Edit Profile (opens in new tab) de Malafosse, Bruno Co-Author Distance Author ID: de-malafosse.bruno Published as: de Malafosse, Bruno; De Malafosse, Bruno; de Malafosse, B.; De Malafosse, B. more...less External Links: ResearchGate Documents Indexed: 81 Publications since 1980, including 3 Books Co-Authors: 11 Co-Authors with 30 Joint Publications 388 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 51 single-authored 10 Malkowsky, Eberhard 9 Rakočević, Vladimir 5 Farés, Ali 4 Yassine, Adnan 3 Benahmed, Boubakeur 2 Ayad, Ali 2 Labbas, Rabah 2 Medeghri, Ahmed 1 Mascart, Henri 1 Mokhtar-Kharroubi, Hocine 1 Mursaleen, Mohammad all top 5 Serials 5 Demonstratio Mathematica 5 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 5 Matematički Vesnik 3 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 3 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Soochow Journal of Mathematics 3 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 3 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 3 Linear Algebra and its Applications 3 Filomat 3 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 3 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 2 Atti della Accademia Peloritana dei Pericolanti. Classe di Scienze Fisiche, Matemàtiche e Naturali 2 Fasciculi Mathematici 2 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 2 Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 2 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 2 Bulletin of the Allahabad Mathematical Society 2 Communications in Mathematical Analysis 2 International Mathematical Forum 2 Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Archivum Mathematicum 1 Atti della Accademia di Scienze Lettere e Arti di Palermo. Serie Quarta. Parte Prima: Scienze 1 Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico 1 Journal of Orissa Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Global Optimization 1 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1 African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics 1 Cubo 1 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 1 Annals of Functional Analysis all top 5 Fields 54 Functional analysis (46-XX) 52 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 24 Operator theory (47-XX) 10 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 2 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 56 Publications have been cited 260 times in 77 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Applications of measure of noncompactness in operators on the spaces \(s_{\alpha}\), \(s_{\alpha}^{0}\), \(s_{\alpha}^{(c)}\), \(\ell_{\alpha}^{p}\). Zbl 1106.47029 de Malafosse, Bruno; Rakočević, Vladimir 26 2006 On some BK spaces. Zbl 1023.46010 De Malafosse, Bruno 17 2003 Properties of some sets of sequences and application to the spaces of bounded difference sequences of order \(\mu\). Zbl 1016.40002 de Malafosse, Bruno 15 2002 Measure of noncompactness of operators and matrices on the spaces \(c\) and \(c_{0}\). Zbl 1154.47027 De Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard; Rakočević, Vladimir 12 2006 Sequence spaces and inverse of an infinite matrix. Zbl 1194.46006 Malkowsky, Eberhard; De Malafosse, Bruno 9 2002 The Banach algebra \(B(X\)), where \(X\) is a BK space and applications. Zbl 1112.46004 de Malafosse, Bruno 9 2005 Sum of sequence spaces and matrix transformations. Zbl 1121.40010 de Malafosse, B. 9 2006 Application of the infinite matrix theory to the solvability of certain sequence spaces equations with operators. Zbl 1349.40017 de Malafosse, Bruno 8 2012 Applications of the summability theory to the solvability of certain sequence spaces equations with operators of the form \(B\left( r,s\right) \). Zbl 