Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Cressie, Noel A. C. Co-Author Distance Author ID: cressie.noel Published as: Cressie, Noel; Cressie, N.; Cressie, Noel A. C.; Cressie, N. A. C.; Cressie, Noe more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Videos: carmin.tv Documents Indexed: 173 Publications since 1974, including 6 Books 1 Contribution as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Biographic References: 2 Publications Co-Authors: 124 Co-Authors with 129 Joint Publications 2,262 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 44 single-authored 8 Huang, Hsin-Cheng 6 Kang, Emily L. 6 Lahiri, Soumendra Nath 6 Wikle, Christopher K. 5 Kaiser, Mark S. 5 Mangion, Andrew Zammit 4 Braverman, Amy J. 4 Calder, Catherine A. 4 Craigmile, Peter F. 4 Helterbrand, Jeffrey D. 4 Morgan, Peter B. 4 Shi, Tao 3 Bradley, Jonathan R. 3 Davidson, Jennifer L. 3 Grondona, Martin O. 3 Hsing, Tailen 3 Huang, Chunfeng 3 Irwin, Mark E. 3 Li, Hongfei 3 Pardo, Leandro 3 Pavlicová, Martina 3 Read, Timothy R. C. 3 Sain, Stephan R. 3 Santner, Thomas J. 3 Zhang, Bohai 3 Zhu, Jun 2 Aldworth, Jeremy 2 Biele, Jonathan 2 Burden, Sandy 2 Buxton, Bruce E. 2 Holan, Scott H. 2 Johannesson, Gardar 2 Kornak, John 2 Lee, Jaehyung 2 McMillan, Nancy J. 2 Morara, Michele 2 Nanayakkara, Nuwan 2 Paul, Rajib 2 Perrin, Olivier 2 Rathbun, Stephen L. 2 Stern, Hal S. 2 Thomas-Agnan, Christine 2 Ver Hoef, Jay M. 2 Zhuang, Lili 2 Zimmerman, Dale L. 1 Assunção, Renato Martins 1 Baddeley, Adrian John 1 Baldock, J. 1 Berliner, L. Mark 1 Bertolacci, Michael 1 Borkent, Marinus 1 Bukosa, Beata 1 Cannon, Ann R. 1 Cao, Yi 1 Chambers, Raymond L. 1 Chan, Ngai Hang 1 Clifford, David 1 Collins, Linda Brant 1 Daniels, Michael J. 1 Davis, Anne S. 1 Davis, Robert W. 1 Davis, Walter 1 Dong, Crystal 1 Farquharson, R. 1 Fisher, Jenny A. 1 Folks, John Leroy 1 Frey, Jesse C. 1 Furrer, Reinhard 1 Glonek, Gary 1 Gotway, Carol A. 1 Granat, Robert A. 1 Gunawan, David 1 Gunson, Michael 1 Hardouin, Cécile 1 Hawkins, Douglas M. 1 Hobbs, Jonathan 1 Holland, Paul W. 1 Hsu, Nan-Jung 1 Huang, Guowen 1 Hulting, Frederick L. 1 Jaussent, Isabelle 1 Katzfuss, Matthias 1 Kaushik, Aleya 1 Keightley, D. D. 1 Kim, Yongku 1 Krivitsky, Pavel N. 1 Lam, C. Q. 1 Lawson, Andrew B. 1 Lee, Yoondong 1 Lele, Subhash R. 1 Liu, Craig 1 Liu, Desheng 1 Lord, Frederic Mather 1 Marchetti, Yuliya 1 Mateu, Jorge 1 Michalak, A. M. 1 Mokhtarian, Payam 1 Mugglin, Andrew S. 1 Müller, Werner G. 1 Nair, M. Gopalan ...and 26 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 15 Journal of the American Statistical Association 7 Biometrika 7 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 7 Statistica Sinica 7 Mathematical Geology 5 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 4 Advances in Applied Probability 4 Journal of Applied Probability 4 Technometrics 4 Journal of Time Series Analysis 4 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 4 Bayesian Analysis 3 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 3 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 3 The Australian Journal of Statistics 3 Biometrics 3 Statistics & Probability Letters 3 Statistical Science 3 Test 3 Statistical Methods and Applications 3 Environmetrics 2 International Statistical Review 2 Naval Research Logistics 2 Sankhyā. Series B. Methodological 2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 2 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 2 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 2 Statistical Methodology 2 The Annals of Applied Statistics 2 Mathematical Geosciences 2 Statistics and Its Interface 1 The American Statistician 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Metrika 1 Psychometrika 1 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 1 The Annals of Probability 1 The Annals of Statistics 1 Biometrical Journal 1 Journal of Econometrics 1 The Mathematical Scientist 1 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 1 South African Statistical Journal 1 Statistica Neerlandica 1 Zeitschrift für Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete 1 Statistics 1 SIAM Review 