Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Fairweather, Graeme Co-Author Distance Author ID: fairweather.graeme Published as: Fairweather, Graeme; Fairweather, G. External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · dblp Documents Indexed: 124 Publications since 1964, including 3 Books 3 Contributions as Editor Software Indexed: 3 Packages Co-Authors: 80 Co-Authors with 115 Joint Publications 1,708 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 12 single-authored 21 Bialecki, Bernard 19 Karageorghis, Andreas 9 Keast, Patrick 9 Pani, Amiya Kumar 7 Fernandes, Ryan I. 7 Mitchell, Andrew Ronald 5 Diaz, Julio Cesar 5 López-Marcos, Juan Carlos 4 Bhal, Santosh Kumar 4 Danumjaya, Palla 4 Gladwell, Ian 4 Johnston, Roy L. 4 Nguyen, Que N. 4 Sun, Weiwei 3 Bennett, Karin R. 3 Dendy, Joel E. jun. 3 Gourlay, A. R. 3 Johnson, J. Peter 3 Khebchareon, Morrakot 3 Li, Bingkun 3 Robinson, Mark P. 3 Shippy, David J. 3 Yang, Xuehua 3 Zhang, Haixiang 2 Du, Kui 2 Kondapalli, Prasanna S. 2 Majaess, Fouad 2 Martin, Paul Andrew 2 Micula, Gheorghe 2 Mishra, Pankaj Kumar 2 Saylor, Annie V. 2 Seward, Wendy L. 2 Sharma, Kapil Kumar 2 Smyrlis, Yiorgos-Sokratis 2 Tankelevich, Roman 2 Xu, Da 2 Yanik, Elizabeth Greenwell 1 Amodio, Pierluigi 1 Cai, Xiao-Chuan 1 Cash, Jeff R. 1 Christie, Ian 1 Dryja, Maksymilian 1 Dupont, Todd F. 1 Greenwell-Yanik, C. E. 1 Herbst, Barend M. 1 Karageorhis, A. 1 Kasibhatla, Prasad S. 1 Knudson, David B. 1 Kraut, G. L. 1 Leimkuhler, Benedict J. 1 Li, Zhi 1 Lin, Qun 1 Lin, Yanping 1 Lipman, D. Abram 1 Lou, Zhou-Ming 1 Ma, Heping 1 Maack, Jon 1 Maack, Jonathan 1 Maede, Daniel 1 Muir, Paul H. 1 Navon, Ionel Michael 1 Paprzycki, Marcin 1 Pew, Jack 1 Qiu, Wenlin 1 Remington, Karin A. 1 Rizzo, Frank Joseph 1 Rudolphi, Thomas J. 1 Sanz-Serna, Jesús María 1 Saylor, Rick D. 1 Sloan, Ian Hugh 1 Tannahill, Connor 1 Tripathi, Lok Pati 1 Van Vleck, Erik S. 1 Vedha-Nayagam, M. 1 Wang, Junping 1 Weinberg, Gadalia M. 1 Wright, R. W. 1 Wu, Yensen S. 1 Yan, Yi 1 Zhang, Shuhua all top 5 Serials 16 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 7 IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis 7 Journal of Computational Physics 6 Mathematics of Computation 5 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 5 Numerische Mathematik 5 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 5 Numerical Algorithms 4 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 3 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 3 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 3 Applied Numerical Mathematics 3 Journal of Scientific Computing 3 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 3 Advances in Computational Mathematics 3 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 2 Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications 2 BIT 2 The Computer Journal. Section A / Section B 2 SIAM Review 1 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 1 Calcolo 1 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 1 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing 1 Numerical Heat Transfer 1 Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 1 Computational Mechanics 1 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 1 Applied Mathematical Modelling 1 Studia Universitatis Babeș-Bolyai. Mathematica 1 Revue d’Analyse Numérique et de Théorie de l’Approximation 1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1 East-West Journal of Numerical Mathematics 1 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 1 Journal of Computational Acoustics 1 Journal of the Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics 1 BIT. Nordisk Tidskrift for Informationsbehandling 1 Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics 1 NATO ASI Series. Series C. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 1 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 1 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications all top 5 Fields 107 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 57 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 16 Integral equations (45-XX) 12 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 11 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 8 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 6 Potential theory (31-XX) 4 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 3 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 103 Publications have been cited 2,598 times in 1,615 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The method of fundamental solutions for elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0922.65074 Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas 521 1998 The method of fundamental solutions for scattering and radiation problems. Zbl 1060.76649 Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Martin, P. A. 133 2003 The method of fundamental solutions for the numerical solution of the biharmonic equation. Zbl 0618.65108 Karageorghis, Andreas; Fairweather, Graeme 114 1987 Finite element methods for parabolic and hyperbolic partial integro- differential equations. Zbl 0657.65142 Yanik, Elizabeth G.; Fairweather, Graeme 103 1988 Finite element Galerkin methods for differential equations. Zbl 0372.65044 Fairweather, Graeme 72 1978 Orthogonal spline collocation methods for partial differential equations. Zbl 0971.65105 Bialecki, B.; Fairweather, G. 70 2001 \(H^1\)-Galerkin mixed finite element methods for parabolic partial integro-differential equations. Zbl 1008.65101 Pani, Amiya K.; Fairweather, Graeme 67 2002 Orthogonal spline collocation methods for some partial integrodifferential equations. Zbl 0756.65157 Yan, Yi; Fairweather, Graeme 56 1992 FORTRAN packages for solving certain almost block diagonal linear systems by modified alternate row and column elimination. Zbl 0516.65013 Diaz, J. C.; Fairweather, G.; Keast, P. 49 1983 A new computational procedure for A.D.I. methods. Zbl 0252.65072 Fairweather, G.; Mitchell, A. R. 47 1967 An ADI Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for the two-dimensional fractional diffusion-wave equation. Zbl 1328.65216 Fairweather, Graeme; Yang, Xuehua; Xu, Da; Zhang, Haixiang 44 2015 The method of fundamental solutions for problems in potential flow. Zbl 0546.76021 Johnston, R. L.; Fairweather, G. 43 1984 Spline collocation methods for a class of hyperbolic partial integro- differential equations. Zbl 0814.65137 Fairweather, Graeme 39 1994 Alternating direction implicit orthogonal spline collocation methods for an evolution equation with a positive-type memory term. Zbl 1160.65068 Pani, Amiya Kumar; Fairweather, Graeme; Fernandes, Ryan I. 39 2008 Three-level Galerkin methods for parabolic equations. Zbl 0313.65107 Dupont, Todd; Fairweather, Graeme; Johnson, J. Peter 36 1974 ADI orthogonal spline collocation methods for parabolic partial integro-differential equations. Zbl 1191.65186 Pani, Amiya Kumar; Fairweather, Graeme; Fernandes, Ryan I. 36 2010 The reformulation and numerical solution of certain nonclassical initial- boundary value problems. Zbl 0722.65062 Fairweather, Graeme; Saylor, Rick D. 36 1991 Orthogonal spline collocation methods for Schrödinger-type equations in one space variable. Zbl 0806.65123 Robinson, Mark P.; Fairweather, Graeme 35 1994 The method of fundamental solutions for axisymmetric potential problems. Zbl 0932.74078 Karageorghis, Andreas; Fairweather, Graeme 34 1999 Analysis of alternating direction collocation methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems in two space variables. Zbl 0768.65067 Fernandes, Ryan I.; Fairweather, Graeme 33 1993 Matrix decomposition algorithms for elliptic boundary value problems: A survey. Zbl 1208.65036 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas 33 2011 The method of fundamental solutions for axisymmetric elasticity problems. Zbl 1011.74005 Karageorghis, A.; Fairweather, G. 32 2000 Galerkin methods for a semilinear parabolic problem with nonlocal boundary conditions. Zbl 0868.65068 Fairweather, G.; López-Marcos, J. C. 31 1996 Discrete-time orthogonal spline collocation methods