Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Donoho, David Leigh Co-Author Distance Author ID: donoho.david-l Published as: Donoho, David L.; Donoho, David; Donoho, D. L. more...less Homepage: https://statistics.stanford.edu/people/david-donoho External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Google Scholar · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef · theses.fr Videos: carmin.tv Awards: Shaw Prize (2013) · Carl Friedrich Gauss Prize (2018) Documents Indexed: 141 Publications since 1981, including 3 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 6 Packages Co-Authors: 85 Co-Authors with 113 Joint Publications 2,304 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 30 single-authored 16 Johnstone, Iain Murray 10 Candès, Emmanuel J. 8 Elad, Michael 8 Gavish, Matan 8 Starck, Jean-Luc 7 Huo, Xiaoming 6 Jin, Jiashun 6 Montanari, Andrea 5 Arias-Castro, Ery 5 Averbuch, Amir Z. 5 Coifman, Ronald Raphaël 5 Flesia, Ana Georgina 5 Liu, Richard Chieng 5 Tanner, Jared W. 4 Tsaig, Yaakov 3 Israeli, Moshe 3 Kerkyacharian, Gérard 3 Picard, Dominique B. 3 Yu, Thomas Pok-Yin 2 Chen, Scott Shaobing 2 Drori, Iddo 2 Grimes, Carrie 2 Kipnis, Alon 2 Levi, Ofer 2 Mallat, Stephane Georges 2 Monajemi, Hatef 2 Querre, P. 2 Raimondo, Marc E. 2 Saunders, Michael A. 2 Shkolnisky, Yoel 2 Stark, Philip B. 2 Temlyakov, Vladimir Nikolaevich 2 Tovey, Craig A. 1 Abramovich, Felix P. 1 Aghanim, Nabila 1 Benjamini, Yoav 1 Bobin, Jérôme 1 Bruckstein, Alfred Marcel 1 Buckheit, Jonathan B. 1 Coit, Jason 1 Daubechies, Ingrid 1 Demanet, Laurent 1 DeVore, Ronald A. 1 Dyn, Nira 1 Fadili, Jalal M. 1 Feldman, Michael J. 1 Forni, Olivier 1 Gasko, Miriam 1 Han, Xiaoyan 1 Hel-Or, Hagit 1 Hoch, Jeffrey C. 1 Huber, Peter Jost 1 Jafarpour, Sina 1 Javanmard, Adel 1 Krim, Hamid 1 Kutyniok, Gitta 1 Levin, David N. 1 Logan, Benjamin F. 1 Low, Mark G. 1 Lund, Carsten 1 MacGibbon, Brenda 1 Maleki, Arian 1 Mhaskar, Hrushikesh N. 1 Moudden, Yassir 1 Murtagh, Fionn D. 1 Nussbaum, Michael 1 Papyan, Vardan 1 Paxson, Vern 1 Rahman, Inam Ur 1 Romanov, Elad 1 Roughan, Matthew 1 Samuelides, Yann 1 Schclar, Alon 1 Schröder, Peter 1 Sedelnikov, Ilya 1 Shankar, Umesh 1 Staniford, Stuart 1 Stern, Alan S. 1 Stodden, Victoria C. 1 Tucker, Dewey 1 Vetterli, Martin 1 von Sachs, Rainer 1 Ying, Lexing 1 Zhang, Yin 1 Zhou, Dingxuan all top 5 Serials 24 The Annals of Statistics 16 IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 9 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 8 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 5 IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 3 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 3 Journal of Approximation Theory 3 Probability Theory and Related Fields 3 Signal Processing 3 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 3 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2 Discrete & Computational Geometry 2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 2 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 2 SIAM Review 2 Statistica Sinica 2 EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing 2 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 2 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 1 Advances in Applied Probability 1 Biometrika 1 Journal of the American Statistical Association 1 Journal of Complexity 1 Constructive Approximation 1 Statistical Science 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 1 The Annals of Applied Probability 1 Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences. Série I 1 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 1 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 1 Bernoulli 1 Network: Computation in Neural Systems 1 Biostatistics 1 The ANZIAM Journal 1 Journal of Business and Economic Statistics 1 Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 1 Information and Inference all top 5 Fields 70 Statistics (62-XX) 58 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 41 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 25 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 19 Computer science (68-XX) 17 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 10 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 8 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 6 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 6 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 5 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 4 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 2 Special functions (33-XX) 2 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 1 Combinatorics (05-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Geometry (51-XX) 1 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 127 Publications have been cited 12,261 times in 7,435 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Compressed sensing. Zbl 1288.94016 Donoho, David L. 1,616 2006 Ideal spatial adaptation by wavelet shrinkage. Zbl 0815.62019 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 926 1994 Atomic decomposition by basis pursuit. Zbl 0919.94002 Chen, Scott