1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 1 Revista Matemática Complutense 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 1 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics 1 Extremes 1 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 1 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 1 Statistical Modelling 1 Statistical Analysis and Data Mining 1 Statistics Surveys 1 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 1 Springer Series in Statistics 1 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 1 Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics 1 Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science 1 Stat all top 5 Fields 157 Statistics (62-XX) 33 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 25 Geophysics (86-XX) 14 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Computer science (68-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 150 Publications have been cited 3,896 times in 2,855 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Multinomial goodness-of-fit tests. Zbl 0571.62017 Cressie, Noel; Read, Timothy R. C. 418 1984 Statistics for spatial data. Revised paperback edition. Zbl 1347.62005 Cressie, Noel A. C. 406 2015 Statistics for spatial data. Zbl 0799.62002 Cressie, Noel A. C. 404 1991 Statistics for spatio-temporal data. Zbl 1273.62017 Cressie, Noel; Wikle, Christopher K. 358 2011 Goodness-of-fit statistics for discrete multivariate data. Zbl 0663.62065 Read, Timothy R. C.; Cressie, Noel A. C. 260 1988 Fixed rank Kriging for very large spatial data sets. Zbl 05563351 Cressie, Noel; Johannesson, Gardar 253 2008 Classes of nonseparable, spatio-temporal stationary covariance functions. Zbl 0999.62073 Cressie, Noel; Huang, Hsin-Cheng 136 1999 Spatial prediction in a multivariate setting. Zbl 0825.62477 Cressie, Noel 100 1993 A dimension-reduced approach to space-time Kalman filtering. Zbl 0942.62114 Wikle, Christopher K.; Cressie, Noel 89 1999 Analysing data from hormone-receptor assays. Zbl 0468.62095 Cressie, N. A. C.; Keightley, D. D. 78 1981 The origins of kriging. Zbl 0964.86511 Cressie, Noel 60 1990 Spatial modeling of regional variables. Zbl 1248.62211 Cressie, Noe; Chan, Ngai H. 48 1989 Spatio-temporal smoothing and EM estimation for massive remote-sensing data sets. Zbl 1294.62119 Katzfuss, Matthias; Cressie, Noel 40 2011 On the logarithms of high-order spacings. Zbl 0331.62036 Cressie, Noel 34 1976 Characterizing the manifest probabilities of latent trait models. Zbl 0533.62092 Cressie, Noel; Holland, Paul W. 33 1983 Size and power considerations for testing loglinear models using \(\varphi\)-divergence test statistics. Zbl 1020.62013 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro; del Carmen Pardo, Maria 31 2003 A spatial analysis of multivariate output from regional climate models. Zbl 1220.62152 Sain, Stephan R.; Furrer, Reinhard; Cressie, Noel 30 2011 Multivariable spatial prediction. Zbl 0970.86536 Ver Hoef, Jay M.; Cressie, Noel 30 1993 Pearson’s \(X^ 2\) and the loglikelihood ratio statistic \(G^ 2:\) A comparative review. Zbl 0707.62105 Cressie, Noel; Read, Timothy R. C. 29 1989 On asymptotic distribution and asymptotic efficiency of least squares estimators of spatial variogram parameters. Zbl 0989.62049 Lahiri, Soumendra Nath; Lee, Yoondong; Cressie, Noel 27 2002 The asymptotic distribution of REML estimators. Zbl 0772.62008 Cressie, Noel; Lahiri, Soumendra Nath 27 1993 The moment-generating function and negative integer moments. Zbl 0474.60015 Cressie, Noel; Davis, Anne S.; Folks, J. Leroy; Policello, George E. II 27 1981 Mean squared prediction error in the spatial linear model with estimated covariance parameters. Zbl 0760.62090 Zimmerman, Dale L.; Cressie, Noel 26 1992 Using temporal variability to improve spatial mapping with application to satellite data. Zbl 1349.62568 Kang, Emily L.; Cressie, Noel; Shi, Tao 25 2010 Spatial statistical data fusion for remote sensing applications. Zbl 1395.62348 Nguyen, Hai; Cressie, Noel; Braverman, Amy 25 2012 Prediction of spatial cumulative distribution functions using subsampling. Zbl 1180.62133 Lahiri, Soumendra