Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Conca, Carlos Co-Author Distance Author ID: conca.carlos Published as: Conca, Carlos; Conca, C. External Links: MGP · Wikidata · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 132 Publications since 1983, including 2 Books 3 Contributions as Editor Reviewing Activity: 14 Reviews Co-Authors: 87 Co-Authors with 122 Joint Publications 2,751 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 13 single-authored 24 Vanninathan, Muthusamy 14 Planchard, Jacques 10 San Martín, Jorge Alonso 9 Allaire, Grégoire 9 Ortega, Jaime H. 6 Mahadevan, Rajesh 6 Timofte, Claudia 5 Amrouche, Chérif 5 Baffico, Leonardo 5 Gormaz, Raúl 5 Lecaros, Rodrigo 5 Orive Illera, Rafael 5 Rosier, Lionel 4 Cumsille, Patricio 4 Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso 4 Espejo, Elio E. 4 Murat, François 4 Osses, Axel 4 Pironneau, Olivier 4 Saint Jean Paulin, Jeannine 4 Smaranda, Loredana 3 Acevedo, Paul 3 Bonnetier, Eric 3 Casado-Díaz, Juan 3 Donato, Patrizia 3 Friz, Luis 3 Ghosh, Amrita 3 Ghosh, Tuhin 3 Mishra, Indira 3 Natesan, Srinivasan 3 Sanz, Leon 3 Solano, Viviana 3 Vásquez-Varas, Donato 3 Vilches, Karina 2 Alvarez, Catalina 2 Bălilescu, Loredana 2 Bègue, Catherine 2 Bourgeron, Thibault 2 Duran, Mario M. 2 Gómez, Delfina 2 Jose, Editha C. 2 Muslim, Malik 2 Pérez, Eugenia 2 Rojas-Medar, Marko Antonio 2 San Martín H., Jorge 2 Tucsnak, Marius 2 Zuazua, Enrique 1 Acevedo Tapia, P. 1 Agarwal, Nikita 1 Agarwal, Ravi P. 1 Aguirre, Freddy 1 Asenjo, Juan A. 1 Benaddi, Ahmed 1 Bertoglio, Cristóbal 1 Carasso, Claude 1 Caubet, Fabien 1 Dambrine, Marc 1 Dávila, Juan 1 Gatica, Gabriel N. 1 Godoy, Matías 1 Kavian, Otared 1 Laurain, Antoine 1 Liñán, Amable 1 Liñáz, A. 1 Lund, Fernando 1 Malik, Muslim 1 Manasevich, Raul F. 1 Martín, Jo San 1 Munnier, Alexandre 1 Nolte, David D. 1 Ocqueteau, Vicente 1 Ortega-Torres, Elva E. 1 Panasenko, Grigory P. 1 Parés Madroñal, Carlos 1 Pileckas, Konstantin 1 Puel, Jean-Pierre 1 Puschmann, Heinrich 1 Quintero, Duver 1 Rappaz, Jacques 1 Ruz, P. 1 Saouri, Fatima-Zahra 1 Schwindt, Erica L. 1 Takahashi, Takéo 1 Thiriet, Marc 1 Thomas, Bernadette 1 Uhlmann, Gunther Alberto 1 Vogelius, Michael S. all top 5 Serials 8 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 5 Inverse Problems 5 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 4 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 4 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 4 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 3 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 3 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 3 Applied Mathematics Letters 3 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 3 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 3 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 2 Applicable Analysis 2 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 2 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 2 Journal of Mathematical Physics 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2 Numerische Mathematik 2 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 2 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 2 Asymptotic Analysis 2 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Bulletin de la Direction des Études et Recherches. Série C 2 Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Proceedings 2 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Boletín de la Sociedad Española de Matemática Aplicada. S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 1 Journal of Mathematical Biology 1 Journal of Sound and Vibration 1 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 1 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Japanese Journal of Mathematics. New Series 1 Ricerche di Matematica 1 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 1 Chinese Annals of Mathematics. Series B 1 Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 1 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 1 Revista de Matemáticas Aplicadas 1 Journal of the Ramanujan Mathematical Society 1 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 1 Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 1 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 1 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 1 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 1 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (España) 1 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 1 Mathematical Reports 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 1 Collection de la Direction des Études et Recherches d’Électricité de France 1 Contemporary Mathematics 1 Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics Series 1 Nonlinear Oscillations 1 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 1 Inverse Problems and Imaging 1 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 1 Research in Applied Mathematics 1 London Mathematical Society. Newsletter all top 5 Fields 94 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 54 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 36 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 16 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 9 Operator theory (47-XX) 8 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 6 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 6 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Integral equations (45-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 3 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 