Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Doyle, John R. Co-Author Distance Author ID: doyle.john-r Published as: Doyle, John R.; Doyle, John; Doyle, J. R.; Doyle, J. more...less Documents Indexed: 43 Publications since 1988, including 4 Additional arXiv Preprints 2 Further Contributions Co-Authors: 30 Co-Authors with 30 Joint Publications 558 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 9 single-authored 9 Green, Rodney H. 5 Cook, Wade Douglas 4 Krumm, David 3 Hyde, Trevor 2 Bridy, Andrew 2 Chen, Catherine Huirong 2 Faber, Xander 2 Fili, Paul A. 2 Ghioca, Dragos 2 Hindes, Wade 2 Hsia, Liang-Chung 2 Kress, Moshe 2 Silverman, Joseph Hillel 2 Tucker, Thomas John 1 Amarel, Saul 1 Auinger, Karl 1 Barstow, David R. 1 Berliner, Hans Jack 1 Bledsoe, Woodrow W. 1 Blum, Talia 1 Brown, Richard Henry 1 Buchanan, Bruce G. 1 Chang, Chinliang 1 Ching, Michael 1 Cohen, Paul R. 1 Davis, Randall 1 de Kleer, Johan 1 Duda, Richard O. 1 Englefield, M. J. 1 Erman, L. 1 Fahlman, Scott E. 1 Feigenbaum, Edward Albert 1 Fikes, Richard E. 1 Gaschnig, John G. 1 Goldstein, I. P. 1 Green, Louis C. 1 Hart, Peter E. 1 Hayes-Roth, Frederick 1 Hayes, Patrick J. 1 Jacobs, Kenneth S. 1 Jones, Peter R. 1 Jones, Rafe 1 Kelln, Colby 1 Krieger, Holly 1 Lesser, Victor R. 1 Mackworth, Alan K. 1 Manna, Zohar 1 Marcus, Mitchell P. 1 McCarthy, John 1 Miller, Matt L. 1 Minsky, Marvin Lee 1 Nilsson, Nils J. 1 Obus, Andrew 1 Olsiewski Healey, Vivian 1 Perrault, C. Raymond 1 Poonen, Bjorn 1 Pries, Rachel J. 1 Reiter, Raymond 1 Rich, Charles 1 Rubinstein-Salzedo, Simon 1 Rumely, Robert S. 1 Shortliffe, Edward H. 1 Shrobe, Howard E. 1 Sidner, Candace L. 1 Slagle, James R. 1 Stallman, Richard M. 1 Stansfield, J. L. 1 Steele, Guy Lewis jun. 1 Stefik, Mark 1 Sussman, Gerald Jay 1 Talbott, Henry W. 1 Tobin, Bella 1 Waldinger, Richard J. 1 Webber, Bonnie Lynn 1 Weinreich, Max H. 1 West, Lloyd W. 1 Weyhrauch, Richard W. 1 Wilkins, David C. 1 Winston, Patrick Henry all top 5 Serials 4 Journal of the Operational Research Society 4 European Journal of Operational Research 3 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 3 Research in Number Theory 2 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 2 INFOR 2 The New York Journal of Mathematics 1 IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Acta Arithmetica 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Algebra 1 Journal of Number Theory 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 1 Computers & Operations Research 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society. Series A 1 Journal of Statistics & Management Systems 1 Journal of Combinatorics 1 Arnold Mathematical Journal 1 Discrete Analysis all top 5 Fields 20 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 17 Number theory (11-XX) 11 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 10 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 9 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Statistics (62-XX) 2 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 2 Computer science (68-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 33 Publications have been cited 406 times in 312 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Efficiency and cross-efficiency in DEA: Derivations, meanings and uses. Zbl 0807.90016 Doyle, John; Green, Rodney 169 1994 Preference voting and project ranking using DEA and cross-evaluation. Zbl 0911.90009 Green, Rodney H.; Doyle, John R.; Cook, Wade