N.; Kaiser, Mark S.; Cressie, Noel; Hsu, Nan-Jung 25 1999 Minimum \(\phi\)-divergence estimator and hierarchical testing in loglinear models. Zbl 0969.62047 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro 25 2000 Bayesian inference for the spatial random effects model. Zbl 1229.62008 Kang, Emily L.; Cressie, Noel 24 2011 A comparison of spatial predictors when datasets could be very large. Zbl 1347.62083 Bradley, Jonathan R.; Cressie, Noel; Shi, Tao 24 2016 Asymptotic properties of estimators for the parameters of spatial inhomogeneous Poisson point processes. Zbl 0811.62090 Rathbun, Stephen L.; Cressie, Noel 24 1994 Spatial prediction and ordinary kriging. Zbl 0970.86517 Cressie, Noel 23 1988 Image analysis with partially ordered Markov models. Zbl 1042.62611 Cressie, Noel; Davidson, Jennifer L. 23 1998 A space-time survival point process for a longleaf pine forest in southern Georgia. Zbl 0825.92121 Rathbun, Stephen L.; Cressie, Noel 22 1994 Spatial statistics in the presence of location error with an application to remote sensing of the environment. Zbl 1055.62104 Cressie, Noel; Kornak, John 21 2003 A spatial model for multivariate lattice data. Zbl 1418.62368 Sain, Stephan R.; Cressie, Noel 21 2007 Modeling Poisson variables with positive spatial dependence. Zbl 0904.62067 Kaiser, Mark S.; Cressie, Noel 21 1997 Asymptotics for REML estimation of spatial covariance parameters. Zbl 0847.62044 Cressie, Noel; Lahiri, Soumendra Nath 21 1996 The construction of multivariate distributions from Markov random fields. Zbl 1065.62520 Kaiser, Mark S.; Cressie, Noel 20 2000 The asymptotic distribution of the scan statistic under uniformity. Zbl 0438.60035 Cressie, Noel 20 1980 A strong limit theorem for random sets. Zbl 0381.60026 Cressie, Noel 19 1978 Nonparametric hypothesis testing for a spatial signal. Zbl 1041.62038 Shen, Xiaotong; Huang, Hsin-Cheng; Cressie, Noel 18 2002 Kriging nonstationary data. Zbl 0625.62086 Cressie, Noel 18 1986 An optimal statistic based on higher order gaps. Zbl 0455.62036 Cressie, Noel 18 1979 Inference for extremes in disease mapping. Zbl 1072.62671 Stern, H.; Cressie, N. 17 1999 On some properties of the scan statistic on the circle and the line. Zbl 0364.60073 Cressie, Noel 16 1977 The moment generating function has its moments. Zbl 0592.60009 Cressie, Noel; Borkent, Marinus 16 1986 Model checking in loglinear models using \(\phi\)-divergences and MLEs. Zbl 0988.62041 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro 15 2002 Random set theory and problems of modeling. Zbl 0646.62086 Cressie, Noel; Laslett, G. M. 15 1987 Multivariate spatial covariance models: a conditional approach. Zbl 1506.62297 Cressie, Noel; Zammit-Mangion, Andrew 14 2016 A central limit theorem for random sets. Zbl 0405.60024 Cressie, Noel 13 1979 Nonparametric estimation of the variogram and its spectrum. Zbl 1228.62118 Huang, Chunfeng; Hsing, Tailen; Cressie, Noel 13 2011 Improved multivariate prediction under a general linear model. Zbl 0767.62060 Gotway, Carol A.; Cressie, Noel 13 1993 The minimum of higher order gaps. Zbl 0414.62037 Cressie, Noel 12 1977 A finely tuned continuity correction. Zbl 0445.62033 Cressie, Noel 12 1978 Statistical analysis of small-area data based on independence, spatial, non-hierarchical, and hierarchical models. Zbl 1453.62123 Kang, Emily L.; Liu, Desheng; Cressie, Noel 11 2009 Relaxing assumptions in the one sample t-test. Zbl 0463.62032 Cressie, Noel 11 1980 A useful empirical Bayes identity. Zbl 0492.62030 Cressie, Noel 11 1982 Mission \(\mathrm{CO}_2\)ntrol: a statistical scientist’s role in remote sensing of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Zbl 1398.62356 Cressie, Noel 10 2018 Power results for tests based on high-order gaps. Zbl 0394.62030 Cressie, Noel 9 1978 Likelihood-based estimation for Gaussian MRFs. Zbl 1248.62171 Cressie, Noel; Perrin, Olivier; Thomas-Agnan, Christine 9 2005 Universal co-kriging under intrinsic coregionalization. Zbl 0970.86545 Helterbrand, Jeffrey D.; Cressie, Noel 9 1994 Conditional-mean least-squares fitting of Gaussian Markov random fields to Gaussian fields. Zbl 