Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Emel’yanov, Èduard Yur’evich Co-Author Distance Author ID: emelyanov.eduard-yurevich Published as: Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Emelyanov, Eduard; Emel’yanov, È. Yu.; Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu.; Emelyanov, E. Y.; Emelyanov, E. Yu.; Emelyanov, Èduard Yu.; Emel’yanov, Eduard; Emel’yanov, Èduard Yur’evich; Emelyanov, Eduard Yu.; Emelyanov, Eduard Y.; Emel’yanov, É. Yu.; Émel’yanov, E. Yu.; Emelyanov, E. more...less Documents Indexed: 88 Publications since 1993, including 3 Books and 20 Additional arXiv Preprints Co-Authors: 22 Co-Authors with 57 Joint Publications 372 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 31 single-authored 23 Gorokhova, Svetlana G. 11 Alpay, Safak 10 Erkurşun Özcan, Nazife 9 Wolff, Manfred 7 Marabeh, Mohammed A. A. 5 Dabboorasad, Yousef Atef Mohammed 4 Aydin, Abdullah 3 Ercan, Zafer 3 Gutman, Aleksandr Efimovich 3 Kutateladze, Semën Samsonovich 2 Binhadjah, Ali 2 Kusraev, Anatoliĭ Georgievich 2 Marabeh, Mohammad 2 Räbiger, Frank 1 Alpay, Ömer Şafak 1 Chugreev, Yu. V. 1 Gül, Hasan Hüseyin 1 Koptev, Aleksandr Viktorovich 1 Losenkov, G. A. 1 Malyugin, Sergey Artem’evich 1 Matyukhin, Anatoliĭ Vadimovich 1 Zaharopol, Radu all top 5 Serials 12 Positivity 9 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 7 Siberian Mathematical Journal 4 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 3 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 3 Siberian Advances in Mathematics 2 Studia Mathematica 2 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 2 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 2 Doklady Mathematics 2 Matematicheskie Trudy 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Revue Roumaine de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 1 Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 1 Annales Polonici Mathematici 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Mathematische Nachrichten 1 Results in Mathematics 1 Sibirskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Optimizatsiya 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Journal of Convex Analysis 1 Mathematics and its Applications (Dordrecht) 1 Operator Theory: Advances and Applications 1 Uzbek Mathematical Journal all top 5 Fields 70 Functional analysis (46-XX) 50 Operator theory (47-XX) 8 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 3 Measure and integration (28-XX) 3 General topology (54-XX) 2 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 57 Publications have been cited 326 times in 135 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Non-spectral asymptotic analysis of one-parameter operator semigroups. Zbl 1117.47001 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu. 36 2007 Compact-like operators in lattice-normed spaces. Zbl 1440.47032 Aydın, A.; Emelyanov, E. Yu.; Erkurşun Özcan, N.; Marabeh, M. A. A. 23 2018 Positive operators on Banach spaces ordered by strongly normal cones. Zbl 1042.47029 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 20 2003 \(u\tau \)-convergence in locally solid vector lattices. Zbl 1454.46005 Dabboorasad, Y. A.; Emelyanov, E. Y.; Marabeh, M. A. A. 18 2018 \(um\)-topology in multi-normed vector lattices. Zbl 1398.46005 Dabboorasad, Y. A.; Emelyanov, E. Y.; Marabeh, M. A. A. 15 2018 Two measure-free versions of the Brezis-Lieb lemma. Zbl 1474.46061 Emelyanov, Èduard Yu.; Marabeh, Mohammed A. A. 15 2016 Order convergence is not topological in infinite-dimensional vector lattices. Zbl 1488.46002 Dabboorasad, Yousef; Emelyanov, Eduard; Marabeh, Mohammad 11 2020 Generalization of Eberlein’s and Sine’s ergodic theorems to \(LR\)-nets. Zbl 1324.47019 Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu.; Erkursun, Nazife 10 2007 Full lattice convergence on Riesz spaces. Zbl 1475.46003 Aydın, Abdullah; Emelyanov, Eduard; Gorokhova, Svetlana 10 2021 Unbounded \(p\)-convergence in lattice-normed vector