Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Diggle, Peter John Co-Author Distance Author ID: diggle.peter-j Published as: Diggle, Peter J.; Diggle, Peter; Diggle, P. J.; Diggle, P. more...less Homepage: https://www.lancaster.ac.uk/staff/diggle/ External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 102 Publications since 1975, including 10 Books 3 Contributions as Editor · 2 Further Contributions Software Indexed: 9 Packages Biographic References: 1 Publication Co-Authors: 131 Co-Authors with 85 Joint Publications 2,515 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 19 single-authored 7 Chetwynd, Amanda G. 7 Giorgi, Emanuele 6 Zeger, Scott L. 5 Henderson, Robin G. 4 Taylor, Benjamin M. 3 Liang, Kung-Yee 3 Moyeed, Rana A. 3 Ribeiro, Paulo Justiniano jun. 3 Rowlingson, Barry 3 Stanton, Michelle C. 2 Alwasel, Ibrahim A. 2 Asar, Ozgur 2 Besag, Julian 2 Chipeta, Michael 2 Christensen, Ole F. 2 Clough, Helen E. 2 Dobson, Angela 2 Green, Gerwyn H. 2 Green, Peter J. 2 Hall, Peter Gavin 2 Heagerty, Patrick J. 2 Kelsall, Julia E. 2 Kenward, Michael G. 2 Milne, Robin K. 2 Terlouw, Dianne J. 2 Thomson, Madeleine C. 1 Abellana, Rosa M. 1 Agier, Lydiane 1 Amoah, Benjamin 1 Andreotti, G. 1 Andrews, David F. 1 Atsame, Julienne 1 Barnett, Vic 1 Barrett, Jessica K. 1 Benjamini, Yoav 1 Berman, Mark N. 1 Blangiardo, Marta 1 Bolin, David 1 Briers, Mark 1 Brillinger, David R. 1 Brix, Anders 1 Brokamp, Cole 1 Brown, Patric E. 1 Brown, Patrick E. 1 Carey, Vincent J. 1 Cassiani, Giorgio 1 Clancy, John P. 1 Coates, D. S. 1 Cox, Trevor F. 1 Crăiniceanu, Ciprian-Mugur 1 Digby, P. G. N. 1 Donnelly, John B. 1 Dunson, David Brian 1 Durr, Peter 1 Eglen, Stephen J. 1 Ella, Sylvie Ntsame 1 Everitt, Brian S. 1 Farewell, Vern T. 1 Fienberg, Stephen Elliot 1 Fiksel, Thomas 1 Fisher, Nicholas I. 1 Fjelde, Tor Erlend 1 French, Nigel P. 1 Fuentes, Montserrat 1 Gabriel, Edith 1 Gabriel, K. Ruben 1 Gass, Katherine 1 Gates, David J. 1 Ge, Hong 1 Gelfand, Alan Enoch 1 Gleaves, J. Timothy 1 Goldstein, Harvey 1 Gómez-Rubio, Virgilio 1 Gooding, S. 1 Goudie, Robert J. B. 1 Gower, John Clifford 1 Grabarnik, Pavel 1 Gratton, Richard J. 1 Green, Robert B. 1 Greenacre, Michael J. 1 Gregoire, Timothy G. 1 Guan, Yongtao 1 Guttorp, Peter 1 Hart, Anthony C. 1 Holmes, Christopher C. 1 Hutchinson, Michael F. 1 Jarner, Mikala F. 1 Jersakova, Radka 1 Johnson, Olatunji 1 Kaimi, Irene 1 Kalra, Philip A. 1 Kendall, David George 1 Keogh, Ruth H. 1 King, Ruairidh E. 1 Lehmann, Brieuc C. L. 1 Lophaven, Søren Nymand 1 Mallon, Ann-Marie 1 Marron, James Stephen 1 Marshall, Anna 1 Matérn, Bertil ...and 54 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 9 Biometrics 7 Journal of the American Statistical Association 5 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 5 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 5 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 5 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics 5 Biostatistics 4 Biometrika 4 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C 4 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A. Statistics in Society 3 The Australian Journal of Statistics 3 International Statistical Review 3 Statistical Science 3 Oxford Statistical Science Series 3 Environmetrics 2 Advances in Applied Probability 2 Biometrical Journal 2 Statistica Neerlandica 2 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 2 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 2 Statistics in Medicine 1 Journal of Applied Probability 1 Journal of Time Series Analysis 1 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 1 Bernoulli 1 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 1 Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 1 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 1 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 1 Lecture Notes in Statistics 1 Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability 1 Bayesian Analysis 1 Springer Series in Statistics 1 Wiley Series in Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1 Chapman & Hall/CRC Handbooks of Modern Statistical Methods 1 Chapman & Hall/CRC Interdisciplinary Statistics Series all top 5 Fields 102 Statistics (62-XX) 17 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 11 Geophysics (86-XX) 9 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 6 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 4 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 94 Publications have been cited 3,232 times in 2,516 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Informative drop-out in longitudinal data analysis. Zbl 0825.62010 Diggle, P.; Kenward, M. G. 313 1994 Model-based geostatistics. (With discussion). Zbl 0904.62119 Diggle, P. J.; Tawn, J. A.; Moyeed, R. A. 237 1998 Joint modelling of longitudinal measurements and event time data. Zbl 1089.62519 Henderson, Robin; Diggle, Peter; Dobson, Angela 221 2000 Semiparametric models for longitudinal data with application of CD4 cell numbers in HIV seroconverters. Zbl 0821.62093 Zeger, Scott L.; Diggle, Peter J. 203 1994 Handbook of spatial statistics. Zbl 1188.62284 202 2010 Analysis of longitudinal data. 2nd ed. Zbl 1031.62002 Diggle, Peter J.; Heagerty, Patrick J.; Liang, Kung-Yee; Zeger, Scott L. 178 2003 Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. 