Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Dwyer, William G. Co-Author Distance Author ID: dwyer.william-g Published as: Dwyer, W. G.; Dwyer, William G.; Dwyer, William; Dwyer, W. more...less External Links: MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 131 Publications since 1974, including 2 Books and 1 Additional arXiv Preprint 2 Contributions as Editor · 1 Further Contribution Co-Authors: 59 Co-Authors with 111 Joint Publications 946 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 23 single-authored 33 Kan, Daniel Marinus 19 Wilkerson, Clarence W. jun. 11 Dror Farjoun, Emmanuel 9 Friedlander, Eric Mark 5 Greenlees, John P. C. 5 Smith, Jeffrey Henderson 4 Arone, Gregory Z. 4 Hess, Kathryn P. 4 Iyengar, Srikanth B. 4 Miller, Haynes R. 3 Lesh, Kathryn 3 Mitchell, Stephen Ames 3 Stover, Christopher R. 3 Szczarba, Robert H. 2 Christensen, J. Daniel 2 Cohen, Ralph L. 2 Hsiang, Wu-Chung 2 Intermont, Michele 2 Mahowald, Mark Edward 2 Neisendorfer, Joseph A. 2 Palmieri, John H. 2 Ravenel, Douglas C. 2 Selick, Paul S. 2 Staffeldt, Ross E. 2 Stolz, Stephan A. 2 Thomason, Robert Wayne 2 Zabrodsky, Alexander 1 Adem, Alejandro 1 Anick, David J. 1 Avramov, Luchezar L. 1 Berrick, A. Jon 1 Biedermann, Georg 1 Blanc, David Abraham 1 Bökstedt, Marcel 1 Browder, William 1 Brown, Edgar H. jun. 1 Campbell, H. E. A. Eddy 1 Carlsson, Gunnar E. 1 Chorny, Boris 1 Cohen, Frederick Ronald 1 Davis, Donald M. 1 Ellis, David B. 1 Fried, David 1 Goerss, Paul G. 1 Halperin, Stephen 1 Henn, Hans-Werner 1 Hirschhorn, Philip S. 1 Hopkins, Michael Jerome 1 Isaksen, Daniel C. 1 Jekel, Solomon M. 1 Kane, Richard M. 1 Knudsen, Ben 1 Kochman, Stanley O. 1 Mandell, Michael A. 1 May, Jon Peter 1 Mislin, Guido 1 Møller, Jesper Michael 1 Moore, John C. 1 Parshall, Brian J. 1 Peterson, Franklin P. 1 Rădulescu-Banu, Andrei 1 Schick, Thomas 1 Shipley, Brooke E. 1 Snaith, Victor Percy 1 Spaliński, Jan 1 Stasheff, James D. 1 Suciu, Alexander I. 1 Swan, Richard Gordon 1 Szymik, Markus 1 Taylor, Laurence Robert 1 Thomas, Sebastian 1 Waldhausen, Friedhelm 1 Weiss, Michael S. 1 Williams, Bruce all top 5 Serials 15 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 12 Topology 11 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 8 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 6 Indagationes Mathematicae 5 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 5 Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici 4 Illinois Journal of Mathematics 3 Israel Journal of Mathematics 3 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 3 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 2 Advances in Mathematics 2 American Journal of Mathematics 2 \(K\)-Theory 2 Documenta Mathematica 2 Geometry & Topology 2 Journal of \(K\)-Theory 1 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 1 Acta Mathematica 1 Fundamenta Mathematicae 1 Gazette des Mathématiciens 1 Inventiones Mathematicae 1 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 1 Mathematische Annalen 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 1 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 1 Forum Mathematicum 1 IMRN. International Mathematics Research Notices 1 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 1 Homology, Homotopy and Applications 1 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Série A 1 Annals of Mathematics Studies 1 Contemporary Mathematics 1 Fields Institute Communications 1 Mathematical Surveys and Monographs 1 Advanced Courses in Mathematics – CRM Barcelona all top 5 Fields 116 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 51 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 23 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 15 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 9 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 8 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 7 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 6 Number theory (11-XX) 5 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 5 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 History and biography (01-XX) 2 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 General topology (54-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 117 Publications have been cited 2,144 times in 1,414 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Homotopy theories