Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Crampin, Mike Co-Author Distance Author ID: crampin.mike Published as: Crampin, M.; Crampin, Mike; Crampin, Michael more...less Documents Indexed: 113 Publications since 1968, including 2 Books Co-Authors: 16 Co-Authors with 72 Joint Publications 234 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 41 single-authored 22 Sarlet, Willy 21 Saunders, David J. 17 Mestdag, Tom 10 Prince, Geoff E. 7 Cantrijn, Frans 5 McCarthy, Patrick J. 5 Thompson, Gerard 3 Ibort, Alberto 3 Martínez Fernández, Eduardo 2 Cariñena, José F. 2 Pirani, Felix A. E. 2 Robinson, David C. 1 Byrnes, Graham B. 1 Hodgkin, Luke 1 Stephenson, W. Robert 1 Vermeire, F. all top 5 Serials 15 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 14 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 11 Differential Geometry and its Applications 8 Houston Journal of Mathematics 6 Journal of Geometry and Physics 5 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 5 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 4 Journal of Mathematical Physics 4 Reports on Mathematical Physics 3 General Relativity and Gravitation 3 Letters in Mathematical Physics 3 Journal of Geometric Mechanics 2 Inverse Problems 2 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Simon Stevin 1 Extracta Mathematicae 1 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série II 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 1 Journal of Lie Theory 1 Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications (BJGA) 1 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Dynamical Systems 1 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 1 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 1 London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Communications in Mathematics 1 Atlantis Studies in Variational Geometry all top 5 Fields 65 Differential geometry (53-XX) 42 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 31 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 27 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 17 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 11 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 7 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 101 Publications have been cited 1,184 times in 729 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ On the multisymplectic formalism for first order field theories. Zbl 0782.58057 Cariñena, J. F.; Crampin, M.; Ibort, L. A. 94 1991 Tangent bundle geometry for Lagrangian dynamics. Zbl 0536.58004 Crampin, M. 70 1983 Applicable differential geometry. Zbl 0606.53001 Crampin, M.; Pirani, F. A. E. 67 1986 A geometrical version of the Helmholtz conditions in time-dependent Lagrangian dynamics. Zbl 0545.58020 Crampin, M.; Prince, G. E.; Thompson, G. 51 1984 Higher-order differential equations and higher-order Lagrangian mechanics. Zbl 0609.58049 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W.; Cantrijn, F. 49 1986 On the differential geometry of the Euler-Lagrange equations and the inverse problem of Lagrangian dynamics. Zbl 0475.70022 Crampin, M. 47 1981 Reduction of degenerate Lagrangian systems. Zbl 0621.58020 Cantrijn, F.; Cariñena, J. F.; Crampin, M.; Ibort, L. A. 34 1986 Linear connections for systems of second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0912.58002 Crampin, M.; Martínez, E.; Sarlet, W. 31 1996 The soliton connection. Zbl 0363.35032 Crampin, M.; Pirani, F. A. E.; Robinson, D. C. 30 1977 Towards a geometrical understanding of Douglas’s solution of the inverse problem of the calculus of variations. Zbl 0826.58015 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W.; Martínez, E.; Byrnes, G. B.; Prince, G. E. 28 1994 Affine bundles and integrable almost tangent structures. Zbl 0572.53031 Crampin, M.; Thompson, G. 27 1985 A new look at second-order equations and Lagrangian mechanics. Zbl 0542.58011 Sarlet, W.; Cantrijn, F.; Crampin, M. 24 1984 A class of nonconservative Lagrangian systems on Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1063.70012 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W. 22 2001 Pseudo-symmetries, Noether’s theorem and the adjoint equation. Zbl 0623.58045 Sarlet, W.; Cantrijn, F.; Crampin, M. 21 1987 On horizontal distributions on the tangent bundle of a differentiable manifold. Zbl 0215.51003 Crampin, Michael 20 1971 Adjoint symmetries for time-dependent second-order equations. Zbl 0713.58018 Sarlet, W.; Prince, G. E.; Crampin, M. 