2nd ed. Zbl 1021.62076 Diggle, Peter J. 150 2003 Model-based geostatistics. Zbl 1132.86002 Diggle, Peter J.; Ribeiro, Paulo J. jun. 131 2007 Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Zbl 0559.62088 Diggle, Peter J. 102 1983 A kernel method for smoothing point process data. Zbl 0584.62140 Diggle, Peter 93 1985 A Fourier approach to nonparametric deconvolution of a density estimate. Zbl 0783.62030 Diggle, Peter J.; Hall, Peter 69 1993 Modelling multivariate binary data with alternating logistic regressions. Zbl 0800.62446 Carey, Vincent; Zeger, Scott L.; Diggle, Peter 69 1993 Monte Carlo methods of inference for implicit statistical models. Zbl 0561.62035 Diggle, Peter J.; Gratton, Richard J. 65 1984 Statistical analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns. 3rd ed. Zbl 1435.62004 Diggle, Peter J. 59 2014 Tests for comparing two estimated spectral densities. Zbl 0581.62076 Coates, D. S.; Diggle, P. J. 57 1986 Spatiotemporal prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Zbl 0996.62076 Brix, Anders; Diggle, Peter J. 56 2001 An approach to the analysis of repeated measurements. Zbl 0715.62193 Diggle, Peter J. 53 1988 Nonparametric estimation of covariance structure in longitudinal data. Zbl 1058.62600 Diggle, Peter J.; Verbyla, Arūnas P. 48 1998 Analysis of longitudinal data. Reprint of the 2nd hardback ed. 2003. Zbl 1268.62001 Diggle, Peter J.; Heagerty, Patrick J.; Liang, Kung-Yee; Zeger, Scott L. 42 2013 Time series. A biostatistical introduction. Zbl 0727.62083 Diggle, Peter J. 40 1990 Nonparametric comparison of cumulative periodograms. Zbl 0825.62465 Diggle, P. J.; Fisher, N. I. 39 1991 Bayesian geostatistics design. Zbl 1120.62112 Diggle, Peter; Lophaven, Søren 37 2006 Spatial and spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox processes: extending the geostatistical paradigm. Zbl 1331.86027 Diggle, Peter J.; Moraga, Paula; Rowlingson, Barry; Taylor, Benjamin M. 37 2013 Monotone missing data and pattern-mixture models. Zbl 0946.62034 Molenberghs, G.; Michiels, B.; Kenward, M. G.; Diggle, P. J. 35 1998 Estimating weighted integrals of the second-order intensity of a spatial point process. Zbl 0671.62043 Berman, Mark; Diggle, Peter 35 1989 On parameter estimation and goodness-of-fit testing for spatial point patterns. Zbl 0418.62075 Diggle, Peter J. 32 1979 Rates of convergence in semi-parametric modelling of longitudinal data. Zbl 0829.62049 Moyeed, R. A.; Diggle, P. J. 30 1994 Identification and efficacy of longitudinal markers for survival. Zbl 1133.62360 Henderson, Robin; Diggle, Peter; Dobson, Angela 28 2002 Kernel estimation of relative risk. Zbl 0830.62039 Kelsall, Julia E.; Diggle, Peter J. 27 1995 Spectral analysis of replicated biomedical time series. (With discussion). Zbl 0893.62108 Diggle, Peter J.; Al Wasel, Ibrahim 26 1997 Second-order analysis of inhomogeneous spatio-temporal point process data. Zbl 07882057 Gabriel, Edith; Diggle, Peter J. 26 2009 Detecting dependence between marks and locations of marked point processes. Zbl 1061.62151 Schlather, Martin; Ribeiro, Paulo J. jun.; Diggle, Peter J. 25 2004 Spatial variation in risk of disease: A nonparametric binary regression approach. Zbl 0935.62122 Kelsall, Julia E.; Diggle, Peter J. 25 1998 Equivalence of smoothing parameter selectors in density and intensity estimation. Zbl 0662.62036 Diggle, Peter; Marron, J. S. 25 1988 Discovering the false discovery rate. With comments and author’s reply. Zbl 1411.62043 Benjamini, Yoav 23 2010 INLA or MCMC? A tutorial and comparative evaluation for spatial prediction in log-Gaussian Cox processes. Zbl 1453.62214 Taylor, Benjamin M.; Diggle, Peter J. 20 2014 A class of convolution-based models for spatio-temporal processes with non-separable covariance structure. Zbl 1349.62449 Rodrigues, Alexandre; Diggle, Peter J. 19 2010 Bivariate binomial spatial modeling of Loa loa prevalence in tropical Africa. With comments and rejoinder. Zbl 1469.86015 Crainiceanu, Ciprian M.; Diggle, Peter J.; Rowlingson, Barry 19 2008 An introduction to model-based geostatistics. Zbl 1035.62096 Diggle, Peter J.; Ribeiro, Paulo J. jun.; Christensen, Ole F. 18 2003 On spline smoothing with autocorrelated errors. Zbl 0707.62080 Diggle, Peter J.; Hutchinson, Michael F. 18 1989 Second-order analysis of inhomogeneous spatial point processes using