neutral integral equations. Zbl 0971.45003 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 4 2001 Neutral integral equations of retarded type. Zbl 0961.45005 Burton, T. A.; Hering, R. H. 1 2000 Periodic and asymptotically periodic solutions of neutral integral equations. Zbl 0967.45003 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 1 2000 Asymptotic stability in differential equations with unbounded delay. Zbl 0948.34048 Burton, T. A.; Somolinos, Alfredo 2 1999 A fixed-point theorem of Krasnoselskii. Zbl 1127.47318 Burton, T. A. 140 1998 A fixed point theorem of Krasnoselskii-Schaefer type. Zbl 0896.47042 Burton, T. A.; Kirk, Colleen 110 1998 Basic neutral integral equations of advanced type. Zbl 0888.45005 Burton, T. A. 8 1998 Periodicity in delay equations by direct fixed point mapping. Zbl 0992.34053 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 6 1998 Marachkov type stability results for functional differential equations. Zbl 0891.34071 Burton, T. A.; Makay, G. 1 1998 Krasnoselskii’s inversion principle and fixed points. Zbl 0894.47041 Burton, T. A. 8 1997 Integral equations, implicit functions, and fixed points. Zbl 0873.45003 Burton, T. A. 52 1996 Periodic and asymptotically periodic solutions of Volterra integral equations. Zbl 0861.45003 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 5 1996 Almost periodic solutions of Volterra equations and attractivity. Zbl 0856.45010 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 4 1996 Integral equations with a delay. Zbl 0864.34066 Burton, T. A. 1 1996 Examples of Lyapunov functionals for non-differentiated equations. Zbl 0843.45007 Burton, T. A. 1 1996 Correction to ”Periodic solutions of a forced Liénard equation”. Zbl 0844.34033 Burton, T. A. 1 1995 Asymptotic stability for functional differential equations. Zbl 0805.34068 Burton, T. A.; Makay, G. 14 1994 Differential inequalities and existence theory for differential, integral, and delay equations. Zbl 0809.34006 Burton, T. A. 9 1994 Lyapunov theory for functional differential equations. Zbl 0806.34067 Burton, T. A.; Hering, R. H. 8 1994 Periodic solutions of a forced Liénard equation. Zbl 0812.34036 Burton, T. A. 3 1994 A stability theory for integral equations. Zbl 0833.45009 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 1 1994 Periodic solutions of Volterra equations and attractivity. Zbl 0811.45001 Burton, T. A.; Furumochi, Tetsuo 1 1994 Asymptotic stability of second order ordinary, functional, and partial differential equations. Zbl 0779.34042 Burton, T. A.; Hatvani, L. 14 1993 Boundedness, periodicity, and convergence of solutions in a retarded Liénard equation. Zbl 0803.34064 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 13 1993 Boundedness and periodicity in integral and integro-differential equations. Zbl 0871.45003 Burton, T. A. 5 1993 Nonlinear integrodifferential equations and a priori bounds on periodic solutions. Zbl 0756.45012 Burton, T. A.; Eloe, P. W.; Islam, M. N. 10 1992 A priori bounds and stability in the retarded nonlinear wave equation. Zbl 0755.35007 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 3 1992 A wave equation viewed as an ordinary differential equation. Zbl 0799.35155 Burton, T. A.; Terjéki, Jozsef; Zhang, Bo 1 1992 Periodic solutions of abstract differential equations with infinite delay. Zbl 0760.34060 Burton, T. A.; Zhang, Bo 30 1991 Permanence for non-autonomous predator-prey systems. Zbl 0733.34053 Burton, T. A.; Hutson, V. 17 1991 Neural networks with memory. Zbl 0746.34043 Burton, T. A. 6 1991 On the existence of periodic solutions of some nonlinear functional differential equations with unbounded delay. Zbl 0736.34059 Burton, T. A.; Hatvani, L. 3 1991 The nonlinear wave equation as a Liénard equation. Zbl 0764.35065 Burton, T. A. 2 1991 Continuity in functional differential equations with infinite delay. Zbl 0743.34068 Burton, T. A.; Feng, Youhe 2 1991 On nonuniform asymptotic stability for nonautonomous functional differential equations. Zbl 0736.34068 Burton, T. A.; Hatvani, L. 18 1990 Uniform ultimate boundedness and periodicity in functional differential equations. Zbl 0678.34073 Burton, Theodore Allen; Zhang, Bo 14 1990 Periodic solutions of linear integro-differential equations. Zbl 0725.45006 Burton, T. A.; Eloe, P. W.; Islam, M. N. 7 1990 Uniform boundedness for delay equations. Zbl 0728.34078 Burton, T. A. 6 1990 Lyapunov functionals and periodic solutions. Zbl 0711.34052 Burton, T. A. 1 1990 ...and 66 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,839 Authors 76 Burton, Theodore Allen 52 Ardjouni, Abdelouaheb 49 Tunç, Cemil 40 Djoudi, Ahcene 21 Agarwal, Ravi P. 21 Raffoul, Youssef Naim 21 Shah, Kamal 20 de la Sen, Manuel 19 Berezansky, Leonid M. 19 Graef, John R. 18 Liu, Bingwen 18 Sugie, Jitsuro 18 Zhang, Bo 17 Huang, Lihong 16 Benchohra, Mouffak 15 Abdeljawad, Thabet 15 Domoshnitsky, Alexander I. 14 Ademola, Adeleke Timothy 14 Remili, Moussadek 14 Teng, Zhi-dong 14 Tunç, Osman 13 Abdo, Mohammed Salem 13 Balachandran, Krishnan 13 Banaś, Józef 13 Haddock, John R. 13 Mesmouli, Mouataz Billah 12 Pinto, Manuel 11 Nguyen Thieu Huy 11 O’Regan, Donal 10 Dhage, Bapurao C. 10 Furumochi, Tetsuo 10 Grace, Said Rezk 10 Hara, Tadayuki 10 Hatvani, László 10 Purnaras, Ioannis K. 10 Wang, Ke 10 Wu, Jianhong 9 Adesina, Olufemi Adeyinka 9 Braverman, Elena 9 Jiang, Haijun 9 Li, Yong 9 Luo, Jiaowan 9 Mahfoud, Wadi Elias 9 Nieto Roig, Juan Jose 9 Stamova, Ivanka Milkova 9 Taoudi, Mohamed Aziz 8 Becker, Leigh C. 8 Ben Amar, Afif 8 Cao, Jinde 8 Ezzinbi, Khalil 8 Huang, Qichang 8 Islam, Muhammad Nazmul 8 Pham Huu Anh Ngoc 8 Sergeev, V. S. 8 Vecchio, Antonia 8 Vladimirescu, Cristian 8 Yang, Xue 8 Yoneyama, Toshiaki 7 Adivar, Murat 7 Alzabut, Jehad O. 7 Brunner, Hermann 7 Caraballo Garrido, Tomás 7 Jeribi, Aref 7 Li, Zhixiang 7 Liu, James Hetao 7 Martynyuk, Anatoliĭ Andriĭovych 7 Messina, Eleonora 7 Ogundare, Babatunde Sunday 7 Omeike, Mathew Omonigho 7 Panchal, Satish Kushaba 7 Rus, Ioan A. 7 Spadini, Marco 7 Spikes, Paul W. 7 Yan, Zuomao 7 Zhang, Shunian 6 Abbas, Said 6 Akhmet, Marat Ubaydulla 6 Diblík, Josef 6 Gil’, Michael Iosif 6 Grimmer, Ronald 6 Guerfi, Abderrahim 6 Henríquez, Hernán R. 6 Mahmoud, Ayman Mohammed 6 Ogundiran, Michael Oluniyi 6 Oudjedi, Lynda