1270.40007 De Malafosse, B. 8 2012 Matrix transformation and statistical convergence. Zbl 1128.40003 de Malafosse, Bruno; Rakočević, Vladimir 7 2007 Matrix transformations and sequence spaces equations. Zbl 1270.40008 Rakocevic, Vladimir; De Malafosse, Bruno 7 2013 Sequence spaces equations and application to matrix transformations. Zbl 1168.40003 Fares, A.; De Malafosse, B. 7 2008 Matrix transformations in the sets \(\chi(\overline N_p\overline N_q)\) where \(\chi\) is of the form \(s_\xi\) or \(s^0_\xi\) or \(s^{(c)}_\xi\). Zbl 1052.47023 de Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 6 2003 Matrix transformations between sets of the form \(W_\xi\) and operator generators of analytic semigroups. Zbl 1279.35003 de Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 6 2008 On the solvability of certain (SSIE) with operators of the form \(B(r,s)\). Zbl 1302.40009 De Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 6 2014 Solvability of certain sequence spaces inclusion equations with operators. Zbl 1307.40009 de Malafosse, Bruno 6 2013 On some Banach algebra of infinite matrices and applications. Zbl 0911.47039 Labbas, Rabah; de Malafosse, Bruno 5 1998 On sequence space equatios of the form \(E_T+F_x=F_b\) for some triangle \(T\). Zbl 1335.40008 de Malafosse, Bruno 5 2015 Quasi-Newton methods in infinite-dimensional spaces and application to matrix equations. Zbl 1213.90262 Benahmed, Boubakeur; Mokhtar-Kharroubi, Hocine; de Malafosse, Bruno; Yassine, Adnan 5 2011 Solvability of sequence spaces equations using entire and analytic sequences and applications. Zbl 1305.40012 de Malafosse, Bruno 5 2014 An application of the sum of linear operators in infinite matrix theory. Zbl 0936.47005 Labbas, Rabah; De Malafosse, Bruno 4 1997 Sum and product of certain BK spaces and matrix transformations between these spaces. Zbl 1074.46011 de Malafosse, B. 4 2004 Sets of difference sequences of order \(m\). Zbl 1075.46004 De Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 4 2004 New results on the sequence spaces equations using the operator of the first difference. Zbl 1399.40015 De Malafosse, B. 4 2017 On the measure of noncompactness of linear operators in spaces of strongly \(\alpha\)-summable and bounded sequences. Zbl 1164.47038 De Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 4 2007 On matrix transformations and sequence spaces. Zbl 1194.46005 De Malafosse, Bruno 3 2003 Recent results in the infinite matrix theory, and application to Hill equation. Zbl 1002.15029 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 2002 Sets of sequences that are strongly \(\tau\)-bounded and matrix transformations between these sets. Zbl 1037.46008 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 2003 On the sets of sequences that are strongly \(\alpha\)-bounded and \(\alpha\)-convergent to naught with index \(p\). Zbl 1072.40005 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 2003 A generalization of a Hardy theorem. Zbl 1112.40005 de Malafosse, Bruno; Rakočević, Vladimir 3 2007 Solvability of sequence spaces equations of the form \({(E_a)}_{\Delta} + F_x = F_b\). Zbl 1352.40003 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 2015 Some properties of the Cesàro operator in the space \(s_r\). Zbl 0966.46005 De Malafosse, B. 3 1999 Operators between sequence spaces and applications. Zbl 1469.46001 de Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard; Rakočević, Vladimir 3 2021 On new classes of sequence spaces inclusion equations involving the sets \(c_0\), \(c\), \( \ell_p\), \((1\leq p\leq\infty)\), \(w_0\) and \(w_\infty \). Zbl 1440.40001 De Malafosse, Bruno 3 2017 Application of the sum of operators in the commutative case to