Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Coffman, Edward Grady jun. Co-Author Distance Author ID: coffman.edward-g-jun Published as: Coffman, E. G. jun.; Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Coffman, E. G.; Coffman, Ed; Coffman, E.; Coffman jun., E. G.; Coffman, E. G. jun more...less Homepage: http://www.ee.columbia.edu/~egc/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 168 Publications since 1966, including 2 Books 5 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Co-Authors: 136 Co-Authors with 165 Joint Publications 3,923 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 9 single-authored 19 Flatto, Leopold 16 Gilbert, Edgar Nelson 11 Garey, Michael Randolph 11 Shor, Peter Williston 10 Bruno, John L. 10 Johnson, David Stifler 9 Lueker, George S. 7 Baker, Brenda S. 7 Hofri, Micha 7 Wright, Paul E. 6 Baryshnikov, Yuliy M. 6 Sethi, Ravi 5 Leighton, Frank Thomson 5 Momčilović, Petar 5 Poonen, Bjorn 5 Reiman, Martin I. 5 Weber, Richard Robert 4 Calderbank, Arthur Robert 4 Jelenković jun., Predrag 4 Kogan, Yakov A. 4 Leung, Joseph Y.-T. 4 Liu, Zhen 4 Mitrani, Isi 4 Puhalskii, Anatolii A. 4 Robert, Philippe 4 Winkler, Peter M. 3 Burnett, G. J. 3 Fayolle, Guy 3 Gelenbe, Sami Erol 3 Johnson, Donald B. 3 Kleinrock, Leonard 3 Lagarias, Jeffrey C. 3 Ryan, Thomas A. jun. 3 Stolyar, Alexander L. 3 Yannakakis, Mihalis 2 Browne, Sid 2 Cody, R. A. 2 Courcoubetis, Costas A. 2 Csirik, János A. 2 Dereniowski, Dariusz 2 Downey, Peter J. 2 Frederickson, Greg N. 2 Graham, Ronald Lewis 2 Greenberg, Albert G. 2 Kahale, Nabil 2 Kreinin, A. Ya. 2 Kubiak, Wiesław X. 2 Lenstra, Jan Karel 2 McKellar, Archie C. 2 Muntz, Richard R. 2 Rinnooy Kan, Alexander Hendrik George 2 Shepp, Lawrence Alan 2 Spencer, Joel H. 2 Timkovsky, Vadim G. 2 Whitt, Ward 2 Wood, R. C. 1 Abate, Joseph 1 Agrawala, Ashok K. 1 Asgeirsson, Eyjolfur Ingi 1 Aven, Oleg I. 1 Ayesta, Urtzi 1 Baccelli, François Louis 1 Blanc, Johannes Pieter Cornelis 1 Błażewicz, Jacek 1 Boguslavsky, Leonid B. 1 Borst, Sem C. 1 Boxma, Onno Johan 1 Bramel, Julien 1 Brun, M. A. 1 Chen, Bo 1 Chrétienne, Philippe 1 Chung, Fan 1 Constantinides, Andreas 1 Courtois, Pierre-Jacques 1 Doshi, Bharat T. 1 Ecker, Klaus H. 1 Elphick, M. J. 1 Etra, J. 1 Eve, J. 1 Feldmann, Anja 1 Feng, Jing 1 Finke, Gerd 1 Flajolet, Philippe 1 Galambos, Gábor 1 Gani, Joseph Mark 1 Gaver, Donald Paul jun. 1 Groenendijk, Wim P. 1 Halfin, Shlomo 1 Heyde, Christopher Charles 1 Hordijk, Arie 1 Igelnik, B. M. 1 Igelnik, M. B. 1 Jacquet, Philippe 1 Jean-Marie, Alain 1 Johson, D. S. 1 Kadota, T. T. 1 Kaspi, Haya 1 Kaufman, Jay S. 1 Kelly, Frank P. 1 Klimko, Lawrence A. ...and 59 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 14 SIAM Journal on Computing 12 Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 10 Acta Informatica 10 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 6 IEEE Transactions on Computers 6 Mathematics of Operations Research 6 Operations Research 6 Communications of the ACM 5 Communications in Statistics. Stochastic Models 5 Journal of Scheduling 4 The Annals of Applied Probability 3 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 3 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 3 Operations Research Letters 3 Algorithmica 3 Queueing Systems 2 Advances in Applied Probability 2 Acta Cybernetica 2 Foundations of Control Engineering 2 Information and Control 2 Journal of Applied Probability 2 Management Science 2 Theoretical Computer Science 2 Journal of Algorithms 2 Performance Evaluation 2 SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods 2 Probability Theory and Related Fields 2 SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2 European Journal of Operational Research 2 SIAM Review 2 BIT. Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling 1 Discrete Applied Mathematics 1 IEEE Transactions on Reliability 1 Information Processing Letters 1 INFOR 1 Networks 1 Journal of Complexity 1 Annals of Operations Research 1 Random Structures & Algorithms 1 ORSA Journal on Computing 1 Computing Surveys 1 IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 1 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 1 Naval Research Logistics Quarterly 1 CWI Monographs 1 Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science 1 Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) 1 Optimization Letters 1 Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle. Série Bleue 1 Revue Française d’Automatique, Informatique, Recherche Opérationnelle (RAIRO). Informatique 1 Wiley-Interscience Series in Discrete Mathematics and Optimization all top 5 Fields 107 Computer science (68-XX) 76 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 42 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 18 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 137 Publications have been cited 2,232 times in 1,671 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Scheduling independent tasks to reduce mean finishing time. Zbl 0283.68039 Bruno, J.