Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Degraeve, Zeger Co-Author Distance Author ID: degraeve.zeger Published as: Degraeve, Zeger; Degraeve, Z. Documents Indexed: 32 Publications since 1997 Co-Authors: 20 Co-Authors with 32 Joint Publications 172 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 0 single-authored 9 De Reyck, Bert 8 Jans, Raf 5 Roodhooft, Filip 4 Peeters, Marc 3 Schrage, Linus E. 2 Crama, Pascale 2 Fragkos, Ioannis 2 Grushka-Cockayne, Yael 2 Labro, Eva 1 Cattrysse, Dirk G. 1 de Araujo, Silvio Alexandre 1 Dekimpe, Marnik G. 1 Gochet, Willy F. 1 Kettunen, Janne 1 Koopman, Gert Jan 1 Schepens, Luc 1 Tistaert, Jurgen 1 van Doveren, B. 1 Vandebroek, Martina 1 Vandenborre, Roger all top 5 Serials 16 European Journal of Operational Research 6 Operations Research 4 INFORMS Journal on Computing 2 Journal of the Operational Research Society 2 Management Science 1 Operations Research Letters 1 International Journal of Production Research Fields 29 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 5 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 30 Publications have been cited 457 times in 350 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Modeling industrial lot sizing problems: a review. Zbl 1160.90407 Jans, Raf; Degraeve, Zeger 66 2008 Meta-heuristics for dynamic lot sizing: a review and comparison of solution approaches. Zbl 1102.90002 Jans, Raf; Degraeve, Zeger 65 2007 A new Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation and branch-and-price algorithm for the capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times. Zbl 1167.90321 Degraeve, Zeger; Jans, Raf 43 2007 An evaluation of vendor selection models from a total cost of ownership perspective. Zbl 0959.90027 Degraeve, Zeger; Labro, Eva; Roodhooft, Filip 37 2000 Improved lower bounds for the capacitated lot sizing problem with setup times. Zbl 1137.90584 Jans, Raf; Degraeve, Zeger 32 2004 Optimal integer solutions to industrial cutting-stock problems. II: Benchmark results. Zbl 1238.90129 Degraeve, Zeger; Peeters, Marc 23 2003 Period decompositions for the capacitated lot sizing problem with setup times. Zbl 1328.90088 de Araujo, Silvio Alexandre; de Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger; Fragkos, Ioannis; Jans, Raf 20 2015 Alternative formulations for a layout problem in the fashion industry. Zbl 1073.90525 Degraeve, Zeger; Gochet, Willy; Jans, Raf 14 2002 An integrated decision-making approach for improving European air traffic management. Zbl 1232.90277 Grushka-Cockayne, Yael; De Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger 14 2008 A horizon decomposition approach for the capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times. Zbl 1348.90486 Fragkos, Ioannis; Degraeve, Zeger; De Reyck, Bert 14 2016 Branch-and-price algorithms for the dual bin packing and maximum cardinality bin packing problem. Zbl 1085.90030 Peeters, Marc; Degraeve, Zeger 13 2006 A mixed integer programming model for solving a layout problem in the fashion industry. Zbl 0989.90077 Degraeve, Zeger; Vandebroek, Martina 13 1998 Optimal integer solutions to industrial cutting stock problems. Zbl 1034.90533 Degraeve, Zeger; Schrage, Linus 12 1999 Project options valuation with net present value and decision tree analysis. Zbl 1153.91481 De Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger; Vandenborre, Roger 12 2008 An linear programming based lower bound for the simple assembly line balancing problem. Zbl 1083.90028 Peeters, Marc; Degraeve, Zeger 11 2006 Milestone payments or royalties? Contract design for R& D licensing. Zbl 1167.91378 Crama, Pascale; De Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger 10 2008 Improving the efficiency of the purchasing process using total cost of ownership information: The case of heating electrodes at Cockerill Sambre S. A. Zbl 0937.90022 Degraeve, Zeger; Roodhooft, Filip 9 1999 Step by step. The benefits of stage-based R&D licensing contracts. Zbl 1292.91108 Crama, Pascale; De Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger 9 2013 Solving the generalised assignment problem using polyhedral results. Zbl 0951.90008 Cattrysse, Dirk; Degraeve, Zeger; Tistaert, Jurgen 6 1998 The co-printing problem: A packing problem with a color constraint. Zbl 1165.90335 Peeters, Marc; Degraeve, Zeger 6 2004 Analysis of an industrial component commonality problem. Zbl 1146.90388 Jans, Raf; Degraeve, Zeger; Schepens, Luc 4 2008 The attrition of volunteers. Zbl 0951.90562 Dekimpe, Marnik G.; Degraeve, Zeger 4 1997 Broadcast scheduling for mobile advertising. Zbl 1165.90559 De Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger 4 2003 New product development flexibility