and model categories. Zbl 0869.55018 Dwyer, W. G.; Spalinski, J. 213 1995 Function complexes in homotopical algebra. Zbl 0438.55011 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 114 1980 Simplicial localizations of categories. Zbl 0485.18012 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 107 1980 Calculating simplicial localizations. Zbl 0485.18013 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 86 1980 Duality in algebra and topology. Zbl 1155.55302 Dwyer, W. G.; Greenlees, J. P. C.; Iyengar, S. 83 2006 Homotopy limit functors on model categories and homotopical categories. Zbl 1072.18012 Dwyer, William G.; Hirschhorn, Philip S.; Kan, Daniel M.; Smith, Jeffrey H. 81 2004 Homotopy fixed-point methods for Lie groups and finite loop spaces. Zbl 0801.55007 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 76 1994 Complete modules and torsion modules. Zbl 1017.18008 Dwyer, W. G.; Greenlees, J. P. C. 76 2002 Algebraic and étale \(K\)-theory. Zbl 0581.14012 Dwyer, William G.; Friedlander, Eric M. 70 1985 Homology, Massey products and maps between groups. Zbl 0338.20057 Dwyer, William G. 70 1975 A parametrized index theorem for the algebraic \(K\)-theory Euler class. Zbl 1077.19002 Dwyer, W.; Weiss, M.; Williams, B. 42 2003 Twisted homological stability for general linear groups. Zbl 0404.18012 Dwyer, W. G. 38 1980 Finiteness in derived categories of local rings. Zbl 1096.13027 Dwyer, W.; Greenlees, J. P. C.; Iyengar, S. 37 2006 Maps between classifying spaces. Zbl 0646.55007 Dwyer, W.; Zabrodsky, A. 35 1987 Strong convergence of the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence. Zbl 0303.55012 Dwyer, W. G. 35 1974 A classification theorem for diagrams of simplicial sets. Zbl 0545.55007 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 34 1984 Homotopy commutative diagrams and their realizations. Zbl 0678.55007 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Smith, J. H. 32 1989 A new finite loop space at the prime two. Zbl 0769.55007 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 29 1993 Homotopy theoretic methods in group cohomology. Zbl 1047.55001 Dwyer, William G.; Henn, Hans-Werner 28 2001 Homology decompositions for classifying spaces of finite groups. Zbl 0872.55014 Dwyer, W. G. 27 1997 An \(E^ 2\) model category structure for pointed simplicial spaces. Zbl 0814.55008 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Stover, C. R. 27 1993 Function complexes for diagrams of simplicial sets. Zbl 0524.55021 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 25 1983 Homotopy theory and simplicial groupoids. Zbl 0559.55023 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 25 1984 The homotopy theory of cyclic sets. Zbl 0594.55020 Dwyer, W. G.; Hopkins, M. J.; Kan, D. M. 23 1985 Long knots and maps between operads. Zbl 1255.18009 Dwyer, William; Hess, Kathryn 23 2012 Singular functors and realization functors. Zbl 0555.55019 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 21 1984 Partition complexes, Tits buildings and symmetric products. Zbl 1028.55008 Arone, G. Z.; Dwyer, W. G. 21 2001 The center of a \(p\)-compact group. Zbl 0828.55009 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 21 1995 Homotopical uniqueness of classifying spaces. Zbl 0748.55005 Dwyer, W. G.; Miller, H. R.; Wilkerson, C. W. 19 1992 Equivariant maps which are self homotopy equivalences. Zbl 0454.55018 Dror, Emmanuel; Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 18 1980 A cohomology decomposition theorem. Zbl 0756.55012 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 17 1992 An obstruction theory for diagrams of simplicial sets. Zbl 0555.55018 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 17 1984 Realizing diagrams in the homotopy category by means of diagrams of simplicial sets. Zbl 0514.55020 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 17 1984 Normalizing the cyclic modules of Connes. Zbl 0593.18010 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 17 1985 Equivalences between homotopy theories of diagrams. Zbl 0706.55015 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 17 1987 The realization space of a \(\Pi\)-algebra: a moduli problem in algebraic topology. Zbl 1054.55007 Blanc, D.; Dwyer, W. G.; Goerss, P. G. 16 2004 The bigraded homotopy groups \(\pi_{i,j} X\) of a pointed simplicial space \(X\). Zbl 