lattices. Zbl 1444.46004 Aydın, A.; Emelyanov, E.; Erkurşun-Özcan, N.; Marabeh, M. 10 2019 Mean lower bounds for Markov operators. Zbl 1053.37002 Emel’yanov, Eduard; Wolff, Manfred 8 2004 Stability and almost periodicity of asymptotically dominated semigroups of positive operators. Zbl 0979.47021 Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Kohler, U.; Räbiger, F.; Wolff, M. P. H. 7 2001 Mean ergodicity on Banach lattices and Banach spaces. Zbl 0938.47006 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 7 1999 Quasi-constricted linear operators on Banach spaces. Zbl 0985.47018 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 6 2001 Asymptotic behaviour of Markov semigroups on non commutative \(L^1\)-spaces. Zbl 1038.47031 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 6 2003 Unbounded convergence in the convergence vector lattices: a survey. Zbl 1463.46008 Dabboorasad, Yousef Atef Mohammed; Emelyanov, Èduard Yu. 6 2018 Unbounded order convergence and the Gordon theorem. Zbl 1474.46006 Emelyanov, Eduard Y.; Gorokhova, Svetlana G.; Kutateladze, Semën S. 6 2019 Lotz-Räbiger’s nets of Markov operators in \(L^1\)-spaces. Zbl 1203.37016 Emel’yanov, Eduard; Erkursun, Nazife 6 2010 Asymptotic behavior of Lotz-Räbiger and martingale nets. Zbl 1225.47040 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 6 2010 Komlós properties in Banach lattices. Zbl 1413.46024 Emelyanov, E. Y.; Erkurşun-Özcan, N.; Gorokhova, S. G. 6 2018 \(o\tau \)-continuous, Lebesgue, KB, and Levi operators between vector lattices and topological vector spaces. Zbl 07517404 Alpay, Safak; Emelyanov, Eduard; Gorokhova, Svetlana 5 2022 Infinitesimal analysis and vector lattices. Zbl 0854.46061 Emel’yanov, É. Yu. 5 1996 Invariant densities and mean ergodicity of Markov operators. Zbl 1050.60077 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu. 5 2003 Asymptotic behavior of Markov semigroups on preduals of von Neumann algebras. Zbl 1098.46052 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 5 2006 Some conditions for a \(C_0\)-semigroup to be asymptotically finite-dimensional. Zbl 1029.47024 Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu. 4 2003 Mean ergodicity of positive operators in \(KB\)-spaces. Zbl 1106.47014 Alpay, S.; Binhadjah, A.; Emelyanov, E. Yu.; Ercan, Z. 4 2006 Convergence of Lotz-Räbiger nets of operators on spaces of continuous functions. Zbl 1230.47030 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Zaharopol, Radu 4 2010 Bibounded \(uo\)-convergence and \(b\)-property in vector lattices. Zbl 1489.46006 Alpay, Safak; Emelyanov, Eduard; Gorokhova, Svetlana 4 2021 Archimedean cones in vector spaces. Zbl 1372.46002 Emelyanov, Eduard Yu. 3 2017 A sufficient condition for order boundedness of an attractor for a positive mean ergodic operator in a Banach lattice. Zbl 0944.47022 Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu.; Gorokhova, S. G. 3 1999 Quasi constricted linear representations of abelian semigroups on Banach spaces. Zbl 1028.47031 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 3 2002 On the notion of stability of order convergence in vector lattices. Zbl 0878.46004 Gorokhova, S. G.; Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 3 1994 The order and regular hulls of Riesz spaces. Zbl 0878.46003 Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 3 1994 Nonclosed Archimedean cones in locally convex spaces. Zbl 1468.46008 Gutman, Aleksandr Efimovich; Emel’yanov, Èduard Yur’evich; Matyukhin, Anatoliĭ Vadimovich 3 2015 On quasi-compactness of operator nets on Banach spaces. Zbl 1232.47010 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu. 3 2011 Internal characterization of Brezis-Lieb spaces. Zbl 1455.46021 Emelyanov, E. Y.; Marabeh, M. A. A. 3 2020 Asymptotically absorbing nets of positive operators. Zbl 1282.47057 Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Erkurşun, N. 3 2012 Positive asymptotically regular operators in \(L^1\)-spaces and \(KB\)-spaces. Zbl 