Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Chen, Lansun Co-Author Distance Author ID: chen.lansun Published as: Chen, Lansun; Chen, Lan-Sun; Chen, Lan-sun; Chen, Lan Sun; Chen Lan-sun; Chen, L. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp Documents Indexed: 506 Publications since 1970, including 1 Book 1 Contribution as Editor Reviewing Activity: 130 Reviews Co-Authors: 182 Co-Authors with 498 Joint Publications 6,955 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 5 single-authored 51 Jiao, Jianjun 32 Song, Xinyu 26 Meng, Xinzhu 21 Zhang, Shuwen 19 Guo, Hongjian 19 Pang, Guoping 17 Cai, Shaohong 17 Wei, Chunjin 17 Zhang, Yujuan 16 Gao, Shujing 16 Liu, Bing 16 Teng, Zhi-dong 16 Xiao, Yanni 16 Xu, Rui 16 Zhang, Hong 16 Zhao, Zhong 15 Lu, Zhonghua 14 Pei, Yongzhen 14 Sun, Lihua 13 Fu, Jinbo 13 Tang, Sanyi 13 Wang, Fengyan 11 Li, Changguo 10 Cui, Jingan 10 Hui, Jing 10 Liu, Zhijun 9 Dong, Lingzhen 9 Liu, Shengqiang 9 Wang, Tieying 8 Li, Zuxiong 8 Shi, Ruiqing 8 Zhang, Xinan 7 Liu, Kaiyuan 7 Sun, Shulin 7 Xu, Weijian 6 Chi, Xuebin 6 Liang, Zhaojun 6 Liu, Xianning 6 Tan, Dejun 6 Tan, Yuanshun 6 Tian, Yuan 6 Zeng, Guangzhao 5 Chaplain, Mark A. J. 5 Lu, Zhengyi 5 Luo, Guilie 5 Sun, Kaibiao 5 Tao, Fengmei 5 Wang, Limin 5 Zhao, Min 4 Dai, Chuanjun 4 Georgescu, Paul 4 Hao, Feilong 4 Li, Hua 4 Li, Limei 4 Nieto Roig, Juan Jose 4 Wang, Chunhua 4 Wang, Wendi 4 Zhang, Meng 3 Chen, Jufang 3 Chen, Shidong 3 Cheng, Rongfu 3 Gui, Zhanji 3 Hao, Chunping 3 Liang, Zhiqing 3 Liu, Shaoying 3 Sun, Mingjing 3 Xiu, Zhilong 3 Yang, Li 3 Zhang, Jingru 3 Zhu, Rongping 2 Agarwal, Ravi P. 2 Cao, Xiantong 2 Cheng, Huidong 2 Dou, Jiawei 2 Fan, Meng 2 Huang, Mingzhan 2 Ji, Xuehui 2 Jiang, Xiaowu 2 Kasperski, Andrzej 2 Li, Zeyu 2 Liu, Pingzhou 2 Liu, Qiong 2 Long, Wen 2 Peng, Qiuliang 2 Song, Zhitao 2 Tan, Ronghua 2 Wang, Dongda 2 Wang, Mingshu 2 Wang, Xuelei 2 Xie, Dehui 2 Yang, Xia 2 Yang, Xiaosong 2 Ye, Yanqian 2 Zhang, Qingrui 2 Zhang, Tongqian 2 Zhu, Guanghu 1 Angela, Torres 1 Bao, Lei 1 Cai, Suilin 1 Cao, Feng ...and 82 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 40 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 36 Applied Mathematics and Computation 18 Nonlinear Dynamics 16 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 15 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 14 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 13 International Journal of Biomathematics 12 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 12 Journal of Dalian University of Technology 12 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 12 Journal of Biological Systems 10 Journal of Biomathematics 10 International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 10 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 9 Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences 9 Mathematica Applicata 9 Advances in Complex Systems 8 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 8 Applied Mathematical Modelling 8 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series A. (Chinese Edition) 7 Acta Mathematica Sinica 7 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 7 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 7 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 7 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 6 Applicable Analysis 6 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 6 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 6 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 6 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 6 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 6 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 6 Journal of Theoretical Biology 5 Journal of Mathematics. Wuhan University 5 Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences 5 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 5 Journal of Applied Mathematics 5 Advances in Difference Equations 4 Mathematical Biosciences 4 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 4 Mathematics in Practice and Theory 4 Annals of Differential Equations 4 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 3 Journal of Nanjing Normal University. Natural Science Edition 3 Journal of Jilin University. Science Edition 3 Mathematical Medicine and Biology 2 Computers and Structures 2 Journal of Mathematical Biology 2 Journal of Mathematical Research & Exposition 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia 2 The Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly 2 Applied Mathematics. Series A (Chinese Edition) 2 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 2 Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series A. (Chinese Edition) 2 Bulletin of Biomathematics 2 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 2 International Journal of Information & Systems Sciences 1 Acta Mechanica 1 IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Physica A 1 Physics of Fluids 1 Theoretical Population Biology 1 Tôhoku Mathematical Journal. Second Series 1 Journal of Lanzhou