20 1990 On the Legendre map in higher-order field theories. Zbl 0761.58006 Saunders, D. J.; Crampin, M. 19 1990 Conformal Killing tensors with vanishing torsion and the separation of variables in the Hamilton–Jacobi equation. Zbl 1026.70022 Crampin, M. 19 2003 Constants of the motion in Lagrangian mechanics. Zbl 0386.70004 Crampin, M. 19 1977 Projective differential geometry and geodesic conservation laws in general relativity. I: Projective actions. Zbl 0556.53044 Prince, G. E.; Crampin, M. 19 1984 Routh’s procedure for non-abelian symmetry groups. Zbl 1153.37396 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T. 18 2008 Bi-differential calculi, bi-Hamiltonian systems and conformal Killing tensors. Zbl 0967.37035 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W.; Thompson, G. 16 2000 The integrability conditions in the inverse problem of the calculus of variations for second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0922.58031 Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M.; Martínez, E. 16 1998 Randers spaces with reversible geodesics. Zbl 1093.53029 Crampin, Mike 15 2005 On the construction of Riemannian metrics for Berwald spaces by averaging. Zbl 1311.53016 Crampin, M. 15 2014 On null Lagrangians. Zbl 1073.70023 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 14 2005 On the generalized Helmholtz conditions for Lagrangian systems with dissipative forces. Zbl 1241.70022 Crampin, Mike; Mestdag, Tom; Sarlet, Willy 13 2010 Hidden symmetries and Killing tensors. Zbl 0551.58019 Crampin, M. 13 1984 The Hilbert-Carathéodory form for parametric multiple integral problems in the calculus of variations. Zbl 1031.53106 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 12 2003 The canonical isomorphism between \(T^ kT^*M\) and \(T^*T^ kM\). Zbl 0702.58006 Cantrijn, Frans; Crampin, Mike; Sarlet, Willy; Saunders, David 12 1989 Representations of the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group. III: Poincaré spin multiplicities and irreducibility. Zbl 0354.22020 McCarthy, P. J.; Crampin, M. 11 1973 Connections of Berwald type. Zbl 0980.53031 Crampin, M. 11 2000 Anholonomic frames in constrained dynamics. Zbl 1200.37056 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T. 11 2010 Generalized Bianchi identities for horizontal distributions. Zbl 0521.53023 Crampin, M. 11 1983 The Hilbert-Carathéodory and Poincaré-Cartan forms for higher-order multiple-integral variational problems. Zbl 1057.58008 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 10 2004 The multiplier approach to the projective Finsler metrizability problem. Zbl 1257.53105 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T.; Saunders, D. J. 10 2012 Bi-differential calculi and bi-Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0989.37063 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W.; Thompson, G. 9 2000 Projective connections. Zbl 1114.53014 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 9 2007 The Cartan form for constrained Lagrangian systems and the nonholonomic Noether theorem. Zbl 1243.70018 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T. 9 2011 The inverse problem of the calculus of variations: Separable systems. Zbl 0935.49017 Crampin, M.; Prince, G. E.; Sarlet, W.; Thompson, G. 8 1999 Invariant Lagrangians, mechanical connections and the Lagrange-Poincaré equations. Zbl 1143.70010 Mestdag, T.; Crampin, M. 8 2008 Projective differential geometry and geodesic conservation laws in general relativity. II: Conservation laws. Zbl 0556.53045 Prince, G. E.; Crampin, M. 8 1984 A condition for a Landsberg space to be Berwaldian. Zbl 1413.53055 Crampin, Mike 8 2018 Cartan geometries and their symmetries. A Lie algebroid approach. Zbl 1362.53006 Crampin, Mike; Saunders, David 7 2016 Bi-quasi-Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1059.37038 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W. 7 2002 Projectively equivalent Riemannian spaces as quasi-bi-Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1040.53092 Crampin, M. 7 2003 The geodesic spray, the vertical projection, and Raychaudhuri’s equation. Zbl 0541.53012 Crampin, M.; Prince, G. E. 7 1984 Lifting geometric objects to a cotangent bundle, and the geometry of the cotangent bundle of a tangent bundle. Zbl 0699.53042 Crampin, M.; Cantrijn, F.; Sarlet, W. 7 1987 The inverse problem for invariant Lagrangians on a Lie group. Zbl 1148.22004 Crampin, Mike; Mestdag, Tom 7 2008 Generalizing gauge