1118.47031 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 3 2006 Invariant homomorphisms of nonstandard extensions of Boolean algebras and vector lattices. Zbl 0868.46003 Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 2 1997 Nonstandard hulls of vector lattices. Zbl 0899.46072 Émel’yanov, E. Yu. 2 1994 A characterization of an order ideal in Riesz spaces. Zbl 1059.46005 Alpay, S.; Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Ercan, Z. 2 2004 Banach-Kantorovich spaces associated with the order hulls of decomposable lattice-normed spaces. Zbl 0868.46017 Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 2 1995 On operators dominated by the Kantorovich-Banach and Levi operators in locally solid lattices. Zbl 1539.47071 Gorokhova, S. G.; Emelyanov, E. Yu. 2 2023 Nonstandard hulls of ordered vector spaces. Zbl 1348.46075 Emelyanov, Eduard; Gül, Hasan 2 2016 Banach lattices on which every power-bounded operator is mean ergodic. Zbl 0987.46023 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 2 1997 Erratum to: “Infinitesimals in ordered vector spaces”. Zbl 1334.46061 Emelyanov, E. Yu. 2 2013 Some open questions on positive operators in Banach lattices. Zbl 1299.47077 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 2 2005 The infinitesimal approach to the representation of vector lattices by spaces of continuous functions on a compactum. Zbl 0876.46003 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 1 1995 On operators dominated by Kantorovich-Banach operators and Lévy operators in locally solid lattices. Zbl 1513.46004 Gorokhova, S. G.; Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 1 2022 Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. Updated translation of the Russian original. Zbl 1001.46050 Gutman, A. E.; Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu.; Kusraev, A. G.; Losenkov, G. A.; Koptev, A. V.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 2000 Asymptotic behavior of positive operators on Banach lattices. Zbl 0984.47029 Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Räbiger, F.; Wolff, M. P. H. 1 2000 A remark to a theorem of Yu. A. Abramovich. Zbl 1056.47026 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu. 1 2004 Regularity conditions for Markov semigroups on abstract \(L^1\)-spaces. Zbl 1063.47036 Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 1 2004 An extension of Sine’s counterexample. Zbl 1197.47021 Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Erkursun, Nazife 1 2009 Infinitesimals in ordered vector spaces. Zbl 1326.46062 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 1 2013 On the Brezis-Lieb lemma and its extensions. Zbl 1489.46026 Emelyanov, E. Y.; Marabeh, M. A. A. 1 2021 Operators affiliated to Banach lattice properties and their enveloping norms. Zbl 1545.46019 Emelyanov, Eduard; Gorokhova, Svetlana 1 2023 On operators dominated by the Kantorovich-Banach and Levi operators in locally solid lattices. Zbl 1539.47071 Gorokhova, S. G.; Emelyanov, E. Yu. 2 2023 Operators affiliated to Banach lattice properties and their enveloping norms. Zbl 1545.46019 Emelyanov, Eduard; Gorokhova, Svetlana 1 2023 \(o\tau \)-continuous, Lebesgue, KB, and Levi operators between vector lattices and topological vector spaces. Zbl 07517404 Alpay, Safak; Emelyanov, Eduard; Gorokhova, Svetlana 5 2022 On operators dominated by Kantorovich-Banach operators and Lévy operators in locally solid lattices. Zbl 1513.46004 Gorokhova, S. G.; Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 1 2022 Full lattice convergence on Riesz spaces. Zbl 1475.46003 Aydın, Abdullah; Emelyanov, Eduard; Gorokhova, Svetlana 10 2021 Bibounded \(uo\)-convergence and \(b\)-property in vector lattices. Zbl 1489.46006 Alpay, Safak; Emelyanov, Eduard; Gorokhova, Svetlana 4 2021 On the Brezis-Lieb lemma and its extensions. Zbl 1489.46026 Emelyanov, E. Y.; Marabeh, M. A. A. 1 2021 Order convergence is not topological in infinite-dimensional vector