Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Comfort, William Wistar (b. 1933 d. 2016) Co-Author Distance Author ID: comfort.william-wistar Published as: Comfort, W. W.; Comfort, W. Wistar; Comfort, William Wistar; Comfort, Wistar; Comfort, W. more...less Homepage: http://wcomfort.faculty.wesleyan.edu/ External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 160 Publications since 1960, including 4 Books and 2 Additional arXiv Preprints 3 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Reviewing Activity: 99 Reviews Biographic References: 5 Publications Co-Authors: 64 Co-Authors with 126 Joint Publications 1,414 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 38 single-authored 14 Remus, Dieter 13 van Mill, Jan 12 Hager, Anthony W. 12 Negrepontis, Stylianos 11 Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 9 Gotchev, Ivan S. 5 García-Ferreira, Salvador 5 Hu, Wanjun 5 Robertson, Lewis Chandlee 4 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 4 Hernández, Salvador 3 Gordon, Hugh 3 Hindman, Neil 3 Kato, Akio 3 Raczkowski, S. U. 3 Recoder-Núñez, Luis 3 Ross, Kenneth Allen 2 Galindo, Jorge 2 Grant, Douglass L. 2 Henriksen, Melvin 2 O’Callaghan, Liam 2 Retta, Teklehaimanot 2 Saks, Victor 2 Shelah, Saharon 2 Soundararajan, T. 2 Waiveris, Charles 2 Wu, Ta-Sun 1 Alas, Ofelia Teresa 1 Anderson, Richard Davis 1 Ball, Richard N. 1 Baloglou, George 1 Bergelson, Vitaly 1 Berhanu, Shiferaw 1 Blass, Andreas Raphael 1 Brown, Thomas A. 1 Feng, Li 1 Fish, Alexander 1 Gillam, William Danny 1 Gladdines, Helma 1 Gould, Franklin R. 1 Hajnal, András 1 Heckmann, Reinhold 1 Herrlich, Horst 1 Hill, Paul D. 1 Hofmann, Karl Heinrich 1 Itzkowitz, Gerald L. 1 Juhász, István 1 Kopperman, Ralph David 1 Landman, Bruce M. 1 Leader, Imre 1 Lukács, Gábor 1 Maleki, Amir 1 Mardešić, Sibe 1 Masaveu, Oscar 1 Morris, Sidney A. 1 Nagata, Jun-iti 1 Narici, Lawrence 1 Protasov, Igor Volodymyrovych 1 Reid, James D. 1 Rivers, Douglas 1 Robbie, Desmond A. 1 Rothschild, Bruce L. 1 Rudin, Mary Ellen 1 Scheibe, Karl E. 1 Smirnov, Yuriĭ Mikhaĭlovich 1 Strauss, Dona 1 Svetlichny, Sergey A. 1 Szambien, Horst H. 1 Tkachenko, Mikhail Gelievich 1 Trigos-Arieta, F. J. 1 Wilson, Richard Gordon 1 Woods, R. Grant 1 Zelenyuk, Yevhen G. 1 Zhou, Hao all top 5 Serials 30 Topology and its Applications 14 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 11 Topology Proceedings 10 Fundamenta Mathematicae 8 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 6 Mathematische Zeitschrift 6 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 3 Scientiae Mathematicae Japonicae 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 2 Dissertationes Mathematicae 2 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 2 Mathematische Annalen 2 Mathematica Japonica 2 Applied General Topology 2 General Topology and its Applications 2 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2 Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics 2 Applied General Topology 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Houston Journal of Mathematics 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk [N. S.] 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 1 Mathematica Scandinavica 1 Bulletin of the Greek Mathematical Society 1 Forum Mathematicum 1 Pokroky Matematiky, Fyziky & Astronomie 1 Journal of Lie Theory 1 Journal of Group Theory 1 Bollettino della Unione Matematica Italiana. Series III 1 Bulletin de l’Académie Polonaise des Sciences, Série des Sciences Mathématiques, Astronomiques et Physiques 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 1 Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften 1 Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Axioms all top 5 Fields 132 General topology (54-XX) 68 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 24 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 14 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 12 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 6 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Number theory (11-XX) 2 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 140 Publications have been cited 1,875 times in 1,035 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The theory of ultrafilters. Zbl 0298.02004 Comfort, W. W.; Negrepontis, S. 284 1974 Pseudocompactness and uniform continuity in topological groups. Zbl 0214.28502 Comfort, W. W.; Ross, Kenneth A. 185 1966 Topological groups. Zbl 0604.22002 Comfort, W. W. 81 1984 Topologies unduced by groups of characters. Zbl 0138.02905 Comfort, W. W.; Ross, K. A. 81 1964 Chain conditions in topology. Zbl 0488.54002 Comfort, W. W.; Negrepontis, S. 62 1982 Ultrafilters: Some old and some new results. Zbl 0355.54005 Comfort, W. W. 55 1977 Extremal phenomena in certain classes of totally bounded groups. Zbl 0703.