D. 67 1996 Cross-evaluation in DEA: Improving discrimination among DMU’s. Zbl 0832.90002 Doyle, J. R.; Green, R. H. 26 1995 Similarity solutions of a generalized Burgers equation. Zbl 0711.35117 Doyle, J.; Englefield, M. J. 25 1990 Efficiency bounds in data envelopment analysis. Zbl 0915.90037 Green, Rodney H.; Doyle, John R.; Cook, Wade D. 17 1996 Readings in artificial intelligence. Zbl 0498.68054 16 1981 Preperiodic points for quadratic polynomials over quadratic fields. Zbl 1391.37082 Doyle, John R.; Faber, Xander; Krumm, David 16 2014 Gonality of dynatomic curves and strong uniform boundedness of preperiodic points. Zbl 1445.37080 Doyle, John R.; Poonen, Bjorn 11 2020 Ranking players in multiple tournaments. Zbl 0859.90004 Cook, Wade D.; Doyle, John; Green, Rodney; Kress, Moshe 10 1996 A note on the additive data envelopment analysis model. Zbl 0887.90002 Green, R. H.; Cook, W.; Doyle, J. 8 1997 Moduli spaces for dynamical systems with portraits. Zbl 1448.37132 Doyle, John R.; Silverman, Joseph H. 8 2020 Multiple criteria modelling and ordinal data: Evaluation in terms of subsets of criteria. Zbl 0917.90007 Cook, Wade D.; Doyle, John; Green, Rodney; Kress, Moshe 7 1997 Dynamical modular curves for quadratic polynomial maps. Zbl 1427.37071 Doyle, John R. 6 2019 Computing algebraic numbers of bounded height. Zbl 1330.11081 Doyle, John R.; Krumm, David 6 2015 Finite index theorems for iterated Galois groups of unicritical polynomials. Zbl 1457.37114 Bridy, Andrew; Doyle, John R.; Ghioca, Dragos; Hsia, Liang-Chung; Tucker, Thomas J. 6 2021 On maximizing discrimination in multiple criteria decision making. Zbl 0827.90084 Green, Rodney H.; Doyle, John R. 5 1995 Configuration of the crucial set for a quadratic rational map. Zbl 1391.37086 Doyle, John R.; Jacobs, Kenneth; Rumely, Robert 5 2016 Preperiodic portraits for unicritical polynomials. Zbl 1368.37051 Doyle, John R. 5 2016 Preperiodic points for quadratic polynomials with small cycles over quadratic fields. Zbl 1400.37109 Doyle, John R. 5 2018 Patterns in stock market movements tested as random number generators. Zbl 1292.91191 Doyle, John R.; Chen, Catherine H. 5 2013 Preperiodic points for quadratic polynomials over cyclotomic quadratic fields. Zbl 1465.37111 Doyle, John R. 4 2020 Reduction of dynatomic curves. Zbl 1468.37068 Doyle, John R.; Krieger, Holly; Obus, Andrew; Pries, Rachel; Rubinstein-Salzedo, Simon; West, Lloyd 4 2019 A question for iterated Galois groups in arithmetic dynamics. Zbl 1475.37111 Bridy, Andrew; Doyle, John R.; Ghioca, Dragos; Hsia, Liang-Chung; Tucker, Thomas J. 4 2020 Artificial intelligence: an MIT perspective. Vol. 1: Expert problem solving; natural language understanding; intelligent computer coaches; representation and learning. Zbl 0495.68079 3 1979 A uniform field-of-definition/field-of-moduli bound for dynamical systems on \(\mathbb{P}^N\). Zbl 1432.37124 Doyle, John R.; Silverman, Joseph H. 3 2019 Multivariate polynomial values in difference sets. Zbl 1493.11026 Doyle, John R.; Rice, Alex 2 2021 Preperiodic portraits for unicritical polynomials over a rational function field. Zbl 1391.37065 Doyle, John R. 2 2018 On existence varieties of locally inverse semigroups. Zbl 0809.20050 Auinger, K.; Doyle, J.; Jones, P. R. 1 1994 On existence varieties of orthodox semigroups. Zbl 0828.20043 Doyle, J. 1 1995 Galois groups and prime divisors in random quadratic sequences. Zbl 1544.11095 Doyle, John R.; Healey, Vivian