0860.55014 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Stover, C. R. 16 1995 An arithmetic square for virtually nilpotent spaces. Zbl 0355.55015 Dror, Emmanuel; Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 16 1977 Sharp homology decompositions for classifying spaces of finite groups. Zbl 0891.55021 Dwyer, W. G. 15 1998 A long homology localization tower. Zbl 0352.55007 Dror, Emmanuel; Dwyer, W. G. 14 1977 Vanishing homology over nilpotent groups. Zbl 0305.18009 Dwyer, William G. 14 1975 Homotopy theory of small diagrams over large categories. Zbl 1162.55014 Chorny, Boris; Dwyer, William G. 14 2009 Algebraic K-theory eventually surjects onto topological K-theory. Zbl 0501.14013 Dwyer, William; Friedlander, Eric; Snaith, Victor; Thomason, Robert 12 1982 Ohkawa’s theorem: There is a set of Bousfield classes. Zbl 0963.55005 Dwyer, William G.; Palmieri, John H. 12 2001 Spaces of null homotopic maps. Zbl 0731.55009 Dwyer, William G.; Wilkerson, Clarence W. 12 1990 Smith theory and the functor T. Zbl 0726.55011 Dwyer, William G.; Wilkerson, Clarence W. 12 1991 Homotopy operations for simplicial commutative algebras. Zbl 0464.55008 Dwyer, W. G. 12 1980 The Bousfield lattice for truncated polynomial algebras. Zbl 1161.18005 Dwyer, W. G.; Palmieri, J. H. 12 2008 Loop structures in Taylor towers. Zbl 1139.55008 Arone, Gregory Z.; Dwyer, William G.; Lesh, Kathryn 11 2008 Homology of free abelian covers. I. Zbl 0625.57001 Dwyer, William G.; Fried, David 10 1987 Generalized Tate homology, homotopy fixed points and the transfer. Zbl 0684.55012 Adem, A.; Cohen, R. L.; Dwyer, W. G. 10 1989 Fibrewise completion and unstable Adams spectral sequences. Zbl 0686.55014 Dwyer, William; Miller, Haynes; Neisendorfer, Joseph 10 1989 Product splittings for \(p\)-compact groups. Zbl 0847.55005 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 10 1995 The centralizer decomposition of \(BG\). Zbl 0921.55013 Dwyer, W. G. 10 1996 Self homotopy equivalences of virtually nilpotent spaces. Zbl 0504.55004 Dror, E.; Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 9 1981 Equivariant homotopy classification. Zbl 0567.55010 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 9 1985 Kähler differentials, the \(T\)-functor, and a theorem of Steinberg. Zbl 0901.55009 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 9 1998 Centric maps and realization of diagrams in the homotopy category. Zbl 0742.55004 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 8 1992 Localizations. Zbl 1062.55009 Dwyer, W. G. 8 2004 Tame homotopy theory. Zbl 0436.55007 Dwyer, W. G. 8 1979 Exotic convergence of the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence. Zbl 0328.55014 Dwyer, William G. 8 1975 Noncommutative localization in homotopy theory. Zbl 1128.55008 Dwyer, William G. 8 2006 The Boardman-Vogt tensor product of operadic bimodules. Zbl 1349.18018 Dwyer, William; Hess, Kathryn 7 2014 The elementary geometric structure of compact Lie groups. Zbl 0933.22010 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 7 1998 Topological models for arithmetic. Zbl 0792.19003 Dwyer, William G.; Friedlander, Eric M. 7 1994 On the \(K\)-theory spectrum of a ring of algebraic integers. Zbl 0905.19003 Dwyer, W. G.; Mitchell, S. A. 7 1998 Exotic cohomology for \(\text{GL}_n(\mathbb{Z}[1/2])\). Zbl 0894.55005 Dwyer, W. G. 7 1998 Homology of integral upper-triangular matrices. Zbl 0568.55018 Dwyer, W. G. 6 1985 Bredon homology of partition complexes. Zbl 1360.55005 Arone, G. Z.; Dwyer, W. G.; Lesh, K. 6 2016 The \(A\)-complexity of a space. Zbl 1012.55016 Chachólski, W.; Dwyer, W. G.; Intermont, M. 6 2002 Remarks on a conjecture of Gromov and Lawson. Zbl 1052.57035 Dwyer, William; Schick, Thomas; Stolz, Stephan 6 2003 Conjectural calculations of general linear group homology. Zbl 0592.18009 Dwyer, W. G.; Friedlander, E. M. 6 1986 DG algebras with exterior homology. Zbl 1316.16010 Dwyer, W. G.; Greenlees, J. P. C.; Iyengar, S. B. 6 2013 An obstruction theory for simplicial categories. Zbl 0609.55009 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Smith, J. H. 6 1986 Towers of fibrations and homotopical wreath products. Zbl 0683.55018 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Smith, J. H. 6 1989 Higher divided squares in second-quadrant spectral sequences. Zbl 0465.55012 Dwyer, W. G. 6 1980 The fundamental