Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Duggal, Bhagwati Prashad Co-Author Distance Author ID: duggal.bhagwati-prashad Published as: Duggal, B. P.; Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Duggal, Bhagwati Prashad; Duggal, Bhaggy; Duggal, Bhaggy P.; Duggal, Bhagwati; Duggal, Bhagwati Prasad more...less Documents Indexed: 226 Publications since 1975, including 5 Additional arXiv Preprints Reviewing Activity: 141 Reviews Co-Authors: 24 Co-Authors with 91 Joint Publications 375 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 120 single-authored 34 Kubrusly, Carlos S. 21 Djordjević, Slaviša V. 17 Jeon, In Ho 8 Harte, Robin E. 8 Kim, In Hyoun 7 Chō, Muneo 5 Živković-Zlatanović, Snežana Č. 4 Boasso, Enrico 4 Đorđević, Dragan S. 2 Khalagai, J. M. 2 Levan, Nhan 1 Aiena, Pietro 1 Canavati, Jose Angel 1 Corach, Gustavo 1 Huruya, Tadasi 1 Kapur, M. L. 1 Kim, An-Hyun 1 Kim, In Hyun 1 Ko, Eungil 1 Lee, Woo Young 1 Müller, Vladimír 1 Ôta, Schôichi 1 Rodriguez, M. Febronio 1 Sheth, I. H. 1 Yamazaki, Takeaki all top 5 Serials 16 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 16 Linear Algebra and its Applications 15 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 14 Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation 10 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 9 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 8 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 8 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 7 Mathematica Japonica 7 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 7 Mathematical Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 7 Operators and Matrices 6 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 6 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 6 Filomat 5 Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Mathematics 5 Monatshefte für Mathematik 5 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 4 Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica 3 Demonstratio Mathematica 3 The Journal of the Indian Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Extracta Mathematicae 3 Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications 3 Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences 2 Studia Mathematica 2 Archiv der Mathematik 2 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 2 Hokkaido Mathematical Journal 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Results in Mathematics 2 Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Seria I. Commentationes Mathematicae 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 2 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 2 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2 Concrete Operators 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences. Section Mathématique-Physique 1 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 1 Matematički Vesnik 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 The Mathematics Student 1 Michigan Mathematical Journal 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Boletín de la Sociedad Matemática Mexicana. Third Series 1 Scientiae Mathematicae 1 Journal of the Korean Society of Mathematical Education. Series B. The Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 International Mathematical Forum 1 Korean Journal of Mathematics all top 5 Fields 215 Operator theory (47-XX) 18 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 9 Functional analysis (46-XX) 7 Integral equations (45-XX) 5 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Real functions (26-XX) 1 Measure and integration (28-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 153 Publications have been cited 698 times in 393 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Tensor product of \(n\)-isometries. Zbl 1295.47010 Duggal, B. P. 33 2012 Extensions of Jacobson’s lemma. Zbl 1269.47002 Corach, Gustavo; Duggal, Bhaggy; Harte, Robin 32 2013 Quasi-similar \(p\)-hyponormal operators. Zbl 0866.47014 Duggal, B. P. 27 1996 Hereditarily normaloid operators. Zbl 1097.47005 Duggal, B. P. 23 2005 On \(\ast\)-paranormal contractions and properties for \(\ast\)-class \(A\) operators. Zbl 1234.47008 Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Jeon, In