Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Cao, Jinde Co-Author Distance Author ID: cao.jinde Published as: Cao, Jinde; Cao, J.; Cao, Jin-De; Cao, Jin De more...less Homepage: http://math.seu.edu.cn/jdc_en/list.htm External Links: ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp · GND Documents Indexed: 1,095 Publications since 1993, including 2 Books and 9 Additional arXiv Preprints 11 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 53 Reviews Co-Authors: 889 Co-Authors with 1,089 Joint Publications 25,700 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 17 single-authored 72 Al-saedi, Ahmed Eid Salem 49 Lu, Jianquan 42 Xiao, Min 40 Huang, Chengdai 35 Alsaadi, Fuad Eid Salem 35 Cheng, Jun 34 Raja, Ramachandran 33 Huang, Chuangxia 32 Yu, Wenwu 30 Qiu, Jianlong 29 Zhang, Hai 28 Ho, Daniel W. C. 27 Li, Xiaodi 25 Liang, Jinling 25 Liu, Yang 23 Rajchakit, Grienggrai 23 Wu, Huaiqin 22 Rakkiyappan, Rajan 22 Song, Qiang 22 Yang, Xinsong 21 Bao, Haibo 20 Park, Juhyun (Jessie) 20 Zhang, Weiwei 19 Xiong, Lianglin 18 Wen, Guanghui 17 Liu, Heng 17 Liu, Jia-bao 17 Liu, Xiaoyang 17 Nie, Xiaobing 17 Song, Qiankun 16 Chen, Xiangyong 15 Alsaadi, Fawaz E. 15 Chen, Anping 15 Hayat, Tasawar 15 Liu, Fang 15 Rutkowski, Leszek 15 Wang, Yi 14 Xia, Yonghui 13 Hu, Manfeng 13 Huang, Lihong 13 Huang, Wei 13 Li, Ruoxia 13 Wang, Zhengxin 12 Hu, Aihua 12 Pan, Lijun 12 Shi, Xinli 12 Yang, Yongqing 12 Zheng, Wei Xing 11 Alzabut, Jehad O. 11 Hu, Jianqiang 11 Pratap, Anbalagan 11 Qi, Wenhai 11 Samidurai, Rajendran 11 Tu, Zhengwen 11 Ye, Renyu 11 Zhu, Shiyong 10 Abdel-Aty, Mahmoud 10 Cheng, Zunshui 10 He, Wangli 10 Huang, Xia 10 Jiang, Haijun 10 Luo, Yiping 10 Manivannan, Raman 10 Ramachandran, Raja 10 Wu, Tao.1 9 Ahmad, Bashir 9 Elaiw, Ahmed M. 9 Stamova, Ivanka Milkova 9 Yuan, Kun 9 Zhou, Dongming 8 Chen, Dingyuan 8 Huang, He 8 Liu, Lei 8 Niezabitowski, Michał 8 Sowmiya, Chandran 8 Wan, Ying 8 Wang, Yangling 8 Wang, Zengyun 8 Wei, Ruoyu 8 Xiong, Wenjun 8 Xu, Wenying 8 Yin, Wensheng 8 Zhou, Xia 7 Al-Mazrooei, Abdullah Eqal 7 Alofi, Abdulaziz Saleem Moslem 7 Bagdasar, Ovidiu Dumitru 7 Feng, Lichao 7 Guo, Jianhua 7 Jiang, Guoping 7 Kashkynbayev, Ardak 7 Kurths, Jürgen 7 Li, Hongli 7 Li, Ning 7 Li, Qiong 7 Shen, Hao 7 Velmurugan, Guhan 7 Wang, Jun 7 Wei, Yun 7 Xue, Changfeng 7 Zhang, Hongmei ...and 789 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 94 Neural Networks 82 Journal of the Franklin Institute 76 Applied Mathematics and Computation 38 Nonlinear Dynamics 34 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 33 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 32 Physics Letters. A 32 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 31 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 30 Information Sciences 27 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 27 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 25 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 25 Advances in Difference Equations 24 Chaos 24 Asian Journal of Control 23 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 22 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 21 Physica A 18 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 17 Abstract and Applied Analysis 17 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 14 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 13 AIMS Mathematics 12 IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information 12 Applied Mathematical Modelling 11 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 9 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 Systems & Control Letters 9 Journal of Biomathematics 9 Complexity 9 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 8 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 8 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 7 Automatica 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 7 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 7 IET Control Theory & Applications 6 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics 6 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 5 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 5 International Journal of Control 5 Nonlinearity 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 5 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 5 Physica D 5 Applied Mathematics Letters 5 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems. I: Fundamental Theory and Applications 5 Fractals 5 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 4 International Journal of Systems Science 4 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 4 Annals of Differential Equations 4 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition 3 Journal of Engineering Mathematics (Xi’an) 3 Neural Computation 3 Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. Natural Science Edition 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 3 IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 2 Mathematical Biosciences 2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 2 Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2 Physica Scripta 2 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 2 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2 International Journal of Biomathematics 2 Differential Equations and Applications 2 Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2 Journal of Complex Networks 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1 IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica 1 Kybernetika 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Journal of Mathematics. Wuhan University 1 Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences 1 