case-control data. Zbl 1134.62081 Diggle, P. J.; Gómez-Rubio, V.; Brown, P. E.; Chetwynd, A. G.; Gooding, S. 15 2007 A comparison between parametric and non-parametric approaches to the analysis of replicated spatial point patterns. Zbl 1052.60009 Diggle, Peter J.; Mateu, Jorge; Clough, Helen E. 15 2000 Nonparametric estimation of spatial segregation in a multivariate point process: bovine tuberculosis in Cornwall, UK. Zbl 1490.62352 Diggle, Peter; Zheng, Pingping; Durr, Peter 14 2005 Spatio-temporal point processes, partial likelihood, foot and mouth disease. Zbl 1143.62339 Diggle, Peter J. 14 2006 Joint modelling of repeated measurements and time-to-event outcomes: flexible model specification and exact likelihood inference. Zbl 1414.62411 Barrett, Jessica; Diggle, Peter; Henderson, Robin; Taylor-Robinson, David 14 2015 Bivariate Cox processes: Some models for bivariate spatial point patterns. Zbl 0503.62086 Diggle, Peter J.; Milne, Robin K. 12 1983 On parameter estimation for pairwise interaction point processes. Zbl 0829.62093 Diggle, Peter J.; Fiksel, Thomas; Grabarnik, Pavel; Ogata, Yosihiko; Stoyan, Dietrich; Tanemura, Masaharu 12 1994 Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns by means of distance methods. Zbl 0334.62050 Diggle, Peter J.; Besag, Julian; Gleaves, J. Timothy 12 1976 A nonparametric estimator for pairwise-interaction point processes. Zbl 0634.62037 Diggle, Peter J.; Gates, David J.; Stibbard, Alyson 10 1987 Partial-likelihood analysis of spatio-temporal point-process data. Zbl 1192.62192 Diggle, Peter J.; Kaimi, Irene; Abellana, Rosa 10 2010 Spatio-temporal point processes: methods and applications. Zbl 1121.62080 Diggle, Peter J. 9 2007 Spatio-temporal point processes, partial likelihood, foot and mouth disease. Zbl 1122.62344 Diggle, Peter J. 9 2006 On estimating the reduced second moment measure of a stationary spatial point process. Zbl 0924.62098 Chetwynd, A. G.; Diggle, P. J. 9 1998 Childhood malaria in the Gambia: a case-study in model-based geostatistics. Zbl 1111.62335 Diggle, Peter; Moyeed, Rana; Rowlingson, Barry; Thomson, Madeleine 8 2002 Modelling the bivariate spatial distribution of amacrine cells. Zbl 05243463 Diggle, Peter J.; Eglen, Stephen J.; Troy, John B. 8 2006 Robust density estimation using distance methods. Zbl 0296.62030 Diggle, Peter J. 8 1975 The selection of terms in an orthogonal series density estimator. Zbl 0589.62024 Diggle, Peter J.; Hall, Peter 8 1986 Model-based geostatistics for global public health. Methods and applications. Zbl 1412.62007 Diggle, Peter J.; Giorgi, Emanuele 8 2019 Negative binomial quadrat counts and point processes. Zbl 0525.60061 Diggle, Peter J.; Milne, Robin K. 8 1983 Linear mixed effects models for non-Gaussian continuous repeated measurement data. Zbl 07948099 Asar, Özgür; Bolin, David; Diggle, Peter J.; Wallin, Jonas 8 2020 Choosing the smoothing parameter in a Fourier approach to nonparametric deconvolution of a density estimate. Zbl 1380.62127 Barry, J.; Diggle, P. 7 1995 Interpreting multivariate data. Proceedings of the Conference on Looking at Multivariate Data held in the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, March 24-27, 1980. Zbl 0597.62002 6 1981 Estimating individual-level risk in spatial epidemiology using spatially aggregated information on the population at risk. Zbl 1388.62317 Diggle, Peter J.; Guan, Yongtao; Hart, Anthony C.; Paize, Fauzia; Stanton, Michelle 6 2010 Interoperability of statistical models in pandemic preparedness: principles and reality. Zbl 07535199 Nicholson, George; Blangiardo, Marta; Briers, Mark; Diggle, Peter J.; Fjelde, Tor Erlend; Ge, Hong; Goudie, Robert J. B.; Jersakova, Radka; King, Ruairidh E.; Lehmann, Brieuc C. L.; Mallon, Ann-Marie; Padellini, Tullia; Teh, Yee Whye; Holmes, Chris; Richardson, Sylvia 5 2022 A non-Gaussian model for time series with pulses. Zbl 1248.62146 Diggle, Peter J.; Zeger, Scott L. 5 1989 Point-source modelling using matched case-control data. Zbl 1122.62383 Diggle, Peter J.; Morris, Sara E.; Wakefield, Jon C. 4 2000 On periodogram-based spectral estimation for replicated time series. Zbl 0878.62062 Diggle, P. J.; Al-Wasel, I. 4 1993 Geostatistical methods for disease mapping and visualisation using data from spatio-temporally referenced prevalence surveys. Zbl 07763618 Giorgi, Emanuele; Diggle, Peter J.; Snow, Robert W.; Noor, Abdisalan M. 4 2018 A non-Gaussian spatial process model for opacity of flocculated paper. Zbl 1053.62133 Brown, Patric E.; Diggle, Peter J.; Henderson, Robin 3 2003 Modelling longitudinal and spatially correlated data: methods, applications, and future directions. Proceedings of the conference, Nantucket, USA, October 1996. Zbl 0868.00060 3 1997 Bayesian estimation and prediction for inhomogeneous spatiotemporal log-Gaussian Cox processes using low-rank