Ho; Kim, In Hyoun 20 2012 Tensor product of left \(n\)-invertible operators. Zbl 1273.47037 Duggal, B. P.; Müller, Vladimir 18 2013 Upper triangular operator matrices, SVEP and Browder, Weyl theorems. Zbl 1236.47004 Duggal, B. P. 17 2009 On Weyl and Browder spectra of tensor products. Zbl 1136.47013 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 16 2008 Polaroid operators and Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1062.47004 Duggal, Bhaggy; Harte, Robin; Jeon, In Ho 15 2004 On the \(a\)-Browder and \(a\)-Weyl spectra of tensor products. Zbl 1241.47016 Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Djordjević, Slavisa V.; Kubrusly, Carlos S. 14 2010 On dominant operators. Zbl 0624.47015 Duggal, B. P. 13 1986 Tensor product of \(n\)-isometries. III. Zbl 1289.47042 Duggal, B. P. 13 2012 Weyl’s theorem for a generalized derivation and an elementary operator. Zbl 1093.47509 Duggal, B. P. 13 2002 Hereditarily polaroid operators, SVEP and Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1147.47003 Duggal, B. P. 13 2008 On characterising contractions with \(C_{10}\) pure part. Zbl 0908.47019 Duggal, B. P. 12 1997 A remark on normal derivations. Zbl 0894.47003 Duggal, B. P. 12 1998 Continuity of the spectrum on a class of upper triangular operator matrices. Zbl 1201.47004 Duggal, B. P.; Jeon, I. H.; Kim, I. H. 12 2010 Polaroid operators satisfying Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1096.47039 Duggal, B. P. 11 2006 On an elementary operator with \(w\)-hyponormal operator entries. Zbl 1202.47037 Chō, M.; Djordjević, S. V.; Duggal, B. P.; Yamazaki, T. 11 2010 Weyl’s theorem, tensor products and multiplication operators. II. Zbl 1197.47050 Duggal, Bhaggy; Harte, Robin; Kim, An-Hyun 11 2010 Contractions of class \(\mathcal Q\) and invariant subspaces. Zbl 1085.47010 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S.; Levan, N. 10 2005 A remark on generalised Putnam-Fuglede theorems. Zbl 0958.47015 Duggal, B. P. 10 2001 Weyl’s theorems and continuity of spectra in the class of \(p\)-hyponormal operators. Zbl 0984.47020 Djordjević, S. V.; Duggal, B. P. 10 2000 On operators with an absolute value condition. Zbl 1076.47015 Jeon, In Ho; Duggal, B. P. 10 2004 Structure of elementary operators defining \(m\)-left invertible, \(m\)-selfadjoint and related classes of operators. Zbl 07315384 Duggal, B. P.; Kim, I. H. 10 2021 Browder and Weyl spectra of upper triangular operator matrices. Zbl 1289.47006 Duggal, B. P. 9 2010 Tensor product of \(n\)-isometries. II. Zbl 1289.47041 Duggal, B. P. 9 2012 On polynomially Riesz operators. Zbl 1466.47011 Živković Zlatanović, Snežana Ć.; Djordjević, Dragan S.; Harte, Robin E.; Duggal, Bhagwati P. 9 2014 Putnam-Fuglede theorem and the range-kernel orthogonality of derivations. Zbl 1010.47013 Duggal, B. P. 9 2001 A note on \(k\)-paranormal operators. Zbl 1197.47037 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 9 2010 Tensor products of operators – strong stability and \(p\)-hyponormality. Zbl 0990.47017 Duggal, B. P. 9 2000 Range kernel orthogonality of derivations. Zbl 0955.47008 Duggal, B. P. 8 2000 On generalised Putnam-Fuglede theorems. Zbl 0713.47020 Duggal, B. P. 8 1989 Riesz projections for a class of Hilbert space operators. Zbl 1081.47024 Duggal, B. P. 8 2005 A Putnam-Fuglede commutativity property for Hilbert space operators. Zbl 1307.47036 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S. 8 2014 Paranormal contractions have property PF. Zbl 1084.47006 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S. 8 2004 Operator equations \(ABA=A^2\) and \(BAB=B^2\). Zbl 1258.47028 Duggal, B. P. 8 2011 Drazin invertibility of the diagonal of an operator. Zbl 1239.47001 Djordjević, S. V.; Duggal, B. P. 7 2012 Generalised Weyl’s theorem for a class of operators satisfying a norm condition. Zbl 1089.47005 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V. 7 2004 Bishop’s property \((\beta)\), a commutativity theorem and the dynamics of class \(\mathcal A(s,t)\) operators. Zbl 1330.47029 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S.; Kim, I. H. 7 2015 An elementary operator with log-hyponormal, \(p\)-hyponormal entries. Zbl 1140.47024 Duggal, B. P. 