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Robertson, Lewis C. 44 1988 Topological groups and semigroups. Zbl 0798.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Hofmann, Karl Heinrich; Remus, D. 39 1992 Resolvability: A selective survey and some new results. Zbl 0866.54004 Comfort, W. W.; García-Ferreira, Salvador 37 1996 Countably compact groups and finest totally bounded topologies. Zbl 0271.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Saks, Victor 36 1973 On the Hewitt realcompactification of a product space. Zbl 0157.53402 Comfort, W. Wistar 31 1968 Continuous pseudometrics. Zbl 0306.54004 Comfort, W. W.; Negrepontis, S. 25 1975 Pseudocompact group topologies and totally dense subgroups. Zbl 0451.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Soundararajan, T. 25 1982 Cardinality constraints for pseudocompact and for totally dense subgroups of compact topological groups. Zbl 0592.22005 Comfort, W. W.; Robertson, Lewis C. 24 1985 Concerning connected, pseudocompact Abelian groups. Zbl 0698.54003 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 22 1989 Estimates for the number of real-valued continuous functions. Zbl 0199.57504 Comfort, W. W.; Hager, Anthony W. 21 1970 Cardinal invariants, pseudocompactness and minimality: Some recent advances in the topological theory of topological groups. Zbl 0525.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Grant, Douglass L. 21 1982 Counting subgroups and topological group topologies. Zbl 0506.22001 Berhanu, Shiferaw; Comfort, W. W.; Reid, J. D. 20 1985 Locally precompact groups: (local) realcompactness and connectedness. Zbl 1201.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Lukács, Gábor 19 2010 Pseudocompact refinements of compact group topologies. Zbl 0790.54051 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 18 1994 The Bohr compactification, modulo a metrizable subgroup. Zbl 0812.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier; Wu, Ta-Sun 18 1993 Proper pseudocompact extensions of compact Abelian group topologies. Zbl 0508.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Robertson, Lewis C. 18 1982 Making group topologies with, and without, convergent sequences. Zbl 1135.22004 Comfort, W. W.; Raczkowski, S. U.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. J. 18 2006 Imposing pseudocompact group topologies on Abelian groups. Zbl 0865.54035 Comfort, W. Wistar; Remus, Dieter 17 1993 Groups with only resolvable group topologies. Zbl 0820.22001 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 17 1994 On the existence of free topological groups. Zbl 0649.22001 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 15 1988 Long chains of topological group topologies. — A continuation. Zbl 0873.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 15 1997 Locally pseudocompact topological groups. Zbl 0828.22003 Comfort, W. Wistar; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 15 1995 A survey of cardinal invariants. Zbl 0216.19002 Comfort, W. W. 15 1971 Retractions and other continuous maps from \(\beta X\) onto \(\beta X\setminus X\). Zbl 0132.18104 Comfort, W. W. 15 1965 F’-spaces and their product with P-spaces. Zbl 0172.47902 Comfort, W. W.; Hindman, N.; Negrepontis, S. 15 1969 Extremal pseudocompact Abelian groups are compact metrizable. Zbl 1138.22002 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 15 2007 The dual group of a dense subgroup. Zbl 1080.22500 Comfort, W. W.; Raczkowski, S. U.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 15 2004 Relating a locally compact Abelian group to its Bohr compactification. Zbl 0863.22004 Comfort, W. Wistar; Hernández, Salvador; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 14 1996 Extending continuous functions on \(X \times Y\) to subsets of \(\beta X \times \beta Y\). Zbl 0185.26304 Comfort, W. W.; Negrepontis, Stelios 14 1966 Long chains of Hausdorff topological group topologies. Zbl 0723.