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Sethi, R. 145 1974 Orthogonal packings in two dimensions. Zbl 0447.68080 Baker, Brenda S.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Rivest, Ronald L. 143 1980 An application of bin-packing to multiprocessor scheduling. Zbl 0374.68032 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S. 136 1978 Approximation algorithms for bin-packing - an updated survey. Zbl 0558.68062 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S. 124 1984 Computer and job-shop scheduling theory. Zbl 0359.90031 121 1976 Performance bounds for level-oriented two-dimensional packing algorithms. Zbl 0447.68079 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S.; Tarjan, R. E. 114 1980 Optimal scheduling for two-processor systems. Zbl 0248.68023 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Graham, R. L. 104 1971 Batch sizing and job sequencing on a single machine. Zbl 0712.90035 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Yannakakis, M.; Magazine, M. J.; Santos, C. 63 1990 Waiting time distributions for processor-sharing systems. Zbl 0197.15304 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Muntz, R. R.; Trotter, H. 52 1970 Mutual exclusion scheduling. Zbl 0877.68007 Baker, Brenda S.; Coffman, Edward G. jun. 52 1996 The forwarding index of communication networks. Zbl 0626.94019 Chung, Fan R. K.; Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Reiman, Martin I.; Simon, Burton 42 1987 Probabilistic analysis of packing and partitioning algorithms. Zbl 0759.90043 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lueker, George S. 41 1991 System deadlocks. Zbl 0226.68015 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Elphick, M. J.; Shoshani, A. 41 1971 Optimal scheduling of products with two subassemblies on a single machine. Zbl 0672.90075 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Nozari, Ardavan; Yannakakis, Mihalis 40 1989 Scheduling file transfers. Zbl 0604.68039 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S.; Lapaugh, A. S. 38 1985 Polling systems with zero switchover times: A heavy-traffic averaging principle. Zbl 0842.60088 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Puhalskii, A. A.; Reiman, M. I. 35 1995 Preemptive scheduling of real-time tasks on multiprocessor systems. Zbl 0216.49702 Muntz, R. R.; Coffman, E. G. jun. 35 1970 Polling systems in heavy traffic: a Bessel process limit. Zbl 0981.60088 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Puhalskii, A. A.; Reiman, M. I. 32 1998 Dynamic bin packing. Zbl 0512.68050 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S. 31 1983 Bin packing with divisible item sizes. Zbl 0641.68097 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R.; Johson, D. S. 30 1987 Scheduling theory and its applications. Zbl 0873.90049 23 1995 A tight asymptotic bound for next-fit-decreasing bin-packing. Zbl 0496.68049 Baker, B. S.; Coffman, E. G. jun. 23 1981 Optimal selection of stochastic intervals under a sum constraint. Zbl 0616.90035 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L.; Weber, R. R. 22 1987 A stochastic model of fragmentation in dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 0605.68021 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Kadota, T. T.; Shepp, L. A. 22 1985 Bin packing approximation algorithms: combinatorial analysis. Zbl 1253.90191 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Galambos, Gabor; Martello, Silvano; Vigo, Daniele 22 1999 A characterization of waiting time performance realizable by single- server queues. Zbl 0451.90059 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Mitrani, I. 22 1980 Optimal preemptive scheduling on two-processor systems. Zbl 0184.20504 Munth, R. R.; Coffman, E. G. jun. 22 1969 A stochastic model of bin-packing. Zbl 0447.68078 Coffman, E. G. jun.; So, Kimming; Hofri, Micha; Yao, A. C. 21 1980 File structures using hashing functions. Zbl 0216.24203 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Eve, J. 20 1970 Bin packing: Maximizing the number of pieces packed. Zbl 0421.68065 Coffman, E.; Leung, J. Y.-T.; Ting, D. W. 20 1978 A stochastic optimization algorithm minimizing expected flow times on uniform processors. Zbl 0528.68022 Agrawala, Ashok K.; Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Garey, Michael R.; Tripathi, Satish K. 19 1984 Polling and greedy servers on a line. Zbl 0653.90021 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N. 16 1987 Average-case analysis of cutting and packing in two dimensions. Zbl 0689.90059 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Shor, P. W. 16 1990 Record allocation for minimizing expected retrieval costs on drum-like storage devices. Zbl 0315.68052 Cody, R. A.; Coffman, E. G. jun. 16 1976 Packing random intervals on-line. Zbl 0914.68082 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L.; Jelenković, P.; Poonen, B. 16 1998 Asymptotic methods in the probabilistic analysis of sequencing and packing heuristics. Zbl 0638.90054 