Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Carlson, Jon Frederick Co-Author Distance Author ID: carlson.jon-f Published as: Carlson, Jon F.; Carlson, J. F.; Carlson, Jon; Carlson, J. more...less Homepage: http://alpha.math.uga.edu/~jfc/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp Member of Collective: University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group Documents Indexed: 154 Publications since 1969, including 2 Books and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 5 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Co-Authors: 53 Co-Authors with 94 Joint Publications 1,050 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 66 single-authored 22 Benson, David John 13 Nakano, Daniel K. 9 Mazza, Nadia Paola 7 Friedlander, Eric Mark 7 Thévenaz, Jacques 6 Adem, Alejandro 6 Pevtsova, Julia 4 Clark, Douglas Napier 4 Iyengar, Srikanth B. 4 Rickard, Jeremy 4 Wheeler, Wayne William 3 Chebolu, Sunil K. 3 Henn, Hans-Werner 3 Mináč, Ján 3 Townsley, Lisa Gail 2 Balmer, Paul 2 Boe, Brian Douglas 2 Chastkofsky, Leonard 2 Drupieski, Christopher M. 2 Johnson, Niles 2 Jones, Alfredo 2 Krause, Henning 2 Lin, Zongzhu 2 Milgram, Richard James 2 Ngo, Nham Vo 2 Peng, Chuang 2 Robinson, Geoffrey Raymond 2 Samples, Brandon L. 2 Talian, Andrew J. 2 University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group 2 Webb, Peter J. 2 Wyser, Benjamin Joe 1 Auslander, Maurice 1 Avrunin, George S. 1 Bajer, Anetta M. 1 Bonsignore, Brian 1 Brons, Theresa 1 Brunyate, Adrian M. 1 Burry, David W. 1 Collins, Michael John 1 Donovan, Peter W. 1 Fleischmann, Peter 1 Foiaș, Ciprian 1 Green, Edward L. 1 Grodal, Jesper 1 Happel, Dieter 1 Hauge, Martin 1 Hemmer, David J. 1 Jones, Benjamin F. 1 Karagueuzian, Dikran B. 1 Kovács, László György 1 Luu, Phong Thanh 1 Macedo, Tiago 1 Maginnis, John S. 1 Matthews, Graham 1 Neunhöffer, Max 1 Nguyen, Duc Duy 1 Parshall, Brian J. 1 Peters, Karl M. 1 Priddy, Stewart B. 1 Roggenkamp, Klaus W. 1 Roney-Dougal, Colva M. 1 Rouquier, Raphaël 1 Schneider, Gerhard J. A. 1 Suslin, Andreĭ Aleksandrovich 1 Valeri-Elizondo, Luis 1 Wang, Lizhong 1 Williams, James P. 1 Zhang, Jiping 1 Zhang, Mucheng all top 5 Serials 22 Journal of Algebra 15 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 8 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 Mathematische Zeitschrift 5 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Archiv der Mathematik 4 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 4 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 3 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 3 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 3 Inventiones Mathematicae 3 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 3 Oberwolfach Reports 2 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 2 Manuscripta Mathematica 2 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Journal of Symbolic Computation 2 The New York Journal of Mathematics 2 Algebras and Representation Theory 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 1 Fundamenta Mathematicae 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Michigan Mathematical Journal 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics. Oxford Second Series 1 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității “Ovidius” Constanța. Seria: Matematică 1 Transformation Groups 1 Representation Theory 1 Journal of Group Theory 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics. Academia Sinica. New Series 1 Proceedings of Symposia in Pure Mathematics 1 Algebra and Applications 1 Algebra & Number Theory 1 Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics all top 5 Fields 145 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 55 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 30 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 13 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 10 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 10 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 9 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 6 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 Functional analysis (46-XX) 4 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 128 Publications have been cited 1,512 times in 785 