Author ID: cantoni.eva Recent zbMATH articles by "Cantoni, Eva"
Published as: Cantoni, Eva; Cantoni, E.
Documents Indexed: 23 Publications since 2001, including 3 Books
Software Indexed: 2 Packages
Co-Authors: 28 Co-Authors with 21 Joint Publications
531 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

18 Publications have been cited 311 times in 258 Documents Cited by Year
Robust inference for generalized linear models. Zbl 1072.62610
Cantoni, Eva; Ronchetti, Elvezio
Robust methods in biostatistics. Zbl 1163.62085
Heritier, Stephane; Cantoni, Eva; Copt, Samuel; Victoria-Feser, Maria-Pia
Variable selection for marginal longitudinal generalized linear models. Zbl 1077.62056
Cantoni, Eva; Mills Flemming, Joanna; Ronchetti, Elvezio
A robust approach to longitudinal data analysis. Zbl 1056.62025
Cantoni, Eva
Degrees-of-freedom tests for smoothing splines. Zbl 1019.62038
Cantoni, Eva; Hastie, Trevor
Robust inference in the negative binomial regression model with an application to falls data. Zbl 1393.62011
Aeberhard, William H.; Cantoni, Eva; Heritier, Stephane
Generalized linear latent variable models with flexible distribution of latent variables. Zbl 1253.62051
Irincheeva, Irina; Cantoni, Eva; Genton, Marc G.
Robust fitting for generalized additive models for location, scale and shape. Zbl 1461.62008
Aeberhard, William H.; Cantoni, Eva; Marra, Giampiero; Radice, Rosalba
Bootstrap estimation of uncertainty in prediction for generalized linear mixed models. Zbl 1469.62062
Flores-Agreda, Daniel; Cantoni, Eva
Saddlepoint tests for accurate and robust inference on overdispersed count data. Zbl 1466.62013
Aeberhard, William H.; Cantoni, Eva; Heritier, Stephane
Robust state space models for estimating fish stock maturities. Zbl 1310.62039
Xu, Ximing; Cantoni, Eva; Flemming, Joanna Mills; Field, Chris
A random-effects hurdle model for predicting bycatch of endangered marine species. Zbl 1383.62263
Cantoni, E.; Flemming, J. Mills; Welsh, A. H.
A non-Gaussian spatial generalized linear latent variable model. Zbl 1302.62264
Irincheeva, Irina; Cantoni, Eva; Genton, Marc G.
Non-parametric adjustment for covariates when estimating a treatment effect. Zbl 1099.62039
Cantoni, Eva; De Luna, Xavier
A robust version of the hurdle model. Zbl 1206.62043
Cantoni, Eva; Zedini, Asma
Mastering randomness. Solved exercises in probability and statistics. 2nd ed. (Maîtriser l’aléatoire. Exercises résolus de probabilités et statistiques.) Zbl 1183.62002
Cantoni, Eva; Huber, Philippe; Ronchetti, Elvezio
Robust estimation for discrete-time state space models. Zbl 07607017
Aeberhard, William H.; Cantoni, Eva; Field, Chris; Künsch, Hans R.; Flemming, Joanna Mills; Xu, Ximing
Spatiotemporal modeling of mature-at-length data using a sliding window approach. Zbl 1545.62984
Yan, Yuan; Cantoni, Eva; Field, Chris; Treble, Margaret; Mills Flemming, Joanna
Spatiotemporal modeling of mature-at-length data using a sliding window approach. Zbl 1545.62984
Yan, Yuan; Cantoni, Eva; Field, Chris; Treble, Margaret; Mills Flemming, Joanna
Robust fitting for generalized additive models for location, scale and shape. Zbl 1461.62008
Aeberhard, William H.; Cantoni, Eva; Marra, Giampiero; Radice, Rosalba
Robust estimation for discrete-time state space models. Zbl 07607017
Aeberhard, William H.; Cantoni, Eva; Field, Chris; Künsch, Hans R.; Flemming, Joanna Mills; Xu, Ximing
Bootstrap estimation of uncertainty in prediction for generalized linear mixed models. Zbl 1469.62062
Flores-Agreda, Daniel; Cantoni, Eva
Saddlepoint tests for accurate and robust inference on overdispersed count data. Zbl 1466.62013
Aeberhard, William H.; Cantoni, Eva; Heritier, Stephane
A random-effects hurdle model for predicting bycatch of endangered marine species. Zbl 1383.62263
Cantoni, E.; Flemming, J. Mills; Welsh, A. H.
Robust state space models for estimating fish stock maturities. Zbl 1310.62039
Xu, Ximing; Cantoni, Eva; Flemming, Joanna Mills; Field, Chris
Robust inference in the negative binomial regression model with an application to falls data. Zbl 1393.62011
Aeberhard, William H.; Cantoni, Eva; Heritier, Stephane
Generalized linear latent variable models with flexible distribution of latent variables. Zbl 1253.62051
Irincheeva, Irina; Cantoni, Eva; Genton, Marc G.
A non-Gaussian spatial generalized linear latent variable model. Zbl 1302.62264
Irincheeva, Irina; Cantoni, Eva; Genton, Marc G.
A robust version of the hurdle model. Zbl 1206.62043
Cantoni, Eva; Zedini, Asma
Robust methods in biostatistics. Zbl 1163.62085
Heritier, Stephane; Cantoni, Eva; Copt, Samuel; Victoria-Feser, Maria-Pia
Mastering randomness. Solved exercises in probability and statistics. 2nd ed. (Maîtriser l’aléatoire. Exercises résolus de probabilités et statistiques.) Zbl 1183.62002
Cantoni, Eva; Huber, Philippe; Ronchetti, Elvezio
Non-parametric adjustment for covariates when estimating a treatment effect. Zbl 1099.62039
Cantoni, Eva; De Luna, Xavier
Variable selection for marginal longitudinal generalized linear models. Zbl 1077.62056
Cantoni, Eva; Mills Flemming, Joanna; Ronchetti, Elvezio
A robust approach to longitudinal data analysis. Zbl 1056.62025
Cantoni, Eva
Degrees-of-freedom tests for smoothing splines. Zbl 1019.62038
Cantoni, Eva; Hastie, Trevor
Robust inference for generalized linear models. Zbl 1072.62610
Cantoni, Eva; Ronchetti, Elvezio
all top 5