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 1 Science in China. Series E 1 Neural Processing Letters 1 European Journal of Control 1 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 1 Journal of Nanjing Normal University. Natural Science Edition 1 Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series ...and 15 more Serials all top 5 Fields 622 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 457 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 361 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 136 Computer science (68-XX) 95 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 54 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 50 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 49 Combinatorics (05-XX) 47 Real functions (26-XX) 42 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 37 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 26 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 20 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 20 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 16 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 14 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 12 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 11 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 11 Statistics (62-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 6 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Mathematics education (97-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 929 Publications have been cited 21,102 times in 9,220 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A unified synchronization criterion for impulsive dynamical networks. Zbl 1194.93090 Lu, Jianquan; Ho, Daniel W. C.; Cao, Jinde 361 2010 Global asymptotic and robust stability of recurrent neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1374.93285 Cao, Jinde; Wang, Jun 171 2005 Adaptive synchronization of neural networks with or without time-varying delay. Zbl 1144.37331 Cao, Jinde; Lu, Jianquan 165 2006 Global asymptotic stability of a general class of recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays. Zbl 1368.34084 Cao, Jinde; Wang, Jun 163 2003 Boundedness and stability for Cohen–Grossberg neural network with time-varying delays. Zbl 1044.92001 Cao, Jinde; Liang, Jinling 161 2004 An impulsive delay inequality involving unbounded time-varying delay and applications. Zbl 1370.34131 Li, Xiaodi; Cao, Jinde 156 2017 Second-order leader-following consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems via pinning control. Zbl 1213.37131 Song, Qiang; Cao, Jinde; Yu, Wenwu 154 2010 On pinning synchronization of directed and undirected complex dynamical networks. Zbl 1468.93138 Song, Qiang; Cao, Jinde 149 2010 New results concerning exponential stability and periodic solutions of delayed cellular neural networks. Zbl 1006.68107 Cao, Jinde 148 2003 Pinning synchronization of delayed dynamical networks via periodically intermittent control. Zbl 1311.93061 Xia, Weiguo; Cao, Jinde 147 2009 Matrix measure strategies for stability and synchronization of inertial BAM neural network with time delays. Zbl 1322.93087 Cao, Jinde; Wan, Ying 139 2014 Synchronization of coupled reaction-diffusion neural networks with time-varying delays via pinning-impulsive controller. Zbl 1281.93052 Yang, Xinsong; Cao, Jinde; Yang, Zhichun 138 2013 Finite-time stability and settling-time estimation of nonlinear impulsive systems. Zbl 1406.93260 Li, Xiaodi; Ho, Daniel W. C.; Cao, Jinde 138 2019 Finite-time stochastic synchronization of complex networks. Zbl 1201.37118 Yang, Xinsong; Cao, Jinde 134 2010 Global stability conditions for delayed CNNs. Zbl 1006.34070 Cao, Jinde 128 2001 Stability in Cohen-Grossberg-type bidirectional associative memory neural networks with time-varying delays. Zbl 1118.37038 Cao, Jinde; Song, Qiankun 124 2006 Second-order consensus in multi-agent dynamical systems with sampled position data. Zbl 1220.93005 Yu, Wenwu; Zheng, Wei Xing; Chen, Guanrong; Ren, Wei; Cao, Jinde 123 2011 Adaptive synchronization of fractional-order memristor-based neural networks with time delay. Zbl 1348.93159 Bao, Haibo; Park, Ju H.; Cao, Jinde 120 2015 Projective synchronization of fractional-order memristor-based neural networks. Zbl 1323.93036 Bao, Hai-Bo; Cao, Jin-De 119 2015 Global synchronization of linearly hybrid coupled networks with time-varying delay. Zbl 1161.94011 Yu, Wenwu; Cao, Jinde; Lü, Jinhu 118 2008 Global robust stability of delayed recurrent neural networks. Zbl 1075.68070 Cao, Jinde; Huang, De-Shuang; Qu, Yuzhong 116 2005 Stochastic synchronization of coupled neural networks with intermittent control. Zbl 1233.34020 Yang, Xinsong; Cao, Jinde 113 2009 Extended dissipative control for singularly perturbed PDT switched systems and its application. Zbl 1468.93116 Wang, Jing; Huang, Zhengguo; Wu, Zhengguang; Cao, Jinde; Shen, Hao 112 2020 Exponential input-to-state stability of stochastic Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with mixed delays. Zbl 1345.92019 Zhu, Quanxin; Cao, Jinde; Rakkiyappan, R. 111 2015 Global exponential stability and periodicity of recurrent neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1374.34279 Cao, Jinde; Wang, Jun 109 2005 Synchronization of fractional-order complex-valued neural networks with time delay. Zbl 1417.34190 Bao, Haibo; Park, Ju H.; Cao, Jinde 105 2016 Lyapunov stability for impulsive systems via event-triggered impulsive control. Zbl 1536.93638 Li, Xiaodi; Peng, Dongxue; Cao, Jinde 102 2020 Stability and Hopf bifurcation of a delayed prey-predator model with disease in the predator. Zbl 1425.34093 Huang, Chuangxia; Zhang, Hua; Cao, Jinde; Hu, Haijun 98 2019 Cluster synchronization