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The varieties and the cohomology ring of a module. Zbl 0526.20040 Carlson, Jon F. 129 1983 Thick subcategories of the stable module category. Zbl 0886.20007 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F.; Rickard, Jeremy 75 1997 Products in negative cohomology. Zbl 0807.20044 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F. 55 1992 Cohomology rings of finite groups. With an appendix: Calculations of cohomology rings of groups of order dividing 64. Zbl 1056.20039 Carlson, Jon F.; Townsley, Lisa; Valeri-Elizondo, Luis; Zhang, Mucheng 50 2003 The variety of an indecomposable module is connected. Zbl 0543.20032 Carlson, Jon F. 49 1984 Torsion endo-trivial modules. Zbl 0970.20004 Carlson, Jon F.; Thévenaz, Jacques 48 2000 Nilpotent elements in the Green ring. Zbl 0612.20005 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, J. F. 46 1986 Modules of constant Jordan type. Zbl 1144.20025 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M.; Pevtsova, Julia 38 2008 The classification of torsion endo-trivial modules. Zbl 1110.20005 Carlson, Jon F.; Thévenaz, Jacques 35 2005 Complexity and varieties for infinitely generated modules. II. Zbl 0888.20003 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F.; Rickard, J. 35 1996 The classification of endo-trivial modules. Zbl 1110.20004 Carlson, Jon F.; Thévenaz, Jacques 34 2004 Projective resolutions and Poincaré duality complexes. Zbl 0816.20044 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F. 33 1994 Diagrammatic methods for modular representations and cohomology. Zbl 0615.20032 Benson, David J.; Carlson, Jon F. 32 1987 Complexity and multiple complexes. Zbl 0593.20062 Benson, D.; Carlson, J. 30 1987 Almost-split sequences and group rings. Zbl 0594.20005 Auslander, Maurice; Carlson, Jon F. 30 1986 On the vanishing of group cohomology. Zbl 0697.20043 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, J. F.; Robinson, G. R. 27 1990 Modules and group algebras. Notes by Ruedi Suter. Zbl 0883.20006 Carlson, Jon F. 26 1996 Endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type. Zbl 1106.20007 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Nakano, Daniel K. 25 2006 The cohomology of extraspecial groups. Zbl 0795.20038 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F. 23 1992 Modules over group algebras. Zbl 0878.20006 Carlson, Jon F. 19 1996 The complexity and varieties of modules. Zbl 0489.20008 Carlson, Jon F. 19 1981 Endotrivial modules for the symmetric and alternating groups. Zbl 1165.20005 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Nakano, Daniel K. 18 2009 Modules for \(\mathbb Z/p\times\mathbb Z/p\). Zbl 1229.20039 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M.; Suslin, Andrei 18 2011 The restricted nullcone. Zbl 1059.17013 Carlson, Jon F.; Lin, Zongzhu; Nakano, Daniel K.; Parshall, Brian J. 17 2003 Cohomology and induction from elementary Abelian subgroups. Zbl 0959.20012 Carlson, Jon F. 17 2000 Transfer maps and virtual projectivity. Zbl 0916.20004 Carlson, Jon F.; Peng, Chuang; Wheeler, Wayne W. 17 1998 Complexity and Krull dimension. Zbl 0475.20040 Carlson, Jon F. 17 1981 Endotrivial modules for \(p\)-solvable groups. Zbl 1250.20007 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Thévenaz, Jacques 17 2011 Depth and transfer maps in the cohomology of groups. Zbl 0837.20062 Carlson, Jon F. 16 1995 The group of endotrivial modules for the symmetric and alternating groups. Zbl 1217.20004 Carlson, Jon F.; Hemmer, David J.; Mazza, Nadia 16 2010 Thick subcategories of the bounded derived category of a finite group. Zbl 1339.20044 Carlson, Jon F.; Iyengar, Srikanth B. 16 2015 The cohomology of irreducible modules over \(SL(2,p^n)\). Zbl 0555.20030 Carlson, Jon F. 15 1983 The dimensions of periodic modules over modular group algebras. Zbl 0388.16008 Carlson, Jon F. 15 1979 Restrictions of modules to local subgroups. Zbl 0494.20004 Burry, David W.; Carlson, Jon F. 15 1982 Module varieties and cohomology rings of finite groups. Ausarbeitung: Peter Fleischmann. Zbl 0565.20002 Carlson, J. F. 14 1985 Constructing endotrivial modules. Zbl 1098.20004 Carlson, Jon F. 14 2006 Periodic modules over modular group algebras. Zbl 0365.20015 Carlson, Jon