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lueker, G. S.; Rinnooy Kan, A. H. G. 15 1988 A generalized bound on LPT sequencing. Zbl 0333.68040 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Sethi, Ravi 15 1976 An introduction to combinatorial models of dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 0521.68027 Coffman, E. G. jun. 15 1983 The maximum of a random walk and its application to rectangle packing. Zbl 0958.60050 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flajolet, Philippe; Flatto, Leopold; Hofri, Micha 14 1998 Queueing theory and its applications. Liber amicorum for J. W. Cohen. Zbl 0657.60114 13 1988 A provably efficient algorithm for dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 0723.60117 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Leighton, F. T. 13 1989 Algorithms for minimizing mean flow time. Zbl 0297.68048 Bruno, John; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Sethi, Ravi 13 1974 Packings in two dimensions: Asymptotic average-case analysis of algorithms. Zbl 0787.68046 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Shor, P. W. 12 1993 Permuting elements within columns of a matrix in order to minimize maximum row sum. Zbl 0551.90042 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Yannakakis, M. 11 1984 Algorithms minimizing mean flow time: Schedule-length properties. Zbl 0309.68039 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Sethi, Ravi 11 1976 Organizing matrices and matrix operations for paged memory systems. Zbl 0175.16405 McKellar, A. C.; Coffman, E. G. jun. 11 1969 Bin packing with discrete item sizes. I: Perfect packing theorems and the average case behavior of optimal packings. Zbl 0951.68192 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Courcoubetis, C.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S.; Shor, P. W. 10 2000 Ideal preemptive schedules on two processors. Zbl 1060.68014 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Sethuraman, J.; Timkovsky, V. G. 10 2003 Sequencing problems in two-server systems. Zbl 0593.90033 Calderbank, A. R.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L. 10 1985 On the expected relative performance of list scheduling. Zbl 0569.90044 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N. 9 1985 Minimizing expected makespans on uniform processor systems. Zbl 0617.90044 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L.; Garey, M. R.; Weber, R. R. 9 1987 Bandwidth packing. Zbl 0967.68167 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Stolyar, A. L. 9 2001 Markov chains, computer proofs, and average-case analysis of best fit bin packing. Zbl 1310.68271 Coffman, E. G.; Johnson, D. S.; Shor, P. W.; Weber, R. R. 9 1993 Approximation algorithms for maximizing the number of squares packed into a rectangle. Zbl 0558.05002 Baker, B. S.; Calderbank, A. R.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lagarias, J. C. 8 1983 First-fit allocation of queues: Tight probabilistic bounds on wasted space. Zbl 0722.60094 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, Leopold; Leighton, F. T. 8 1990 Interval packing: the vacant interval distribution. Zbl 1161.60338 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, Leopold; Jelenković, Predrag 8 2000 Processor-shared buffers with reneging. Zbl 0818.68029 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Puhalskii, A. A.; Reiman, M. I.; Wright, P. E. 8 1994 Combinatorial analysis of an efficient algorithm for processor and storage allocation. Zbl 0417.68022 Coffman jun., E. G.; Leung, Joseph Y-T. 8 1979 Random-order bin packing. Zbl 1151.68048 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Csirik, János; Rónyai, Lajos; Zsbán, Ambrus 8 2008 A note on expected makespans for largest-first sequences of independent tasks on two processors. Zbl 0538.90036 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Frederickson, G. N.; Lueker, G. S. 7 1984 Algorithms for packing squares: A probabilistic analysis. Zbl 0671.68014 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lagarias, J. C. 7 1989 Approximation algorithms for extensible bin packing. Zbl 1012.90049 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lueker, George S. 7 2001 A performance guarantee for the greedy set-partitioning algorithm. Zbl 0535.05008 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Langston, M. A. 7 1984 Feedback queueing models for time-shared systems. Zbl 0169.20403 Coffman, E. G.; Kleinrock, L. 7 1968 Gated, exhaustive, parallel service. Zbl 1134.68320 Browne, Sid; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N.; Wright, Paul E. 7 1992 Packing random intervals. Zbl 0819.60013 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Poonen, Bjorn; Winkler, Peter 6 1995 Optimum head separation in a disk system with two read/write heads. Zbl 0629.68030 Calderbank, A. R.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L. 6 1984 Sojourn times in a tandem queue with overtaking: Reduction to a boundary value problem. Zbl 0595.60091 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Fayolle, G.; Mitrani, I. 6 1986 Stochastic analysis of computer storage. Zbl 0686.68002 Aven, O. I.