Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Cattani, Carlo Co-Author Distance Author ID: cattani.carlo Published as: Cattani, Carlo; Cattani, C. External Links: ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 217 Publications since 1980, including 6 Books and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 7 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 6 Reviews Co-Authors: 201 Co-Authors with 193 Joint Publications 7,059 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 29 single-authored 19 Ciancio, Armando 17 Rushchitskiĭ, Ya. Ya. 16 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein 15 Yang, Xiao-Jun 13 Hooshmandasl, Mohammad Reza 10 Laserra, Ettore 8 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 7 Verma, Amit Kumar 7 Zhao, Yang 6 Baskonus, Haci Mehmet 6 Li, Ming 6 Scalia, Massimo 5 Alimohammady, Mohsen 5 Ben Mabrouk, Anouar 4 Arfaoui, Sabrine 4 Avazzadeh, Zakieh 4 Kudreyko, Aleksey 4 Leng, Jinsong 4 Maalek Ghaini, F. M. 4 Pierro, Gaetano 4 Xie, Gongnan 3 Chen, Shengyong 3 Ferrarese, Giorgio 3 Gao, Wei 3 Hsin, Hsi-Chin 3 Kalleji, Morteza Koozehgar 3 Kumar, Sunil 3 Rawani, Mukesh Kumar 3 Shieh, Yaw-Shih 3 Sung, Tze-Yun 3 Tiwari, Diksha 3 Wang, Wanliang 2 Altieri, Giuseppe 2 Bochicchio, Ivana 2 Cheng, De-Fu 2 Grebenikov, Evgeniĭ Aleksandrovich 2 Jafari, Hossein 2 Kumar, Ranbir 2 Lim, Swee Cheng 2 Machado, José António Tenreiro 2 Mattioli, Gianni 2 Mishra, Vinod Kumar 2 Mohammad, Mutaz 2 Mohammadi, Fakhrodin 2 Momani, Shaher M. 2 Paoluzzi, Alberto 2 Prokopenya, Alexander N. 2 Ramazannejad, Maede 2 Rani, Dimple 2 Rushchitsky, Jeremiah J. 2 Samet, Bessem 2 Samoĭlenko, Anatoliĭ Mykhaĭlovych 2 Seĭranyan, Aleksandr Paruĭrovich 2 Shahni, Julee 2 Shakiba, Ali 2 Sinchilo, S. V. 2 Sinchylo, S. V. 2 Singh, Randhir 2 Song, Wanqing 2 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 2 Sun, Guomin 2 Terletskaya, E. V. 2 Yan, Li 2 Yang, Aimin 1 Agarwal, Praveen 1 Al Juhani, Amnah S. 1 Al-Omari, Shrideh Khalaf Qasem 1 Al-Smadi, Mohammed H. 1 Ali, Khalid Karam 1 Alizadeh, Mohsen 1 Anastassiou, George Angelos 1 Babaei, Afshin 1 Baciut, Grigore 1 Badea, Alexandru Florin 1 Badea, Iulia Clara 1 Baleanu, Mihaela Cristina 1 Banihashemi, Seddigheh 1 Belghaba, Kacem 1 Bernardini, Fausto 1 Borysenko, Sergiy 1 Cai, Huiwen 1 Cesarano, Clemente 1 Chen, Wensheng 1 Chen, Xiaohong 1 Chen, Zhiyong 1 Chi, Chihung 1 Chteoui, Riadh 1 Ciancio, Vincenzo 1 Crişan, Maria 1 D’Auria, Rita 1 Djilali, Salih 1 Dong, Zhengchao 1 d’Onofrio, Alberto 1 Duan, Xiaoming 1 Ebaid, Abdelhalim 1 El-Zahar, Essam Roshdy 1 Feng, Yiying 1 Ferrucci, Vincenzo 1 Gao, Yan 1 Gao, Yong ...and 101 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 29 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 19 Prikladnaya Mekhanika 8 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 7 Abstract and Applied Analysis 7 Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics 6 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 6 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 5 Zbirnyk Prats’ Instytutu Matematyky NAN Ukraïny 4 Advances in Mathematical Physics 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 3 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 3 Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Scientific Bulletin. Series A. Applied Mathematics and Physics. Politehnica University of Bucharest 3 Fundamenta Informaticae 3 Advances in Difference Equations 3 Advances in High Energy Physics 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Applied Numerical Mathematics 2 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2 Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications (BJGA) 2 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 2 Applied Sciences 2 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 2 Series on Advances in Mathematics for Applied Sciences 2 Symmetry 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Physica A 1 Physics Letters. A 1 Problems of Information Transmission 1 Ukraïns’kyĭ Matematychnyĭ Zhurnal 1 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 1 Prikladnaya Matematika i Mekhanika 1 Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matemàtiche e Naturali 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 1 Rendiconti. Scienze Matemàtiche e Applicazioni. A 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 ACM Transactions on Graphics 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 CAD. Computer-Aided Design 1 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 1 Rivista di Matematica della Università di Parma. Serie V 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico di Messina. Serie II 1 Fractals 1 Analele Universității din Craiova. Seria Matematică Informatică 1 Buletinul Academiei de Științe a Republicii Moldova. Matematica 1 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. Physics, Mathematics 1 Nonlinear Dynamics 1 Chaos 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems 1 Neliniĭni Kolyvannya 1 Dopovidi Natsional’noï Akademiï Nauk Ukraïny. Matematyka, Pryrodoznavstvo, Tekhnichni Nauky 1 DGDS. Differential Geometry – Dynamical Systems 1 Prykladna Gidromekhanika 1 Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. National Academy of Sciences of Azerbaijan 1 Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories 1 Vestsi Natsyyanal’naĭ Akadèmii Navuk Belarusi. Seryya Fizika-Matèmatychnykh Navuk 1 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Rendiconti di Matematica, VI. Serie 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 1 Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 