F. 12 1977 Coclass and cohomology. Zbl 1105.20044 Carlson, Jon F. 12 2005 Endotrivial modules over groups with quaternion or semi-dihedral Sylow 2-subgroup. Zbl 1276.20007 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Thévenaz, Jacques 12 2013 A characterization of endotrivial modules over \(p\)-groups. Zbl 0920.20006 Carlson, Jon F. 11 1998 Complexity and varieties for infinitely generated modules. Zbl 0848.20003 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F.; Rickard, J. 10 1995 Calculating group cohomology: tests for completion. Zbl 0979.20047 Carlson, Jon F. 10 2001 Complexity and quotient categories for group algebras. Zbl 0811.20002 Carlson, Jon F.; Donovan, P. W.; Wheeler, Wayne W. 10 1994 Support varieties for modules over Chevalley groups and classical Lie algebras. Zbl 1182.20039 Carlson, Jon F.; Lin, Zongzhu; Nakano, Daniel K. 10 2008 Endotrivial modules for the general linear group in a nondefining characteristic. Zbl 1318.20008 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Nakano, Daniel K. 10 2014 The cohomology ring of a module. Zbl 0565.20003 Carlson, Jon F. 9 1985 An exponential property of lattices over group rings. Zbl 0677.20005 Carlson, Jon F.; Jones, Alfredo 9 1989 Cohomology and extensions of Hilbert modules. Zbl 0833.46038 Carlson, Jon F.; Clark, Douglas N. 9 1995 Freyd’s generating hypothesis with almost split sequences. Zbl 1188.20006 Carlson, Jon F.; Chebolu, Sunil K.; Mináč, Ján 9 2009 Elementary subalgebras of Lie algebras. Zbl 1392.17014 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M.; Pevtsova, Julia 9 2015 Relative projectivity and ideals in cohomology rings. Zbl 0870.20032 Carlson, Jon F.; Peng, Chuang 8 1996 The structure of periodic modules over modular group algebras. Zbl 0483.20003 Carlson, Jon F. 8 1981 Erratum to: ‘The cohomology of extraspecial groups’. Zbl 0801.20026 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F. 7 1993 Projective Hilbert A(D)-modules. Zbl 0812.46043 Carlson, Jon F.; Clark, Douglas N.; Foias, Ciprian; Williams, J. P. 7 1994 Self-equivalences of stable module categories. Zbl 0949.20001 Carlson, Jon F.; Rouquier, Raphaël 7 2000 Gluing representations via idempotent modules and constructing endotrivial modules. Zbl 1177.20015 Balmer, Paul; Benson, David J.; Carlson, Jon F. 7 2009 Endotrivial modules for finite group schemes. Zbl 1226.20039 Carlson, Jon F.; Nakano, Daniel K. 7 2011 Endotrivial modules. Zbl 1320.20011 Carlson, Jon F. 7 2012 Representations of elementary Abelian \(p\)-groups and bundles on Grassmannians. Zbl 1260.20013 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M.; Pevtsova, Julia 7 2012 Endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type \(A\) in nondefining characteristic. Zbl 1354.20009 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Nakano, Daniel K. 7 2016 Varieties and transfers. Zbl 0615.20033 Carlson, Jon F. 6 1987 Projective resolutions and degree shifting for cohomology and group rings. Zbl 0832.20076 Carlson, Jon F. 6 1992 Projectivity and extensions of Hilbert modules over \(\mathbb{A}(\mathbb{D}^ N)\). Zbl 0888.46022 Carlson, Jon F.; Clark, Douglas N. 6 1997 First cohomology for finite groups of Lie type: simple modules with small dominant weights. Zbl 1295.20059 University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group 6 2013 The torsion group of endotrivial modules. Zbl 1325.20006 Carlson, Jon F.; Thévenaz, Jacques 6 2015 The decomposition of the trivial module in the complexity quotient category. Zbl 0864.20002 Carlson, Jon F. 5 1996 Nilpotency degree of cohomology rings in characteristic two. Zbl 0788.20029 Avrunin, George S.; Carlson, Jon F. 5 1993 Functional equations for Poincaré series in group cohomology. Zbl 0836.20076 Benson, David J.; Carlson, Jon F. 5 1994 Periodic modules with large period. Zbl 0807.20010 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F. 5 1992 Dimensions of modules and their restrictions over modular group algebras. Zbl 0484.20005 Carlson, Jon F. 5 1981 Cyclic modules over some modular group algebras. Zbl 0449.20009 Carlson, J. F. 5 1976 Exact category of modules of constant Jordan type. Zbl 1267.20059 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M. 5 2009 Endo-trivial modules over (p,p)-groups. Zbl 