Olsiewski; Hindes, Wade; Jones, Rafe 1 2024 Apollonian circle packings of the half-plane. Zbl 1271.52019 Ching, Michael; Doyle, John R. 1 2012 Classification by ordering a (sparse) matrix: A “simulated annealing” approach. Zbl 0637.62061 Doyle, John 1 1988 Dynatomic polynomials, necklace operators, and universal relations for dynamical units. Zbl 1493.37116 Doyle, John R.; Fili, Paul; Hyde, Trevor 1 2022 Galois groups and prime divisors in random quadratic sequences. Zbl 1544.11095 Doyle, John R.; Healey, Vivian Olsiewski; Hindes, Wade; Jones, Rafe 1 2024 Dynatomic polynomials, necklace operators, and universal relations for dynamical units. Zbl 1493.37116 Doyle, John R.; Fili, Paul; Hyde, Trevor 1 2022 Finite index theorems for iterated Galois groups of unicritical polynomials. Zbl 1457.37114 Bridy, Andrew; Doyle, John R.; Ghioca, Dragos; Hsia, Liang-Chung; Tucker, Thomas J. 6 2021 Multivariate polynomial values in difference sets. Zbl 1493.11026 Doyle, John R.; Rice, Alex 2 2021 Gonality of dynatomic curves and strong uniform boundedness of preperiodic points. Zbl 1445.37080 Doyle, John R.; Poonen, Bjorn 11 2020 Moduli spaces for dynamical systems with portraits. Zbl 1448.37132 Doyle, John R.; Silverman, Joseph H. 8 2020 Preperiodic points for quadratic polynomials over cyclotomic quadratic fields. Zbl 1465.37111 Doyle, John R. 4 2020 A question for iterated Galois groups in arithmetic dynamics. Zbl 1475.37111 Bridy, Andrew; Doyle, John R.; Ghioca, Dragos; Hsia, Liang-Chung; Tucker, Thomas J. 4 2020 Dynamical modular curves for quadratic polynomial maps. Zbl 1427.37071 Doyle, John R. 6 2019 Reduction of dynatomic curves. Zbl 1468.37068 Doyle, John R.; Krieger, Holly; Obus, Andrew; Pries, Rachel; Rubinstein-Salzedo, Simon; West, Lloyd 4 2019 A uniform field-of-definition/field-of-moduli bound for dynamical systems on \(\mathbb{P}^N\). Zbl 1432.37124 Doyle, John R.; Silverman, Joseph H. 3 2019 Preperiodic points for quadratic polynomials with small cycles over quadratic fields. Zbl 1400.37109 Doyle, John R. 5 2018 Preperiodic portraits for unicritical polynomials over a rational function field. Zbl 1391.37065 Doyle, John R. 2 2018 Configuration of the crucial set for a quadratic rational map. Zbl 1391.37086 Doyle, John R.; Jacobs, Kenneth; Rumely, Robert 5 2016 Preperiodic portraits for unicritical polynomials. Zbl 1368.37051 Doyle, John R. 5 2016 Computing algebraic numbers of bounded height. Zbl 1330.11081 Doyle, John R.; Krumm, David 6 2015 Preperiodic points for quadratic polynomials over quadratic fields. Zbl 1391.37082 Doyle, John R.; Faber, Xander; Krumm, David 16 2014 Patterns in stock market movements tested as random number generators. Zbl 1292.91191 Doyle, John R.; Chen, Catherine H. 5 2013 Apollonian circle packings of the half-plane. Zbl 1271.52019 Ching, Michael; Doyle, John R. 1 2012 A note on the additive data envelopment analysis model. Zbl 0887.90002 Green, R. H.; Cook, W.; Doyle, J. 8 1997 Multiple criteria modelling and ordinal data: Evaluation in terms of subsets of criteria. Zbl 0917.90007 Cook, Wade D.; Doyle, John; Green, Rodney; Kress, Moshe 7 1997 Preference voting and project ranking using DEA and cross-evaluation. Zbl 0911.90009 Green, Rodney H.; Doyle, John R.; Cook, Wade D. 67 1996 Efficiency bounds in data envelopment analysis. Zbl 0915.90037 Green, Rodney H.; Doyle, John R.; Cook, Wade D. 17 1996 Ranking players in multiple tournaments. Zbl 0859.90004 Cook, Wade D.; Doyle, John; Green, Rodney; Kress, Moshe 