Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Cui, Yunan Co-Author Distance Author ID: cui.yunan Published as: Cui, Yunan; Cui, Yun’an; Cui, Y.; Cui, Yun An; Cui, Yun’An; Cui, Yun-An; Yun’an, C.; Cui, Yuan more...less External Links: ORCID · ResearchGate · dblp Documents Indexed: 200 Publications since 1987 Co-Authors: 98 Co-Authors with 192 Joint Publications 2,403 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 7 single-authored 60 Hudzik, Henryk 31 Shang, Shaoqiang 12 Wang, Tingfu 11 Chen, Lili 11 Wisła, Marek 10 Duan, Lifen 10 Fu, Yongqiang 10 Płuciennik, Ryszard 8 Kaczmarek, Radosław 7 Zuo, Zhanfei 6 Zuo, Mingxia 5 Foralewski, Paweł 5 Li, Xiaoyan 4 He, Xin 4 Zhang, Chiping 4 Zhang, Jian 4 Zhang, Jingxin 3 Chen, Shutao 3 Kumar, Romesh 3 Li, Jingjing 3 Li, Yanhong 3 Wang, Di 3 Yang, Yishuai 3 Yu, Feifei 3 Zhu, Hongwei 2 An, Lili 2 Fan, Liying 2 He, Chan 2 Kolwicz, Paweł 2 Kończak, Joanna 2 Kumar, Rajeev 2 Ma, Haifeng 2 Meng, Chenhui 2 Sims, Brailey 2 Thompson, Harold Bevan 2 Wang, Hongzhi 2 Wang, Junming 2 Wang, Tongyu 2 Wang, Xi 2 Wang, Xiaoxia 2 Wang, Yuwen 2 Wu, Chunxue 2 Zhang, Tao 2 Zhang, Yunfeng 2 Zhao, Yanfeng 2 Zhou, Jing 2 Zou, Mingxia 1 Bai, Xinran 1 Bo, Liu Xin 1 Cao, Yan 1 Chawziuk, Tadeusz 1 Deng, Caixia 1 Dong, Jiaqi 1 Estaremi, Yousef 1 Fei, Zuo Zhan 1 Ge, Lei 1 Guo, Tianbao 1 Huang, Wan 1 Huo, Xin 1 Ji, Dandan 1 Ji, Donghai 1 Jie, Liu 1 Khongtham, Yaowaluck 1 Kowalewski, Wojciech 1 Leśnik, Karol 1 Lewicki, Grzegorz 1 Li, Chaobo 1 Li, Xinghua 1 Lihuan, S. 1 Liu, Xinbo 1 Ma, Zhaoxing 1 Ma, Zhenhua 1 Maligranda, Lech 1 Meng, Chenghui 1 Niu, Jinling 1 Nowak, Marian 1 Pan, Zhuangyuan 1 Petrot, Narin 1 Ping, Wang 1 Ren, Liwei 1 Shi, Zhongrui 1 Suantai, Suthep 1 Szymaskiewicz, Alicja 1 Szymaszkiewicz, Lucjan 1 Tian, Shen 1 Wang, Ping 1 Wang, Quandi 1 Wlaźlak, Karol 1 Xue, Yangyang 1 Yang, Yabo 1 Ye, Jinhua 1 Yu, Jijie 1 Zhan, Yujia 1 Zhang, Kaijun 1 Zhang, Meiling 1 Zhao, Li 1 Zhao, Liang 1 Zuo, Zhanfe all top 5 Serials 15 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 9 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Seria I. Commentationes Mathematicae 9 Journal of Natural Science of Heilongjiang University 8 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 8 Journal of Function Spaces 7 Journal of Convex Analysis 6 Abstract and Applied Analysis 6 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 5 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 5 Mathematische Nachrichten 5 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 4 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 4 Positivity 3 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Advances in Mathematics (Beijing) 3 Aequationes Mathematicae 3 Thai Journal of Mathematics 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. Chinese Series 3 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 2 Annales Polonici Mathematici 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Collectanea Mathematica 2 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 2 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 2 Journal of Mathematics. Wuhan University 2 Journal of East China Normal University. Natural Science Edition 2 Mathematica Applicata 2 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 2 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 2 Pure and Applied Mathematics 2 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis 2 Journal of Zhejiang University. Science Edition 2 Natural Science Journal of Harbin Normal University 2 Journal of Lanzhou University of Technology 2 Open Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics 1 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Journal of Systems Science and Mathematical Sciences 1 Northeastern Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of Jiangxi Normal University. Natural Science Edition 1 Applied Mathematics Letters 1 Mathematica Balkanica. New Series 1 Mathematica Bohemica 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales (España) 1 Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics 1 Scientiae Mathematicae 1 Journal of Mathematical Study 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 1 JIPAM. Journal of Inequalities in Pure & Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Henan Normal University. Natural Science 1 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Journal of Jilin University. Science Edition 1 Fixed Point Theory 1 International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences 1 Applied Mathematical Sciences (Ruse) 1 JP Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications 1 Commentationes Mathematicae 1 Advances in Mathematical Physics 1 Annals of Functional Analysis 1 Scientia Sinica. Mathematica 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications 1 Electronic Research Archive all top 5 Fields 180 Functional analysis (46-XX) 43 Operator theory (47-XX) 6 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 5 General topology (54-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 133 Publications have been cited 703 times in 320 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Basic theory of \(p\)-Amemiya norm in Orlicz spaces (\(1\leq p\leq \infty\)): Extreme points and rotundity in Orlicz spaces endowed with these norms. Zbl 1165.46005 Cui, Yunan; Duan, Lifen; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek 32 2008 Composition operators in Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1073.47032 