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 13 1991 Abelian torsion groups with a pseudocompact group topology. Zbl 0865.54036 Comfort, W. Wistar; Remus, Dieter 13 1994 Density character in topological groups. Zbl 0328.22010 Comfort, W. W.; Itzkowitz, G. L. 12 1977 Homeomorphisms of three subspaces of \(\beta N-N\). Zbl 0169.54003 Comfort, W. W.; Negrepontis, S. 12 1968 Images and quotients of SO(3,R): remarks on a theorem of Van der Waerden. Zbl 0682.22007 Comfort, W. W.; Robertson, Lewis C. 11 1987 Proper pseudocompact subgroups of pseudocompact Abelian groups. Zbl 0915.54029 Comfort, W. Wistar; Gladdines, Helma; van Mill, Jan 11 1994 Cross sections and homeomorphism classes of Abelian groups equipped with the Bohr topology. Zbl 0986.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Hernández, Salvador; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 11 2001 Compact groups of Ulam-measurable cardinality: Partial converses to theorems of Arhangel’skiĭ and Varopoulos. Zbl 0817.22006 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 11 1994 The union of resolvable spaces is resolvable. Zbl 0769.54002 Comfort, W. W.; Feng, Li 11 1993 A nonpseudocompact product space whose finite subproducts are pseudocompact. Zbl 0145.43103 Comfort, W. W. 11 1967 A homogeneous extremally disconnected countably compact space. Zbl 0613.54027 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 10 1987 Suitable sets for topological groups. Zbl 0935.54029 Comfort, W. W.; Morris, Sidney A.; Robbie, D.; Svetlichny, S.; Tkačenko, M. 10 1998 Compactness-like properties for generalized weak topological sums. Zbl 0307.54016 Comfort, W. W. 10 1975 Cardinality of k-complete Boolean algebras. Zbl 0217.31302 Comfort, W. W.; Hager, A. W. 10 1972 The projection mapping and other continuous functions on a product space. Zbl 0217.47904 Comfort, W. W.; Hager, A. W. 10 1971 New method for expansion and contraction maps in uniform spaces. Zbl 0095.37301 Brown, Thomas A.; Comfort, W. W. 10 1960 Some topological groups with, and some without, proper dense subgroups. Zbl 0755.22001 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 9 1991 Extremal pseudocompact topological groups. Zbl 1071.54019 Comfort, W. W.; Galindo, Jorge 9 2005 Extending ring topologies. Zbl 0968.16020 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter; Szambien, Horst 9 2000 On the product of homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0569.54011 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 8 1985 Some progress and problems in topological groups. Zbl 0651.22001 Comfort, W. W. 8 1988 Remarks on a theorem of Glicksberg. Zbl 0777.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 8 1991 Uniform continuity in topological groups. Zbl 0316.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Hager, Anthony W. 8 1975 Pseudocompact topological group refinements of maximal weight. Zbl 1012.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Galindo, Jorge 8 2003 Vitali’s theorem for invariant measures. Zbl 0104.04702 Comfort, W. W.; Gordon, Hugh 8 1961 A theorem of Stone-Čech type, and a theorem of Tychonoff type, without the axiom of choice; and their realcompact analogues. Zbl 0185.26401 Comfort, W. W. 8 1968 Topological partition relations of the form \(\omega^*\to (Y)^ 1_ 2\). Zbl 0855.54004 Comfort, W. Wistar; Kato, Akio; Shelah, Saharon 7 1993 Correction to the paper “The Bohr compactification, modulo a metrizable subgroup”. Zbl 0872.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier; Wu, Ta-Sun 7 1997 The density nucleus of a topological group. Zbl 1285.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Dikranjan, Dikran 7 2014 Generalized perfect maps and a theorem of I. Juhász. Zbl 0564.54012 Comfort, W. Wistar; Retta, Teklehaimanot 6 1985 Some open questions on topological groups. Zbl 1014.22004 Comfort, W. W.; Hernández, S.; Remus, D.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. J. 6 2001 Intervals of totally bounded group topologies. Zbl 0886.54033 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 6 1996 Some classes of minimally almost periodic topological groups. Zbl 1331.54042 Comfort, Wistar; Gould, Franklin R. 6 2015 On the poset of totally dense subgroups of compact groups. Zbl 1026.22004 Comfort, W. W.; Dikranjan, Dikran 6 1999 Maximal independent families and a topological consequence. Zbl 1021.54003 Comfort, W. W.; Hu, Wanjun 6 2003 Dense subsets of maximally almost periodic groups. Zbl 0955.22003 Comfort, W. W.; García-Ferreira, Salvador 6 2001 Strongly extraresolvable groups and spaces. Zbl 0970.54033 Comfort, W. W.; García-Ferreira, Salvador 6 1998 