1 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 1 Advances in Numerical Analysis 1 Asian Journal of Control 1 Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 1 AIMS Mathematics 1 De Gruyter STEM 1 Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 1 Applied Analysis and Optimization all top 5 Fields 81 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 57 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 33 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 33 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 30 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 27 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 21 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 20 Real functions (26-XX) 15 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 13 Integral equations (45-XX) 12 Measure and integration (28-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 10 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 8 Statistics (62-XX) 7 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 6 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 5 Differential geometry (53-XX) 5 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 4 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 154 Publications have been cited 2,119 times in 1,437 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Chaotic behaviour of fractional predator-prey dynamical system. Zbl 1489.92119 Kumar, Sunil; Kumar, Ranbir; Cattani, Carlo; Samet, Bessem 110 2020 On exact traveling-wave solutions for local fractional Korteweg-de Vries equation. Zbl 1378.35329 Yang, Xiao-Jun; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cattani, Carlo 93 2016 Wavelets method for solving systems of nonlinear singular fractional Volterra integro-differential equations. Zbl 1344.65126 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Mohammadi, F.; Cattani, C. 73 2014 A new Rabotnov fractional-exponential function-based fractional derivative for diffusion equation under external force. Zbl 1447.35359 Kumar, Sunil; Nisar, Kottakkaran Sooppy; Kumar, Ranbir; Cattani, Carlo; Samet, Bessem 73 2020 A computational method for solving stochastic Itô-Volterra integral equations based on stochastic operational matrix for generalized hat basis functions. Zbl 1349.65711 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Maalek Ghaini, F. M.; Cattani, C. 59 2014 Complex solitons in the conformable \((2+1)\)-dimensional Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur equation. Zbl 1484.35377 Gao, Wei; Yel, Gulnur; Baskonus, Haci Mehmet; Cattani, Carlo 58 2020 Wavelets method for the time fractional diffusion-wave equation. Zbl 1304.35748 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Maalek Ghaini, F. M.; Cattani, C. 55 2015 Wavelets method for solving fractional optimal control problems. Zbl 1410.49032 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Maalek Ghaini, F. M.; Cattani, C. 53 2016 Fundamental solutions of anomalous diffusion equations with the decay exponential kernel. Zbl 1425.35228 Yang, Xiao-Jun; Feng, Yi-Ying; Cattani, Carlo; Inc, Mustafa 52 2019 Wavelet and wave analysis as applied to materials with micro or nanostructure. Zbl 1152.74001 Cattani, Carlo; Rushchitsky, Jeremiah 48 2007 An efficient computational method for solving nonlinear stochastic Itô integral equations: application for stochastic problems in physics. Zbl 1351.60088 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Cattani, C.; Maalek Ghaini, F. M. 46 2015 Harmonic wavelet method towards solution of the Fredholm type integral equations of the second kind. Zbl 1186.65160 Cattani, C.; Kudreyko, A. 44 2010 Shannon wavelets theory. Zbl 1162.42314 Cattani, Carlo 42 2008 A generalized fractional-order Legendre wavelet Tau method for solving fractional differential equations. Zbl 1464.65079 Mohammadi, Fakhrodin; Cattani, Carlo 40 2018 Fractals and hidden symmetries in DNA. Zbl 1189.92015 Cattani, Carlo 39 2010 Harmonic wavelets towards the solution of nonlinear PDE. Zbl 1118.65133 Cattani, C. 37 2005 Haar wavelet splines. Zbl 1019.65107 Cattani, Carlo 36 2001 A meshless method for solving the time fractional advection-diffusion equation with variable coefficients. Zbl 1418.65144 Mardani, A.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Heydari, M. H.; Cattani, C. 36 2018 Shannon wavelets for the solution of integrodifferential equations. Zbl 1191.65174 Cattani, Carlo 35 2010 Application of local fractional series expansion method to solve Klein-Gordon equations on Cantor sets. Zbl 1472.35342 Yang, Ai-Min; Zhang, Yu-Zhu; Cattani, Carlo; Xie, Gong-Nan; Rashidi, Mohammad Mehdi; Zhou, Yi-Jun; Yang, Xiao-Jun 34 2014 Fractional dynamics. Zbl 1333.00024 33 2015 Legendre wavelets Galerkin method for solving nonlinear stochastic integral equations. Zbl 1355.65011 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Shakiba, A.; Cattani, C. 31 2016 Local fractional variational iteration and decomposition methods for wave equation on Cantor sets within local fractional operators. Zbl 1468.35226 Baleanu, Dumitru; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Cattani, Carlo; Baleanu, Mihaela Cristina; Yang, Xiao-Jun 30 2014 Analytical and numerical study of the DNA dynamics arising in oscillator-chain of Peyrard-Bishop model. Zbl 1490.92009 Ali, Khalid K.; Cattani, Carlo; Gómez-Aguilar, J. F.