variance for spherically symmetric potentials. Zbl 0578.58014 Crampin, M.; Prince, G. E. 6 1985 Graded Lie algebras of derivations and Ehresmann connections. Zbl 0615.53017 Crampin, M.; Ibort, L. A. 6 1987 Alternative Lagrangians for spherically symmetric potentials. Zbl 0658.70023 Crampin, M.; Prince, G. E. 6 1988 On Landsberg spaces and the Landsberg-Berwald problem. Zbl 1239.53024 Crampin, M. 6 2011 Cartan’s concept of duality for second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1086.53023 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 6 2005 On the inverse problem for sprays. Zbl 1127.53015 Crampin, Mike 6 2007 Hilbert forms for a Finsler metrizable projective class of sprays. Zbl 1262.53064 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T.; Saunders, D. J. 6 2013 A class of Finsler surfaces whose geodesics are circles. Zbl 1299.53144 Crampin, Mike; Mestdag, Tom 6 2014 Some remarks on the Finslerian version of Hilbert’s fourth problem. Zbl 1228.53085 Crampin, M. 6 2011 Lagrangian submanifolds and the Euler-Lagrange equations in higher-order mechanics. Zbl 0699.58037 Crampin, M. 5 1990 Reduction and reconstruction aspects of second-order dynamical systems with symmetry. Zbl 1216.34007 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T. 5 2009 Relative equilibria of Lagrangian systems with symmetry. Zbl 1188.70053 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T. 5 2008 Evading the inverse problem for second-order ordinary differential equations by using additional variables. Zbl 0616.34008 Cantrijn, F.; Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W. 4 1987 On differentiable manifolds with degenerate metrics. Zbl 0159.51002 Crampin, Michael 4 1968 Second-order dynamical systems of Lagrangian type with dissipation. Zbl 1222.70017 Mestdag, T.; Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M. 4 2011 Generalized submersiveness of second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1191.37033 Sarlet, W.; Prince, G. E.; Crampin, M. 4 2009 The inverse problem for Lagrangian systems with certain non-conservative forces. Zbl 1330.70074 Mestdag, T.; Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M. 4 2011 Isotropic and R-flat sprays. Zbl 1125.53012 Crampin, M. 4 2007 The sine-Gordon equation, Tchebyshev nets, and harmonic maps. Zbl 0638.58007 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 3 1986 Representations of the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group. IV: Cantoni representations are induced. Zbl 0368.22010 Crampin, M.; McCarthy, P. J. 3 1976 Holonomy of a class of bundles with fibre metrics. Zbl 1299.53145 Crampin, Mike; Saunders, David J. 3 2012 Homotopy operators for the variational bicomplex, representations of the Euler-Lagrange complex, and the Helmholtz-Sonin conditions. Zbl 1177.49056 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 3 2009 The fundamental form of a homogeneous Lagrangian in two independent variables. Zbl 1207.58016 Saunders, D. J.; Crampin, M. 3 2010 Path geometries and almost Grassmann structures. Zbl 1168.53010 Crampin, Mike; Saunders, David J. 3 2007 2-manifolds of constant curvature, 3-parameter isometry groups and Bäcklund transformations. Zbl 0496.35074 Crampin, M.; Hodgkin, L.; Robinson, David 3 1980 Affine and projective transformations of Berwald connections. Zbl 1158.53055 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 3 2007 Finsler spaces of \((\alpha,\beta)\) type and semi-\(C\)-reducibility. Zbl 1488.53056 Crampin, Mike 3 2021 Homogeneity and projective equivalence of differential equation fields. Zbl 1368.70028 Crampin, Mike; Saunders, David 2 2012 A characterisation of higher-order Noether symmetries. Zbl 0574.58013 Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M. 2 1985 The second variation formula in Lagrange and Finsler geometry. Zbl 0991.53013 Crampin, M. 2 2000 On a geometrical property of the Bäcklund transformation of the sine- Gordon equation. Zbl 0392.53017 Crampin, M.; McCarthy, P. J. 2 1978 Some recent results on symmetries of Lagrangian systems re-examined. Zbl 0579.70018 Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M. 2 1985 Kähler and para-Kähler structures associated with Finsler spaces of non-zero constant flag curvature. Zbl 1149.53015 Crampin, M. 2 2008 Cartan connections and Lie algebroids. Zbl 1189.53014 Crampin, Michael 2 2009 Structural equations for a special class of conformal Killing tensors of arbitrary valence. Zbl 1159.53008 Crampin, M. 2 