
Chabi Orou, Jean B.

Author ID: chabi-orou.jean-b Recent zbMATH articles by "Chabi Orou, Jean B."
Published as: Chabi Orou, J. B.; Orou, Jean Bio Chabi; Chabi Orou, Jean B.; Chabi Orou, Jean Bio; Orou, Jean Bio-Chabi; Chabi Orou, Jean
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Documents Indexed: 27 Publications since 1994
Co-Authors: 28 Co-Authors with 27 Joint Publications
434 Co-Co-Authors

Publications by Year

Citations contained in zbMATH Open

21 Publications have been cited 164 times in 116 Documents Cited by Year
Nonlinear dynamics and strange attractors in the biological system. Zbl 1138.37050
Enjieu Kadji, H. G.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Yamapi, R.; Woafo, P.
Synchronization dynamics in a ring of four mutually coupled biological systems. Zbl 1221.37188
Enjieu Kadji, H. G.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Woafo, P.
Harmonic oscillations, stability and chaos control in a non-linear electromechanical system. Zbl 1237.34070
Yamapi, René; Chabi Orou, Jean B.; Woafo, Paul
Synchronization of two coupled self-excited systems with multi-limit cycles. Zbl 1163.37343
Enjieu Kadji, H. G.; Yamapi, R.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Effect of nonlinear dissipation on the basin boundaries of a driven two-well modified Rayleigh-Duffing oscillator. Zbl 1309.34057
Miwadinou, C. H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Dynamics of a nonlinear electromechanical system with multiple functions in series. Zbl 1299.74061
Woafo, P.; Yamapi, R.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Modeling nonlinear dissipative chemical dynamics by a forced modified van der Pol-Duffing oscillator with asymmetric potential: chaotic behaviors predictions. Zbl 1543.34078
Miwadinou, C. H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Yovogan, J.; Hinvi, L. A.; Nwagoum Tuwa, P. R.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Melnikov chaos in a modified Rayleigh-Duffing oscillator with 6 potential. Zbl 1343.34091
Miwadinou, C. H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Hinvi, L. A.; Koukpemedji, A. A.; Ainamon, C.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Nonlinear dynamics and synchronization of coupled electromechanical systems with multiple functions. Zbl 1232.70018
Yamapi, R.; Moukam Kakmeni, F. M.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Effect of amplitude modulated signal on chaotic motions in a mixed Rayleigh-Liénard oscillator. Zbl 1404.34076
Miwadinou, Clement H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Hinvi, L. A.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Harmonic dynamics and transition to chaos in a nonlinear electromechanical system with parametric coupling. Zbl 1066.34033
Yamapi, R.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Woafo, P.
Synchronization of the regular and chaotic states of electromechanical devices with and without delay. Zbl 1086.37531
Yamapi, R.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Woafo, P.
Effects of passive hydrodynamics force on harmonic and chaotic oscillations in nonlinear chemical dynamics. Zbl 1415.92219
Olabodé, D. L.; Miwadinou, C. H.; Monwanou, V. A.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Spatiotemporal dynamics in a ring of \(N\) mutually coupled self-sustained systems. Zbl 1163.37342
Enjieu Kadji, H. G.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Woafo, P.
Nonlinear oscillations of nonlinear damping gyros: resonances, hysteresis and multistability. Zbl 1453.70002
Miwadinou, Clement H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Hinvi, L. A.; Tamba, V. Kamdoum; Koukpémèdji, A. A.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Analysis and FPGA implementation of an autonomous Josephson junction snap oscillator. Zbl 1516.94074
Kingni, Sifeu Takougang; Rajagopal, Karthikeyan; Kamdoum Tamba, Victor; Ainamon, Cyrille; Orou, Jean Bio Chabi
Adaptive control of a new chaotic financial system with integer order and fractional order and its identical adaptive synchronization. Zbl 1512.34110
Dousseh, Paul Yaovi; Ainamon, Cyrille; Miwadinou, Clément Hodévèwan; Monwanou, Adjimon Vincent; Chabi Orou, Jean Bio
Quantum effects from particle production on background evolution and Cardy-Verlinde formula in \(f(R)\) gravity. Zbl 1263.83133
Houndjo, M. J. S.; Monwanou, A. V.; Chabi Orou, Jean B.
Chaotic motions in forced mixed Rayleigh-Liénard oscillator with external and parametric periodic-excitations. Zbl 1388.34027
Miwadinou, Clement H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Koukpemedji, A. A.; Kpomahou, Y. J. F.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Effect of helical force on the stationary convection in a rotating ferrofluid. Zbl 07832474