the infinite matrix theory. Zbl 1029.47004 de Malafosse, Bruno 2 2001 Sum of sequence spaces and matrix transformations mapping in \(s^0_{\alpha}((\Delta-\lambda I)^h)+s^{(c)}_{\beta}((\Delta-\mu I)^l)\). Zbl 1199.40035 De Malafosse, B. 2 2009 On the Banach algebra \(\mathcal{B}(l_{p}(\alpha))\). Zbl 1076.46043 De Malafosse, Bruno 2 2004 The \(\lambda^{+r}(\mu)\)-statistical convergence. Zbl 1448.40001 de Malafosse, B.; Mursaleen, M.; Rakočević, V. 2 2017 Variation of an element in the matrix of the first difference operator and matrix transformations. Zbl 1055.39034 de Malafosse, Bruno 2 2002 The Banach algebra \(s_{\alpha}\) and applications. Zbl 1147.46301 De Malafosse, Bruno 2 2004 Matrix transformations and application to perturbed problems of some sequence spaces equations with operators. Zbl 1499.40082 de Malafosse, Bruno; Fares, Ali; Ayad, Ali 2 2018 Application of the infinite matrix theory to the solvability of sequence spaces inclusion equations with operators. Zbl 1510.40006 de Malafosse, B. 2 2020 Solvability of some perturbed sequence spaces equations with operators. Zbl 1496.40017 de Malafosse, Bruno; Fares, Ali; Ayad, Ali 2 2019 Calculations in new sequence spaces and application to statistical convergence. Zbl 1225.40002 de Malafosse, Bruno; Rakočević, Vladimir 2 2010 Bases in sequence spaces and expansion of a function in a series of power series. Zbl 1274.46033 de Malafosse, Bruno 2 2000 Some new properties of sequence spaces and application to the continued fractions. Zbl 1274.46034 de Malafosse, Bruno 2 2001 On the Banach algebra \((w_{\infty}(\Lambda),w_{\infty}(\Lambda))\) and applications to the solvability of matrix equations in \(w_{\infty}(\Lambda)\). Zbl 1349.15047 de Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 2 2014 On the set of \(\alpha, p\)-bounded variation of order \(h\). Zbl 1135.40300 de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2007 Matrix transformations and quasi-Newton methods. Zbl 1147.65034 Benahmed, Boubakeur; de Malafosse, Bruno; Yassine, Adnan 1 2007 Calculations on some sequence spaces. Zbl 1082.46007 De Malafosse, Bruno 1 2004 On the solvability of the sequence spaces equations of the form \((\ell^p_a)_{\Delta} + F_x = F_b\) (\(p > 1\)) where \(F = c_0\), \(c\) or \(\ell_{\infty}\). Zbl 1457.40008 de Malafosse, B. 1 2019 On the theory of infinite matrices and applications. (Sur la théorie des matrices infinies et applications.) Zbl 1329.15007 de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2004 On the (SSE) with operator \((W^0_a)_\Delta + s_x = s_b\) and \((W_a)_\Delta + s^0_x = s^0_b\). Zbl 1425.40007 de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2018 Spectra of the operator of the first difference in \(s_{\alpha},s^0_{\alpha},s^{(c)}_{\alpha}\) and \(l_p(\alpha)\) (\(1\leq p<\infty\)) and application to matrix transformations. Zbl 1157.47027 Farés, Ali; de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2008 The quasi-Newton method and the infinite matrix theory applied to the continued fractions. Zbl 1239.40006 Benahmed, Boubakeur; Fares, Ali; de Malafosse, Bruno; Yassine, Adnan 1 2009 Extension of some results on the (SSIE) and the (SSE) of the form \(F\subset \mathcal{E} + F'_{x}\) and \(\mathcal{E} + F_{x} = F\). Zbl 1387.40002 de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2017 Operators between sequence spaces and applications. Zbl 1469.46001 de Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard; Rakočević, Vladimir 3 2021 Application of the infinite matrix theory to the solvability of sequence spaces inclusion equations with operators. Zbl 1510.40006 de Malafosse, B. 2 2020 Solvability of some perturbed sequence spaces equations with operators. Zbl 