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kumar, Romesh; Maligranda, Lech 26 2004 Some geometric properties related to fixed point theory in Cesàro spaces. Zbl 0955.46007 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 23 1999 Banach-Saks property and property \((\beta)\) in Cesàro sequence spaces. Zbl 0956.46003 Cui, Yunan; Meng, Chenghui; Płuciennik, Ryszard 23 2000 Local uniform nonsquareness in Cesàro sequence spaces. Zbl 0898.46006 Cui, Yunan; Jie, Liu; Płuciennik, Ryszard 22 1997 Extreme points and strongly extreme points in Orlicz spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1060.46020 Cui, Y.; Hudzik, H.; Płuciennik, R. 22 2003 Basic topological and geometric properties of Cesàro-Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1093.46013 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Petrot, Narin; Suantai, Suthep; Szymaskiewicz, Alicja 20 2005 On the uniform Opial property in some modular sequence spaces. Zbl 0927.46004 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 19 1998 Strongly extreme points in Orlicz spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1186.46015 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Li, Jingjing; Wisła, Marek 19 2009 Non-squareness properties of Orlicz spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1247.46015 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek; Wlaźlak, Karol 18 2012 On the Banach-Saks and weak Banach-Saks properties of some Banach sequence spaces. Zbl 0938.46008 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 18 1999 Monotonicity properties and dominated best approximation problems in Orlicz spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1321.41049 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek 15 2015 Some properties concerning Milman’s moduli. Zbl 1154.46302 He, Chan; Cui, Yunan 15 2007 Generalized von Neumann-Jordan constant and its relationship to the fixed point property. Zbl 1322.46016 Cui, Yunan; Huang, Wan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław 14 2015 Packing constant for Cesaro sequence spaces. Zbl 1042.46505 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 13 2001 Isometric copies of \(l^1\) and \(l^{\infty}\) in Orlicz spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1044.46013 Chen, Shutao; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 12 2004 Geometric properties of \(F\)-normed Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1421.46026 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław; Kolwicz, Paweł 11 2019 On some local geometry of Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Luxemburg norm. Zbl 0914.46004 Cui, Y.; Hudzik, H.; Meng, C. 11 1998 Criteria for monotonicity properties of Musielak-Orlicz spaces equipped with the Amemiya norm. Zbl 1071.46018 Cui, Y.; Hudzik, H.; Szymaszkiewicz, L.; Wang, T. 10 2005 Fixed point theorems for mean nonexpansive mappings in CAT(0) spaces. Zbl 1330.54074 Zhou, Jing; Cui, Yunan 10 2015 Geometric properties related to fixed point theory in some Banach function lattices. Zbl 1013.46015 Chen, S.; Cui, Y.; Hudzik, H.; Sims, B. 9 2001 Maluta’s coefficient and Opial’s properties in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Luxemburg norm. Zbl 0922.46005 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 9 1999 Criteria for complex strongly extreme points of Musielak–Orlicz function spaces. Zbl 1166.46005 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 9 2009 On the García-Falset coefficient in some Banach sequence spaces. Zbl 0962.46011 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Li, Yanhong 8 2000 Nearly dentability and approximative compactness and continuity of metric projector in Banach spaces. Zbl 1488.46035 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 7 2011 Complex extreme points and complex rotundity in Orlicz function spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1210.46013 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan 7 2010 Ball-covering property in uniformly non-\(l_3^{(1)}\) Banach spaces and application. Zbl 1449.46018 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 6 2013 Some geometric properties in Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with Orlicz norm. Zbl 0954.46005 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Nowak, Marian; Płuciennik, Ryszard 6 1999 Banach-Saks property in some Banach sequence spaces. Zbl 0895.46010 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Płuciennik, Ryszard 6 1997 Maluta’s coefficient in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 0887.46002 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Zhu, Hongwei 6 1998 Uniform nonsquareness and locally uniform nonsquareness in Orlicz-Bochner function spaces and applications. Zbl 1304.46017 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 6 2014 Smoothness and approximative compactness in Orlicz function spaces. Zbl 1370.46013 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 6 2014 Extreme points and rotundity in Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces endowed with Orlicz norm. Zbl 1209.46008 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 6 2010 Locally \(2\)-uniform convexity and ball-covering property in Banach space. Zbl 1326.46011 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 6 2015 Approximative compactness and continuity of the set-valued metric generalized inverse in Banach spaces. Zbl 1311.46017 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 6 2015 Viscosity approximation methods