in an array of hybrid coupled neural networks with delay. Zbl 1338.93284 Cao, Jinde; Li, Lulu 97 2009 Finite-time synchronization of fractional-order memristor-based neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1398.34110 Velmurugan, G.; Rakkiyappan, R.; Cao, Jinde 95 2016 Absolute exponential stability of recurrent neural networks with Lipschitz-continuous activation functions and time delays. Zbl 1074.68049 Cao, Jinde; Wang, Jun 95 2004 A set of stability criteria for delayed cellular neural networks. Zbl 0994.82066 Cao, Jinde 95 2001 Pinning-controlled synchronization of delayed neural networks with distributed-delay coupling via impulsive control. Zbl 1429.93351 He, Wangli; Qian, Feng; Cao, Jinde 95 2017 Synchronization criteria of Lur’e systems with time-delay feedback control. Zbl 1086.93050 Cao, Jinde; Li, H. X.; Ho, Daniel W. C. 94 2005 Stochastic synchronization of complex networks with nonidentical nodes via hybrid adaptive and impulsive control. Zbl 1468.93022 Yang, Xinsong; Cao, Jinde; Lu, Jianquan 93 2012 Global asymptotic stability of delayed bi-directional associative memory neural networks. Zbl 1031.34074 Cao, Jinde 92 2003 A general framework for global asymptotic stability analysis of delayed neural networks based on LMI approach. Zbl 1072.92004 Cao, Jinde; Ho, Daniel W. C. 91 2005 Stability of Markovian jump neural networks with impulse control and time varying delays. Zbl 1254.93157 Zhu, Quanxin; Cao, Jinde 88 2012 Finite-time stability analysis of fractional-order complex-valued memristor-based neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1331.34154 Rakkiyappan, R.; Velmurugan, G.; Cao, Jinde 87 2014 Dissipativity and quasi-synchronization for neural networks with discontinuous activations and parameter mismatches. Zbl 1264.93048 Liu, Xiaoyang; Chen, Tianping; Cao, Jinde; Lu, Wenlian 87 2011 Delay-dependent stability of neural networks of neutral type with time delay in the leakage term. Zbl 1196.82102 Li, Xiaodi; Cao, Jinde 85 2010 Global exponential stability of reaction-diffusion recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays. Zbl 1052.82023 Liang, Jinling; Cao, Jinde 84 2003 Pinning impulsive stabilization of nonlinear dynamical networks with time-varying delay. Zbl 1270.92006 Lu, Jianquan; Wang, Zidong; Cao, Jinde; Ho, Daniel W. C.; Kurths, Jürgen 84 2012 Controlling bifurcation in a delayed fractional predator-prey system with incommensurate orders. Zbl 1411.37068 Huang, Chengdai; Cao, Jinde; Xiao, Min; Alsaedi, Ahmed; Alsaadi, Fuad E. 84 2017 Exponential stability of high-order bidirectional associative memory neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1071.93048 Cao, Jinde; Liang, Jinling; Lam, James 82 2004 Existence and stability of almost periodic solution for BAM neural networks with delays. Zbl 1034.34087 Chen, Anping; Huang, Lihong; Cao, Jinde 82 2003 Exponential stability of delayed bi-directional associative memory networks. Zbl 1030.34073 Cao, Jinde; Dong, Meifang 81 2003 Bifurcations in a delayed fractional complex-valued neural network. Zbl 1410.37074 Huang, Chengdai; Cao, Jinde; Xiao, Min; Alsaedi, Ahmed; Hayat, Tasawar 81 2017 Finite-time synchronization of complex networks with nonidentical discontinuous nodes. Zbl 1281.34100 Yang, Xinsong; Wu, Zhiyou; Cao, Jinde 80 2013 Event-triggered impulsive control for nonlinear delay systems. Zbl 1441.93179 Li, Xiaodi; Yang, Xueyan; Cao, Jinde 80 2020 Global exponential stability and periodic solutions of recurrent neural networks with delays. Zbl 0995.92007 He, Huang; Cao, Jinde; Wang, Jun 79 2002 Outer synchronization of partially coupled dynamical networks via pinning impulsive controllers. Zbl 1395.93091 Lu, Jianquan; Ding, Chengdan; Lou, Jungang; Cao, Jinde 78 2015 Globally exponentially robust stability and periodicity of delayed neural networks. Zbl 1061.94552 Cao, Jinde; Chen, Tianping 78 2004 Adaptive complete synchronization of two identical or different chaotic (hyperchaotic) systems with fully unknown parameters. Zbl 1144.37378 Lu, Jianquan; Cao, Jinde 77 2005 On pinning controllability of Boolean control networks. Zbl 1359.93057 Lu, Jianquan; Zhong, Jie; Huang, Chi; Cao, Jinde 77 2016 Stability in delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks: LMI optimization approach. Zbl 1097.34053 Cao, Jinde; Li, Xiaolin 77 2005 Exponential stability of continuous-time and discrete-time bidirectional associative memory networks with delays. Zbl 1062.68102 Liang, Jinling; Cao, Jinde 76 2004 \(p\)th moment exponential synchronization for stochastic delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with Markovian switching. Zbl 1242.93126 Zhu, Quanxin; Cao, Jinde 74 2012 Consensus tracking for higher-order multi-agent systems with switching directed topologies and occasionally missing control inputs. Zbl 1282.93027 Wen, Guanghui; Hu, Guoqiang; Yu, Wenwu; Cao, Jinde; Chen, Guanrong 74 2013 Single impulsive controller for globally exponential synchronization of dynamical networks. Zbl 1254.93133 Lu, Jianquan; Ho, Daniel W. C.; Cao, Jinde; Kurths, Jürgen 73 2013 Stability analysis for continuous-time switched systems with stochastic switching signals. Zbl 1423.93407 Wu, Xiaotai; Tang, Yang; Cao, Jinde; Mao, Xuerong 72 2018 Synchronization of delayed complex dynamical networks with impulsive and stochastic effects. Zbl 1223.37115 Yang, Xinsong; Cao, Jinde; Lu, Jianquan 71 2011 Synchronization of randomly coupled neural networks with Markovian jumping and time-delay. Zbl 1468.93189 Yang, Xinsong; Cao, Jinde; Lu, Jianquan 71 2013 Robust fixed-time synchronization for uncertain complex-valued neural networks with discontinuous activation functions. Zbl 1439.93015 