Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi Co-Author Distance Author ID: dehghan.mehdi Published as: Dehghan, Mehdi; Dehghan, M.; Deghan, Mehdi more...less Homepage: https://aut.ac.ir/cv/2299/MEHDI-DEHGHAN?slc_lang=en&&cv=2299&mod=scv External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · dblp Documents Indexed: 661 Publications since 1993, including 2 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 172 Co-Authors with 606 Joint Publications 3,102 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 50 single-authored 100 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 38 Hajarian, Masoud 37 Eslahchi, Mohammad Reza 30 Mohebbi, Akbar 29 Assari, Pouria 27 Saadatmandi, Abbas 26 Tatari, Mehdi 25 Masjed-Jamei, Mohammad 23 Lakestani, Mehrdad 19 Mohammadi, Vahid 18 Razzaghi, Mohsen 17 Mazrooei-Sebdani, Reza 17 Mirzaei, Davoud 16 Adibi, Hojatollah 16 Shakeri, Fatemeh 16 Shirilord, Akbar 14 Salehi, Rezvan 14 Yousefi, Sohrab Ali 12 Gharibi, Zeinab 12 Hosseinzadeh, Hossein 11 Hashemi, Behnam 11 Khodadadian, Amirreza 11 Shokri, Ali 9 Hashemiparast, S. M. 9 Jaberi-Douraki, Majid 8 Fakhar-Izadi, Farhad 8 Shirzadi, Mohammad 8 Taleei, Ameneh 7 Abedian, Rooholah 7 Asadi-Mehregan, Fatemeh 7 Ebrahimijahan, Ali 7 Parand, Kourosh 6 Heitzinger, Clemens 6 Ilati, Mohammad 6 Khosravian-Arab, Hassan 6 Parvizi, Maryam 5 Alipanah, Amjad 5 Foroush Bastani, Ali 5 Ghatee, Mehdi 5 Kamranian, Maryam 5 Mohammadi-Arani, Reza 5 Sedaghat, Hassan 5 Wick, Thomas 4 Ahmadi, Majid 4 Azis, Mohammad Ivan 4 Dehghani-Madiseh, Marzieh 4 Faez, Karim 4 Ghesmati, Arezou 4 Hendy, Ahmed S. 4 Kent, Candace M. 4 Manafian Heris, Jalil 4 Moghaderi, Hamid 4 Narimani, Niusha 4 Nemati Saray, Behzad 4 Rashedi, Kamal 4 Sabouri, Mania 4 Safarpoor, Mansour 4 Sedaghatjoo, Zeynab 4 Zaky, Mahmoud A. 3 Aghigh, Kamal 3 Ang, Whyeteong 3 Bayat, Mostafa 3 Hosseinian, Alireza 3 Jazlanian, Rooholah 3 Mohammadi-Firouzjaei, Hadi 3 Molavi-Arabshahi, Seyedeh Mahboubeh 3 Navabi, M. R. 3 Noye, B. J. 3 Pirkhedri, A. 3 Ramezani, Mehdi 3 Shafieeabyaneh, Nasim 3 Shahini, Mehdi 3 Shakourifar, Mohammad 3 Soltanian, Fahimeh 2 Amani, Sanaz 2 Aryanmehr, S. 2 Asgari, Zohreh 2 Babolian, Esmail 2 Barikbin, Zahra 2 Behroozifar, Mahmoud 2 Clements, David L. 2 Donatelli, Marco 2 Hamidi, Asgar 2 Irandoust-Pakchin, Safar 2 Jafari, Hossein 2 Karamali, Gholamreza 2 Kazem, Saeed 2 Kazemi, Seyed-Mohammad-Mahdi 2 Mohebalizadeh, Hamed 2 Najafi, Mahboubeh 2 Nasri, Mostafa 2 Nikpour, Ahmad 2 Noii, Nima 2 Ordokhani, Yadollah 2 Ortiz, Norma L. 2 Pedram, Hossein 2 Rastegar, Narges 2 Sabaei, Masoud 2 Sedaghat, Salameh 2 Shridhar, Malayappan ...and 74 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 80 Applied Mathematics and Computation 52 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 52 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 51 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 42 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 42 Applied Numerical Mathematics 28 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 22 Applied Mathematical Modelling 20 Computer Physics Communications 20 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 18 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 15 Journal of Vibration and Control 13 Numerical Algorithms 13 Computational and Applied Mathematics 13 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 12 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 7 Journal of Computational Physics 7 Applied Mathematics Letters 7 Physica Scripta 6 Kybernetes 6 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 6 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 5 Computational Mechanics 5 Journal of Scientific Computing 5 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 4 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 4 CMES. Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences 3 Applicable Analysis 3 Physics Letters. A 3 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 Nonlinear Dynamics 3 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 2 Computers and Electrical Engineering 2 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 2 International Journal of Engineering Science 2 International Journal of Systems Science 2 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 2 Linear Algebra and its Applications 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications 2 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 International Journal of Modern Physics B 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 1 International Journal of Solids and Structures 1 Journal of the Franklin Institute 1 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Wave Motion 1 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Computing 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Operations Research Letters 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Journal of Computational Mathematics 1 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 1 Pattern Recognition 1 Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences. Mathematical Sciences 1 Pattern Recognition Letters 1 International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 1 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 1 Filomat 1 Integral Transforms and Special Functions 1 ELA. The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra 1 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 1 Scientific Bulletin. Series A. Applied Mathematics and Physics. Politehnica University of Bucharest 1 Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 International Journal of Numerical Modelling 1 The ANZIAM Journal 1 International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 1 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 1 Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete & Impulsive Systems. Series A. Mathematical Analysis 1 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 1 Acta Mathematica Scientia. Series B. (English Edition) 1 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 1 International Journal of Computational Methods 1 Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics 1 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 1 Applied and Computational Mathematics 1 Iranian Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 1 Journal of Function Spaces 1 Computational Methods for Differential Equations all top 5 Fields 556 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 282 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 62 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 59 Integral equations (45-XX) 47 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 38 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 38 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 32 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 30 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 22 Real functions (26-XX) 20 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 14 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 14 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 14 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 11 