University. Natural Sciences 1 Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Sunyatseni 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Journal of Wuhan University. Natural Science Edition 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics (Xi’an) 1 Northeastern Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Central China Normal University. Natural Sciences 1 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 1 Dynamic Systems and Applications 1 Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations 1 Complexity 1 Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Mathematical Study 1 Acta Analysis Functionalis Applicata. AAFA 1 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 1 International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications 1 The ANZIAM Journal 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 1 Stochastics and Dynamics 1 Chinese Journal of Contemporary Mathematics 1 Journal of University of Science and Technology of China 1 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 1 Journal of Guangxi Normal University. Natural Science Edition 1 Translations of Mathematical Monographs 1 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Hybrid Systems 1 Journal of Mathematical Control Science and Applications 1 Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics ...and 3 more Serials all top 5 Fields 450 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 448 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 98 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 50 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 20 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 16 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 13 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 391 Publications have been cited 8,106 times in 3,631 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Modeling and analysis of a predator-prey model with disease in the prey. Zbl 0978.92031 Xiao, Yanni; Chen, Lansun 259 2001 Complex dynamics of Holling type II Lotka–Volterra predator–prey system with impulsive perturbations on the predator. Zbl 1085.34529 Liu, Xianning; Chen, Lansun 242 2003 Theory of limit cycles. Transl. from the Chinese by Chi Y. Lo, ed. by S. H. Gould and J. K. Hale. Zbl 0588.34022 Ye, Yanqian; Cai, Suilin; Chen, Lansun; Huang, Kecheng; Luo, Dingjun; Ma, Zhien; Wang, Ernian; Wang, Mingshu; Yang, Xinan 204 1986 Density-dependent birth rate, birth pulses and their population dynamic consequences. Zbl 0990.92033 Tang, Sanyi; Chen, Lansun 200 2002 Optimal harvesting and stability for two-species competitive system with stage structure. Zbl 1028.34049 Song, Xinyu; Chen, Lansun 157 2001 Permanence and positive periodic solution for a single-species nonautonomous delay diffusive models. Zbl 0873.34061 Yang, Xia; Chen, Lansun; Chen, Jufang 142 1996 A delayed epidemic model with stage-structure and pulses for pest management strategy. Zbl 1154.34394 Zhang, Hong; Chen, Lansun; Nieto, Juan J. 141 2008 Integrated pest management models and their dynamical behaviour. Zbl 1334.91058 Tang, Sanyi; Xiao, Yanni; Chen, Lansun; Cheke, Robert A. 141 2005 The stage-structured predator-prey model and optimal harvesting policy. Zbl 0961.92037 Zhang, Xinan; Chen, Lansun; Neumann, Avidan U. 108 2000 The dynamical behavior of a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model concerning integrated pest management. Zbl 1082.34039 Liu, Bing; Zhang, Yujuan; Chen, Lansun 97 2005 The effects of impulsive toxicant input on a population in a polluted environment. Zbl 1041.92044 Liu, Bing; Chen, Lansun; Zhang, Yujuang 92 2003 The effect of constant and pulse vaccination on SIR epidemic model with horizontal and vertical transmission. Zbl 1023.92026 Lu, Zhonghua; Chi, Xuebin; Chen, Lansun 89 2002 The dynamics of an epidemic model for pest control with impulsive effect. Zbl 1188.93038 Wang, Limin; Chen, Lansun; Nieto, Juan J. 85 2010 Analysis of a predator-prey model with Holling II functional response concerning impulsive control strategy. Zbl 1089.92060 Liu, Bing; Teng, Zhidong; Chen, Lansun 84 2006 The relative position and number of limit cycles of the quadratic differential system. Zbl 0433.34022 Chen, Lansun; Wang, Mingshu 77 1979 Dynamic complexities of a Holling I predator-prey model concerning periodic biological and chemical control. Zbl 1058.92047 Liu, Bing; Zhang, Yujuan; Chen, Lansun 75 2004 Global dynamics of the periodic logistic system with periodic impulsive perturbations. Zbl 1054.34015 Liu, Xianning; Chen, Lansun 75 2004 Modelling and analysis of integrated pest management strategy. Zbl 1114.92074 Tang, Sanyi; Chen, Lansun 74 2004 A ratio-dependent predator-prey model with disease in the prey. Zbl 1024.92017 Xiao, Yanni; Chen, Lansun 74 2002 The study of predator–prey system with defensive ability of prey and impulsive perturbations on the predator. Zbl 1081.34041 Zhang, Shuwen; Dong, Lingzhen; Chen, Lansun 72 2005 Positive periodic solutions to periodic Kolmogorov-type systems with