Damerdji 6 Petruşel, Adrian 6 Steur, Erik 6 Vu Thi Ngoc Ha 6 Wang, Tingxiu 6 Włodarczyk, Kazimierz 6 Xiang, Tian 6 Zanolin, Fabio 5 Almalahi, Mohammed A. 5 Appleby, John A. D. 5 Benhadri, Mimia 5 Biçer, Emel 5 Bohner, Martin J. 5 Boulares, Hamid 5 Chen, Guiling 5 Cuevas, Claudio ...and 1,739 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 326 Serials 145 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 95 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 59 Applied Mathematics and Computation 49 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 38 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 37 Journal of Differential Equations 34 Advances in Difference Equations 31 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 29 Applied Mathematics Letters 28 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 27 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 25 Abstract and Applied Analysis 24 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 23 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 23 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 21 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 18 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 17 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 16 Applicable Analysis 16 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 15 Journal of the Franklin Institute 15 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 15 Proyecciones 14 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 14 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 14 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 14 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 13 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 13 Boundary Value Problems 12 Afrika Matematika 11 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 11 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 10 Mathematische Nachrichten 10 Physica D 10 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 10 AIMS Mathematics 9 International Journal of Control 9 Physics Letters. A 9 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 9 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 9 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 9 Fixed Point Theory 8 Mathematica Slovaca 8 Journal of the Nigerian Mathematical Society 8 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 8 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 8 Nonlinear Dynamics 8 Differential Equations 8 Cubo 8 International Journal of Differential Equations 8 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 7 Automatica 7 Monatshefte für Mathematik 7 Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Series A 7 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 7 Results in Mathematics 7 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 7 Acta Mathematica Sinica. New Series 7 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 7 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 7 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 7 Journal of Function Spaces 6 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 6 International Journal of Systems Science 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 6 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 6 Acta Universitatis Palackianae Olomucensis. Facultas Rerum Naturalium. Mathematica 6 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 6 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 6 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 6 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 6 Computational and Applied Mathematics 6 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 6 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 6 Differentsial’nye Uravneniya i Protsessy Upravleniya 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics 6 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 6 Differential Equations and Applications 6 Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems 5 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 5 Applied Numerical Mathematics 5 Applied Mathematical Modelling 5 Automation and Remote Control 5 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 5 Fractals 5 NoDEA. Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 5 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 5 Chaos 5 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 5 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 5 Advances in Mathematical Physics 5 Asian Journal of Control 4 Journal of Mathematical Physics 4 Mathematical Biosciences 4 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 4 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 4 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 4 Neural Networks 4 Russian Mathematics ...and 226 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 39 Fields 1,082 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 435 Operator theory (47-XX) 433 Integral equations (45-XX) 151 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 143 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 138 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 105 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 103 Real functions (26-XX) 92 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 81 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 71 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 31 General topology (54-XX) 17 Computer science (68-XX) 14 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 14 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 13 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 12 Functional analysis (46-XX) 11 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 10 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 9 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 8 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 7 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 6 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 5 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 5 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 4 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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