lattices. Zbl 1488.46002 Dabboorasad, Yousef; Emelyanov, Eduard; Marabeh, Mohammad 11 2020 Internal characterization of Brezis-Lieb spaces. Zbl 1455.46021 Emelyanov, E. Y.; Marabeh, M. A. A. 3 2020 Unbounded \(p\)-convergence in lattice-normed vector lattices. Zbl 1444.46004 Aydın, A.; Emelyanov, E.; Erkurşun-Özcan, N.; Marabeh, M. 10 2019 Unbounded order convergence and the Gordon theorem. Zbl 1474.46006 Emelyanov, Eduard Y.; Gorokhova, Svetlana G.; Kutateladze, Semën S. 6 2019 Compact-like operators in lattice-normed spaces. Zbl 1440.47032 Aydın, A.; Emelyanov, E. Yu.; Erkurşun Özcan, N.; Marabeh, M. A. A. 23 2018 \(u\tau \)-convergence in locally solid vector lattices. Zbl 1454.46005 Dabboorasad, Y. A.; Emelyanov, E. Y.; Marabeh, M. A. A. 18 2018 \(um\)-topology in multi-normed vector lattices. Zbl 1398.46005 Dabboorasad, Y. A.; Emelyanov, E. Y.; Marabeh, M. A. A. 15 2018 Unbounded convergence in the convergence vector lattices: a survey. Zbl 1463.46008 Dabboorasad, Yousef Atef Mohammed; Emelyanov, Èduard Yu. 6 2018 Komlós properties in Banach lattices. Zbl 1413.46024 Emelyanov, E. Y.; Erkurşun-Özcan, N.; Gorokhova, S. G. 6 2018 Archimedean cones in vector spaces. Zbl 1372.46002 Emelyanov, Eduard Yu. 3 2017 Two measure-free versions of the Brezis-Lieb lemma. Zbl 1474.46061 Emelyanov, Èduard Yu.; Marabeh, Mohammed A. A. 15 2016 Nonstandard hulls of ordered vector spaces. Zbl 1348.46075 Emelyanov, Eduard; Gül, Hasan 2 2016 Nonclosed Archimedean cones in locally convex spaces. Zbl 1468.46008 Gutman, Aleksandr Efimovich; Emel’yanov, Èduard Yur’evich; Matyukhin, Anatoliĭ Vadimovich 3 2015 Erratum to: “Infinitesimals in ordered vector spaces”. Zbl 1334.46061 Emelyanov, E. Yu. 2 2013 Infinitesimals in ordered vector spaces. Zbl 1326.46062 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 1 2013 Asymptotically absorbing nets of positive operators. Zbl 1282.47057 Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Erkurşun, N. 3 2012 On quasi-compactness of operator nets on Banach spaces. Zbl 1232.47010 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu. 3 2011 Lotz-Räbiger’s nets of Markov operators in \(L^1\)-spaces. Zbl 1203.37016 Emel’yanov, Eduard; Erkursun, Nazife 6 2010 Asymptotic behavior of Lotz-Räbiger and martingale nets. Zbl 1225.47040 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 6 2010 Convergence of Lotz-Räbiger nets of operators on spaces of continuous functions. Zbl 1230.47030 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Zaharopol, Radu 4 2010 An extension of Sine’s counterexample. Zbl 1197.47021 Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Erkursun, Nazife 1 2009 Non-spectral asymptotic analysis of one-parameter operator semigroups. Zbl 1117.47001 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu. 36 2007 Generalization of Eberlein’s and Sine’s ergodic theorems to \(LR\)-nets. Zbl 1324.47019 Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu.; Erkursun, Nazife 10 2007 Asymptotic behavior of Markov semigroups on preduals of von Neumann algebras. Zbl 1098.46052 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 5 2006 Mean ergodicity of positive operators in \(KB\)-spaces. Zbl 1106.47014 Alpay, S.; Binhadjah, A.; Emelyanov, E. Yu.; Ercan, Z. 4 2006 Positive asymptotically regular operators in \(L^1\)-spaces and \(KB\)-spaces. Zbl 1118.47031 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 3 2006 Some open questions on positive operators in Banach lattices. Zbl 1299.47077 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 2 2005 Mean lower bounds for Markov operators. Zbl 1053.37002 Emel’yanov, Eduard; Wolff, Manfred 8 2004 A characterization of an order ideal in Riesz spaces. Zbl 1059.46005 Alpay, S.; Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Ercan, Z. 2 2004 A remark to a theorem of Yu. A. Abramovich. Zbl 1056.47026 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu. 1 2004 Regularity conditions for Markov semigroups on abstract \(L^1\)-spaces. Zbl 1063.47036 Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 1 2004 Positive operators on Banach spaces ordered by strongly normal cones. Zbl 1042.47029 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 20 2003 Asymptotic behaviour of Markov semigroups on non commutative \(L^1\)-spaces. Zbl 1038.47031 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 6 2003 Invariant densities and mean ergodicity of Markov operators. Zbl 1050.60077 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu. 5 2003 Some conditions for a \(C_0\)-semigroup to be asymptotically finite-dimensional. Zbl 1029.47024 Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu. 4 2003 Quasi constricted linear representations of abelian semigroups on Banach spaces. Zbl 1028.47031 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 3 2002 Stability and almost periodicity of asymptotically dominated semigroups of positive operators. Zbl 0979.47021 Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Kohler, U.; Räbiger, F.; Wolff, M. P. H. 7 2001 Quasi-constricted linear operators on Banach spaces. Zbl 0985.47018 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 6 2001 Nonstandard analysis and vector lattices. Updated translation of the Russian original. Zbl 1001.46050 Gutman, A. E.; Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu.; Kusraev, A. G.; Losenkov, G. A.; Koptev, A. V.; Malyugin, S. A. 1 2000 Asymptotic behavior of positive operators on Banach lattices. Zbl 0984.47029 Emel’yanov, E. Yu.; Räbiger, F.; Wolff, M. P. H. 1 2000 Mean ergodicity on Banach lattices and Banach spaces. Zbl 0938.47006 Emel’yanov, Eduard Yu.; Wolff, Manfred P. H. 7 1999 A sufficient condition for order boundedness of an attractor for a positive mean ergodic operator in a Banach lattice. Zbl 0944.47022 Emel’yanov, Eh. Yu.; Gorokhova, S. G. 3 1999 Invariant homomorphisms of nonstandard extensions of Boolean algebras and vector lattices. Zbl 0868.46003 Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 2 1997 Banach lattices on which every power-bounded operator is mean ergodic. Zbl 0987.46023 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 2 1997 Infinitesimal analysis and vector lattices. Zbl 0854.46061 Emel’yanov, É. Yu. 5 1996 Banach-Kantorovich spaces associated with the order hulls of decomposable lattice-normed spaces. Zbl 0868.46017 Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 2 1995 The infinitesimal approach to the representation of vector lattices by spaces of continuous functions on a compactum. Zbl 0876.46003 Emel’yanov, E. Yu. 1 1995 On the notion of stability of order convergence in vector lattices. Zbl 0878.46004 Gorokhova, S. G.; Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 3 1994 The order and regular hulls of Riesz spaces. Zbl 0878.46003 Emel’yanov, È. Yu. 3 1994 Nonstandard hulls of vector lattices. Zbl 0899.46072 Émel’yanov, E. Yu. 2 1994 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 119 Authors 26 Emel’yanov, Èduard Yur’evich 17 Erkurşun Özcan, Nazife 17 Mukhamedov, Farruh Maksutovich 14 Glück, Jochen 12 Gorokhova, Svetlana G. 9 Aydin, Abdullah 6 Gezer, Niyazi Anıl 6 Marabeh, Mohammed A. A. 6 Pliev, Marat Amurkhanovich 5 Alpay, Safak 5 Zabeti, Omid 4 Bartoszek, Wojciech 4 Baskakov, Anatoliĭ Grigor’evich 4 Kandić, Marko 4 Storozhuk, Konstantin Valer’evich 3 Al-Rawashdeh, Ahmad Saleh 3 Dabboorasad, Yousef Atef Mohammed 3 Strukova, Irina Igor’evna 3 Sukochev, Fedor Anatol’evich 3 Troitsky, Vladimir G. 2 Abasov, Nariman Magamedovich 2 Aboutafail, Otman 2 Bilokopytov, Eugene 2 Binhadjah, Ali 2 Boumnidel, Sanaa 2 Bouras, Khalid 2 de Jeu, Marcel 2 Deng, Yang 2 Dzhusoeva, Nonna Anatol’evna 2 El Kaddouri, Abdelmonaim 2 Emelianenkov, I. A. 2 Gerlach, Moritz 2 Gül, Hasan Hüseyin 2 Gürkök, Hüma 2 Gutman, Aleksandr Efimovich 2 Kaplin, Michael 2 Kutateladze, Semën Samsonovich 2 Mironchenko, Andrii 2 Podvigin, Ivan Viktorovich 2 Strukov, Viktor Evgen’evich 2 Taylor, Mitchell A. 2 Turan, Bahri 2 