for mean non-expansive mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 1215.47100 Yang, Yishuai; Cui, Yunan 6 2008 Composition and multiplication operators between Orlicz function spaces. Zbl 1336.47027 Chawziuk, Tadeusz; Cui, Yunan; Estaremi, Yousef; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław 6 2016 \(M\)-constants in Orlicz-Lorentz function spaces. Zbl 1441.46013 Cui, Yunan; Foralewski, Paweł; Hudzik, Henryk 5 2019 Midpoint locally uniform rotundity of Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces endowed with the Luxemburg norm. Zbl 1242.46019 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 5 2012 \(P\)-convexity of Orlicz-Bochner function spaces endowed with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1239.46015 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 5 2012 On split Lie color triple systems. Zbl 1427.17006 Cao, Yan; Zhang, Jian; Cui, Yunan 5 2019 The fixed point property of Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1469.46016 He, Xin; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 5 2013 A coefficient related to some geometric properties of a Banach space. Zbl 1183.46017 Zuo, Zhanfei; Cui, Yunan 5 2009 Some modulus and normal structure in Banach space. Zbl 1178.46013 Zuo, Zhanfei; Cui, Yunan 5 2009 Locally uniform convexity in Musielak-Orlicz function spaces of Bochner type endowed with the Luxemburg norm. Zbl 1216.46015 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 5 2011 Extreme points and strong U-points in Musiełak-Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1141.46008 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek; Zou, Mingxia 5 2007 Uniform monotonicity of Orlicz spaces equipped with the Mazur-Orlicz F-norm and dominated best approximation in F-normed Köthe spaces. Zbl 1535.46014 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław; Kolwicz, Paweł 5 2022 Some convexities of Musielak-Orlicz sequential spaces. Zbl 0851.46015 Cui, Yunan 4 1995 The generalized von Neumann-Jordan constant and normal structure in Banach spaces. Zbl 1341.46012 Wang, Xi; Cui, Yunan; Zhang, Chiping 4 2015 Weak orthogonality and weak property (\(\beta \)) in some Banach sequence spaces. Zbl 0954.46004 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Płuciennik, Ryszard 4 1999 Strong endpoints of Orlicz space. Zbl 0685.46018 Cui, Yun’an; Wang, Tingfu 4 1987 Compactness and essential norms of composition operators on Orlicz-Lorentz spaces. Zbl 1288.47025 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kumar, Rajeev; Kumar, Romesh 4 2012 Nonsquareness and locally uniform nonsquareness in Orlicz-Bochner function spaces endowed with Luxemburg norm. Zbl 1225.46010 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 4 2011 On fully rotundity properties and approximative compactness in some Banach sequence spaces. Zbl 1023.46018 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kowalewski, Wojciech 4 2003 On some geometric properties in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 0962.46003 Cui, Yunan; Thompson, H. Bevan 4 2000 \(M\)-constants in Orlicz-Lorentz sequence spaces with applications to fixed point theory. Zbl 1402.46011 Cui, Yunan; Foralewski, Paweł; Hudzik, Henryk 4 2018 Kadec-Klee properties of Orlicz-Lorentz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1489.46020 Cui, Yunan; Foralewski, Paweł; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław 4 2021 Complex rotundity of Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1225.46008 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan 4 2011 Iterative approximations for generalized multivalued mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 1513.47144 Zuo, Zhanfei; Cui, Yunan 4 2011 Orlicz-Lorentz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1513.46039 Cui, Yunan; Foralewski, Paweł; Kończak, Joanna 4 2022 On the convexity coefficient of Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 0861.46007 Cui, Yunan 3 1995 Geometry of Orlicz spaces equipped with norms generated by some lattice norms in \(\mathbb{R}^{2}\). Zbl 1430.46027 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Ma, Haifeng 3 2019 Viscosity approximation methods for multivalued mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 1256.47045 Cui, Yunan; Fei, Zuo Zhan; Hudzik, Henryk 3 2012 Nonsquareness in Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces. Zbl 1221.46016 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 3 2011 Criteria for the single-valued metric generalized inverses of multi-valued linear operators in Banach spaces. Zbl 1263.47004 Wang, Yu Wen; Zhang, Jian; Cui, Yun An 3 2012 Weakly convergent sequence coefficient of Orlicz sequence space. Zbl 0897.46002 Wang, Tingfu; Cui, Yunan 3 1997 On property \((\beta)\) in Orlicz spaces. Zbl 0894.46023 Cui, Yunan; Płuciennik, Ryszard; Wang, Tingfu 3 1997 Weakly convergent sequence coefficient in Köthe sequence spaces. Zbl 0890.46006 Cui, Yunan 3 1998 On some applications of geometry of Banach spaces and some new results related to the fixed point theory in Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1374.46010 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radoslaw; Ma, Haifeng; Wang, Yuwen; Zhang, Meiling 3 2016 On Opial properties and Opial modulus for Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1035.46010 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Yu, Fefei 3 2003 Monotonicities in Orlicz spaces equipped with Mazur-Orlicz \(F\)-norm. Zbl 1462.46011 