1452.62707 Cressie, Noel; Verzelen, Nicolas 8 2008 A spatial statistical analysis of tumor growth. Zbl 0781.62172 Cressie, Noel; Hulting, Frederick L. 8 1992 Comparing and selecting spatial predictors using local criteria. Zbl 1315.62075 Bradley, Jonathan R.; Cressie, Noel; Shi, Tao 8 2015 The variance-based cross-variogram: You can add apples and oranges. Zbl 0970.86010 Cressie, Noel; Wikle, Christopher K. 8 1998 New models for Markov random fields. Zbl 0764.60050 Cressie, Noel; Lele, Subhash 8 1992 A note on the behaviour of the stable distributions for small index \(\alpha\). Zbl 0299.60008 Cressie, Noel 7 1975 Loss functions for estimation of extrema with an application to disease mapping. Zbl 1042.62029 Wright, Deanne L.; Stern, Hal S.; Cressie, Noel 7 2003 Patterns in spatial point locations: Local indicators of spatial association in a minefield with clutter. Zbl 1005.90555 Cressie, Noel; Collins, Linda Brant 7 2001 Simulation-based uncertainty quantification for estimating atmospheric CO\(_2\) from satellite data. Zbl 1387.86027 Hobbs, Jonathan; Braverman, Amy; Cressie, Noel; Granat, Robert; Gunson, Michael 7 2017 Combining outputs from the North American regional climate change assessment program by using a Bayesian hierarchical model. Zbl 07943579 Kang, Emily L.; Cressie, Noel; Sain, Stephan R. 7 2012 One-step estimation of spatial dependence parameters: Properties and extensions of the APLE statistic. Zbl 1236.62051 Li, Hongfei; Calder, Catherine A.; Cressie, Noel 6 2012 Spatial mixture models based on exponential familiy conditional distributions. Zbl 0998.62079 Kaiser, Mark S.; Cressie, Noel; Lee, Jaehyung 6 2002 Multivariate intrinsic random functions for cokriging. Zbl 1178.86021 Huang, Chunfeng; Yao, Yonggang; Cressie, Noel; Hsing, Tailen 6 2009 On the stability of the geostatistical method. Zbl 0970.86529 Cressie, Noel; Zimmerman, Dale L. 6 1992 A fast, optimal spatial-prediction method for massive datasets. Zbl 1117.62436 Tzeng, Shengli; Huang, Hsin-Cheng; Cressie, Noel 6 2005 Bayesian inference of spatio-temporal changes of arctic sea ice. Zbl 1459.62212 Zhang, Bohai; Cressie, Noel 6 2020 Calibrated spatial moving average simulations. Zbl 1195.62144 Cressie, Noel; Pavlicová, Martina 5 2002 Sampling designs and prediction methods for Gaussian spatial processes. Zbl 0941.62104 Aldworth, Jeremy; Cressie, Noel 5 1999 Hierarchical probability models and Bayesian analysis of mine locations. Zbl 0954.62111 Cressie, Noel; Lawson, Andrew B. 5 2000 Asymptotic inference for spatial CDFs over time. Zbl 1002.62074 Zhu, Jun; Lahiri, S. N.; Cressie, Noel 5 2002 A hierarchical approach to covariance function estimation for time series. Zbl 0978.62075 Daniels, Michael J.; Cressie, Noel 5 2001 Median based covariogram estimators reduce bias. Zbl 0572.62070 Cressie, Noel; Glonek, Gary 5 1984 Playing safe with misweighted means. Zbl 0511.62042 Cressie, Noel 5 1982 An empirical Bayes procedure for finding an interval estimate. Zbl 0343.62028 Lord, Frederic M.; Cressie, Noel 4 1975 Detecting signals in FMRI data using powerful FDR procedures. Zbl 1230.92027 Pavlicova, Martina; Santner, Thomas J.; Cressie, Noel 4 2008 Deterministic/stochastic wavelet decomposition for recovery of signal from noisy data. Zbl 1013.62045 Huang, H.-C.; Cressie, N. 4 2000 Multiway dependence in exponential family conditional distributions. Zbl 1006.62049 Lee, Jaehyung; Kaiser, Mark S.; Cressie, Noel 4 2001 Empirical Bayes estimation in sampling inspection. Zbl 0571.62089 Cressie, Noel; Seheult, Allan 4 1985 Dynamical random-set modeling of concentrated precipitation in North America. Zbl 1405.62227 Cressie, Noel; Assunção, Renato; Holan, Scott H.; Levine, Michael; Nicolis, Orietta; Zhang, Jun; Zou, Jian 4 2012 Robustness to unequal scale and other departures from the classical linear model. Zbl 0738.62038 Nanayakkara, Nuwan; Cressie, Noel 4 1991 A comparison of the cost-efficiencies of the sequential, group-sequential, and variable-sample-size-sequential probability ratio tests. Zbl 0885.62093 Morgan, Peter B.; Cressie, Noel 4 1997 Jackknifing in the presence of inhomogeneity. Zbl 0869.62020 