103 Publications have been cited 1,486 times in 980 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Existence of solutions for the equations modelling the motion of a rigid body in a viscous fluid. Zbl 0954.35135 Conca, Carlos; San Martín H., Jorge; Tucsnak, Marius 98 2000 The Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with boundary conditions involving the pressure. Zbl 0826.35093 Conca, C.; Murat, F.; Pironneau, O. 90 1994 Fluids and periodic structures. Zbl 0910.76002 Conca, C.; Planchard, J.; Vanninathan, M. 86 1995 Homogenization of periodic structures via Bloch decomposition. Zbl 0990.35019 Conca, Carlos; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 76 1997 Remarks on the blowup and global existence for a two species chemotactic Keller-Segel system in \(\mathbb R^{2}\). Zbl 1241.35025 Conca, Carlos; Espejo, Elio; Vilches, Karina 72 2011 On the application of the homogenization theory to a class of problems arising in fluid mechanics. Zbl 0566.35080 Conca, Carlos 64 1985 Bloch wave homogenization and spectral asymptotic analysis. Zbl 0901.35005 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos 60 1998 Bloch approximation in homogenization and applications. Zbl 1010.35004 Conca, Carlos; Orive, Rafael; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 43 2002 Navier-Stokes equations with imposed pressure and velocity fluxes. Zbl 0831.76011 Conca, C.; Pares, C.; Pironneau, O.; Thiriet, M. 41 1995 Les équations de Stokes et de Navier-Stokes avec des conditions aux limites sur la pression. (On Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with boundary condition on the pressure). Zbl 0687.35069 Begue, C.; Conca, C.; Murat, F.; Pironneau, O. 41 1988 Non-homogeneous Neumann problems in domains with small holes. Zbl 0669.35028 Conca, C.; Donato, P. 39 1988 Homogenization in chemical reactive flows. Zbl 1195.35037 Conca, Carlos; Díaz, Jesus Ildefonso; Liñán, Amable; Timofte, Claudia 31 2004 Identification of immersed obstacles via boundary measurements. Zbl 1088.35080 Alvarez, C.; Conca, C.; Friz, L.; Kavian, O.; Ortega, J. H. 30 2005 Sharp condition for blow-up and global existence in a two species chemotactic Keller-Segel system in \(\mathbb R^2\). Zbl 1284.35448 Espejo, Elio; Vilches, Karina; Conca, Carlos 30 2013 Étude d’un fluide traversant une paroi perforée. I: Comportement limite près de la paroi. (Study of a fluid crossing a perforated sieve. I: Limit behavior near the sieve). Zbl 0622.35061 Conca, Carlos 29 1987 Effective chemical processes in porous media. Zbl 1058.76071 Conca, C.; Díaz, J. I.; Timofte, C. 28 2003 Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with Navier boundary condition. (Équations de Stokes et de Navier-Stokes avec la condition de Navier.) Zbl 1412.35212 Acevedo, Paul; Amrouche, Chérif; Conca, Carlos; Ghosh, Amrita 25 2019 Étude d’un fluide traversant une paroi perforée. II: Comportement limite loin de la paroi. (Study of a fluid crossing a perforated sieve. II: Limit behavior far off the sieve). Zbl 0622.35062 Conca, Carlos 24 1987 On the detection of several obstacles in 2D Stokes flow: topological sensitivity and combination with shape derivatives. Zbl 1350.49050 Caubet, Fabien; Conca, Carlos; Godoy, Matías 23 2016 A nouveau sur les équations de Stokes et de Navier-Stokes avec des conditions aux limites sur la pression. (Going back to Stokes and Navier- Stokes equations with boundary conditions on the pressure). Zbl 0613.76029 Bègue, Catherine; Conca, Carlos; Murat, François; Pironneau, Olivier 23 1987 Minimization of the ground state for two phase conductors in low contrast regime. Zbl 1321.49078 Conca, Carlos; Laurain, Antoine; Mahadevan, Rajesh 22 2012 On Burnett coefficients in periodic media. Zbl 1111.35008 Conca, Carlos; Orive, Rafael; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 20 2006 A simultaneous blow-up problem arising in tumor modeling. Zbl 1423.35162 Espejo, Elio; Vilches, Karina; Conca, Carlos 20 2019 Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with Navier boundary conditions. Zbl 1466.35281 Acevedo Tapia, P.; Amrouche, C.; Conca, C.; Ghosh, A. 20 2021 An extremal eigenvalue problem for a two-phase conductor in a ball. Zbl 1179.49052 Conca, Carlos; Mahadevan, Rajesh; Sanz, León 19 2009 Mouvement d’un solide rigide dans un fluide visqueux. (Motion of a rigid body in a viscous fluid.) Zbl 0937.76012 Conca, Carlos; San Martín H., Jorge; Tucsnak, Marius 15 1999 Boundary layers in the homogenization of a spectral problem in fluid-solid structures. Zbl 0918.35018 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos 14 1998 Existence and location of eigenvalues for fluid-solid structures. Zbl 0734.73063 Conca, C.; Planchard, J.; Vanninathan, M. 14 1989 Mathematical problems in coupled fluid-structure systems: Applications to the tube bundles. (Problèmes mathématiques en couplage fluide-structure: applications aux faisceaux tubulaires.) Zbl 0824.73002 Conca, Carlos; Planchard, Jacques; Thomas, Bernadette; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 13 1994 A generalized strange term in Signorini’s type problems. Zbl 1040.35008 Conca, Carlos; Murat, François; Timofte, Claudia 13 2003 Bloch-wave homogenization for a spectral problem in fluid-solid structures. Zbl 0857.73008 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos 13 1996 Homogenization of a class of nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1105.35010 Baffico, L.; Conca, C.; Rajesh, M. 12 2006 On the detection of a moving obstacle in an ideal fluid by a boundary