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Kogan, Y. A. 6 1987 Bin packing with discrete item sizes. II: Tight bounds on first fit. Zbl 0899.90137 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Johnson, D. S.; Shor, P. W.; Weber, R. R. 6 1997 Analysis of scanning policies for reducing disk seek times. Zbl 0248.68012 Coffman, E. G.; Klimko, L. A.; Ryan, Barbara 6 1972 On the expected performance of scanning disks. Zbl 0478.68036 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Hofri, Micha 6 1982 Probabilistic analysis of the capacitated vehicle routing problem with unsplit demands. Zbl 0770.90022 Bramel, Julien; Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Shor, Peter W.; Simchi-Levi, David 5 1992 Parking arcs on the circle with applications to one-dimensional communication networks. Zbl 0812.60090 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Mallows, C. L.; Poonen, Bjorn 5 1994 Analysis of a drum input/output queue under scheduled operation in a paged computer system. Zbl 0275.60105 Coffman, E. G. jun. 5 1969 Closed on-line bin packing. Zbl 1006.68056 Asgeirsson, E.; Ayesta, U.; Coffman, E.; Etra, J.; Momčilović, P.; Phillips, D.; Vokhshoori, V.; Wang, Z.; Wolfe, J. 5 2002 Proof of the 4/3 conjecture for preemptive vs. nonpreemptive two- processor scheduling. Zbl 0794.68015 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R. 5 1993 Self-correcting self-assembly: Growth models and the Hammersley process. Zbl 1234.68106 Baryshnikov, Yuliy; Coffman, Ed; Seeman, Nadrian; Yimwadsana, Teddy 5 2006 An efficient algorithm for finding ideal schedules. Zbl 1262.68022 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Dereniowski, Dariusz; Kubiak, Wiesław 5 2012 Approximation algorithms for extensible bin packing. Zbl 1154.90432 Coffman, E. G.; Lueker, George S. 5 2006 Stochastic models of queue storage. Zbl 1134.60391 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L.; Mitrani, I.; Shepp, L. A.; Knessl, C. 5 1988 Queueing models of secondary storage devices. Zbl 0648.68051 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Hofri, M. 4 1986 Computing. Zbl 0759.00007 4 1992 Controlled stochastic model of a communication system with multiple sources. Zbl 0735.94001 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Igelnik, M. B.; Kogan, Y. A. 4 1991 Probabilistic analysis of the LPT processor scheduling heuristic. Zbl 0488.68034 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Frederickson, G. N.; Lueker, G. S. 4 1982 Optimization of the number of copies in a distributed data base. Zbl 0454.68124 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Gelenbe, Erol; Plateau, Brigitte 4 1981 Dynamic, first-fit packings in two or more dimensions. Zbl 0591.68074 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N. 3 1984 Sequencing two servers on a sphere. Zbl 0554.60092 Calderbank, A. R.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L. 3 1985 Analysis of conveyor queue in a flexible manufacturing system. Zbl 0638.90049 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gelenbe, E.; Gilbert, E. N. 3 1988 On the optimal stochastic scheduling of out-forests. Zbl 0764.90042 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Liu, Zhen 3 1992 A simple proof of the O(\(\sqrt{n}\log ^{3/4}n)\) upright matching bound. Zbl 0719.60015 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Shor, P. W. 3 1991 A study of storage partitioning using a mathematical model of locality. Zbl 0231.68013 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Ryan, Thomas A. jun. 3 1972 An introduction to proof techniques for bin-packing approximation algorithms. Zbl 0494.68041 Coffman, E. G. jun. 3 1982 A class of FIFO queues arising in computer systems. Zbl 0388.68048 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Hofri, Micha 3 1978 A classification scheme for bin packing theory. Zbl 1120.90046 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Csirik, János 3 2007 DNA-based computation times. Zbl 1116.68444 Baryshnikov, Yuliy; Coffman, Ed; Momčilović, Petar 3 2005 Scheduling stochastic jobs with a two-point distribution on two parallel machines. Zbl 1134.90399 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Hofri, M.; Weiss, G. 3 1989 Storage-limited queues in heavy traffic. Zbl 1134.60392 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Pukhalskii, A. A.; Reiman, M. I. 3 1991 Optimal stochastic allocation of machines under waiting-time constraints. Zbl 0778.90024 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, Leopold; Wright, Paul E. 2 1993 Queues served by a rotating ring. Zbl 0829.60088 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N.; Greenberg, A. G.; Leighton, F. T.; Robert, Philippe; Stolyar, A. L. 2 1995 Normal-form preemption sequences for an open problem in scheduling theory. Zbl 1386.90049 Chen, Bo; Coffman, Ed; Dereniowski, Dariusz; Kubiak, Wiesław 2 