Ding, Xiaoshuai; Cao, Jinde; Alsaedi, Ahmed; Alsaadi, Fuad E.; Hayat, Tasawar 70 2017 Robust fixed-time synchronization of delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks. Zbl 1398.34111 Wan, Ying; Cao, Jinde; Wen, Guanghui; Yu, Wenwu 69 2016 On exponential stability and periodic solutions of CNNs with delays. Zbl 1098.82615 Cao, Jinde 68 2000 Adaptive synchronization of uncertain dynamical networks with delayed coupling. Zbl 1182.92007 Lu, Jianquan; Cao, Jinde 68 2008 Stability and synchronization of memristor-based fractional-order delayed neural networks. Zbl 1398.34096 Chen, Liping; Wu, Ranchao; Cao, Jinde; Liu, Jia-Bao 68 2015 Impact of leakage delay on bifurcation in high-order fractional BAM neural networks. Zbl 1439.93004 Huang, Chengdai; Cao, Jinde 68 2018 Stability and Hopf bifurcation analysis on a four-neuron BAM neural network with time delays. Zbl 1234.34047 Yu, Wenwu; Cao, Jinde 67 2006 Stability analysis of Cohen–Grossberg neural network with both time-varying and continuously distributed delays. Zbl 1108.34060 Song, Qiankun; Cao, Jinde 67 2006 Global exponential stability and existence of periodic solutions in BAM networks with delays and reaction-diffusion terms. Zbl 1068.94534 Song, Qiankun; Cao, Jinde 65 2005 Global \(\mu\)-stability criteria for quaternion-valued neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays. Zbl 1450.34050 Liu, Yang; Zhang, Dandan; Lu, Jianquan; Cao, Jinde 65 2016 On controllability of delayed Boolean control networks. Zbl 1331.93022 Lu, Jianquan; Zhong, Jie; Ho, Daniel W. C.; Tang, Yang; Cao, Jinde 64 2016 Stability analysis of reaction-diffusion uncertain memristive neural networks with time-varying delays and leakage term. Zbl 1410.93088 Li, Ruoxia; Cao, Jinde 64 2016 Quantized \(\mathcal{H}_\infty\) filtering for switched linear parameter-varying systems with sojourn probabilities and unreliable communication channels. Zbl 1448.93323 Cheng, Jun; Park, Ju H.; Cao, Jinde; Zhang, Dian 64 2018 \(p\)th moment exponential stochastic synchronization of coupled memristor-based neural networks with mixed delays via delayed impulsive control. Zbl 1398.34121 Yang, Xinsong; Cao, Jinde; Qiu, Jianlong 63 2015 Global exponential stability results for neutral-type impulsive neural networks. Zbl 1186.34101 Rakkiyappan, R.; Balasubramaniam, P.; Cao, Jinde 61 2010 Multistability and multiperiodicity of delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with a general class of activation functions. Zbl 1161.34044 Cao, Jinde; Feng, Gang; Wang, Yanyan 61 2008 LMI-based criteria for global robust stability of bidirectional associative memory networks with time delay. Zbl 1120.34055 Cao, Jinde; Ho, Daniel W. C.; Huang, Xia 60 2007 Globally exponential stability conditions for cellular neural networks with time-varying delays. Zbl 1034.34093 Zhou, Dongming; Cao, Jinde 60 2002 Global robust stability of interval cellular neural networks with time-varying delays. Zbl 1101.68752 Chen, Anping; Cao, Jinde; Huang, Lihong 59 2005 Stability analysis of fractional-order complex-valued neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1353.34098 Rakkiyappan, R.; Velmurugan, G.; Cao, Jinde 59 2015 Observer design for tracking consensus in second-order multi-agent systems: fractional order less than two. Zbl 1364.93497 Yu, Wenwu; Li, Yang; Wen, Guanghui; Yu, Xinghuo; Cao, Jinde 59 2017 Hybrid adaptive and impulsive synchronization of uncertain complex networks with delays and general uncertain perturbations. Zbl 1364.93360 Yang, Xinsong; Cao, Jinde 59 2014 Adaptive synchronization of chaotic Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with mixed time delays. (Adaptive synchronization of chaotic Cohen-Crossberg neural networks with mixed time delays.) Zbl 1204.93064 Zhu, Quanxin; Cao, Jinde 58 2010 Necessary and sufficient conditions for consensus of delayed fractional-order systems. Zbl 1303.93017 Shen, Jun; Cao, Jinde 58 2012 On stability of delayed cellular neural networks. Zbl 0935.68086 Cao, Jinde 58 1999 Stabilization of Boolean control networks under aperiodic sampled-data control. Zbl 1403.93124 Lu, Jianquan; Sun, Liangjie; Liu, Yang; Ho, Daniel W. C.; Cao, Jinde 58 2018 Sampled-data \(H_\infty\) synchronization of chaotic Lur’e systems with time delay. Zbl 1346.93145 Cao, Jinde; Sivasamy, R.; Rakkiyappan, R. 58 2016 Stability and periodicity in delayed cellular neural networks with impulsive effects. Zbl 1115.34072 Yang, Yongqing; Cao, Jinde 57 2007 Further analysis of global \(\mu\)-stability of complex-valued neural networks with unbounded time-varying delays. Zbl 1398.34103 Velmurugan, G.; Rakkiyappan, R.; Cao, Jinde 57 2015 Exponential stability of impulsive stochastic functional differential equations. Zbl 1222.60043 Pan, Lijun; Cao, Jinde 56 2011 Hybrid control on bifurcation for a delayed fractional gene regulatory network. Zbl 1354.93073 Huang, Chengdai; Cao, Jinde; Xiao, Min 56 2016 \(p\)th moment exponential stability of stochastic recurrent neural networks with time-varying delays. Zbl 1196.60125 Sun, Yonghui; Cao, Jinde 55 2007 Almost periodic solution of shunting inhibitory cellular neural networks with time-varying delay. Zbl 1052.82022 Huang, Xia; Cao, Jinde 55 2003 Global dissipativity analysis for delayed quaternion-valued neural networks. Zbl 1443.34068 Tu, Zhengwen; Cao, Jinde; Alsaedi, Ahmed; Hayat, Tasawar 55 2017 Delay-distribution-dependent state estimation for discrete-time stochastic neural networks with random delay. Zbl 1222.93213 Bao, Haibo; Cao, Jinde 53 2011 Pinning control for the disturbance decoupling problem of Boolean networks. Zbl 1390.93545 Liu, Yang; Li, Bowen; Lu, Jianquan; Cao, Jinde 53 2017 Adaptive synchronization