delays. Zbl 0976.34063 Teng, Zhidong; Chen, Lansun 67 1999 The dynamics of a new SIR epidemic model concerning pulse vaccination strategy. Zbl 1131.92056 Meng, Xinzhu; Chen, Lansun 67 2008 Existence of periodic solution of order one of planar impulsive autonomous system. Zbl 1088.34040 Zeng, Guangzhao; Chen, Lansun; Sun, Lihua 61 2006 A delay SIR epidemic model with pulse vaccination and incubation times. Zbl 1184.92044 Meng, Xinzhu; Chen, Lansun; Wu, Bo 61 2010 Asymptotic behaviors of competitive Lotka-Volterra system with stage structure. Zbl 1022.34039 Liu, Shengqiang; Chen, Lansun; Luo, Guilie; Jiang, Youlin 60 2002 Recent progress on stage-structured population dynamics. Zbl 1077.92516 Liu, Shengqiang; Chen, Lansun; Agarwal, R. 58 2002 Global attractivity of a stage-structure variable coefficients predator-prey system with time delay and impulsive perturbations on predators. Zbl 1155.92355 Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun 57 2008 Permanence and extinction of periodic predator–prey systems in a patchy environment with delay. Zbl 1018.92033 Teng, Zhidong; Chen, Lansun 56 2003 A predator-prey model with disease in the prey and two impulses for integrated pest management. Zbl 1185.34015 Shi, Ruiqing; Jiang, Xiaowu; Chen, Lansun 55 2009 Extinction and permanence in nonautonomous competitive systems with stage structure. Zbl 1039.34068 Liu, Shengqiang; Chen, Lansun; Liu, Zhuojun 55 2002 The effect of dispersal on population growth with stage-structure. Zbl 0968.92018 Cui, Jingan; Chen, Lansun; Wang, Wendi 53 2000 Persistence and stability for a two-species ratio-dependent predator-prey system with time delay in a two-patch environment. Zbl 0949.92028 Xu, Rui; Chen, Lansun 53 2000 Two profitless delays for the SEIRS epidemic disease model with nonlinear incidence and pulse vaccination. Zbl 1111.92049 Meng, Xinzhu; Chen, Lansun; Cheng, Huidong 53 2007 Impulsive vaccination of SIR epidemic models with nonlinear incidence rates. Zbl 1100.92040 Hui, Jing; Chen, Lansun 53 2004 Multiple attractors in stage-structured population models with birth pulses. Zbl 1334.92371 Tang, Sanyi; Chen, Lansun 53 2003 Analysis of a three species eco-epidemiological model. Zbl 0967.92017 Xiao, Yanni; Chen, Lansun 52 2001 Chaos in functional response host - parasitoid ecosystem models. Zbl 1022.92042 Tang, Sanyi; Chen, Lansun 51 2002 The dynamics of an age structured predator-prey model with disturbing pulse and time delays. Zbl 1142.34054 Meng, Xinzhu; Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun 50 2008 The effect of seasonal harvesting on stage-structured population models. Zbl 1058.92051 Tang, Sanyi; Chen, Lansun 47 2004 Impulsive control strategies in biological control of pesticide. Zbl 1100.92071 Lu, Zhonghua; Chi, Xuebin; Chen, Lansun 46 2003 Permanence and global stability in an impulsive Lotka-Volterra \(N\)-species competitive system with both discrete delays and continuous delays. Zbl 1155.92356 Meng, Xinzhu; Chen, Lansun 45 2008 The dynamics of a prey-dependent consumption model concerning impulsive control strategy. Zbl 1074.92042 Liu, Bing; Chen, Lansun; Zhang, Yujuan 45 2005 Global attractivity in a ”food-limited” population model with impulsive effects. Zbl 1062.34055 Tang, Sanyi; Chen, Lansun 44 2004 The effect of seasonal harvesting on a single-species discrete population model with stage structure and birth pulses. Zbl 1061.92059 Gao, Shujing; Chen, Lansun 43 2005 Analysis of a stage-structured predator-prey system with birth pulse and impulsive harvesting at different moments. Zbl 1220.34067 Jiao, Jianjun; Cai, Shaohong; Chen, Lansun 43 2011 Permanence and extinction in logistic and Lotka-Volterra systems with diffusion. Zbl 0985.34061 Cui, Jingan; Chen, Lansun 42 2001 Hopf bifurcation and global stability for a delayed predator-prey system with stage structure for predator. Zbl 1151.34067 Gao, Shujing; Chen, Lansun; Teng, Zhidong 41 2008 A delayed SIRS epidemic model with pulse vaccination. Zbl 1152.34379 Pang, Guoping; Chen, Lansun 41 2007 Impulsive vaccination of an SEIRS model with time delay and varying total population size. Zbl 1139.92314 Gao, Shujing; Chen, Lansun; Teng, Zhidong 41 2007 Periodic solution of a two-species competitive system with toxicant and birth pulse. Zbl 1137.34017 Liu, Zhijun; Chen, Lansun 41 2007 Bifurcation of nontrivial periodic solutions for an impulsively controlled pest management model. Zbl 1151.34037 Georgescu, Paul; Zhang, Hong; Chen, Lansun 40 2008 Complexity of an SIR epidemic dynamics model with impulsive vaccination control. Zbl 1065.92050 Zeng, Guang Zhao; Chen, Lan Sun; Sun, Li Hua 40 2005 The effect of diffusion on the time varying logistic population growth. Zbl 0934.92025 Cui, Jingan; Chen, Lansun 39 1998 A Holling II functional response food chain model with impulsive perturbations. Zbl 1086.34043 Zhang, Shuwen; Chen, Lansun 39 2005 An impulsive predator-prey system with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and time delay. Zbl 1155.92045 Zhang, Hong; Georgescu, Paul; Chen, Lansun 