measurement. Zbl 1153.35080 Conca, Carlos; Cumsille, Patricio; Ortega, Jaime; Rosier, Lionel 12 2008 Eigenfrequencies of a tube bundle immersed in a fluid. Zbl 0663.76003 Aguirre, Freddy; Conca, Carlos 12 1988 Threshold condition for global existence and blow-up to a radially symmetric drift-diffusion system. Zbl 1246.35045 Conca, Carlos; Espejo, Elio 11 2012 Existence and uniqueness of a strong solution for nonhomogeneous micropolar fluids. Zbl 1034.35109 Conca, C.; Gormaz, R.; Ortega, E.; Rojas, M. 10 2002 Stokes equations with non-smooth data. Zbl 0702.35202 Conca, C. 10 1989 The equations of non-homogeneous asymmetric fluids: an iterative approach. Zbl 1014.35079 Conca, Carlos; Gormaz, Raúl; Ortega-Torres, Elva E.; Rojas-Medar, Marko A. 9 2002 Approximation of Young measures by functions and application to a problem of optimal design for plates with variable thickness. Zbl 0824.49006 Bonnetier, E.; Conca, C. 9 1994 Added mass and damping in fluid-structure interaction. Zbl 0897.76024 Conca, C.; Osses, A.; Planchard, J. 9 1997 Bloch approximation in homogenization on bounded domains. Zbl 1077.35017 Conca, C.; Orive, R.; Vanninathan, M. 9 2005 Optimal bounds on dispersion coefficient in one-dimensional periodic media. Zbl 1180.35075 Conca, Carlos; Martín, Jorge San; Smaranda, Loredana; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 9 2009 Detection of a moving rigid solid in a perfect fluid. Zbl 1200.35320 Conca, Carlos; Malik, Muslim; Munnier, Alexandre 9 2010 Shape derivative for a two-phase eigenvalue problem and optimal configurations in a ball. Zbl 1167.49038 Conca, Carlos; Mahadevan, Rajesh; Sanz, Leon 9 2009 On the identification of a rigid body immersed in a fluid: a numerical approach. Zbl 1244.76069 Alvarez, Catalina; Conca, Carlos; Lecaros, Rodrigo; Ortega, Jaime H. 9 2008 Homogenization of a transmission problem in solid mechanics. Zbl 0926.74096 Baffico, L.; Conca, C. 8 1999 Boussinesq system with non-homogeneous boundary conditions. Zbl 1333.35175 Acevedo, Paul; Amrouche, Chérif; Conca, Carlos 8 2016 Approximation of solutions to fractional integral equation. Zbl 1189.65310 Muslim, M.; Conca, Carlos; Nandakumaran, A. K. 8 2010 The Stokes sieve problem. Zbl 0646.76041 Conca, Carlos 8 1988 Uniform \(W^{1,p}\) estimates for an elliptic operator with Robin boundary condition in a \(\mathcal{C}^1\) domain. Zbl 1437.35228 Amrouche, C.; Conca, C.; Ghosh, A.; Ghosh, T. 8 2020 Numerical methods for elliptic partial differential equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients. Zbl 1016.65089 Conca, C.; Natesan, S. 7 2003 Asymptotic analysis relating spectral models in fluid–solid vibrations. Zbl 0911.35080 Conca, Carlos; Osses, Axel; Planchard, Jacques 7 1998 A quadratic eigenvalue problem involving Stokes equations. Zbl 0761.76019 Conca, C.; Duran, M.; Planchard, J. 7 1992 On Burnett coefficients in periodic media in low contrast regime. Zbl 1152.81385 Conca, C.; San Martín, J.; Smaranda, L.; Vanninathan, M. 7 2008 A novel model for biofilm growth and its resolution by using the hybrid immersed interface-level set method. Zbl 1347.92047 Cumsille, Patricio; Asenjo, Juan A.; Conca, Carlos 6 2014 Numerical results on the homogenization of Stokes and Navier-stokes equations modeling a class of problems from fluid mechanics. Zbl 0601.76106 Conca, Carlos 6 1985 The Bloch transform and applications. Zbl 0913.35011 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 5 1998 On uniform \(H^2\)-estimates in periodic homogenization. Zbl 1005.35014 Conca, C.; Vanninathan, M. 5 2001 Spectral asymptotic analysis of the wave equation. Bloch wave homogenization. (Analyse asymptotique spectrale de l’équation des ondes. Homogénéisation par ondes de Bloch.) Zbl 0844.35075 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos 5 1995 A semilinear control problem involving homogenization. Zbl 0964.35039 Conca, Carlos; Osses, Axel; Saint Jean Paulin, Jeannine 5 2001 Numerical experiments with the Bloch-Floquet approach in homogenization. Zbl 1121.65119 Conca, C.; Natesan, S.; Vanninathan, M. 5 2006 \(L^p\) theory for Boussinesq system with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1409.35165 Acevedo, Paul; Amrouche, Chérif; Conca, Carlos 5 2019 Junction of models of different dimension for flows in tube structures by Womersley-type interface conditions. Zbl 1419.35155 Bertoglio, Cristóbal; Conca, Carlos; Nolte, David; Panasenko, Grigory; Pileckas, Konstantinas 5 2019 Burnett coefficients and laminates. Zbl 1250.35025 Conca, Carlos; Martín, Jo San; Smaranda, Loredana; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 5 2012 Limiting behaviour of a spectral problem in fluid-solid structures. Zbl 0806.35133 Conca, C.; Planchard, J.; Vanninathan, M. 4 1993 Fourier approach to homogenization problems. Zbl 1065.35045 Conca, Carlos; Vanninathan, M. 4 2002 Asymptotic spectral analysis of the wave equation. Completeness of the Bloch spectrum. (Analyse asymptotique spectrale de l’équation des ondes. Complétude du spectre de Bloch.) Zbl 0844.35076 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos 4 1995 On the identifiability of a rigid body moving in a stationary viscous fluid. Zbl 1235.76021 Conca, Carlos; Schwindt, Erica L.; Takahashi, Takéo 4 2012 The maximization of the \(p\)-Laplacian energy for a two-phase material. Zbl 1461.49015 Casado-Diaz, Juan; Conca, Carlos; Vásquez-Varas, Donato 4 2021 Full relaxation of a plate optimization problem. (Relaxation totale d’un problème d’optimisation de plaques.) Zbl 0792.73054 