for Schrödinger equations in two space variables. Zbl 0911.65095 Li, Bingkun; Fairweather, Graeme; Bialecki, Bernard 30 1998 Algorithms for almost block diagonal linear systems. Zbl 1062.65031 Fairweather, Graeme; Gladwell, Ian 29 2004 Analyses of spline collocation methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems in two space variables. Zbl 0595.65122 Greenwell-Yanik, C. E.; Fairweather, G. 29 1986 Improved forms of the alternating direction methods of Douglas, Peaceman, and Rachford for solving parabolic and elliptic equations. Zbl 0123.12001 Mitchell, A. R.; Fairweather, G. 25 1964 The simple layer potential method of fundamental solutions for certain biharmonic problems. Zbl 0687.76028 Karageorghis, Andreas; Fairweather, Graeme 25 1989 The Almansi method of fundamental solutions for solving biharmonic problems. Zbl 0639.65066 Karageorghis, Andreas; Fairweather, Graeme 24 1988 Fast direct solvers for piecewise Hermite bicubic orthogonal spline collocation equations. Zbl 0752.65076 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Bennett, Karin R. 23 1992 The method of fundamental solutions for the solution of nonlinear plane potential problems. Zbl 0676.65110 Karageorghis, A.; Fairweather, G. 23 1989 A survey of spline collocation methods for the numerical solution of differential equations. Zbl 0679.65058 Fairweather, Graeme; Maede, Daniel 23 1989 An alternating direction Galerkin method for a class of second-order hyperbolic equations in two space variables. Zbl 0747.65082 Fernandes, Ryan I.; Fairweather, Graeme 22 1991 An ADI extrapolated Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems. Zbl 1284.65026 Fernandes, Ryan I.; Fairweather, Graeme 22 2012 A high accuracy alternating direction method for the wave equation. Zbl 0221.65180 Fairweather, G.; Mitchell, A. R. 21 1965 On the numerical solution of two-dimensional potential problems by an improved boundary integral equation method. Zbl 0397.65080 Fairweather, Graeme; Rizzo, Frank J.; Shippy, David J.; Wu, Yensen S. 21 1979 Almost block diagonal linear systems: sequential and parallel solution techniques, and applications. Zbl 1051.65018 Amodio, P.; Cash, J. R.; Roussos, G.; Wright, R. W.; Fairweather, G.; Gladwell, I.; Kraut, G. L.; Paprzycki, M. 20 2000 Alternating-direction Galerkin methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems on rectangular polygons. Zbl 0295.65062 Dendy, J. E. jun.; Fairweather, G. 20 1975 A backward Euler orthogonal spline collocation method for the time-fractional Fokker-Planck equation. Zbl 1352.65392 Fairweather, Graeme; Zhang, Haixiang; Yang, Xuehua; Xu, Da 19 2015 Matrix decomposition algorithms for separable elliptic boundary value problems in two space dimensions. Zbl 0781.65031 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme 19 1993 Some stable difference approximations to a fourth-order parabolic partial differential equation. Zbl 0147.13801 Fairweather, G.; Gourlay, A. R. 18 1967 Compact optimal quadratic spline collocation methods for the Helmholtz equation. Zbl 1218.65135 Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Maack, Jon 18 2011 A box method for a nonlinear equation of population dynamics. Zbl 0734.92023 Fairweather, G.; López-Marcos, J. C. 15 1991 An ADI extrapolated Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains. Zbl 1352.65393 Fernandes, Ryan I.; Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme 15 2015 Algorithm 704: ABDPACK and ABBPACK-FORTRAN programs for the solution of almost block diagonal linear systems arising in spline collocation at Gaussian points with monomial basis functions. Zbl 0892.65051 Majaess, Fouad; Keast, Patrick; Fairweather, Graeme; Bennett, Karin R. 14 1992 The method of fundamental solutions for transmission and scattering of elastic waves. Zbl 0825.73150 Kondapalli, Prasanna S.; Shippy, David J.; Fairweather, Graeme 14 1992 Alternating direction implicit Galerkin methods for an evolution equation with a positive-type memory term. Zbl 1328.65209 Khebchareon, Morrakot; Pani, Amiya K.; Fairweather, Graeme 