Bai, Xinran; Cui, Yunan; Kończak, Joanna 3 2020 Some fundamental properties for duals of Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1211.46010 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Li, Jingjing 3 2010 Some geometric coefficients in Musielak–Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Luxemburg norm. Zbl 1109.46016 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek; Zhao, Liang 3 2006 Local uniform rotundity and weak local uniform rotundity of Musielak–Orlicz sequence spaces endowed with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1165.46004 Bo, Liu Xin; Cui, Yun An; Foralewski, Paweł; Hudzik, Henryk 3 2008 2-strict convexity and continuity of set-valued metric generalized inverse in Banach spaces. Zbl 1472.47002 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2014 Weak approximative compactness of hyperplane and Asplund property in Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces. Zbl 1462.46047 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2020 Continuity points and continuous selections of the set-valued metric generalized inverse in Banach spaces. Zbl 1436.46016 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2019 Smoothness of Orlicz function spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1478.46026 Li, Xiaoyan; Cui, Yunan; Wisla, Marek 2 2021 Packing constant in Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1474.46012 He, Xin; Yu, Jijie; Cui, Yunan; Huo, Xin 2 2014 Uniform Gateaux differentiability and weak uniform rotundity in Musielak-Orlicz function spaces of Bochner type equipped with the Luxemburg norm. Zbl 1252.46012 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 2 2012 Uniform rotundity and \(k\)-uniform rotundity in Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces and applications. Zbl 1338.46024 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2015 Some sufficient conditions for fixed points of multivalued nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 1453.46012 Wang, Xi; Zhang, Chiping; Cui, Yunan 2 2017 Erratum and addendum to: “Compactness and essential norms of composition operators on Orlicz-Lorentz spaces”. Zbl 1321.47057 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kumar, Rajeev; Kumar, Romesh 2 2014 Complex convexity of Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1340.46018 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan; Zhao, Yanfeng; Niu, Jinling 2 2015 On the García-Falset coefficient in Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 0999.46004 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 2 2000 Denting point, strong smoothness and approximative compactness in Banach spaces. Zbl 1240.46031 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yun’an; Fu, Yongqiang 2 2010 Existence and convergence of fixed points for mappings of asymptotically nonexpansive type in uniformly convex W-hyperbolic spaces. Zbl 1315.47077 Zhang, Jingxin; Cui, Yunan 2 2011 On some solved and unsolved problems in geometry of certain classes of Banach function spaces. Zbl 1023.46028 Chen, S.; Cui, Y.; Hudzik, H.; Wang, T. 2 2001 The fixed point property in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1056.46021 Thompson, H. Bevan; Cui, Yunan 2 2001 Uniform monotone coefficients and applications in Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 0915.46003 Cui, Yun’an; Wang, Tingfu 2 1997 \(M\)-constants, Dominguez-Benavides coefficient, and weak fixed point property in Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1390.46019 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek 2 2016 Approximative compactness and Asplund property in Banach function spaces and in Orlicz-Bochner spaces in particular with application. Zbl 1326.46012 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2015 On some geometric constants and the fixed point property for multivalued nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1206.47056 Zhang, Jingxin; Cui, Yunan 2 2010 Bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings of a soliton hierarchy associated with \(\mathrm{SO}(3)\). Zbl 1400.35065 Zhang, Jian; Zhang, Chiping; Cui, Yunan 2 2017 Almost convexity and continuous selections of the set-valued metric generalized inverse in Banach spaces. Zbl 1507.47105 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2021 Some sufficient conditions for fixed points of multivalued nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1203.47030 Zuo, Zhanfei; Cui, Yunan 2 2009 Weakly convergent sequence coefficient in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1177.46012 Fan, Liying; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 2 2009 Monotonicity properties and solvability of dominated best approximation problem in Orlicz spaces equipped with \(s\)-norms. Zbl 1486.46013 Cui, Yunan; Wisła, Marek 2 2021 Kadec-Klee property in Musielak-Orlicz function spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1495.46014 Cui, Yunan; Zhao, Li 2 2022 Complex convexity of Musielak-Orlicz function spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1468.46038 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan; Zhao, Yanfeng 1 2014 The monotonicity of Orlicz-Lorentz spaces equipped with the F-norm. Zbl 1536.46024 Xue, Yangyang; Cui, Yunan 1 2024 Uniform monotonicity of Orlicz spaces equipped with the Mazur-Orlicz F-norm and dominated best approximation in F-normed Köthe spaces. Zbl 1535.46014 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław; Kolwicz, Paweł 5 2022 