38 2008 The periodic competing Lotka-Volterra model with impulsive effect. Zbl 1055.92056 Liu, Bing; Chen, Lansun 38 2004 Extinction and permanence of one-prey multi-predators of Holling type II function response system with impulsive biological control. Zbl 1445.92249 Pei, Yongzhen; Chen, Lansun; Zhang, Qingrui; Li, Changguo 38 2005 Pulse vaccination of an SEIR epidemic model with time delay. Zbl 1144.34390 Gao, Shujing; Chen, Lansun; Teng, Zhidong 37 2008 Periodic solution of a chemostat model with variable yield and impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1243.34017 Li, Zuxiong; Chen, Lansun; Liu, Zhijun 37 2012 Dynamic behaviors of Monod type chemostat model with impulsive perturbation on the nutrient concentration. Zbl 1217.34125 Sun, Shulin; Chen, Lansun 36 2007 A delayed epidemic model with pulse vaccination. Zbl 1149.92329 Wei, Chunjin; Chen, Lansun 35 2008 Persistence and global stability for nonautonomous predator-prey system with diffusion and time delay. Zbl 0903.92029 Song, Xinyu; Chen, Lansun 35 1998 The geometrical analysis of a predator-prey model with two state impulses. Zbl 1250.92047 Zhao, Lichun; Chen, Lansun; Zhang, Qingling 34 2012 Dynamic complexity of a two-prey one-predator system with impulsive effect. Zbl 1076.34055 Zhang, Yujuan; Xiu, Zhilong; Chen, Lansun 34 2005 Dynamical behavior for a stage-structured SIR infectious disease model. Zbl 1007.92032 Xiao, Yanni; Chen, Lansun; van den Bosch, Frank 33 2002 A delayed stage-structured predator-prey model with impulsive stocking on prey and continuous harvesting on predator. Zbl 1126.92052 Jiao, Jianjun; Pang, Guoping; Chen, Lansun; Luo, Guilie 32 2008 The periodic solution of a class of epidemic models. Zbl 0939.92031 Zhang, Xin-An; Chen, Lansun 31 1999 A stage-structured Holling mass defence predator-prey model with impulsive perturbations on predators. Zbl 1117.92053 Jiao, Jianjun; Meng, Xinzhu; Chen, Lansun 31 2007 Impulsive vaccination of SEIR epidemic model with time delay and nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1151.92030 Zhao, Zhong; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 30 2008 Periodic solution of the system with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1314.93024 Pang, Guoping; Chen, Lansun 30 2014 Global stability of a predator-prey system with stage structure for the predator. Zbl 1062.34056 Xiao, Yan Ni; Chen, Lansun 30 2004 Extinction and permanence of chemostat model with pulsed input in a polluted environment. Zbl 1221.37209 Zhao, Zhong; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 30 2009 Chaos in three species food chain system with impulsive perturbations. Zbl 1066.92060 Zhang, Shuwen; Chen, Lansun 30 2005 Dynamic complexitities in a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model concerning impulsive control strategy. Zbl 1080.34026 Liu, Bing; Zhang, Yujuan; Chen, Lansun 30 2005 Global stability of a population dispersal in a two-patch environment. Zbl 0892.92026 Wang, Wendi; Chen, Lansun; Lu, Zhengyi 30 1997 Persistence and global stability for two-species nonautonomous competition Lotka-Volterra patch-system with time delay. Zbl 0949.34060 Zhang, Jingru; Chen, Lansun; Chen, Xiu Dong 30 1999 Modelling and analysis of a single-species system with stage structure and harvesting. Zbl 1024.92015 Song, Xinyu; Chen, Lansun 30 2002 An appropriate pest management \(SI\) model with biological and chemical control concern. Zbl 1130.92046 Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun; Luo, Guilie 29 2008 Extinction and permanence in competitive stage structured system with time-delays. Zbl 1021.34065 Liu, Shengqiang; Chen, Lansun; Luo, Guilie 29 2002 Periodic solution of a chemostat model with monod growth rate and impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1402.92422 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun 29 2009 Impulsive diffusion in single species model. Zbl 1131.92071 Wang, Limin; Liu, Zhijun; Jinghui; Chen, Lansun 28 2007 Optimal harvesting and stability for a predator-prey system with stage structure. Zbl 1054.34125 Song, Xin-yu; Chen, Lan-sun 28 2002 The effect of impulsive vaccination on an SIR epidemic model. Zbl 1186.92040 Shi, Ruiqing; Jiang, Xiaowu; Chen, Lansun 28 2009 A study of predator–prey models with the Beddington–DeAnglis functional response and impulsive effect. Zbl 1102.34032 Zhang, Shuwen; Chen, Lansun 27 2006 Permanence and global attractivity of stage-structured predator-prey model with continuous harvesting on predator and impulsive stocking on prey. Zbl 1231.34021 Jiao, Jian-Jun; Chen, Lan-Sun; Nieto, Juan J.; Angela, Torres 27 2008 Optimal harvesting policies for periodic Gompertz systems. Zbl 1152.34333 Dong, Lingzhen; Chen, Lansun; Sun, Lihua 26 2007 Dynamics of a stage-structured predator-prey model with prey impulsively diffusing between two patches. Zbl 1204.34108 Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun; Cai, Shaohong; Wang, Limin 26 2010 A new stage structured predator-prey Gompertz model with time delay and impulsive