group of a \(p\)-compact group. Zbl 1170.55006 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 6 2009 Localization and cellularization of principal fibrations. Zbl 1190.55005 Dwyer, W. G.; Farjoun, E. D. 6 2009 Homotopy nilpotent groups. Zbl 1329.55008 Biedermann, Georg; Dwyer, William G. 6 2010 Reducing equivariant homotopy theory to the theory of fibrations. Zbl 0571.55010 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 5 1985 Centers and Coxeter elements. Zbl 0978.22004 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 5 2001 Obstruction theory in model categories. Zbl 1043.55007 Christensen, J. Daniel; Dwyer, William G.; Isaksen, Daniel C. 5 2004 The homotopic uniqueness of \(BS^ 3\). Zbl 0654.55015 Dwyer, William G.; Miller, Haynes R.; Wilkerson, Clarence W. 5 1987 The enveloping ring of a \(\Pi\)-algebra. Zbl 0689.55010 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 5 1989 Lie groups and \(p\)-compact groups. Zbl 0912.55005 Dwyer, W. G. 5 1998 Hochschild-Mitchell cohomology of simplicial categories and the cohomology of simplicial diagrams of simplicial sets. Zbl 0666.18011 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 5 1988 Smith theory revisited. Zbl 0675.55011 Dwyer, William G.; Wilkerson, Clarence W. 5 1988 Automorphisms of fibrations. Zbl 0454.55017 Dror, E.; Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 5 1980 Etale K-theory and arithmetic. Zbl 0494.18009 Dwyer, William G.; Friedlander, Eric M. 4 1982 On the homotopy type of diffeomorphism groups. Zbl 0507.57016 Dwyer, William G.; Szczarba, Robert H. 4 1983 Normalizers of tori. Zbl 1092.55006 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 4 2005 Transfer maps for fibrations. Zbl 0877.55006 Dwyer, W. G. 4 1996 Poincaré duality and Steinberg’s theorem on rings of coinvariants. Zbl 1202.57030 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 4 2010 Gross-Hopkins duality and the Gorenstein condition. Zbl 1251.55001 Dwyer, W. G.; Greenlees, J. P. C.; Iyengar, S. B. 4 2011 The generalized Burnside ring and the \(K\)-theory of a ring with roots of unity. Zbl 0780.19001 Dwyer, W. G.; Friedlander, E. M.; Mitchell, S. A. 3 1992 Frobenius and the derived centers of algebraic theories. Zbl 1372.18003 Dwyer, William G.; Szymik, Markus 3 2017 Homology and cohomology of \(\Pi\)-algebras. Zbl 0812.55009 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 3 1994 The spaces that define algebraic \(K\)-theory. Zbl 0934.55004 Berrick, A. J.; Dwyer, W. G. 3 2000 Prenilpotent spaces. Zbl 0346.55015 Dror, Emmanuel; Dwyer, W. G. 3 1976 Three homotopy theories for cyclic modules. Zbl 1375.18073 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 3 1987 \(p\)-toral approximations compute Bredon homology. Zbl 1489.55003 Arone, Gregory; Dwyer, W. G.; Lesh, Kathryn 1 2021 Configuration spaces of products. Zbl 1408.18016 Dwyer, William; Hess, Kathryn; Knudsen, Ben 1 2019 Frobenius and the derived centers of algebraic theories. Zbl 1372.18003 Dwyer, William G.; Szymik, Markus 3 2017 Bredon homology of partition complexes. Zbl 1360.55005 Arone, G. Z.; Dwyer, W. G.; Lesh, K. 6 2016 The Boardman-Vogt tensor product of operadic bimodules. Zbl 1349.18018 Dwyer, William; Hess, Kathryn 7 2014 DG algebras with exterior homology. Zbl 1316.16010 Dwyer, W. G.; Greenlees, J. P. C.; Iyengar, S. B. 6 2013 Long knots and maps between operads. Zbl 1255.18009 Dwyer, William; Hess, Kathryn 23 2012 Gross-Hopkins duality and the Gorenstein condition. Zbl 1251.55001 Dwyer, W. G.; Greenlees, J. P. C.; Iyengar, S. B. 4 2011 Homotopy nilpotent groups. Zbl 1329.55008 Biedermann, Georg; Dwyer, William G. 6 2010 Poincaré duality and Steinberg’s theorem on rings of coinvariants. Zbl 1202.57030 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 4 2010 Homotopy theory of small diagrams over large categories. Zbl 1162.55014 Chorny, Boris; Dwyer, William G. 14 2009 The fundamental group of a \(p\)-compact group. Zbl 1170.55006 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 6 2009 Localization and cellularization of principal fibrations. Zbl 1190.55005 Dwyer, W. G.; Farjoun, E. D. 6 2009 The Bousfield lattice for truncated polynomial algebras. Zbl 1161.18005 Dwyer, W. G.; Palmieri, J. H. 12 2008 Loop structures in Taylor towers. Zbl 1139.55008 Arone, Gregory Z.; Dwyer, William G.; Lesh, Kathryn 11 2008 Interactions between