Shaobing; Donoho, David L.; Saunders, Michael A. 610 1999 Adapting to unknown smoothness via wavelet shrinkage. Zbl 0869.62024 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 464 1995 De-noising by soft-thresholding. Zbl 0820.62002 Donoho, David L. 445 1995 Atomic decomposition by basis pursuit. Zbl 0979.94010 Chen, Scott Shaobing; Donoho, David L.; Saunders, Michael A. 361 2001 Optimally sparse representation in general (nonorthogonal) dictionaries via \(\ell^1\) minimization. Zbl 1064.94011 Donoho, David L.; Elad, Michael 346 2003 From sparse solutions of systems of equations to sparse modeling of signals and images. Zbl 1178.68619 Bruckstein, Alfred M.; Donoho, David L.; Elad, Michael 334 2009 Density estimation by wavelet thresholding. Zbl 0860.62032 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M.; Kerkyacharian, Gérard; Picard, Dominique 310 1996 Uncertainty principles and signal recovery. Zbl 0689.42001 Donoho, David L.; Stark, Philip B. 297 1989 New tight frames of curvelets and optimal representations of objects with piecewise \(C ^{2}\) singularities. Zbl 1038.94502 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 293 2004 Wavelet shrinkage: Asymptopia? Zbl 0827.62035 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M.; Kerkyacharian, Gérard; Picard, Dominique 276 1995 Stable recovery of sparse overcomplete representations in the presence of noise. Zbl 1288.94017 Donoho, David L.; Elad, Michael; Temlyakov, Vladimir N. 242 2006 Minimax estimation via wavelet shrinkage. Zbl 0935.62041 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 241 1998 Higher criticism for detecting sparse heterogeneous mixtures. Zbl 1092.62051 Donoho, David; Jin, Jiashun 239 2004 Uncertainty principles and ideal atomic decomposition. Zbl 1019.94503 Donoho, David L.; Huo, Xiaoming 235 2001 For most large underdetermined systems of linear equations the minimal \(\ell_{1}\)-norm solution is also the sparsest solution. Zbl 1113.15004 Donoho, David L. 228 2006 Breakdown properties of location estimates based on halfspace depth and projected outlyingness. Zbl 0776.62031 Donoho, David L.; Gasko, Miriam 217 1992 Hessian eigenmaps: locally linear embedding techniques for high-dimensional data. Zbl 1130.62337 Donoho, David L.; Grimes, Carrie 208 2003 The notion of breakdown point. Zbl 0523.62032 Donoho, David L.; Huber, Peter J. 199 1983 Nonlinear solution of linear inverse problems by wavelet-vaguelette decomposition. Zbl 0826.65117 Donoho, David L. 169 1995 Fast discrete curvelet transforms. Zbl 1122.65134 Candès, Emmanuel; Demanet, Laurent; Donoho, David; Ying, Lexing 133 2006 Adapting to unknown sparsity by controlling the false discovery rate. Zbl 1092.62005 Abramovich, Felix; Benjamini, Yoav; Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 129 2006 Translation-invariant de-noising. Zbl 0866.94008 Coifman, R. R.; Donoho, D. L. 125 1995 Ridgelets: a key to higher-dimensional intermittency? Zbl 1082.42503 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 120 1999 The curvelet transform for image denoising. Zbl 1288.94011 Starck, Jean-Luc; Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 114 2002 Simultaneous cartoon and texture image inpainting using morphological component analysis (MCA). Zbl 1081.68732 Elad, M.; Starck, J.-L.; Querre, P.; Donoho, D. L. 113 2005 Image decomposition via the combination of sparse representations and a variational approach. Zbl 1288.94012 Starck, Jean-Luc; Elad, Michael; Donoho, David L. 102 2005 Sparse solution of underdetermined systems of linear equations by stagewise orthogonal matching pursuit. Zbl 1365.94069 Donoho, David L.; Tsaig, Yaakov; Drori, Iddo; Starck, Jean-Luc 89 2012 Statistical estimation and optimal recovery. Zbl 0805.62014 Donoho, David L. 84 1994 Geometrizing rates of convergence. II. Zbl 0754.62028 Donoho, David L.; Liu, Richard C. 82 1991 Superresolution via sparsity constraints. Zbl 0769.42007 Donoho, David L. 82 1992 Continuous curvelet transform. I: Resolution of the wavefront set. Zbl 1086.42022 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 81 2005 Minimax risk over hyperrectangles, and implications. Zbl 0705.62018 Donoho, David L.; Liu, Richard C.; MacGibbon, Brenda 79 1990 Minimax risk over \(l_ p\)-balls for \(l_ q\)-error. Zbl 0802.62006 Donoho, D. L.; Johnstone, I. M. 77 1994 The “automatic” robustness of minimum distance functionals. Zbl 0684.62030 Donoho, David L.; Liu, Richard C. 76 1988 Geometrizing rates of convergence. III. Zbl 0754.62029 Donoho, David L.; Liu, Richard C. 75 1991 Wedgelets: Nearly minimax estimation of edges. Zbl 0957.62029 Donoho, David L. 73 1999 Observed universality of phase transitions in high-dimensional geometry, with implications for modern data analysis and signal processing. Zbl 1185.94029 Donoho, David; Tanner, Jared 73 2009 Fast solution of \(\ell_1\)-norm minimization problems when the solution may be sparse. Zbl 1247.94009 Donoho, David L.; Tsaig, Yaakov 72 2008 Maximum entropy and the nearly black object.