Bonnetier, Éric; Conca, Carlos 3 1993 Asymptotic analysis of a multidimensional vibrating structure. Zbl 0806.35128 Conca, Carlos; Zuazua, Enrike 3 1994 Mathematical modeling of the steam-water condensation in a condenser. Zbl 0563.76111 Conca, Carlos 3 1985 Homogenization of periodically perforate media. Zbl 0940.35027 Conca, C.; Gómez, D.; Lobo, M.; Pérez, M. E. 3 1999 Corrigendum: On the detection of a moving obstacle in an ideal fluid by a boundary measurement. Zbl 1152.35513 Conca, Carlos; Cumsille, Patricio; Ortega, Jaime; Rosier, Lionel 3 2008 Homogenization results for chemical reactive flows through porous media. Zbl 1197.35028 Conca, C.; Díaz, J. I.; Liñáz, A.; Timofte, C. 3 2005 The dispersion tensor and its unique minimizer in Hashin-Shtrikman micro-structures. Zbl 1398.35230 Bălilescu, Loredana; Conca, Carlos; Ghosh, Tuhin; San Martín, Jorge; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 3 2018 Homogenization of a transmission problem in 2D elasticity. Zbl 0929.74081 Baffico, L.; Conca, C. 2 1997 Numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations by Bloch waves method. Zbl 1016.65085 Conca, Carlos; Natesan, Srinivasan; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 2 2001 A numerical study of a spectral problem in solid-fluid type structures. Zbl 0831.76041 Conca, Carlos; Durán, Mario 2 1995 Fourier homogenization method and the propagation of acoustic waves through a periodic vortex array. Zbl 0934.35017 Conca, Carlos; Lund, Fernando 2 1999 On Bloch waves for the Stokes equations. Zbl 1124.35050 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos; Friz, Luis; Ortega, Jaime H. 2 2007 Approximation de quelques problèmes de type Stokes par une méthode d’éléments finis mixtes. Zbl 0523.34009 Conca, Carlos 2 1984 Approximate controllability and homogenization of a semilinear elliptic problem. Zbl 1041.93024 Conca, Carlos; Osses, Axel; Saint Jean Paulin, Jeannine 2 2003 Un problème de fréquences propres en couplage fluide-structure. (An eigenfrequencies problem for fluid-structure interaction). Zbl 0705.73166 Conca, C.; Planchard, J.; Vanninathan, M. 2 1989 The Bloch approximation in periodically perforated media. Zbl 1098.35015 Conca, C.; Gómez, D.; Lobo, M.; Pérez, E. 2 2005 Asymptotic analysis of optimal controls of a semilinear problem in a perforated domain. Zbl 1425.35201 Conca, Carlos; Donato, Patrizia; Jose, Editha C.; Mishra, Indira 2 2016 Determination of the calcium channel distribution in the olfactory system. Zbl 1304.45013 Conca, Carlos; Lecaros, Rodrigo; Ortega, Jaime H.; Rosier, Lionel 2 2014 The Bloch wave method and vibrations of elastic cylinder arrays in a fluid. Zbl 0936.74507 Conca, C.; Durán, M.; Planchard, J. 1 1994 Hermitian quadratic eigenvalue problems of restricted rank. Zbl 0792.15005 Conca, Carlos; Puschmann, Heinrich 1 1993 A mixing procedure of two viscous fluids using some homogenization tools. Zbl 1011.76067 Baffico, L.; Conca, C. 1 2001 Existence results and asymptotic behavior of stationary displacements of tubes in a Navier-Stokes flow. Zbl 0989.35023 Baffico, L.; Conca, C.; Saint Jean Paulin, J. 1 2000 Homogenization and Bloch wave method for fluid tube bundle interaction. Zbl 0955.74051 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos; Planchard, Jacques 1 1998 Spectral asymptotics of the Helmholtz model in fluid-solid structures. Zbl 0952.74022 Allaire, G.; Conca, C.; Vanninathan, M. 1 1999 Limiting behaviour of tube displacements in a Stokes flow. Zbl 1014.35075 Conca, Carlos; Saint Jean Paulin, Jeannine 1 1999 Existence of local and global solutions of fractional-order differential equations. Zbl 1334.34138 Muslim, M.; Conca, C.; Agarwal, R. P. 1 2011 Minimization of the ground state of the mixture of two conducting materials in a small contrast regime. Zbl 1343.15007 Conca, Carlos; Dambrine, Marc; Mahadevan, Rajesh; Quintero, Duver 1 2016 Existence results for a nonlinear problem modeling the displacement of a solid in a transverse flow. Zbl 0820.76014 Conca, C.; Donato, P. 1 1994 Numerical maximization of the \(p\)-Laplacian energy of a two-phase material. Zbl 1481.49027 Casado-Díaz, Juan; Conca, Carlos; Vásquez-Varas, Donato 1 2021 Minimization of the P-Laplacian first eigenvalue for a two-phase material. Zbl 1471.49005 Casado-Díaz, Juan; Conca, Carlos; Vásquez-Varas, Donato 1 2022 On the graphene Hamiltonian operator. Zbl 1449.34308 Conca, C.; Orive, R.; Martín, J. San; Solano, V. 1 2020 Approximate controllability of a semilinear elliptic problem in periodically perforated domains. Zbl 1528.35057 Conca, Carlos; Jose, Editha C.; Mishra, Indira 1 2024 Minimization of the P-Laplacian first eigenvalue for a two-phase material. Zbl 1471.49005 Casado-Díaz, Juan; Conca, Carlos; Vásquez-Varas, Donato 1 2022 Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with Navier boundary conditions. Zbl 1466.35281 Acevedo Tapia, P.; Amrouche, C.; Conca, C.; Ghosh, A. 20 2021 The maximization of the \(p\)-Laplacian energy for a two-phase material. Zbl 1461.49015 Casado-Diaz, Juan; Conca, Carlos; Vásquez-Varas, Donato 4 2021 Numerical maximization of the \(p\)-Laplacian energy of a two-phase material. Zbl 1481.49027 Casado-Díaz, Juan; Conca, Carlos; Vásquez-Varas, Donato 1 2021 Uniform \(W^{1,p}\) estimates for an elliptic operator with Robin boundary condition in a \(\mathcal{C}^1\) domain. Zbl 1437.35228 Amrouche, C.; Conca, C.; Ghosh, A.; Ghosh, T. 8 2020 On the graphene Hamiltonian operator. Zbl 1449.34308 Conca, C.; Orive, R.; Martín, J. San; Solano, V. 1 2020 Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with Navier boundary condition. (Équations de Stokes et de Navier-Stokes avec la condition de Navier.) Zbl 1412.35212 Acevedo, Paul; Amrouche, Chérif; Conca, Carlos; Ghosh, Amrita 25 2019 A simultaneous blow-up problem arising in tumor modeling. Zbl 1423.35162 Espejo, Elio; Vilches, Karina; Conca, Carlos 20 2019 \(L^p\) theory for Boussinesq system with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Zbl 1409.35165 Acevedo, Paul; Amrouche, Chérif; Conca, Carlos 5 2019 Junction of models of different dimension for flows in tube structures by Womersley-type interface conditions. Zbl 1419.35155 Bertoglio, Cristóbal; Conca, Carlos; Nolte, David; Panasenko, Grigory; Pileckas, Konstantinas 5 2019 The dispersion tensor and its unique minimizer in Hashin-Shtrikman micro-structures. Zbl 1398.35230 Bălilescu, Loredana; Conca, Carlos; Ghosh, Tuhin; San Martín, Jorge; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 3 2018 Determining the distribution of ion channels from experimental data. Zbl 1411.92040 Bourgeron, Thibault; Conca, Carlos; Lecaros, Rodrigo 1 2018 On the detection of several obstacles in 2D Stokes flow: topological sensitivity and combination with shape derivatives. Zbl 1350.49050 Caubet, Fabien; Conca, Carlos; Godoy, Matías 23 2016 Boussinesq system with non-homogeneous boundary conditions. Zbl 1333.35175 Acevedo, Paul; Amrouche, Chérif; Conca, Carlos 8 2016 Asymptotic analysis of optimal controls of a semilinear problem in a perforated domain. Zbl 1425.35201 Conca, Carlos; Donato, Patrizia; Jose, Editha C.; Mishra, Indira 2 2016 Minimization of the ground state of the mixture of two conducting materials in a small contrast regime. Zbl 1343.15007 Conca, Carlos; Dambrine, Marc; Mahadevan, Rajesh; Quintero, Duver 1 2016 A novel model for biofilm growth and its resolution by using the hybrid immersed interface-level set method. Zbl 1347.92047 Cumsille, Patricio; Asenjo, Juan A.; Conca, Carlos 6 2014 Determination of the calcium channel distribution in the olfactory system. Zbl 1304.45013 Conca, Carlos; Lecaros, Rodrigo; Ortega, Jaime H.; Rosier, Lionel 2 2014 Sharp condition for blow-up and global existence in a two species chemotactic Keller-Segel system in \(\mathbb R^2\). Zbl 1284.35448 Espejo, Elio; Vilches, Karina; Conca, Carlos 30 2013 Minimization of the ground state for two phase conductors in low contrast regime. Zbl 1321.49078 Conca, Carlos; Laurain, Antoine; Mahadevan, Rajesh 22 2012 Threshold condition for global existence and blow-up to a radially symmetric drift-diffusion system. Zbl 1246.35045 Conca, Carlos; Espejo, Elio 11 2012 Burnett coefficients and laminates. Zbl 1250.35025 Conca, Carlos; Martín, Jo San; Smaranda, Loredana; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 5 2012 On the identifiability of a rigid body moving in a stationary viscous fluid. Zbl 1235.76021 Conca, Carlos; Schwindt, Erica L.; Takahashi, Takéo 4 2012 Remarks on the blowup and global existence for a two species chemotactic Keller-Segel system in \(\mathbb R^{2}\). Zbl 1241.35025 Conca, Carlos; Espejo, Elio; Vilches, Karina 72 2011 Existence of local and global solutions of fractional-order differential equations. Zbl 1334.34138 Muslim, M.; Conca, C.; Agarwal, R. P. 1 2011 Detection of a moving rigid solid in a perfect fluid. Zbl 1200.35320 Conca, Carlos; Malik, Muslim; Munnier, Alexandre 9 2010 Approximation of solutions to fractional integral equation. Zbl 1189.65310 Muslim, M.; Conca, Carlos; Nandakumaran, A. K. 8 2010 An extremal eigenvalue problem for a two-phase conductor in a ball. Zbl 1179.49052 Conca, Carlos; Mahadevan, Rajesh; Sanz, León 19 2009 Optimal bounds on dispersion coefficient in one-dimensional periodic media. Zbl 1180.35075 Conca, Carlos; Martín, Jorge San; Smaranda, Loredana; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 9 2009 Shape derivative for a two-phase eigenvalue problem and optimal configurations in a ball. Zbl 1167.49038 Conca, Carlos; Mahadevan, Rajesh; Sanz, Leon 9 2009 On the detection of a moving obstacle in an ideal fluid by a boundary measurement. Zbl 1153.35080 Conca, Carlos; Cumsille, Patricio; Ortega, Jaime; Rosier, Lionel 12 2008 On the identification of a rigid body immersed in a fluid: a numerical approach. Zbl 1244.76069 Alvarez, Catalina; Conca, Carlos; Lecaros, Rodrigo; Ortega, Jaime H. 9 2008 On Burnett coefficients in periodic media in low contrast regime. Zbl 1152.81385 Conca, C.; San Martín, J.; Smaranda, L.; Vanninathan, M. 7 2008 Corrigendum: On the detection of a moving obstacle in an ideal fluid by a boundary measurement. Zbl 1152.35513 Conca, Carlos; Cumsille, Patricio; Ortega, Jaime; Rosier, Lionel 3 2008 First and second corrector in homogenization by Bloch waves. Zbl 1244.35006 Conca, Carlos; Orive, Rafael; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 1 2008 On Bloch waves for the Stokes equations. Zbl 1124.35050 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos; Friz, Luis; Ortega, Jaime H. 2 2007 On Burnett coefficients in periodic media. Zbl 1111.35008 Conca, Carlos; Orive, Rafael; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 20 2006 Homogenization of a class of nonlinear eigenvalue problems. Zbl 1105.35010 Baffico, L.; Conca, C.; Rajesh, M. 12 2006 Numerical experiments with the Bloch-Floquet approach in homogenization. Zbl 1121.65119 Conca, C.; Natesan, S.; Vanninathan, M. 5 2006 Identification of immersed obstacles via boundary measurements. Zbl 1088.35080 Alvarez, C.; Conca, C.; Friz, L.; Kavian, O.; Ortega, J. H. 30 