Cited by 417 Authors

11 Cantoni, Eva
11 Zhu, Zhongyi
10 Boente, Graciela
9 Qin, Guoyou
7 Bianco, Ana M.
7 Ronchetti, Elvezio M.
7 Van Aelst, Stefan
7 Verdonck, Tim
6 Ghosh, Abhik
6 Salvati, Nicola
6 Sinha, Sanjoy Kumar
6 Yohai, Víctor Jaime
5 Heritier, Stephane R.
5 Pardo, Leandro
4 Aeberhard, William H.
4 Basu, Ayanendranath
4 Croux, Christophe
4 Farcomeni, Alessio
4 Fung, Wing-Kam
4 Zhu, Fukang
3 Atkinson, Anthony C.
3 Bari, Wasimul
3 Chen, Yihau
3 Elsaied, Hanan
3 Field, Chris M.
3 Fried, Roland
3 Gijbels, Irène
3 Greco, Luca
3 Hill, Jonathan B.
3 Ma, Wei
3 Martín, Nirian
3 Mills Flemming, Joanna
3 Riani, Marco
3 Rodriguez, Daniela
3 Shen, Chung-Wei
3 Sutradhar, Brajendra Chandra
3 Valdora, Marina
3 Ventura, Laura
3 Victoria-Feser, Maria-Pia
3 Wang, Lei
3 Wu, Lang
3 Xiong, Lanyu
3 Zhou, Jianhui
3 Zhu, Lixing
2 Agostinelli, Claudio
2 Arashi, Mohammad
2 Avella-Medina, Marco
2 Bai, Yang
2 Bravo, Francesco
2 Cadigan, Noel G.
2 Chebi, Gonzalo
2 Claeskens, Gerda
2 Dupuis, Debbie J.
2 Fan, Yali
2 Fokianos, Konstantinos
2 Frumento, Paolo
2 Genton, Marc G.
2 Greven, Sonja
2 Haesbroeck, Gentiane
2 Hall, Daniel B.
2 Hubert, Mia
2 Huggins, Richard M.
2 Imori, Shinpei
2 Kalogridis, Ioannis
2 Kitromilidou, Stella
2 Mahjub, Hossein
2 Mandal, Abhijit
2 Marazzi, Alfio
2 Marra, Giampiero
2 Moghimbeigi, Abbas
2 Müller, Samuel
2 Nummi, Tapio
2 Qu, Annie
2 Ranalli, Maria Giovanna
2 Rodrigues, Isabel M.
2 Ruli, Erlis
2 Segaert, Pieter
2 Shen, Jing
2 Staudte, Robert G. jun.
2 Stoklosa, Jakub
2 Wang, Lan
2 Wang, Yougan
2 Wilcox, Rand R.
2 Xu, Ximing
2 Yu, Tingting
2 Zandkarimi, Eghbal
2 Zheng, Nan
1 Adimari, Gianfranco
1 Akanni, Olukunmi O.
1 Alfò, Marco
1 Alqallaf, Fatemah A.
1 Altinisik, Yasin
1 Amato, Umberto
1 Ambroise, Christophe
1 Amiguet, Michael
1 Antoniadis, Anestis
1 Arachchige, Chandima N. P. G.
1 Auda, Marie
1 Avalos, Marta
1 Aykroyd, Robert G.
...and 317 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 73 Serials

34 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis
14 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference
13 The Canadian Journal of Statistics
13 Biometrics
13 Journal of Applied Statistics
11 Test
10 Journal of Multivariate Analysis
6 Biometrical Journal
6 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods
6 Statistical Methods and Applications
6 Statistics in Medicine
5 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics
5 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics
5 Statistics
5 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation
5 Statistics and Computing
4 Journal of the American Statistical Association
4 Metron
4 Statistics & Probability Letters
4 Statistical Science
4 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation
4 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics
3 International Statistical Review
3 Computational Statistics
3 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology
2 Metrika
2 The Annals of Statistics
2 Insurance Mathematics & Economics
2 Statistical Papers
2 Bernoulli
2 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics
2 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC
2 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice
2 Electronic Journal of Statistics
2 The Annals of Applied Statistics
2 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics
2 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics
2 Environmetrics
1 Mathematical Biosciences
1 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology
1 Hiroshima Mathematical Journal
1 Journal of Econometrics
1 Journal of Time Series Analysis
1 Sequential Analysis
1 Machine Learning
1 Economics Letters
1 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
1 Statistica Sinica
1 Lifetime Data Analysis
1 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes
1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
1 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics
1 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems
1 Scandinavian Actuarial Journal
1 Advances and Applications in Statistics
1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
1 Statistical Modelling
1 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR)
1 Stochastics and Dynamics
1 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology
1 North American Actuarial Journal
1 Statistical Methodology
1 The International Journal of Biostatistics
1 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis
1 Statistics Surveys
1 Science China. Mathematics
1 Journal of Probability and Statistics
1 Sankhyā. Series B
1 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics
1 Random Matrices: Theory and Applications
1 Communications in Mathematics and Statistics
1 Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications
1 Stat

Citations by Year