perturbations on the prey. Zbl 1131.92064 Liu, Kaiyuan; Meng, Xinzhu; Chen, Lansun 26 2008 Modelling and qualitative analysis of a predator-prey system with state-dependent impulsive effects. Zbl 1236.92072 Tian, Yuan; Sun, Kaibiao; Chen, Lansun 26 2011 Periodic solution and heteroclinic bifurcation in a predator-prey system with Allee effect and impulsive harvesting. Zbl 1306.92052 Wei, Chunjin; Chen, Lansun 26 2014 A food chain model with impulsive perturbations and Holling IV functional response. Zbl 1066.92061 Zhang, Shuwen; Wang, Fengyan; Chen, Lansun 26 2005 The study of a ratio-dependent predator-prey model with stage structure in the prey. Zbl 1183.92083 Shi, Ruiqing; Chen, Lansun 25 2009 Periodic solution and almost periodic solution for a nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra dispersal system with infinite delay. Zbl 1141.34043 Meng, Xinzhu; Chen, Lansun 25 2008 Extinction and permanence of a two-prey one-predator system with impulsive effect. Zbl 1046.92051 Zhang, Yujuan; Liu, Bing; Chen, Lansun 25 2003 A single stage-structured population model with mature individuals in a polluted environment and pulse input of environmental toxin. Zbl 1162.92330 Jiao, Jianjun; Long, Wen; Chen, Lansun 25 2009 Almost periodic solution of non-autonomous Lotka-Volterra predator-prey dispersal system with delays. Zbl 1447.92355 Meng, Xinzhu; Chen, Lansun 25 2006 Chaos in periodically forced Holling type II predator-prey system with impulsive perturbations. Zbl 1083.37537 Zhang, Shuwen; Tan, Dejun; Chen, Lansun 24 2006 The effects of impulsive harvest on a predator-prey system with distributed time delay. Zbl 1221.34218 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun 24 2009 Periodic solutions of a discrete time Lotka–Volterra type food-chain model with delays. Zbl 1081.92043 Xu, Rui; Chen, Lansun; Hao, Feilong 23 2005 Chaos in periodically forced Holling type IV predator-prey system with impulsive perturbations. Zbl 1097.34038 Zhang, Shuwen; Tan, Dejun; Chen, Lansun 23 2006 State feedback impulsive modeling and dynamic analysis of ecological balance in aquaculture water with nutritional utilization rate. Zbl 1433.92070 Zhang, Meng; Zhao, Yi; Chen, Lansun; Li, Zeyu 3 2020 State-dependent pulse vaccination and therapeutic strategy in an SI epidemic model with nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1423.92198 Liu, Kaiyuan; Zhang, Tongqian; Chen, Lansun 14 2019 State feedback impulsive therapy to SIS model of animal infectious diseases. Zbl 1514.92144 Liu, Qiong; Zhang, Meng; Chen, Lansun 8 2019 Modelling and qualitative analysis of water hyacinth ecological system with two state-dependent impulse controls. Zbl 1407.93283 Fu, Jin-Bo; Chen, Lan-Sun 8 2018 State feedback impulsive control of computer worm and virus with saturated incidence. Zbl 1414.68014 Zhang, Meng; Liu, Kaiyuan; Chen, Lansun; Li, Zeyu 4 2018 Effect of rhizosphere dispersal and impulsive input on the growth of wetland plant. Zbl 1540.92282 Zhao, Zhong; Li, Qiuying; Chen, Lansun 1 2018 Dynamical properties of a kind of SIR model with constant vaccination rate and impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1376.34047 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 10 2017 Periodicity induced by state feedback controls and driven by disparate dynamics of a herbivore-plankton model with cannibalism. Zbl 1393.92044 Fang, Dandan; Pei, Yongzhen; Lv, Yunfei; Chen, Lansun 9 2017 Homoclinic bifurcation of a ratio-dependent predator-prey system with impulsive harvesting. Zbl 1375.92057 Wei, Chunjin; Liu, Junnan; Chen, Lansun 7 2017 A white-headed langurs impulsive state feedback control model with sparse effect and continuous delay. Zbl 1524.34206 Chen, Shidong; Xu, Weijian; Chen, Lansun; Huang, Zhonghao 7 2017 Stability of a convex order one periodic solution of unilateral asymptotic type. Zbl 1390.34041 Huang, Mingzhan; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 3 2017 Qualitative analysis of a class predator-prey model with mutual interference. Zbl 1399.34122 Fu, Jinbo; Chen, Lansun 1 2017 Dynamics of a plankton-nutrient chemostat model with hibernation and it described by impulsive switched systems. Zbl 1360.34108 Jiao, Jianjun; Cai, Shaohong; Chen, Lansun 1 2017 A kind of non-traditional biomanipulation model with constant releasing fish. Zbl 1371.34068 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 1 2017 A state feedback impulse model for computer worm control. Zbl 1349.93172 Zhang, Meng; Song, Guohua; Chen, Lansun 19 2016 A novel method for analyzing the stability of periodic solution of impulsive state feedback model. Zbl 1410.34141 Sun, Mingjing; Liu, Yinli; Liu, Sujuan; Hu, Zuoliang; Chen, Lansun 12 2016 An impulsive state feedback control model for releasing white-headed langurs in captive to the wild. Zbl 1510.92266 Xu, Weijian; Chen, Lansun; Chen, Shidong; Pang, Guoping 9 2016 A pest management model with state feedback control. Zbl 1418.92176 Liu, Qiong; Huang, Lizhuang; Chen, Lansun 7 2016 Qualitative analysis of impulsive state