Special functions (33-XX) 11 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 10 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 9 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 8 Computer science (68-XX) 8 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 6 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 6 Quantum theory (81-XX) 5 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Geophysics (86-XX) 4 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 3 Potential theory (31-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Operator theory (47-XX) 3 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 2 Functional analysis (46-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 614 Publications have been cited 18,109 times in 6,759 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ A new operational matrix for solving fractional-order differential equations. Zbl 1189.65151 Saadatmandi, Abbas; Dehghan, Mehdi 426 2010 Solving nonlinear fractional partial differential equations using the homotopy analysis method. Zbl 1185.65187 Dehghan, Mehdi; Manafian, Jalil; Saadatmandi, Abbas 311 2010 Finite difference procedures for solving a problem arising in modeling and design of certain optoelectronic devices. Zbl 1089.65085 Dehghan, Mehdi 295 2006 A numerical method for solution of the two-dimensional sine-Gordon equation using the radial basis functions. Zbl 1155.65379 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shokri, Ali 251 2008 Numerical solution of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation using radial basis functions. Zbl 1168.65398 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shokri, Ali 190 2009 Solution of delay differential equations via a homotopy perturbation method. Zbl 1145.34353 Shakeri, Fatemeh; Dehghan, Mehdi 147 2008 On the solution of an initial-boundary value problem that combines Neumann and integral condition for the wave equation. Zbl 1059.65072 Dehghan, Mehdi 139 2005 On the convergence of He’s variational iteration method. Zbl 1120.65112 Tatari, Mehdi; Dehghan, Mehdi 139 2007 The sinc-Legendre collocation method for a class of fractional convection-diffusion equations with variable coefficients. Zbl 1250.65121 Saadatmandi, Abbas; Dehghan, Mehdi; Azizi, Mohammad-Reza 133 2012 On generalized moving least squares and diffuse derivatives. Zbl 1252.65037 Mirzaei, Davoud; Schaback, Robert; Dehghan, Mehdi 128 2012 A tau approach for solution of the space fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1228.65203 Saadatmandi, Abbas; Dehghan, Mehdi 125 2011 The general coupled matrix equations over generalized bisymmetric matrices. Zbl 1187.65042 Dehghan, Mehdi; Hajarian, Masoud 119 2010 The use of a meshless technique based on collocation and radial basis functions for solving the time fractional nonlinear Schrödinger equation arising in quantum mechanics. Zbl 1352.65397 Mohebbi, Akbar; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 114 2013 A numerical technique for solving fractional optimal control problems. Zbl 1228.65109 Lotfi, A.; Dehghan, Mehdi; Yousefi, S. A. 113 2011 The one-dimensional heat equation subject to a boundary integral specification. Zbl 1139.35352 Dehghan, Mehdi 113 2007 Numerical simulation of two-dimensional sine-Gordon solitons via a local weak meshless technique based on the radial point interpolation method (RPIM). Zbl 1205.65267 Dehghan, Mehdi; Ghesmati, Arezou 113 2010 Parameter determination in a partial differential equation from the overspecified data. Zbl 1080.35174 Dehghan, M. 112 2005 A computational study of the one-dimensional parabolic equation subject to nonclassical boundary specifications. Zbl 1084.65099 Dehghan, Mehdi 110 2006 A numerical method for solving the hyperbolic telegraph equation. Zbl 1145.65078 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shokri, Ali 109 2008 A compact split-step finite difference method for solving the nonlinear Schrödinger equations with constant and variable coefficients. Zbl 1206.65207 Dehghan, Mehdi; Taleei, Ameneh 107 2010 Two high-order numerical algorithms for solving the multi-term time fractional diffusion-wave equations. Zbl 1321.65129 Dehghan, Mehdi; Safarpoor, Mansour; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 106 2015 An iterative method for solving the generalized coupled Sylvester matrix equations over generalized bisymmetric matrices. Zbl 1185.65054 Dehghan, Mehdi; Hajarian, Masoud 104 2010 A meshless based method for solution of integral equations. Zbl 1202.65174 Mirzaei, Davoud; Dehghan, Mehdi 103 2010 An iterative algorithm for the reflexive solutions of the generalized coupled Sylvester matrix equations and its optimal approximation. Zbl 1154.65023 Dehghan, Mehdi; Hajarian, Masoud 102 2008 A numerical method for two-dimensional Schrödinger equation using collocation and radial basis functions. Zbl 1126.65092 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shokri, Ali 102 2007 The numerical solution of nonlinear high dimensional generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equation via the meshless method of radial basis functions. Zbl 1369.65126 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Mohebbi, Akbar 101 2014 Efficient techniques for the second-order parabolic equation subject to nonlocal specifications. Zbl 1063.65079 Dehghan, Mehdi 98 2005 An approximation algorithm for the solution of the nonlinear Lane-Emden type equations arising in astrophysics using Hermite functions collocation method. Zbl 1216.65098 Parand, K.; Dehghan, Mehdi; Rezaei, A. R.; Ghaderi, S. M. 98 2010 The construction of operational matrix of fractional derivatives using B-spline functions. Zbl 1276.65015 Lakestani, Mehrdad; Dehghan, Mehdi; Irandoust-Pakchin, Safar 95 2012 Solution of the second-order one-dimensional hyperbolic telegraph equation by using the dual reciprocity boundary integral equation (DRBIE) method. Zbl 1244.65137 Dehghan, Mehdi; Ghesmati, Arezou 95 2010 Numerical solution of hyperbolic telegraph equation using the Chebyshev tau method. Zbl 1186.65136 Saadatmandi, Abbas; Dehghan, Mehdi 93 2010 Analysis of an iterative algorithm to solve the generalized coupled Sylvester matrix equations. Zbl 1227.65037 Dehghan, Mehdi; Hajarian, Masoud 91 2011 An implicit RBF meshless approach for solving the time fractional nonlinear sine-Gordon and Klein-Gordon equations. Zbl 1403.65082 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Mohebbi, Akbar 90 2015 Numerical solution of the delay differential equations of pantograph type via Chebyshev polynomials. Zbl 1266.65115 Sedaghat, S.; Ordokhani, Y.; Dehghan, Mehdi 89 2012 A high-order and unconditionally stable scheme for the modified anomalous fractional sub-diffusion equation with a nonlinear source term. Zbl 1287.65064 Mohebbi, Akbar; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 89 2013 Solution of a partial integro-differential equation arising from viscoelasticity. Zbl 1087.65119 Dehghan, Mehdi 89 2006 Meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method for the unsteady magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) flow through pipe with