0431.20006 Carlson, Jon F. 5 1980 Torsion-free endotrivial modules. Zbl 1326.20010 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Thévenaz, Jacques 5 2014 Products and projective resolutions. Zbl 0658.20005 Carlson, Jon F. 4 1987 Free modules over some modular group rings. Zbl 0338.20012 Carlson, Jon F. 4 1976 Exponents of modules and maps. Zbl 0668.20041 Carlson, Jon F. 4 1989 Maximal elementary Abelian subgroups of rank 2. Zbl 1130.20010 Carlson, Jon F. 4 2007 Cohomology rings of induced modules. Zbl 0617.20029 Carlson, Jon F. 4 1987 Discrete groups with large exponents in cohomology. Zbl 0822.20053 Adem, Alejandro; Carlson, Jon F. 4 1990 On the vanishing of extensions of modules over reduced enveloping algebras. Zbl 0835.17017 Carlson, Jon F.; Nakano, Daniel K.; Peters, Karl M. 4 1995 Computing Ext algebras for finite groups. Zbl 0889.20007 Carlson, Jon F.; Green, Edward L.; Schneider, Gerhard J. A. 4 1997 Geometric and topological aspects of the representation theory of finite groups. PIMS summer school and workshop, Vancouver, Canada, July 27 – August 5, 2016. Zbl 1410.20001 4 2018 Varieties and localizations of module categories. Zbl 0839.20006 Carlson, Jon F.; Wheeler, Wayne W. 4 1995 Endotrivial modules for finite group schemes. II. Zbl 1287.20014 Carlson, Jon F.; Nakano, Daniel K. 4 2012 Second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type. Zbl 1281.20056 University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group 4 2012 Negative cohomology and the endomorphism ring of the trivial module. Zbl 1521.20023 Carlson, Jon F. 4 2022 Hopf algebra structures and tensor products for group algebras. Zbl 1394.16036 Carlson, Jon F.; Iyengar, Srikanth B. 4 2017 Varieties for modules. Zbl 0658.20007 Carlson, Jon F. 3 1987 Varieties and modules with vanishing cohomology. Zbl 0820.20061 Carlson, Jon F.; Robinson, Geoffrey R. 3 1994 The cohomology of the sporadic groups \(J_2\) and \(J_3\). Zbl 0924.20037 Carlson, Jon F.; Maginnis, John S.; Milgram, R. James 3 1999 Varieties and induction. Zbl 0876.20006 Carlson, Jon F. 3 1996 Contravariantly finite subcategories and irreducible maps. Zbl 0787.16013 Carlson, Jon F.; Happel, Dieter 3 1993 Periodic modules with large periods. Zbl 0419.20011 Carlson, Jon F. 3 1979 Restrictions of modules over modular group algebras. Zbl 0387.20005 Carlson, Jon F. 3 1978 Problems in the calculation of group cohomology. Zbl 0948.20028 Carlson, Jon F. 3 1999 Nilpotence and generation in the stable module category. Zbl 1486.20010 Benson, David J.; Carlson, Jon F. 3 2018 Vector bundles associated to Lie algebras. Zbl 1370.14018 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M.; Pevtsova, Julia 3 2016 A polynomial-time reduction algorithm for groups of semilinear or subfield class. Zbl 1219.20001 Carlson, Jon F.; Neunhöffer, Max; Roney-Dougal, Colva M. 3 2009 Relative projectivity and the Green correspondence for complexes. Zbl 1476.20010 Carlson, Jon F.; Wang, Lizhong; Zhang, Jiping 3 2020 Negative cohomology and the endomorphism ring of the trivial module. Zbl 1521.20023 Carlson, Jon F. 4 2022 Torsion free endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type. Zbl 1514.20045 Carlson, Jon F.; Grodal, Jesper; Mazza, Nadia; Nakano, Daniel K. 2 2022 Bounded complexes of permutation modules. Zbl 1547.20041 Benson, David J.; Carlson, Jon F. 2 2021 Relative projectivity and the Green correspondence for complexes. Zbl 1476.20010 Carlson, Jon F.; Wang, Lizhong; Zhang, Jiping 3 2020 Endotrivial modules for nilpotent restricted Lie algebras. Zbl 1442.17019 Benson, David J.; Carlson, Jon F. 1 2020 Geometric and topological aspects of the representation theory of finite groups. PIMS summer school and workshop, Vancouver, Canada, July 27 – August 5, 2016. Zbl 1410.20001 4 2018 Nilpotence and generation in the stable module category. Zbl 1486.20010 Benson, David J.; Carlson, Jon F. 3 2018 Thick subcategories of the relative stable category. Zbl 1544.20080 Carlson, Jon F. 3 2018 Separable commutative rings in the stable module category of cyclic groups. Zbl 1457.20013 Balmer, Paul; Carlson, Jon F. 2 2018 Hopf algebra structures and tensor products for group algebras. Zbl 1394.16036 Carlson, Jon F.; Iyengar, Srikanth B. 4 2017 Toward a classification