in a competitive environment. Zbl 1346.90431 Kettunen, Janne; Grushka-Cockayne, Yael; Degraeve, Zeger; De Reyck, Bert 4 2015 Determining sourcing strategies: a decision model based on activity and cost driver information. Zbl 1140.90424 Degraeve, Z.; Roodhooft, F. 3 1998 The use of total cost of ownership for strategic procurement information system. Zbl 1122.90365 Degraeve, Z.; Roodhooft, F.; van Doveren, B. 3 2005 A note on a symmetrical set covering problem: the lottery problem. Zbl 1138.90435 Jans, Raf; Degraeve, Zeger 2 2008 A tire production scheduling system for Bridgestone/Firestone Off-the-Road. Zbl 0895.90136 Degraeve, Zeger; Schrage, Linus 2 1997 Achieving air quality standards in the European Union. Zbl 0997.90537 Degraeve, Zeger; Koopman, Gert Jan 1 1998 Total cost of ownership purchasing of a service: the case of airline selection at Alcatel Bell. Zbl 1043.90524 Degraeve, Zeger; Labro, Eva; Roodhooft, Filip 1 2004 A horizon decomposition approach for the capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times. Zbl 1348.90486 Fragkos, Ioannis; Degraeve, Zeger; De Reyck, Bert 14 2016 Period decompositions for the capacitated lot sizing problem with setup times. Zbl 1328.90088 de Araujo, Silvio Alexandre; de Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger; Fragkos, Ioannis; Jans, Raf 20 2015 New product development flexibility in a competitive environment. Zbl 1346.90431 Kettunen, Janne; Grushka-Cockayne, Yael; Degraeve, Zeger; De Reyck, Bert 4 2015 Step by step. The benefits of stage-based R&D licensing contracts. Zbl 1292.91108 Crama, Pascale; De Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger 9 2013 Modeling industrial lot sizing problems: a review. Zbl 1160.90407 Jans, Raf; Degraeve, Zeger 66 2008 An integrated decision-making approach for improving European air traffic management. Zbl 1232.90277 Grushka-Cockayne, Yael; De Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger 14 2008 Project options valuation with net present value and decision tree analysis. Zbl 1153.91481 De Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger; Vandenborre, Roger 12 2008 Milestone payments or royalties? Contract design for R& D licensing. Zbl 1167.91378 Crama, Pascale; De Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger 10 2008 Analysis of an industrial component commonality problem. Zbl 1146.90388 Jans, Raf; Degraeve, Zeger; Schepens, Luc 4 2008 A note on a symmetrical set covering problem: the lottery problem. Zbl 1138.90435 Jans, Raf; Degraeve, Zeger 2 2008 Meta-heuristics for dynamic lot sizing: a review and comparison of solution approaches. Zbl 1102.90002 Jans, Raf; Degraeve, Zeger 65 2007 A new Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation and branch-and-price algorithm for the capacitated lot-sizing problem with setup times. Zbl 1167.90321 Degraeve, Zeger; Jans, Raf 43 2007 Branch-and-price algorithms for the dual bin packing and maximum cardinality bin packing problem. Zbl 1085.90030 Peeters, Marc; Degraeve, Zeger 13 2006 An linear programming based lower bound for the simple assembly line balancing problem. Zbl 1083.90028 Peeters, Marc; Degraeve, Zeger 11 2006 The use of total cost of ownership for strategic procurement information system. Zbl 1122.90365 Degraeve, Z.; Roodhooft, F.; van Doveren, B. 3 2005 Improved lower bounds for the capacitated lot sizing problem with setup times. Zbl 1137.90584 Jans, Raf; Degraeve, Zeger 32 2004 The co-printing problem: A packing problem with a color constraint. Zbl 1165.90335 Peeters, Marc; Degraeve, Zeger 6 2004 Total cost of ownership purchasing of a service: the case of airline selection at Alcatel Bell. Zbl 1043.90524 Degraeve, Zeger; Labro, Eva; Roodhooft, Filip 1 2004 Optimal integer solutions to industrial cutting-stock problems. II: Benchmark results. Zbl 1238.90129 Degraeve, Zeger; Peeters, Marc 23 2003 Broadcast scheduling for mobile advertising. Zbl 1165.90559 De Reyck, Bert; Degraeve, Zeger 4 2003 Alternative formulations for a layout problem in the fashion industry. Zbl 1073.90525 Degraeve, Zeger; Gochet, Willy; Jans, Raf 14 2002 An evaluation of vendor selection models from a total cost of ownership perspective. Zbl 0959.90027 Degraeve, Zeger; Labro, Eva; Roodhooft, Filip 37 2000 Optimal integer solutions to industrial cutting stock problems. Zbl 1034.90533 Degraeve, Zeger; Schrage, Linus 12 1999 Improving the efficiency of the purchasing process using total cost of ownership information: The case of heating electrodes at Cockerill Sambre S. A. Zbl 0937.90022 Degraeve, Zeger; Roodhooft, Filip 9 1999 A mixed integer programming model for solving a layout problem in the fashion industry. Zbl 0989.90077 