Cressie, Noel 4 1997 A loss function approach to identifying environmental exceedances. Zbl 1115.62117 Craigmile, Peter F.; Cressie, Noel; Santner, Thomas J.; Rao, Youlan 4 2005 Spatial-temporal nonlinear filtering based on hierarchical statistical models. Zbl 1037.62096 Irwin, Mark E.; Cressie, Noel; Johannesson, Gardar 3 2002 Multiscale graphical modeling in space: Applications to command and control. Zbl 1026.62098 Huang, Hsin-Cheng; Cressie, Noel 3 2001 Using spatial considerations in the analysis of experiments. Zbl 0850.62762 Grondona, Martin O.; Cressie, Noel 3 1991 Rejoinder on: “Comparing and selecting spatial predictors using local criteria”. Zbl 1367.62275 Bradley, Jonathan R.; Cressie, Noel; Shi, Tao 3 2015 Equilibrium dynamics of ice streams: a Bayesian statistical analysis. Zbl 1175.62119 Berliner, L. M.; Cressie, N.; Jezek, K.; Kim, Y.; Lam, C. Q.; Van Der Veen, C. J. 3 2008 Using the scan statistic to test for uniformity. Zbl 0615.62151 Cressie, N. 3 1987 Decisions, decisions, decisions in an uncertain environment. Zbl 1545.62739 Cressie, Noel 3 2023 Optimal spatial prediction for non-negative spatial processes using a phi-divergence loss function. Zbl 1497.62252 Cressie, Noel; Pearse, Alan R.; Gunawan, David 1 2023 Modeling nonstationary and asymmetric multivariate spatial covariances via deformations. Zbl 07601229 Vu, Quan; Zammit-Mangion, Andrew; Cressie, Noel 3 2022 A few statistical principles for data science. Zbl 1521.62012 Cressie, Noel 2 2021 Bayesian inference of spatio-temporal changes of arctic sea ice. Zbl 1459.62212 Zhang, Bohai; Cressie, Noel 6 2020 Comment: When is it data science and when is it data engineering? Zbl 1446.62343 Cressie, Noel 1 2020 Inference for errors-in-variables models in the presence of systematic errors with an application to a satellite remote sensing campaign. Zbl 07928951 Zhang, Bohai; Cressie, Noel; Wunch, Debra 3 2019 Estimating spatial changes over time of arctic sea ice using hidden \(2 \times 2\) tables. Zbl 1418.62401 Zhang, Bohai; Cressie, Noel 2 2019 Mission \(\mathrm{CO}_2\)ntrol: a statistical scientist’s role in remote sensing of atmospheric carbon dioxide. Zbl 1398.62356 Cressie, Noel 10 2018 Spatial data compression via adaptive dispersion clustering. Zbl 1469.62120 Marchetti, Yuliya; Nguyen, Hai; Braverman, Amy; Cressie, Noel 2 2018 Two-scale spatial models for binary data. Zbl 1387.62105 Hardouin, Cécile; Cressie, Noel 1 2018 Simulation-based uncertainty quantification for estimating atmospheric CO\(_2\) from satellite data. Zbl 1387.86027 Hobbs, Jonathan; Braverman, Amy; Cressie, Noel; Granat, Robert; Gunson, Michael 7 2017 A comparison of spatial predictors when datasets could be very large. Zbl 1347.62083 Bradley, Jonathan R.; Cressie, Noel; Shi, Tao 24 2016 Multivariate spatial covariance models: a conditional approach. Zbl 1506.62297 Cressie, Noel; Zammit-Mangion, Andrew 14 2016 Statistics for spatial data. Revised paperback edition. Zbl 1347.62005 Cressie, Noel A. C. 406 2015 Comparing and selecting spatial predictors using local criteria. Zbl 1315.62075 Bradley, Jonathan R.; Cressie, Noel; Shi, Tao 8 2015 Rejoinder on: “Comparing and selecting spatial predictors using local criteria”. Zbl 1367.62275 Bradley, Jonathan R.; Cressie, Noel; Shi, Tao 3 2015 Capturing multivariate spatial dependence: model, estimate and then predict. Zbl 1332.86009 Cressie, Noel; Burden, Sandy; Davis, Walter; Krivitsky, Pavel N.; Mokhtarian, Payam; Suesse, Thomas; Zammit-Mangion, Andrew 1 2015 Figures of merit for simultaneous inference and comparisons in simulation experiments. Zbl 07847943 Cressie, Noel; Burden, Sandy 1 2015 Bayesian hierarchical statistical SIRS models. Zbl 1477.62324 Zhuang, Lili; Cressie, Noel 1 2014 Statistical properties of the state obtained by solving a nonlinear multivariate inverse problem. Zbl 07879678 Cressie, Noel; Wang, Rui 3 2013 Spatio-temporal design. Advances in efficient data acquisition. With a foreword by Noel Cressie. Zbl 1292.62018 2 2013 Spatial statistical data fusion for remote sensing applications. Zbl 1395.62348 Nguyen, Hai; Cressie, Noel; Braverman, Amy 25 2012 Combining