2016 How small are shifts required in optimal preemptive schedules? Zbl 1312.65235 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Ng, C. T.; Timkovsky, V. G. 1 2015 An efficient algorithm for finding ideal schedules. Zbl 1262.68022 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Dereniowski, Dariusz; Kubiak, Wiesław 5 2012 A performance analysis of channel fragmentation in dynamic spectrum access systems. Zbl 1275.60058 Coffman, Ed; Robert, Philippe; Simatos, Florian; Tarumi, Shuzo; Zussman, Gil 2 2012 Random-order bin packing. Zbl 1151.68048 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Csirik, János; Rónyai, Lajos; Zsbán, Ambrus 8 2008 On times to compute shapes in 2D tile self-assembly. Zbl 1132.68388 Baryshnikov, Yuliy; Coffman, Ed; Yimwadsana, Boonsit 1 2008 A classification scheme for bin packing theory. Zbl 1120.90046 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Csirik, János 3 2007 Self-correcting self-assembly: Growth models and the Hammersley process. Zbl 1234.68106 Baryshnikov, Yuliy; Coffman, Ed; Seeman, Nadrian; Yimwadsana, Teddy 5 2006 Approximation algorithms for extensible bin packing. Zbl 1154.90432 Coffman, E. G.; Lueker, George S. 5 2006 DNA-based computation times. Zbl 1116.68444 Baryshnikov, Yuliy; Coffman, Ed; Momčilović, Petar 3 2005 Flood search under the California split rule. Zbl 1049.68151 Baryshnikov, Y.; Coffman, E.; Jelenkovič, P.; Momčilović, P.; Rubenstein, D. 1 2004 Ideal preemptive schedules on two processors. Zbl 1060.68014 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Sethuraman, J.; Timkovsky, V. G. 10 2003 Closed on-line bin packing. Zbl 1006.68056 Asgeirsson, E.; Ayesta, U.; Coffman, E.; Etra, J.; Momčilović, P.; Phillips, D.; Vokhshoori, V.; Wang, Z.; Wolfe, J. 5 2002 Packing rectangles in a strip. Zbl 1034.68126 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Downey, Peter J.; Winkler, Peter 2 2002 The dyadic stream merging algorithm. Zbl 1021.68106 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Jelenković, Predrag; Momčilović, Petar 2 2002 Perfect packing theorems and the average-case behavior of optimal and online bin packing. Zbl 0999.68260 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Courcoubetis, C.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S.; Shor, P. W. 1 2002 Bandwidth packing. Zbl 0967.68167 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Stolyar, A. L. 9 2001 Approximation algorithms for extensible bin packing. Zbl 1012.90049 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lueker, George S. 7 2001 Packing random rectangles. Zbl 1043.52013 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lueker, George S.; Spencer, Joel; Winkler, Peter M. 1 2001 Optimizing the number of robots for web search engines. Zbl 1030.68866 Talim, J.; Liu, Z.; Nain, P.; Coffman, E. G. jun. 1 2001 Bin packing with discrete item sizes. I: Perfect packing theorems and the average case behavior of optimal packings. Zbl 0951.68192 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Courcoubetis, C.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S.; Shor, P. W. 10 2000 Interval packing: the vacant interval distribution. Zbl 1161.60338 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, Leopold; Jelenković, Predrag 8 2000 Bin packing approximation algorithms: combinatorial analysis. Zbl 1253.90191 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Galambos, Gabor; Martello, Silvano; Vigo, Daniele 22 1999 Computing call admission capacities in linear networks. Zbl 0969.90025 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Feldmann, Anja; Kahale, Nabil; Poonen, Bjorn 2 1999 Performance of the move-to-front algorithm with Markov-modulated request sequences. Zbl 0934.90009 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Jelenković, Predrag 2 1999 Polling systems in heavy traffic: a Bessel process limit. Zbl 0981.60088 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Puhalskii, A. A.; Reiman, M. I. 32 1998 Packing random intervals on-line. Zbl 0914.68082 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L.; Jelenković, P.; Poonen, B. 16 1998 The maximum of a random walk and its application to rectangle packing. Zbl 0958.60050 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flajolet, Philippe; Flatto, Leopold; Hofri, Micha 14 1998 Optimal robot scheduling for web search engines. Zbl 0909.90174 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Liu, Zhen; Weber, Richard R. 2 1998 Processor-ring communication: A tight asymptotic bound on packet waiting times. Zbl 0907.68024 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Kahale, Nabil; Leighton, F. T. 2 1998 Bin packing with discrete item sizes. II: Tight bounds on first fit. Zbl 0899.90137 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Johnson, D. S.; Shor, P. W.; Weber, R. R. 6 1997 Optimal fault-tolerant computing on multiprocessor systems. Zbl 0896.68018 Bruno, John; Coffman, E. G. jun. 2 1997 Mutual exclusion scheduling. Zbl 0877.68007 Baker, Brenda