arbitrary wall conductivity. Zbl 1159.76034 Dehghan, Mehdi; Mirzaei, Davoud 85 2009 High-order compact solution of the one-dimensional heat and advection-diffusion equations. Zbl 1201.65183 Mohebbi, Akbar; Dehghan, Mehdi 84 2010 The solution of coupled Burgers’ equations using Adomian-Padé technique. Zbl 1122.65388 Dehghan, Mehdi; Hamidi, Asgar; Shakourifar, Mohammad 84 2007 The use of the decomposition procedure of Adomian for solving a delay differential equation arising in electrodynamics. Zbl 1159.78319 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shakeri, Fatemeh 83 2008 Combination of meshless local weak and strong (MLWS) forms to solve the two-dimensional hyperbolic telegraph equation. Zbl 1244.65147 Dehghan, Mehdi; Ghesmati, Arezou 83 2010 Rational Legendre pseudospectral approach for solving nonlinear differential equations of Lane-Emden type. Zbl 1177.65100 Parand, K.; Shahini, M.; Dehghan, Mehdi 82 2009 Numerical solution of the Klein-Gordon equation via He’s variational iteration method. Zbl 1179.81064 Shakeri, Fatemeh; Dehghan, Mehdi 81 2008 Application of the collocation method for solving nonlinear fractional integro-differential equations. Zbl 1296.65106 Eslahchi, M. R.; Dehghan, Mehdi; Parvizi, M. 81 2014 Application of semi-analytic methods for the Fitzhugh-Nagumo equation, which models the transmission of nerve impulses. Zbl 1196.35025 Dehghan, Mehdi; Heris, Jalil Manafian; Saadatmandi, Abbas 79 2010 A not-a-knot meshless method using radial basis functions and predictor-corrector scheme to the numerical solution of improved Boussinesq equation. Zbl 1426.76569 Shokri, Ali; Dehghan, Mehdi 79 2010 Numerical solution of the system of second-order boundary value problems using the local radial basis functions based differential quadrature collocation method. Zbl 1426.65113 Dehghan, Mehdi; Nikpour, Ahmad 78 2013 The meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) method for the generalized two-dimensional nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1244.65139 Dehghan, Mehdi; Mirzaei, Davoud 78 2008 The use of interpolating element-free Galerkin technique for solving 2D generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers and regularized long-wave equations on non-rectangular domains with error estimate. Zbl 1315.65086 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Mohebbi, Akbar 76 2015 Inverse problem of diffusion equation by He’s homotopy perturbation method. Zbl 1110.35354 Shakeri, Fatemeh; Dehghan, Mehdi 74 2007 On the solution of the non-local parabolic partial differential equations via radial basis functions. Zbl 1168.65403 Tatari, Mehdi; Dehghan, Mehdi 73 2009 An inverse problem of finding a source parameter in a semilinear parabolic equation. Zbl 0995.65098 Dehghan, Mehdi 71 2001 A Legendre collocation method for fractional integro-differential equations. Zbl 1271.65157 Saadatmandi, Abbas; Dehghan, Mehdi 71 2011 The numerical solution of the non-linear integro-differential equations based on the meshless method. Zbl 1243.65154 Dehghan, Mehdi; Salehi, Rezvan 71 2012 A numerical method for KdV equation using collocation and radial basis functions. Zbl 1185.76832 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shokri, Ali 71 2007 Numerical solution of the three-dimensional advection–diffusion equation. Zbl 1038.65074 Dehghan, Mehdi 70 2004 The dual reciprocity boundary element method (DRBEM) for two-dimensional sine-Gordon equation. Zbl 1169.76401 Dehghan, Mehdi; Mirzaei, Davoud 70 2008 The use of He’s variational iteration method for solving the telegraph and fractional telegraph equations. Zbl 1210.65173 Dehghan, Mehdi; Yousefi, S. A.; Lotfi, A. 70 2011 High-order solution of one-dimensional sine-Gordon equation using compact finite difference and DIRKN methods. Zbl 1190.65126 Mohebbi, Akbar; Dehghan, Mehdi 69 2010 A numerical method for one-dimensional nonlinear sine-Gordon equation using collocation and radial basis functions. Zbl 1135.65380 Dehghan, M.; Shokri, Ali 68 2008 Weighted finite difference techniques for the one-dimensional advection-diffusion equation. Zbl 1034.65069 Dehghan, Mehdi 67 2004 An improved meshless method for solving two-dimensional distributed order time-fractional diffusion-wave equation with error estimate. Zbl 1412.65131 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 67 2017 Meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) approximation to the two dimensional sine-Gordon equation. Zbl 1183.65113 Mirzaei, Davoud; Dehghan, Mehdi 67 2010 Numerical solution of a class of fractional optimal control problems via the Legendre orthonormal basis combined with the operational matrix and the Gauss quadrature rule. Zbl 1286.49030 Lotfi, A.; Yousefi, S. A.; Dehghan, Mehdi 65 2013 A moving least square reproducing polynomial meshless method. Zbl 1284.65137 Salehi, Rezvan; Dehghan, Mehdi 65 2013 Numerical solution to the unsteady two-dimensional Schrödinger equation using meshless local boundary integral equation method. Zbl 1195.81007 Dehghan, Mehdi; Mirzaei, Davoud 64 2008 The solitary wave solution of the two-dimensional regularized long-wave equation in fluids and plasmas. Zbl 1263.76047 Dehghan, Mehdi; Salehi, Rezvan 64 2011 Identification of a time-dependent coefficient in a partial differential equation subject to an extra measurement. Zbl 1069.65104 Dehghan, Mehdi 64 2005 High order implicit collocation method for the solution of two-dimensional linear hyperbolic equation. Zbl 1156.65087 Dehghan, Mehdi; Mohebbi, Akbar 63 2009 Finite iterative algorithms for the reflexive and anti-reflexive solutions of the matrix equation \(A_1X_1B_1+A_2X_2B_2=C\). Zbl 1171.15310 Dehghan, Mehdi; Hajarian, Masoud 63 2009 Solution of a partial differential equation subject to temperature overspecification by He’s homotopy perturbation method. Zbl 1117.35326 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shakeri, Fatemeh 63 2007 A method for solving partial differential equations via radial basis functions: application to the heat equation. Zbl 1244.80024 Tatari, Mehdi; Dehghan, Mehdi 62 2010 Determination of a control parameter in a one-dimensional parabolic equation using the method of radial basis functions. Zbl 1137.65408 Dehghan, Mehdi; Tatari, Mehdi 62 2006 The solitary wave solution of coupled Klein-Gordon-Zakharov equations via two different numerical methods. Zbl 1344.82041 Dehghan, Mehdi; Nikpour, Ahmad 62 2013 The use of compact boundary value method for the solution of two-dimensional Schrödinger equation. Zbl 1159.65081 Mohebbi, Akbar; Dehghan, Mehdi 62 2009 Fourth-order compact solution of the nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation. Zbl 1180.65114 Dehghan, Mehdi; Mohebbi, Akbar; Asgari, Zohreh 61 2009 Variational iteration method for solving a generalized pantograph equation. Zbl 1189.65172 Saadatmandi, Abbas; Dehghan, Mehdi 61 2009 Direct meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method for elliptic interface problems with applications in electrostatic and elastostatic. Zbl 1423.82009 Taleei, Ameneh; Dehghan, Mehdi 61 2014 Error estimate for the numerical solution of fractional reaction-subdiffusion