Orlicz-Lorentz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1513.46039 Cui, Yunan; Foralewski, Paweł; Kończak, Joanna 4 2022 Kadec-Klee property in Musielak-Orlicz function spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1495.46014 Cui, Yunan; Zhao, Li 2 2022 Exposed points of Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with \(p\)-Amemiya \((1\leq p\leq \infty)\) norms. Zbl 1506.46018 Li, Xiaoyan; Cui, Yunan 1 2022 Strict convexity of Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with \(p\)-Amemiya norms. Zbl 1506.46019 Li, Xiaoyan; Cui, Yunan 1 2022 Kadec-Klee properties of Orlicz-Lorentz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1489.46020 Cui, Yunan; Foralewski, Paweł; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław 4 2021 Smoothness of Orlicz function spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1478.46026 Li, Xiaoyan; Cui, Yunan; Wisla, Marek 2 2021 Almost convexity and continuous selections of the set-valued metric generalized inverse in Banach spaces. Zbl 1507.47105 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2021 Monotonicity properties and solvability of dominated best approximation problem in Orlicz spaces equipped with \(s\)-norms. Zbl 1486.46013 Cui, Yunan; Wisła, Marek 2 2021 Uniformly nonsquare in Orlicz space equipped with the Mazur-Orlicz \(F\)-norm. Zbl 1476.46019 Cui, Yunan; Wang, Tongyu 1 2021 Monotonicities in Orlicz spaces equipped with Mazur-Orlicz \(F\)-norm. Zbl 1462.46011 Bai, Xinran; Cui, Yunan; Kończak, Joanna 3 2020 Weak approximative compactness of hyperplane and Asplund property in Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces. Zbl 1462.46047 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2020 Geometric properties of \(F\)-normed Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1421.46026 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław; Kolwicz, Paweł 11 2019 \(M\)-constants in Orlicz-Lorentz function spaces. Zbl 1441.46013 Cui, Yunan; Foralewski, Paweł; Hudzik, Henryk 5 2019 On split Lie color triple systems. Zbl 1427.17006 Cao, Yan; Zhang, Jian; Cui, Yunan 5 2019 Geometry of Orlicz spaces equipped with norms generated by some lattice norms in \(\mathbb{R}^{2}\). Zbl 1430.46027 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Ma, Haifeng 3 2019 Continuity points and continuous selections of the set-valued metric generalized inverse in Banach spaces. Zbl 1436.46016 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2019 \(M\)-constants in Orlicz-Lorentz sequence spaces with applications to fixed point theory. Zbl 1402.46011 Cui, Yunan; Foralewski, Paweł; Hudzik, Henryk 4 2018 Dentable point and ball-covering property in Banach spaces. Zbl 1437.46019 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 1 2018 Some sufficient conditions for fixed points of multivalued nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 1453.46012 Wang, Xi; Zhang, Chiping; Cui, Yunan 2 2017 Bi-integrable and tri-integrable couplings of a soliton hierarchy associated with \(\mathrm{SO}(3)\). Zbl 1400.35065 Zhang, Jian; Zhang, Chiping; Cui, Yunan 2 2017 Order asymptotically isometric copies of \(l^{\infty}\), \(l^{1}\) and \(c_{0}\) in Banach function spaces. Zbl 1379.46013 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Leśnik, Karol 1 2017 Gâteaux differentiability of \(w^*\)-lower semicontinuous convex function in Banach spaces and applications. Zbl 1402.46012 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 1 2017 Ellipsoidal geometry of Banach spaces and applications. Zbl 1470.46023 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław 1 2017 Composition and multiplication operators between Orlicz function spaces. Zbl 1336.47027 Chawziuk, Tadeusz; Cui, Yunan; Estaremi, Yousef; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław 6 2016 On some applications of geometry of Banach spaces and some new results related to the fixed point theory in Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1374.46010 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radoslaw; Ma, Haifeng; Wang, Yuwen; Zhang, Meiling 3 2016 \(M\)-constants, Dominguez-Benavides coefficient, and weak fixed point property in Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1390.46019 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek 2 2016 Monotonicity properties and dominated best approximation problems in Orlicz spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1321.41049 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek 15 2015 Generalized von Neumann-Jordan constant and its relationship to the fixed point property. Zbl 1322.46016 Cui, Yunan; Huang, Wan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kaczmarek, Radosław 14 2015 Fixed point theorems for mean nonexpansive mappings in CAT(0) spaces. Zbl 1330.54074 Zhou, Jing; Cui, Yunan 10 2015 Locally \(2\)-uniform convexity and ball-covering property in Banach space. Zbl 1326.46011 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 6 2015 Approximative compactness and continuity of the set-valued metric generalized inverse in Banach spaces. Zbl 1311.46017 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 6 2015 The generalized von Neumann-Jordan constant and normal structure in Banach spaces. Zbl 1341.46012 Wang, Xi; Cui, Yunan; Zhang, Chiping 4 2015 Uniform rotundity and \(k\)-uniform rotundity in Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces and applications. Zbl 1338.46024 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2015 Complex convexity of Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1340.46018 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan; Zhao, Yanfeng; Niu, Jinling 2 2015 Approximative compactness and Asplund property in Banach function spaces and in Orlicz-Bochner spaces in particular with application. Zbl 1326.46012 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2015 Approximative compactness and Radon-Nikodým property in \(w^\ast\) nearly dentable Banach spaces and applications. Zbl 1338.46026 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 1 2015 Uniform nonsquareness and locally uniform nonsquareness in Orlicz-Bochner function spaces and applications. Zbl 1304.46017 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 6 2014 Smoothness and approximative compactness in Orlicz function spaces. Zbl 1370.46013 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 6 2014 2-strict convexity and continuity of set-valued metric generalized inverse in Banach spaces. Zbl 1472.47002 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 2 2014 Packing constant in Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1474.46012 He, Xin; Yu, Jijie; Cui, Yunan; Huo, Xin 2 2014 Erratum and addendum to: “Compactness and essential norms of composition operators on Orlicz-Lorentz spaces”. Zbl 1321.47057 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kumar, Rajeev; Kumar, Romesh 2 2014 Complex convexity of Musielak-Orlicz function spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1468.46038 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan; Zhao, Yanfeng 1 2014 Order asymptotically isometric copies of \(c_0\) in the subspaces of order continuous elements in Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1315.46012 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Lewicki, Grzegorz 1 2014 Midpoint locally uniform rotundity of Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces endowed with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1306.46042 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 1 2014 Ball-covering property in uniformly non-\(l_3^{(1)}\) Banach spaces and application. Zbl 1449.46018 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 6 2013 The fixed point property of Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1469.46016 He, Xin; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 5 2013 Some important geometric properties in Cesàro-Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1299.46017 Ma, Zhenhua; Cui, Yunan 1 2013 Non-squareness properties of Orlicz spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1247.46015 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek; Wlaźlak, Karol 18 2012 Midpoint locally uniform rotundity of Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces endowed with the Luxemburg norm. Zbl 1242.46019 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 5 2012 \(P\)-convexity of Orlicz-Bochner function spaces endowed with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1239.46015 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 5 2012 Compactness and essential norms of composition operators on Orlicz-Lorentz spaces. Zbl 1288.47025 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kumar, Rajeev; Kumar, Romesh 4 2012 Viscosity approximation methods for multivalued mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 1256.47045 Cui, Yunan; Fei, Zuo Zhan; Hudzik, Henryk 3 2012 Criteria for the single-valued metric generalized inverses of multi-valued linear operators in Banach spaces. Zbl 1263.47004 Wang, Yu Wen; Zhang, Jian; Cui, Yun An 3 2012 Uniform Gateaux differentiability and weak uniform rotundity in Musielak-Orlicz function spaces of Bochner type equipped with the Luxemburg norm. Zbl 1252.46012 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 2 2012 Nearly dentability and approximative compactness and continuity of metric projector in Banach spaces. Zbl 1488.46035 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 7 2011 Locally uniform convexity in Musielak-Orlicz function spaces of Bochner type endowed with the Luxemburg norm. Zbl 1216.46015 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan 5 2011 Nonsquareness and locally uniform nonsquareness in Orlicz-Bochner function spaces endowed with Luxemburg norm. Zbl 1225.46010 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 4 2011 Complex rotundity of Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1225.46008 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan 4 2011 Iterative approximations for generalized multivalued mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 1513.47144 Zuo, Zhanfei; Cui, Yunan 4 2011 Nonsquareness in Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces. Zbl 1221.46016 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 3 2011 Existence and convergence of fixed points for mappings of asymptotically nonexpansive type in uniformly convex W-hyperbolic spaces. Zbl 1315.47077 Zhang, Jingxin; Cui, Yunan 2 2011 Complex extreme points and complex rotundity in Orlicz function spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1210.46013 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan 7 2010 Extreme points and rotundity in Musielak-Orlicz-Bochner function spaces endowed with Orlicz norm. Zbl 1209.46008 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yunan; Fu, Yongqiang 6 2010 Some fundamental properties for duals of Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1211.46010 