models, with application to criminal surveillance. Zbl 1261.62086 Rodrigues, Alexandre; Diggle, Peter J. 3 2012 Joint modeling of time series measures and recurrent events and analysis of the effects of air quality on respiratory symptoms. Zbl 1469.62395 Zhang, Heping; Ye, Yuanqing; Diggle, Peter; Shi, Jian 3 2008 Inhibitory geostatistical designs for spatial prediction taking account of uncertain covariance structure. Zbl 1545.62730 Chipeta, Michael; Terlouw, Dianne; Phiri, Kamija; Diggle, Peter 3 2017 Combining data from multiple spatially referenced prevalence surveys using generalized linear geostatistical models. Zbl 07961265 Giorgi, Emanuele; Sesay, Sanie S. S.; Terlouw, Dianne J.; Diggle, Peter J. 3 2015 Statistics: a data science for the 21st century. Zbl 07961288 Diggle, Peter J. 3 2015 Some distance-based tests of independence for sparsely-sampled multivariate spatial point patterns. Zbl 0504.62039 Diggle, Peter J.; Cox, Trevor F. 2 1983 A note on robust density estimation for spatial point patterns. Zbl 0349.62026 Diggle, Peter J. 2 1977 A spatial stochastic model of inter-plant competition. Zbl 0352.60010 Diggle, Peter J. 2 1976 Conditional intensity: a powerful tool for modelling and analysing point process data. Zbl 1521.62180 Diggle, Peter J. 2 2021 A spatially discrete approximation to log-Gaussian Cox processes for modelling aggregated disease count data. Zbl 1546.62368 Johnson, Olatunji; Diggle, Peter; Giorgi, Emanuele 2 2019 Bivariate geostatistical modelling of the relationship between prevalence and intensity of infection. Zbl 1545.62782 Giorgi, Emanuele; Schlüter, Daniela K.; Diggle, Peter J. 2 2018 Estimation of spatial variation in risk using matched case-control data. Zbl 1441.62386 Jarner, Mikala F.; Diggle, Peter; Chetwynd, Amanda G. 2 2002 On sampling designs for the study of point-event nearest neighbour distributions in \(R^2\). Zbl 0433.62057 Diggle, Peter J.; Matern, Bertil 1 1980 The detection of random heterogeneity in plant populations. Zbl 0358.92008 Diggle, Peter J. 1 1977 Biostatistics: the near future. Zbl 1271.62272 Zeger, Scott; Diggle, Peter; Liang, Kung-Yee 1 2005 Conference on spatial processes. Newcastle upon Tyne, 20-21 May 1974. Zbl 0309.60005 1 1975 On parameter estimation for spatial point processes. Zbl 0391.62070 Diggle, Peter J. 1 1978 Spatial and longitudinal data analysis: Two histories with a common future? Zbl 0897.62102 Diggle, Peter J. 1 1997 Short-term and long-term effects of acute kidney injury in chronic kidney disease patients: a longitudinal analysis. Zbl 1353.62114 Asar, Özgür; Ritchie, James; Kalra, Philip A.; Diggle, Peter J. 1 2016 A model based approach to quality control of paper production. Zbl 1087.62140 Brown, Patrick E.; Diggle, Peter J.; Henderson, Robin 1 2004 Corrigendum: “Spatiotemporal prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes”. Zbl 1411.62246 Taylor, Benjamin M.; Diggle, Peter J. 1 2013 Dynamic predictive probabilities to monitor rapid cystic fibrosis disease progression. Zbl 1546.62726 Szczesniak, Rhonda D.; Su, Weiji; Brokamp, Cole; Keogh, Ruth H.; Pestian, John P.; Seid, Michael; Diggle, Peter J.; Clancy, John P. 1 2020 Towards realtime spatiotemporal prediction of district level meningitis incidence in sub-Saharan Africa. Zbl 07956883 Stanton, Michelle C.; Agier, Lydiane; Taylor, Benjamin M.; Diggle, Peter J. 1 2014 A geostatistical framework for combining spatially referenced disease prevalence data from multiple diagnostics. Zbl 1451.62112 Amoah, Benjamin; Diggle, Peter J.; Giorgi, Emanuele 1 2020 Interoperability of statistical models in pandemic preparedness: principles and reality. Zbl 07535199 Nicholson, George; Blangiardo, Marta; Briers, Mark; Diggle, Peter J.; Fjelde, Tor Erlend; Ge, Hong; Goudie, Robert J. B.; Jersakova, Radka; King, Ruairidh E.; Lehmann, Brieuc C. L.; Mallon, Ann-Marie; Padellini, Tullia; Teh, Yee Whye; Holmes, Chris; Richardson, Sylvia 5 2022 Conditional intensity: a powerful tool for modelling and analysing point process data. Zbl 1521.62180 Diggle, Peter J. 2 2021 Linear mixed effects models for non-Gaussian continuous repeated measurement data. Zbl 07948099 Asar, Özgür; Bolin, David; Diggle, Peter J.; Wallin, Jonas 8 2020 Dynamic predictive probabilities to monitor rapid cystic fibrosis disease progression. Zbl 1546.62726 Szczesniak, Rhonda D.; Su, Weiji; Brokamp, Cole; Keogh, Ruth H.; Pestian, John P.; Seid, Michael; Diggle, Peter J.; Clancy, John P. 1 2020 A geostatistical framework for combining spatially referenced disease prevalence data from multiple diagnostics. Zbl 1451.62112 Amoah, Benjamin; Diggle, Peter J.; Giorgi, Emanuele 1 2020 Model-based geostatistics for global public health. Methods and applications. Zbl 1412.62007 Diggle, Peter J.; Giorgi, Emanuele 8 2019 A spatially discrete approximation to log-Gaussian