(With discussion). Zbl 0788.62103 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M.; Hoch, Jeffrey C.; Stern, Alan S. 70 1992 Unconditional bases are optimal bases for data compression and for statistical estimation. Zbl 0796.62083 Donoho, David L. 70 1993 Counting faces of randomly projected polytopes when the projection radically lowers dimension. Zbl 1206.52010 Donoho, David L.; Tanner, Jared 70 2009 The optimal hard threshold for singular values is \(4/\sqrt 3\). Zbl 1360.94071 Gavish, Matan; Donoho, David L. 67 2014 Continuous curvelet transform. II: Discretization and frames. Zbl 1086.42023 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 66 2005 Sparse components of images and optimal atomic decompositions. Zbl 0995.65150 Donoho, D. L. 65 2001 Multiscale representations for manifold-valued data. Zbl 1236.65166 Rahman, Inam Ur; Drori, Iddo; Stodden, Victoria C.; Donoho, David L.; Schröder, Peter 64 2005 Neighborliness of randomly projected simplices in high dimension. Zbl 1135.60300 Donoho, David L.; Tanner, Jared 63 2005 One-sided inference about functionals of a density. Zbl 0665.62040 Donoho, David L. 59 1988 Optimal shrinkage of eigenvalues in the spiked covariance model. Zbl 1403.62099 Donoho, David; Gavish, Matan; Johnstone, Iain 59 2018 High-dimensional centrally symmetric polytopes with neighborliness proportional to dimension. Zbl 1095.52500 Donoho, David L. 56 2006 Near-optimal detection of geometric objects by fast multiscale methods. Zbl 1282.94014 Arias-Castro, Ery; Donoho, David L.; Huo, Xiaoming 54 2005 High dimensional robust M-estimation: asymptotic variance via approximate message passing. Zbl 1357.62220 Donoho, David; Montanari, Andrea 52 2016 Recovering edges in ill-posed inverse problems: Optimality of curvelet frames. Zbl 1101.62335 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 51 2002 Counting the faces of randomly-projected hypercubes and orthants, with applications. Zbl 1191.52004 Donoho, David L.; Tanner, Jared 51 2010 Minimax quadratic estimation of a quadratic functional. Zbl 0724.62039 Donoho, David L.; Nussbaum, Michael 50 1990 Extensions of compressed sensing. Zbl 1163.94399 Tsaig, Yaakov; Donoho, David L. 49 2006 Higher criticism thresholding: optimal feature selection when useful features are rare and weak. Zbl 1357.62212 Donoho, David; Jin, Jiashun 46 2008 Data compression and harmonic analysis. Zbl 1125.94311 Donoho, David L.; Vetterli, Martin; DeVore, R. A.; Daubechies, Ingrid 45 1998 Renormalization exponents and optimal pointwise rates of convergence. Zbl 0797.62032 Donoho, David L.; Low, Mark G. 44 1992 CART and best-ortho-basis: a connection. Zbl 0942.62044 Donoho, David L. 43 1997 Signal recovery and the large sieve. Zbl 0768.42001 Donoho, D. L.; Logan, B. F. 41 1992 Microlocal analysis of the geometric separation problem. Zbl 1261.94007 Donoho, David; Kutyniok, Gitta 39 2013 Minimax risk of matrix denoising by singular value thresholding. Zbl 1310.62014 Donoho, David; Gavish, Matan 37 2014 Higher criticism for large-scale inference, especially for rare and weak effects. Zbl 1332.62019 Donoho, David; Jin, Jiashun 34 2015 The noise-sensitivity phase transition in compressed sensing. Zbl 1365.94094 Donoho, David L.; Maleki, Arian; Montanari, Andrea 33 2011 Nonlinear wavelet methods for recovery of signals, densities, and spectra from indirect and noisy data. Zbl 0786.62094 Donoho, David L. 33 1993 Feature selection by higher criticism thresholding achieves the optimal phase diagram. Zbl 1185.62113 Donoho, David; Jin, Jiashun 29 2009 Optimal shrinkage of singular values. Zbl 1366.94100 Gavish, Matan; Donoho, David L. 28 2017 Projection-based approximation and a duality with kernel methods. Zbl 0699.62067 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 28 1989 Asymptotic minimax risk for sup-norm loss: Solution via optimal recovery. Zbl 0802.62007 Donoho, D. L. 28 1994 Ideal denoising in an orthonormal basis chosen from a library of bases. Zbl 0819.94007 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 28 1994 Orthonormal ridgelets and linear singularities. Zbl 0952.42020 Donoho, David L. 26 2000 WaveLab and reproducible research. Zbl 0828.62001 Buckheit, Jonathan B.; Donoho, David L. 25 1995 Nonlinear pyramid transforms based on median-interpolation. Zbl 0953.42017 Donoho, David L.; Yu, Thomas P.-Y. 25 2000 Unconditional bases and bit-level compression. Zbl 0936.62004 Donoho, David L. 24 1996 Pathologies of some minimum distance estimators. Zbl 0684.62029 Donoho, David L.; Liu, Richard C. 24 1988 Beamlets and multiscale image analysis. Zbl 1084.65134 Donoho, David L.; Huo, Xiaoming 24 2002 On the stability of the basis pursuit in the presence of noise. Zbl 1163.94329 Donoho, David L.; Elad, Michael 24 2006 Accurate prediction of phase transitions in compressed sensing via a connection to minimax denoising. Zbl 1364.94092 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain; Montanari, Andrea 23 2013 Neo-classical minimax problems, thresholding and adaptive function estimation. Zbl 0877.62035 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 21 1996 Adaptive multiscale detection of filamentary structures in a background of uniform