Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Buzyakova, Raushan Z. Co-Author Distance Author ID: buzyakova.raushan-z Published as: Buzyakova, Raushan Z.; Buzyakova, R. Z.; Buzyakova, Raushan; Buzjakova, Raushan Z.; Buzyakova, R. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata Documents Indexed: 62 Publications since 1993, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 8 Co-Authors with 19 Joint Publications 206 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 43 single-authored 8 Arkhangel’skiĭ, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 3 Burke, Dennis K. 3 Chigogidze, Alex Ch. 3 Okunev, Oleg G. 1 Tkachuk, Vladimir Vladimirovich 1 Vural, Çetin 1 West, James E. 1 Wilson, Richard Gordon all top 5 Serials 17 Topology and its Applications 12 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 6 Applied General Topology 5 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 4 Fundamenta Mathematicae 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Houston Journal of Mathematics 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Questions and Answers in General Topology 2 Topology Proceedings 2 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya I. Matematika, Mekhanika all top 5 Fields 61 General topology (54-XX) 8 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 5 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 44 Publications have been cited 268 times in 174 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Addition theorems and \(D\)-spaces. Zbl 1090.54017 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Buzyakova, R. Z. 44 2002 The rank of the diagonal and submetrizability. Zbl 1150.54335 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Buzyakova, R. Z. 29 2006 A quest for nice kernels of neighbourhood assignments. Zbl 1199.54141 Buzyakova, R. Z.; Tkachuk, V. V.; Wilson, R. G. 24 2007 On linearly Lindelöf and strongly discretely Lindelöf spaces. Zbl 0930.54003 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Buzyakova, R. Z. 23 1999 Cardinalities of ccc-spaces with regular \(G_{\delta}\)-diagonals. Zbl 1094.54001 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 19 2006 Hereditary D-property of function spaces over compacta. Zbl 1064.54029 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 18 2004 On \(D\)-property of strong \(\Sigma \) spaces. Zbl 1090.54018 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 18 2002 On some properties of linearly Lindelöf spaces. Zbl 0964.54018 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Buzyakova, R. Z. 8 1998 In search for Lindelöf \(C_p\)’s. Zbl 1098.54010 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 8 2004 On cleavability of continua over LOTS. Zbl 1053.54038 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 7 2004 Convergence in compacta and linear Lindelöfness. Zbl 0937.54022 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Buzyakova, R. Z. 5 1998 Injections into function spaces over ordinals. Zbl 1211.54031 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 5 2010 Function spaces over GO-spaces. I. Zbl 1110.54016 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 5 2007 Cardinalities of some Lindelöf and \(\omega_1\)-Lindelöf \(T_1/T_2\)-spaces. Zbl 1059.54005 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 4 2004 Separation of a diagonal. Zbl 1187.54020 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 4 2010 Observations on spaces with zeroset or regular \(G_\delta \)-diagonals. Zbl 1121.54051 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 4 2005 On clopen sets in Cartesian products. Zbl 1053.54016 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 3 2001 Stationary sets in topological and paratopological groups. Zbl 1300.54052 Buzyakova, Raushan Z.; Vural, Cetin 3 2014 Fixed-point free maps of Euclidean spaces. Zbl 1239.54020 Buzyakova, R. Z.; Chigogidze, A. 3 2011 More on separation of a diagonal. Zbl 1203.54016 Burke, Dennis K.; Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 3 2010 More on injections into function spaces over ordinals. Zbl 1247.54023 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 2 2012 On multivalued fixed-point free maps on \(\mathbb R^n\). Zbl 1278.54023 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 2 2012 On an algebraic version of Tamano’s theorem. Zbl 1185.54033 Buzyakova, R. Z. 2 2009 Three questions on special homeomorphisms on subgroups of \(\mathbb R\) and \({\mathbb R}^{\infty}\). Zbl 1400.54043 Buzyakova, Raushan; West, James 2 2018 A note on separating function sets. Zbl 1397.54031 Buzyakova, R.; Okunev, O. 2 2018 Spaces of continuous step functions over LOTS. Zbl 1111.54017 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 2 2006 Fixed-point free maps on the reals and more. Zbl 1156.54022 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 2 2008 On splittable spaces. Zbl 0884.54018 Buzyakova, R. Z. 1 1993 Sets and points of countable weak character in compacta. Zbl 1420.54041 Arhangel’skii, Alexander V.; Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2007 Ordering a square. Zbl 