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Li, Jingjing 3 2010 Denting point, strong smoothness and approximative compactness in Banach spaces. Zbl 1240.46031 Shang, Shaoqiang; Cui, Yun’an; Fu, Yongqiang 2 2010 On some geometric constants and the fixed point property for multivalued nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1206.47056 Zhang, Jingxin; Cui, Yunan 2 2010 Strongly extreme points in Orlicz spaces equipped with the \(p\)-Amemiya norm. Zbl 1186.46015 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Li, Jingjing; Wisła, Marek 19 2009 Criteria for complex strongly extreme points of Musielak–Orlicz function spaces. Zbl 1166.46005 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 9 2009 A coefficient related to some geometric properties of a Banach space. Zbl 1183.46017 Zuo, Zhanfei; Cui, Yunan 5 2009 Some modulus and normal structure in Banach space. Zbl 1178.46013 Zuo, Zhanfei; Cui, Yunan 5 2009 Some sufficient conditions for fixed points of multivalued nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1203.47030 Zuo, Zhanfei; Cui, Yunan 2 2009 Weakly convergent sequence coefficient in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1177.46012 Fan, Liying; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 2 2009 On the points of local uniform rotundity and weak local uniform rotundity in Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1177.46015 Zuo, Mingxia; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Zhang, Kaijun 1 2009 The application of generalization modulus of convexity in fixed point theory. Zbl 1212.46036 Zuo, Zhanfe; Cui, Yunan 1 2009 Strongly extreme points in Musiełak–Orlicz spaces with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1173.46006 Wang, Ping; Yu, Feifei; Cui, Yunan 1 2009 Basic theory of \(p\)-Amemiya norm in Orlicz spaces (\(1\leq p\leq \infty\)): Extreme points and rotundity in Orlicz spaces endowed with these norms. Zbl 1165.46005 Cui, Yunan; Duan, Lifen; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek 32 2008 Viscosity approximation methods for mean non-expansive mappings in Banach spaces. Zbl 1215.47100 Yang, Yishuai; Cui, Yunan 6 2008 Local uniform rotundity and weak local uniform rotundity of Musielak–Orlicz sequence spaces endowed with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1165.46004 Bo, Liu Xin; Cui, Yun An; Foralewski, Paweł; Hudzik, Henryk 3 2008 Geometric properties concerning some parameters. Zbl 1199.46039 Cui, Yunan; Ge, Lei; Zuo, Zhanfei 1 2008 A note on the modulus of \(U\)-convexity and modulus of \(W^*\)-convexity. Zbl 1173.46008 Zuo, Zhanfei; Cui, Yunan 1 2008 On some parameters and the fixed point property for multivalued nonexpansive mappings. Zbl 1169.46007 Zuo, Zhanfei; Cui, Yunan 1 2008 Some properties concerning Milman’s moduli. Zbl 1154.46302 He, Chan; Cui, Yunan 15 2007 Extreme points and strong U-points in Musiełak-Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1141.46008 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek; Zou, Mingxia 5 2007 On \(S\)-points of Musielak-Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1141.46309 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Zuo, Mingxia 1 2007 Complex midpoint locally uniform rotundity of Musiełak-Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1149.46302 Chen, Lili; Cui, Yunan 1 2007 Some geometric coefficients in Musielak–Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Luxemburg norm. Zbl 1109.46016 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Wisła, Marek; Zhao, Liang 3 2006 The HR-point of the Musielak-Orlicz function space equipped with Orlicz norm. Zbl 1155.46302 Jimin, Z.; Lihuan, S.; Yun’an, C. 1 2006 Basic topological and geometric properties of Cesàro-Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1093.46013 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Petrot, Narin; Suantai, Suthep; Szymaskiewicz, Alicja 20 2005 Criteria for monotonicity properties of Musielak-Orlicz spaces equipped with the Amemiya norm. Zbl 1071.46018 Cui, Y.; Hudzik, H.; Szymaszkiewicz, L.; Wang, T. 10 2005 On compactly and weakly compactly strongly exposed properties and criteria for them in Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1108.46014 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Zuo, Mingxia 1 2005 Composition operators in Orlicz spaces. Zbl 1073.47032 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kumar, Romesh; Maligranda, Lech 26 2004 Isometric copies of \(l^1\) and \(l^{\infty}\) in Orlicz spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1044.46013 Chen, Shutao; Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 12 2004 Extreme points and strongly extreme points in Orlicz spaces equipped with the Orlicz norm. Zbl 1060.46020 Cui, Y.; Hudzik, H.; Płuciennik, R. 22 2003 On fully rotundity properties and approximative compactness in some Banach sequence spaces. Zbl 1023.46018 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Kowalewski, Wojciech 4 2003 On Opial properties and Opial modulus for Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1035.46010 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk; Yu, Fefei 3 2003 H-property in Musiełak-Orlicz sequence spaces. Zbl 1060.46013 Zuo, Mingxia; Cui, Yunan 1 2003 Orlicz spaces which are noncreasy. Zbl 1023.46015 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 1 2002 Packing constant for Cesaro sequence spaces. Zbl 1042.46505 Cui, Yunan; Hudzik, Henryk 13 2001 ...and 33 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 335 Authors 