feedback control to an algae-fish system with bistable property. Zbl 1410.93053 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 18 2015 A stage structure pest management model with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1353.91032 Pang, Guoping; Chen, Lansun; Xu, Weijian; Fu, Gang 18 2015 Geometric properties of solution of a cylindrical dynamic system with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1309.34012 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 16 2015 A pest control model with state-dependent impulses. Zbl 1323.92172 Ji, Xuehui; Yuan, Sanling; Chen, Lansun 3 2015 Dynamics of a periodic impulsive switched predator-prey system with hibernation and birth pulse. Zbl 1422.92116 Jiao, Jianjun; Cai, Shaohong; Li, Limei; Chen, Lansun 1 2015 Periodic solution of the system with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1314.93024 Pang, Guoping; Chen, Lansun 30 2014 Periodic solution and heteroclinic bifurcation in a predator-prey system with Allee effect and impulsive harvesting. Zbl 1306.92052 Wei, Chunjin; Chen, Lansun 26 2014 Geometric approach to the stability analysis of the periodic solution in a semi-continuous dynamic system. Zbl 1395.34051 Tian, Yuan; Sun, Kaibiao; Chen, Lansun 22 2014 Homoclinic bifurcation of prey-predator model with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1334.92378 Wei, Chunjin; Chen, Lansun 21 2014 Qualitative analysis of a Korean pine forest model with impulsive thinning measure. Zbl 1298.92062 Guo, Hongjian; Song, Xinyu; Chen, Lansun 11 2014 Periodic solutions and homoclinic bifurcation of a predator-prey system with two types of harvesting. Zbl 1281.92069 Huang, Mingzhan; Liu, Shouzong; Song, Xinyu; Chen, Lansun 20 2013 Heteroclinic bifurcations of a prey-predator fishery model with impulsive harvesting. Zbl 1417.37288 Wei, Chunjin; Chen, Lansun 14 2013 An epidemic model with pulses for pest management. Zbl 1402.92389 Gao, Shujing; He, Yuying; Chen, Lansun 9 2013 Impulsive state feedback control of cheese whey fermentation for single-cell protein production. Zbl 1397.92237 Wei, Chunjin; Zhang, Shuwen; Chen, Lansun 7 2013 Bifurcations and periodic solutions for an algae-fish semicontinuous system. Zbl 1470.34115 Dai, Chuanjun; Zhao, Min; Chen, Lansun 4 2013 Periodic solutions of a microbial pesticide model with the Monod growth rate and impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1313.34144 Wang, Tieying; Chen, Changhai; Chen, Lansun 1 2013 State-feedback controls of water hyacinth eco-systems. Zbl 1289.92070 Fu, Jinbo; Chen, Lansun 1 2013 Periodic solution of a chemostat model with variable yield and impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1243.34017 Li, Zuxiong; Chen, Lansun; Liu, Zhijun 37 2012 The geometrical analysis of a predator-prey model with two state impulses. Zbl 1250.92047 Zhao, Lichun; Chen, Lansun; Zhang, Qingling 34 2012 Homoclinic bifurcation in semi-continuous dynamic systems. Zbl 1305.34065 Dai, Chuanjun; Zhao, Min; Chen, Lansun 21 2012 Periodic solution of prey-predator model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1263.92053 Wei, Chunjin; Chen, Lansun 13 2012 Dynamic complexity of an Ivlev-type prey-predator system with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1256.34032 Dai, Chuanjun; Zhao, Min; Chen, Lansun 10 2012 Complex dynamic behavior of three-species ecological model with impulse perturbations and seasonal disturbances. Zbl 1257.92040 Dai, Chuanjun; Zhao, Min; Chen, Lansun 10 2012 Dynamic analysis of a predator-prey (pest) model with disease in prey and involving an impulsive control strategy. Zbl 1251.93092 Zhao, Min; Wang, Yanzhen; Chen, Lansun 7 2012 A Leslie-Gower pest management model with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1289.92087 Wei, Chunjin; Chen, Lansun 6 2012 Dynamical analysis of a biological resource management model with impulsive releasing and harvesting. Zbl 1278.92040 Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun; Cai, Shaohong 4 2012 Dynamics of the genic mutational rate on a population system with birth pulse and impulsive input toxins in polluted environment. Zbl 1302.34070 Jiao, Jianjun; Cai, Shaohong; Chen, Lansun 4 2012 The genic mutation on dynamics of a predator-prey system with impulsive effect. Zbl 1267.34098 Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun 4 2012 The periodic Volterra model with mutual interference and impulsive effect. Zbl 1280.34079 Zhang, Yujuan; Chen, Lansun 3 2012 Dynamical analysis on a single population model with state-dependent impulsively unilateral diffusion between two patches. Zbl 1377.92070 Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun; Cai, Shaohong 3 2012 Periodic solutions of a class of semi-continuous dynamical systems with center equilibrium. Zbl 1265.34146 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 1 2012 Analysis of a stage-structured predator-prey system with birth pulse and impulsive harvesting at different moments. Zbl 1220.34067 Jiao, Jianjun; Cai, Shaohong; Chen, Lansun 