1319.54006 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2015 On hereditarily normal topological groups. Zbl 1270.54037 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2012 On the product of two normal spaces. Zbl 0884.54012 Buzyakova, R. Z. 1 1994 Non-submetrizable spaces of countable extent with \(G_{\delta}\)-diagonal. Zbl 1079.54020 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2005 An example of two normal groups that cannot be condensed onto a normal space. Zbl 0910.54031 Buzyakova, R. Z. 1 1997 On condensation of Cartesian products onto normal spaces. Zbl 0908.54008 Buzyakova, R. Z. 1 1996 Cleavability of compact sets over linearly ordered spaces and over the class of all linearly ordered spaces. Zbl 0908.54022 Buzyakova, R. Z. 1 1996 Injections into function spaces over compacta. Zbl 1286.54014 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2014 On monotonic bijections on subgroups of \(\mathbb R\). Zbl 1420.54053 Buzyakova, Raushan 1 2016 A criterion that a pseudocompact space condenses onto a compact space. Zbl 0997.54032 Buzjakova, Raushan Z. 1 1997 An algebraic version of Tamano’s theorem for countably compact spaces. Zbl 1198.54054 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2010 Spaces of continuous characteristic functions. Zbl 1150.54017 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2006 Editorial: Special issue celebrating the 65th birthday of Alexander Arhangelskii. Zbl 1208.00041 Burke, Dennis; Buzyakova, Raushan; Okunev, Oleg 1 2006 How sensitive is \(C_p(X,Y)\) to changes in \(X\) and/or \(Y\)? Zbl 1212.54051 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2008 Function spaces over products with ordinals. Zbl 1489.54016 Buzyakova, Raushan 1 2021 Function spaces over products with ordinals. Zbl 1489.54016 Buzyakova, Raushan 1 2021 Three questions on special homeomorphisms on subgroups of \(\mathbb R\) and \({\mathbb R}^{\infty}\). Zbl 1400.54043 Buzyakova, Raushan; West, James 2 2018 A note on separating function sets. Zbl 1397.54031 Buzyakova, R.; Okunev, O. 2 2018 On monotonic bijections on subgroups of \(\mathbb R\). Zbl 1420.54053 Buzyakova, Raushan 1 2016 Ordering a square. Zbl 1319.54006 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2015 Stationary sets in topological and paratopological groups. Zbl 1300.54052 Buzyakova, Raushan Z.; Vural, Cetin 3 2014 Injections into function spaces over compacta. Zbl 1286.54014 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2014 More on injections into function spaces over ordinals. Zbl 1247.54023 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 2 2012 On multivalued fixed-point free maps on \(\mathbb R^n\). Zbl 1278.54023 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 2 2012 On hereditarily normal topological groups. Zbl 1270.54037 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2012 Fixed-point free maps of Euclidean spaces. Zbl 1239.54020 Buzyakova, R. Z.; Chigogidze, A. 3 2011 Injections into function spaces over ordinals. Zbl 1211.54031 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 5 2010 Separation of a diagonal. Zbl 1187.54020 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 4 2010 More on separation of a diagonal. Zbl 1203.54016 Burke, Dennis K.; Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 3 2010 An algebraic version of Tamano’s theorem for countably compact spaces. Zbl 1198.54054 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2010 On an algebraic version of Tamano’s theorem. Zbl 1185.54033 Buzyakova, R. Z. 2 2009 Fixed-point free maps on the reals and more. Zbl 1156.54022 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 2 2008 How sensitive is \(C_p(X,Y)\) to changes in \(X\) and/or \(Y\)? Zbl 1212.54051 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2008 A quest for nice kernels of neighbourhood assignments. Zbl 1199.54141 Buzyakova, R. Z.; Tkachuk, V. V.; Wilson, R. G. 24 2007 Function spaces over GO-spaces. I. Zbl 1110.54016 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 5 2007 Sets and points of countable weak character in compacta. Zbl 1420.54041 Arhangel’skii, Alexander V.; Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2007 The rank of the diagonal and submetrizability. Zbl 1150.54335 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Buzyakova, R. Z. 29 2006 Cardinalities of ccc-spaces with regular \(G_{\delta}\)-diagonals. Zbl 1094.54001 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 19 2006 Spaces of continuous step functions over LOTS. Zbl 1111.54017 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 2 2006 Spaces of continuous characteristic functions. Zbl 1150.54017 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2006 Editorial: Special issue celebrating the 65th birthday of Alexander Arhangelskii. Zbl 1208.00041 Burke, Dennis; Buzyakova, Raushan; Okunev, Oleg 1 2006 Observations on spaces with zeroset or regular \(G_\delta \)-diagonals. Zbl 1121.54051 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 4 2005 Non-submetrizable spaces of countable extent with \(G_{\delta}\)-diagonal. Zbl 1079.54020 