74 Cui, Yunan 46 Hudzik, Henryk 23 Shang, Shaoqiang 16 Foralewski, Paweł 14 Kolwicz, Paweł 13 Wisła, Marek 12 Kaczmarek, Radosław 12 Zuo, Zhanfei 9 Bakery, Awad A. 8 Chen, Lili 7 Estaremi, Yousef 7 Karakaya, Vatan 7 Li, Yongjin 6 Kamińska, Anna 6 Maligranda, Lech 5 Castillo, René Erlín 5 Fu, Yongqiang 5 Gong, Wanzhong 5 He, Xin 5 Kiwerski, Tomasz 5 Kończak, Joanna 5 Kubiak, Damian 5 Li, Xiaoyan 5 Płuciennik, Ryszard 5 Raj, Kuldip 5 Suantai, Suthep 4 Et, Mikail 4 Kang, Shin Min 4 Leśnik, Karol 4 Mohamed, OM Kalthum S. K. 4 Petrot, Narin 4 Shi, Zhongrui 3 Amini-Harandi, Alireza 3 Astashkin, Sergeĭ Vladimir 3 Braha, Naim Latif 3 Chawziuk, Tadeusz 3 Chen, Shutao 3 Ciesielski, Maciej 3 Datt, Gopal 3 Dinarvand, Mina 3 Fu, Yuankang 3 Hazarika, Bipan 3 Kowalewski, Wojciech 3 Kwun, Young Chel 3 Liu, Qi 3 Manna, Atanu 3 Martini, Horst 3 Mursaleen, Mohammad 3 Pandoh, Suruchi 3 Semënov, Evgeniĭ Mikhaĭlovich 3 Srivastava, Parmeshwary Dayal 3 Sukochev, Fedor Anatol’evich 3 Usachev, Aleksandr Sergeevich 3 Wang, Tingfu 3 Wang, Yuwen 3 Wlaźlak, Karol 3 Wu, Senlin 3 Wulede, Suyalatu 3 Yang, Changsen 3 Yang, Zhijian 3 Yu, Feifei 2 Abou Elmatty, Afaf R. 2 Alekhno, Egor Aleksandrovich 2 Bao, Wurina 2 Cao, Jianbing 2 Cao, Yan 2 Chen, Deyun 2 Demiriz, Serkan 2 Du, Dandan 2 Jain, Mukta 2 Japón Pineda, María Ángeles 2 Ji, Donghai 2 Jiang, Yang 2 Karakaş, Murat 2 Kumar, Rajeev 2 Kumar, Romesh 2 Labuschagne, Louis E. 2 Lewicki, Grzegorz 2 Li, Jingjing 2 Li, Qiang 2 Liu, Chunyan 2 Liu, Xinbo 2 Ma, Haifeng 2 Ma, Lili 2 Maghsoudi, Saeid 2 Mohamed, Elsayed A. E. 2 Mohammed, Mustafa M. 2 Mongkolkeha, Chirasak 2 Muglia, Luigi 2 Nazeer, Waqas 2 Nowak, Marian 2 Ramos-Fernández, Julio C. 2 Saejung, Satit 2 Sarfraz, Muhammad 2 Sharma, Charu 2 Şimşek, Necip 2 Tamang, Karan 2 Thakur, Dipti 2 Trousselot, Eduard 2 Ul Haq, Absar ...and 235 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 100 Serials 31 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 25 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 21 Journal of Function Spaces 19 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 12 Abstract and Applied Analysis 12 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 11 Mathematische Nachrichten 9 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 8 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 8 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 7 Positivity 7 Fixed Point Theory and Applications 5 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 4 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 4 Journal of Functional Analysis 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 4 Aequationes Mathematicae 4 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 4 The Journal of Analysis 4 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 3 Results in Mathematics 3 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 3 Commentationes Mathematicae 3 Open Mathematics 3 Korean Journal of Mathematics 2 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 2 Demonstratio Mathematica 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 2 Filomat 2 Journal of Convex Analysis 2 Journal of Applied Mathematics 2 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 2 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. Chinese Series 2 Operators and Matrices 2 Annals of Functional Analysis 2 Electronic Research Archive 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Canadian Journal of Mathematics 1 Collectanea Mathematica 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Fasciculi Mathematici 1 Gaṇita 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Real Analysis Exchange 1 Topology and its Applications 1 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 1 Forum Mathematicum 1 The Journal of Geometric Analysis 1 Numerical Algorithms 1 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 1 St. Petersburg Mathematical Journal 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 1 Opuscula Mathematica 1 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Revista Matemática Complutense 1 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 1 Analysis (München) 1 Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications 1 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 1 JP Journal of Geometry and Topology 1 Fixed Point Theory 1 The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Proyecciones 1 The Journal of Prime Research in Mathematics 1 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 1 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 1 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 1 Analysis and Mathematical Physics 1 Afrika Matematika 1 Chamchuri Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical Sciences 1 Electronic Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications EJMAA 1 Journal of Mathematics 1 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 1 Cogent Mathematics 1 Moroccan Journal of Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Advances in Operator Theory 1 AIMS Mathematics 1 Communications in Analysis and Mechanics all top 5 Cited in 30 Fields 270 Functional analysis (46-XX) 88 Operator theory (47-XX) 12 General topology (54-XX) 11 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 7 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 5 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 4 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Real functions (26-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) Citations by Year