43 2011 Modelling and qualitative analysis of a predator-prey system with state-dependent impulsive effects. Zbl 1236.92072 Tian, Yuan; Sun, Kaibiao; Chen, Lansun 26 2011 Dynamical analysis of a five-dimensioned chemostat model with impulsive diffusion and pulse input environmental toxicant. Zbl 1216.92062 Jiao, Jianjun; Ye, Kaili; Chen, Lansun 22 2011 Nonlinear analysis of a microbial pesticide model with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1235.93108 Wang, Tieying; Chen, Lansun 21 2011 Impulsive perturbations of a predator-prey system with modified Leslie-Gower and Holling type II schemes. Zbl 1222.34057 Zhao, Zhong; Yang, Li; Chen, Lansun 15 2011 Dynamical analysis of a three-dimensional predator-prey model with impulsive harvesting and diffusion. Zbl 1210.34114 Jiao, Jianjun; Cai, Shaohong; Chen, Lansun 7 2011 Dynamical behaviors of a delayed chemostat model with impulsive diffusion on nutrients. Zbl 1216.34083 Jiao, Jianjun; Cai, Shaohong; Chen, Lansun 5 2011 Nonlinear modelling of chemostat model with time delay and impulsive effect. Zbl 1215.34081 Zhao, Zhong; Zhang, Xiuquan; Chen, Lansun 3 2011 Bifurcation of a three molecular saturated reaction with impulsive input. Zbl 1223.34072 Li, Zuxiong; Zhao, Zhong; Chen, Lansun 3 2011 The global dynamics of a class of vector fields in \(\mathbb R^3\). Zbl 1275.34063 Zhang, Xin An; Liang, Zhao Jun; Chen, Lan Sun 2 2011 Global analysis of a three-dimensional delayed Michaelis-Menten chemostat-type models with pulsed input. Zbl 1216.34085 Wang, Tieying; Chen, Lansun 2 2011 Dynamical behaviors of a biological management model with impulsive stocking juvenile predators and continuous harvesting adult predators. Zbl 1216.34041 Jiao, Jianjun; Cai, Shaohong; Chen, Lansun 1 2011 Dynamics on a stage-structured single population model with birth pulse and impulsive harvesting. Zbl 1247.92027 Jiao, Jianjun; Bao, Lei; Chen, Lansun 1 2011 The dynamics of an epidemic model for pest control with impulsive effect. Zbl 1188.93038 Wang, Limin; Chen, Lansun; Nieto, Juan J. 85 2010 A delay SIR epidemic model with pulse vaccination and incubation times. Zbl 1184.92044 Meng, Xinzhu; Chen, Lansun; Wu, Bo 61 2010 Dynamics of a stage-structured predator-prey model with prey impulsively diffusing between two patches. Zbl 1204.34108 Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun; Cai, Shaohong; Wang, Limin 26 2010 The dynamics of a mutual interference age structured predator-prey model with time delay and impulsive perturbations on predators. Zbl 1184.92059 Zhu, Guanghu; Meng, Xinzhu; Chen, Lansun 19 2010 An impulsive predator-prey model with disease in the prey for integrated pest management. Zbl 1221.34037 Shi, Ruiqing; Chen, Lansun 17 2010 Dynamic analysis of a turbidostat model with the feedback control. Zbl 1221.93052 Zhao, Zhong; Wang, Tieying; Chen, Lansun 17 2010 Nonlinear modelling of a synchronized chemostat with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1201.92065 Sun, Kaibiao; Tian, Yuan; Chen, Lansun; Kasperski, Andrzej 15 2010 Impulsive state feedback control of the microorganism culture in a turbidostat. Zbl 1190.92047 Zhao, Zhong; Yang, Li; Chen, Lansun 10 2010 Qualitative analysis of a variable yield turbidostat model with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1214.34038 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun 9 2010 Nonlinear modelling and qualitative analysis of a real chemostat with pulse feeding. Zbl 1195.92031 Tian, Yuan; Sun, Kaibiao; Kasperski, Andrzej; Chen, Lansun 9 2010 Comment on “Existence and stability of periodic solution of a Lotka-Volterra predator-prey model with state dependent impulsive effects” [J. Comput. Appl. Math. 224, 544–555 (2009)]. Zbl 1203.34075 Tian, Yuan; Sun, Kaibiao; Chen, Lansun 7 2010 Dynamical behaviors of a trimolecular response model with impulsive input. Zbl 1209.34057 Li, Zuxiong; Chen, Lansun 7 2010 Mathematical models of restoration and control of a single species with Allee effect. Zbl 1201.34016 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 6 2010 A study on time-limited control of single-pest with stage-structure. Zbl 1198.92039 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun 5 2010 Dynamical analysis of a delayed predator-prey system with birth pulse and impulsive harvesting at different moments. Zbl 1229.34123 Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun 4 2010 Existence and global stability of periodic solution for impulsive predator-prey model with diffusion and distributed delay. Zbl 1219.34106 Zhao, Zhong; Li, Zuxiong; Chen, Lansun 3 2010 Feasibility of time-limited control of a competition system with impulsive harvest. Zbl 1190.34056 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 3 2010 Dynamic analysis of lactic acid fermentation with impulsive input. Zbl 1190.92010 Zhao, Zhong; Chen, Lansun 2 2010 Extinction and permanence of two-nutrient and two-microorganism chemostat model with pulsed input. Zbl 1222.37104 Wang, Tieying; Chen, Lansun; Zhang, Ping 2 2010 Global attractivity