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Osman, M. S. 28 2020 An optimization wavelet method for multi variable-order fractional differential equations. Zbl 1379.65046 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Cattani, C.; Hariharan, G. 28 2017 Hybrid two scales mathematical tools for active particles modelling complex systems with learning hiding dynamics. Zbl 1142.82019 Cattani, C.; Ciancio, A. 27 2007 Fractional calculus and Shannon wavelet. Zbl 1264.42016 Cattani, Carlo 25 2012 Markov models for image labeling. Zbl 1264.68189 Chen, S. Y.; Tong, Hanyang; Cattani, Carlo 25 2012 On the fractal geometry of DNA by the binary image analysis. Zbl 1272.92013 Cattani, Carlo; Pierro, Gaetano 25 2013 Wavelets Galerkin method for solving stochastic heat equation. Zbl 1356.65018 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Loghmani, Gh. Barid; Cattani, C. 25 2016 Connection coefficients of Shannon wavelets. Zbl 1117.65179 Cattani, C. 24 2006 Legendre wavelets method for solving fractional population growth model in a closed system. Zbl 1296.65108 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Cattani, C.; Li, Ming 24 2013 Haar wavelets based technique in evolution problems. Zbl 1049.65103 Cattani, Carlo 23 2004 Traffic dynamics on complex networks: a survey. Zbl 1264.90031 Chen, Shengyong; Huang, Wei; Cattani, Carlo; Altieri, Giuseppe 23 2012 Haar wavelet-based technique for sharp jumps classification. Zbl 1046.94504 Cattani, C. 22 2004 Maxwell’s equations on Cantor sets: a local fractional approach. Zbl 1328.82035 Zhao, Yang; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cattani, Carlo; Cheng, De-Fu; Yang, Xiao-Jun 18 2013 On the existence of wavelet symmetries in archaea DNA. Zbl 1234.92014 Cattani, Carlo 18 2012 Boundary integration over linear polyhedra. Zbl 0697.65004 Cattani, C.; Paoluzzi, A. 18 1990 Modeling of biological intelligence for SCM system optimization. Zbl 1235.90022 Chen, Shengyong; Zheng, Yujun; Cattani, Carlo; Wang, Wanliang 17 2012 Analysis of large-amplitude pulses in short time intervals: application to neuron interactions. Zbl 1189.37099 Mattioli, Gianni; Scalia, Massimo; Cattani, Carlo 15 2010 On the fractal distribution of primes and prime-indexed primes by the binary image analysis. Zbl 1400.11012 Cattani, Carlo; Ciancio, Armando 15 2016 Cubically nonlinear elastic waves: wave equations and methods of analysis. Zbl 1130.74395 Cattani, C.; Ruschitsky, Ya. Ya. 13 2003 Characteristic roots of a class of fractional oscillators. Zbl 1328.34007 Li, Ming; Lim, S. C.; Cattani, Carlo; Scalia, Massimo 13 2013 Application of periodized harmonic wavelets towards solution of eigenvalue problems for integral equations. Zbl 1191.65175 Cattani, Carlo; Kudreyko, Aleksey 13 2010 Invariance and existence analysis for semilinear hyperbolic equations with damping and conical singularity. Zbl 1382.35163 Alimohammady, Mohsen; Cattani, Carlo; Kalleji, Morteza Koozehgar 12 2017 Delay bound: fractal traffic passes through network servers. Zbl 1296.90023 Li, Ming; Zhao, Wei; Cattani, Carlo 12 2013 A new operational matrix of fractional order integration for the Chebyshev wavelets and its application for nonlinear fractional van der Pol oscillator equation. Zbl 06877178 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Cattani, C. 12 2018 An efficient computational method based on the hat functions for solving fractional optimal control problems. Zbl 1341.49038 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Shakiba, A.; Cattani, C. 11 2016 Entropy and multifractality for the myeloma multiple TET 2 gene. Zbl 1264.92017 Cattani, Carlo; Pierro, Gaetano; Altieri, Giuseppe 11 2012 Qualitative analysis of second-order models of tumor-immune system competition. Zbl 1145.34303 Cattani, C.; Ciancio, A. 11 2008 A cardinal method to solve coupled nonlinear variable-order time fractional sine-Gordon equations. Zbl 1449.35437 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Avazzadeh, Zakieh; Yang, Yin; Cattani, Carlo 11 2020 Evaluation of mixed Crank-Nicolson scheme and tau method for the solution of Klein-Gordon equation. Zbl 1427.65217 Nemati Saray, Behzad; Lakestani, Mehrdad; Cattani, Carlo 11 2018 Legendre spectral method for the fractional Bratu problem. Zbl 1451.65162 Singh, Harendra; Ghassabzadeh, Fahimeh Akhavan; Tohidi, Emran; Cattani, Carlo 11 2020 Separable transition density in the hybrid model for tumor-immune system competition. Zbl 1234.92026 Cattani, Carlo; Ciancio, Armando 11 2012 Mutiscale analysis of the Fisher equation. Zbl 1297.65209 Cattani, Carlo; Kudreyko, Aleksey 10 2008 On a mathematical model of immune competition. Zbl 1278.92017 Cattani, C.; Ciancio, A.; Lods, B. 10 2006 On fractional predator and prey models with mutualistic predation including non-local and nonsingular kernels. Zbl 1489.92116 Ghanbari, Behzad; Cattani, Carlo 10 2020 Yang-Laplace decomposition method for nonlinear system of local fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1524.49038 Ziane, Djelloul; Cherif, Mountassir Hamdi; Cattani, Carlo; Belghaba, Kacem 10 2019 Dimension-independent modeling with simplicial complexes. Zbl 0770.68114 Paoluzzi, A.; Bernardini, F.; Cattani, C.; Ferrucci, V. 9 1993 Analysis of a solitary wave evolution in a composite material with application of the wavelet theory. Zbl 1075.74048 Ruschitsky, Ya. Ya.; Cattani, C.; Terletsky, E. V. 9 2004 Metamodeling the learning-hiding competition between tumours and the immune system: A kinematic approach. Zbl 1201.34071 Cattani, Carlo; Ciancio, Armando; D’Onofrio, Alberto 9 2010 Differential models. Stability, inequalities and estimates. Edited and with a preface by Samojlenko. Zbl 1051.34001 Samoilenko, A.; Borysenko, S.; Cattani, C.; Matarazzo, G.; Yasinsky, V. 9 2001 Wavelets method for solving nonlinear stochastic