Hounsou, P.; Monwanou, A. V.; Miwadinou, C. H.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Modulation of synchronization dynamics in a network of self-sustained systems. Zbl 1470.94114
Enjieu Kadji, H. G.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Sanjuán, M. A. F.
Adaptive control of a new chaotic financial system with integer order and fractional order and its identical adaptive synchronization. Zbl 1512.34110
Dousseh, Paul Yaovi; Ainamon, Cyrille; Miwadinou, Clément Hodévèwan; Monwanou, Adjimon Vincent; Chabi Orou, Jean Bio
Nonlinear oscillations of nonlinear damping gyros: resonances, hysteresis and multistability. Zbl 1453.70002
Miwadinou, Clement H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Hinvi, L. A.; Tamba, V. Kamdoum; Koukpémèdji, A. A.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Effect of helical force on the stationary convection in a rotating ferrofluid. Zbl 07832474
Hounsou, P.; Monwanou, A. V.; Miwadinou, C. H.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Effects of passive hydrodynamics force on harmonic and chaotic oscillations in nonlinear chemical dynamics. Zbl 1415.92219
Olabodé, D. L.; Miwadinou, C. H.; Monwanou, V. A.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Analysis and FPGA implementation of an autonomous Josephson junction snap oscillator. Zbl 1516.94074
Kingni, Sifeu Takougang; Rajagopal, Karthikeyan; Kamdoum Tamba, Victor; Ainamon, Cyrille; Orou, Jean Bio Chabi
Modeling nonlinear dissipative chemical dynamics by a forced modified van der Pol-Duffing oscillator with asymmetric potential: chaotic behaviors predictions. Zbl 1543.34078
Miwadinou, C. H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Yovogan, J.; Hinvi, L. A.; Nwagoum Tuwa, P. R.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Effect of amplitude modulated signal on chaotic motions in a mixed Rayleigh-Liénard oscillator. Zbl 1404.34076
Miwadinou, Clement H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Hinvi, L. A.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Chaotic motions in forced mixed Rayleigh-Liénard oscillator with external and parametric periodic-excitations. Zbl 1388.34027
Miwadinou, Clement H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Koukpemedji, A. A.; Kpomahou, Y. J. F.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Melnikov chaos in a modified Rayleigh-Duffing oscillator with 6 potential. Zbl 1343.34091
Miwadinou, C. H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Hinvi, L. A.; Koukpemedji, A. A.; Ainamon, C.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Effect of nonlinear dissipation on the basin boundaries of a driven two-well modified Rayleigh-Duffing oscillator. Zbl 1309.34057
Miwadinou, C. H.; Monwanou, A. V.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Modulation of synchronization dynamics in a network of self-sustained systems. Zbl 1470.94114
Enjieu Kadji, H. G.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Sanjuán, M. A. F.
Quantum effects from particle production on background evolution and Cardy-Verlinde formula in \(f(R)\) gravity. Zbl 1263.83133
Houndjo, M. J. S.; Monwanou, A. V.; Chabi Orou, Jean B.
Synchronization dynamics in a ring of four mutually coupled biological systems. Zbl 1221.37188
Enjieu Kadji, H. G.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Woafo, P.
Nonlinear dynamics and strange attractors in the biological system. Zbl 1138.37050
Enjieu Kadji, H. G.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Yamapi, R.; Woafo, P.
Synchronization of two coupled self-excited systems with multi-limit cycles. Zbl 1163.37343
Enjieu Kadji, H. G.; Yamapi, R.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Nonlinear dynamics and synchronization of coupled electromechanical systems with multiple functions. Zbl 1232.70018
Yamapi, R.; Moukam Kakmeni, F. M.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Spatiotemporal dynamics in a ring of \(N\) mutually coupled self-sustained systems. Zbl 1163.37342
Enjieu Kadji, H. G.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Woafo, P.
Dynamics of a nonlinear electromechanical system with multiple functions in series. Zbl 1299.74061
Woafo, P.; Yamapi, R.; Chabi Orou, J. B.
Synchronization of the regular and chaotic states of electromechanical devices with and without delay. Zbl 1086.37531
Yamapi, R.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Woafo, P.
Harmonic oscillations, stability and chaos control in a non-linear electromechanical system. Zbl 1237.34070
Yamapi, René; Chabi Orou, Jean B.; Woafo, Paul
Harmonic dynamics and transition to chaos in a nonlinear electromechanical system with parametric coupling. Zbl 1066.34033
Yamapi, R.; Chabi Orou, J. B.; Woafo, P.
all top 5