10 1996 Cross-evaluation in DEA: Improving discrimination among DMU’s. Zbl 0832.90002 Doyle, J. R.; Green, R. H. 26 1995 On maximizing discrimination in multiple criteria decision making. Zbl 0827.90084 Green, Rodney H.; Doyle, John R. 5 1995 On existence varieties of orthodox semigroups. Zbl 0828.20043 Doyle, J. 1 1995 Efficiency and cross-efficiency in DEA: Derivations, meanings and uses. Zbl 0807.90016 Doyle, John; Green, Rodney 169 1994 On existence varieties of locally inverse semigroups. Zbl 0809.20050 Auinger, K.; Doyle, J.; Jones, P. R. 1 1994 Similarity solutions of a generalized Burgers equation. Zbl 0711.35117 Doyle, J.; Englefield, M. J. 25 1990 Classification by ordering a (sparse) matrix: A “simulated annealing” approach. Zbl 0637.62061 Doyle, John 1 1988 Readings in artificial intelligence. Zbl 0498.68054 16 1981 Artificial intelligence: an MIT perspective. Vol. 1: Expert problem solving; natural language understanding; intelligent computer coaches; representation and learning. Zbl 0495.68079 3 1979 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 543 Authors 14 Doyle, John R. 13 Wang, Yingming 10 Liang, Liang 9 Jahanshahloo, Gholam Reza 8 Hosseinzadeh Lotfi, Farhad 7 Wu, Jie 7 Zhu, Joe 6 Kordrostami, Sohrab 6 Ruiz, José Luis 5 Amin, Gholam R. 5 Amirteimoori, Alireza 5 Aparicio, Juan Pablo 5 Chen, Lei 5 Krumm, David 5 Rostamy-Malkhalifeh, Mohsen 5 Sirvent, Inmaculada 5 Tavana, Madjid 5 Tucker, Thomas John 5 Yang, Feng 4 Ang, Sheng 4 Cook, Wade Douglas 4 Friedman, Lea 4 Hindes, Wade 4 Kazemi Matin, Reza 4 Sharafi, Hamid 4 Silverman, Joseph Hillel 4 Sinuany-Stern, Zilla 4 Toloo, Mehdi 4 Zhu, Qingyuan 3 Angulo-Meza, Lidia 3 Asgharian, Masoud 3 Bal, Hasan 3 Davtalab-Olyaie, Mostafa 3 Dellnitz, Andreas 3 Ebrahimnejad, Ali 3 Foroughi, Ali Asghar 3 Ghioca, Dragos 3 Huang, Yan 3 Hutz, Benjamin 3 Hyde, Trevor 3 Jones, Rafe 3 Khodabakhshi, Mohammad Bagher 3 Li, Feng 3 Li, Yongjun 3 Llamazares, Bonifacio 3 Lu, Wen-Min 3 Luo, Ying 3 Örkcu, H. Hasan 3 Peña, Teresa 3 Razipour-GhalehJough, Somayeh 3 Rogge, Nicky 3 Santos-Arteaga, Francisco J. 3 Soares de Mello, João Carlos Correia Baptista 3 Soltanifar, Mehdi 3 Talluri, Srinivas 3 Tone, Kaoru 3 Xie, Jianhui 3 Xiong, Beibei 3 Yang, Guoliang 3 Zhang, Yang 2 Adler, Nicole 2 An, Qingxian 2 Charon, Irène 2 Chen, Shengqun 2 Chu, Junfei 2 Cooper, William Wager 2 Dembélé, Lassina 2 Emrouznejad, Ali 2 Faber, Xander 2 Falagario, Marco 2 Ghasemi, Mohammad Reza 2 Gholami, Kobra 2 Hudry, Olivier 2 Ignatius, Joshua 2 Ishii, Hiroaki 2 Jablonský, Josef 2 Jacobs, Kenneth S. 2 Johnson, Johnnie E. V. 2 Khorram, Esmaile 2 Kiaei, Hamid 2 Kou, Gang 2 Laishram, Shanta 2 Lee, Hsuan-Shih 2 Lim, Sungmook 2 Lin, Ruiyue 2 Liu, Steve Wenbin 2 Lo, Shih-Fang 2 Ma, Tiejun 2 Meng, Fanyong 2 Mozaffari, Mohammad Reza 2 Nguyen, Khoa Dang 2 Reucher, Elmar 2 Sahoo, Biresh Kumar 2 Sarkis, Joseph 2 Sarma, Ritumoni 2 Sciancalepore, Fabio 2 Sharma, Himanshu 2 Shi, Hailiu 2 Smirlis, Yiannis G. 2 Sun, Jiasen ...and 443 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 91 Serials 86 European Journal of Operational Research 29 Annals of Operations Research 12 Applied Mathematics and Computation 10 Computers & Operations Research 10 International Transactions in Operational Research 8 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 8 RAIRO. Operations Research 5 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 5 Applied Mathematical Modelling 4 Mathematics of