Itô-Volterra integral equations. Zbl 1457.60104 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Hooshmandasl, Mohammad Reza; Cattani, Carlo 9 2020 Applications of bi-framelet systems for solving fractional order differential equations. Zbl 1482.65107 Mohammad, Mutaz; Cattani, Carlo 9 2020 Complexity on acute myeloid leukemia mRNA transcript variant. Zbl 1235.92025 Cattani, Carlo; Pierro, Gaetano 9 2011 On the critical strip of the Riemann zeta fractional derivative. Zbl 1376.26007 Cattani, C.; Guariglia, E.; Wang, S. 9 2017 Multiscale analysis of wave propagation in composite materials. Zbl 1109.74332 Cattani, C. 8 2003 Simplicial approach to fractal structures. Zbl 1264.28005 Cattani, Carlo; Laserra, Ettore; Bochicchio, Ivana 8 2012 Physical constants of a certain type of nonlinear elastic fibrous micro- and nanocomposites in the presence of rigid or soft nonlinearity. Zbl 1129.74013 Cattani, C.; Ruschitsky, Ya. Ya.; Sinchylo, S. V. 8 2005 Picard successive approximation method for solving differential equations arising in fractal heat transfer with local fractional derivative. Zbl 1470.35418 Yang, Ai-Min; Zhang, Cheng; Jafari, Hossein; Cattani, Carlo; Jiao, Ying 8 2014 Fractional Brownian motion: difference iterative forecasting models. Zbl 1448.62136 Song, Wanqing; Li, Ming; Li, Yuanyuan; Cattani, Carlo; Chi, Chi-Hung 8 2019 Patterns of a superdiffusive consumer-resource model with hunting cooperation functional response. Zbl 1498.92157 Djilali, Salih; Cattani, Carlo 8 2021 A numerical scheme for a class of generalized Burgers’ equation based on Haar wavelet nonstandard finite difference method. Zbl 1486.65211 Verma, Amit Kumar; Rawani, Mukesh Kumar; Cattani, Carlo 8 2021 Discrete Chebyshev polynomials for nonsingular variable-order fractional KdV Burgers’ equation. Zbl 1470.35394 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Avazzadeh, Zakieh; Cattani, Carlo 7 2021 Signal processing for nondifferentiable data defined on Cantor sets: a local fractional Fourier series approach. Zbl 1291.94021 Chen, Zhi-Yong; Cattani, Carlo; Zhong, Wei-Ping 7 2014 Local fractional \(Z\)-transforms with applications to signals on Cantor sets. Zbl 1468.94171 Liu, Kai; Hu, Ren-Jie; Cattani, Carlo; Xie, Gong-Nan; Yang, Xiao-Jun; Zhao, Yang 7 2014 On a numerical method based on wavelets for Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations of the second kind. Zbl 1406.65138 Micula, Sanda; Cattani, Carlo 7 2018 Harmonic wavelet solution of Poisson’s problem. Zbl 1172.35309 Cattani, Carlo 6 2008 Similarities and differencies in the description of evolution of quadratically nonlinear hyperelastic plane waves. Zbl 1126.74418 Ruschitskiy, Ya. Ya.; Cattani, C. 6 2006 Signorini cylindrical waves and Shannon wavelets. Zbl 1329.74105 Cattani, Carlo 6 2012 Fractal dynamical model of vehicular traffic flow within the local fractional conservation laws. Zbl 1468.90038 Wang, Long-Fei; Yang, Xiao-Jun; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cattani, Carlo; Zhao, Yang 6 2014 Differential models. Construction, representations & applications. Edited and with a preface by Samoilenko. Zbl 1051.34039 Samoilenko, A.; Borysenko, S.; Cattani, C.; Yasinsky, V. 5 2001 A wavelet method for nonlinear variable-order time fractional 2D Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1484.42032 Hosseininia, Masoumeh; Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Cattani, Carlo 5 2021 A novel hybrid approach for computing numerical solution of the time-fractional nonlinear one and two-dimensional partial integro-differential equation. Zbl 1508.65110 Rawani, Mukesh Kumar; Verma, Amit Kumar; Cattani, Carlo 5 2023 Discrete differential operators in multidimensional Haar wavelet spaces. Zbl 1075.39008 Cattani, Carlo; Sánchez Ruiz, Luis M. 4 2004 Cubically nonlinear elastic waves as compared with quadratic ones. Main wave effects. Zbl 1095.74017 Cattani, C.; Ruschitsky, Ya. Ya. 4 2003 Analytical solutions of the one-dimensional heat equations arising in fractal transient conduction with local fractional derivative. Zbl 1291.35016 Yang, Ai-Ming; Cattani, Carlo; Jafari, Hossein; Yang, Xiao-Jun 4 2013 The dynamics of COVID-19 in the UAE based on fractional derivative modeling using Riesz wavelets simulation. Zbl 1494.37055 Mohammad, Mutaz; Trounev, Alexander; Cattani, Carlo 4 2021 Solving Fokker-Planck equations on Cantor sets using local fractional decomposition method. Zbl 1468.65173 Yan, Shao-Hong; Chen, Xiao-Hong; Xie, Gong-Nan; Cattani, Carlo; Yang, Xiao-Jun 4 2014 On the discrete harmonic wavelet transform. Zbl 1166.65404 Cattani, Carlo; Kudreyko, Aleksey 4 2008 Local fractional discrete wavelet transform for solving signals on Cantor sets. Zbl 1299.94040 Zhao, Yang; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cattani, Carlo; Cheng, De-Fu; Yang, Xiao-Jun 4 2013 The wavelet-based technique in dispersive wave propagation. Zbl 1054.42022 Cattani, C. 3 2003 Wavelet based approach to fractals and fractal signal denoising. Zbl 1273.94134 Cattani, Carlo 3 2009 Multiobjective quantum evolutionary algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with customer satisfaction. Zbl 1264.90025 Zhang, Jingling; Wang, Wanliang; Zhao, Yanwei; Cattani, Carlo 3 2012 Numerical inverse Laplace transform for solving a class of fractional differential equations. Zbl 1425.35222 Rani, Dimple; Mishra, Vinod; Cattani, Carlo 3 2019 Periodic, complex and kink-type solitons for the nonlinear model in microtubules. Zbl 1423.35057 Baskonus, Haci Mehmet; Cattani, Carlo; Ciancio, Armando 3 2019 Wavelet solution of a strongly nonlinear