process based on a meshless method. Zbl 1305.65211 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Mohebbi, Akbar 60 2015 Application of He’s homotopy perturbation method for non-linear system of second-order boundary value problems. Zbl 1162.34307 Saadatmandi, Abbas; Dehghan, Mehdi; Eftekhari, Ali 60 2009 A Legendre spectral element method (SEM) based on the modified bases for solving neutral delay distributed-order fractional damped diffusion-wave equation. Zbl 1395.65098 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 60 2018 The meshless local collocation method for solving multi-dimensional Cahn-Hilliard, Swift-Hohenberg and phase field crystal equations. Zbl 1403.74285 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 59 2017 The use of a Legendre multiwavelet collocation method for solving the fractional optimal control problems. Zbl 1271.65105 Yousefi, S. A.; Lotfi, A.; Dehghan, M. 58 2011 A meshless method for solving nonlinear two-dimensional integral equations of the second kind on non-rectangular domains using radial basis functions with error analysis. Zbl 1255.65233 Assari, Pouria; Adibi, Hojatollah; Dehghan, Mehdi 57 2013 Solution of a nonlinear time-delay model in biology via semi-analytical approaches. Zbl 1219.65062 Dehghan, Mehdi; Salehi, Rezvan 57 2010 An iterative algorithm for solving a pair of matrix equations \(AYB=E\), \(CYD=F\) over generalized centro-symmetric matrices. Zbl 1165.15301 Dehghan, Mehdi; Hajarian, Masoud 56 2008 Numerical solution of the higher-order linear Fredholm integro-differential-difference equation with variable coefficients. Zbl 1193.65229 Saadatmandi, Abbas; Dehghan, Mehdi 56 2010 Analysis of a meshless method for the time fractional diffusion-wave equation. Zbl 1352.65298 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Mohebbi, Akbar 56 2016 The use of Chebyshev cardinal functions for the solution of a partial differential equation with an unknown time-dependent coefficient subject to an extra measurement. Zbl 1200.65076 Lakestani, Mehrdad; Dehghan, Mehdi 55 2010 A meshless based numerical technique for traveling solitary wave solution of Boussinesq equation. Zbl 1243.76069 Dehghan, Mehdi; Salehi, Rezvan 55 2012 A meshless method for numerical solution of a linear hyperbolic equation with variable coefficients in two space dimensions. Zbl 1159.65084 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shokri, Ali 55 2009 The solution of linear and nonlinear systems of Volterra functional equations using Adomian-Padé technique. Zbl 1197.65223 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shakourifar, Mohammad; Hamidi, Asgar 55 2009 Legendre spectral element method for solving time fractional modified anomalous sub-diffusion equation. Zbl 1459.65194 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Mohebbi, Akbar 55 2016 Fractional Sturm-Liouville boundary value problems in unbounded domains: theory and applications. Zbl 1352.65202 Khosravian-Arab, Hassan; Dehghan, Mehdi; Eslahchi, M. R. 55 2015 Proper orthogonal decomposition variational multiscale element free Galerkin (POD-VMEFG) meshless method for solving incompressible Navier-Stokes equation. Zbl 1439.76060 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 54 2016 A method based on meshless approach for the numerical solution of the two-space dimensional hyperbolic telegraph equation. Zbl 1250.35015 Dehghan, Mehdi; Salehi, Rezvan 54 2012 Determination of a control function in three-dimensional parabolic equations by Legendre pseudospectral method. Zbl 1252.65161 Shamsi, M.; Dehghan, Mehdi 54 2012 The use of Chebyshev cardinal functions for solution of the second-order one-dimensional telegraph equation. Zbl 1169.65102 Dehghan, Mehdi; Lakestani, Mehrdad 54 2009 Numerical solution for the weakly singular Fredholm integro-differential equations using Legendre multiwavelets. Zbl 1216.65185 Lakestani, Mehrdad; Nemati Saray, Behzad; Dehghan, Mehdi 54 2011 Application of He’s variational iteration method for solving the Cauchy reaction-diffusion problem. Zbl 1135.65381 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shakeri, Fatemeh 53 2008 Optical solitons based on \(N\)-coupled nonlinear Schrödinger equations and rational RBF partition of unity approach. Zbl 07855381 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Zaky, Mahmoud A.; Hendy, Ahmed S.; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2024 Iterative method for constrained systems of conjugate transpose matrix equations. Zbl 07856316 Shirilord, Akbar; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2024 Computational study based on the Laplace transform and local discontinuous Galerkin methods for solving fourth-order time-fractional partial integro-differential equations with weakly singular kernels. Zbl 07884773 Mohammadi-Firouzjaei, Hadi; Adibi, Hojatollah; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2024 A fully mixed virtual element method for Darcy-Forchheimer miscible displacement of incompressible fluids appearing in porous media. Zbl 07935838 Dehghan, Mehdi; Gharibi, Zeinab 1 2024 Optimal error estimates of coupled and divergence-free virtual element methods for the Poisson-Nernst-Planck/Navier-Stokes equations and applications in electrochemical systems. Zbl 1515.65212 Dehghan, Mehdi; Gharibi, Zeinab; Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 12 2023 The numerical solution of nonlinear delay Volterra integral equations using the thin plate spline collocation method with error analysis. Zbl 1538.65617 Hosseinian, Alireza; Assari, Pouria; Dehghan, Mehdi 5 2023 On the sparse multiscale representation of 2-D Burgers equations by an efficient algorithm based on multiwavelets. Zbl 07776992 Nemati Saray, Behzad; Lakestani, Mehrdad; Dehghan, Mehdi 4 2023 Study of the backward difference and local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) methods for solving fourth-order partial integro-differential equations (PIDEs) with memory terms: stability analysis. Zbl 1505.65266 Mohammadi-Firouzjaei, Hadi; Adibi, Hojatollah; Dehghan, Mehdi 4 2023 On the fractional Laplacian of some positive definite kernels with applications in numerically solving the surface quasi-geostrophic equation as a prominent fractional calculus model. Zbl 07705781 Mohebalizadeh, Hamed; Adibi, Hojatollah; Dehghan, Mehdi 4 2023 A reduced-order model based on integrated radial basis functions with partition of unity method for option pricing under jump-diffusion models. Zbl 1537.91356 Ebrahimijahan, Ali; Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 4 2023 Application of compact local integrated RBF (CLI-RBF) for solving transient forward and backward heat conduction problems with continuous and discontinuous sources. Zbl 1521.65068 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Ebrahimijahan, Ali; Dehghan, Mehdi 3 2023 On the approximate solution of dynamic systems derived from the HIV infection of CD\(_4^+\) T cells using the LRBF-collocation scheme. Zbl 1539.92004 Asadi-Mehregan, Fatemeh; Assari, Pouria; Dehghan, Mehdi 2 2023 Simulation of the coupled Schrödinger-Boussinesq equations through integrated radial