1496.40017 de Malafosse, Bruno; Fares, Ali; Ayad, Ali 2 2019 On the solvability of the sequence spaces equations of the form \((\ell^p_a)_{\Delta} + F_x = F_b\) (\(p > 1\)) where \(F = c_0\), \(c\) or \(\ell_{\infty}\). Zbl 1457.40008 de Malafosse, B. 1 2019 Matrix transformations and application to perturbed problems of some sequence spaces equations with operators. Zbl 1499.40082 de Malafosse, Bruno; Fares, Ali; Ayad, Ali 2 2018 On the (SSE) with operator \((W^0_a)_\Delta + s_x = s_b\) and \((W_a)_\Delta + s^0_x = s^0_b\). Zbl 1425.40007 de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2018 New results on the sequence spaces equations using the operator of the first difference. Zbl 1399.40015 De Malafosse, B. 4 2017 On new classes of sequence spaces inclusion equations involving the sets \(c_0\), \(c\), \( \ell_p\), \((1\leq p\leq\infty)\), \(w_0\) and \(w_\infty \). Zbl 1440.40001 De Malafosse, Bruno 3 2017 The \(\lambda^{+r}(\mu)\)-statistical convergence. Zbl 1448.40001 de Malafosse, B.; Mursaleen, M.; Rakočević, V. 2 2017 Extension of some results on the (SSIE) and the (SSE) of the form \(F\subset \mathcal{E} + F'_{x}\) and \(\mathcal{E} + F_{x} = F\). Zbl 1387.40002 de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2017 On sequence space equatios of the form \(E_T+F_x=F_b\) for some triangle \(T\). Zbl 1335.40008 de Malafosse, Bruno 5 2015 Solvability of sequence spaces equations of the form \({(E_a)}_{\Delta} + F_x = F_b\). Zbl 1352.40003 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 2015 On the solvability of certain (SSIE) with operators of the form \(B(r,s)\). Zbl 1302.40009 De Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 6 2014 Solvability of sequence spaces equations using entire and analytic sequences and applications. Zbl 1305.40012 de Malafosse, Bruno 5 2014 On the Banach algebra \((w_{\infty}(\Lambda),w_{\infty}(\Lambda))\) and applications to the solvability of matrix equations in \(w_{\infty}(\Lambda)\). Zbl 1349.15047 de Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 2 2014 Matrix transformations and sequence spaces equations. Zbl 1270.40008 Rakocevic, Vladimir; De Malafosse, Bruno 7 2013 Solvability of certain sequence spaces inclusion equations with operators. Zbl 1307.40009 de Malafosse, Bruno 6 2013 Application of the infinite matrix theory to the solvability of certain sequence spaces equations with operators. Zbl 1349.40017 de Malafosse, Bruno 8 2012 Applications of the summability theory to the solvability of certain sequence spaces equations with operators of the form \(B\left( r,s\right) \). Zbl 1270.40007 De Malafosse, B. 8 2012 Quasi-Newton methods in infinite-dimensional spaces and application to matrix equations. Zbl 1213.90262 Benahmed, Boubakeur; Mokhtar-Kharroubi, Hocine; de Malafosse, Bruno; Yassine, Adnan 5 2011 Calculations in new sequence spaces and application to statistical convergence. Zbl 1225.40002 de Malafosse, Bruno; Rakočević, Vladimir 2 2010 Sum of sequence spaces and matrix transformations mapping in \(s^0_{\alpha}((\Delta-\lambda I)^h)+s^{(c)}_{\beta}((\Delta-\mu I)^l)\). Zbl 1199.40035 De Malafosse, B. 2 2009 The quasi-Newton method and the infinite matrix theory applied to the continued fractions. Zbl 1239.40006 Benahmed, Boubakeur; Fares, Ali; de Malafosse, Bruno; Yassine, Adnan 1 2009 Sequence spaces equations and application to matrix transformations. Zbl 1168.40003 Fares, A.; De Malafosse, B. 7 2008 Matrix transformations between sets of the form \(W_\xi\) and operator generators of analytic semigroups. Zbl 1279.35003 de Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 6 2008 Spectra of the operator of the first difference in \(s_{\alpha},s^0_{\alpha},s^{(c)}_{\alpha}\) and \(l_p(\alpha)\) (\(1\leq p<\infty\)) and application to matrix transformations. Zbl 1157.47027 Farés, Ali; de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2008 Matrix transformation and statistical convergence. Zbl 1128.40003 de Malafosse, Bruno; Rakočević, Vladimir 7 2007 On the measure of noncompactness of linear operators in spaces of strongly \(\alpha\)-summable and bounded sequences. Zbl 1164.47038 De Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 4 2007 A generalization of a Hardy theorem. Zbl 1112.40005 de Malafosse, Bruno; Rakočević, Vladimir 3 2007 On the set of \(\alpha, p\)-bounded variation of order \(h\). Zbl 1135.40300 de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2007 Matrix transformations and quasi-Newton methods. Zbl 1147.65034 Benahmed, Boubakeur; de Malafosse, Bruno; Yassine, Adnan 1 2007 Applications of measure of noncompactness in operators on the spaces \(s_{\alpha}\), \(s_{\alpha}^{0}\), \(s_{\alpha}^{(c)}\), \(\ell_{\alpha}^{p}\). Zbl 1106.47029 de Malafosse, Bruno; Rakočević, Vladimir 26 2006 Measure of noncompactness of operators and matrices on the spaces \(c\) and \(c_{0}\). Zbl 1154.47027 De Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard; Rakočević, Vladimir 12 2006 Sum of sequence spaces and matrix transformations. Zbl 1121.40010 de Malafosse, B. 9 2006 The Banach algebra \(B(X\)), where \(X\) is a BK space and applications. Zbl 1112.46004 de Malafosse, Bruno 9 2005 Sum and product of certain BK spaces and matrix transformations between these spaces. Zbl 1074.46011 de Malafosse, B. 4 2004 Sets of difference sequences of order \(m\). Zbl 1075.46004 De Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 4 2004 On the Banach algebra \(\mathcal{B}(l_{p}(\alpha))\). Zbl 1076.46043 De Malafosse, Bruno 2 2004 The Banach algebra \(s_{\alpha}\) and applications. Zbl 1147.46301 De Malafosse, Bruno 2 2004 Calculations on some sequence spaces. Zbl 1082.46007 De Malafosse, Bruno 1 2004 On the theory of infinite matrices and applications. (Sur la théorie des matrices infinies et applications.) Zbl 1329.15007 de Malafosse, Bruno 1 2004 On some BK spaces. Zbl 1023.46010 De Malafosse, Bruno 17 2003 Matrix transformations in the sets \(\chi(\overline N_p\overline N_q)\) where \(\chi\) is of the form \(s_\xi\) or \(s^0_\xi\) or \(s^{(c)}_\xi\). Zbl 1052.47023 de Malafosse, Bruno; Malkowsky, Eberhard 6 2003 On matrix transformations and sequence spaces. Zbl 1194.46005 De Malafosse, Bruno 3 2003 Sets of sequences that are strongly \(\tau\)-bounded and matrix transformations between these sets. Zbl 1037.46008 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 2003 On the sets of sequences that are strongly \(\alpha\)-bounded and \(\alpha\)-convergent to naught with index \(p\). Zbl 1072.40005 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 2003 Properties of some sets of sequences and application to the spaces of bounded difference sequences of order \(\mu\). Zbl 1016.40002 de Malafosse, Bruno 15 2002 Sequence spaces and inverse of an infinite matrix. Zbl 1194.46006 Malkowsky, Eberhard; De Malafosse, Bruno 9 2002 Recent results in the infinite matrix theory, and application to Hill equation. Zbl 1002.15029 de Malafosse, Bruno 3 2002 Variation of an element in the matrix of the first difference operator and matrix transformations. Zbl 1055.39034 de Malafosse, Bruno 2 2002 Application of the sum of operators in the commutative case to the infinite matrix theory. Zbl 1029.47004 de Malafosse, Bruno 2 2001 Some new properties of sequence spaces and application to the continued fractions. Zbl 1274.46034 de Malafosse, Bruno 2 2001 Bases in sequence spaces and expansion of a function in a series of power