random points. Zbl 1091.62095 Arias-Castro, Ery; Donoho, David L.; Huo, Xiaoming 21 2006 Information-theoretically optimal compressed sensing via spatial coupling and approximate message passing. Zbl 1364.94120 Donoho, David L.; Javanmard, Adel; Montanari, Andrea 20 2013 Image manifolds which are isometric to Euclidean space. Zbl 1478.62186 Donoho, David L.; Grimes, Carrie 19 2005 On minimum entropy deconvolution. Zbl 0481.62075 Donoho, David 19 1981 Universal near minimaxity of wavelet shrinkage. Zbl 0891.62025 Donoho, D. L.; Johnstone, I. M.; Kerkyacharian, G.; Picard, D. 18 1997 Translation invariant deconvolution in a periodic setting. Zbl 1071.62088 Donoho, David L.; Raimondo, Marc E. 17 2004 A framework for discrete integral transformations. I: The pseudopolar Fourier transform. Zbl 1167.65075 Averbuch, A.; Coifman, R. R.; Donoho, D. L.; Israeli, M.; Shkolnisky, Y. 17 2008 Gray and color image contrast enhancement by the curvelet transform. Zbl 1288.94013 Starck, Jean-Luc; Murtagh, Fionn; Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 17 2003 On Lebesgue-type inequalities for greedy approximation. Zbl 1120.41007 Donoho, D. L.; Elad, M.; Temlyakov, V. N. 17 2007 Fast and accurate polar Fourier transform. Zbl 1107.65127 Averbuch, A.; Coifman, R. R.; Donoho, D. L.; Elad, M.; Israeli, M. 17 2006 The phase transition of matrix recovery from Gaussian measurements matches the minimax MSE of matrix denoising. Zbl 1292.94004 Donoho, David L.; Gavish, Matan; Montanari, Andrea 16 2013 Cosmological non-Gaussian signature detection: comparing performance of different statistical tests. Zbl 1127.94335 Jin, J.; Starck, J.-L.; Donoho, D. L.; Aghanim, N.; Forni, O. 16 2005 Morphological component analysis: an adaptive thresholding strategy. Zbl 1288.94009 Bobin, Jérôme; Starck, Jean-Luc; Fadili, Jalal; Moudden, Yassir; Donoho, David L. 16 2007 Curvelets and curvilinear integrals. Zbl 0989.42020 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 15 2001 Asymptotic minimaxity of false discovery rate thresholding for sparse exponential data. Zbl 1114.62010 Donoho, David; Jin, Jiashun 15 2006 Deterministic matrices matching the compressed sensing phase transitions of Gaussian random matrices. Zbl 1292.94007 Monajemi, Hatef; Jafarpour, Sina; Gavish, Matan; Stat 330/CME 362 Collaboration; Donoho, David L. 14 2013 Breakdown of equivalence between the minimal \(\ell^1\)-norm solution and the sparsest solution. Zbl 1163.94398 Tsaig, Yaakov; Donoho, David L. 14 2006 Smooth wavelet decompositions with blocky coefficient kernels. Zbl 0813.42020 Donoho, David L. 13 1994 Ridge functions and orthonormal ridgelets. Zbl 0982.42026 Donoho, David L. 13 2001 ScreeNOT: exact MSE-optimal singular value thresholding in correlated noise. Zbl 1539.62178 Donoho, David; Gavish, Matan; Romanov, Elad 1 2023 Higher criticism to compare two large frequency tables, with sensitivity to possible rare and weak differences. Zbl 1539.62156 Donoho, David L.; Kipnis, Alon 4 2022 Prevalence of neural collapse during the terminal phase of deep learning training. Zbl 1489.68237 Papyan, Vardan; Han, X. Y.; Donoho, David L. 4 2020 Optimal shrinkage of eigenvalues in the spiked covariance model. Zbl 1403.62099 Donoho, David; Gavish, Matan; Johnstone, Iain 59 2018 Optimal shrinkage of singular values. Zbl 1366.94100 Gavish, Matan; Donoho, David L. 28 2017 High dimensional robust M-estimation: asymptotic variance via approximate message passing. Zbl 1357.62220 Donoho, David; Montanari, Andrea 52 2016 Higher criticism for large-scale inference, especially for rare and weak effects. Zbl 1332.62019 Donoho, David; Jin, Jiashun 34 2015 The optimal hard threshold for singular values is \(4/\sqrt 3\). Zbl 1360.94071 Gavish, Matan; Donoho, David L. 67 2014 Minimax risk of matrix denoising by singular value thresholding. Zbl 1310.62014 Donoho, David; Gavish, Matan 37 2014 Microlocal analysis of the geometric separation problem. Zbl 1261.94007 Donoho, David; Kutyniok, Gitta 39 2013 Accurate prediction of phase transitions in compressed sensing via a connection to minimax denoising. Zbl 1364.94092 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain; Montanari, Andrea 23 2013 Information-theoretically optimal compressed sensing via spatial coupling and approximate message passing. Zbl 1364.94120 Donoho, David L.; Javanmard, Adel; Montanari, Andrea 20 2013 The phase transition of matrix recovery from Gaussian measurements matches the minimax MSE of matrix denoising. Zbl 1292.94004 Donoho, David L.; Gavish, Matan; Montanari, Andrea 16 2013 Deterministic matrices matching the compressed sensing phase transitions of Gaussian random matrices. Zbl 1292.94007 Monajemi, Hatef; Jafarpour, Sina; Gavish, Matan; Stat 330/CME 362 Collaboration; Donoho, David L. 14 2013 Sparse solution of underdetermined systems of linear equations by stagewise orthogonal matching pursuit. Zbl 1365.94069 Donoho, David L.; Tsaig, Yaakov; Drori, Iddo; Starck, Jean-Luc 89 2012 The noise-sensitivity phase transition in compressed sensing. Zbl 1365.94094 Donoho, David L.; Maleki, Arian; Montanari, Andrea 