S.; Coffman, Edward G. jun. 52 1996 Stochastic limit laws for schedule makespans. Zbl 0849.90077 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, Leopold; Whitt, Ward 2 1996 Polling systems with zero switchover times: A heavy-traffic averaging principle. Zbl 0842.60088 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Puhalskii, A. A.; Reiman, M. I. 35 1995 Scheduling theory and its applications. Zbl 0873.90049 23 1995 Packing random intervals. Zbl 0819.60013 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Poonen, Bjorn; Winkler, Peter 6 1995 Queues served by a rotating ring. Zbl 0829.60088 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N.; Greenberg, A. G.; Leighton, F. T.; Robert, Philippe; Stolyar, A. L. 2 1995 Scheduling independent tasks to minimize the makespan on identical machines. Zbl 1335.90032 Bruno, John; Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Downey, Peter 1 1995 Processor-shared buffers with reneging. Zbl 0818.68029 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Puhalskii, A. A.; Reiman, M. I.; Wright, P. E. 8 1994 Parking arcs on the circle with applications to one-dimensional communication networks. Zbl 0812.60090 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Mallows, C. L.; Poonen, Bjorn 5 1994 Packings in two dimensions: Asymptotic average-case analysis of algorithms. Zbl 0787.68046 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Shor, P. W. 12 1993 Markov chains, computer proofs, and average-case analysis of best fit bin packing. Zbl 1310.68271 Coffman, E. G.; Johnson, D. S.; Shor, P. W.; Weber, R. R. 9 1993 Proof of the 4/3 conjecture for preemptive vs. nonpreemptive two- processor scheduling. Zbl 0794.68015 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R. 5 1993 Optimal stochastic allocation of machines under waiting-time constraints. Zbl 0778.90024 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, Leopold; Wright, Paul E. 2 1993 Stochastic analysis of a slotted FIFO communication channel. Zbl 0798.94004 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Halfin, Shlomo; Jean-Marie, Alain; Robert, Philippe 2 1993 Stochastic machine minimization with constant service times. Zbl 0779.90038 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, Leopold; Wright, Paul E. 1 1993 A stochastic checkpoint optimization problem. Zbl 0773.60059 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, Leopold; Wright, Paul E. 1 1993 Gated, exhaustive, parallel service. Zbl 1134.68320 Browne, Sid; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N.; Wright, Paul E. 7 1992 Probabilistic analysis of the capacitated vehicle routing problem with unsplit demands. Zbl 0770.90022 Bramel, Julien; Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Shor, Peter W.; Simchi-Levi, David 5 1992 Computing. Zbl 0759.00007 4 1992 On the optimal stochastic scheduling of out-forests. Zbl 0764.90042 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Liu, Zhen 3 1992 Service by a queue and a cart. Zbl 0756.90044 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N. 2 1992 Probabilistic analysis of packing and related partitioning problems. Zbl 0770.90031 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Johnson, D. S.; Shor, P. W.; Lueker, G. S. 2 1992 The gates infinite-server queue: Uniform service times. Zbl 0790.90038 Browne, Sid; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N.; Wright, Paul E. 2 1992 Scheduling checks and saves. Zbl 0767.90020 Boguslavsky, Leonid B.; Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Gilbert, Edgar N.; Kreinin, Alexander Y. 1 1992 Probabilistic analysis of packing and partitioning algorithms. Zbl 0759.90043 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lueker, George S. 41 1991 Controlled stochastic model of a communication system with multiple sources. Zbl 0735.94001 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Igelnik, M. B.; Kogan, Y. A. 4 1991 A simple proof of the O(\(\sqrt{n}\log ^{3/4}n)\) upright matching bound. Zbl 0719.60015 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Shor, P. W. 3 1991 Storage-limited queues in heavy traffic. Zbl 1134.60392 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Pukhalskii, A. A.; Reiman, M. I. 3 1991 A distributed clustering process. Zbl 0741.60114 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Courtois, P.