Lane-Emden equation. Zbl 1515.65342 Tiwari, Diksha; Verma, Amit K.; Cattani, Carlo 3 2022 An efficient iterative approach for three-dimensional modified anomalous fractional sub-diffusion equations on a large domain. Zbl 1459.65094 Ma, Zhonglian; Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Avazzadeh, Zakieh; Cattani, Carlo 3 2019 Stability analysis of neural network controller based on event triggering. Zbl 1448.93247 Gao, Yan; Guo, Xin; Yao, Rao; Zhou, Wuneng; Cattani, Carlo 3 2020 Second order Shannon wavelet approximation of \(C^2\)-functions. Zbl 1249.42024 Cattani, Carlo 3 2011 Extraction of the gravitational potential and high-frequency wave perturbation properties of nonlinear \((3 + 1)\)-dimensional Vakhnenko-Parkes equation via novel approach. Zbl 1543.35233 Yan, Li; Mehmet Baskonus, Haci; Cattani, Carlo; Gao, Wei 2 2024 A novel hybrid approach for computing numerical solution of the time-fractional nonlinear one and two-dimensional partial integro-differential equation. Zbl 1508.65110 Rawani, Mukesh Kumar; Verma, Amit Kumar; Cattani, Carlo 5 2023 Approximating solutions to fractional-order Bagley-Torvik equation via generalized Bessel polynomial on large domains. Zbl 1516.65055 Izadi, Mohammad; Yüzbaşı, Şuayip; Cattani, Carlo 3 2023 Bernoulli collocation method for the third-order Lane-Emden-Fowler boundary value problem. Zbl 1522.65135 Shahni, Julee; Singh, Randhir; Cattani, Carlo 3 2023 An efficient numerical approach for solving three-point Lane-Emden-Fowler boundary value problem. Zbl 1540.65232 Shahni, Julee; Singh, Randhir; Cattani, Carlo 2 2023 Fractional Chebyshev cardinal wavelets: application for fractional quadratic integro-differential equations. Zbl 1538.65615 Heydari, M. H.; Razzaghi, M.; Cattani, C. 1 2023 Wavelet solution of a strongly nonlinear Lane-Emden equation. Zbl 1515.65342 Tiwari, Diksha; Verma, Amit K.; Cattani, Carlo 3 2022 Hilbert solution of fuzzy fractional boundary value problems. Zbl 1498.65109 Hasan, S.; Harrouche, N.; Al-Omari, S. K. Q.; Al-Smadi, M.; Momani, S.; Cattani, C. 2 2022 Fractal analysis. Basic concepts and applications. Zbl 1494.28001 Cattani, Carlo; Ben Mabrouk, Anouar; Arfaoui, Sabrine 1 2022 Orthonormal shifted discrete Hahn polynomials for a new category of nonlinear variable-order fractional 2D optimal control problems. Zbl 07887110 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Avazzadeh, Zakieh; Cattani, Carlo 1 2022 Patterns of a superdiffusive consumer-resource model with hunting cooperation functional response. Zbl 1498.92157 Djilali, Salih; Cattani, Carlo 8 2021 A numerical scheme for a class of generalized Burgers’ equation based on Haar wavelet nonstandard finite difference method. Zbl 1486.65211 Verma, Amit Kumar; Rawani, Mukesh Kumar; Cattani, Carlo 8 2021 Discrete Chebyshev polynomials for nonsingular variable-order fractional KdV Burgers’ equation. Zbl 1470.35394 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Avazzadeh, Zakieh; Cattani, Carlo 7 2021 A wavelet method for nonlinear variable-order time fractional 2D Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1484.42032 Hosseininia, Masoumeh; Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Cattani, Carlo 5 2021 The dynamics of COVID-19 in the UAE based on fractional derivative modeling using Riesz wavelets simulation. Zbl 1494.37055 Mohammad, Mutaz; Trounev, Alexander; Cattani, Carlo 4 2021 An efficient numerical approach to solve a class of variable-order fractional integro-partial differential equations. Zbl 1534.65122 Babaei, Afshin; Banihashemi, Seddigheh; Cattani, Carlo 3 2021 A novel exact solution for the fractional Ambartsumian equation. Zbl 1487.45005 Ebaid, Abdelhalim; Cattani, Carlo; Al Juhani, Amnah S.; El-Zahar, Essam R. 2 2021 Solution of nonlocal fractional-order boundary value problems by an effective accurate approximation method. Zbl 1486.65086 Izadi, Mohammad; Cattani, Carlo 1 2021 Wavelet analysis. Basic concepts and applications. Zbl 1459.42001 Arfaoui, Sabrine; Ben Mabrouk, Anouar; Cattani, Carlo 1 2021 Chaotic behaviour of fractional predator-prey dynamical system. Zbl 1489.92119 Kumar, Sunil; Kumar, Ranbir; Cattani, Carlo; Samet, Bessem 110 2020 A new Rabotnov fractional-exponential function-based fractional derivative for diffusion equation under external force. Zbl 1447.35359 Kumar, Sunil; Nisar, Kottakkaran Sooppy; Kumar, Ranbir; Cattani, Carlo; Samet, Bessem 73 2020 Complex solitons in the conformable \((2+1)\)-dimensional Ablowitz-Kaup-Newell-Segur equation. Zbl 1484.35377 Gao, Wei; Yel, Gulnur; Baskonus, Haci Mehmet; Cattani, Carlo 58 2020 Analytical and numerical study of the DNA dynamics arising in oscillator-chain of Peyrard-Bishop model. Zbl 1490.92009 Ali, Khalid K.; Cattani, Carlo; Gómez-Aguilar, J. F.