Resolvability properties via independent families. Zbl 1110.54004 Comfort, W. W.; Hu, Wanjun 6 2007 Compact groups: subgroups and extensions. Zbl 0646.22001 Comfort, W. W. 5 1985 On the ”fragmentation” of certain pseudocompact groups. Zbl 0592.22006 Comfort, W. W. 5 1984 \(\varepsilon\)-spaces. Zbl 0849.54018 Ball, Richard N.; Comfort, W. Wistar; Garcia-Ferreira, Salvador; Hager, Anthony W.; van Mill, Jan; Robertson, Lewis C. 5 1995 Refining families for ultrafilters. Zbl 0314.54039 Comfort, W. W.; Hindman, Neil 5 1976 Continuous functions on products with strong topologies. Zbl 0308.54005 Comfort, W. W.; Negrepontis, S. 5 1972 Closed Baire sets are (some-times) zero-sets. Zbl 0198.27503 Comfort, W. W. 5 1970 On families of large oscillation. Zbl 0218.54001 Comfort, W. W.; Negrepontis, S. 5 1972 Continuous mappings on subspaces of products with the \( \kappa \)-box topology. Zbl 1181.54017 Comfort, W. W.; Gotchev, Ivan S. 5 2009 Compact condensations and compactifications. Zbl 1426.54007 Comfort, W. W.; Hager, A. W.; van Mill, J. 5 2019 How many \(\omega\)-bounded subgroups? Zbl 0920.22001 Comfort, W. Wistar; van Mill, Jan 4 1997 The extraresolvability hierarchy. Zbl 1086.54003 Comfort, W. W.; Hu, Wanjun 4 2004 Compactifications: Recent results from several countries. Zbl 0413.54032 Comfort, W. W. 4 1978 The isolated points in the dual of a commutative semi-group. Zbl 0093.24503 Comfort, W. W. 4 1960 Locally compact realcompactifications. Zbl 0162.26601 Comfort, W. W. 4 1967 Tampering with pseudocompact groups. Zbl 1085.54028 Comfort, W. W. 4 2004 Pseudocompact groups: Progress and problems. Zbl 1132.54020 Comfort, W. W. 4 2008 A selection of open problems. Zbl 1217.05223 4 2009 Functional dependence on small sets of indices. Zbl 1193.54011 Comfort, W. W.; Gotchev, I. S. 4 2009 Extremal pseudocompact abelian groups: a unified treatment. Zbl 1289.22001 Comfort, William Wistar; van Mill, Jan 4 2013 Small spaces which “generate” large spaces. Zbl 0691.54006 Comfort, W. W. 3 1988 Products and cardinal invariants of minimal topological groups. Zbl 0548.22003 Grant, Douglass L.; Comfort, W. W. 3 1986 Determining a weakly locally compact group topology by its system of closed subgroups. Zbl 0921.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Soundararajan, T.; Trigos-Arieta, F. J. 3 1994 Concerning the dual group of a dense subgroup. Zbl 1007.22005 Comfort, W. W.; Raczkowski, S. U.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 3 2002 Essential density and total density in topological groups. Zbl 1009.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Dikranjan, Dikran 3 2002 Remembering Mel Henriksen and (some of) his theorems. Zbl 1222.01046 Comfort, W. W. 3 2011 Non-homeomorphic disjoint spaces whose union is \(\omega^*\). Zbl 0792.54004 Comfort, W. W.; Kato, Akio 3 1993 Non-abelian pseudocompact groups. Zbl 1415.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 3 2016 Compact condensations and compactifications. Zbl 1426.54007 Comfort, W. W.; Hager, A. W.; van Mill, J. 5 2019 The \(G_{\delta}\)-density nucleus of a compact abelian group. Zbl 1414.22003 Comfort, William Wistar; Dikranjan, Dikran 1 2019 Non-abelian pseudocompact groups. Zbl 1415.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 3 2016 Cardinal invariants for \(\kappa\)-box products: weight, density character and Suslin number. Zbl 1361.54004 Comfort, W. W.; Gotchev, Ivan S. 2 2016 Counting compact group topologies. Zbl 1377.54041 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 1 2016 Some classes of minimally almost periodic topological groups. Zbl 1331.54042 Comfort, Wistar; Gould, Franklin R. 6 2015 The density nucleus of a topological group. Zbl 1285.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Dikranjan, Dikran 7 2014 Extremal pseudocompact abelian groups: a unified treatment. Zbl 1289.22001 Comfort, William Wistar; van Mill, Jan 4 2013 Exactly \(n\)-resolvable topological expansions. Zbl 1248.05012 Comfort, W. W.; Hu, Wanjun 2 2012 Continuous extensions of functions defined on subsets of products. Zbl 1263.54023 Comfort, W. W.; Gotchev, Ivan S. 1 2012 Remembering Mel Henriksen and (some of) his theorems. Zbl 1222.01046 Comfort, W. W. 3 2011 Locally precompact groups: (local) realcompactness and connectedness. Zbl 1201.