Cox processes for modelling aggregated disease count data. Zbl 1546.62368 Johnson, Olatunji; Diggle, Peter; Giorgi, Emanuele 2 2019 Geostatistical methods for disease mapping and visualisation using data from spatio-temporally referenced prevalence surveys. Zbl 07763618 Giorgi, Emanuele; Diggle, Peter J.; Snow, Robert W.; Noor, Abdisalan M. 4 2018 Bivariate geostatistical modelling of the relationship between prevalence and intensity of infection. Zbl 1545.62782 Giorgi, Emanuele; Schlüter, Daniela K.; Diggle, Peter J. 2 2018 Inhibitory geostatistical designs for spatial prediction taking account of uncertain covariance structure. Zbl 1545.62730 Chipeta, Michael; Terlouw, Dianne; Phiri, Kamija; Diggle, Peter 3 2017 Short-term and long-term effects of acute kidney injury in chronic kidney disease patients: a longitudinal analysis. Zbl 1353.62114 Asar, Özgür; Ritchie, James; Kalra, Philip A.; Diggle, Peter J. 1 2016 Joint modelling of repeated measurements and time-to-event outcomes: flexible model specification and exact likelihood inference. Zbl 1414.62411 Barrett, Jessica; Diggle, Peter; Henderson, Robin; Taylor-Robinson, David 14 2015 Combining data from multiple spatially referenced prevalence surveys using generalized linear geostatistical models. Zbl 07961265 Giorgi, Emanuele; Sesay, Sanie S. S.; Terlouw, Dianne J.; Diggle, Peter J. 3 2015 Statistics: a data science for the 21st century. Zbl 07961288 Diggle, Peter J. 3 2015 Statistical analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns. 3rd ed. Zbl 1435.62004 Diggle, Peter J. 59 2014 INLA or MCMC? A tutorial and comparative evaluation for spatial prediction in log-Gaussian Cox processes. Zbl 1453.62214 Taylor, Benjamin M.; Diggle, Peter J. 20 2014 Towards realtime spatiotemporal prediction of district level meningitis incidence in sub-Saharan Africa. Zbl 07956883 Stanton, Michelle C.; Agier, Lydiane; Taylor, Benjamin M.; Diggle, Peter J. 1 2014 Analysis of longitudinal data. Reprint of the 2nd hardback ed. 2003. Zbl 1268.62001 Diggle, Peter J.; Heagerty, Patrick J.; Liang, Kung-Yee; Zeger, Scott L. 42 2013 Spatial and spatio-temporal log-Gaussian Cox processes: extending the geostatistical paradigm. Zbl 1331.86027 Diggle, Peter J.; Moraga, Paula; Rowlingson, Barry; Taylor, Benjamin M. 37 2013 Corrigendum: “Spatiotemporal prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes”. Zbl 1411.62246 Taylor, Benjamin M.; Diggle, Peter J. 1 2013 Bayesian estimation and prediction for inhomogeneous spatiotemporal log-Gaussian Cox processes using low-rank models, with application to criminal surveillance. Zbl 1261.62086 Rodrigues, Alexandre; Diggle, Peter J. 3 2012 Handbook of spatial statistics. Zbl 1188.62284 202 2010 Discovering the false discovery rate. With comments and author’s reply. Zbl 1411.62043 Benjamini, Yoav 23 2010 A class of convolution-based models for spatio-temporal processes with non-separable covariance structure. Zbl 1349.62449 Rodrigues, Alexandre; Diggle, Peter J. 19 2010 Partial-likelihood analysis of spatio-temporal point-process data. Zbl 1192.62192 Diggle, Peter J.; Kaimi, Irene; Abellana, Rosa 10 2010 Estimating individual-level risk in spatial epidemiology using spatially aggregated information on the population at risk. Zbl 1388.62317 Diggle, Peter J.; Guan, Yongtao; Hart, Anthony C.; Paize, Fauzia; Stanton, Michelle 6 2010 Second-order analysis of inhomogeneous spatio-temporal point process data. Zbl 07882057 Gabriel, Edith; Diggle, Peter J. 26 2009 Bivariate binomial spatial modeling of Loa loa prevalence in tropical Africa. With comments and rejoinder. Zbl 1469.86015 Crainiceanu, Ciprian M.; Diggle, Peter J.; Rowlingson, Barry 19 2008 Joint modeling of time series measures and recurrent events and analysis of the effects of air quality on respiratory symptoms. Zbl 1469.62395 Zhang, Heping; Ye, Yuanqing; Diggle, Peter; Shi, Jian 3 2008 Model-based geostatistics. Zbl 1132.86002 Diggle, Peter J.; Ribeiro, Paulo J. jun. 131 2007 Second-order analysis of inhomogeneous spatial point processes using case-control data. Zbl 1134.62081 Diggle, P. J.; Gómez-Rubio, V.; Brown, P. E.; Chetwynd, A. G.; Gooding, S. 15 2007 Spatio-temporal point processes: methods and applications. Zbl 1121.62080 Diggle, Peter J. 9 2007 Bayesian geostatistics design. Zbl 1120.62112 Diggle, Peter; Lophaven, Søren 37 2006 Spatio-temporal point processes, partial likelihood, foot and mouth disease. Zbl 1143.62339 Diggle, Peter J. 14 2006 Spatio-temporal point processes, partial likelihood, foot and mouth disease. Zbl 1122.62344 Diggle, Peter J. 9 2006 Modelling the bivariate spatial distribution of amacrine cells. Zbl 05243463 Diggle, Peter J.; Eglen, Stephen J.; Troy, John B. 8 2006 Nonparametric estimation of spatial segregation in a multivariate point process: bovine tuberculosis in Cornwall, UK. Zbl 1490.62352 Diggle, Peter; Zheng, Pingping; Durr, Peter 14 2005 Biostatistics: the near future. Zbl 1271.62272 Zeger, Scott; Diggle, Peter; Liang, Kung-Yee 1 2005 Detecting dependence between marks and locations of marked point processes. Zbl 1061.62151 Schlather, Martin; Ribeiro, Paulo J. jun.; Diggle, Peter J. 25 2004 A model based approach to quality control of paper production. Zbl 1087.62140 Brown, Patrick E.; Diggle, Peter J.; Henderson, Robin 1 2004 Analysis of longitudinal data. 2nd ed. Zbl 1031.62002 Diggle, Peter J.; Heagerty, Patrick J.; Liang, Kung-Yee; Zeger, Scott L. 178 2003 Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. 