of endotrivial modules. Zbl 1448.20008 Carlson, Jon F. 3 2017 Endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type \(A\) in nondefining characteristic. Zbl 1354.20009 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Nakano, Daniel K. 7 2016 Vector bundles associated to Lie algebras. Zbl 1370.14018 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M.; Pevtsova, Julia 3 2016 Ghosts and strong ghosts in the stable category. Zbl 1385.20004 Carlson, Jon F.; Chebolu, Sunil K.; Mináč, Ján 1 2016 Thick subcategories of the bounded derived category of a finite group. Zbl 1339.20044 Carlson, Jon F.; Iyengar, Srikanth B. 16 2015 Elementary subalgebras of Lie algebras. Zbl 1392.17014 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M.; Pevtsova, Julia 9 2015 The torsion group of endotrivial modules. Zbl 1325.20006 Carlson, Jon F.; Thévenaz, Jacques 6 2015 Endotrivial modules for the general linear group in a nondefining characteristic. Zbl 1318.20008 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Nakano, Daniel K. 10 2014 Torsion-free endotrivial modules. Zbl 1326.20010 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Thévenaz, Jacques 5 2014 On the structure of cohomology rings of \(p\)-nilpotent Lie algebras. Zbl 1365.17009 Carlson, Jon F.; Nakano, Daniel K. 3 2014 Endotrivial modules over groups with quaternion or semi-dihedral Sylow 2-subgroup. Zbl 1276.20007 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Thévenaz, Jacques 12 2013 First cohomology for finite groups of Lie type: simple modules with small dominant weights. Zbl 1295.20059 University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group 6 2013 Endotrivial modules. Zbl 1320.20011 Carlson, Jon F. 7 2012 Representations of elementary Abelian \(p\)-groups and bundles on Grassmannians. Zbl 1260.20013 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M.; Pevtsova, Julia 7 2012 Endotrivial modules for finite group schemes. II. Zbl 1287.20014 Carlson, Jon F.; Nakano, Daniel K. 4 2012 Second cohomology for finite groups of Lie type. Zbl 1281.20056 University of Georgia VIGRE Algebra Group 4 2012 Modules for \(\mathbb Z/p\times\mathbb Z/p\). Zbl 1229.20039 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M.; Suslin, Andrei 18 2011 Endotrivial modules for \(p\)-solvable groups. Zbl 1250.20007 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Thévenaz, Jacques 17 2011 Endotrivial modules for finite group schemes. Zbl 1226.20039 Carlson, Jon F.; Nakano, Daniel K. 7 2011 Finite generation of Tate cohomology. Zbl 1255.20048 Carlson, Jon F.; Chebolu, Sunil K.; Mináč, Ján 1 2011 The group of endotrivial modules for the symmetric and alternating groups. Zbl 1217.20004 Carlson, Jon F.; Hemmer, David J.; Mazza, Nadia 16 2010 Endotrivial modules for the symmetric and alternating groups. Zbl 1165.20005 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Nakano, Daniel K. 18 2009 Freyd’s generating hypothesis with almost split sequences. Zbl 1188.20006 Carlson, Jon F.; Chebolu, Sunil K.; Mináč, Ján 9 2009 Gluing representations via idempotent modules and constructing endotrivial modules. Zbl 1177.20015 Balmer, Paul; Benson, David J.; Carlson, Jon F. 7 2009 Exact category of modules of constant Jordan type. Zbl 1267.20059 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M. 5 2009 A polynomial-time reduction algorithm for groups of semilinear or subfield class. Zbl 1219.20001 Carlson, Jon F.; Neunhöffer, Max; Roney-Dougal, Colva M. 3 2009 Modules of constant Jordan type. Zbl 1144.20025 Carlson, Jon F.; Friedlander, Eric M.; Pevtsova, Julia 38 2008 Support varieties for modules over Chevalley groups and classical Lie algebras. Zbl 1182.20039 Carlson, Jon F.; Lin, Zongzhu; Nakano, Daniel K. 10 2008 Maximal elementary Abelian subgroups of rank 2. Zbl 1130.20010 Carlson, Jon F. 4 2007 Cohomology and representation theory. Zbl 1159.20027 Carlson, Jon F. 1 2007 Endotrivial modules for finite groups of Lie type. Zbl 1106.20007 Carlson, Jon F.; Mazza, Nadia; Nakano, Daniel K. 25 2006 Constructing endotrivial modules. Zbl 1098.20004 Carlson, Jon F. 14 2006 Generators and relations for matrix algebras. Zbl 1173.16304 Carlson, Jon F.; Matthews, Graham 1 2006 Support varieties for modules. Zbl 1157.20027 Carlson, Jon F. 1 