homotopy theory and algebra. Summer school, University of Chicago, IL, USA, July 26–August 6, 2004. Zbl 1118.55001 1 2007 Duality in algebra and topology. Zbl 1155.55302 Dwyer, W. G.; Greenlees, J. P. C.; Iyengar, S. 83 2006 Finiteness in derived categories of local rings. Zbl 1096.13027 Dwyer, W.; Greenlees, J. P. C.; Iyengar, S. 37 2006 Noncommutative localization in homotopy theory. Zbl 1128.55008 Dwyer, William G. 8 2006 \(v_*\)-torsion spaces and thick classes. Zbl 1100.55003 Chachólski, W.; Dwyer, W. G.; Intermont, M. 2 2006 Normalizers of tori. Zbl 1092.55006 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 4 2005 Homotopy limit functors on model categories and homotopical categories. Zbl 1072.18012 Dwyer, William G.; Hirschhorn, Philip S.; Kan, Daniel M.; Smith, Jeffrey H. 81 2004 The realization space of a \(\Pi\)-algebra: a moduli problem in algebraic topology. Zbl 1054.55007 Blanc, D.; Dwyer, W. G.; Goerss, P. G. 16 2004 Localizations. Zbl 1062.55009 Dwyer, W. G. 8 2004 Obstruction theory in model categories. Zbl 1043.55007 Christensen, J. Daniel; Dwyer, William G.; Isaksen, Daniel C. 5 2004 A parametrized index theorem for the algebraic \(K\)-theory Euler class. Zbl 1077.19002 Dwyer, W.; Weiss, M.; Williams, B. 42 2003 Remarks on a conjecture of Gromov and Lawson. Zbl 1052.57035 Dwyer, William; Schick, Thomas; Stolz, Stephan 6 2003 Complete modules and torsion modules. Zbl 1017.18008 Dwyer, W. G.; Greenlees, J. P. C. 76 2002 The \(A\)-complexity of a space. Zbl 1012.55016 Chachólski, W.; Dwyer, W. G.; Intermont, M. 6 2002 Homotopy theoretic methods in group cohomology. Zbl 1047.55001 Dwyer, William G.; Henn, Hans-Werner 28 2001 Partition complexes, Tits buildings and symmetric products. Zbl 1028.55008 Arone, G. Z.; Dwyer, W. G. 21 2001 Ohkawa’s theorem: There is a set of Bousfield classes. Zbl 0963.55005 Dwyer, William G.; Palmieri, John H. 12 2001 Centers and Coxeter elements. Zbl 0978.22004 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 5 2001 The spaces that define algebraic \(K\)-theory. Zbl 0934.55004 Berrick, A. J.; Dwyer, W. G. 3 2000 Sharp homology decompositions for classifying spaces of finite groups. Zbl 0891.55021 Dwyer, W. G. 15 1998 Kähler differentials, the \(T\)-functor, and a theorem of Steinberg. Zbl 0901.55009 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 9 1998 The elementary geometric structure of compact Lie groups. Zbl 0933.22010 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 7 1998 On the \(K\)-theory spectrum of a ring of algebraic integers. Zbl 0905.19003 Dwyer, W. G.; Mitchell, S. A. 7 1998 Exotic cohomology for \(\text{GL}_n(\mathbb{Z}[1/2])\). Zbl 0894.55005 Dwyer, W. G. 7 1998 Lie groups and \(p\)-compact groups. Zbl 0912.55005 Dwyer, W. G. 5 1998 Stable and unstable homotopy. Proceedings of workshops held during 1996 at the Fields Institute, Waterloo, Canada. Zbl 0890.00047 1 1998 Homology decompositions for classifying spaces of finite groups. Zbl 0872.55014 Dwyer, W. G. 27 1997 Homotopy fixed points for cyclic \(p\)-group actions. Zbl 0890.55009 Dwyer, W. G.; Møller, J. M. 1 1997 The centralizer decomposition of \(BG\). Zbl 0921.55013 Dwyer, W. G. 10 1996 Transfer maps for fibrations. Zbl 0877.55006 Dwyer, W. G. 4 1996 Homotopy theories and model categories. Zbl 0869.55018 Dwyer, W. G.; Spalinski, J. 213 1995 The center of a \(p\)-compact group. Zbl 0828.55009 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 21 1995 The bigraded homotopy groups \(\pi_{i,j} X\) of a pointed simplicial space \(X\). Zbl 0860.55014 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Stover, C. R. 16 1995 Product splittings for \(p\)-compact groups. Zbl 0847.55005 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 10 1995 Homotopy fixed-point methods for Lie groups and finite loop spaces. Zbl 0801.55007 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 76 1994 Topological models for arithmetic. Zbl 0792.19003 Dwyer, William G.; Friedlander, Eric M. 7 1994 Homology and cohomology of \(\Pi\)-algebras. Zbl 0812.55009 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 3 1994 A \(\Pi\)-algebra spectral sequence for function spaces. Zbl 0801.55010 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Smith, J. H.; Stover, C. R. 1 1994 A new finite loop space at the prime two. Zbl 0769.55007 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 