2005 Bloch approximation in homogenization on bounded domains. Zbl 1077.35017 Conca, C.; Orive, R.; Vanninathan, M. 9 2005 Homogenization results for chemical reactive flows through porous media. Zbl 1197.35028 Conca, C.; Díaz, J. I.; Liñáz, A.; Timofte, C. 3 2005 The Bloch approximation in periodically perforated media. Zbl 1098.35015 Conca, C.; Gómez, D.; Lobo, M.; Pérez, E. 2 2005 Homogenization in chemical reactive flows. Zbl 1195.35037 Conca, Carlos; Díaz, Jesus Ildefonso; Liñán, Amable; Timofte, Claudia 31 2004 Effective chemical processes in porous media. Zbl 1058.76071 Conca, C.; Díaz, J. I.; Timofte, C. 28 2003 A generalized strange term in Signorini’s type problems. Zbl 1040.35008 Conca, Carlos; Murat, François; Timofte, Claudia 13 2003 Numerical methods for elliptic partial differential equations with rapidly oscillating coefficients. Zbl 1016.65089 Conca, C.; Natesan, S. 7 2003 Approximate controllability and homogenization of a semilinear elliptic problem. Zbl 1041.93024 Conca, Carlos; Osses, Axel; Saint Jean Paulin, Jeannine 2 2003 Bloch approximation in homogenization and applications. Zbl 1010.35004 Conca, Carlos; Orive, Rafael; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 43 2002 Existence and uniqueness of a strong solution for nonhomogeneous micropolar fluids. Zbl 1034.35109 Conca, C.; Gormaz, R.; Ortega, E.; Rojas, M. 10 2002 The equations of non-homogeneous asymmetric fluids: an iterative approach. Zbl 1014.35079 Conca, Carlos; Gormaz, Raúl; Ortega-Torres, Elva E.; Rojas-Medar, Marko A. 9 2002 Fourier approach to homogenization problems. Zbl 1065.35045 Conca, Carlos; Vanninathan, M. 4 2002 On uniform \(H^2\)-estimates in periodic homogenization. Zbl 1005.35014 Conca, C.; Vanninathan, M. 5 2001 A semilinear control problem involving homogenization. Zbl 0964.35039 Conca, Carlos; Osses, Axel; Saint Jean Paulin, Jeannine 5 2001 Numerical solution of elliptic partial differential equations by Bloch waves method. Zbl 1016.65085 Conca, Carlos; Natesan, Srinivasan; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 2 2001 A mixing procedure of two viscous fluids using some homogenization tools. Zbl 1011.76067 Baffico, L.; Conca, C. 1 2001 Existence of solutions for the equations modelling the motion of a rigid body in a viscous fluid. Zbl 0954.35135 Conca, Carlos; San Martín H., Jorge; Tucsnak, Marius 98 2000 Existence results and asymptotic behavior of stationary displacements of tubes in a Navier-Stokes flow. Zbl 0989.35023 Baffico, L.; Conca, C.; Saint Jean Paulin, J. 1 2000 Mouvement d’un solide rigide dans un fluide visqueux. (Motion of a rigid body in a viscous fluid.) Zbl 0937.76012 Conca, Carlos; San Martín H., Jorge; Tucsnak, Marius 15 1999 Homogenization of a transmission problem in solid mechanics. Zbl 0926.74096 Baffico, L.; Conca, C. 8 1999 Homogenization of periodically perforate media. Zbl 0940.35027 Conca, C.; Gómez, D.; Lobo, M.; Pérez, M. E. 3 1999 Fourier homogenization method and the propagation of acoustic waves through a periodic vortex array. Zbl 0934.35017 Conca, Carlos; Lund, Fernando 2 1999 Spectral asymptotics of the Helmholtz model in fluid-solid structures. Zbl 0952.74022 Allaire, G.; Conca, C.; Vanninathan, M. 1 1999 Limiting behaviour of tube displacements in a Stokes flow. Zbl 1014.35075 Conca, Carlos; Saint Jean Paulin, Jeannine 1 1999 Bloch wave homogenization and spectral asymptotic analysis. Zbl 0901.35005 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos 60 1998 Boundary layers in the homogenization of a spectral problem in fluid-solid structures. Zbl 0918.35018 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos 14 1998 Asymptotic analysis relating spectral models in fluid–solid vibrations. Zbl 0911.35080 Conca, Carlos; Osses, Axel; Planchard, Jacques 7 1998 The Bloch transform and applications. Zbl 0913.35011 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 5 1998 Homogenization and Bloch wave method for fluid tube bundle interaction. Zbl 0955.74051 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos; Planchard, Jacques 1 1998 Homogenization of periodic structures via Bloch decomposition. Zbl 0990.35019 Conca, Carlos; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 76 1997 Added mass and damping in fluid-structure interaction. Zbl 0897.76024 Conca, C.; Osses, A.; Planchard, J. 9 1997 Homogenization of a transmission problem in 2D elasticity. Zbl 0929.74081 Baffico, L.; Conca, C. 2 1997 Bloch-wave homogenization for a spectral problem in fluid-solid structures. Zbl 0857.73008 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos 13 1996 Fluids and periodic structures. Zbl 0910.76002 Conca, C.; Planchard, J.; Vanninathan, M. 86 1995 Navier-Stokes equations with imposed pressure and velocity fluxes. Zbl 0831.76011 Conca, C.; Pares, C.; Pironneau, O.; Thiriet, M. 41 1995 Spectral asymptotic analysis of the wave equation. Bloch wave homogenization. (Analyse asymptotique spectrale de l’équation des ondes. Homogénéisation par ondes de Bloch.) Zbl 0844.35075 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos 5 1995 Asymptotic spectral analysis of the wave equation. Completeness of the Bloch spectrum. (Analyse asymptotique spectrale de l’équation des ondes. Complétude du spectre de Bloch.) Zbl 0844.35076 Allaire, Grégoire; Conca, Carlos 4 1995 A numerical study of a spectral problem in solid-fluid type structures. Zbl 0831.76041 Conca, Carlos; Durán, Mario 2 1995 The Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with boundary conditions involving the pressure. Zbl 