2006 The classification of torsion endo-trivial modules. Zbl 1110.20005 Carlson, Jon F.; Thévenaz, Jacques 35 2005 Coclass and cohomology. Zbl 1105.20044 Carlson, Jon F. 12 2005 Cohomology, computations, and commutative algebra. Zbl 1115.20040 Carlson, Jon F. 1 2005 The classification of endo-trivial modules. Zbl 1110.20004 Carlson, Jon F.; Thévenaz, Jacques 34 2004 Cohomology rings of finite groups. With an appendix: Calculations of cohomology rings of groups of order dividing 64. Zbl 1056.20039 Carlson, Jon F.; Townsley, Lisa; Valeri-Elizondo, Luis; Zhang, Mucheng 50 2003 The restricted nullcone. Zbl 1059.17013 Carlson, Jon F.; Lin, Zongzhu; Nakano, Daniel K.; Parshall, Brian J. 17 2003 Calculating group cohomology: tests for completion. Zbl 0979.20047 Carlson, Jon F. 10 2001 The cohomology of the Sylow 2-subgroup of the Higman-Sims group. Zbl 1007.20051 Adem, A.; Carlson, J. F.; Karagueuzian, D. B.; Milgram, R. James 2 2001 Torsion endo-trivial modules. Zbl 0970.20004 Carlson, Jon F.; Thévenaz, Jacques 48 2000 Cohomology and induction from elementary Abelian subgroups. Zbl 0959.20012 Carlson, Jon F. 17 2000 Self-equivalences of stable module categories. Zbl 0949.20001 Carlson, Jon F.; Rouquier, Raphaël 7 2000 The thick subcategory generated by the trivial module. Zbl 0986.16003 Carlson, Jon F. 1 2000 The cohomology of the sporadic groups \(J_2\) and \(J_3\). Zbl 0924.20037 Carlson, Jon F.; Maginnis, John S.; Milgram, R. James 3 1999 Problems in the calculation of group cohomology. Zbl 0948.20028 Carlson, Jon F. 3 1999 Transfer maps and virtual projectivity. Zbl 0916.20004 Carlson, Jon F.; Peng, Chuang; Wheeler, Wayne W. 17 1998 A characterization of endotrivial modules over \(p\)-groups. Zbl 0920.20006 Carlson, Jon F. 11 1998 Homomorphisms in higher complexity quotient categories. Zbl 0899.20001 Carlson, Jon F.; Wheeler, Wayne W. 1 1998 Thick subcategories of the stable module category. Zbl 0886.20007 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F.; Rickard, Jeremy 75 1997 Projectivity and extensions of Hilbert modules over \(\mathbb{A}(\mathbb{D}^ N)\). Zbl 0888.46022 Carlson, Jon F.; Clark, Douglas N. 6 1997 Computing Ext algebras for finite groups. Zbl 0889.20007 Carlson, Jon F.; Green, Edward L.; Schneider, Gerhard J. A. 4 1997 Complexity and varieties for infinitely generated modules. II. Zbl 0888.20003 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F.; Rickard, J. 35 1996 Modules and group algebras. Notes by Ruedi Suter. Zbl 0883.20006 Carlson, Jon F. 26 1996 Modules over group algebras. Zbl 0878.20006 Carlson, Jon F. 19 1996 Relative projectivity and ideals in cohomology rings. Zbl 0870.20032 Carlson, Jon F.; Peng, Chuang 8 1996 The decomposition of the trivial module in the complexity quotient category. Zbl 0864.20002 Carlson, Jon F. 5 1996 Varieties and induction. Zbl 0876.20006 Carlson, Jon F. 3 1996 Cohomological detection and regular elements in group cohomology. Zbl 0870.20034 Carlson, Jon F.; Henn, Hans-Werner 2 1996 Depth and transfer maps in the cohomology of groups. Zbl 0837.20062 Carlson, Jon F. 16 1995 Complexity and varieties for infinitely generated modules. Zbl 0848.20003 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F.; Rickard, J. 10 1995 Cohomology and extensions of Hilbert modules. Zbl 0833.46038 Carlson, Jon F.; Clark, Douglas N. 9 1995 On the vanishing of extensions of modules over reduced enveloping algebras. Zbl 0835.17017 Carlson, Jon F.; Nakano, Daniel K.; Peters, Karl M. 4 1995 Varieties and localizations of module categories. Zbl 0839.20006 Carlson, Jon F.; Wheeler, Wayne W. 4 1995 Tensor factorizations of group algebras and modules. Zbl 0837.20010 Carlson, Jon F.; Kovács, L. G. 1 1995 Depth and the cohomology of wreath products. Zbl 0836.20077 Carlson, Jon F.; Henn, Hans-Werner 1 1995 Projective resolutions and Poincaré duality complexes. Zbl 0816.20044 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F. 33 1994 Complexity and quotient categories for group algebras. Zbl 0811.20002 Carlson, Jon F.; Donovan, P. W.; Wheeler, Wayne W. 10 1994 Projective Hilbert A(D)-modules. Zbl 0812.46043 Carlson, Jon F.; Clark, Douglas N.; Foias, Ciprian; Williams, J. P. 7 1994 Functional equations for Poincaré series in group cohomology. Zbl 0836.20076 