33 2011 Counting the faces of randomly-projected hypercubes and orthants, with applications. Zbl 1191.52004 Donoho, David L.; Tanner, Jared 51 2010 Exponential bounds implying construction of compressed sensing matrices, error-correcting codes, and neighborly polytopes by random sampling. Zbl 1366.94233 Donoho, David L.; Tanner, Jared 9 2010 An invitation to reproducible computational research. Zbl 1437.62445 Donoho, David L. 9 2010 From sparse solutions of systems of equations to sparse modeling of signals and images. Zbl 1178.68619 Bruckstein, Alfred M.; Donoho, David L.; Elad, Michael 334 2009 Observed universality of phase transitions in high-dimensional geometry, with implications for modern data analysis and signal processing. Zbl 1185.94029 Donoho, David; Tanner, Jared 73 2009 Counting faces of randomly projected polytopes when the projection radically lowers dimension. Zbl 1206.52010 Donoho, David L.; Tanner, Jared 70 2009 Feature selection by higher criticism thresholding achieves the optimal phase diagram. Zbl 1185.62113 Donoho, David; Jin, Jiashun 29 2009 Does median filtering truly preserve edges better than linear filtering? Zbl 1160.62086 Arias-Castro, Ery; Donoho, David L. 4 2009 Fast solution of \(\ell_1\)-norm minimization problems when the solution may be sparse. Zbl 1247.94009 Donoho, David L.; Tsaig, Yaakov 72 2008 Higher criticism thresholding: optimal feature selection when useful features are rare and weak. Zbl 1357.62212 Donoho, David; Jin, Jiashun 46 2008 A framework for discrete integral transformations. I: The pseudopolar Fourier transform. Zbl 1167.65075 Averbuch, A.; Coifman, R. R.; Donoho, D. L.; Israeli, M.; Shkolnisky, Y. 17 2008 A framework for discrete integral transformations: II. The 2D discrete Radon transform. Zbl 1167.65076 Averbuch, A.; Coifman, R. R.; Donoho, D. L.; Israeli, M.; Shkolnisky, Y.; Sedelnikov, I. 13 2008 On Lebesgue-type inequalities for greedy approximation. Zbl 1120.41007 Donoho, D. L.; Elad, M.; Temlyakov, V. N. 17 2007 Morphological component analysis: an adaptive thresholding strategy. Zbl 1288.94009 Bobin, Jérôme; Starck, Jean-Luc; Fadili, Jalal; Moudden, Yassir; Donoho, David L. 16 2007 Compressed sensing. Zbl 1288.94016 Donoho, David L. 1,616 2006 Stable recovery of sparse overcomplete representations in the presence of noise. Zbl 1288.94017 Donoho, David L.; Elad, Michael; Temlyakov, Vladimir N. 242 2006 For most large underdetermined systems of linear equations the minimal \(\ell_{1}\)-norm solution is also the sparsest solution. Zbl 1113.15004 Donoho, David L. 228 2006 Fast discrete curvelet transforms. Zbl 1122.65134 Candès, Emmanuel; Demanet, Laurent; Donoho, David; Ying, Lexing 133 2006 Adapting to unknown sparsity by controlling the false discovery rate. Zbl 1092.62005 Abramovich, Felix; Benjamini, Yoav; Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 129 2006 High-dimensional centrally symmetric polytopes with neighborliness proportional to dimension. Zbl 1095.52500 Donoho, David L. 56 2006 Extensions of compressed sensing. Zbl 1163.94399 Tsaig, Yaakov; Donoho, David L. 49 2006 On the stability of the basis pursuit in the presence of noise. Zbl 1163.94329 Donoho, David L.; Elad, Michael 24 2006 Adaptive multiscale detection of filamentary structures in a background of uniform random points. Zbl 1091.62095 Arias-Castro, Ery; Donoho, David L.; Huo, Xiaoming 21 2006 Fast and accurate polar Fourier transform. Zbl 1107.65127 Averbuch, A.; Coifman, R. R.; Donoho, D. L.; Elad, M.; Israeli, M. 17 2006 Asymptotic minimaxity of false discovery rate thresholding for sparse exponential data. Zbl 1114.62010 Donoho, David; Jin, Jiashun 15 2006 Breakdown of equivalence between the minimal \(\ell^1\)-norm solution and the sparsest solution. Zbl 1163.94398 Tsaig, Yaakov; Donoho, David L. 14 2006 Simultaneous cartoon and texture image inpainting using morphological component analysis (MCA). Zbl 1081.68732 Elad, M.; Starck, J.-L.; Querre, P.; Donoho, D. L. 113 2005 Image decomposition via the combination of sparse representations and a variational approach. Zbl 1288.94012 Starck, Jean-Luc; Elad, Michael; Donoho, David L. 102 2005 Continuous curvelet transform. I: Resolution of the wavefront set. Zbl 1086.42022 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 81 2005 Continuous curvelet transform. II: Discretization and frames. Zbl 1086.42023 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 66 2005 Multiscale representations for manifold-valued data. Zbl 1236.65166 Rahman, Inam Ur; Drori, Iddo; Stodden, Victoria C.; Donoho, David L.; Schröder, Peter 64 2005 Neighborliness of randomly projected simplices in high dimension. Zbl 1135.60300 Donoho, David L.; Tanner, Jared 63 2005 Near-optimal detection of geometric objects by fast multiscale methods. Zbl 1282.94014 Arias-Castro, Ery; Donoho, David L.; Huo, Xiaoming 54 2005 Image manifolds which are isometric to Euclidean space. Zbl 1478.62186 Donoho, David L.; Grimes, Carrie 19 2005 Cosmological non-Gaussian signature detection: comparing performance of different statistical tests. Zbl 1127.94335 Jin, J.; Starck, J.