7 2008 Subspace gaps and range-kernel orthogonality of an elementary operator. Zbl 1050.47035 Duggal, B. P. 7 2004 Generalized Browder’s and Weyl’s theorems for left and right multiplication operators. Zbl 1202.47004 Boasso, E.; Duggal, B. P.; Jeon, I. H. 7 2010 On weak supercyclicity. I. Zbl 1482.47013 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 7 2018 Structure of \(n\)-quasi left \(m\)-invertible and related classes of operators. Zbl 07299078 Duggal, Bhagwati Prashad; Kim, In Hyun 7 2020 The Weyl spectrum of \(p\)-hyponormal operators. Zbl 0907.47012 Duggal, B. P. 6 1997 Range-kernel orthogonality of the elementary operator \(X\to\sum_{i=1}^n A_iXB_i - X\). Zbl 1017.47027 Duggal, B. P. 6 2001 SVEP and generalized Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1145.47003 Duggal, Bhagwati P. 6 2007 Polaroid operators and generalized Browder–Weyl theorems. Zbl 1180.47006 Duggal, B. P. 6 2008 \(p\)-hyponormal operators and quasisimilarity. Zbl 1073.47030 Jeon, I. H.; Duggal, B. P. 6 2004 Generalized Kato-meromorphic decomposition, generalized Drazin-meromorphic invertible operators and single-valued extension property. Zbl 1508.47017 Živković-Zlatanović, S. Č.; Duggal, B. P. 6 2020 Asymptotic limits, Banach limits and Cesáro means. Zbl 07377897 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 6 2020 On weak supercyclicity. II. Zbl 1482.47012 Kubrusly, Carlos S.; Duggal, Bhagwati P. 6 2018 Roots of contractions with Hilbert-Schmidt defect operator and \(C_{\cdot 0}\) completely non-unitary part. Zbl 0885.47007 Duggal, B. P. 5 1996 Hereditarily normaloid contractions. Zbl 1106.47016 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Kubrusly, C. S. 5 2005 Tensor products and property \((w)\). Zbl 1231.47016 Duggal, B. P. 5 2011 Contractions with \({\mathcal C}_{\cdot 0}\) direct summands. Zbl 1011.47011 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 5 2001 Weyl’s theorem for totally hereditarily normaloid operators. Zbl 1096.47038 Duggal, B. P. 5 2004 Functional equations and linear transformations. III A: Permutability and inversion. Zbl 0414.47037 Duggal, B. P. 5 1978 Polaroid operators, SVEP and perturbed Browder, Weyl theorems. Zbl 1196.47030 Duggal, B. P. 5 2007 On posinormal operators. Zbl 1146.47011 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 5 2007 Weyl’s theorem for direct sums. Zbl 1164.47019 Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Kubrusly, Carlos S. 5 2007 On Weyl’s theorem for quasi-class \(A\) operators. Zbl 1133.47009 Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Jeon, In Ho; Kim, In Hyoun 5 2006 Spectral properties of linear operator through invariant subspaces. Zbl 1273.47009 Djordjević, S. V.; Duggal, B. P. 5 2009 Browder–Weyl theorems, tensor products and multiplications. Zbl 1170.47001 Duggal, B. P. 5 2009 Weak supercyclicity: dynamics of paranormal operators. Zbl 1356.47027 Duggal, B. P. 5 2016 Polynomially meromorphic operators. Zbl 1353.47036 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, Dragan S.; Harte, Robin E.; Živković-Zlatanović, Snežana Č. 5 2016 On intertwining operators. Zbl 0652.47019 Duggal, B. P. 4 1988 On the spectrum of \(p\)-hyponormal operators. Zbl 0893.47013 Duggal, B. P. 4 1997 Perturbations and Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1126.47002 Duggal, B. P. 4 2007 Kato type operators and Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1087.47003 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Kubrusly, Carlos 4 2005 Elementary operators, finite ascent, range closure and compactness. Zbl 1308.47044 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Kubrusly, C. S. 4 2014 Generalized Browder, Weyl spectra and the polaroid property under compact perturbations. Zbl 1373.47005 Duggal, Bhaggy P.; Kim, In Hyoun 4 2017 Quasi-similar \(k\)-paranormal operators. Zbl 1257.47024 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 4 2011 Dunford’s property \((C)\) and Weyl’s theorems. Zbl 1034.47003 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V. 4 2002 Range-kernel orthogonality and range closure of an elementary operator. Zbl 1083.47029 Duggal, B. P.; Harte, Robin E. 4 2004 Contractions with a unitary part. Zbl 0584.47021 