Benson, David J.; Carlson, Jon F. 5 1994 Varieties and modules with vanishing cohomology. Zbl 0820.20061 Carlson, Jon F.; Robinson, Geoffrey R. 3 1994 Systems of parameters and the structure of cohomology rings of finite groups. Zbl 0820.20062 Carlson, Jon F. 1 1994 Erratum to: ‘The cohomology of extraspecial groups’. Zbl 0801.20026 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F. 7 1993 Nilpotency degree of cohomology rings in characteristic two. Zbl 0788.20029 Avrunin, George S.; Carlson, Jon F. 5 1993 Contravariantly finite subcategories and irreducible maps. Zbl 0787.16013 Carlson, Jon F.; Happel, Dieter 3 1993 Varieties and modules of small dimension. Zbl 0783.20004 Carlson, Jon F. 2 1993 Products in negative cohomology. Zbl 0807.20044 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F. 55 1992 The cohomology of extraspecial groups. Zbl 0795.20038 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F. 23 1992 Projective resolutions and degree shifting for cohomology and group rings. Zbl 0832.20076 Carlson, Jon F. 6 1992 Periodic modules with large period. Zbl 0807.20010 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, Jon F. 5 1992 Cohomology and modules over group algebras. Zbl 0762.20021 Carlson, Jon F. 1 1991 On the vanishing of group cohomology. Zbl 0697.20043 Benson, D. J.; Carlson, J. F.; Robinson, G. R. 27 1990 Discrete groups with large exponents in cohomology. Zbl 0822.20053 Adem, Alejandro; Carlson, Jon F. 4 1990 An exponential property of lattices over group rings. Zbl 0677.20005 Carlson, Jon F.; Jones, Alfredo 9 1989 Exponents of modules and maps. Zbl 0668.20041 Carlson, Jon F. 4 1989 Wild categories of periodic modules. Zbl 0664.20005 Carlson, Jon F.; Jones, Alfredo 1 1988 Itô’s theorem and character degrees revisited. Zbl 0638.20007 Carlson, Jon F.; Roggenkamp, Klaus W. 1 1988 On exponents of homology and cohomology of finite groups. Zbl 0645.20032 Carlson, Jon F. 1 1988 ...and 28 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 570 Authors 75 Carlson, Jon Frederick 63 Benson, David John 25 Nakano, Daniel K. 23 Pevtsova, Julia 21 Friedlander, Eric Mark 19 Mazza, Nadia Paola 16 Lassueur, Caroline 15 Erdmann, Karin 15 Iyengar, Srikanth B. 15 Krause, Henning 14 Balmer, Paul 14 Farnsteiner, Rolf 14 Greenlees, John P. C. 11 Adem, Alejandro 11 Barthel, Tobias 11 Linckelmann, Markus 11 Mináč, Ján 10 Koshitani, Shigeo 10 Robinson, Geoffrey Raymond 9 Bouc, Serge 9 Thévenaz, Jacques 9 Yalçın, Ergün 8 Bergh, Petter Andreas 8 Bleher, Frauke M. 8 Heard, Drew 8 Kujawa, Jonathan Robert 8 Pham Anh Minh 8 Stevenson, Greg 7 Bendel, Christopher P. 7 Chebolu, Sunil K. 7 Green, David John 7 Kawata, Shigeto 7 Pollitz, Josh 6 Assadi, Amir H. 6 Castellana, Natàlia 6 Christensen, J. Daniel 6 Ellis, Graham J. 6 Garaialde Ocaña, Oihana 6 Generalov, Aleksandr Ivanovich 6 Jo, Jang Hyun 6 Lim, Kay Jin 6 Navarro Ortega, Gabriel 6 Sasaki, Hiroki 5 Avramov, Luchezar L. 5 Boe, Brian Douglas 5 Emmanouil, Ioannis 5 González-Sánchez, Jon 5 Jorgensen, David A. 5 Kessar, Radha 5 Kropholler, Peter H. 5 Naumann, Niko 5 Öztürk Kaptanoğlu, Semra 5 Salarian, Shokrollah 5 Snashall, Nicole 5 Sobaje, Paul 5 Takahashi, Ryo 5 Wheeler, Wayne William 4 Asadollahi, Javad J. 4 Avrunin, George S. 4 Baland, Shawn 4 Banerjee, Abhishek 4 Bissinger, Daniel 4 Cooper, Bobbe J. 4 Craven, David A. 4 Díaz Ramos, Antonio 4 Eick, Bettina 4 Green, Edward L. 4 Grodal, Jesper 4 Karagueuzian, Dikran B. 4 King, Simon A. 4 Kleshchev, Alexander S. 4 Maginnis, John S. 4 Mathew, Akhil 4 Milgram, Richard James 4 Ngo, Nham Vo 4 Okuyama, Tetsuro 4 Palmieri, John H. 4 Solberg, Øyvind 4 Symonds, Peter 4 Valenzuela, Gabriel 4 Witherspoon, Sarah J. 3 Aljadeff, Eli 3 Altunbulak Aksu, Fatma 3 Bahlekeh, Abdolnaser 3 Boltje, Robert 3 Chang, Hao 3 Chastkofsky, Leonard 3 Chen, Huixiang 3 Cornick, Jonathan 3 Dembegioti, Fotini 3 Didas, Michael 3 Drupieski, Christopher M. 3 Dugas, Alex S. 3 Gratz, Sira 3 Hambleton, Ian 3 Happel, Dieter 3 Henn, Hans-Werner 3 Holloway, Miles 3 Hu, Jiangsheng 3 Hyun, Jo Jang ...and 470 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 111 Serials 162 Journal of Algebra 113 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 36 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 35 Communications in