0826.35093 Conca, C.; Murat, F.; Pironneau, O. 90 1994 Mathematical problems in coupled fluid-structure systems: Applications to the tube bundles. (Problèmes mathématiques en couplage fluide-structure: applications aux faisceaux tubulaires.) Zbl 0824.73002 Conca, Carlos; Planchard, Jacques; Thomas, Bernadette; Vanninathan, Muthusamy 13 1994 Approximation of Young measures by functions and application to a problem of optimal design for plates with variable thickness. Zbl 0824.49006 Bonnetier, E.; Conca, C. 9 1994 Asymptotic analysis of a multidimensional vibrating structure. Zbl 0806.35128 Conca, Carlos; Zuazua, Enrike 3 1994 The Bloch wave method and vibrations of elastic cylinder arrays in a fluid. Zbl 0936.74507 Conca, C.; Durán, M.; Planchard, J. 1 1994 Existence results for a nonlinear problem modeling the displacement of a solid in a transverse flow. Zbl 0820.76014 Conca, C.; Donato, P. 1 1994 Limiting behaviour of a spectral problem in fluid-solid structures. Zbl 0806.35133 Conca, C.; Planchard, J.; Vanninathan, M. 4 1993 Full relaxation of a plate optimization problem. (Relaxation totale d’un problème d’optimisation de plaques.) Zbl 0792.73054 Bonnetier, Éric; Conca, Carlos 3 1993 Hermitian quadratic eigenvalue problems of restricted rank. Zbl 0792.15005 Conca, Carlos; Puschmann, Heinrich 1 1993 A quadratic eigenvalue problem involving Stokes equations. Zbl 0761.76019 Conca, C.; Duran, M.; Planchard, J. 7 1992 Existence and location of eigenvalues for fluid-solid structures. Zbl 0734.73063 Conca, C.; Planchard, J.; Vanninathan, M. 14 1989 Stokes equations with non-smooth data. Zbl 0702.35202 Conca, C. 10 1989 Un problème de fréquences propres en couplage fluide-structure. (An eigenfrequencies problem for fluid-structure interaction). Zbl 0705.73166 Conca, C.; Planchard, J.; Vanninathan, M. 2 1989 Les équations de Stokes et de Navier-Stokes avec des conditions aux limites sur la pression. (On Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations with boundary condition on the pressure). Zbl 0687.35069 Begue, C.; Conca, C.; Murat, F.; Pironneau, O. 41 1988 Non-homogeneous Neumann problems in domains with small holes. Zbl 0669.35028 Conca, C.; Donato, P. 39 1988 Eigenfrequencies of a tube bundle immersed in a fluid. Zbl 0663.76003 Aguirre, Freddy; Conca, Carlos 12 1988 The Stokes sieve problem. Zbl 0646.76041 Conca, Carlos 8 1988 Étude d’un fluide traversant une paroi perforée. I: Comportement limite près de la paroi. (Study of a fluid crossing a perforated sieve. I: Limit behavior near the sieve). Zbl 0622.35061 Conca, Carlos 29 1987 Étude d’un fluide traversant une paroi perforée. II: Comportement limite loin de la paroi. (Study of a fluid crossing a perforated sieve. II: Limit behavior far off the sieve). Zbl 0622.35062 Conca, Carlos 24 1987 A nouveau sur les équations de Stokes et de Navier-Stokes avec des conditions aux limites sur la pression. (Going back to Stokes and Navier- Stokes equations with boundary conditions on the pressure). Zbl 0613.76029 Bègue, Catherine; Conca, Carlos; Murat, François; Pironneau, Olivier 23 1987 On the application of the homogenization theory to a class of problems arising in fluid mechanics. Zbl 0566.35080 Conca, Carlos 64 1985 ...and 3 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,196 Authors 46 Conca, Carlos 22 Allaire, Grégoire 21 Takahashi, Takéo 20 Vanninathan, Muthusamy 19 Nečasová, Šárka 14 Muha, Boris 13 Amrouche, Chérif 13 Shaposhnikova, Tatiana Ardolionovna 13 Timofte, Claudia 12 Suslina, Tat’yana Aleksandrovna 11 Gómez, Delfina 11 Mu, Chunlai 11 Pažanin, Igor 11 Yang, Yidu 10 Bi, Hai 10 Lin, Ke 10 Rojas-Medar, Marko Antonio 10 San Martín, Jorge Alonso 10 Schweizer, Ben 9 Casado-Díaz, Juan 9 Gaudiello, Antonio 9 Hillairet, Matthieu 9 Marušić-Paloka, Eduard 9 Mel’nyk, Taras A. 9 Orive Illera, Rafael 8 Čanić, Sunčica 8 Díaz Díaz, Jesús Ildefonso 8 Fernández-Cara, Enrique 7 Amirat, Youcef Aït 7 Chechkin, Gregory Aleksandrovich 7 Donato, Patrizia 7 Gazzola, Filippo 7 Nazarov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 7 Panasenko, Grigory P. 7 Pérez-martínez, María-eugenia 7 Piatnitski, Andrey L. 7 Tu, Xinyu 6 Bouchitté, Guy 6 Dohnal, Tomáš 6 Grandmont, Céline 6 Guenneau, Sebastien R. L. 6 Kao, Chiu-Yen 6 Meirmanov, Anvarbek Mukatovich 6 Mikelić, Andro 6 Mohammadi, Seyyed Abbas 6 Pironneau, Olivier 6 Qiu, Shuyan 6 Rodríguez, Rodolfo 6 Rosier, Lionel 6 Roy, Arnab 6 Voss, Heinrich 5 Anguiano, María 5 Baranovskiĭ, Evgeniĭ Sergeevich 5 Braz e Silva, Pablo 5 Cabarrubias, Bituin C. 5 Cao, Liqun 5 Cherednichenko, Kirill D. 5 Chorfi, Nejmeddine 5 Craster, Richard V. 5 Dorodnyi, M. A. 5 Fernández, Miguel Ángel 5 Ghosh, Amrita 5 Hamel, François 5 Hassine, Maatoug 5 Hrizi, Mourad 5 Jäger, Willi 5 Lamacz, Agnes 5 Millet, Olivier 5 Neuss-Radu, Maria 5 Ortega, Jaime H. 5 Pileckas, Konstantin 5 Planchard, Jacques 5 Rodríguez-Bellido, Maria Angeles 5 Sperone, Gianmarco 5 Sueur, Franck 5 Triggiani, Roberto 5 Tucsnak, Marius 5 Yakoubi, Driss 5 Zuazua, Enrique 4 Abdelwahed, Mohamed 4 Al Baba, Hind 4 Amar, Micol 4 Amara, Mohamed 4 Avila, Jake 4 Baffico, Leonardo 4 Bălilescu, Loredana 4 Behera, Namita 4 Bermúdez, Alfredo 4 Bernardi, Christine 4 Bertoglio, Cristóbal 4 Boulakia, Muriel 4 Cardone, Giuseppe 4 Carpio, Ana 4 Caubet, Fabien 4 Cavallina, Lorenzo 4 Chemetov, Nikolai V. 4 Cruz, Felipe W. 4 Cui, Junzhi 4 Daikh, Yasmina 4 Doubova, Anna ...and 1,096 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 219 Serials 40 Journal of Differential Equations 35 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 