Duggal, B. P. 4 1985 Tensor products, multiplications and Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1123.47018 Aiena, Pietro; Duggal, B. P. 4 2005 Spectral continuity of \(k\)-th-roots of hyponormal operators. Zbl 1148.47017 Duggal, B. P. 4 2007 Upper triangular operators with SVEP: spectral properties. Zbl 1273.47010 Duggal, B. P. 4 2007 Finite intertwinings and subscalarity. Zbl 1200.47007 Duggal, B. P. 4 2010 Contractions satisfying the absolute value property \(| A|^2\leq| A^2|\). Zbl 1092.47034 Duggal, B. P.; Jeon, I. H.; Kubrusly, C. S. 4 2004 A remark on normal derivations of Hilbert-Schmidt type. Zbl 0737.47021 Duggal, B. P. 3 1991 On quasi-class \(\mathcal A\) contractions. Zbl 1276.47027 Duggal, B. P.; Jeon, I. H.; Kim, I. H. 3 2012 A Putnam-Fuglede commutativity theorem for class \(\mathcal {A}\) operators. Zbl 1342.47031 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Jeon, I. H. 3 2014 On \(n\)-th roots of normal contractions. Zbl 0739.47011 Duggal, B. P. 3 1992 \(p\)-hyponormal operators and invariant subspaces. Zbl 0937.47025 Duggal, B. P. 3 1998 Weyl’s theorems in the class of algebraically \(p\)-hyponormal operators. Zbl 0997.47019 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V. 3 2000 Weyl’s theorem for algebraically totally hereditarily normaloid operators. Zbl 1160.47301 Duggal, B. P. 3 2005 The closure of the range of an elementary operator. Zbl 1087.47040 Duggal, B. P. 3 2004 On \(p\)-hyponormal contractions. Zbl 0819.47032 Duggal, B. P. 3 1995 Convolutions and other integral transforms. Zbl 0334.44017 Duggal, B. P. 3 1976 Isometric, symmetric and isosymmetric commuting \(d\)-tuples of Banach space operators. Zbl 07667655 Duggal, B. P.; Kim, I. H. 3 2023 Weyl’s theorem and hypercyclic/supercyclic operators. Zbl 1126.47008 Duggal, B. P. 3 2007 On \(p\)-quasi-hyponormal operators. Zbl 1123.47020 Duggal, B. P.; Jeon, In Ho 3 2007 Weyl’s theorems for posinormal operators. Zbl 1085.47044 Duggal, Bhagwati Prashad; Kubrusly, Carlos 2 2005 B-Browder operators and perturbations. Zbl 1289.47007 Duggal, B. P. 2 2012 Bishop’s property \((\beta)\) and an elementary operator. Zbl 1228.47036 Chō, Muneo; Djordjević, Slavisa; Duggal, Bhaggy 2 2011 Algebraic elementary operators. Zbl 1352.47003 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Kubrusly, C. S. 2 2014 PF property and property \((\beta )\) for paranormal operators. Zbl 1336.47025 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S. 2 2014 Weak l-sequential supercyclicity and weak quasistability. Zbl 07812641 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 2 2024 Products of generalized \(n\)-projections. Zbl 07820058 Duggal, B. P.; Kim, I. H. 1 2024 Strict isometric and strict symmetric commuting \(d\)-tuples of Banach space operators. Zbl 07918294 Duggal, Bhagwati P. 1 2024 Isometric, symmetric and isosymmetric commuting \(d\)-tuples of Banach space operators. Zbl 07667655 Duggal, B. P.; Kim, I. H. 3 2023 \(m\)-isometric generalised derivations. Zbl 1509.47048 Duggal, B. P.; Kim, I. H. 2 2022 Expansive operators which are power bounded or algebraic. Zbl 1516.47037 Duggal, B. P.; Kim, I. H. 1 2022 Left \(m\)-invertibility by the adjoint of Drazin inverse and \(m\)-selfadjointness of Hilbert spaces. Zbl 1522.47002 Duggal, B. P.; Kim, I. H. 1 2022 Structure of elementary operators defining \(m\)-left invertible, \(m\)-selfadjoint and related classes of operators. Zbl 07315384 Duggal, B. P.; Kim, I. H. 10 2021 Power bounded \(m\)-left invertible operators. Zbl 07318842 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S. 2 2021 On \((m, P)\)-expansive operators: products, perturbation by nilpotents, Drazin invertibility. Zbl 07427888 Duggal, B. P. 1 2021 Structure of \(n\)-quasi left \(m\)-invertible and related classes of operators. Zbl 07299078 Duggal, Bhagwati Prashad; Kim, In Hyun 7 2020 Generalized Kato-meromorphic decomposition, generalized Drazin-meromorphic invertible operators and single-valued extension property. Zbl 1508.47017 Živković-Zlatanović, S. Č.; Duggal, B. P. 6 2020 Asymptotic limits, Banach limits and Cesáro means. Zbl 07377897 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 6 2020 On \(n\)th roots of normal operators. Zbl 1500.47033 