-L.; Donoho, D. L.; Aghanim, N.; Forni, O. 16 2005 Connect the dots: how many random points can a regular curve pass through? Zbl 1081.60006 Arias-Castro, Ery; Donoho, David L.; Huo, Xiaoming; Tovey, Craig A. 9 2005 Estimating point-to-point and point-to-multipoint traffic matrices: an information-theoretic approach. Zbl 1288.94028 Zhang, Yin; Roughan, Matthew; Lund, Carsten; Donoho, David L. 7 2005 A fast wavelet algorithm for image deblurring. Zbl 1078.65573 Donoho, D. L.; Raimondo, M. E. 4 2005 Analysis of the spatial distribution of galaxies by multiscale methods. Zbl 1141.85302 Starck, J-L.; Martínez, V. J.; Donoho, D. L.; Levi, O.; Querre, P.; Saar, E. 3 2005 New tight frames of curvelets and optimal representations of objects with piecewise \(C ^{2}\) singularities. Zbl 1038.94502 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 293 2004 Higher criticism for detecting sparse heterogeneous mixtures. Zbl 1092.62051 Donoho, David; Jin, Jiashun 239 2004 Translation invariant deconvolution in a periodic setting. Zbl 1071.62088 Donoho, David L.; Raimondo, Marc E. 17 2004 Fast X-ray and beamlet transforms for three-dimensional data. Zbl 1070.65133 Donoho, David L.; Levi, Ofer 4 2004 Beamlab and reproducible research. Zbl 1104.68839 Donoho, David L.; Huo, Xiaoming 2 2004 Optimally sparse representation in general (nonorthogonal) dictionaries via \(\ell^1\) minimization. Zbl 1064.94011 Donoho, David L.; Elad, Michael 346 2003 Hessian eigenmaps: locally linear embedding techniques for high-dimensional data. Zbl 1130.62337 Donoho, David L.; Grimes, Carrie 208 2003 Gray and color image contrast enhancement by the curvelet transform. Zbl 1288.94013 Starck, Jean-Luc; Murtagh, Fionn; Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 17 2003 Digital ridgelet transform based on true ridge functions. Zbl 1087.65123 Donoho, D. L.; Flesia, A. G. 5 2003 Locally stationary covariance and signal estimation with macrotiles. Zbl 1369.94132 Donoho, David L.; Mallat, Stéphane; von Sachs, Rainer; Samuelides, Yann 4 2003 Digital implementation of ridgelet packets. Zbl 1087.65124 Flesia, A. G.; Hel-Or, H.; Averbuch, A.; Candès, E. J.; Coifman, R. R.; Donoho, D. L. 2 2003 The curvelet transform for image denoising. Zbl 1288.94011 Starck, Jean-Luc; Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 114 2002 Recovering edges in ill-posed inverse problems: Optimality of curvelet frames. Zbl 1101.62335 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 51 2002 Beamlets and multiscale image analysis. Zbl 1084.65134 Donoho, David L.; Huo, Xiaoming 24 2002 Emerging applications of geometric multiscale analysis. Zbl 1026.94503 Donoho, David L. 1 2002 Atomic decomposition by basis pursuit. Zbl 0979.94010 Chen, Scott Shaobing; Donoho, David L.; Saunders, Michael A. 361 2001 Uncertainty principles and ideal atomic decomposition. Zbl 1019.94503 Donoho, David L.; Huo, Xiaoming 235 2001 Sparse components of images and optimal atomic decompositions. Zbl 0995.65150 Donoho, D. L. 65 2001 Curvelets and curvilinear integrals. Zbl 0989.42020 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 15 2001 Ridge functions and orthonormal ridgelets. Zbl 0982.42026 Donoho, David L. 13 2001 Orthonormal ridgelets and linear singularities. Zbl 0952.42020 Donoho, David L. 26 2000 Nonlinear pyramid transforms based on median-interpolation. Zbl 0953.42017 Donoho, David L.; Yu, Thomas P.-Y. 25 2000 Smooth multiwavelet duals of Alpert bases by moment-interpolating refinement. Zbl 0967.65120 Donoho, David L.; Dyn, Nira; Levin, David; Yu, Thomas P. Y. 10 2000 Atomic decomposition by basis pursuit. Zbl 0919.94002 Chen, Scott Shaobing; Donoho, David L.; Saunders, Michael A. 610 1999 Ridgelets: a key to higher-dimensional intermittency? Zbl 1082.42503 Candès, Emmanuel J.; Donoho, David L. 120 1999 Wedgelets: Nearly minimax estimation of edges. Zbl 0957.62029 Donoho, David L. 73 1999 Asymptotic minimaxity of wavelet estimators with sampled data. Zbl 1065.62518 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 11 1999 Tight frames of \(k\)-plane ridgelets and the problem of representing objects that are smooth away from \(d\)-dimensional singularities in \(\mathbf R^n\). Zbl 0932.42023 Donoho, David L. 9 1999 On denoising and best signal representation. Zbl 0958.94008 Krim, Hamid; Tucker, Dewey; Mallat, Stéphane; Donoho, David 7 1999 Deslauriers-Dubuc: Ten years after. Zbl 0971.65008 Donoho, D. L.; Yu, Thomas P. Y. 5 1999 Minimax estimation via wavelet shrinkage. Zbl 0935.62041 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 241 1998 Data compression and harmonic analysis. Zbl 1125.94311 Donoho, David L.; Vetterli, Martin; DeVore, R. A.; Daubechies, Ingrid 45 1998 CART and best-ortho-basis: a connection. Zbl 0942.62044 Donoho, David L. 43 1997 Universal near minimaxity of wavelet shrinkage. Zbl 0891.62025 Donoho, D. L.; Johnstone, I. M.; Kerkyacharian, G.; Picard, D. 18 1997 Renormalizing experiments for nonlinear functionals. Zbl 0921.62058 Donoho, David L. 3 1997 Density estimation by wavelet thresholding. Zbl 0860.62032 