of the positive periodic solution of a delay logistic population model with impulses. Zbl 1240.34417 Pei, Yongzhen; Li, Changguo; Chen, Lansun 1 2010 Analysis of a delayed chemostat model with impulsive perturbation on the polluted nutrient. Zbl 1240.34408 Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun 1 2010 A predator-prey model with disease in the prey and two impulses for integrated pest management. Zbl 1185.34015 Shi, Ruiqing; Jiang, Xiaowu; Chen, Lansun 55 2009 Extinction and permanence of chemostat model with pulsed input in a polluted environment. Zbl 1221.37209 Zhao, Zhong; Chen, Lansun; Song, Xinyu 30 2009 Periodic solution of a chemostat model with monod growth rate and impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1402.92422 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun 29 2009 The effect of impulsive vaccination on an SIR epidemic model. Zbl 1186.92040 Shi, Ruiqing; Jiang, Xiaowu; Chen, Lansun 28 2009 The study of a ratio-dependent predator-prey model with stage structure in the prey. Zbl 1183.92083 Shi, Ruiqing; Chen, Lansun 25 2009 A single stage-structured population model with mature individuals in a polluted environment and pulse input of environmental toxin. Zbl 1162.92330 Jiao, Jianjun; Long, Wen; Chen, Lansun 25 2009 The effects of impulsive harvest on a predator-prey system with distributed time delay. Zbl 1221.34218 Guo, Hongjian; Chen, Lansun 24 2009 Periodic solution of a turbidostat model with impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1183.92003 Li, Zuxiong; Chen, Lansun 23 2009 Dynamical analysis of a delayed predator-prey model with impulsive diffusion between two patches. Zbl 1190.34107 Jiao, Jianjun; Yang, Xiaosong; Cai, Shaohong; Chen, Lansun 21 2009 Permanence and periodicity of a delayed ratio-dependent predator-prey model with Holling type functional response and stage structure. Zbl 1188.34113 Li, Zuxiong; Chen, Lansun; Huang, Jianmin 19 2009 Periodic solution of a chemostat model with Beddington-DeAnglis uptake function and impulsive state feedback control. Zbl 1403.92127 Li, Zuxiong; Wang, Tieying; Chen, Lansun 19 2009 The dynamics of an impulsive delay SI model with variable coefficients. Zbl 1205.34094 Pei, Yongzhen; Liu, Shaoying; Li, Changguo; Chen, Lansun 18 2009 Three kinds of TVS in a SIR epidemic model with saturated infectious force and vertical transmission. Zbl 1205.34007 Liu, Shaoying; Pei, Yongzhen; Li, Changguo; Chen, Lansun 18 2009 Modelling approach for biological control of insect pest by releasing infected pest. Zbl 1197.34011 Tan, Yuanshun; Chen, Lansun 16 2009 Impulsive control strategy of a pest management SI model with nonlinear incidence rate. Zbl 1167.34340 Jiao, Jian-Jun; Chen, Lan-Sun; Cai, Shao-Hong 16 2009 Dynamical analysis of a chemostat model with delayed response in growth and pulse input in polluted environment. Zbl 1196.92041 Jiao, Jianjun; Chen, Lansun 16 2009 Mathematical modelling to control a pest population by infected pests. Zbl 1205.34065 Sun, Shulin; Chen, Lansun 16 2009 ...and 291 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 3,859 Authors 252 Chen, Lansun 110 Teng, Zhi-dong 76 Chen, Fengde 75 Meng, Xinzhu 72 Tang, Sanyi 70 Song, Xinyu 61 Jiao, Jianjun 51 Xu, Rui 49 Jiang, Daqing 49 Liu, Zhijun 42 Chattopadhyay, Joydev 42 Gao, Shujing 38 Pei, Yongzhen 37 Han, Maoan 36 Liu, Bing 34 Zhang, Tonghua 33 Cheke, Robert A. 33 Zhao, Min 33 Zhao, Zhong 32 Zhong, Shou-Ming 31 Xiao, Yanni 30 Cai, Shaohong 30 Dai, Binxiang 30 Llibre, Jaume 29 Cui, Jingan 29 Samanta, Sudip 28 Nieto Roig, Juan Jose 27 Xu, Changjin 27 Zhang, Qingling 27 Zhang, Tongqian 26 Huo, Hai-Feng 25 Pang, Guoping 25 Zhang, Long 24 Kar, Tapan Kumar 23 Cheng, Huidong 23 Xie, Xiangdong 23 Yu, Hengguo 23 Zhang, Shuwen 22 Liu, Meng 22 Samanta, Guru Prasad 21 Li, Changguo 21 Liu, Shengqiang 21 Nie, Linfei 21 Shao, Yuanfu 21 Tian, Yuan 21 Wang, Fengyan 21 Wang, Ke 20 Yu, Pei 19 Dai, Chuanjun 19 Gasull, Armengol 19 Guo, Hongjian 19 Li, Zhong 19 Li, Zuxiong 19 Liu, Xinzhi 19 Lv, Yunfei 19 Yuan, Sanling 19 Zhang, Tailei 19 Zhang, Xiang 18 de la Sen, Manuel 18 Kumar Upadhyay, Ranjit 18 Liu, Zijian 18 Wei, Junjie 17 Liu, Xianning 17 Wei, Chunjin 17 Yang, Jin 16 Elaiw, Ahmed M. 16 Liu, Chao 16 Liu, Qun 16 Takeuchi, Yasuhiro 16 Tan, Ronghua 16 Yuan, Rong 15 Agarwal, Ravi P. 15 Cao, Jinde 15 Chaplain, Mark A. J. 15 Davidson, Fordyce A. 15 Huang, Lihong 15 Kang, Yun 15 Li, Yongkun 15 Qin, Wenjie 15 Shi, Xiangyun 15 Wang, Hailing 15 Wu, Jianhong 15 Xia, Yonghui 15 Zhang, Hong 14 Baek, Hunki 14 Basir, Fahad Al 14 Liang, Juhua 14 Tang, Guangyao 14 Zhou, Xueyong 13 Alzabut, Jehad O. 13 Georgescu, Paul 13 Giné, Jaume 13 Hayat, Tasawar 13 Jin, Zhen 13 Li, Limei 13 Sun, Kaibiao 13 Sun, Shulin 13 Valls Anglés, Cláudia 13 Wang, Weiming 13 Zhang, Qimin ...and 3,759 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 269 Serials 296 Applied Mathematics and Computation 202 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 171 Nonlinear Analysis. 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