basis functions-partition of unity method. Zbl 1543.65168 Ebrahimijahan, Ali; Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 2 2023 A two-grid spectral method to study of dynamics of dense discrete systems governed by Rosenau-Burgers’ equation. Zbl 07705774 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Zaky, Mahmoud A.; Hendy, Ahmed S.; Dehghan, Mehdi 2 2023 Reduced order model for simulation of air pollution model and application in 2D urban street canyons via the meshfree gradient smoothing method. Zbl 1538.76119 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Azis, Mohammad Ivan; Dehghan, Mehdi; Mohammadi-Arani, Reza 2 2023 Numerical solution of Allen-Cahn model on surfaces via an effective method based on generalized moving least squares (GMLS) approximation and the closest point approach. Zbl 1539.65148 Zamani-Gharaghoshi, Hasan; Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 2 2023 On the numerical solution of a population growth model of a species living in a closed system based on the moving least squares scheme. Zbl 1549.92001 Asadi-Mehregan, Fatemeh; Assari, Pouria; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2023 Error estimates of divergence-free generalized moving least squares (div-free GMLS) derivatives approximations in Sobolev spaces. Zbl 1528.76062 Mohammadi, Vahid; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2023 Local Galerkin method based on the moving least squares approximation for solving delay integral equations arisen from an air pollution model. Zbl 07873508 Hosseinian, Alireza; Assari, Pouria; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2023 A radial basis function-Hermite finite difference (RBF-HFD) method for the cubic-quintic complex Ginzburg-Landau equation. Zbl 1524.65344 Haghi, Majid; Ilati, Mohammad; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2023 A reduced-order model based on cubic B-spline basis function and SSP Runge-Kutta procedure to investigate option pricing under jump-diffusion models. Zbl 1521.91384 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Kalhor, Yasmin; Dehghan, Mehdi; Donatelli, Marco 1 2023 The formulation of finite difference RBFWENO schemes for hyperbolic conservation laws: an alternative technique. Zbl 1524.65304 Abedian, Rooholah; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2023 Simulations of dendritic solidification via the diffuse approximate method. Zbl 1521.80018 Najafi, Mahboubeh; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2023 Well-posedness of space fractional Ginzburg-Landau equations involving the fractional Laplacian arising in a Bose-Einstein condensation and its kernel based approximation. Zbl 1526.35295 Mohebalizadeh, Hamed; Adibi, Hojatollah; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2023 Simulation of plane elastostatic equations of anisotropic functionally graded materials by integrated radial basis function based on finite difference approach. Zbl 1521.74408 Ebrahimijahan, Ali; Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 10 2022 A new approximation algorithm for solving generalized Lyapunov matrix equations. Zbl 1484.65077 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shirilord, Akbar 10 2022 Closed-form solution of non-symmetric algebraic Riccati matrix equation. Zbl 1489.15025 Shirilord, Akbar; Dehghan, Mehdi 9 2022 A high-order weighted essentially nonoscillatory scheme based on exponential polynomials for nonlinear degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 1533.65110 Abedian, Rooholah; Dehghan, Mehdi 9 2022 Combined real and imaginary parts method for solving generalized Lyapunov matrix equation. Zbl 1497.65076 Shirilord, Akbar; Dehghan, Mehdi 8 2022 Optimal convergence analysis of the energy-preserving immersed weak Galerkin method for second-order hyperbolic interface problems in inhomogeneous media. Zbl 1524.65525 Dehghan, Mehdi; Gharibi, Zeinab 8 2022 Single step iterative method for linear system of equations with complex symmetric positive semi-definite coefficient matrices. Zbl 1511.65055 Shirilord, Akbar; Dehghan, Mehdi 7 2022 Double parameter splitting (DPS) iteration method for solving complex symmetric linear systems. Zbl 1482.65054 Shirilord, Akbar; Dehghan, Mehdi 6 2022 An analysis of weak Galerkin finite element method for a steady state Boussinesq problem. Zbl 1482.35168 Dehghan, Mehdi; Gharibi, Zeinab 5 2022 Simulation of Maxwell equation based on an ADI approach and integrated radial basis function-generalized moving least squares (IRBF-GMLS) method with reduced order algorithm based on proper orthogonal decomposition. Zbl 1521.78016 Ebrahimijahan, Ali; Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 5 2022 Unconditionally energy stable \(C^0\)-virtual element scheme for solving generalized Swift-Hohenberg equation. Zbl 1492.65263 Dehghan, Mehdi; Gharibi, Zeinab; Eslahchi, Mohammad Reza 5 2022 A direct RBF-PU method for simulating the infiltration of cytotoxic T-lymphocytes into the tumor microenvironment. Zbl 1497.92060 Narimani, Niusha; Dehghan, Mehdi 5 2022 A POD-RBF-FD scheme for simulating chemotaxis models on surfaces. Zbl 1521.92008 Mohammadi, Vahid; Dehghan, Mehdi 4 2022 Radial basis function partition of unity procedure combined with the reduced-order method for solving Zakharov-Rubenchik equations. Zbl 1539.65135 Dehghan, Mehdi; Hooshyarfarzin, Baharak; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 4 2022 Legendre spectral element method (LSEM) to simulate the two-dimensional system of nonlinear stochastic advection-reaction-diffusion models. Zbl 1487.65160 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi; Khodadadian, Amirreza; Wick, Thomas 4 2022 Optimal error bound for immersed weak Galerkin finite element method for elliptic interface problems. Zbl 1492.65308 Gharibi, Zeinab; Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 4 2022 A unified analysis of fully mixed virtual element method for wormhole propagation arising in the petroleum engineering. Zbl 1524.65786 Dehghan, Mehdi; Gharibi, Zeinab 3 2022 A RBF-WENO finite difference scheme for non-linear degenerate parabolic equations. Zbl 1504.65165 Abedian, Rooholah; Dehghan, Mehdi 3 2022 Proper orthogonal decomposition-lattice Boltzmann method: simulating the air pollutant problem in street canyon areas. Zbl 1492.76097 MohammadiArani, Reza; Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 3 2022 Approximating optimal parameters for generalized preconditioned Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting (GPHSS) method. Zbl 1499.65242 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shirilord, Akbar 3 2022 An LT-BEM for an unsteady diffusion-convection problem of another class of anisotropic FGMs. Zbl 1499.65707 Azis, Moh. Ivan; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 3 2022 An asymptotic analysis and numerical simulation of a prostate tumor growth model via the generalized moving least squares approximation combined with semi-implicit time integration. Zbl 1505.92104 Mohammadi, Vahid; Dehghan, Mehdi; Khodadadian, Amirreza; Noii, Nima; Wick, Thomas 3 2022 A class of moving kriging interpolation-based DQ methods to simulate multi-dimensional space Galilei invariant fractional advection-diffusion equation. Zbl 1529.65105 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 2 2022 Numerical investigation of the magnetic properties and behavior of electrically conducting fluids via the local weak form method. Zbl 1510.76097 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Bayat, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 2 2022 Application of direct meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method for numerical solution of stochastic elliptic interface problems. Zbl 1533.65214 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi; Khodadadian, Amirreza; Heitzinger, Clemens 2 2022 A local meshless method for solving multi-dimensional Galilei invariant fractional advection-diffusion equation. Zbl 1521.65113 Eslami, Samira; Ilati, Mohammad; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2022 A fast computational algorithm for computing outer pseudo-inverses with numerical experiments. Zbl 1485.65043 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shirilord, Akbar 1 2022 Numerical analysis of fully discrete energy stable weak Galerkin finite element scheme for a coupled Cahn-Hilliard-Navier-Stokes phase-field model. Zbl 1510.82056 Dehghan, Mehdi; Gharibi, Zeinab 18 2021 Convergence analysis of weak Galerkin flux-based mixed finite element method for solving singularly perturbed convection-diffusion-reaction problem. Zbl 1459.65221 Gharibi, Zeinab; Dehghan, Mehdi 17 2021 Numerical and theoretical discussions for solving nonlinear generalized Benjamin-Bona-Mahony-Burgers equation based on the Legendre spectral element method. Zbl 1535.65130 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shafieeabyaneh, Nasim; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 16 2021 Numerical simulation of a prostate tumor growth model by the RBF-FD scheme and a semi-implicit time discretization. Zbl 1457.92042 Mohammadi, Vahid; Dehghan, Mehdi; De Marchi, Stefano 16 2021 A Galerkin meshless reproducing kernel particle method for numerical solution of neutral delay time-space distributed-order fractional damped diffusion-wave equation. Zbl 1486.65157 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 13 2021 A reduced-order variational multiscale interpolating element free Galerkin technique based on proper orthogonal decomposition for solving Navier-Stokes equations coupled with a heat transfer equation: nonstationary incompressible Boussinesq equations. Zbl 07510038 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi; Khodadadian, Amirreza; Noii, Nima; Heitzinger, Clemens; Wick, Thomas 13 2021 Numerical analysis of locally conservative weak Galerkin dual-mixed finite element method for the time-dependent Poisson-Nernst-Planck system. Zbl 1524.65536 Gharibi, Zeinab; Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 11 2021 The Crank-Nicolson/interpolating stabilized element-free Galerkin method to investigate the fractional Galilei invariant advection-diffusion equation. Zbl 1486.65156 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 10 2021 Local discontinuous Galerkin method for distributed-order time-fractional diffusion-wave equation: application of Laplace transform. Zbl 1473.65210 Mohammadi-Firouzjaei, Hadi; Adibi, Hojatollah; Dehghan, Mehdi 10 2021 On the Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting-like iteration approach for solving complex continuous-time algebraic Riccati matrix equation. Zbl 1482.65065 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shirilord, Akbar 10 2021 Optimal uniform error estimates for moving least-squares collocation with application to option pricing under jump-diffusion processes. Zbl 1535.65238 Shirzadi, Mohammad; Dehghan, Mehdi; Bastani, Ali Foroush 9 2021 Numerical investigation of reproducing kernel particle Galerkin method for solving fractional modified distributed-order anomalous sub-diffusion equation with error estimation. Zbl 1474.65340 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 9 2021 Virtual element method for solving an inhomogeneous Brusselator model with and without cross-diffusion in pattern formation. Zbl 1501.65068 Dehghan, Mehdi; Gharibi, Zeinab 8 2021 The meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method based on moving Taylor polynomial approximation to investigate unsteady diffusion-convection problems of anisotropic functionally graded materials related to incompressible flow. Zbl 1521.76308 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi; Azis, Mohammad Ivan 8 2021 A divergence-free generalized moving least squares approximation with its application. Zbl 1458.76080 Mohammadi, Vahid; Dehghan, Mehdi 8 2021 RBF-ENO/WENO schemes with Lax-Wendroff type time discretizations for Hamilton-Jacobi equations. Zbl 1534.65117 Abedian, Rooholah; Dehghan, Mehdi 5 2021 A trustable shape parameter in the kernel-based collocation method with application to pricing financial options. Zbl 1464.91076 Shirzadi, Mohammad; Dehghan, Mehdi; Bastani, Ali Foroush 5 2021 Fourth-order alternating direction implicit difference scheme to simulate the space-time Riesz tempered fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1480.65200 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 4 2021 Interpolating stabilized element free Galerkin method for neutral delay fractional damped diffusion-wave equation. Zbl 07452496 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi; Zaky, Mahmoud A.; Hendy, Ahmed S. 4 2021 Generalized regularized least-squares approximation of noisy data with application to stochastic PDEs. Zbl 1452.65375 Shirzadi, Mohammad; Dehghan, Mehdi 4 2021 The local meshless collocation method for numerical simulation of shallow water waves based on generalized equal width (GEW) equation. Zbl 1524.76275 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Bayat, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 3 2021 Investigation of generalized Couette hydromagnetic flow of two-step exothermic chemical reaction in a channel via the direct meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method. Zbl 1464.76051 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Bayat, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi; Azis, Mohammad Ivan 2 2021 A local meshless procedure to determine the unknown control parameter in the multi-dimensional inverse problems. Zbl 07479288 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shafieeabyaneh, Nasim; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 2 2021 Local Gaussian-collocation scheme to approximate the solution of nonlinear fractional differential equations using Volterra integral equations. Zbl 1474.65247 Assari, Pouria; Asadi-Mehregan, Fatemeh; Dehghan, Mehdi 1 2021 Direct meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (DMLPG) method for time-fractional fourth-order reaction-diffusion problem on complex domains. Zbl 1443.65188 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 28 2020 A POD-based reduced-order Crank-Nicolson/fourth-order alternating direction implicit (ADI) finite difference scheme for solving the two-dimensional