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M.; Kerkyacharian, Gérard; Picard, Dominique 310 1996 Unconditional bases and bit-level compression. Zbl 0936.62004 Donoho, David L. 24 1996 Neo-classical minimax problems, thresholding and adaptive function estimation. Zbl 0877.62035 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 21 1996 Adapting to unknown smoothness via wavelet shrinkage. Zbl 0869.62024 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M. 464 1995 De-noising by soft-thresholding. Zbl 0820.62002 Donoho, David L. 445 1995 Wavelet shrinkage: Asymptopia? Zbl 0827.62035 Donoho, David L.; Johnstone, Iain M.; Kerkyacharian, Gérard; Picard, Dominique 276 1995 Nonlinear solution of linear inverse problems by wavelet-vaguelette decomposition. Zbl 0826.65117 Donoho, David L. 169 1995 Translation-invariant de-noising. Zbl 0866.94008 Coifman, R. R.; Donoho, D. L. 125 1995 WaveLab and reproducible research. Zbl 0828.62001 Buckheit, Jonathan B.; Donoho, David L. 25 1995 Abstract statistical estimation and modern harmonic analysis. Zbl 0851.62027 Donoho, David L. 1 1995 ...and 27 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 10,641 Authors 59 Cai, Tianwen 46 Kutyniok, Gitta 42 Donoho, David Leigh 35 Chesneau, Christophe 32 Shen, Zuowei 30 Mejjaoli, Hatem 30 Zuo, Yijun 29 Arias-Castro, Ery 29 Candès, Emmanuel J. 29 Labate, Demetrio 27 Fan, Jianqing 27 Grohs, Philipp 27 Osher, Stanley Joel 26 Hall, Peter Gavin 26 Rauhut, Holger 26 Tsybakov, Alexandre B. 23 Fadili, Jalal M. 23 Low, Mark G. 23 Rousseeuw, Peter J. 22 Cai, Jian-Feng 22 Chen, Wengu 22 Efromovich, Sam 22 Jin, Jiashun 22 Juditsky, Anatoli B. 22 Picard, Dominique B. 22 Steidl, Gabriele 22 Xiu, Naihua 21 Amat Plata, Sergio 21 Peyré, Gabriel 20 Kutz, J. Nathan 20 Pensky, Marianna 19 Averbuch, Amir Z. 19 Vidakovic, Brani 18 Guo, Kanghui 18 Johnstone, Iain Murray 18 Kerkyacharian, Gérard 18 Li, Song 18 Munk, Axel 18 Nemirovski, Arkadi S. 18 Shestakov, O. V. 18 Yuan, Xiaoming 17 Elad, Michael 17 Krahmer, Felix 17 Shen, Lixin 17 Unser, Michael A. 17 Van de Geer, Sara Anna 17 Verzelen, Nicolas 17 Wasserman, Larry Alan 16 Brunton, Steven L. 16 Feng, Xiangchu 16 Lorenz, Dirk Alfred 16 Lou, Yifei 16 Ng, Michael Kwok-Po 16 Peng, Jigen 16 Tibshirani, Robert John 16 Zhao, Yunbin 15 Adcock, Ben 15 Antoniadis, Anestis 15 Brown, Lawrence David 15 Daubechies, Ingrid 15 Davies, Patrick Laurie 15 Dong, Bin 15 Huang, Jian 15 Huang, Ting-Zhu 15 Kong, Lingchen 15 Kou, Junke 15 Li, Linyuan 15 Tibshirani, Ryan J. 15 Xu, Yuesheng 15 Zhang, Cun-Hui 14 Comte, Fabienne 14 Gijbels, Irène 14 Gribonval, Rémi 14 Hubert, Mia 14 Huo, Xiaoming 14 Ji, Hui 14 Kabluchko, Zakhar A. 14 Lepskiĭ, Oleg Vital’evich 14 Liu, Youming 14 Nagy, Stanislav 14 Needell, Deanna 14 Sapatinas, Theofanis 14 Soltani, Fethi 14 Starck, Jean-Luc 14 Zhou, Harrison H. 13 Baraniuk, Richard G. 13 Burger, Martin 13 Coifman, Ronald Raphaël 13 Dahlke, Stephan 13 Dalalyan, Arnak S. 13 Doosti, Hassan 13 Dyn, Nira 13 Ge, HuanMin 13 Gelb, Anne 13 Haltmeier, Markus 13 Hansen, Anders C. 13 Mixon, Dustin G. 13 Singer, Amit 13 Teschke, Gerd 13 Van der Vaart, Adrianus Willem ...and 10,541 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 657 Serials 497 The Annals of Statistics 372 Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 173 Electronic Journal of Statistics 153 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 134 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 132 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 132 Statistics & Probability Letters 128 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 124 International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing 98 Bernoulli 94 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 88 The Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications 84 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 83 Inverse Problems 81 Journal of the American Statistical Association 80 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 78 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 69 Journal of Scientific Computing 65 Computational Optimization and Applications 63 Journal of Nonparametric Statistics 63 Journal of Machine Learning Research (JMLR) 60 Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing 59 Pattern Recognition 57 Information Sciences 54 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 52 Journal of Computational Physics 51 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 50 Advances in Computational Mathematics 49 Statistical Science 47 Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing 47 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 46 Journal of Approximation Theory 46 Signal Processing 44 The Annals of Applied Statistics 44 Statistics and Computing 43 Linear Algebra and its Applications 42 Neural Computation 42 Inverse Problems and Imaging 41 Journal of Econometrics 40 Applied Mathematics and Computation 40 Numerical Algorithms 40 Computational Statistics 39 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 39 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 38 