29 1993 An \(E^ 2\) model category structure for pointed simplicial spaces. Zbl 0814.55008 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Stover, C. R. 27 1993 Homotopical uniqueness of classifying spaces. Zbl 0748.55005 Dwyer, W. G.; Miller, H. R.; Wilkerson, C. W. 19 1992 A cohomology decomposition theorem. Zbl 0756.55012 Dwyer, W. G.; Wilkerson, C. W. 17 1992 Centric maps and realization of diagrams in the homotopy category. Zbl 0742.55004 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 8 1992 The generalized Burnside ring and the \(K\)-theory of a ring with roots of unity. Zbl 0780.19001 Dwyer, W. G.; Friedlander, E. M.; Mitchell, S. A. 3 1992 Smith theory and the functor T. Zbl 0726.55011 Dwyer, William G.; Wilkerson, Clarence W. 12 1991 Spaces of null homotopic maps. Zbl 0731.55009 Dwyer, William G.; Wilkerson, Clarence W. 12 1990 Homotopy commutative diagrams and their realizations. Zbl 0678.55007 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Smith, J. H. 32 1989 Generalized Tate homology, homotopy fixed points and the transfer. Zbl 0684.55012 Adem, A.; Cohen, R. L.; Dwyer, W. G. 10 1989 Fibrewise completion and unstable Adams spectral sequences. Zbl 0686.55014 Dwyer, William; Miller, Haynes; Neisendorfer, Joseph 10 1989 Towers of fibrations and homotopical wreath products. Zbl 0683.55018 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Smith, J. H. 6 1989 The enveloping ring of a \(\Pi\)-algebra. Zbl 0689.55010 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 5 1989 Homology with simplicial coefficients. Zbl 0675.55005 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 1 1989 Hochschild-Mitchell cohomology of simplicial categories and the cohomology of simplicial diagrams of simplicial sets. Zbl 0666.18011 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 5 1988 Smith theory revisited. Zbl 0675.55011 Dwyer, William G.; Wilkerson, Clarence W. 5 1988 Maps between classifying spaces. Zbl 0646.55007 Dwyer, W.; Zabrodsky, A. 35 1987 Equivalences between homotopy theories of diagrams. Zbl 0706.55015 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 17 1987 Homology of free abelian covers. I. Zbl 0625.57001 Dwyer, William G.; Fried, David 10 1987 The homotopic uniqueness of \(BS^ 3\). Zbl 0654.55015 Dwyer, William G.; Miller, Haynes R.; Wilkerson, Clarence W. 5 1987 Three homotopy theories for cyclic modules. Zbl 1375.18073 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 3 1987 On the homotopy type of the components of \(map_*(BS^ 3,BS^ 3)\). Zbl 0654.55014 Dwyer, W. G.; Mislin, G. 2 1987 Conjectural calculations of general linear group homology. Zbl 0592.18009 Dwyer, W. G.; Friedlander, E. M. 6 1986 An obstruction theory for simplicial categories. Zbl 0609.55009 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M.; Smith, J. H. 6 1986 Some remarks on the K-theory of fields. Zbl 0603.18005 Dwyer, William G.; Friedlander, Eric M. 2 1986 Algebraic and étale \(K\)-theory. Zbl 0581.14012 Dwyer, William G.; Friedlander, Eric M. 70 1985 The homotopy theory of cyclic sets. Zbl 0594.55020 Dwyer, W. G.; Hopkins, M. J.; Kan, D. M. 23 1985 Normalizing the cyclic modules of Connes. Zbl 0593.18010 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 17 1985 Equivariant homotopy classification. Zbl 0567.55010 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 9 1985 Homology of integral upper-triangular matrices. Zbl 0568.55018 Dwyer, W. G. 6 1985 Reducing equivariant homotopy theory to the theory of fibrations. Zbl 0571.55010 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 5 1985 A classification theorem for diagrams of simplicial sets. Zbl 0545.55007 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 34 1984 Homotopy theory and simplicial groupoids. Zbl 0559.55023 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 25 1984 Singular functors and realization functors. Zbl 0555.55019 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 21 1984 An obstruction theory for diagrams of simplicial sets. Zbl 0555.55018 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 17 1984 Realizing diagrams in the homotopy category by means of diagrams of simplicial sets. Zbl 0514.55020 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 17 1984 Etale K-theory of Azumaya algebras. Zbl 0552.16003 Dwyer, William G.; Friedlander, Eric M. 1 1984 