2008 On the orthogonal separation of variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for geodesics in a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 1114.53038 Crampin, M. 2 2005 On the geometry of higher-order ordinary differential equations and the Wünschmann invariant. Zbl 1123.53012 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 2 2006 On parallel transport in Finsler spaces. Zbl 1549.53071 Crampin, Mike 2 2023 Some concepts of regularity for parametric multiple-integral problems in the calculus of variations. Zbl 1224.58012 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 1 2009 Graphs in the plane invariant under an area preserving linear map and general continuous solutions of certain quadratic functional equations. Zbl 0566.39009 McCarthy, P. J.; Crampin, M.; Stephenson, W. 1 1985 Alternative Lagrangians in particle dynamics. Zbl 0666.58022 Crampin, M. 1 1987 The Morse index theorem for general end conditions. Zbl 1007.58008 Crampin, M. 1 2001 Finsler functions for two-dimensional sprays. Zbl 1349.53100 Crampin, Mike 1 2014 On the inverse problem of the calculus of variations for systems of second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1094.49517 Crampin, M. 1 2000 S-curvature, E-curvature, and Berwald scalar curvature of Finsler spaces. Zbl 1533.53020 Crampin, M. 1 2024 The second-order ordinary differential equation: Cartan, Douglas, Berwald. Zbl 1065.34005 Crampin, M. 1 2004 A lifting theorem for compact symplectic manifolds. Zbl 0549.58016 Crampin, M.; McCarthy, P. J. 1 1983 A class of recursion operators on a tangent bundle. Zbl 1130.53058 Vermeire, F.; Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M. 1 2006 Involutive distributions and dynamical systems of second-order type. Zbl 1228.53039 Mestdag, T.; Crampin, M. 1 2011 Reduction of invariant constrained systems using anholonomic frames. Zbl 1301.70009 Crampin, Mike; Mestdag, Tom 1 2011 Invariant volumes, weakly-Berwald Finsler spaces, and the Landsberg-Berwald problem. Zbl 1499.53104 Crampin, Mike 1 2022 S-curvature, E-curvature, and Berwald scalar curvature of Finsler spaces. Zbl 1533.53020 Crampin, M. 1 2024 On parallel transport in Finsler spaces. Zbl 1549.53071 Crampin, Mike 2 2023 Invariant volumes, weakly-Berwald Finsler spaces, and the Landsberg-Berwald problem. Zbl 1499.53104 Crampin, Mike 1 2022 Finsler spaces of \((\alpha,\beta)\) type and semi-\(C\)-reducibility. Zbl 1488.53056 Crampin, Mike 3 2021 A condition for a Landsberg space to be Berwaldian. Zbl 1413.53055 Crampin, Mike 8 2018 Cartan geometries and their symmetries. A Lie algebroid approach. Zbl 1362.53006 Crampin, Mike; Saunders, David 7 2016 On the construction of Riemannian metrics for Berwald spaces by averaging. Zbl 1311.53016 Crampin, M. 15 2014 A class of Finsler surfaces whose geodesics are circles. Zbl 1299.53144 Crampin, Mike; Mestdag, Tom 6 2014 Finsler functions for two-dimensional sprays. Zbl 1349.53100 Crampin, Mike 1 2014 Hilbert forms for a Finsler metrizable projective class of sprays. Zbl 1262.53064 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T.; Saunders, D. J. 6 2013 The multiplier approach to the projective Finsler metrizability problem. Zbl 1257.53105 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T.; Saunders, D. J. 10 2012 Holonomy of a class of bundles with fibre metrics. Zbl 1299.53145 Crampin, Mike; Saunders, David J. 3 2012 Homogeneity and projective equivalence of differential equation fields. Zbl 1368.70028 Crampin, Mike; Saunders, David 2 2012 The Cartan form for constrained Lagrangian systems and the nonholonomic Noether theorem. Zbl 1243.70018 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T. 9 2011 On Landsberg spaces and the Landsberg-Berwald problem. Zbl 1239.53024 Crampin, M. 6 2011 Some remarks on the Finslerian version of Hilbert’s fourth problem. Zbl 1228.53085 Crampin, M. 6 2011 Second-order dynamical systems of Lagrangian type with dissipation. Zbl 1222.70017 Mestdag, T.; Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M. 4 2011 The inverse problem for Lagrangian systems with certain non-conservative forces. Zbl 1330.70074 Mestdag, T.; Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M. 4 2011 Involutive distributions and dynamical systems of second-order type. Zbl 1228.53039 Mestdag, T.; Crampin, M. 1 2011 Reduction of invariant constrained systems using anholonomic frames. Zbl 1301.70009 Crampin, Mike; Mestdag, Tom 1 2011 On the generalized Helmholtz conditions