distributed-order Riesz space-fractional diffusion equation. Zbl 1452.65145 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 27 2020 Investigation of the Oldroyd model as a generalized incompressible Navier-Stokes equation via the interpolating stabilized element free Galerkin technique. Zbl 1444.76083 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 26 2020 Crank-Nicolson/Galerkin spectral method for solving two-dimensional time-space distributed-order weakly singular integro-partial differential equation. Zbl 1435.65170 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi; Zhou, Yong 24 2020 Error analysis of interpolating element free Galerkin method to solve non-linear extended Fisher-Kolmogorov equation. Zbl 1446.65103 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi; Khodadadian, Amirreza; Heitzinger, Clemens 19 2020 Matrix multisplitting Picard-iterative method for solving generalized absolute value matrix equation. Zbl 1451.65048 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shirilord, Akbar 19 2020 Interior penalty discontinuous Galerkin technique for solving generalized Sobolev equation. Zbl 1437.65174 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 19 2020 Reduced order modeling of time-dependent incompressible Navier-Stokes equation with variable density based on a local radial basis functions-finite difference (LRBF-FD) technique and the POD/DEIM method. Zbl 1442.65287 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 18 2020 On the pricing of multi-asset options under jump-diffusion processes using meshfree moving least-squares approximation. Zbl 1463.91203 Shirzadi, Mohammad; Dehghan, Mehdi; Foroush Bastani, Ali 15 2020 Simulation flows with multiple phases and components via the radial basis functions-finite difference (RBF-FD) procedure: Shan-Chen model. Zbl 1464.65081 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 15 2020 Application of spectral element method for solving Sobolev equations with error estimation. Zbl 1452.65271 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shafieeabyaneh, Nasim; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 14 2020 Analysis and application of the interpolating element free Galerkin (IEFG) method to simulate the prevention of groundwater contamination with application in fluid flow. Zbl 1433.65233 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi; Khodadadian, Amirreza; Heitzinger, Clemens 12 2020 Accelerated double-step scale splitting iteration method for solving a class of complex symmetric linear systems. Zbl 1445.65007 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shirilord, Akbar 11 2020 A meshless technique based on generalized moving least squares combined with the second-order semi-implicit backward differential formula for numerically solving time-dependent phase field models on the spheres. Zbl 1433.82023 Mohammadi, Vahid; Dehghan, Mehdi 11 2020 Direct meshless local Petrov-Galerkin method to investigate anisotropic potential and plane elastostatic equations of anisotropic functionally graded materials problems. Zbl 1464.74162 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 9 2020 Compact local integrated radial basis functions (integrated RBF) method for solving system of non-linear advection-diffusion-reaction equations to prevent the groundwater contamination. Zbl 1464.65139 Ebrahimijahan, Ali; Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 9 2020 The stability study of numerical solution of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind with emphasis on its application in boundary elements method. Zbl 1452.65406 Hosseinzadeh, Hossein; Dehghan, Mehdi; Sedaghatjoo, Zeynab 4 2020 Analysis of the stabilized element free Galerkin approximations to the Stokes equations. Zbl 1448.76069 Kamranian, Maryam; Tatari, Mehdi; Dehghan, Mehdi 3 2020 The numerical solution of nonlinear weakly singular Fredholm integral equations based on the dual-Chebyshev wavelets. Zbl 1463.65415 Assari, Pouria; Dehghan, Mehdi 3 2020 Error analysis and numerical simulation of magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) equation based on the interpolating element free Galerkin (IEFG) method. Zbl 1412.65070 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 40 2019 Simulation of the phase field Cahn-Hilliard and tumor growth models via a numerical scheme: element-free Galerkin method. Zbl 1440.74428 Mohammadi, Vahid; Dehghan, Mehdi 36 2019 A direct meshless local collocation method for solving stochastic Cahn-Hilliard-Cook and stochastic Swift-Hohenberg equations. Zbl 1404.65207 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Khodadadian, Amirreza; Parvizi, Maryam; Dehghan, Mehdi; Heitzinger, Clemens 35 2019 A generalized modified Hermitian and skew-Hermitian splitting (GMHSS) method for solving complex Sylvester matrix equation. Zbl 1429.65085 Dehghan, Mehdi; Shirilord, Akbar 34 2019 Error estimate of finite element/finite difference technique for solution of two-dimensional weakly singular integro-partial differential equation with space and time fractional derivatives. Zbl 1419.65015 Dehghan, Mehdi; Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 28 2019 Numerical and analytical investigations for neutral delay fractional damped diffusion-wave equation based on the stabilized interpolating element free Galerkin (IEFG) method. Zbl 1428.65073 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa; Dehghan, Mehdi 27 2019 ...and 514 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 7,294 Authors 514 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 101 Abbaszadeh, Mostafa 85 Băleanu, Dumitru I. 64 Bhrawy, Ali Hassan 61 Ordokhani, Yadollah 60 Wazwaz, Abdul-Majid Abdul-Rahman 58 Hajarian, Masoud 57 Abbasbandy, Saeid 55 Yıldırım, Ahmet 54 Razzaghi, Mohsen 52 Doha, Eid H. 49 Avazzadeh, Zakieh 47 Zaky, Mahmoud A. 46 Parand, Kourosh 46 Shivanian, Elyas 45 Lakestani, Mehrdad 45 Mohebbi, Akbar 43 Li, Xiaolin 42 Eslahchi, Mohammad Reza 41 Yüzbaşı, Şuayip 40 Saadatmandi, Abbas 39 Heydari, Mohammad Hossein 38 Adibi, Hojatollah 38 Mohanty, Ranjan Kumar 37 Ma, Changfeng 36 Manafian Heris, Jalil 34 Li, Hong 33 Ding, Feng 32 Babolian, Esmail 32 Liu, Fawang 31 Assari, Pouria 31 Liu, Yang 30 Machado, José António Tenreiro 30 Wang, Qingwen 29 Abd-Elhameed, Waleed Mohamed 28 Ashyralyev, Allaberen 28 Jiwari, Ram 28 Sezer, Mehmet 28 Tohidi, Emran 27 Abdelkawy, Mohamed A. 27 Hendy, Ahmed S. 27 Masjed-Jamei, Mohammad 27 Sayevand, Khosro 26 Ezz-Eldien, Samer S. 26 Mirzaee, Farshid 26 Nikan, Omid 26 Oruç, Ömer 26 Rahimkhani, Parisa 26 Rashidinia, Jalil 26 Singh, Vineet Kumar 26 Yousefi, Sohrab Ali 26 Youssri, Youssri H. 25 Hashim, Ishak 25 Mirzaei, Davoud 25 Mittal, Ramesh Chand 24 Siraj-ul-Islam 24 Tatari, Mehdi 23 Mei, Liquan 23 Pandey, Rajesh Kumar 22 Aminikhah, Hossein 22 Kazem, Saeed 22 Omrani, Khaled 22 Rad, Jamal Amani 21 Hafez, Ramy Mahmoud 21 Lin, Ji 21 Shah, Kamal 21 Sun, Zhizhong 21 Wang, Yushun 21 Yang, Liu 20 Allahviranloo, Tofigh 20 Deng, Zuicha 20 Inc, Mustafa 20 Wu, Boying 19 Abbas, Muhammad Mohsin 19 Maleknejad, Khosrow 19 Mazrooei-Sebdani, Reza 19 Mohyud-Din, Syed Tauseef 19 Salehi, Rezvan 