2nd ed. Zbl 1021.62076 Diggle, Peter J. 150 2003 An introduction to model-based geostatistics. Zbl 1035.62096 Diggle, Peter J.; Ribeiro, Paulo J. jun.; Christensen, Ole F. 18 2003 A non-Gaussian spatial process model for opacity of flocculated paper. Zbl 1053.62133 Brown, Patric E.; Diggle, Peter J.; Henderson, Robin 3 2003 Identification and efficacy of longitudinal markers for survival. Zbl 1133.62360 Henderson, Robin; Diggle, Peter; Dobson, Angela 28 2002 Childhood malaria in the Gambia: a case-study in model-based geostatistics. Zbl 1111.62335 Diggle, Peter; Moyeed, Rana; Rowlingson, Barry; Thomson, Madeleine 8 2002 Estimation of spatial variation in risk using matched case-control data. Zbl 1441.62386 Jarner, Mikala F.; Diggle, Peter; Chetwynd, Amanda G. 2 2002 Spatiotemporal prediction for log-Gaussian Cox processes. Zbl 0996.62076 Brix, Anders; Diggle, Peter J. 56 2001 Joint modelling of longitudinal measurements and event time data. Zbl 1089.62519 Henderson, Robin; Diggle, Peter; Dobson, Angela 221 2000 A comparison between parametric and non-parametric approaches to the analysis of replicated spatial point patterns. Zbl 1052.60009 Diggle, Peter J.; Mateu, Jorge; Clough, Helen E. 15 2000 Point-source modelling using matched case-control data. Zbl 1122.62383 Diggle, Peter J.; Morris, Sara E.; Wakefield, Jon C. 4 2000 Model-based geostatistics. (With discussion). Zbl 0904.62119 Diggle, P. J.; Tawn, J. A.; Moyeed, R. A. 237 1998 Nonparametric estimation of covariance structure in longitudinal data. Zbl 1058.62600 Diggle, Peter J.; Verbyla, Arūnas P. 48 1998 Monotone missing data and pattern-mixture models. Zbl 0946.62034 Molenberghs, G.; Michiels, B.; Kenward, M. G.; Diggle, P. J. 35 1998 Spatial variation in risk of disease: A nonparametric binary regression approach. Zbl 0935.62122 Kelsall, Julia E.; Diggle, Peter J. 25 1998 On estimating the reduced second moment measure of a stationary spatial point process. Zbl 0924.62098 Chetwynd, A. G.; Diggle, P. J. 9 1998 Spectral analysis of replicated biomedical time series. (With discussion). Zbl 0893.62108 Diggle, Peter J.; Al Wasel, Ibrahim 26 1997 Modelling longitudinal and spatially correlated data: methods, applications, and future directions. Proceedings of the conference, Nantucket, USA, October 1996. Zbl 0868.00060 3 1997 Spatial and longitudinal data analysis: Two histories with a common future? Zbl 0897.62102 Diggle, Peter J. 1 1997 Kernel estimation of relative risk. Zbl 0830.62039 Kelsall, Julia E.; Diggle, Peter J. 27 1995 Choosing the smoothing parameter in a Fourier approach to nonparametric deconvolution of a density estimate. Zbl 1380.62127 Barry, J.; Diggle, P. 7 1995 Informative drop-out in longitudinal data analysis. Zbl 0825.62010 Diggle, P.; Kenward, M. G. 313 1994 Semiparametric models for longitudinal data with application of CD4 cell numbers in HIV seroconverters. Zbl 0821.62093 Zeger, Scott L.; Diggle, Peter J. 203 1994 Rates of convergence in semi-parametric modelling of longitudinal data. Zbl 0829.62049 Moyeed, R. A.; Diggle, P. J. 30 1994 On parameter estimation for pairwise interaction point processes. Zbl 0829.62093 Diggle, Peter J.; Fiksel, Thomas; Grabarnik, Pavel; Ogata, Yosihiko; Stoyan, Dietrich; Tanemura, Masaharu 12 1994 A Fourier approach to nonparametric deconvolution of a density estimate. Zbl 0783.62030 Diggle, Peter J.; Hall, Peter 69 1993 Modelling multivariate binary data with alternating logistic regressions. Zbl 0800.62446 Carey, Vincent; Zeger, Scott L.; Diggle, Peter 69 1993 On periodogram-based spectral estimation for replicated time series. Zbl 0878.62062 Diggle, P. J.; Al-Wasel, I. 4 1993 Nonparametric comparison of cumulative periodograms. Zbl 0825.62465 Diggle, P. J.; Fisher, N. I. 39 1991 Time series. A biostatistical introduction. Zbl 0727.62083 Diggle, Peter J. 40 1990 Estimating weighted integrals of the second-order intensity of a spatial point process. Zbl 0671.62043 Berman, Mark; Diggle, Peter 35 1989 On spline smoothing with autocorrelated errors. Zbl 0707.62080 Diggle, Peter J.; Hutchinson, Michael F. 18 1989 A non-Gaussian model for time series with pulses. Zbl 1248.62146 Diggle, Peter