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Osman, M. S. 28 2020 A cardinal method to solve coupled nonlinear variable-order time fractional sine-Gordon equations. Zbl 1449.35437 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Avazzadeh, Zakieh; Yang, Yin; Cattani, Carlo 11 2020 Legendre spectral method for the fractional Bratu problem. Zbl 1451.65162 Singh, Harendra; Ghassabzadeh, Fahimeh Akhavan; Tohidi, Emran; Cattani, Carlo 11 2020 On fractional predator and prey models with mutualistic predation including non-local and nonsingular kernels. Zbl 1489.92116 Ghanbari, Behzad; Cattani, Carlo 10 2020 Wavelets method for solving nonlinear stochastic Itô-Volterra integral equations. Zbl 1457.60104 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Hooshmandasl, Mohammad Reza; Cattani, Carlo 9 2020 Applications of bi-framelet systems for solving fractional order differential equations. Zbl 1482.65107 Mohammad, Mutaz; Cattani, Carlo 9 2020 Stability analysis of neural network controller based on event triggering. Zbl 1448.93247 Gao, Yan; Guo, Xin; Yao, Rao; Zhou, Wuneng; Cattani, Carlo 3 2020 New type of Gegenbauer-Hermite monogenic polynomials and associated Clifford wavelets. Zbl 1455.94005 Arfaoui, Sabrine; Ben Mabrouk, Anouar; Cattani, Carlo 2 2020 On algorithms for difference of monotone operators. Zbl 1512.90180 Ramazannejad, Maede; Alimohammady, Mohsen; Cattani, Carlo 2 2020 Fractal similarities between the distribution of primes and nucleotides in DNA. Zbl 07353726 Cattani, Carlo 1 2020 Fundamental solutions of anomalous diffusion equations with the decay exponential kernel. Zbl 1425.35228 Yang, Xiao-Jun; Feng, Yi-Ying; Cattani, Carlo; Inc, Mustafa 52 2019 Yang-Laplace decomposition method for nonlinear system of local fractional partial differential equations. Zbl 1524.49038 Ziane, Djelloul; Cherif, Mountassir Hamdi; Cattani, Carlo; Belghaba, Kacem 10 2019 Fractional Brownian motion: difference iterative forecasting models. Zbl 1448.62136 Song, Wanqing; Li, Ming; Li, Yuanyuan; Cattani, Carlo; Chi, Chi-Hung 8 2019 Numerical inverse Laplace transform for solving a class of fractional differential equations. Zbl 1425.35222 Rani, Dimple; Mishra, Vinod; Cattani, Carlo 3 2019 Periodic, complex and kink-type solitons for the nonlinear model in microtubules. Zbl 1423.35057 Baskonus, Haci Mehmet; Cattani, Carlo; Ciancio, Armando 3 2019 An efficient iterative approach for three-dimensional modified anomalous fractional sub-diffusion equations on a large domain. Zbl 1459.65094 Ma, Zhonglian; Heydari, Mohammad Hossein; Avazzadeh, Zakieh; Cattani, Carlo 3 2019 On the minimal solution of bi-Laplacian equation. Zbl 1438.35018 Alizadeh, Mohsen; Alimohammady, Mohsen; Cattani, Carlo; Cesarano, Clemente 1 2019 Computational methods for data analysis. Zbl 1407.68013 Karaca, Yeliz; Cattani, Carlo 1 2019 A generalized fractional-order Legendre wavelet Tau method for solving fractional differential equations. Zbl 1464.65079 Mohammadi, Fakhrodin; Cattani, Carlo 40 2018 A meshless method for solving the time fractional advection-diffusion equation with variable coefficients. Zbl 1418.65144 Mardani, A.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Heydari, M. H.; Cattani, C. 36 2018 A new operational matrix of fractional order integration for the Chebyshev wavelets and its application for nonlinear fractional van der Pol oscillator equation. Zbl 06877178 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Cattani, C. 12 2018 Evaluation of mixed Crank-Nicolson scheme and tau method for the solution of Klein-Gordon equation. Zbl 1427.65217 Nemati Saray, Behzad; Lakestani, Mehrdad; Cattani, Carlo 11 2018 On a numerical method based on wavelets for Fredholm-Hammerstein integral equations of the second kind. Zbl 1406.65138 Micula, Sanda; Cattani, Carlo 7 2018 Numerical inversion of Laplace transform based on Bernstein operational matrix. Zbl 1406.65135 Rani, Dimple; Mishra, Vinod; Cattani, Carlo 2 2018 Nonlinear dynamical model for DNA. Zbl 1417.35207 Baskonus, Haci Mehmet; Cattani, Carlo 1 2018 An optimization wavelet method for multi variable-order fractional differential equations. Zbl 1379.65046 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Cattani, C.; Hariharan, G. 28 2017 Invariance and existence analysis for semilinear hyperbolic equations with damping and conical singularity. Zbl 1382.35163 Alimohammady, Mohsen; Cattani, Carlo; Kalleji, Morteza Koozehgar 12 2017 On the critical strip of the Riemann zeta fractional derivative. Zbl 1376.26007 Cattani, C.; Guariglia, E.; Wang, S. 9 2017 Theory and applications of fractional Fourier transform and its variants. Preface. Zbl 1378.00128 3 2017 On exact traveling-wave solutions for local fractional Korteweg-de Vries equation. Zbl 1378.35329 Yang, Xiao-Jun; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cattani, Carlo 93 2016 Wavelets method for solving fractional optimal control problems. Zbl 1410.49032 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Maalek Ghaini, F. M.; Cattani, C. 53 2016 Legendre wavelets Galerkin method for solving nonlinear stochastic integral equations. Zbl 1355.65011 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Shakiba, A.; Cattani, C. 31 2016 Wavelets Galerkin method for solving stochastic heat equation. Zbl 1356.65018 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Loghmani, Gh. Barid; Cattani, C. 25 2016 On the fractal distribution of primes and prime-indexed primes by the binary image analysis. Zbl 1400.11012 Cattani, Carlo; Ciancio, Armando 15 2016 An efficient computational method based on the hat functions for solving fractional optimal control problems. Zbl 1341.49038 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Shakiba, A.; Cattani, C. 11 2016 Wavelets method for the time fractional diffusion-wave equation. Zbl 1304.35748 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Maalek Ghaini, F. M.; Cattani, C. 55 2015 An efficient computational method for solving nonlinear stochastic Itô integral equations: application for stochastic problems in physics. Zbl 1351.60088 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Cattani, C.; Maalek Ghaini, F. M. 46 2015 Fractional dynamics. Zbl 1333.00024 33 2015 Generalized hybrid kinetic mathematical model for population dynamics. Zbl 1326.35401 Cattani, Carlo; Ciancio, Armando 1 2015 Wavelets method for solving systems of nonlinear singular fractional Volterra integro-differential equations. Zbl 1344.65126 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Mohammadi, F.; Cattani, C. 73 2014 A computational method for solving stochastic Itô-Volterra integral equations based on stochastic operational matrix for generalized hat basis functions. Zbl 1349.65711 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Maalek Ghaini, F. M.; Cattani, C. 59 2014 Application of local fractional series expansion method to solve Klein-Gordon equations on Cantor sets. Zbl 1472.35342 Yang, Ai-Min; Zhang, Yu-Zhu; Cattani, Carlo; Xie, Gong-Nan; Rashidi, Mohammad Mehdi; Zhou, Yi-Jun; Yang, Xiao-Jun 34 2014 Local fractional variational iteration and decomposition methods for wave equation on Cantor sets within local fractional operators. Zbl 1468.35226 Baleanu, Dumitru; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Cattani, Carlo; Baleanu, Mihaela Cristina; Yang, Xiao-Jun 30 2014 Picard successive approximation method for solving differential equations arising in fractal heat transfer with local fractional derivative. Zbl 1470.35418 Yang, Ai-Min; Zhang, Cheng; Jafari, Hossein; Cattani, Carlo; Jiao, Ying 8 2014 Signal processing for nondifferentiable data defined on Cantor sets: a local fractional Fourier series approach. Zbl 1291.94021 Chen, Zhi-Yong; Cattani, Carlo; Zhong, Wei-Ping 7 2014 Local fractional \(Z\)-transforms with applications to signals on Cantor sets. Zbl 1468.94171 Liu, Kai; Hu, Ren-Jie; Cattani, Carlo; Xie, Gong-Nan; Yang, Xiao-Jun; Zhao, Yang 7 2014 Fractal dynamical model of vehicular traffic flow within the local fractional conservation laws. Zbl 1468.90038 Wang, Long-Fei; Yang, Xiao-Jun; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cattani, Carlo; Zhao, Yang 6 2014 Solving Fokker-Planck equations on Cantor sets using local fractional decomposition method. Zbl 1468.65173 Yan, Shao-Hong; Chen, Xiao-Hong; Xie, Gong-Nan; Cattani, Carlo; Yang, Xiao-Jun 4 2014 Local fractional Laplace variational iteration method for nonhomogeneous heat equations arising in fractal heat flow. Zbl 1407.65321 Xu, Shu; Ling, Xiang; Cattani, Carlo; Xie, Gong-Nan; Yang, Xiao-Jun; Zhao, Yang 2 2014 Local fractional variational iteration method for inhomogeneous Helmholtz equation within local fractional derivative operator. Zbl 1407.65320 Wang, Xian-Jin; Zhao, Yang; Cattani, Carlo; Yang, Xiao-Jun 2 2014 Approximate solutions for local fractional linear transport equations arising in fractal porous media. Zbl 1291.82114 Li, Meng; Hui, Xiao-Feng; Cattani, Carlo; Yang, Xiao-Jun; Zhao, Yang 1 2014 On the fractal geometry of DNA by the binary image analysis. Zbl 1272.92013 Cattani, Carlo; Pierro, Gaetano 25 2013 Legendre wavelets method for solving fractional population growth model in a closed system. Zbl 1296.65108 Heydari, M. H.; Hooshmandasl, M. R.; Cattani, C.; Li, Ming 24 2013 Maxwell’s equations on Cantor sets: a local fractional approach. Zbl 1328.82035 Zhao, Yang; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cattani, Carlo; Cheng, De-Fu; Yang, Xiao-Jun 18 2013 Characteristic roots of a class of fractional oscillators. Zbl 1328.34007 Li, Ming; Lim, S. C.; Cattani, Carlo; Scalia, Massimo 13 2013 Delay bound: fractal traffic passes through network servers. Zbl 1296.90023 Li, Ming; Zhao, Wei; Cattani, Carlo 12 2013 Analytical solutions of the one-dimensional heat equations arising in fractal transient conduction with local fractional derivative. Zbl 1291.35016 Yang, Ai-Ming; Cattani, Carlo; Jafari, Hossein; Yang, Xiao-Jun 4 2013 Local fractional discrete wavelet transform for solving signals on Cantor sets. Zbl 1299.94040 Zhao, Yang; Baleanu, Dumitru; Cattani, Carlo; Cheng, De-Fu; Yang, Xiao-Jun 4 2013 Regular solutions in vacuum Brans-Dicke theory compared to vacuum Einstein theory. Zbl 1328.83142 Khaybullina, Alina; Izmailov, Ramil; Nandi, Kamal K.; Cattani, Carlo 2 2013 A class of solutions for the hybrid kinetic model in the tumor-immune system competition. Zbl 1296.35198 Cattani, Carlo; Ciancio, Armando 2 2013 A Shannon-Runge-Kutta-Gill method for convection-diffusion equations. Zbl 1296.76082 Duan, Xiaoming; Leng, Jinsong; Cattani, Carlo; Li, Caiyun 2 2013 Construction of bivariate nonseparable compactly supported orthogonal wavelets. Zbl 1299.94038 Leng, Jinsong; Huang, Tingzhu; Cattani, Carlo 2 2013 Chaotic charged system search with a feasible-based method for constraint optimization problems. Zbl 1296.78013 Nouhi, B.; Talatahari, S.; Kheiri, H.; Cattani, C. 1 2013 Fractional calculus and Shannon wavelet. Zbl 1264.42016 Cattani, Carlo 25 2012 Markov models for image labeling. Zbl 1264.68189 Chen, S. Y.; Tong, Hanyang; Cattani, Carlo 25 2012 Traffic dynamics on complex networks: a survey. Zbl 1264.90031 Chen, Shengyong; Huang, Wei; Cattani, Carlo; Altieri, Giuseppe 23 2012 On the existence of wavelet symmetries in archaea DNA. Zbl 1234.92014 Cattani, Carlo 18 2012 Modeling of biological intelligence for SCM system optimization. Zbl 1235.90022 Chen, Shengyong; Zheng, Yujun; Cattani, Carlo; Wang, Wanliang 17 2012 Entropy and multifractality for the myeloma multiple TET 2 gene. Zbl 1264.92017 Cattani, Carlo; Pierro, Gaetano; Altieri, Giuseppe 11 2012 Separable transition density in the hybrid model for tumor-immune system competition. Zbl 1234.92026 Cattani, Carlo; Ciancio, Armando 11 2012 Simplicial approach to fractal structures. Zbl 1264.28005 Cattani, Carlo; Laserra, Ettore; Bochicchio, Ivana 8 2012 Signorini cylindrical waves and Shannon wavelets. Zbl 1329.74105 Cattani, Carlo 6 2012 Multiobjective quantum evolutionary algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with