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Lukács, Gábor 19 2010 Tychonoff expansions with prescribed resolvability properties. Zbl 1209.54002 Comfort, W. W.; Hu, Wanjun 3 2010 Continuous mappings on subspaces of products with the \( \kappa \)-box topology. Zbl 1181.54017 Comfort, W. W.; Gotchev, Ivan S. 5 2009 A selection of open problems. Zbl 1217.05223 4 2009 Functional dependence on small sets of indices. Zbl 1193.54011 Comfort, W. W.; Gotchev, I. S. 4 2009 Pseudocompact groups: Progress and problems. Zbl 1132.54020 Comfort, W. W. 4 2008 M-embedded subspaces of certain product spaces. Zbl 1171.54005 Comfort, W. W.; Gotchev, Ivan S.; Recoder-Núñez, Luis 3 2008 Chain conditions in topology. Paperback reprint of the 1982 edition. Zbl 1156.54002 Comfort, W. W.; Negrepontis, S. 2 2008 On the supremum of the pseudocompact group topologies. Zbl 1156.22001 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 2 2008 On the continuity of factorizations. Zbl 1186.54013 Comfort, W. W.; Gotchev, Ivan S.; Recoder-Núñez, Luis 2 2008 Extremal pseudocompact Abelian groups are compact metrizable. Zbl 1138.22002 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 15 2007 Resolvability properties via independent families. Zbl 1110.54004 Comfort, W. W.; Hu, Wanjun 6 2007 Making group topologies with, and without, convergent sequences. Zbl 1135.22004 Comfort, W. W.; Raczkowski, S. U.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. J. 18 2006 Dense \(C\)-embedded subspaces of products. Zbl 1200.54003 Comfort, W. W.; Gotchev, Ivan; Recoder-Núñez, Luis 2 2006 Extremal pseudocompact topological groups. Zbl 1071.54019 Comfort, W. W.; Galindo, Jorge 9 2005 The dual group of a dense subgroup. Zbl 1080.22500 Comfort, W. W.; Raczkowski, S. U.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 15 2004 The extraresolvability hierarchy. Zbl 1086.54003 Comfort, W. W.; Hu, Wanjun 4 2004 Tampering with pseudocompact groups. Zbl 1085.54028 Comfort, W. W. 4 2004 Maximal realcompact (and other) topologies. Zbl 1085.54003 Comfort, W. W.; Hager, A. W. 2 2004 Pseudocompact topological group refinements of maximal weight. Zbl 1012.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Galindo, Jorge 8 2003 Maximal independent families and a topological consequence. Zbl 1021.54003 Comfort, W. W.; Hu, Wanjun 6 2003 Concerning the dual group of a dense subgroup. Zbl 1007.22005 Comfort, W. W.; Raczkowski, S. U.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 3 2002 Essential density and total density in topological groups. Zbl 1009.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Dikranjan, Dikran 3 2002 Cross sections and homeomorphism classes of Abelian groups equipped with the Bohr topology. Zbl 0986.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Hernández, Salvador; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 11 2001 Some open questions on topological groups. Zbl 1014.22004 Comfort, W. W.; Hernández, S.; Remus, D.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. J. 6 2001 Dense subsets of maximally almost periodic groups. Zbl 0955.22003 Comfort, W. W.; García-Ferreira, Salvador 6 2001 Extending ring topologies. Zbl 0968.16020 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter; Szambien, Horst 9 2000 When is \(|C(X\times Y)|= |C(X)||C(Y)|\)? Zbl 0978.54011 Alas, O. T.; Comfort, W. W.; Garcia-Ferreira, S.; Henriksen, M.; Wilson, R. G.; Woods, R. G. 2 2000 On the poset of totally dense subgroups of compact groups. Zbl 1026.22004 Comfort, W. W.; Dikranjan, Dikran 6 1999 Epi-reflective properties of the Bohr compactification. Zbl 0992.22003 Comfort, W. W.; Hernández, Salvador; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 1 1999 Fourteen questions from the period 1965-1995. Zbl 0996.54001 Comfort, W. W. 1 1999 Correction to: “Long chains of topological group topologies – a continuation”, Topology and its Application 75 (1997) 51–79. Zbl 0929.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 1 1999 Suitable sets for topological groups. Zbl 0935.54029 Comfort, W. W.; Morris, Sidney A.; Robbie, D.; Svetlichny, S.; Tkačenko, M. 10 1998 Strongly extraresolvable groups and spaces. Zbl 0970.54033 Comfort, W. W.; García-Ferreira, Salvador 6 1998 Long chains of topological group topologies. — A continuation. Zbl 0873.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 15 1997 Correction to the paper “The Bohr compactification, modulo a metrizable subgroup”. Zbl 0872.