series. Zbl 1274.46033 de Malafosse, Bruno 2 2000 Some properties of the Cesàro operator in the space \(s_r\). Zbl 0966.46005 De Malafosse, B. 3 1999 On some Banach algebra of infinite matrices and applications. Zbl 0911.47039 Labbas, Rabah; de Malafosse, Bruno 5 1998 An application of the sum of linear operators in infinite matrix theory. Zbl 0936.47005 Labbas, Rabah; De Malafosse, Bruno 4 1997 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 69 Authors 23 de Malafosse, Bruno 16 Mursaleen, Mohammad 12 Malkowsky, Eberhard 7 Alotaibi, Abdullah M. 7 Mohiuddine, Syed Abdul 7 Rakočević, Vladimir 5 Đolović, Ivana 4 Benahmed, Boubakeur 4 Noman, Abdullah Kaid 3 Akhmedov, Ali M. 3 İlkhan, Merve 3 Petković, Katarina 2 Ayad, Ali 2 Bagheri, Leila 2 Başar, Feyzi 2 El-Shabrawy, Saad R. 2 Farés, Ali 2 Kara, Emrah Evren 2 Mouhadjer, Lotfi 2 Petra, Cosmin G. 2 Petra, Noemi 2 Yassine, Adnan 2 Yousefi, Bahmann 1 Agarwal, Ravi P. 1 Alamri, Badriah A. S. 1 Altay, Bilâl 1 Altin, Yavuz 1 Aragón Artacho, Francisco Javier 1 Basarir, Metin 1 Bektaş, Çiğdem Asma 1 Bilgiç, Hüseyin 1 Borgohain, Stuti 1 Çakan, Celal 1 Chang, Chi-Tung 1 Chen, Chang-Pao 1 Chen, Chiming 1 Choi, Youngsoo 1 Dontchev, Asen L. 1 Edely, Osama H. H. 1 Er, Büşra Nur 1 Ercan, Sinan 1 Fathima, Dowlath 1 Ferhaoui, Mohamed 1 Furkan, Hasan 1 Ganie, Abdul Hamid 1 Karaisa, Ali 1 Karakaya, Vatan 1 Karapınar, Erdal 1 Kiliçman, Adem 1 Koyun, Özlem 1 Kumari, Neelam 1 Latif, Abdul 1 López-Cerdá, Marco Antonio 1 Medeghri, Ahmed 1 Mokhtar-Kharroubi, Hocine 1 Oxberry, Geoffrey M. 1 Polat, Harun 1 Rathee, Savita 1 Salazar De Troya, Miguel 1 Sarigöl, Mehmet Ali 1 Savaş, Ekrem 1 Şengül, Hacer 1 Shen, Qinrui 1 Swami, Monika 1 Tortorelli, Daniel A. 1 Veličković, Vesna I. 1 Vuchkov, Radoslav G. 1 Yeşilkayagil, Medine 1 Yılmaz, Emrah Sercan all top 5 Cited in 44 Serials 5 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 5 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 4 Linear Algebra and its Applications 4 Filomat 4 Abstract and Applied Analysis 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Applied Mathematics and Computation 3 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 3 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Fasciculi Mathematici 2 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 2 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2 Applied Mathematics Letters 2 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 2 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 1 Bulletin. Classe des Sciences Mathématiques et Naturelles. Sciences Mathématiques 1 Demonstratio Mathematica 1 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 1 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Matematički Vesnik 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Tamkang Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 1 Journal of Global Optimization 1 Computational Optimization and Applications 1 Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 Optimization Methods & Software 1 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 1 Communications de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université d’Ankara. Séries A1. Mathematics and Statistics 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Difference Equations 1 Operators and Matrices 1 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Nonlinear Science and Applications 1 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 1 International Journal of Analysis 1 Journal of Function Spaces all top 5 Cited in 16 Fields 52 Functional analysis (46-XX) 39 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 39 Operator theory (47-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) Citations by Year