under almost every initial data for stochastic neural networks with time-varying delays and distributed delays. Zbl 1221.93247 Zhu, Quanxin; Cao, Jinde 52 2011 Event-triggered impulsive cluster synchronization of coupled reaction-diffusion neural networks and its application to image encryption. Zbl 1531.93255 Hui, Minghao; Liu, Xiaoyang; Zhu, Song; Cao, Jinde 5 2024 Stability analysis of delay patch-constructed Nicholson’s blowflies system. Zbl 07875957 Zhao, Xian; Huang, Chuangxia; Liu, Bingwen; Cao, Jinde 4 2024 A note on global stability of a degenerate diffusion avian influenza model with seasonality and spatial heterogeneity. Zbl 1527.35078 Li, Wenjie; Guan, Yajuan; Cao, Jinde; Xu, Fei 3 2024 Variational inequalities of multilayer viscoelastic systems with interlayer Tresca friction: existence and uniqueness of solution and convergence of numerical solution. Zbl 1536.74156 Zhang, Zhizhuo; Nie, Xiaobing; Cao, Jinde 3 2024 Observer-based prescribed-time synchronization and topology identification for complex networks of piecewise-smooth systems with hybrid impulses. Zbl 07855889 Hou, Xinzhao; Wu, Huaiqin; Cao, Jinde 3 2024 Toward stabilizable large-scale Boolean networks by controlling the minimal set of nodes. Zbl 1546.93348 Zhu, Shiyong; Cao, Jinde; Lin, Lin; Lam, James; Azuma, Shun-Ichi 3 2024 Preassigned-time synchronization for complex-valued memristive neural networks with reaction-diffusion terms and Markov parameters. Zbl 1530.93454 Liu, Hongliang; Cheng, Jun; Cao, Jinde; Katib, Iyad 2 2024 Unified stability criteria for impulsive stochastic delayed systems. Zbl 1541.93296 Xu, Junyan; Liu, Yang; Meng, Qingxin; Cao, Jinde; Abdel-Aty, Mahmoud 2 2024 Leader-follower consensus over finite fields. Zbl 1546.93640 Lin, Lin; Cao, Jinde; Lam, James; Zhu, Shiyong; Azuma, Shun-Ichi; Rutkowski, Leszek 2 2024 Distributed Nash equilibrium computation under round-robin scheduling protocol. Zbl 1546.91080 Feng, Zhangcheng; Xu, Wenying; Cao, Jinde 2 2024 Lyapunov-type criteria of absorbing continuous-time Markov chains. Zbl 1546.93799 Zhu, Shiyong; Li, Yuanyuan; Cao, Jinde; Dimirovski, Georgi M.; Lu, Jianquan 2 2024 Finite-time synchronization of impulsive stochastic systems with DoS attacks via dynamic event-triggered control. Zbl 1540.93119 Xing, Xiaofei; Wu, Huaiqin; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 Neurodynamic approaches for multi-agent distributed optimization. Zbl 1530.93011 Guo, Luyao; Korovin, Iakov; Gorbachev, Sergey; Shi, Xinli; Gorbacheva, Nadezhda; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 Dynamics analysis of a diffusive SIRI epidemic system under logistic source and general incidence rate. Zbl 1532.92103 Li, Wenjie; Li, Guodong; Cao, Jinde; Xu, Fei 1 2024 Resilient adaptive event-triggered synchronization control of piecewise-homogeneous Markov jump delayed neural networks under aperiodic DoS attacks. Zbl 1533.93405 Zhao, Shanshan; Zhang, Haiyang; Xiong, Lianglin; Wen, Shiping; Cao, Jinde; Zhang, Yi 1 2024 Observer-based output feedback event-triggered bounded consensus of multi-agent systems under DoS attacks. Zbl 1533.93239 Li, Hongjie; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 Synchronization control of quaternion-valued inertial memristor-based neural networks via adaptive method. Zbl 1536.93486 Zhang, Lingjia; Wei, Ruoyu; Cao, Jinde; Ding, Xiaoshuai 1 2024 Dynamics of a linear source epidemic system with diffusion and media impact. Zbl 1548.35263 Li, Wenjie; Zhao, Weiran; Cao, Jinde; Huang, Lihong 1 2024 How to regulate pattern formations for malware propagation in cyber-physical systems. Zbl 1541.93126 Cheng, Haokuan; Xiao, Min; Yu, Wenwu; Rutkowski, Leszek; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 Finite-time projective synchronization of fractional-order delayed quaternion-valued fuzzy memristive neural networks. Zbl 1542.34057 He, Yan; Zhang, Weiwei; Zhang, Hai; Cao, Jinde; Alsaadi, Fawaz E. 1 2024 Bifurcation analysis of a fractional-order Cohen-Grossberg neural network with three delays. Zbl 1544.34133 Huang, Chengdai; Mo, Shansong; Liu, Heng; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 Fuzzy adaptive event-triggered synchronization control mechanism for T-S fuzzy RDNNs under deception attacks. Zbl 1537.93441 Wang, Shuoting; Shi, Kaibo; Cao, Jinde; Wen, Shiping 1 2024 A \(p\)-power neurodynamic approach to distributed nonconvex optimization. Zbl 1547.90156 Li, Yangxia; Xia, Zicong; Liu, Yang; Cao, Jinde; Abdel-Aty, Mahmoud 1 2024 Finite-time synchronization criteria on delayed FOCVNNs with uncertain parameters and difference operator. Zbl 1543.93291 Chen, Xinbin; Ye, Renyu; Zhang, Hai; Stamova, Ivanka; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 A layer decomposition method for multi-layer elastic contact systems with interlayer Tresca friction. Zbl 1547.74062 Zhang, Zhizhuo; Nie, Xiaobing; Barboteu, Mikaël; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 Fractal functions associated with Reich contractions: an approximation of chaotic attractors. Zbl 07891519 Priyanka, T. M. C.; Gowrisankar, A.; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 DISA: a dual inexact splitting algorithm for distributed convex composite optimization. Zbl 1546.90124 Guo, Luyao; Shi, Xinli; Yang, Shaofu; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 Low-complexity control with funnel performance for uncertain nonlinear multiagent systems. Zbl 1546.93298 Min, Xiao; Baldi, Simone; Yu, Wenwu; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 Delayed consensus in mean-square of mass under Markov switching topologies and Brown noise. Zbl 07922854 Zhou, Xia; Xi, Meixuan; Liu, Wanbing; Ma, Zhongjun; Cao, Jinde 1 2024 Prescribed-time