outputs from the North American regional climate change assessment program by using a Bayesian hierarchical model. Zbl 07943579 Kang, Emily L.; Cressie, Noel; Sain, Stephan R. 7 2012 One-step estimation of spatial dependence parameters: Properties and extensions of the APLE statistic. Zbl 1236.62051 Li, Hongfei; Calder, Catherine A.; Cressie, Noel 6 2012 Dynamical random-set modeling of concentrated precipitation in North America. Zbl 1405.62227 Cressie, Noel; Assunção, Renato; Holan, Scott H.; Levine, Michael; Nicolis, Orietta; Zhang, Jun; Zou, Jian 4 2012 Spatio-temporal modeling of sudden infant death syndrome data. Zbl 1248.62223 Zhuang, Lili; Cressie, Noel 1 2012 Statistics for spatio-temporal data. Zbl 1273.62017 Cressie, Noel; Wikle, Christopher K. 358 2011 Spatio-temporal smoothing and EM estimation for massive remote-sensing data sets. Zbl 1294.62119 Katzfuss, Matthias; Cressie, Noel 40 2011 A spatial analysis of multivariate output from regional climate models. Zbl 1220.62152 Sain, Stephan R.; Furrer, Reinhard; Cressie, Noel 30 2011 Bayesian inference for the spatial random effects model. Zbl 1229.62008 Kang, Emily L.; Cressie, Noel 24 2011 Nonparametric estimation of the variogram and its spectrum. Zbl 1228.62118 Huang, Chunfeng; Hsing, Tailen; Cressie, Noel 13 2011 A likelihood-based comparison of temporal models for physical processes. Zbl 07260281 Braverman, Amy; Cressie, Noel; Teixeira, Joao 2 2011 Spectral density estimation through a regularized inverse problem. Zbl 1232.62123 Huang, Chunfeng; Hsing, Tailen; Cressie, Noel 1 2011 Using temporal variability to improve spatial mapping with application to satellite data. Zbl 1349.62568 Kang, Emily L.; Cressie, Noel; Shi, Tao 25 2010 Statistical analysis of small-area data based on independence, spatial, non-hierarchical, and hierarchical models. Zbl 1453.62123 Kang, Emily L.; Liu, Desheng; Cressie, Noel 11 2009 Multivariate intrinsic random functions for cokriging. Zbl 1178.86021 Huang, Chunfeng; Yao, Yonggang; Cressie, Noel; Hsing, Tailen 6 2009 Hierarchical model building, fitting, and checking: a behind-the-scenes look at a Bayesian analysis of arsenic exposure pathways. Zbl 1330.62384 Craigmile, Peter F.; Calder, Catherine A.; Li, Hongfei; Paul, Rajib; Cressie, Noel 2 2009 Rejoinder: “Hierarchical model building, fitting, and checking: a behind-the-scenes look at a Bayesian analysis of arsenic exposure pathways”. Zbl 1330.62380 Calder, Catherine A.; Craigmile, Peter F.; Cressie, Noel; Li, Hongfei; Paul, Rajib 1 2009 Fixed rank Kriging for very large spatial data sets. Zbl 05563351 Cressie, Noel; Johannesson, Gardar 253 2008 Conditional-mean least-squares fitting of Gaussian Markov random fields to Gaussian fields. Zbl 1452.62707 Cressie, Noel; Verzelen, Nicolas 8 2008 Detecting signals in FMRI data using powerful FDR procedures. Zbl 1230.92027 Pavlicova, Martina; Santner, Thomas J.; Cressie, Noel 4 2008 Equilibrium dynamics of ice streams: a Bayesian statistical analysis. Zbl 1175.62119 Berliner, L. M.; Cressie, N.; Jezek, K.; Kim, Y.; Lam, C. Q.; Van Der Veen, C. J. 3 2008 A spatial model for multivariate lattice data. Zbl 1418.62368 Sain, Stephan R.; Cressie, Noel 21 2007 From sources to biomarkers: A hierarchical Bayesian approach for human exposure modeling. Zbl 1146.62104 Cressie, Noel; Buxton, Bruce E.; Calder, Catherine A.; Craigmile, Peter F.; Dong, Crystal; McMillan, Nancy J.; Morara, Michele; Santner, Thomas J.; Wang, Ke; Young, Gregory; Zhang, Jian 3 2007 Block kriging for lognormal spatial processes. Zbl 1124.86004 Cressie, Noel 3 2006 Doctors’ prescribing patterns in the Midi-Pyrénées Region of France: point-process aggregation. Zbl 05243461 Cressie, Noel A. C.; Perrin, Olivier; Thomas-Agnan, Christine 1 2006 Likelihood-based estimation for Gaussian MRFs. Zbl 1248.62171 Cressie, Noel; Perrin, Olivier; Thomas-Agnan, Christine 9 2005 A fast, optimal spatial-prediction method for massive datasets. Zbl 1117.62436 Tzeng, Shengli; Huang, Hsin-Cheng; Cressie, Noel 6 2005 A loss function approach to identifying environmental exceedances. Zbl 1115.62117 Craigmile, Peter F.; Cressie, Noel; Santner, Thomas