Duggal, B. P.; Kim, I. H. 2 2020 On power Drazin normal and Drazin quasi-normal Hilbert space operators. Zbl 1482.47033 Duggal, B. P.; Kim, I. H. 1 2020 Isolated eigenvalues, poles and compact perturbations of Banach space operators. Zbl 1514.47036 Duggal, Bhagwati Prashad 2 2019 On \(n\)-quasi left \(m\)-invertible operators. Zbl 1428.47006 Duggal, Bhagwati 1 2019 On weak supercyclicity. I. Zbl 1482.47013 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 7 2018 On weak supercyclicity. II. Zbl 1482.47012 Kubrusly, Carlos S.; Duggal, Bhagwati P. 6 2018 Generalized Browder, Weyl spectra and the polaroid property under compact perturbations. Zbl 1373.47005 Duggal, Bhaggy P.; Kim, In Hyoun 4 2017 Spectral picture, perturbed Browder and Weyl theorems, and their variations. Zbl 1459.47001 Duggal, B. P. 2 2017 Perturbed Browder, Weyl theorems and their variations: equivalences. Zbl 06827492 Duggal, B. P. 2 2017 Perturbation of Banach space operators with a complemented range. Zbl 1500.47020 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S. 1 2017 Weak supercyclicity: dynamics of paranormal operators. Zbl 1356.47027 Duggal, B. P. 5 2016 Polynomially meromorphic operators. Zbl 1353.47036 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, Dragan S.; Harte, Robin E.; Živković-Zlatanović, Snežana Č. 5 2016 Upper-lower and left-right semi-Fredholmness. Zbl 1350.47010 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 2 2016 Bishop’s property \((\beta)\), a commutativity theorem and the dynamics of class \(\mathcal A(s,t)\) operators. Zbl 1330.47029 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S.; Kim, I. H. 7 2015 Generalized commutativity theorems for Hilbert space operators. Zbl 1355.47019 Duggal, B. P. 1 2015 Perturbations, quasinilpotent equivalence and communicating operators. Zbl 1343.47016 Djordjević, Dragan S.; Duggal, B. P.; Živković-Zlatanović, S. Č. 1 2015 On polynomially Riesz operators. Zbl 1466.47011 Živković Zlatanović, Snežana Ć.; Djordjević, Dragan S.; Harte, Robin E.; Duggal, Bhagwati P. 9 2014 A Putnam-Fuglede commutativity property for Hilbert space operators. Zbl 1307.47036 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S. 8 2014 Elementary operators, finite ascent, range closure and compactness. Zbl 1308.47044 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Kubrusly, C. S. 4 2014 A Putnam-Fuglede commutativity theorem for class \(\mathcal {A}\) operators. Zbl 1342.47031 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Jeon, I. H. 3 2014 Algebraic elementary operators. Zbl 1352.47003 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Kubrusly, C. S. 2 2014 PF property and property \((\beta )\) for paranormal operators. Zbl 1336.47025 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S. 2 2014 Extensions of Jacobson’s lemma. Zbl 1269.47002 Corach, Gustavo; Duggal, Bhaggy; Harte, Robin 32 2013 Tensor product of left \(n\)-invertible operators. Zbl 1273.47037 Duggal, B. P.; Müller, Vladimir 18 2013 Upper triangular operator matrices, asymptotic intertwining and Browder, Weyl theorems. Zbl 1303.47047 Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Jeon, In; Kim, In 2 2013 Consistent in invertibility operators and SVEP. Zbl 1324.47040 Djordjević, Dragan S.; Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Harte, Robin E. 2 2013 On Weyl’s theorem for tensor products. Zbl 1267.47031 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 2 2013 Asymptotic intertwining by the identity operator and permanence of spectral properties. Zbl 1287.47003 Duggal, B. P. 2 2013 Upper triangular matrix operators with diagonal \((T_1,T_2)\), \(T_2\) \(k\)-nilpotent. Zbl 1295.47013 Duggal, B. P. 1 2013 Tensor product of \(n\)-isometries. Zbl 1295.47010 Duggal, B. P. 33 2012 On \(\ast\)-paranormal contractions and properties for \(\ast\)-class \(A\) operators. Zbl 1234.47008 Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Jeon, In Ho; Kim, In Hyoun 20 2012 Tensor product of \(n\)-isometries. III. Zbl 1289.47042 Duggal, B. P. 13 2012 Tensor product of \(n\)-isometries. II. Zbl 1289.47041 Duggal, B. P. 9 2012 Drazin invertibility of the diagonal of an operator. Zbl 1239.47001 Djordjević, S. V.; Duggal, B. P. 7 2012 On quasi-class \(\mathcal A\) contractions. Zbl 1276.47027 Duggal, B. P.; Jeon, I. H.; Kim, I. H. 3 2012 B-Browder operators and perturbations. Zbl 1289.47007 Duggal, B. P. 2 2012 Tensor product of left polaroid operators. Zbl 1275.47043 Boasso, Enrico; Duggal, Bhagwati P. 2 2012 Generalized Browder’s theorem for tensor product and elementary operators. Zbl 1275.47042 Boasso, Enrico; Duggal, B. P. 1 2012 Operator equations \(ABA=A^2\) and \(BAB=B^2\). Zbl 1258.47028 Duggal, B. P. 8 2011 Tensor products and property \((w)\). Zbl 1231.47016 Duggal, B. P. 5 2011 Quasi-similar \(k\)-paranormal operators. Zbl 1257.47024 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 4 2011 Bishop’s property \((\beta)\) and an elementary operator. Zbl 1228.47036 Chō, Muneo; Djordjević, Slavisa; Duggal, Bhaggy 2 2011 On the \(a\)-Browder and \(a\)-Weyl spectra of tensor products. Zbl 1241.47016 Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Djordjević, Slavisa V.; Kubrusly, Carlos S. 14 2010 Continuity of the spectrum on a class of upper triangular operator matrices. Zbl 1201.47004 Duggal, B. P.; Jeon, I. H.; Kim, I. H. 12 2010 On an elementary operator with \(w\)-hyponormal operator entries. Zbl 1202.47037 Chō, M.; Djordjević, S. V.; Duggal, B. P.; Yamazaki, T. 11 2010 Weyl’s theorem, tensor products and multiplication operators. II. Zbl 1197.47050 Duggal, Bhaggy; Harte, Robin; Kim, An-Hyun 11 2010 Browder and Weyl spectra of upper triangular operator matrices. Zbl 1289.47006 Duggal, B. P. 9 2010 A note on \(k\)-paranormal operators. Zbl 1197.47037 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 9 2010 Generalized Browder’s and Weyl’s theorems for left and right multiplication operators. Zbl 1202.47004 Boasso, E.; Duggal, B. P.; Jeon, I. H. 7 2010 Finite intertwinings and subscalarity. Zbl 1200.47007 Duggal, B. P. 4 2010 Operator equation \(AB=\lambda BA\). Zbl 1244.47021 Chō, Muneo; Duggal, Bhaggy P.; Harte, Robin; Ôta, Schôichi 2 2010 Upper triangular operators with SVEP. Zbl 1238.47003 Duggal, Bhagwati Prashad 1 2010 Upper triangular operator matrices, SVEP and Browder, Weyl theorems. Zbl 1236.47004 Duggal, B. P. 17 2009 Spectral properties of linear operator through invariant subspaces. Zbl 1273.47009 Djordjević, S. V.; Duggal, B. P. 5 2009 Browder–Weyl theorems, tensor products and multiplications. Zbl 1170.47001 Duggal, B. P. 5 2009 The Browder and Weyl spectra of an operator and its diagonal. Zbl 1289.47074 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Chõ, M. 1 2009 On Weyl and Browder spectra of tensor products. Zbl 1136.47013 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 16 2008 Hereditarily polaroid operators, SVEP and Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1147.47003 Duggal, B. P. 13 2008 An elementary operator with log-hyponormal, \(p\)-hyponormal entries. Zbl 1140.47024 Duggal, B. P. 7 2008 Polaroid operators and generalized Browder–Weyl theorems. Zbl 1180.47006 Duggal, B. P. 6 2008 Perturbations of operators satisfying a local growth condition. Zbl 1163.47007 Duggal, B. P. 2 2008 SVEP and generalized Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1145.47003 Duggal, Bhagwati P. 6 2007 Polaroid operators, SVEP and perturbed Browder, Weyl theorems. Zbl 1196.47030 Duggal, B. P. 5 2007 On posinormal operators. Zbl 1146.47011 Kubrusly, C. S.; Duggal, B. P. 5 2007 Weyl’s theorem for direct sums. Zbl 1164.47019 Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Kubrusly, Carlos S. 5 2007 Perturbations and Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1126.47002 Duggal, B. P. 4 2007 Spectral continuity of \(k\)-th-roots of hyponormal operators. Zbl 1148.47017 Duggal, B. P. 4 2007 Upper triangular operators with SVEP: spectral properties. Zbl 1273.47010 Duggal, B. P. 4 2007 Weyl’s theorem and hypercyclic/supercyclic operators. Zbl 1126.47008 Duggal, B. P. 3 2007 On \(p\)-quasi-hyponormal operators. Zbl 1123.47020 Duggal, B. P.; Jeon, In Ho 3 2007 Polaroid operators satisfying Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1096.47039 Duggal, B. P. 11 2006 On Weyl’s theorem for quasi-class \(A\) operators. Zbl 1133.47009 Duggal, Bhagwati P.; Jeon, In Ho; Kim, In Hyoun 5 2006 A perturbed elementary operator and range-kernel