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 37 Journal of the Franklin Institute 37 Automatica 37 SIAM Journal on Optimization 36 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 35 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 35 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 33 Probability Theory and Related Fields 33 Neural Networks 33 International Journal of Computer Vision 33 SIAM Journal on Mathematics of Data Science 32 Computational & Mathematical Methods in Medicine 30 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 30 Journal of Complexity 30 Machine Learning 29 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 28 Optimization Methods & Software 28 Journal of Applied Statistics 28 Science China. Mathematics 27 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 27 Constructive Approximation 27 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B. Statistical Methodology 26 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 26 Test 25 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 25 Mathematics of Computation 25 Journal of Global Optimization 25 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Probability and Statistics 25 Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 24 Statistics 24 Journal of Pseudo-Differential Operators and Applications 23 Biometrics 23 Statistical Papers 23 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 22 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 22 Discrete & Computational Geometry 22 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 22 EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing 20 Science China. Information Sciences 19 Mathematical Methods of Statistics 19 Statistica Sinica 19 Statistical Methodology 19 Optimization Letters 19 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 18 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 18 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 18 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 17 Applied Numerical Mathematics 17 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Probabilités et Statistiques 17 Abstract and Applied Analysis 17 Econometric Theory 17 Journal of Applied Mathematics 17 SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 16 Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 16 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 16 Computational and Applied Mathematics ...and 557 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 61 Fields 3,409 Statistics (62-XX) 1,883 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1,882 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1,120 Computer science (68-XX) 1,091 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1,052 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 506 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 299 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 293 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 265 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 238 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 237 Functional analysis (46-XX) 202 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 191 Operator theory (47-XX) 166 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 118 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 111 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 96 Combinatorics (05-XX) 91 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 83 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 77 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 72 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 67 Quantum theory (81-XX) 62 Geophysics (86-XX) 50 Real functions (26-XX) 46 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 43 Differential geometry (53-XX) 43 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 40 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 39 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 37 Integral equations (45-XX) 35 Number theory (11-XX) 35 Special functions (33-XX) 31 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 26 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 25 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 21 Measure and integration (28-XX) 18 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 17 Geometry (51-XX) 13 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 13 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 13 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 13 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 13 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 11 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 8 History and biography (01-XX) 8 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 7 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 7 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 6 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 6 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 5 General topology (54-XX) 3 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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