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier; Wu, Ta-Sun 7 1997 How many \(\omega\)-bounded subgroups? Zbl 0920.22001 Comfort, W. Wistar; van Mill, Jan 4 1997 Resolvability: A selective survey and some new results. Zbl 0866.54004 Comfort, W. W.; García-Ferreira, Salvador 37 1996 Relating a locally compact Abelian group to its Bohr compactification. Zbl 0863.22004 Comfort, W. Wistar; Hernández, Salvador; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 14 1996 Intervals of totally bounded group topologies. Zbl 0886.54033 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 6 1996 Locally pseudocompact topological groups. Zbl 0828.22003 Comfort, W. Wistar; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 15 1995 \(\varepsilon\)-spaces. Zbl 0849.54018 Ball, Richard N.; Comfort, W. Wistar; Garcia-Ferreira, Salvador; Hager, Anthony W.; van Mill, Jan; Robertson, Lewis C. 5 1995 Resolvability in topology and in topological groups. Zbl 0919.54031 Comfort, W. W.; Masaveu, Oscar; Zhou, Hao 2 1995 Pseudocompact refinements of compact group topologies. Zbl 0790.54051 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 18 1994 Groups with only resolvable group topologies. Zbl 0820.22001 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 17 1994 Abelian torsion groups with a pseudocompact group topology. Zbl 0865.54036 Comfort, W. Wistar; Remus, Dieter 13 1994 Proper pseudocompact subgroups of pseudocompact Abelian groups. Zbl 0915.54029 Comfort, W. Wistar; Gladdines, Helma; van Mill, Jan 11 1994 Compact groups of Ulam-measurable cardinality: Partial converses to theorems of Arhangel’skiĭ and Varopoulos. Zbl 0817.22006 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 11 1994 Determining a weakly locally compact group topology by its system of closed subgroups. Zbl 0921.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Soundararajan, T.; Trigos-Arieta, F. J. 3 1994 The Bohr compactification, modulo a metrizable subgroup. Zbl 0812.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier; Wu, Ta-Sun 18 1993 Imposing pseudocompact group topologies on Abelian groups. Zbl 0865.54035 Comfort, W. Wistar; Remus, Dieter 17 1993 The union of resolvable spaces is resolvable. Zbl 0769.54002 Comfort, W. W.; Feng, Li 11 1993 Topological partition relations of the form \(\omega^*\to (Y)^ 1_ 2\). Zbl 0855.54004 Comfort, W. Wistar; Kato, Akio; Shelah, Saharon 7 1993 Non-homeomorphic disjoint spaces whose union is \(\omega^*\). Zbl 0792.54004 Comfort, W. W.; Kato, Akio 3 1993 Topological groups and semigroups. Zbl 0798.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Hofmann, Karl Heinrich; Remus, D. 39 1992 On the existence of group topologies. Zbl 1250.54038 Comfort, William Wistar 1 1992 Long chains of Hausdorff topological group topologies. Zbl 0723.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Remus, Dieter 13 1991 Some topological groups with, and some without, proper dense subgroups. Zbl 0755.22001 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 9 1991 Remarks on a theorem of Glicksberg. Zbl 0777.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 8 1991 Concerning connected, pseudocompact Abelian groups. Zbl 0698.54003 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 22 1989 Extremal phenomena in certain classes of totally bounded groups. Zbl 0703.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Robertson, Lewis C. 44 1988 On the existence of free topological groups. Zbl 0649.22001 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 15 1988 Some progress and problems in topological groups. Zbl 0651.22001 Comfort, W. W. 8 1988 Small spaces which “generate” large spaces. Zbl 0691.54006 Comfort, W. W. 3 1988 Cofinal families in certain function spaces. Zbl 0666.54002 Comfort, W. W. 2 1988 Compact-covering numbers. Zbl 0671.54003 Baloglou, George; Comfort, W. W. 2 1988 Images and quotients of SO(3,R): remarks on a theorem of Van der Waerden. Zbl 0682.22007 Comfort, W. W.; Robertson, Lewis C. 11 1987 A homogeneous extremally disconnected countably compact space. Zbl 0613.54027 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 10 1987 Products and cardinal invariants of minimal topological groups. Zbl 0548.22003 Grant, Douglass L.; Comfort, W. W. 3 1986 Cardinality constraints for pseudocompact and for totally dense subgroups of compact topological groups. Zbl 0592.22005 Comfort, W. W.; Robertson, Lewis C. 24 1985 Counting subgroups and topological group topologies. Zbl 0506.22001 Berhanu, Shiferaw; Comfort, W. W.; Reid, J. D. 20 1985 On the product of homogeneous spaces. Zbl 0569.54011 Comfort, W. W.; van Mill, Jan 8 1985 Generalized perfect maps and a theorem of I. Juhász. Zbl 0564.54012 Comfort, W. Wistar; Retta, Teklehaimanot 6 1985 Compact groups: subgroups and extensions. Zbl 0646.22001 Comfort, W. W. 5 1985 Topological groups. Zbl 0604.22002 Comfort, W. W. 81 1984 On the ”fragmentation” of certain pseudocompact groups. Zbl 0592.22006 Comfort, W. W. 5 1984 Chain conditions in topology. Zbl 0488.54002 Comfort, W. W.; Negrepontis, S. 62 1982 Pseudocompact group topologies and totally dense subgroups. Zbl 0451.