orthogonality. Zbl 1082.47031 Duggal, B. P. 2 2006 Generalised Weyl’s theorem for a class of operators satisfying a norm condition. II. Zbl 1131.47004 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V. 2 2006 On the range closure of an elementary operator. Zbl 1142.47022 Canavati, Jose Angel; Djordjević, Slavisa V.; Duggal, Bhagwati Prasad 1 2006 Hereditarily normaloid operators. Zbl 1097.47005 Duggal, B. P. 23 2005 Contractions of class \(\mathcal Q\) and invariant subspaces. Zbl 1085.47010 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S.; Levan, N. 10 2005 Riesz projections for a class of Hilbert space operators. Zbl 1081.47024 Duggal, B. P. 8 2005 Hereditarily normaloid contractions. Zbl 1106.47016 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Kubrusly, C. S. 5 2005 Kato type operators and Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1087.47003 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, S. V.; Kubrusly, Carlos 4 2005 Tensor products, multiplications and Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1123.47018 Aiena, Pietro; Duggal, B. P. 4 2005 Weyl’s theorem for algebraically totally hereditarily normaloid operators. Zbl 1160.47301 Duggal, B. P. 3 2005 Weyl’s theorems for posinormal operators. Zbl 1085.47044 Duggal, Bhagwati Prashad; Kubrusly, Carlos 2 2005 Operator matrices: SVEP and Weyl’s theorem. Zbl 1123.47007 Duggal, B. P.; Djordjević, Slavisa V. 2 2005 Totally hereditarily normaloid operators and Weyl’s theorem for an elementary operator. Zbl 1087.47026 Duggal, B. P.; Kubrusly, C. S. 2 2005 On the range closure of an elementary operator. Zbl 1079.47037 Duggal, B. P. 1 2005 Subspace gaps and Weyl’s theorem for an elementary operator. Zbl 1126.47033 Duggal, B. P. 1 2005 ...and 53 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 286 Authors 67 Duggal, Bhagwati Prashad 23 Kubrusly, Carlos S. 16 Rashid, Mohammad Hussein Mohammad 15 Jeon, In Ho 13 Aiena, Pietro 12 Chō, Muneo 12 Mecheri, Salah 11 Zeng, Qingping 10 Kim, In Hyoun 10 Ko, Eungil 9 Djordjević, Slaviša V. 8 Cao, Xiaohong 8 Gu, Caixing 7 Braha, Naim Latif 7 Prasad, Thankarajan 7 Zariouh, Hassan 6 Amouch, Mohamed 6 Bachir, Ahmed 6 Hoxha, Ilmi 6 Mosić, Dijana 6 Sid Ahmed, Ould Ahmed Mahmoud 6 Tanahashi, Kôtarô 6 Zhong, Huaijie 6 Zuo, Fei 5 Boasso, Enrico 5 Gao, Fugen 5 Lee, Jieun 5 Li, Xiaochun 5 Moslehian, Mohammad Sal 5 Shen, Junli 5 Tajmouati, Abdelaziz 5 Uchiyama, Atsushi 5 Yan, Kai 5 Zguitti, Hassane 4 Bermúdez, Teresa 4 Harte, Robin E. 4 Le, Trieu 4 Lee, Jaewon 4 Lombarkia, Farida 4 Martinón, Antonio 4 Noda, Juan Agustín 4 Segres, Abdelkader 4 Zhu, Sen 4 Živković-Zlatanović, Snežana Č. 4 Zuo, Hongliang 3 Alaoui Chrifi, Safae 3 Bakir, Aissa Nasli 3 Berkani, Mohammed 3 Carpintero, Carlos R. 3 Dharmarha, Preeti 3 Dong, Jiong 3 Guillen, Jesús R. 3 Gupta, Anuradha 3 Hadji, Soufiane 3 Karmouni, Mohammed 3 Messirdi, Bekkai 3 Nabavi Sales, S. M. S. 3 Ram, Sonu 3 Saddi, Adel 3 Sayyaf, Nawal Ali 3 Suciu, Laurian 3 Turnšek, Aleksej 3 Vieira, Paulo César M. 3 Wang, Caihong 3 Yuan, Jiangtao 2 Aznay, Zakariae 2 Benharrat, Mohammed 2 Benhida, Chafiq 2 Biondi, Maria Teresa 2 Boumazgour, Mohamed 2 Chen, Huanyin 2 Cvetković, Miloš D. 2 Ech-Chad, Mohamed 2 García, Orlando J. 2 Gehér, György Pál 2 Hernández-Garciadiego, Carlos 2 Hocine, Kouider Miloud 2 Jiang, Lining 2 Jung, Sungeun 2 Keckić, Dragoljub J. 2 Kim, An-Hyun 2 Kittaneh, Fuad 2 Kumar, Ankit 2 Lee, Woo Young 2 Maher, Philip J. 2 Mahmoud, Sid Ahmed Ould Mahmoud 2 Majdak, Witold 2 Mbekhta, Mostafa 2 Ouahab, Abdelmalek 2 Pagacz, Patryk 2 Peña, Pedro 2 Pötzsche, Christian 2 Radjabalipour, Mehdi 2 Ren, Yanxun 2 Rosas, Ennis R. 2 Sanabria, Jose Eduardo 2 Sánchez Perales, Salvador 2 Sertbaş, Meltem 2 Sheibani Abdolyousefi, Marjan 2 Wu, Zhenying ...and 186 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 106 Serials 38 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 36 Linear Algebra and its Applications 26 Rendiconti del Circolo Matemàtico di Palermo. Serie II 19 Linear and Multilinear Algebra 17 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 16 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 12 Filomat 12 Operators and Matrices 11 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 9 