synchronization in networks of piecewise smooth systems via a nonlinear dynamic event-triggered control strategy. Zbl 1540.34102 Li, Xinna; Wu, Huaiqin; Cao, Jinde 17 2023 A new prescribed-time stability theorem for impulsive piecewise-smooth systems and its application to synchronization in networks. Zbl 1510.93105 Li, Xinna; Wu, Huaiqin; Cao, Jinde 11 2023 Adaptive prescribed performance asymptotic tracking for high-order odd-rational-power nonlinear systems. Zbl 1541.93193 Lv, Maolong; De Schutter, Bart; Cao, Jinde; Baldi, Simone 11 2023 Global synchronization for BAM delayed reaction-diffusion neural networks with fractional partial differential operator. Zbl 1506.93089 Wang, Chen; Zhang, Hai; Stamova, Ivanka; Cao, Jinde 9 2023 Novel order-dependent passivity conditions of fractional generalized Cohen-Grossberg neural networks with proportional delays. Zbl 1509.34056 Zhang, Hai; Wang, Chen; Ye, Renyu; Stamova, Ivanka; Cao, Jinde 8 2023 Event-triggered group consensus for one-sided Lipschitz multi-agent systems with input saturation. Zbl 1512.93080 Li, Hongjie; Cao, Jinde 8 2023 Stabilization of nonlinear time-delay systems: flexible delayed impulsive control. Zbl 1510.93267 Chen, Xiaoying; Liu, Yang; Ruan, Qihua; Cao, Jinde 7 2023 Distributed pinning set stabilization of large-scale Boolean networks. Zbl 1546.93350 Zhu, Shiyong; Lu, Jianquan; Sun, Liangjie; Cao, Jinde 7 2023 Adaptive neural network control for Markov jumping systems against deception attacks. Zbl 1530.93222 Wu, Junhui; Qin, Gang; Cheng, Jun; Cao, Jinde; Yan, Huaicheng; Katib, Iyad 6 2023 New criteria of finite time synchronization of fractional-order quaternion-valued neural networks with time delay. Zbl 1510.34117 Shang, Weiying; Zhang, Weiwei; Chen, Dingyuan; Cao, Jinde 6 2023 Estimate scheme for fractional order-dependent fixed-time synchronization on Caputo quaternion-valued BAM network systems with time-varying delays. Zbl 1507.93202 Cheng, Yuhong; Zhang, Hai; Stamova, Ivanka; Cao, Jinde 6 2023 Observer-based control for discrete-time hidden semi-Markov jump systems. Zbl 1546.93778 Shen, Hao; Zhang, Yigang; Wang, Jing; Cao, Jinde; Rutkowski, Leszek 6 2023 Output-feedback consensus control for fractional nonlinear multi-agent systems via a distributed dynamic event-triggered observer strategy. Zbl 1536.93248 Bai, Jing; Wu, Huaiqin; Cao, Jinde; Liu, Da-Yan 6 2023 Observers-based event-triggered adaptive fuzzy backstepping synchronization of uncertain fractional order chaotic systems. Zbl 1537.93265 Dong, Hanlin; Cao, Jinde; Liu, Heng 6 2023 New results on fixed/predefined-time synchronization of delayed fuzzy inertial discontinuous neural networks: non-reduced order approach. Zbl 1511.68240 Zhang, Guodong; Cao, Jinde 5 2023 Adaptive control-based synchronization of discrete-time fractional-order fuzzy neural networks with time-varying delays. Zbl 1530.93198 Li, Hong-Li; Cao, Jinde; Hu, Cheng; Zhang, Long; Jiang, Haijun 5 2023 Finite-time dynamic event-triggered consensus of multi-agent systems with mismatched disturbances based on disturbance observer. Zbl 1525.93380 Luo, Yiping; Pang, Jialong; Cao, Jinde; Yao, Yuejie 4 2023 Prescribed-time distributed observer based practical predefined-time leader-follower output consensus of second-order multiagent system with communication noises. Zbl 1536.93765 Ni, Junkang; Duan, Feiyu; Cao, Jinde 4 2023 Adaptive fixed-time synchronization of stochastic memristor-based neural networks with discontinuous activations and mixed delays. Zbl 1508.93257 Jia, Tianyuan; Chen, Xiangyong; Zhao, Feng; Cao, Jinde; Qiu, Jianlong 4 2023 Finite-time stability of dynamical system under event-triggered hybrid control. Zbl 1510.93280 Yu, Tianhu; Liu, Yingzhao; Cao, Jinde; Alsaadi, Fawaz E. 4 2023 Observer-based adaptive sliding-mode control under dynamic event-triggered scheme with actuator and communication faults. Zbl 1534.93221 He, Hangfeng; Qi, Wenhai; Cao, Jinde; Cheng, Jun; Shi, Kaibo 4 2023 Fault-tolerant control of multi-agent systems with input delay and sensor failure. Zbl 07892618 Ali, Muhammed Syed; Tajudeen, Muhammed Haneef Mubeen; Rajchakit, Grienggrai; Hammachukiattikul, Porpattama; Cao, Jinde 4 2023 Passivity of fractional-order coupled neural networks with interval uncertainties. Zbl 1540.92028 Qiu, Hongling; Cao, Jinde; Liu, Heng 3 2023 General stabilization of non-autonomous hybrid systems with delays and random noises via delayed feedback control. Zbl 1509.34084 Feng, Lichao; Liu, Lei; Cao, Jinde; Alsaadi, Fawaz E. 3 2023 Mathematical modeling on co-infection: transmission dynamics of Zika virus and Dengue fever. Zbl 1523.92015 Jose, Sayooj Aby; Raja, R.; Omede, B. I.; Agarwal, Ravi P.; Alzabut, J.; Cao, J.; Balas, V. E. 3 2023 Adaptive quasi-synchronization analysis for Caputo delayed Cohen-Grossberg neural networks. Zbl 1540.93039 Zhang, Hai; Chen, Xinbin; Ye, Renyu; Stamova, Ivanka; Cao, Jinde 3 2023 Quasi-uniform synchronization of fractional fuzzy discrete-time delayed neural networks via delayed feedback control design. Zbl 1523.93005 Gao, Panqing; Zhang, Hai; Ye, Renyu; Stamova, Ivanka; Cao, Jinde 3 2023 Predefined-time synchronization of coupled neural networks with switching parameters and disturbed by Brownian motion. Zbl 1525.93407 Zhou, Xianghui; Cao, Jinde; Wang, Xin 3 2023 Finite-time distributed average tracking for multiagent optimization with bounded inputs. Zbl 1546.90194 Shi, Xinli; Wen, Guanghui; Cao, Jinde; Yu, Xinghuo 3 2023 Aperiodically intermittent output feedback consensus control for second-order leader-following multi-agent systems based on observer. Zbl 1510.93283 Luo, Yiping; Zhu, Junling; Cao, Jinde; Yao, Yuejie 2 2023 Predefined-time consensus tracking of high-order