for Lagrangian systems with dissipative forces. Zbl 1241.70022 Crampin, Mike; Mestdag, Tom; Sarlet, Willy 13 2010 Anholonomic frames in constrained dynamics. Zbl 1200.37056 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T. 11 2010 The fundamental form of a homogeneous Lagrangian in two independent variables. Zbl 1207.58016 Saunders, D. J.; Crampin, M. 3 2010 Reduction and reconstruction aspects of second-order dynamical systems with symmetry. Zbl 1216.34007 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T. 5 2009 Generalized submersiveness of second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1191.37033 Sarlet, W.; Prince, G. E.; Crampin, M. 4 2009 Homotopy operators for the variational bicomplex, representations of the Euler-Lagrange complex, and the Helmholtz-Sonin conditions. Zbl 1177.49056 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 3 2009 Cartan connections and Lie algebroids. Zbl 1189.53014 Crampin, Michael 2 2009 Some concepts of regularity for parametric multiple-integral problems in the calculus of variations. Zbl 1224.58012 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 1 2009 Routh’s procedure for non-abelian symmetry groups. Zbl 1153.37396 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T. 18 2008 Invariant Lagrangians, mechanical connections and the Lagrange-Poincaré equations. Zbl 1143.70010 Mestdag, T.; Crampin, M. 8 2008 The inverse problem for invariant Lagrangians on a Lie group. Zbl 1148.22004 Crampin, Mike; Mestdag, Tom 7 2008 Relative equilibria of Lagrangian systems with symmetry. Zbl 1188.70053 Crampin, M.; Mestdag, T. 5 2008 Kähler and para-Kähler structures associated with Finsler spaces of non-zero constant flag curvature. Zbl 1149.53015 Crampin, M. 2 2008 Structural equations for a special class of conformal Killing tensors of arbitrary valence. Zbl 1159.53008 Crampin, M. 2 2008 Projective connections. Zbl 1114.53014 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 9 2007 On the inverse problem for sprays. Zbl 1127.53015 Crampin, Mike 6 2007 Isotropic and R-flat sprays. Zbl 1125.53012 Crampin, M. 4 2007 Path geometries and almost Grassmann structures. Zbl 1168.53010 Crampin, Mike; Saunders, David J. 3 2007 Affine and projective transformations of Berwald connections. Zbl 1158.53055 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 3 2007 Fefferman-type metrics and the projective geometry of sprays in two dimensions. Zbl 1119.53019 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 1 2007 On the geometry of higher-order ordinary differential equations and the Wünschmann invariant. Zbl 1123.53012 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 2 2006 A class of recursion operators on a tangent bundle. Zbl 1130.53058 Vermeire, F.; Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M. 1 2006 Randers spaces with reversible geodesics. Zbl 1093.53029 Crampin, Mike 15 2005 On null Lagrangians. Zbl 1073.70023 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 14 2005 Cartan’s concept of duality for second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1086.53023 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 6 2005 On the orthogonal separation of variables in the Hamilton-Jacobi equation for geodesics in a Riemannian manifold. Zbl 1114.53038 Crampin, M. 2 2005 The Hilbert-Carathéodory and Poincaré-Cartan forms for higher-order multiple-integral variational problems. Zbl 1057.58008 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 10 2004 The second-order ordinary differential equation: Cartan, Douglas, Berwald. Zbl 1065.34005 Crampin, M. 1 2004 Conformal Killing tensors with vanishing torsion and the separation of variables in the Hamilton–Jacobi equation. Zbl 1026.70022 Crampin, M. 19 2003 The Hilbert-Carathéodory form for parametric multiple integral problems in the calculus of variations. Zbl 1031.53106 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 12 2003 Projectively equivalent Riemannian spaces as quasi-bi-Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1040.53092 Crampin, M. 7 2003 Bi-quasi-Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 1059.37038 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W. 7 2002 A class of nonconservative Lagrangian systems on Riemannian manifolds. Zbl 1063.70012 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W. 22 2001 The Morse index theorem for general end conditions. Zbl 1007.58008 Crampin, M. 1 2001 Bi-differential calculi, bi-Hamiltonian systems