-J.; Gilbert, E. N.; Piret, Ph. 1 1991 Batch sizing and job sequencing on a single machine. Zbl 0712.90035 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Yannakakis, M.; Magazine, M. J.; Santos, C. 63 1990 Average-case analysis of cutting and packing in two dimensions. Zbl 0689.90059 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Shor, P. W. 16 1990 First-fit allocation of queues: Tight probabilistic bounds on wasted space. Zbl 0722.60094 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, Leopold; Leighton, F. T. 8 1990 Optimal strategies for scheduling checkpoints and preventive maintenance. Zbl 0703.90036 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N. 2 1990 Largest-first sequential selection with a sum constraint. Zbl 0716.90060 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Fayolle, G.; Jacquet, P.; Robert, P. 2 1990 First-fit storage of linear lists: Tight probabilistic bounds on wasted space. Zbl 0800.68355 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, Leopold; Leighton, F. T. 1 1990 Optimal scheduling of products with two subassemblies on a single machine. Zbl 0672.90075 Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Nozari, Ardavan; Yannakakis, Mihalis 40 1989 A provably efficient algorithm for dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 0723.60117 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Leighton, F. T. 13 1989 Algorithms for packing squares: A probabilistic analysis. Zbl 0671.68014 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lagarias, J. C. 7 1989 Scheduling stochastic jobs with a two-point distribution on two parallel machines. Zbl 1134.90399 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Hofri, M.; Weiss, G. 3 1989 Asymptotic methods in the probabilistic analysis of sequencing and packing heuristics. Zbl 0638.90054 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lueker, G. S.; Rinnooy Kan, A. H. G. 15 1988 Queueing theory and its applications. Liber amicorum for J. W. Cohen. Zbl 0657.60114 13 1988 Stochastic models of queue storage. Zbl 1134.60391 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L.; Mitrani, I.; Shepp, L. A.; Knessl, C. 5 1988 Analysis of conveyor queue in a flexible manufacturing system. Zbl 0638.90049 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gelenbe, E.; Gilbert, E. N. 3 1988 The forwarding index of communication networks. Zbl 0626.94019 Chung, Fan R. K.; Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Reiman, Martin I.; Simon, Burton 42 1987 Bin packing with divisible item sizes. Zbl 0641.68097 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R.; Johson, D. S. 30 1987 Optimal selection of stochastic intervals under a sum constraint. Zbl 0616.90035 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L.; Weber, R. R. 22 1987 Polling and greedy servers on a line. Zbl 0653.90021 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N. 16 1987 Minimizing expected makespans on uniform processor systems. Zbl 0617.90044 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L.; Garey, M. R.; Weber, R. R. 9 1987 Stochastic analysis of computer storage. Zbl 0686.68002 Aven, O. I.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Kogan, Y. A. 6 1987 Sojourn times in a tandem queue with overtaking: Reduction to a boundary value problem. Zbl 0595.60091 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Fayolle, G.; Mitrani, I. 6 1986 Queueing models of secondary storage devices. Zbl 0648.68051 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Hofri, M. 4 1986 Scheduling file transfers. Zbl 0604.68039 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S.; Lapaugh, A. S. 38 1985 A stochastic model of fragmentation in dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 0605.68021 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Kadota, T. T.; Shepp, L. A. 22 1985 Sequencing problems in two-server systems. Zbl 0593.90033 Calderbank, A. R.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L. 10 1985 On the expected relative performance of list scheduling. Zbl 0569.90044 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N. 9 1985 Sequencing two servers on a sphere. Zbl 0554.60092 Calderbank, A. R.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L. 3 1985 Algorithms for resolving conflicts in dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 0629.68029 Baker, Brenda S.; Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Willard, Dan E. 2 1985 Approximation algorithms for bin-packing - an updated survey. Zbl 0558.68062 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S. 124 1984 A stochastic optimization algorithm minimizing expected flow times on uniform processors. Zbl 0528.68022 Agrawala, Ashok K.; Coffman, Edward G. jun.; Garey, Michael R.; Tripathi, Satish K. 19 1984 Permuting elements within columns of a matrix in order to minimize maximum row sum. Zbl 0551.90042 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Yannakakis, M. 11 1984 A note on expected makespans for largest-first sequences of independent tasks on two processors. Zbl 0538.90036 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Frederickson, G. N.; Lueker, G. S. 7 1984 A performance guarantee for the greedy set-partitioning algorithm. Zbl 0535.05008 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Langston, M. A. 7 1984 Optimum head separation in a disk system with two read/write heads. Zbl 0629.68030 Calderbank, A. R.