J.; Rao, Youlan 4 2005 Lognormal Kriging: bias adjustment and Kriging variances. Zbl 1366.86020 Cressie, Noel; Pavlicová, Martina 1 2005 Ecological bias: use of maximum-entropy approximations. Zbl 1061.62175 Cressie, Noel; Richardson, Sylvia; Jaussent, Isabelle 2 2004 Waypoint analysis for command and control. Zbl 1075.62104 Wendt, David A.; Irwin, Mark E.; Cressie, Noel 1 2004 Size and power considerations for testing loglinear models using \(\varphi\)-divergence test statistics. Zbl 1020.62013 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro; del Carmen Pardo, Maria 31 2003 Spatial statistics in the presence of location error with an application to remote sensing of the environment. Zbl 1055.62104 Cressie, Noel; Kornak, John 21 2003 Loss functions for estimation of extrema with an application to disease mapping. Zbl 1042.62029 Wright, Deanne L.; Stern, Hal S.; Cressie, Noel 7 2003 Prediction of nonlinear spatial functionals. Zbl 1033.62094 Aldworth, Jeremy; Cressie, Noel 2 2003 Some results on constrained Bayes estimators. Zbl 1116.62328 Frey, Jesse; Cressie, Noel 2 2003 On asymptotic distribution and asymptotic efficiency of least squares estimators of spatial variogram parameters. Zbl 0989.62049 Lahiri, Soumendra Nath; Lee, Yoondong; Cressie, Noel 27 2002 Nonparametric hypothesis testing for a spatial signal. Zbl 1041.62038 Shen, Xiaotong; Huang, Hsin-Cheng; Cressie, Noel 18 2002 Model checking in loglinear models using \(\phi\)-divergences and MLEs. Zbl 0988.62041 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro 15 2002 Spatial mixture models based on exponential familiy conditional distributions. Zbl 0998.62079 Kaiser, Mark S.; Cressie, Noel; Lee, Jaehyung 6 2002 Calibrated spatial moving average simulations. Zbl 1195.62144 Cressie, Noel; Pavlicová, Martina 5 2002 Asymptotic inference for spatial CDFs over time. Zbl 1002.62074 Zhu, Jun; Lahiri, S. N.; Cressie, Noel 5 2002 Spatial-temporal nonlinear filtering based on hierarchical statistical models. Zbl 1037.62096 Irwin, Mark E.; Cressie, Noel; Johannesson, Gardar 3 2002 Patterns in spatial point locations: Local indicators of spatial association in a minefield with clutter. Zbl 1005.90555 Cressie, Noel; Collins, Linda Brant 7 2001 A hierarchical approach to covariance function estimation for time series. Zbl 0978.62075 Daniels, Michael J.; Cressie, Noel 5 2001 Multiway dependence in exponential family conditional distributions. Zbl 1006.62049 Lee, Jaehyung; Kaiser, Mark S.; Cressie, Noel 4 2001 Multiscale graphical modeling in space: Applications to command and control. Zbl 1026.62098 Huang, Hsin-Cheng; Cressie, Noel 3 2001 Binary Markov mesh models and symmetric Markov random fields: Some results on their equivalence. Zbl 0982.60075 Cressie, Noel; Liu, Craig 1 2001 Minimum \(\phi\)-divergence estimator and hierarchical testing in loglinear models. Zbl 0969.62047 Cressie, Noel; Pardo, Leandro 25 2000 The construction of multivariate distributions from Markov random fields. Zbl 1065.62520 Kaiser, Mark S.; Cressie, Noel 20 2000 Hierarchical probability models and Bayesian analysis of mine locations. Zbl 0954.62111 Cressie, Noel; Lawson, Andrew B. 5 2000 Deterministic/stochastic wavelet decomposition for recovery of signal from noisy data. Zbl 1013.62045 Huang, H.-C.; Cressie, N. 4 2000 Spatio-temporal hierarchical modeling of an infectious disease from (simulated) count data. Zbl 1455.62210 Cressie, Noel; Mugglin, Andrew S. 2 2000 Asymptotic properties of maximum (composite) likelihood estimators for partially ordered Markov models. Zbl 0960.62107 Huang, Hsin-Cheng; Cressie, Noel 1 2000 Classes of nonseparable, spatio-temporal stationary covariance functions. Zbl 0999.62073 Cressie, Noel; Huang, Hsin-Cheng 136 1999 A dimension-reduced approach to space-time Kalman filtering. Zbl 0942.62114 Wikle, Christopher K.; Cressie, Noel 89 1999 Prediction of spatial cumulative distribution functions using subsampling. Zbl 1180.62133 Lahiri, Soumendra N.; Kaiser, Mark S.; Cressie, Noel; Hsu, Nan-Jung 25 1999 Inference for extremes in disease mapping. Zbl 1072.62671 Stern, H.; Cressie, N. 17 1999 Sampling