Algebra 34 Advances in Mathematics 31 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 28 Algebras and Representation Theory 22 Mathematische Zeitschrift 16 Archiv der Mathematik 14 Inventiones Mathematicae 12 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 12 Journal of Group Theory 11 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 9 Israel Journal of Mathematics 9 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 9 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 8 Manuscripta Mathematica 7 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 6 Duke Mathematical Journal 5 Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie 5 Journal of Functional Analysis 5 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 5 Journal of Symbolic Computation 5 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 5 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 5 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 5 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 5 Oberwolfach Reports 5 Algebra & Number Theory 4 Compositio Mathematica 4 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 4 Mathematische Annalen 4 Topology and its Applications 4 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 4 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 3 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 3 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 3 Forum Mathematicum 3 Transformation Groups 3 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 3 Journal of Commutative Algebra 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 2 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 2 American Journal of Mathematics 2 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 Applied Categorical Structures 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Documenta Mathematica 2 Representation Theory 2 Geometry & Topology 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 2 Journal of Topology 2 Annals of \(K\)-Theory 2 La Matematica 2 Annals of Representation Theory 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Publications Mathématiques 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 1 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 \(K\)-Theory 1 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 1 Sugaku Expositions 1 International Journal of Mathematics 1 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 1 Linear Algebra and its Applications 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 1 Expositiones Mathematicae 1 SUT Journal of Mathematics 1 Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing 1 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 1 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics 1 Algebra Colloquium 1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1 Finite Fields and their Applications 1 Journal of Lie Theory 1 Bulletin des Sciences Mathématiques 1 Matematicheskie Trudy 1 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 1 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 1 Annali della Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. Classe di Scienze. Serie V 1 Frontiers of Mathematics in China 1 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 1 Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics 1 Journal of Topology and Analysis ...and 11 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 27 Fields 505 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 285 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 172 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 123 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 93 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 84 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 72 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 50 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 44 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 17 Combinatorics (05-XX) 12 Operator theory (47-XX) 9 Number theory (11-XX) 9 Functional analysis (46-XX) 8 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 8 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Geometry (51-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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