Cited by 229 Authors

18 Yamapi, René
11 Chabi Orou, Jean B.
9 Miwadinou, Clément Hodévèwan
9 Woafo, Paul
6 Filatrella, Giovanni
5 Hinvi, Laurent Amoussou
5 Monwanou, Adjimon Vincent
5 Tchawoua, Clement
5 Xu, Wei
4 Bowong, Samuel
4 Guo, Qin
4 Monwanou, Vincent A.
4 Rajagopal, Karthikeyan
3 Aziz-Alaoui, Moulay-Ahmed
3 Bi, Qinsheng
3 Gangopadhyay, Gautam
3 Koukpemedji, A. A.
3 Kpomahou, Yélomè Judicaël Fernando
3 Moukam Kakmeni, F. M.
3 Saha, Sandip K.
3 Sun, Zhongkui
3 Yonkeu, R. Mbakob
2 Banerjee, Tanmoy
2 Biswas, Debabrata
2 Chamgoué, André Chéagé
2 Chen, Fangqi
2 Horikawa, Yo
2 Houndjo, Mahouton J. S.
2 Hounnan, Semedeton Olivier
2 Karthikeyan, Anitha
2 Kitio Kwuimy, C. A.
2 Kurths, Jürgen
2 Kyprianidis, Ioannis M.
2 Ma, Xindong
2 Nana Nbendjo, Blaise Romeo
2 Ngongiah, Isidore Komofor
2 Ngueuteu, G. S. Mbouna
2 Nwagoum Tuwa, P. R.
2 Ray, Deb Shankar
2 Stouboulos, Ioannis N.
2 Vaidyanathan, Sundarapandian
2 Vincent, Uchechukwu E.
2 Volos, Christos K.
2 Yue, XiaoLe
2 Zhang, Chunrui
2 Zheng, Baodong
2 Zhou, Liangqiang
2 Zhu, Jiandong
1 Abdelouahab, Mohammed-Salah
1 Adéchinan, A. J.
1 Afsharnezhad, Zahra
1 Agbélélé, K. J.
1 Ahadpour, Sodeif
1 Ainamon, Cyrille
1 Akgün, D.
1 Alì, Giuseppe
1 Alkahtani, Badr Saad T.
1 Allahem, Ali
1 Alzaid, Sara Salem
1 Băleanu, Dumitru I.
1 Balthazar, José Manoel
1 Bazán Navarro, Ciro Eduardo
1 Belhaq, Mohamed
1 Benazic Tome, Renato Mario
1 Besançon, Alina Voda
1 Bilotta, Eleonora
1 Bingi, Kishore
1 Biswas, B. N.
1 Bitmead, Robert R.
1 Bouziani, Fethi
1 Butusov, Denis N.
1 Cang, Shijian
1 Cankaya, İ.
1 Cerdeira, Hilda A.
1 Chakraborty, Sagar
1 Chéagé Chamgoué, A.
1 Chen, Shengyong
1 Chen, Yushu
1 Chen, Zengqiang
1 Chen, Zhenyang
1 Chiaravalloti, Francesco
1 Choi, Han Ho
1 Cicek, Serdar
1 Dadi, Zohreh
1 Dandapathak, Manaj
1 Das, Nikhil Ranjan
1 David, Afungchui
1 Deruni, Berc
1 Dutta, Partha Sharathi
1 Felix, Jorge Luis Palacios
1 Feng, Shasha
1 Ghosh, Dia
1 Godonou, A. E.
1 Guin, A.
1 Guo, Ben-Yu
1 Hacinliyan, Avadis Simon
1 Hamdi, Mustapha
1 Hamid, Rohana Abdul
1 Hammouch, Zakia
1 Hamri, N. E.
...and 129 more Authors
all top 5

Cited in 40 Serials

23 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation
14 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering
10 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals
9 Chaos
8 Nonlinear Dynamics
4 Physica D
4 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei)
3 Physica A
3 Physics Letters. A
3 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
2 Applied Mathematical Modelling
2 Fractals
1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics
1 Journal of the Franklin Institute
1 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
1 Applied Mathematics and Computation
1 Automatica
1 Kybernetika
1 Meccanica
1 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
1 Applied Numerical Mathematics
1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series
1 Neural Networks
1 International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control
1 Journal of Nonlinear Science
1 International Journal of Modern Physics D
1 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry
1 European Journal of Control
1 Journal of Vibration and Control
1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik
1 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics
1 International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
1 Journal of Applied Mathematics
1 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics
1 The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications
1 The European Physical Journal B. Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
1 Journal of Control Science and Engineering
1 Journal of Theoretical Biology
1 Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems
1 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics

Citations by Year

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