19 Tezer-Sezgin, Munevver 18 Lin, Yingzhen 18 Salahshour, Soheil 17 Biazar, Jafar 17 Cattani, Carlo 17 Delkhosh, Mehdi 17 Mohammadi, Vahid 17 Reutskiy, Sergiy Yu 17 Sapagovas, Mifodijus 17 Shi, Dongyang 16 Effati, Sohrab 16 He, ZhuoHeng 16 Jafari, Hossein 16 Khan, Rahmat Ali 16 Khodadadian, Amirreza 16 Pan, Kejia 16 Samadyar, Nasrin 15 Ahmadian, Ali 15 Feng, Xinlong 15 Golbabai, Ahmad 15 Haq, Sirajul 15 Ismail, Ahmad Izani Mohamed ...and 7,194 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 427 Serials 472 Applied Mathematics and Computation 361 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 313 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 275 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 254 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 240 Applied Numerical Mathematics 236 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 218 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 206 Computational and Applied Mathematics 204 Applied Mathematical Modelling 145 Numerical Algorithms 141 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 126 Advances in Difference Equations 112 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 108 Journal of Computational Physics 104 International Journal of Applied and Computational Mathematics 93 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 87 Abstract and Applied Analysis 84 Applied Mathematics Letters 84 Computational Methods for Differential Equations 76 Journal of Scientific Computing 74 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 68 Computer Physics Communications 65 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 59 Mathematical Sciences 55 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 50 Journal of Applied Mathematics 49 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 47 International Journal of Computational Methods 46 Nonlinear Dynamics 45 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 44 Journal of the Franklin Institute 42 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 40 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 39 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 39 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 37 Journal of Function Spaces 35 Advances in Mathematical Physics 34 Boundary Value Problems 30 Filomat 29 Journal of Vibration and Control 29 Journal of Mathematical Modeling 28 Applicable Analysis 26 AIMS Mathematics 25 Physics Letters. A 24 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 24 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 24 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 24 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 24 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 23 Fractional Calculus & Applied Analysis 23 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 22 Calcolo 22 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 20 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 20 Physica A 20 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 20 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 20 Soft Computing 20 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 19 Fractals 19 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 19 Asian Journal of Control 18 Computers and Fluids 18 Chinese Journal of Physics (Taipei) 17 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 17 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 17 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 16 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 15 Iranian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Optimization 14 Wave Motion 14 International Journal of Biomathematics 13 Computational Mechanics 13 Advances in Computational Mathematics 13 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 13 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 13 Applications and Applied Mathematics 13 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 13 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 13 Results in Applied Mathematics 12 Computational Mathematics and Modeling 12 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 12 Journal of Mathematical Extension 12 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 12 Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation 11 International Journal of Control 11 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 11 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 11 Waves in Random and Complex Media 11 International Journal of Differential Equations 11 International Journal of Systems Science. Principles and Applications of Systems and Integration 10 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 10 Communications in Computational Physics 10 Mathematics 9 International Journal of Modern Physics B 9 BIT 9 Information Sciences 9 Complexity 9 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 9 Nonlinear Analysis. Modelling and Control ...and 327 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 55 Fields 5,199 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 3,064 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 868 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 636 Integral equations (45-XX) 572 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 549 Real functions (26-XX) 390 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 271 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 260 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 253 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 247 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 187 Special functions (33-XX) 176 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 135 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 133 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 114 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 107 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 103 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 103 Operator theory (47-XX) 99 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 98 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 76 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 72 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 61 Computer science (68-XX) 54 Quantum theory (81-XX) 44 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 37 Functional analysis (46-XX) 36 Statistics (62-XX) 33 Number theory (11-XX) 31 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 30 Geophysics (86-XX) 24 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 17 Combinatorics (05-XX) 16 Potential theory (31-XX) 15 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 13 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 12 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 9 Measure and integration (28-XX) 9 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 7 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 7 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 5 General topology (54-XX) 5 Mathematics education (97-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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