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Soundararajan, T. 25 1982 Cardinal invariants, pseudocompactness and minimality: Some recent advances in the topological theory of topological groups. Zbl 0525.22001 Comfort, W. W.; Grant, Douglass L. 21 1982 Proper pseudocompact extensions of compact Abelian group topologies. Zbl 0508.22002 Comfort, W. W.; Robertson, Lewis C. 18 1982 Intersections of countably compact subspaces of Stone-Cech compactifications. Zbl 0462.54017 Comfort, W. W.; Waiveris, Ch. 2 1980 Ultrafilters: An interim report. Zbl 0461.54003 Comfort, W. W. 2 1980 Intersections of countably compact subspaces of Stone-Cech compactifications. Zbl 0435.54020 Comfort, W.; Waiveris, C. 1 1980 Deciding some undecidable topological statements. Zbl 0419.03001 Comfort, W. W. 1 1979 Compactifications: Recent results from several countries. Zbl 0413.54032 Comfort, W. W. 4 1978 Spaces Y homeomorphic to \(\beta Y\setminus Y\). Zbl 0369.54009 Comfort, W. W.; O’Callaghan, Liam 2 1978 Ultrafilters: Some old and some new results. Zbl 0355.54005 Comfort, W. W. 55 1977 Density character in topological groups. Zbl 0328.22010 Comfort, W. W.; Itzkowitz, G. L. 12 1977 Some recent applications of ultrafilters to topology. Zbl 0366.54003 Comfort, W. W. 3 1977 ...and 40 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 764 Authors 72 Tkachenko, Mikhail Gelievich 64 Dikranjan, Dikran N. 48 Comfort, William Wistar 29 Shakhmatov, Dmitri B. 28 van Mill, Jan 20 García-Ferreira, Salvador 20 Sanchis, Manuel 18 Hernández, Salvador 18 Hindman, Neil 18 Tomita, Artur Hideyuki 17 Arkhangel’skiĭ, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 14 Protasov, Igor Volodymyrovych 13 Dow, Alan S. 13 Hager, Anthony W. 13 Hušek, Miroslav 13 Martin Peinador, Elena 13 Remus, Dieter 13 Shelah, Saharon 13 Trigos-Arrieta, F. Javier 13 Zelenyuk, Yevhen G. 12 Strauss, Dona 11 Chasco, María Jesús 11 Galindo, Jorge 11 Morris, Sidney A. 10 He, Wei 10 Xie, Lihong 9 Domínguez, Xabier 9 Gabriyelyan, Saak S. 9 Giordano Bruno, Anna 9 Sipacheva, Ol’ga V. 9 Tamariz-Mascarúa, Angel 9 van Douwen, Eric K. 8 Dimov, Georgi D. 8 Koushesh, Mohammad Reza 8 Leiderman, Arkady G. 8 Peng, Dekui 8 Plebanek, Grzegorz 8 Reznichenko, Evgenii A. 8 Tarieladze, Vasha I. 7 Balcar, Bohuslav 7 Ferrer, Maria Vicenta 7 Gartside, Paul M. 7 Hrušák, Michael 7 Lin, Shou 7 Watson, William Stephen 7 Yañez, Víctor Hugo 6 Außenhofer, Lydia 6 Bezhanishvili, Guram 6 Hofmann, Karl Heinrich 6 Hu, Wanjun 6 Kunen, Kenneth 6 Malykhin, Vyacheslav Ivanovich 6 Noble, Norman Lee 6 Woods, R. Grant 5 Argyros, Spiros A. 5 Ball, Richard N. 5 Bruguera, Montserrat 5 Di Concilio, Anna 5 Gutik, Oleg Volodymyrovych 5 Itzkowitz, Gerald L. 5 Kąkol, Jerzy 5 Lipparini, Paolo 5 Lukács, Gábor 5 Megrelishvili, Michael G. 5 Osipov, Aleksandr Vladimirovich 5 Robertson, Lewis Chandlee 5 Sánchez, Iván 5 Simon, Petr 5 Todorcevic, Stevo B. 5 Ursul, Mihail I. 5 Uspenskiĭ, Vladimir Vladimirovich 5 Xi, Wenfei 5 Xiao, Zhiqiang 5 Zhang, Heng 4 Alas, Ofelia Teresa 4 Aviles Lopez, Antonio 4 Banakh, Taras Onufrievich 4 Bello, Hugo J. 4 Blass, Andreas Raphael 4 Faulkner, Gary D. 4 Gotchev, Ivan S. 4 Hart, Klaas Pieter 4 Henriksen, Melvin 4 Hernández, Constancio 4 Hodel, Richard E. 4 Juhász, István 4 Kharazishvili, Alexander Bezhanovich 4 Madden, James J. 4 Marciszewski, Witold 4 Negrepontis, Stylianos 4 Ohta, Haruto 4 Papazyan, Talin 4 Pytkeev, Evgeniĭ Georgevich 4 Ravsky, Alex 4 Shtern, Aleksandr Isaakovich 4 Soukup, Lajos 4 Szentmiklóssy, Zoltán 4 Tholen, Walter 4 Weber, Hans Josef Karl 3 Bardyla, Serhii ...and 664 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 148 Serials 416 Topology and its Applications 70 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 54 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 29 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 22 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 16 Semigroup Forum 15 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 13 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 