30 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 29 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 28 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 21 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 20 Applicable Analysis 20 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 19 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 17 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 16 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 16 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 16 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 14 Journal of Computational Physics 14 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 14 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 14 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 13 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 12 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 12 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 11 Asymptotic Analysis 11 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 11 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 11 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 10 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 9 Applications of Mathematics 8 Inverse Problems 8 Journal of Mathematical Physics 8 Nonlinearity 8 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 8 Numerische Mathematik 8 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 8 Applied Numerical Mathematics 8 Applied Mathematics Letters 7 Applied Mathematics and Computation 7 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 7 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 7 Communications in Partial Differential Equations 7 Electronic Journal of Differential Equations (EJDE) 7 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 7 Journal of Evolution Equations 7 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 7 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 7 Boundary Value Problems 7 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 7 Networks and Heterogeneous Media 6 Mathematische Nachrichten 6 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 6 Advances in Computational Mathematics 6 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 5 International Journal of Engineering Science 5 Mathematics of Computation 5 Mathematische Annalen 5 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 5 Journal of Scientific Computing 5 Journal of Elasticity 5 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 5 Journal of Inverse and Ill-Posed Problems 5 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 5 Science China. Mathematics 5 Advances in Nonlinear Analysis 5 Journal of Elliptic and Parabolic Equations 4 Communications in Mathematical Physics 4 Calcolo 4 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 4 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 4 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Applied Mathematical Modelling 4 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 4 Doklady Mathematics 4 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 4 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 4 Inverse Problems and Imaging 4 Evolution Equations and Control Theory 3 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 3 Journal of Mathematical Biology 3 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 3 Indiana University Mathematics Journal 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 3 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 3 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 3 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 3 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science 3 Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 3 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Industrial’noĭ Matematiki 3 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 3 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 Differential Equations 3 Waves in Random and Complex Media 3 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 2 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 2 Matimyás Matematika 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal ...and 119 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 40 Fields 779 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 413 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 210 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 159 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 121 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 78 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 52 Operator theory (47-XX) 36 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 33 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 24 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 23 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 14 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 14 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 13 Functional analysis (46-XX) 9 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 9 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 9 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 6 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 Potential theory (31-XX) 5 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 3 Geophysics (86-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 2 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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