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 1 2005 Hereditary D-property of function spaces over compacta. Zbl 1064.54029 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 18 2004 In search for Lindelöf \(C_p\)’s. Zbl 1098.54010 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 8 2004 On cleavability of continua over LOTS. Zbl 1053.54038 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 7 2004 Cardinalities of some Lindelöf and \(\omega_1\)-Lindelöf \(T_1/T_2\)-spaces. Zbl 1059.54005 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 4 2004 Addition theorems and \(D\)-spaces. Zbl 1090.54017 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Buzyakova, R. Z. 44 2002 On \(D\)-property of strong \(\Sigma \) spaces. Zbl 1090.54018 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 18 2002 On clopen sets in Cartesian products. Zbl 1053.54016 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 3 2001 On linearly Lindelöf and strongly discretely Lindelöf spaces. Zbl 0930.54003 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Buzyakova, R. Z. 23 1999 On some properties of linearly Lindelöf spaces. Zbl 0964.54018 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Buzyakova, R. Z. 8 1998 Convergence in compacta and linear Lindelöfness. Zbl 0937.54022 Arhangel’skii, A. V.; Buzyakova, R. Z. 5 1998 An example of two normal groups that cannot be condensed onto a normal space. Zbl 0910.54031 Buzyakova, R. Z. 1 1997 A criterion that a pseudocompact space condenses onto a compact space. Zbl 0997.54032 Buzjakova, Raushan Z. 1 1997 On condensation of Cartesian products onto normal spaces. Zbl 0908.54008 Buzyakova, R. Z. 1 1996 Cleavability of compact sets over linearly ordered spaces and over the class of all linearly ordered spaces. Zbl 0908.54022 Buzyakova, R. Z. 1 1996 On the product of two normal spaces. Zbl 0884.54012 Buzyakova, R. Z. 1 1994 On splittable spaces. Zbl 0884.54018 Buzyakova, R. Z. 1 1993 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 133 Authors 26 Peng, Liangxue 22 Xuan, Weifeng 15 Buzyakova, Raushan Z. 14 Song, Yankui 10 Tkachuk, Vladimir Vladimirovich 7 Bella, Angelo 6 Shi, Wei-Xue 6 Wilson, Richard Gordon 5 Alas, Ofelia Teresa 5 Arkhangel’skiĭ, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 5 Guo, Hongfeng 4 Bennett, Harold R. 4 Burke, Dennis K. 4 Feng, Ziqin 4 Gotchev, Ivan S. 4 Lin, Shou 4 Lutzer, David J. 4 Mou, Lei 4 Spadaro, Santi 4 van Mill, Jan 3 Aurichi, Leandro Fiorini 3 Carlson, Nathan A. 3 Hirata, Yasushi 3 Levine, Shari Lynn 3 Porter, John E. 3 Rojas-Hernández, Reynaldo 3 Sánchez, Iván 3 Tamariz-Mascarúa, Angel 3 Zhang, Xin 2 Bernal-Santos, Daniel 2 Comfort, William Wistar 2 Davis, Sheldon W. 2 Dow, Alan S. 2 Gao, Yang 2 Gruenhage, Gary Fred 2 Juhász, István 2 Junnila, Heikki J. K. 2 Junqueira, Lúcia R. 2 Lin, Fucai 2 Lipparini, Paolo 2 Martínez, Juan Carlos 2 Soukup, Lajos 2 Tall, Franklin D. 2 Tang, Zhongbao 2 Wang, Huan 2 Xu, Yuming 2 Yajima, Yukinobu 1 Almeida, Jorge 1 AlZahrani, Samirah A. 1 Assaf, Samer 1 Basile, Fortunata Aurora 1 Bonanzinga, Maddalena 1 Brian, William Rea 1 Buklla, Abdulla 1 Cai, Zhangyong Cai 1 Cao, Jiling 1 Chen, Jiewen 1 Clontz, Steven 1 Cruz-Castillo, Ricardo 1 Dauvergne, Duncan 1 De Jager, Eliza P. 1 Delgadillo-Piñón, G. 1 Di Caprio, Debora 1 Dias, Rodrigo R. 1 Dong, Hai-Hong 1 Eisworth, Todd 1 Fedeli, Alessandro 1 Ferrando, Juan Carlos 1 García-Ferreira, Salvador 1 Gartside, Paul M. 1 Georgiou, Dimitrios N. 1 Guo, Zhifang 1 Gutiérrez-Domínguez, L. Enrique 1 Hager, Anthony W. 1 Hernández-Hernández, Fernando 1 Hodel, Richard E. 1 Hrušák, Michael 1 Hu, Xingyu 1 Iwasa, Akira 1 Kato, Hisao 1 Klíma, Ondřej 1 Kojman, Menachem 1 Künzi, Hans-Peter A. 1 Lara, Dione Andrade 1 Li, Hui 1 Li, Piyu 1 Ling, Xuewei 1 Liu, Chuan 1 Liu, Xin 1 López-Alfonso, Salvador 1 Lubitch, Victoria 1 Lukács, Gábor 1 Ma, Chunjie 1 Maesano, Fortunato 1 Manes, Ernie G. 1 Markoski, Gjorgji 1 Megaritis, Athanasios C. 1 Mercado, Henry Jose Gullo 1 Milovich, David 1 Munoz Guillermo, Maria ...and 33 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 28 Serials 116 Topology and its Applications 7 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 6 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 5 Applied General Topology 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Topology Proceedings 3 Filomat 2 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Quaestiones Mathematicae 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2 Mathematica Bohemica 2 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 1 Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matemàtiche e Naturali 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 JP Journal of Geometry and Topology 1 Journal of Function Spaces and Applications 1 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Revista Integración 1 Topological Algebra and its Applications all top 5 Cited in 14 Fields 172 General topology (54-XX) 15 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 12 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. Updates and corrections should be made in Wikidata.