Function complexes for diagrams of simplicial sets. Zbl 0524.55021 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 25 1983 On the homotopy type of diffeomorphism groups. Zbl 0507.57016 Dwyer, William G.; Szczarba, Robert H. 4 1983 Algebraic K-theory eventually surjects onto topological K-theory. Zbl 0501.14013 Dwyer, William; Friedlander, Eric; Snaith, Victor; Thomason, Robert 12 1982 Etale K-theory and arithmetic. Zbl 0494.18009 Dwyer, William G.; Friedlander, Eric M. 4 1982 Self homotopy equivalences of virtually nilpotent spaces. Zbl 0504.55004 Dror, E.; Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 9 1981 Function complexes in homotopical algebra. Zbl 0438.55011 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 114 1980 Simplicial localizations of categories. Zbl 0485.18012 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 107 1980 Calculating simplicial localizations. Zbl 0485.18013 Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 86 1980 Twisted homological stability for general linear groups. Zbl 0404.18012 Dwyer, W. G. 38 1980 Equivariant maps which are self homotopy equivalences. Zbl 0454.55018 Dror, Emmanuel; Dwyer, W. G.; Kan, D. M. 18 1980 ...and 17 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,118 Authors 35 Dwyer, William G. 24 Greenlees, John P. C. 21 Blanc, David Abraham 20 Castellana, Natàlia 19 Iyengar, Srikanth B. 15 Kan, Daniel Marinus 14 Blumberg, Andrew J. 14 Oliver, Bob 13 Benson, David John 13 Dror Farjoun, Emmanuel 12 Broto, Carles 12 Scherer, Jérôme 12 Weiss, Michael S. 11 Efrat, Ido 11 Heard, Drew 11 Levi, Ran 11 Notbohm, Dietrich 11 Tabuada, Gonçalo 10 Bergner, Julie 10 Flores, Ramón J. 10 Hackney, Philip 10 Klein, John Robert 10 Malkiewich, Cary 10 Mandell, Michael A. 10 Turner, James M. 9 Arone, Gregory Z. 9 Banaszak, Grzegorz 9 Barthel, Tobias 9 Harper, John E. 9 Libman, Assaf 9 Mináč, Ján 8 Casacuberta, Carles 8 Cegarra, Antonio Martínez 8 Chachólski, Wojciech 8 Chorny, Boris 8 Friedlander, Eric Mark 8 Grodal, Jesper 8 Mathew, Akhil 8 Schenkel, Alexander 8 Shipley, Brooke E. 8 Williams, Bruce 7 Avramov, Luchezar L. 7 Baues, Hans-Joachim 7 Dugger, Daniel 7 Gutiérrez, Javier J. 7 Hess, Kathryn P. 7 Johnson, Mark W. 7 Krause, Henning 7 Lawson, Tyler Douglas 7 Lesh, Kathryn 7 Møller, Jesper Michael 7 Nguyêñ Duy Tân 7 Schwede, Stefan 7 Suciu, Alexander I. 7 Williamson, Jordan 6 Barwick, Clark 6 Benini, Marco 6 Biedermann, Georg 6 Harpaz, Yonatan 6 Ishiguro, Kenshi 6 Kapranov, Mikhail M. 6 Kupers, Alexander 6 Lazarev, Andrey 6 Mazel-Gee, Aaron 6 Mikhaĭlov, Roman Valer’evich 6 Muro, Fernando 6 Pollitz, Josh 6 Prasma, Matan 6 Pridham, Jonathan Paul 6 Riehl, Emily 6 Rognes, John 6 Schreiber, Urs 6 Toën, Bertrand 6 Valenzuela, Gabriel 6 Xu, Fei 5 Badzioch, Bernard 5 Balchin, Scott 5 Behrens, Mark Joseph 5 Berest, Yuri Yu. 5 Carlsson, Gunnar E. 5 Cisinski, Denis-Charles 5 Cordier, Jean-Marc 5 Crespo, Juan Alfonso 5 Dorabiała, Wojciech 5 Gaucher, Philippe 5 Gillespie, James 5 Goodwillie, Thomas Gehret 5 Hopkins, Michael Jerome 5 Hovey, Mark A. 5 Igusa, Kiyoshi 5 Intermont, Michele 5 Isaksen, Daniel C. 5 Krannich, Manuel 5 Lannes, Jean E. 5 Lück, Wolfgang 5 Mao, XueFeng 5 Mislin, Guido 5 Moerdijk, Ieke 5 Neeman, Amnon 5 Porter, Timothy ...and 1,018 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 174 Serials 168 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 108 Advances in Mathematics 92 Algebraic & Geometric Topology 91 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 51 Journal of Algebra 47 Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures 43 Topology and its Applications 38 Geometry & Topology 35 Israel Journal of Mathematics 34 Mathematische Zeitschrift 32 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 26 Inventiones Mathematicae 22 Compositio Mathematica 22 Journal of Topology 21 Applied Categorical Structures 19 Communications in Algebra 19 Theory and Applications of Categories 17 Mathematische Annalen 15 Selecta Mathematica. New Series 14 Journal of the American Mathematical Society 14 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 14 Journal of \(K\)-Theory 12 Duke Mathematical Journal 12 Journal of Number Theory 12 Forum Mathematicum 11 Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 11 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 10 \(K\)-Theory 10 Journal of Noncommutative