J.; Zeger, Scott L. 5 1989 An approach to the analysis of repeated measurements. Zbl 0715.62193 Diggle, Peter J. 53 1988 Equivalence of smoothing parameter selectors in density and intensity estimation. Zbl 0662.62036 Diggle, Peter; Marron, J. S. 25 1988 A nonparametric estimator for pairwise-interaction point processes. Zbl 0634.62037 Diggle, Peter J.; Gates, David J.; Stibbard, Alyson 10 1987 Tests for comparing two estimated spectral densities. Zbl 0581.62076 Coates, D. S.; Diggle, P. J. 57 1986 The selection of terms in an orthogonal series density estimator. Zbl 0589.62024 Diggle, Peter J.; Hall, Peter 8 1986 A kernel method for smoothing point process data. Zbl 0584.62140 Diggle, Peter 93 1985 Monte Carlo methods of inference for implicit statistical models. Zbl 0561.62035 Diggle, Peter J.; Gratton, Richard J. 65 1984 Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns. Zbl 0559.62088 Diggle, Peter J. 102 1983 Bivariate Cox processes: Some models for bivariate spatial point patterns. Zbl 0503.62086 Diggle, Peter J.; Milne, Robin K. 12 1983 Negative binomial quadrat counts and point processes. Zbl 0525.60061 Diggle, Peter J.; Milne, Robin K. 8 1983 Some distance-based tests of independence for sparsely-sampled multivariate spatial point patterns. Zbl 0504.62039 Diggle, Peter J.; Cox, Trevor F. 2 1983 Interpreting multivariate data. Proceedings of the Conference on Looking at Multivariate Data held in the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, March 24-27, 1980. Zbl 0597.62002 6 1981 On sampling designs for the study of point-event nearest neighbour distributions in \(R^2\). Zbl 0433.62057 Diggle, Peter J.; Matern, Bertil 1 1980 On parameter estimation and goodness-of-fit testing for spatial point patterns. Zbl 0418.62075 Diggle, Peter J. 32 1979 On parameter estimation for spatial point processes. Zbl 0391.62070 Diggle, Peter J. 1 1978 A note on robust density estimation for spatial point patterns. Zbl 0349.62026 Diggle, Peter J. 2 1977 The detection of random heterogeneity in plant populations. Zbl 0358.92008 Diggle, Peter J. 1 1977 Statistical analysis of spatial point patterns by means of distance methods. Zbl 0334.62050 Diggle, Peter J.; Besag, Julian; Gleaves, J. Timothy 12 1976 A spatial stochastic model of inter-plant competition. Zbl 0352.60010 Diggle, Peter J. 2 1976 Robust density estimation using distance methods. Zbl 0296.62030 Diggle, Peter J. 8 1975 Conference on spatial processes. Newcastle upon Tyne, 20-21 May 1974. Zbl 0309.60005 1 1975 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 4,262 Authors 59 Mateu, Jorge 47 Molenberghs, Geert 27 Verbeke, Geert N. 22 Rue, Håvard 21 Baddeley, Adrian John 21 Banerjee, Sudipto 20 Diggle, Peter John 18 Guan, Yongtao 18 Moller, Jesper 17 Ganjali, Mojtaba 17 Gelfand, Alan Enoch 16 van Lieshout, Marie-Colette N. M. 15 Kenward, Michael G. 15 Reich, Brian James 15 Rizopoulos, Dimitris 14 Waagepetersen, Rasmus Plenge 14 Xue, Liugen 14 Yi, Grace Yun 12 Daniels, Michael J. 12 Pan, Jianxin 11 Cressie, Noel A. C. 11 Liang, Hua 11 Särkkä, Aila 11 Stoyan, Dietrich Kurt 10 Adelfio, Giada 10 Hazelton, Martin L. 10 Holan, Scott H. 10 Ibrahim, Joseph George 10 Sun, Liuquan 10 Wikle, Christopher K. 10 You, Jinhong 9 Baghfalaki, Taban 9 Carroll, Raymond James 9 Ceyhan, Elvan 9 Davies, Tilman M. 9 Hall, Peter Gavin 9 Ko, Feng-Shou 9 Lee, Youngjo 9 Lesaffre, Emmanuel M. E. H. 9 Taylor, Jeremy M. G. 9 Wand, Matthew P. 9 Zeng, Donglin 9 Zhu, Zhongyi 8 Albert, Paul S. 8 Chadœuf, Joël 8 Coeurjolly, Jean-François 8 Hanks, Ephraim M. 8 Heinrich, Lothar 8 Henderson, Robin G. 8 Hooten, Mevin B. 8 Lian, Heng 8 Maharaj, Elizabeth Ann 8 Mohammadzadeh, Mohsen 8 Mrkvička, Tomáš 8 Nair, Gopalan M. 8 Proust-Lima, Cécile 8 Sansó, Bruno 8 Schoenberg, Frederic Paik 8 Song, Peter Xue-Kun 8 Song, Xinyuan 8 Sutradhar, Brajendra Chandra 8 Tang, Niansheng 8 Zhu, Zhengyuan 7 Aerts, Marc 7 Beunckens, Caroline 7 De Oliveira, Victor 7 Delaigle, Aurore 7 Dette, Holger 7 Gamerman, Dani 7 Genton, Marc G. 7 Jin, Lei 7 Kottas, Athanasios 7 Lindgren, Finn 7 Núñez-Antón, Vicente 7 Vedel Jensen, Eva Bjørn 7 Wakefield, Jon C. 7 Zhang, Tonglin 7 Zhu, Jun 7 Zimmerman, Dale L. 6 Beneš, Viktor 6 Beran, Jan 6 Bolin, David 6 Bradley, Jonathan R. 6 Comte, Fabienne 6 Cook, Richard John 6 Cronie, Ottmar 6 Eidsvik, Jo 6 Faes, Christel 6 Finley, Andrew O. 6 González-Manteiga, Wenceslao 6 Haran, Murali 6 Jalilian, Abdollah H. 6 Lachos Dávila, Víctor Hugo 6 Lawson, Andrew B. 6 Li, Gaorong 6 Lin, Jinguan 6 Lipsitz, Stuart R. 6 Loh, Ji Meng 6 Luo, Sheng 6 Matos, Larissa A. ...and 4,162 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 226 Serials 178 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 176 Biometrics 92 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 86 Journal of Applied Statistics 84 The Annals of Applied