multiagent system with deception attack. Zbl 1525.93386 Ni, Junkang; Zhao, Sailiu; Cao, Jinde; Wang, Zhen 2 2023 Dynamic quantized control for switched fuzzy singularly perturbation systems with event-triggered protocol. Zbl 1516.93150 Liu, Shan; Cheng, Jun; Zhang, Dan; Cao, Jinde; Zhang, Huiyan; Alsaedi, Ahmed 2 2023 Stabilization of reaction-diffusion fractional-order memristive neural networks. Zbl 1525.93303 Li, Ruoxia; Cao, Jinde; Li, Ning 2 2023 Collaborative neurodynamic optimization for solving nonlinear equations. Zbl 1534.90155 Guan, Huimin; Liu, Yang; Kou, Kit Ian; Cao, Jinde; Rutkowski, Leszek 2 2023 A novel framework of prescribed time/fixed time/finite time stochastic synchronization control of neural networks and its application in image encryption. Zbl 1525.93396 Wang, Xin; Cao, Jinde; Zhou, Xianghui; Liu, Ying; Yan, Yaoxi; Wang, Jiangtao 2 2023 Observability and detectability of stochastic labeled graphs. Zbl 1536.93102 Zhu, Shiyong; Cao, Jinde; Lin, Lin; Rutkowski, Leszek; Lu, Jianquan; Lu, Guoping 2 2023 Finite-time stability of impulsive switched systems. Zbl 1546.34030 Zhang, Taixiang; Li, Xiaodi; Cao, Jinde 2 2023 Further results on fixed/preassigned-time projective lag synchronization control of hybrid inertial neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1521.93176 Zhang, Guodong; Cao, Jinde; Kashkynbayev, Ardak 2 2023 Finite-time lag projective synchronization of delayed fractional-order quaternion-valued neural networks with parameter uncertainties. Zbl 1516.34107 Shang, Weiying; Zhang, Weiwei; Zhang, Hai; Zhang, Hongmei; Cao, Jinde; Alsaadi, Fawaz E. 2 2023 Adaptive event-triggered group consensus of multi-agent systems with non-identical nonlinear dynamics. Zbl 1506.93083 Li, Hongjie; Zhong, Meipeng; ming, Chen; Cao, Jinde; Kashkynbayev, Ardak 2 2023 Distributed inertial online game algorithm for tracking generalized Nash equilibria. Zbl 1541.91005 Bai, Haomin; Xu, Wenying; Yang, Shaofu; Cao, Jinde 2 2023 Early warning of tipping in a chemical model with cross-diffusion via spatiotemporal pattern formation and transition. Zbl 1541.35047 Lu, Yunxiang; Xiao, Min; Huang, Chengdai; Cheng, Zunshui; Wang, Zhengxin; Cao, Jinde 2 2023 Fractional order-induced bifurcations in a delayed neural network with three neurons. Zbl 07881931 Huang, Chengdai; Wang, Huanan; Cao, Jinde 2 2023 Decentralized inexact proximal gradient method with network-independent stepsizes for convex composite optimization. Zbl 1548.90369 Guo, Luyao; Shi, Xinli; Cao, Jinde; Wang, Zihao 2 2023 On the metric determination of linear dependence graph. Zbl 1543.05043 Salman, Muhammad; Rasheed, Nimra; Ur Rehman, Masood; Cao, Jinde 1 2023 Event-triggered boundary consensus control for multi-agent systems of fractional reaction-diffusion PDEs. Zbl 1527.35483 Zhao, Lirui; Wu, Huaiqin; Cao, Jinde 1 2023 Stop and go strategy for Lagrange stability of quaternion-valued memristive neural networks. Zbl 1538.34278 Li, Ruoxia; Cao, Jinde; Li, Ning 1 2023 Observer-based event-triggered optimal control for unknown nonlinear stochastic multi-agent systems with input constraints. Zbl 1520.93612 Liu, Chen; Liu, Lei; Wu, Zhaojing; Cao, Jinde; Qiu, Jianlong 1 2023 Global dynamics of a dengue fever model incorporating transmission seasonality. Zbl 1519.92328 Zhu, Min; Feng, Tingting; Xu, Yong; Cao, Jinde 1 2023 Leader-following event-triggered consensus control of MASs under false data injection attacks. Zbl 1520.93521 Wang, Meirong; Hu, Jianqiang; Xu, Wenying; Cao, Jinde 1 2023 Probabilistic event-triggered protocol for switched power systems under multi-strategy deception attack. Zbl 1525.93245 Kang, Wei; Qin, Gang; Cheng, Jun; Yan, Huaicheng; Katib, Iyad; Cao, Jinde 1 2023 Lyapunov theorem for stability analysis of nonlinear nabla fractional order systems. Zbl 1529.93088 Wei, Yiheng; Zhao, Linlin; Wei, Yidong; Cao, Jinde 1 2023 Hybrid \(L_1\times\ell_1\)-gain performance analysis and synthesis of hybrid positive systems. Zbl 1529.93083 Wu, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Junfeng; Cao, Jinde; Abdel-Aty, Mahmoud 1 2023 Rutting prediction and analysis of influence factors based on multivariate transfer entropy and graph neural networks. Zbl 1528.90077 Zhang, Jinren; Cao, Jinde; Huang, Wei; Shi, Xinli; Zhou, Xingye 1 2023 Protocol-based control for wind turbine generator systems with semi-Markov jump parameters. Zbl 1516.93063 Xie, Lifei; Cheng, Jun; Cao, Jinde; Hu, Mengjie 1 2023 Fixed-time synchronization of multiplex networks by sliding mode control. Zbl 1516.93227 Wu, Xifen; Bao, Haibo; Cao, Jinde 1 2023 Mathematical analysis of epidemic models with treatment in heterogeneous networks. Zbl 1506.92103 Wang, Yi; Cao, Jinde; Xue, Changfeng; Li, Li 1 2023 Scaling analysis at transition of chaos driven by Euler’s numerical algorithm. Zbl 1546.65136 Cao, Jinde; Ashish 1 2023 Stabilization of fixed points in chaotic maps using Noor orbit with applications in cardiac arrhythmia. Zbl 07921145 Ashish; Cao, Jinde; Noor, Muhammad Aslam 1 2023 Hybrid control design for Mittag-Leffler projective synchronization on FOQVNNs with multiple mixed delays and impulsive effects. Zbl 1540.34105 Zhang, Hai; Cheng, Yuhong; Zhang, Hongmei; Zhang, Weiwei; Cao, Jinde 20 2022 Fractional-order discontinuous systems with indefinite LKFs: an application to fractional-order neural networks with time delays. Zbl 1526.93233 Udhayakumar, K.; Rihan, Fathalla A.; Rakkiyappan, R.; Cao, Jinde 15 2022 Secure synchronization and identification for fractional complex networks with multiple weight couplings under DoS attacks. Zbl 1503.34008 Bai, Jing; Wu, Huaiqin; Cao, Jinde 12 2022 Sensors design for large-scale Boolean networks via pinning