Geometry 9 Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik 9 Manuscripta Mathematica 9 Journal of the European Mathematical Society (JEMS) 8 Communications in Mathematical Physics 8 Annales Scientifiques de l’École Normale Supérieure. Quatrième Série 8 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 8 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 7 Journal of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 7 Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society. Series II 7 The New York Journal of Mathematics 7 Documenta Mathematica 7 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 7 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 6 Annales de l’Institut Fourier 6 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 6 Annals of Mathematics. Second Series 5 Letters in Mathematical Physics 5 Archiv der Mathematik 5 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 5 Algebras and Representation Theory 5 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu 5 Oberwolfach Reports 4 Journal of Geometry and Physics 4 Fortschritte der Physik 4 Geometriae Dedicata 4 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 4 Publications Mathématiques 4 Siberian Mathematical Journal 4 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 4 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 4 Journal of Group Theory 4 Annals of \(K\)-Theory 4 Higher Structures 3 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 3 Expositiones Mathematicae 3 Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques. Série VI 3 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 3 Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal 3 Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society 3 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 3 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 3 Science China. Mathematics 3 Tunisian Journal of Mathematics 2 Mathematical Notes 2 Acta Mathematica 2 Collectanea Mathematica 2 Mathematika 2 Nagoya Mathematical Journal 2 Osaka Journal of Mathematics 2 Ricerche di Matematica 2 Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni. Serie VII 2 Discrete & Computational Geometry 2 International Journal of Algebra and Computation 2 Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Acta Mathematica Sinica. English Series 2 Journal of Algebra and its Applications 2 International Journal of Number Theory 2 SIGMA. Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications 2 Algebra & Number Theory 2 Tbilisi Mathematical Journal 2 Research in the Mathematical Sciences 2 European Journal of Mathematics 2 Journal de l’École Polytechnique – Mathématiques 2 Research in Number Theory 2 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society. Series B 2 Graduate Journal of Mathematics 1 Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society ...and 74 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 39 Fields 910 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 585 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 204 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 194 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 174 \(K\)-theory (19-XX) 173 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 148 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 123 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 74 Number theory (11-XX) 33 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 31 Differential geometry (53-XX) 27 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 23 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 22 Quantum theory (81-XX) 15 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 14 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 13 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 11 Combinatorics (05-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 9 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 9 General topology (54-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 6 Geometry (51-XX) 6 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Functional analysis (46-XX) 3 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 2 Statistics (62-XX) 2 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 1 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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