designs and prediction methods for Gaussian spatial processes. Zbl 0941.62104 Aldworth, Jeremy; Cressie, Noel 5 1999 Image analysis with partially ordered Markov models. Zbl 1042.62611 Cressie, Noel; Davidson, Jennifer L. 23 1998 The variance-based cross-variogram: You can add apples and oranges. Zbl 0970.86010 Cressie, Noel; Wikle, Christopher K. 8 1998 Transect-spacing design of ice cores on the Antarctic continent. Zbl 0916.62063 Cressie, Noel 1 1998 Modeling Poisson variables with positive spatial dependence. Zbl 0904.62067 Kaiser, Mark S.; Cressie, Noel 21 1997 A comparison of the cost-efficiencies of the sequential, group-sequential, and variable-sample-size-sequential probability ratio tests. Zbl 0885.62093 Morgan, Peter B.; Cressie, Noel 4 1997 Jackknifing in the presence of inhomogeneity. Zbl 0869.62020 Cressie, Noel 4 1997 Asymptotics for REML estimation of spatial covariance parameters. Zbl 0847.62044 Cressie, Noel; Lahiri, Soumendra Nath 21 1996 Temporal analogues to spatial \(K\) functions. Zbl 0837.62072 Cannon, Ann; Cressie, Noel 1 1995 Asymptotic properties of estimators for the parameters of spatial inhomogeneous Poisson point processes. Zbl 0811.62090 Rathbun, Stephen L.; Cressie, Noel 24 1994 A space-time survival point process for a longleaf pine forest in southern Georgia. Zbl 0825.92121 Rathbun, Stephen L.; Cressie, Noel 22 1994 Universal co-kriging under intrinsic coregionalization. Zbl 0970.86545 Helterbrand, Jeffrey D.; Cressie, Noel 9 1994 A statistical approach to identifying closed object boundaries in images. Zbl 0811.60037 Helterbrand, Jeffrey D.; Cressie, Noel; Davidson, Jennifer L. 3 1994 A sample-size-optimal Bayesian procedure for sequential pharmaceutical trials. Zbl 0822.62091 Cressie, Noel; Biele, Jonathan 2 1994 Spatial prediction in a multivariate setting. Zbl 0825.62477 Cressie, Noel 100 1993 Multivariable spatial prediction. Zbl 0970.86536 Ver Hoef, Jay M.; Cressie, Noel 30 1993 The asymptotic distribution of REML estimators. Zbl 0772.62008 Cressie, Noel; Lahiri, Soumendra Nath 27 1993 Improved multivariate prediction under a general linear model. Zbl 0767.62060 Gotway, Carol A.; Cressie, Noel 13 1993 Efficiency of block designs under stationary second-order autoregressive errors. Zbl 0791.62078 Grondona, Martin O.; Cressie, Noel 3 1993 Mean squared prediction error in the spatial linear model with estimated covariance parameters. Zbl 0760.62090 Zimmerman, Dale L.; Cressie, Noel 26 1992 ...and 50 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,321 Authors 76 Pardo, Leandro 69 Cressie, Noel A. C. 48 Wikle, Christopher K. 41 Mateu, Jorge 38 Banerjee, Sudipto 36 Morales, Domingo 33 Pardo Llorente, María del Carmen 28 Holan, Scott H. 27 Genton, Marc G. 25 Pardo, Julio Angel 24 Porcu, Emilio 23 Menéndez, María Luisa 22 Basu, Ayanendranath 21 Ma, Chunsheng 19 Bradley, Jonathan R. 19 Martín, Nirian 19 Vajda, Igor 19 Zografos, Konstantinos G. 17 Mangion, Andrew Zammit 17 Stein, Michael L. 16 Gelfand, Alan Enoch 16 Katzfuss, Matthias 15 De Iaco, Sandra 15 Kang, Emily L. 15 Posa, Donato 14 Ghosh, Malay 14 Hooten, Mevin B. 14 Lahiri, Soumendra Nath 14 Zhu, Jun 13 Bachoc, François 13 Furrer, Reinhard 13 Hall, Peter Gavin 13 Tomizawa, Sadao 12 Angulo, José Miguel 12 Bevilacqua, Moreno 12 Finley, Andrew O. 12 Micheas, Athanasios Christou 12 Reich, Brian James 12 Sain, Stephan R. 12 Schoenberg, Frederic Paik 12 Sun, Ying 12 Zhu, Zhengyuan 11 Castruccio, Stefano 11 Griffith, Daniel A. 11 Heaton, Matthew J. 11 Karagrigoriou, Alexandros 11 Li, Bo 11 Lindgren, Finn 11 Lu, Zudi 11 Schlather, Martin 11 Sekiya, Yuri 11 Taneichi, Nobuhiro 10 Baddeley, Adrian John 10 Datta, Abhirup 10 Glaz, Joseph 10 Judge, George G. 10 Kleiber, William 10 Konomi, Bledar A. 10 Nychka, Douglas W. 9 Broniatowski, Michel 9 Dabo-Niang, Sophie 9 Ghosh, Abhik 9 Kaiser, Mark S. 9 Ma, Pulong 9 Myers, Donald E. 9 Nordman, Daniel J. 9 Otsu, Taisuke 9 Rue, Håvard 9 Ruiz-Medina, María Dolores 9 Tjelmeland, Håkon 9 Ver Hoef, Jay M. 9 Zhang, Tonglin 8 Anitescu, Mihai 8 Eidsvik, Jo 8 Fuentes, Montserrat 8 Kleijnen, Jack P. 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