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Flatto, L. 6 1984 Dynamic, first-fit packings in two or more dimensions. Zbl 0591.68074 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Gilbert, E. N. 3 1984 Dynamic bin packing. Zbl 0512.68050 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Garey, M. R.; Johnson, D. S. 31 1983 An introduction to combinatorial models of dynamic storage allocation. Zbl 0521.68027 Coffman, E. G. jun. 15 1983 Approximation algorithms for maximizing the number of squares packed into a rectangle. Zbl 0558.05002 Baker, B. S.; Calderbank, A. R.; Coffman, E. G. jun.; Lagarias, J. C. 8 1983 On the expected performance of scanning disks. Zbl 0478.68036 Coffman, E. G. jun.; Hofri, Micha 6 1982 ...and 37 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 2,491 Authors 36 Epstein, Leah 35 Coffman, Edward Grady jun. 24 Jansen, Klaus 22 Leung, Joseph Y.-T. 20 Błażewicz, Jacek 20 Knessl, Charles 19 Cheng, Tai-Chiu Edwin 18 Levin, Asaf 16 Zhang, Guochuan 14 Martello, Silvano 14 Ye, Deshi 13 Dell’Olmo, Paolo 13 Miyazawa, Flavio Keidi 12 Rhee, Wansoo T. 12 Van der Mei, Robert Douwe 11 Dósa, György 11 Drozdowski, Maciej 11 van Stee, Rob 10 Iori, Manuel 10 Wakabayashi, Yoshiko 9 Bampis, Evripidis 9 Boudhar, Mourad 9 Kovalëv, Mikhail Yakovlevich 9 Kubiak, Wiesław X. 9 Majumdar, Satya N. 9 Scheithauer, Guntram 9 Woeginger, Gerhard 8 Han, Xin 8 Kellerer, Johann 8 Laporte, Gilbert 8 Larsen, Kim Skak 8 Moukrim, Aziz 8 Rau, Malin 8 Righter, Rhonda 8 Sohn, Eunju 8 Yuan, Jinjiang 7 Borst, Sem C. 7 Chrétienne, Philippe 7 Flatto, Leopold 7 Galambos, Gábor 7 Gupta, Jatinder N. D. 7 Khan, Arindam 7 Lee, Chung-Yee 7 Lee, Kangbok 7 Liu, Zhen 7 Martinovic, John 7 Mosheiov, Gur 7 Pinedo, Michael L. 7 Ruiz-Torres, Alex J. 7 Steiner, George 7 Strusevich, Vitaly A. 6 Balogh, János 6 Baryshnikov, Yuliy M. 6 Boxma, Onno Johan 6 Boyar, Joan F. 6 Brandt, Andreas 6 Brandt, Manfred 6 Carlier, Jacques G. 6 Chu, Chengbin 6 Clautiaux, François 6 Correa, José R. 6 Csirik, János A. 6 Favrholdt, Lene Monrad 6 Foss, Sergey G. 6 Ho, Johnny C. 6 Johnson, David Stifler 6 Li, Zhiwu 6 Lim, Andrew 6 Lloyd, Errol L. 6 Monaci, Michele 6 Ng, C. T. Daniel 6 Potts, Chris N. 6 Quilliot, Alain 6 Shor, Peter Williston 6 Sriskandarajah, Chelliah 6 Tuza, Zsolt 6 Walter, Rico 6 Wei, Lijun 6 Winands, Erik M. M. 5 Békési, József 5 Brucker, Peter J. 5 Chen, Bo 5 Dell’Amico, Mauro 5 Garey, Michael Randolph 5 Gnedin, Alexander V. 5 Guillemin, Fabrice M. 5 Harren, Rolf 5 He, Yong 5 Kamali, Shahin 5 König, Jean-Claude 5 Koulamas, Christos P. 5 Kranakis, Evangelos Konstantinou 5 Leus, Roel 5 Liu, Guizhen 5 Lodi, Andrea 5 Mitzenmacher, Michael 5 Oron, Daniel 5 Paletta, Giuseppe 5 Robert, Philippe 5 Schehr, Grégory ...and 2,391 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 210 Serials 192 European Journal of Operational Research 103 Discrete Applied Mathematics 98 Computers & Operations Research 76 Theoretical Computer Science 71 Journal of Scheduling 69 Information Processing Letters 65 Operations Research Letters 60 Queueing Systems 49 Annals of Operations Research 34 Algorithmica 29 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 25 The Annals of Applied Probability 24 Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences 23 Discrete Optimization 19 Acta Informatica 16 Mathematical Programming. Series A. 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Zeitschrift für Operations Research 6 INFORMS Journal on Computing 5 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 5 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 5 Automation and Remote Control 5 Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International 5 Combinatorics, Probability and Computing 5 Parallel Algorithms and Applications 5 4OR 5 BIT. Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling 5 Stochastic Systems 4 Journal of Statistical Physics 4 BIT 4 Statistics & Probability Letters 4 Combinatorica 4 Order 4 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 4 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 4 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 4 Journal of Global Optimization 4 Computational Optimization and Applications 4 Journal of Heuristics 4 OR Spectrum 4 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 4 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 3 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 3 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 3 Networks 3 Opsearch 3 SIAM Journal on Computing 3 Studies in Applied Mathematics 3 Optimization 3 Journal of Complexity 3 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 Discrete Mathematics and Applications 3 Games and Economic Behavior 3 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 3 Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 3 Asian Journal of Control 3 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 2 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 International Journal of Systems Science 2 Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik (ZAMM) 2 The Annals of Probability 2 Automatica 2 Calcolo 2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2 INFOR 2 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. 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