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 8 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 8 Complex Analysis and Operator Theory 8 Functional Analysis, Approximation and Computation 7 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 7 Korean Journal of Mathematics 6 Demonstratio Mathematica 6 Results in Mathematics 6 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 5 Mathematische Nachrichten 5 Advances in Operator Theory 4 Archiv der Mathematik 4 Monatshefte für Mathematik 4 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 3 Acta Scientiarum Mathematicarum 3 Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal 3 Journal of Functional Analysis 3 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 3 Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society. Second Series 3 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 3 The Australian Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales. Serie A: Matemáticas. RACSAM 3 Concrete Operators 2 Ukrainian Mathematical Journal 2 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 2 Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 2 Aequationes Mathematicae 2 Glasnik Matematički. Serija III 2 Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin 2 Matematychni Studiï 2 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 2 Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 2 Asian-European Journal of Mathematics 2 Annals of Functional Analysis 2 Journal of Function Spaces 1 Applicable Analysis 1 Communications in Algebra 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Studia Mathematica 1 Acta Mathematica Vietnamica 1 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 1 Quaestiones Mathematicae 1 Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina 1 Zeitschrift für Analysis und ihre Anwendungen 1 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Note di Matematica 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 1 Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis. Armenian Academy of Sciences 1 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 1 Analele Științifice ale Universității Al. I. Cuza din Iași. Serie Nouă. Matematică 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 Algebra Colloquium 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Georgian Mathematical Journal 1 Advances in Applied Clifford Algebras 1 Random Operators and Stochastic Equations 1 Complexity 1 Abstract and Applied Analysis 1 Positivity 1 Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics 1 Novi Sad Journal of Mathematics 1 Mathematical Inequalities & Applications 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Dynamical Systems 1 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 1 Kragujevac Journal of Mathematics 1 Applied Mathematics E-Notes 1 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série 1 Nonlinear Dynamics and Systems Theory 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 African Diaspora Journal of Mathematics 1 Proyecciones 1 Annali dell’Università di Ferrara. Sezione VII. Scienze Matematiche 1 Acta Mathematica Sinica. Chinese Series 1 European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 Kyoto Journal of Mathematics 1 Symmetry 1 Eurasian Mathematical Journal 1 Afrika Matematika 1 ISRN Geometry 1 Arabian Journal of Mathematics 1 Palestine Journal of Mathematics 1 Universal Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences ...and 6 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 22 Fields 375 Operator theory (47-XX) 28 Functional analysis (46-XX) 18 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 16 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 8 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 4 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 4 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 3 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 3 Differential geometry (53-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 2 Integral equations (45-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 1 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 1 Number theory (11-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Citations by Year