Statistics 76 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 65 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 63 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 62 Environmetrics 61 Biometrical Journal 60 Statistics in Medicine 58 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 58 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 54 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 48 The Annals of Statistics 45 Statistical Science 44 Statistics and Computing 43 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 43 Journal of the American Statistical Association 41 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 37 Statistics & Probability Letters 34 International Statistical Review 31 Electronic Journal of Statistics 29 Computational Statistics 27 Test 26 Statistical Modelling 24 Statistics 24 Lifetime Data Analysis 24 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 22 Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics 20 Journal of Time Series Analysis 20 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 19 Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 19 Statistical Methods and Applications 19 Stat 18 Journal of Econometrics 18 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 17 Bernoulli 17 Bayesian Analysis 16 Psychometrika 16 Statistica Neerlandica 16 Statistical Papers 15 Metrika 15 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C. Applied Statistics 15 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 14 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 14 AStA. Advances in Statistical Analysis 14 Mathematical Geosciences 13 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 13 Statistical Methods in Medical Research 12 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 11 European Journal of Operational Research 11 Journal of Theoretical Biology 10 Statistical Methodology 10 Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. WIREs Computational Statistics 10 Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science 9 Advances in Applied Probability 9 Technometrics 9 Biostatistics 8 Metron 8 Sankhyā. Series B 7 The International Journal of Biostatistics 6 The American Statistician 6 Mathematical Biosciences 6 Theoretical Population Biology 6 Science in China. Series A 6 Extremes 6 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 6 Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 6 Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 6 Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 6 Journal of Systems Science and Complexity 6 Mathematical Geology 6 Advances in Data Analysis and Classification. ADAC 6 Statistics Surveys 6 Science China. Mathematics 6 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 5 Kybernetika 5 Revista Colombiana de Estadística 5 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 5 Sankhyā. Series A 5 Chilean Journal of Statistics 4 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 4 British Journal of Mathematical & Statistical Psychology 4 Statistica 4 Statistica Sinica 4 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 3 Journal of Classification 3 Probability Theory and Related Fields 3 Machine Learning 3 Applications of Mathematics 3 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 3 Journal of Biopharmaceutical Statistics 3 Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 3 Statistical Inference for Stochastic Processes 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 ASTIN Bulletin 3 Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology 3 North American Actuarial Journal 3 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine ...and 126 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 38 Fields 2,366 Statistics (62-XX) 353 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 347 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 165 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 89 Geophysics (86-XX) 51 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 44 Computer science (68-XX) 20 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 11 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 10 Combinatorics (05-XX) 10 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 7 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 7 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 6 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 5 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 5 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 4 History and biography (01-XX) 4 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 4 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 1 Special functions (33-XX) 1 Functional analysis (46-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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