12 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 12 Mathematische Zeitschrift 11 Israel Journal of Mathematics 11 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 11 Archive for Mathematical Logic 10 Communications in Algebra 10 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 9 Advances in Mathematics 9 Axioms 8 Mathematical Notes 8 Applied Categorical Structures 7 Algebra Universalis 7 Fundamenta Mathematicae 7 Journal of Algebra 7 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 7 Mathematische Annalen 7 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 7 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 6 Archiv der Mathematik 6 Monatshefte für Mathematik 6 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 5 Journal of Functional Analysis 5 Mathematica Slovaca 5 Quaestiones Mathematicae 5 Siberian Mathematical Journal 5 Topology Proceedings 5 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 5 Proceedings of the Japan Academy 5 Applied General Topology 4 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 4 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 4 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 4 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 4 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 4 Journal of Group Theory 3 Discrete Mathematics 3 Dissertationes Mathematicae 3 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 3 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 3 Mathematische Nachrichten 3 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 3 Ricerche di Matematica 3 Forum Mathematicum 3 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 3 Matematický Časopis, Slovenskej Akadémie Vied 3 Topological Algebra and its Applications 3 European Journal of Mathematics 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Mathematical Systems Theory 2 Mathematika 2 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 2 Order 2 Revista Matemática Iberoamericana 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 Filomat 2 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France. Supplément. Mémoires 2 Journal of Logic and Analysis 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Communications in Mathematical Physics 1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1 Moscow University Mathematics Bulletin 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Arkiv för Matematik 1 Abhandlungen aus dem Mathematischen Seminar der Universität Hamburg 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 1 Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matemàtiche e Naturali 1 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 1 Colloquium Mathematicum 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Economic Theory 1 Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Matematički Vesnik 1 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 1 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 1 Studia Logica 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 Transactions of the Moscow Mathematical Society 1 European Journal of Combinatorics 1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 1 Social Choice and Welfare 1 Godishnik na Sofiĭskiya Universitet “Sv. Kliment Okhridski”. Fakultet po Matematika i Informatika ...and 48 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 43 Fields 767 General topology (54-XX) 394 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 213 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 85 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 84 Functional analysis (46-XX) 76 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 55 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 42 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 42 Measure and integration (28-XX) 41 Combinatorics (05-XX) 22 Number theory (11-XX) 17 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 15 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 14 Operator theory (47-XX) 13 History and biography (01-XX) 12 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 11 Real functions (26-XX) 7 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 4 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 4 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 3 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 3 Quantum theory (81-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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