Computation 4 Opsearch 4 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 4 CEJOR. Central European Journal of Operations Research 4 International Journal of Number Theory 4 Mathematical Sciences 3 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 3 Acta Arithmetica 3 Mathematische Annalen 3 Journal de Théorie des Nombres de Bordeaux 3 The New York Journal of Mathematics 3 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 3 Journal of Applied Mathematics 3 OR Spectrum 3 Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making 2 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 2 INFOR 2 Information Sciences 2 Journal of Number Theory 2 Theory and Decision 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 2 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 2 International Journal of Production Research 2 Journal of Combinatorial Optimization 2 Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems 2 Algebra & Number Theory 2 Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization 2 Arnold Mathematical Journal 2 Research in Number Theory 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 International Journal of Systems Science 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 1 Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 1 Compositio Mathematica 1 Functiones et Approximatio. Commentarii Mathematici 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 1 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 1 Manuscripta Mathematica 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 1 Cybernetics and Systems 1 Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences 1 Operations Research Letters 1 International Journal of Intelligent Systems 1 Machine Learning 1 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of Global Optimization 1 YUJOR. Yugoslav Journal of Operations Research 1 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 1 Pattern Recognition 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Experimental Mathematics 1 Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 The Ramanujan Journal 1 Optimization Methods & Software 1 Soft Computing 1 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 1 Decisions in Economics and Finance 1 Iranian Journal of Science and Technology. Transaction A: Science 1 4OR 1 Networks and Spatial Economics 1 Oberwolfach Reports 1 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 1 Optimization Letters 1 International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 1 Operational Research. An International Journal 1 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 1 Advances in Operations Research 1 Games 1 Operations Research and Decisions 1 ISRN Applied Mathematics 1 Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory 1 Journal of the Operations Research Society of China 1 Journal of Optimization 1 Sahand Communications in Mathematical Analysis 1 INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research all top 5 Cited in 20 Fields 215 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 93 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 43 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 38 Number theory (11-XX) 27 Statistics (62-XX) 16 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 5 Computer science (68-XX) 4 Combinatorics (05-XX) 4 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 3 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) Citations by Year