Weber, Martin R. 2 Wolff, Manfred 1 Abela, Kevin 1 Akin, Hasan 1 Albanese, Angela Anna 1 Alpay, Ömer Şafak 1 Altin, Birol 1 Arora, Sahiba 1 Arziev, A. D. 1 Aviles Lopez, Antonio 1 Azar, Kazem Haghnejad 1 Azouzi, Youssef 1 Ben Amor, Mohamed Amine 1 Beśka, Marek 1 Bobrowski, Adam 1 Bonet Solves, José 1 Chang, Mouhsiung 1 Chen, Guanggui 1 Chen, Zili 1 Cheng, Na 1 Chetcuti, Emmanuel 1 Dobrick, Alexander 1 Du, Wei-Shih 1 Ercan, Zafer 1 Et, Mikail 1 Fackler, Stephan 1 Ferjani, Imen 1 Florek, Wiktor 1 Fonf, Vladimir P. 1 Grishenko, Eleonora 1 Hadiji, Rejeb 1 Honda, Takashi 1 Huang, Jinghao 1 Iwata, Yukiko 1 Kachurovskiĭ, Aleksandr Grigor’evich 1 Khakimbaev, A. Zh. 1 Kielanowicz, Katarzyna 1 Kostić, Marko 1 Krichen, Bilel 1 Krzeminski, Michał 1 Kuna, Beata 1 Kusraev, Anatoliĭ Georgievich 1 Lin, Michael 1 Liu, Liqiong 1 Lučić, Danka 1 Łuczak, Andrzej 1 Marabeh, Mohammad 1 Martin, Florian G. 1 Moslehian, Mohammad Sal 1 Mugnolo, Delio 1 Mukhamedov, M. A. 1 Orinbaev, P. R. 1 Özdemir, Şaziye Ece 1 Pasqualetto, Enrico 1 Pinto, Manuel 1 Polat, Faruk 1 Popov, Mykhaĭlo Mykhaĭlovych 1 Ricker, Werner Joseph ...and 19 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 53 Serials 24 Positivity 13 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 Turkish Journal of Mathematics 7 Siberian Mathematical Journal 5 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 5 Quaestiones Mathematicae 4 Mathematical Notes 3 Results in Mathematics 3 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 3 Vladikavkazskiĭ Matematicheskiĭ Zhurnal 2 Studia Mathematica 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 Facta Universitatis. Series Mathematics and Informatics 2 Siberian Advances in Mathematics 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Journal of Evolution Equations 2 Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 2 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 2 Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis 2 Annals of Functional Analysis 2 Eurasian Mathematical Journal 2 Advances in Operator Theory 1 Israel Journal of Mathematics 1 Advances in Mathematics 1 Algebra Universalis 1 Functional Analysis and its Applications 1 Glasgow Mathematical Journal 1 Integral Equations and Operator Theory 1 Journal of Differential Equations 1 Journal of Functional Analysis 1 Matematički Vesnik 1 Mathematische Zeitschrift 1 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Third Series 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 1 Stochastic Analysis and Applications 1 Acta Mathematica Hungarica 1 Bulletin of the Iranian Mathematical Society 1 Acta Mathematica Universitatis Comenianae. New Series 1 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 1 The Journal of Analysis 1 Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 1 Algebra Colloquium 1 Filomat 1 Sbornik: Mathematics 1 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 1 Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society 1 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Boletim da Sociedade Paranaense de Matemática. Terceira Série 1 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 1 Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences 1 Journal of Mathematics 1 Journal of Function Spaces all top 5 Cited in 24 Fields 89 Functional analysis (46-XX) 88 Operator theory (47-XX) 19 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 13 Measure and integration (28-XX) 12 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 9 General topology (54-XX) 6 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 4 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 3 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 3 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 3 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 1 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Integral equations (45-XX) 1 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Systems theory; control (93-XX) Citations by Year