Degraeve, Zeger; Vandebroek, Martina 13 1998 Solving the generalised assignment problem using polyhedral results. Zbl 0951.90008 Cattrysse, Dirk; Degraeve, Zeger; Tistaert, Jurgen 6 1998 Determining sourcing strategies: a decision model based on activity and cost driver information. Zbl 1140.90424 Degraeve, Z.; Roodhooft, F. 3 1998 Achieving air quality standards in the European Union. Zbl 0997.90537 Degraeve, Zeger; Koopman, Gert Jan 1 1998 The attrition of volunteers. Zbl 0951.90562 Dekimpe, Marnik G.; Degraeve, Zeger 4 1997 A tire production scheduling system for Bridgestone/Firestone Off-the-Road. Zbl 0895.90136 Degraeve, Zeger; Schrage, Linus 2 1997 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 684 Authors 19 Jans, Raf 12 Degraeve, Zeger 10 Almada-Lobo, Bernardo 10 Scheithauer, Guntram 9 Martinovic, John 9 Wu, Tao 8 de Araujo, Silvio Alexandre 8 Liesiö, Juuso 8 Zhang, Canrong 7 Akartunalı, Kerem 7 Cordeau, Jean-François 7 Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane 7 Gicquel, Celine 7 Morabito, Reinaldo 6 Adulyasak, Yossiri 6 Liang, Zhe 6 Minoux, Michel Andre 6 Salo, Ahti A. 5 Fiorotto, Diego Jacinto 5 Meyr, Herbert 5 Vanderbeck, François 4 Absi, Nabil 4 De Reyck, Bert 4 França, Paulo Morelato 4 Pereira, Jordi 4 Tempelmeier, Horst 4 Ventura, Jose A. 4 Wolsey, Laurence Alexander 3 Almeder, Christian 3 Dallery, Yves 3 Fragkos, Ioannis 3 Helber, Stefan 3 Klabjan, Diego 3 Melega, Gislaine Mara 3 Mendoza, Abraham 3 Miranda, Pedro L. 3 Miyazawa, Flavio Keidi 3 Motta Toledo, Claudio Fabiano 3 Özpeynirci, Selin Bilgin 3 Punkka, Antti 3 Sadykov, Ruslan 3 Scholl, Armin 3 Song, Xiang 3 Stadtler, Hartmut 3 Thevenin, Simon 3 Van den Poel, Dirk 3 Van Vyve, Mathieu 2 Arenales, Marcos Nereu 2 Baesens, Bart 2 Brahimi, Nadjib 2 Buschkühl, Lisbeth 2 Büyüktahtakın, İ. Esra 2 Carvalho, Desiree M. 2 Çetinkaya, Sıla 2 Chen, Zhihua 2 Claassen, G. D. H. 2 Copil, Karina 2 Cunha, Jesus Ossian 2 da Silva Arantes, Marcio 2 Dedene, Guido 2 Denizel, Meltem 2 Ferreira, Deisemara 2 Figueira, Gonçalo 2 Fu, Yiping 2 Gruson, Matthieu 2 Guimarães, Luis 2 Güler, Kemal 2 Hassini, Elkafi 2 Hong, Xianpei 2 Jabali, Ola 2 Jeon, Haejun 2 Jones, Dylan F. 2 Kang, He Yau 2 Kedad-Sidhoum, Safia 2 Körpeoğlu, Evren 2 Kort, Peter M. 2 Kramer, Hugo Harry 2 Kyriakou, Ioannis 2 Labro, Eva 2 Lan, Yanfei 2 Lawrinenko, Alexander 2 Lee, Amy Hsin-I 2 Lemaréchal, Claude 2 Melo, Rafael A. 2 Miller, Andrew J. 2 Mousseau, Vincent A. 2 Narayanan, Arunachalam 2 Oliveira, Washington A. 2 Ou, Jinwen 2 Özpeynirci, Özgür 2 Peeters, Marc 2 Rangel, Socorro 2 Ritt, Marcus 2 Roodhooft, Filip 2 Sahling, Florian 2 Santos, Maristela Oliveira 2 Seeanner, Florian 2 Şen, Alper 2 Spieksma, Frits C. R. 2 Strasdat, Nico ...and 584 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 48 Serials 122 European Journal of Operational Research 57 Computers & Operations Research 18 Annals of Operations Research 18 OR Spectrum 15 INFORMS Journal on Computing 12 International Journal of Production Research 11 Applied Mathematical Modelling 8 International Transactions in Operational Research 6 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 4 Discrete Applied Mathematics 4 Operations Research 4 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 4 Journal of Scheduling 4 Optimization Letters 3 Operations Research Letters 3 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 3 Top 3 Discrete Optimization 2 International Journal of Systems Science 2 INFOR 2 Information Sciences 2 Naval Research Logistics 2 Optimization 2 Journal of Economic Dynamics & Control 2 Computational Optimization and Applications 2 Journal of Heuristics 2 Soft Computing 2 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 2 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research 2 JMMA. Journal of Mathematical Modelling and Algorithms 2 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 2 Decision Analysis 2 INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1 Kybernetes 1 Theoretical Computer Science 1 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Journal of Global Optimization 1 YUJOR. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 1 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 1 Constraints 1 RAIRO. Theoretical Informatics and Applications 1 Sādhanā 1 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 1 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 1 4OR all top 5 Cited in 13 Fields 327 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 53 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Computer science (68-XX) 5 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Statistics (62-XX) 1 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) Citations by Year