customer satisfaction. Zbl 1264.90025 Zhang, Jingling; Wang, Wanliang; Zhao, Yanwei; Cattani, Carlo 3 2012 Adaptive binary arithmetic coder-based image feature and segmentation in the compressed domain. Zbl 1264.94014 Hsin, Hsi-Chin; Sung, Tze-Yun; Shieh, Yaw-Shih; Cattani, Carlo 2 2012 Fast detection of weak singularities in a chaotic signal using Lorenz system and the bisection algorithm. Zbl 1264.94069 Song, Tiezheng; Cattani, Carlo 2 2012 Hidden-Markov-Models-based dynamic hand gesture recognition. Zbl 1264.68155 Wang, Xiaoyan; Xia, Ming; Cai, Huiwen; Gao, Yong; Cattani, Carlo 1 2012 Complexity on acute myeloid leukemia mRNA transcript variant. Zbl 1235.92025 Cattani, Carlo; Pierro, Gaetano 9 2011 Second order Shannon wavelet approximation of \(C^2\)-functions. Zbl 1249.42024 Cattani, Carlo 3 2011 ...and 54 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,339 Authors 81 Cattani, Carlo 59 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 56 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein 34 Li, Ming 33 Avazzadeh, Zakieh 29 Yang, Xiao-Jun 27 Baskonus, Haci Mehmet 25 Razzaghi, Mohsen 21 Kumar, Sunil 20 Srivastava, Hari Mohan 19 Hooshmandasl, Mohammad Reza 18 Kumar, Devendra 17 Mirzaee, Farshid 17 Ordokhani, Yadollah 17 Singh, Jagdev 16 Gómez-Aguilar, José Francisco 16 Machado, José António Tenreiro 15 Sooppy Nisar, Kottakkaran 14 Akgül, Ali 14 Atangana, Abdon 14 Jafari, Hossein 13 Maalek Ghaini, F. M. 11 Ghanbari, Behzad 11 Hosseininia, Masoumeh 11 Samadyar, Nasrin 11 Wang, Kangle 10 Abdeljawad, Thabet 10 Agarwal, Praveen 10 Liu, Jiangen 10 Mohammadi, Fakhrodin 10 Saha Ray, Santanu 10 Veeresha, Pundikala 10 Zhao, Yang 9 Abdelkawy, Mohamed A. 9 Hassani, Hossein 9 Hsin, Hsi-Chin 9 Sung, Tze-Yun 9 Zhao, Wei 8 Ciancio, Armando 8 Dehestani, Haniye 8 Feng, Yiying 8 Prakasha, Doddabhadrappla Gowda 8 Roul, Pradip 8 Rushchitskiĭ, Ya. Ya. 8 Shieh, Yaw-Shih 8 Sun, Wenbing 8 Yel, Gulnur 7 Babolian, Esmail 7 Bellomo, Nicola 7 Bhrawy, Ali Hassan 7 Chen, Shengyong 7 Chu, Yuming 7 Gao, Wei 7 Jassim, Hassan Kamil 7 Kumar, Ranbir 7 Manafian Heris, Jalil 7 Osman, Mohamed Sayed Ali 7 Sabir, Zulqurnain 7 Samet, Bessem 7 Toma, Cristian I. 7 Xie, Jiaquan 6 Agarwal, Ravi P. 6 García Guirao, Juan Luis 6 Ghafoor, Abdul 6 Golmankhaneh, Alireza Khalili 6 Hamid, Muhammad 6 Haq, Sirajul 6 Hu, Shaoxiang 6 Ibrahim, Rabha Waell 6 Inc, Mustafa 6 Khater, Mostafa M. A. 6 Liao, Zhiwu 6 Lopes, António M. 6 Maleknejad, Khosrow 6 Ortiz-Gracia, Luis 6 Purohit, Sunil Dutt 6 Rezapour, Shahram 6 Scalia, Massimo 6 Shah, Kamal 6 Singh, Inderdeep 6 Usman, Muhammad 5 Aghazadeh, Nasser 5 Aziz, Imran 5 Babaei, Afshin 5 Banihashemi, Seddigheh 5 Bhardwaj, Akanksha 5 Bulut, Hasan 5 Chen, Jwu E. 5 Doha, Eid H. 5 Du, Tingsong 5 Hussain, Manzoor 5 Ilhan, Esin 5 Ko, Lu-Ting 5 Kudreyko, Aleksey 5 Kumar, Alpesh 5 Laserra, Ettore 5 Mei, Shuli 5 Rahimkhani, Parisa 5 Raja, Muhammad Asif Zahoor 5 Rashidinia, Jalil ...and 2,239 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 223 Serials 133 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 96 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 72 Advances in Difference Equations 58 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 57 Fractals 50 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 45 Applied Mathematics and Computation 39 Computational and Applied Mathematics 38 Abstract and Applied Analysis 35 Advances in Mathematical Physics 34 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 30 Physica A 29 Applied Numerical Mathematics 28 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 28 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 27 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 21 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 20 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 18 International Applied Mechanics 15 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 14 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 14 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 14 AIMS Mathematics 12 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 11 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 11 Applied Mathematical Modelling 11 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 11 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 11 Mathematical Sciences 11 Journal of Function Spaces 10 Journal of Computational Physics 9 Numerical Algorithms 8 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 8 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 7 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 7 Nonlinear Dynamics 7 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 7 Open Mathematics 6 Applied Mathematics Letters 6 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 6 International Journal of Biomathematics 6 Communications in Theoretical Physics 6 Asian Journal of Control 6 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 6 Journal of Mathematics 6 Journal of Mathematical Modeling 6 Applied Mathematics and Nonlinear Sciences 5 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 5 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 5 Chaos 5 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 5 Advances in High Energy Physics 5 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 4 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 4 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 4 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 4 Proceedings of Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics. 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