observability. Zbl 1537.93041 Zhu, Shiyong; Lu, Jianquan; Zhong, Jie; Liu, Yang; Cao, Jinde 12 2022 Synchronization analysis for stochastic networks through finite fields. Zbl 1537.93771 Lin, Lin; Cao, Jinde; Zhu, Shiyong; Shi, Peng 11 2022 Almost anti-periodic solution of inertial neural networks with leakage and time-varying delays on timescales. Zbl 1509.93041 Arbi, Adnène; Tahri, Najeh; Jammazi, Chaker; Huang, Chuangxia; Cao, Jinde 10 2022 Exponential synchronization for variable-order fractional discontinuous complex dynamical networks with short memory via impulsive control. Zbl 1525.93348 Li, Ruihong; Wu, Huaiqin; Cao, Jinde 10 2022 Impulsive exponential synchronization of fractional-order complex dynamical networks with derivative couplings via feedback control based on discrete time state observations. Zbl 1513.93041 Li, Ruihong; Wu, Huaiqin; Cao, Jinde 10 2022 Finite-time stabilization for fractional-order inertial neural networks with time varying delays. Zbl 1485.93512 Aouiti, Chaouki; Cao, Jinde; Jallouli, Hediene; Huang, Chuangxia 9 2022 Fixed-time bipartite consensus of nonlinear multi-agent systems under directed signed graphs with disturbances. Zbl 1485.93545 Xu, Zhou; Liu, Xiaoyang; Cao, Jinde; Song, Mei 9 2022 Exploration of bifurcation for a fractional-order BAM neural network with \(n+2\) neurons and mixed time delays. Zbl 1505.37103 Wang, Yangling; Cao, Jinde; Huang, Chengdai 7 2022 Finite-time \(H_\infty\) cluster consensus control for nonlinear multi-agent systems with aperiodically intermittent control. Zbl 1497.93208 Yao, Yuejie; Luo, Yiping; Cao, Jinde 7 2022 ...and 829 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 10,220 Authors 757 Cao, Jinde 175 Park, Juhyun (Jessie) 146 Zhong, Shou-Ming 131 Li, Xiaodi 131 Zhu, Quanxin 123 Jiang, Haijun 122 Lu, Jianquan 110 Huang, Tingwen 92 Huang, Lihong 91 Li, Chuandong 88 Kwon, Ohmin 84 Hu, Cheng 81 Sakthivel, Rathinasamy 78 Cheng, Jun 78 Rakkiyappan, Rajan 77 Al-saedi, Ahmed Eid Salem 75 Shi, Kaibo 74 Wang, Zhen 73 Alsaadi, Fuad Eid Salem 68 Huang, Chuangxia 68 Liu, Yang 68 Yang, Xinsong 65 Xia, Yonghui 64 Li, Yongkun 64 Xu, Changjin 62 Liu, Xinzhi 62 Zeng, Zhigang 61 Li, Wenxue 59 Ali, M. Syed 59 Huang, Chengdai 59 Shen, Hao 56 Li, Haitao 56 Song, Qiankun 54 Balasubramaniam, Pagavathigounder 54 Fang, Jian’an 53 Feng, Jianwen 53 Zhou, Wuneng 51 Liang, Jinling 51 Raja, Ramachandran 51 Xia, Jianwei 51 Xiao, Min 50 Qiu, Jianlong 50 Wang, Zidong 49 Yang, Yongqing 47 Wen, Shiping 46 Xu, Shengyuan 46 Yu, Wenwu 45 Teng, Zhi-dong 44 Liao, Xiaofeng 44 Wu, Huaiqin 43 Chen, Guanrong 43 Rajchakit, Grienggrai 43 Su, Huan 41 Deng, Feiqi 41 Ho, Daniel W. C. 40 Aouiti, Chaouki 40 Feng, Jun’e 39 Lee, S. M. 39 Wang, Jing 38 Arik, Sabri 38 Chen, Xiangyong 37 Cui, Baotong 37 Tu, Zhengwen 35 Huang, Zhenkun 34 Alzabut, Jehad O. 34 Chu, Yuming 34 Guan, Zhihong 34 Liu, Yurong 33 Yu, Yongguang 33 Zhang, Huaguang 32 Fei, Shumin 32 Huang, Xia 32 Li, Peiluan 32 Zheng, Wei Xing 31 Kurths, Jürgen 31 Stamova, Ivanka Milkova 31 Zhang, Hai 30 Samidurai, Rajendran 30 Wang, Zhanshan 29 Bao, Haibo 29 Kao, Yonggui 29 Lam, James 29 Li, Lixiang 29 Lu, Junwei 29 Shi, Peng 29 Wang, Jinrong 29 Xu, Rui 29 Yu, Juan 29 Zhao, Hongyong 28 Li, Junmin 28 Liu, Heng 28 Liu, Xiaoyang 28 Shen, Yi 28 Zhang, Xian 27 Guo, Zhenyuan 27 Hayat, Tasawar 27 Lou, Jungang 27 Lou, Xuyang 27 Wang, Fei 27 Xie, Xiangpeng ...and 10,120 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 339 Serials 830 Journal of the Franklin Institute 678 Applied Mathematics and Computation 460 Neural Networks 403 Nonlinear Dynamics 402 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 384 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 371 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 316 Advances in Difference Equations 249 Asian Journal of Control 230 Information Sciences 219 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 201 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 190 Physica A 180 Physics Letters. A 177 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 166 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 162 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 155 International Journal of Control 155 Abstract and Applied Analysis 140 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 138 Chaos 124 Automatica 123 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 121 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 108 Complexity 95 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 83 Applied Mathematical Modelling 82 International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 81 Systems & Control Letters 77 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control 68 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 68 IET Control Theory & Applications 60 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 57 International Journal of Biomathematics 56 Computational and Applied Mathematics 55 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 52 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 47 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 47 AIMS Mathematics 46 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 42 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 42 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 41 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 39 Journal of Applied Mathematics 38 Applied Mathematics Letters 36 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 36 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 35 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 34 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. 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