and conformal Killing tensors. Zbl 0967.37035 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W.; Thompson, G. 16 2000 Connections of Berwald type. Zbl 0980.53031 Crampin, M. 11 2000 Bi-differential calculi and bi-Hamiltonian systems. Zbl 0989.37063 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W.; Thompson, G. 9 2000 The second variation formula in Lagrange and Finsler geometry. Zbl 0991.53013 Crampin, M. 2 2000 On the inverse problem of the calculus of variations for systems of second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 1094.49517 Crampin, M. 1 2000 The inverse problem of the calculus of variations: Separable systems. Zbl 0935.49017 Crampin, M.; Prince, G. E.; Sarlet, W.; Thompson, G. 8 1999 The integrability conditions in the inverse problem of the calculus of variations for second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0922.58031 Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M.; Martínez, E. 16 1998 Linear connections for systems of second-order ordinary differential equations. Zbl 0912.58002 Crampin, M.; Martínez, E.; Sarlet, W. 31 1996 Towards a geometrical understanding of Douglas’s solution of the inverse problem of the calculus of variations. Zbl 0826.58015 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W.; Martínez, E.; Byrnes, G. B.; Prince, G. E. 28 1994 On the multisymplectic formalism for first order field theories. Zbl 0782.58057 Cariñena, J. F.; Crampin, M.; Ibort, L. A. 94 1991 Adjoint symmetries for time-dependent second-order equations. Zbl 0713.58018 Sarlet, W.; Prince, G. E.; Crampin, M. 20 1990 On the Legendre map in higher-order field theories. Zbl 0761.58006 Saunders, D. J.; Crampin, M. 19 1990 Lagrangian submanifolds and the Euler-Lagrange equations in higher-order mechanics. Zbl 0699.58037 Crampin, M. 5 1990 The canonical isomorphism between \(T^ kT^*M\) and \(T^*T^ kM\). Zbl 0702.58006 Cantrijn, Frans; Crampin, Mike; Sarlet, Willy; Saunders, David 12 1989 Alternative Lagrangians for spherically symmetric potentials. Zbl 0658.70023 Crampin, M.; Prince, G. E. 6 1988 Pseudo-symmetries, Noether’s theorem and the adjoint equation. Zbl 0623.58045 Sarlet, W.; Cantrijn, F.; Crampin, M. 21 1987 Lifting geometric objects to a cotangent bundle, and the geometry of the cotangent bundle of a tangent bundle. Zbl 0699.53042 Crampin, M.; Cantrijn, F.; Sarlet, W. 7 1987 Graded Lie algebras of derivations and Ehresmann connections. Zbl 0615.53017 Crampin, M.; Ibort, L. A. 6 1987 Evading the inverse problem for second-order ordinary differential equations by using additional variables. Zbl 0616.34008 Cantrijn, F.; Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W. 4 1987 Alternative Lagrangians in particle dynamics. Zbl 0666.58022 Crampin, M. 1 1987 Applicable differential geometry. Zbl 0606.53001 Crampin, M.; Pirani, F. A. E. 67 1986 Higher-order differential equations and higher-order Lagrangian mechanics. Zbl 0609.58049 Crampin, M.; Sarlet, W.; Cantrijn, F. 49 1986 Reduction of degenerate Lagrangian systems. Zbl 0621.58020 Cantrijn, F.; Cariñena, J. F.; Crampin, M.; Ibort, L. A. 34 1986 The sine-Gordon equation, Tchebyshev nets, and harmonic maps. Zbl 0638.58007 Crampin, M.; Saunders, D. J. 3 1986 Affine bundles and integrable almost tangent structures. Zbl 0572.53031 Crampin, M.; Thompson, G. 27 1985 Generalizing gauge variance for spherically symmetric potentials. Zbl 0578.58014 Crampin, M.; Prince, G. E. 6 1985 A characterisation of higher-order Noether symmetries. Zbl 0574.58013 Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M. 2 1985 Some recent results on symmetries of Lagrangian systems re-examined. Zbl 0579.70018 Sarlet, W.; Crampin, M. 2 1985 Graphs in the plane invariant under an area preserving linear map and general continuous solutions of certain quadratic functional equations. Zbl 0566.39009 McCarthy, P. J.; Crampin, M.; Stephenson, W. 1 1985 A geometrical version of the Helmholtz conditions in time-dependent Lagrangian dynamics. Zbl 0545.58020 Crampin, M.; Prince, G. E.; Thompson, G. 51 1984 A new look at second-order equations and Lagrangian mechanics. Zbl 0542.58011 Sarlet, W.; Cantrijn, F.; Crampin, M. 24 1984 Projective differential geometry and geodesic conservation laws in general relativity. I: Projective actions. Zbl 0556.53044 Prince, G. E.; Crampin, M. 19 1984 Hidden symmetries and Killing tensors. Zbl 0551.58019 Crampin, M. 13 1984 Projective differential geometry and geodesic conservation laws in general relativity. II: Conservation laws. Zbl 0556.53045 Prince, G. E.; Crampin, M. 8 1984 The geodesic spray, the vertical projection, and Raychaudhuri’s equation. Zbl 0541.53012 Crampin, M.; Prince, G. E. 7 1984 Tangent bundle geometry for Lagrangian dynamics. Zbl 0536.58004 Crampin, M. 70 1983 Generalized Bianchi identities for horizontal distributions. Zbl 0521.53023 Crampin, M. 11 1983 A lifting theorem for compact symplectic manifolds. Zbl 0549.58016 Crampin, M.; McCarthy, P. J. 1 1983 On the differential geometry of the Euler-Lagrange equations and the inverse problem of Lagrangian dynamics. Zbl 0475.70022 Crampin, M. 47 1981 2-manifolds of constant curvature, 3-parameter isometry groups and Bäcklund transformations. Zbl 0496.35074 Crampin, M.; Hodgkin, L.; Robinson, David 3 1980 On a geometrical property of the Bäcklund transformation of the sine- Gordon equation. Zbl 0392.53017 Crampin, M.; McCarthy, P. J. 2 1978 The soliton connection. Zbl 0363.35032 Crampin, M.; Pirani, F. A. E.; Robinson, D. C. 30 1977 Constants of the motion in Lagrangian mechanics. Zbl 0386.70004 Crampin, M. 19 1977 Representations of the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group. IV: Cantoni representations are induced. Zbl 0368.22010 Crampin, M.; McCarthy, P. J. 3 1976 Representations of the Bondi-Metzner-Sachs group. III: Poincaré spin multiplicities and irreducibility. Zbl 0354.22020 McCarthy, P. J.; Crampin, M. 11 1973 On horizontal distributions on the tangent bundle of a differentiable manifold. Zbl 0215.51003 Crampin, Michael 20 1971 ...and 1 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 693 Authors 34 Crampin, Mike 33 Cariñena, José F. 32 de León Rodríguez, Manuel 31 Román-Roy, Narciso 26 Saunders, David J. 23 Sarlet, Willy 20 Bucataru, Joan 20 Mestdag, Tom 20 Prince, Geoff E. 18 Muñoz-Lecanda, Miguel C. 17 Martín de Diego, David 16 Marmo, Giuseppe 15 Martínez Fernández, Eduardo 15 Rañada, Manuel F. 13 Cantrijn, Frans 12 Ibort, Alberto 12 Thompson, Gerard 11 Salgado, Modesto R. 10 Gaset, Jordi 10 Muzsnay, Zoltán 10 Paliathanasis, Andronikos 10 Tsamparlis, Michael 9 Forger, Michael 9 Gràcia, Xavier 9 Rossi, Olga 8 Rivas, Xavier 7 Echeverría-Enríquez, Arturo 7 García-Toraño Andrés, Eduardo 7 Guha, Partha 7 Schiavone, Luca 6 Błaszak, Maciej 6 Capriotti, Santiago 6 Cendra, Hernán 6 Colombo, Leonardo Jesus 6 Grillo, Sergio Daniel 6 Marrero Gonzalez, Juan Carlos 6 McLenaghan, Raymond G. 6 Tayebi, Akbar 6 Vilariño, Silvia 5 Caponio, Erasmo 5 Caviglia, Giacomo 5 Krupka, Demeter 5 Matveev, Vladimir S. 5 Muñoz Masqué, Jaime 5 Pasquero, Stefano 5 Prieto-Martínez, Pedro Daniel 5 Römer, Hartmann 5 Rosado María, Eugenia 5 Tsyganov, Andreĭ Vladimirovich 5 Urban, Zbyněk 5 Vankerschaver, Joris 4 Azizpour, Esmaeil 4 Bayrakdar, Tuna 4 Catalano Ferraioli, Diego 4 Chakraborty, Madhukrishna 4 Chakraborty, Subenoy 4 Ciaglia, Florio Maria 4 Constantinescu, Oana 4 Di Cosmo, Fabio 4 El-Nabulsi, Rami Ahmad 4 Esen, Oğul 4 Fernández-Núñez, José 4 Ferraro, Sebastián J. 4 Gürses, Metin 4 Lainz Valcázar, Manuel 4 Manno, Gianni 4 Marciniak, Krzysztof 4 Marín-Solano, Jesús 4 Masiello, Antonio 4 Massa, Enrico 4 Miron, Radu 4 Musielak, Zdzislaw E. 4 Pagani, Enrico M. 4 Paufler, Cornelius 4 Vincze, Csaba 4 Voicu, Nicoleta 3 Aycan, Cansel 3 Bua, Lucía 3 Chinea, Francisco Javier 3 Dahl, Matias F. 3 Do, Thoan 3 Elgendi, Salah Gomaa 3 Fecko, Marián 3 Ferrario, Carlo 3 Ghose Choudhury, Anindya 3 Grabowska, Katarzyna 3 Grabowski, Janusz 3 Gümral, Hasan 3 Hajdu, Sándor 3 Ikeda, Noriaki 3 Jonasson, Jens 3 Jóźwikowski, Michał 3 Kouotchop Wamba, P. M. 3 Kryński, Wojciech 3 Langerock, Bavo 3 Leok, Melvin 3 López, Carlos 3 Merker, Joël 3 Modugno, Marco 3 Molgado, Alberto ...and 593 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 168 Serials 92 Journal of Mathematical Physics 64 Journal of Geometry and Physics 53 International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics 45 Differential Geometry and its Applications 29 Reports on Mathematical Physics 23 Journal of Geometric Mechanics 18 Letters in Mathematical Physics 15 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 14 General Relativity and Gravitation 13 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 12 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 11 Physics Letters. A 10 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 10 Communications in Mathematics 9 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Physique Théorique 9 Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics 9 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 7 Classical and Quantum Gravity 7 Communications in Mathematical Physics 7 Reviews in Mathematical Physics 7 Annals of Physics 6 Nuclear Physics. B 6 Advances in Mathematics 6 Journal of Differential Equations 6 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 5 Modern Physics Letters A 5 International Journal of Modern Physics A 5 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 5 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 5 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 4 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 4 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 4 Nonlinear Dynamics 4 Regular and Chaotic Dynamics 4 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 4 Science China. Mathematics 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 3 Journal of Geometry 3 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 3 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 3 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 3 Journal of Nonlinear Science 3 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 3 European Journal of Mathematics 2 Computer Physics Communications 2 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 2 Physica A 2 Archivum Mathematicum 2 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 2 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 2 Monatshefte für Mathematik 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 2 Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry 2 Journal of Symbolic Computation 2 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 2 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 2 Forum Mathematicum 2 European Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Journal of Elasticity 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Izvestiya: Mathematics 2 Balkan Journal of Geometry and its Applications (BJGA) 2 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 2 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 2 Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry 2 Journal of High Energy Physics 2 Qualitative Theory of Dynamical Systems 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 2 Journal of Dynamical Systems and Geometric Theories 2 Central European Journal of Mathematics 2 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 2 Symmetry 2 Journal of Finsler Geometry and its Applications 1 Acta Mechanica 1 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 European Journal of Physics 1 International Journal of Engineering Science 1 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 1 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 1 Mathematical Notes 1 Nonlinearity 1 Physics Letters. B 1 Physics Reports 1 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 Transport Theory and Statistical Physics 1 Fortschritte der Physik 1 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 1 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Nouvelle Série. Section A. Physique Théorique 1 Automatica 1 BIT 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Geometriae Dedicata 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Manuscripta Mathematica ...and 68 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 46 Fields 349 Differential geometry (53-XX) 340 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 189 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 168 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 78 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 76 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 61 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 57 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 54 Quantum theory (81-XX) 26 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 17 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 10 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 10 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 9 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 6 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 5 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 4 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 4 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 4 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Number theory (11-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 1 Geophysics (86-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year