14 2015 Potential field based geometric modelling using the method of fundamental solutions. Zbl 1130.65035 Tankelevich, Roman; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Smyrlis, Yiorgos-Sokratis 14 2006 Asymptotic expansions and Richardson extrapolation of approximate solutions for second order elliptic problems on rectangular domains by mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1388.76359 Fairweather, Graeme; Lin, Qun; Lin, Yanping; Wang, Junping; Zhang, Shuhua 14 2006 An H\(^{1}\)-Galerkin mixed finite element method for an evolution equation with a positive-type memory term. Zbl 1047.65085 Pani, Amiya K.; Fairweather, Graeme 13 2002 The solution of almost block diagonal linear systems arising in spline collocation at Gaussian points with monomial basis functions. Zbl 0892.65050 Majaess, Fouad; Keast, Patrick; Fairweather, Graeme; Bennett, Karin R. 13 1992 Matrix decomposition algorithms in orthogonal spline collocation for separable elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0820.65009 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme 13 1995 Some high accuracy difference with a Splitting operator for equations of parabolic and elliptic type. Zbl 0148.39403 Fairweather, G.; Gourlay, A. R.; Mitchell, A. R. 13 1967 A fourth-order cubic spline method for linear second-order two-point boundary-value problems. Zbl 0790.65078 Sloan, Ian H.; Tran, Dat; Fairweather, Graeme 12 1993 Orthogonal spline collocation methods for the stream function-vorticity formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1168.76037 Fairweather, Graeme; Ma, Heping; Sun, Weiwei 12 2008 The method of fundamental solutions for problems in potential theory. Zbl 0511.65087 Fairweather, Graeme; Johnston, R. L. 12 1982 Discrete-time orthogonal spline collocation methods for vibration problems. Zbl 1028.74022 Li, Bingkun; Fairweather, Graeme; Bialecki, Bernard 11 2002 Matrix decomposition algorithms for modified spline collocation for Helmholtz problems. Zbl 1035.65135 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas 11 2003 Orthogonal spline collocation methods for biharmonic problems. Zbl 0908.65103 Lou, Zhou-Ming; Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme 11 1998 On the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a class of Hessenberg matrices. Zbl 0217.52603 Fairweather, G. 11 1971 A note on the efficient implementation of certain Padé methods for linear parabolic problems. Zbl 0384.65036 Fairweather, Graeme 10 1978 The Crank-Nicolson Hermite cubic orthogonal spline collocation method for the heat equation with nonlocal boundary conditions. Zbl 1279.80005 Bialecki, B.; Fairweather, G.; López-Marcos, J. C. 10 2013 A survey of higher-order methods for the numerical integration of semidiscrete parabolic problems. Zbl 0561.65087 Seward, W. L.; Fairweather, G.; Johnston, R. L. 9 1984 A matrix decomposition MFS algorithm for axisymmetric biharmonic problems. Zbl 1067.65135 Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Smyrlis, Yiorgos-Sokratis 9 2005 Matrix decomposition algorithms for the \(C^{0}\)-quadratic finite element Galerkin method. Zbl 1176.65132 Du, Kui; Fairweather, Graeme; Nguyen, Que N.; Sun, Weiwei 9 2009 Three-dimensional image reconstruction using the PF/MFS technique. Zbl 1244.65224 Tankelevich, R.; Fairweather, G.; Karageorghis, A. 9 2009 Galerkin and collocation methods for partial integro-differential equations. Zbl 0737.65103 Fairweather, G. 8 1991 Galerkin method for vibration problems in two space variables. Zbl 0246.65031 Fairweather, Graeme 8 1972 On the numerical solution of the cubic Schrödinger equation in one space variable. Zbl 0766.65112 Robinson, M. P.; Fairweather, G.; Herbst, B. M. 8 1993 An explicit extrapolated box scheme for the Gurtin-MacCamy equation. Zbl 0792.65108 Fairweather, G.; López-Marcos, J. C. 7 1994 Fourier methods for piecewise Hermite bicubic orthogonal spline collocation. Zbl 0805.65107 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, G.; Remington, K. A. 7 1994 A linear ADI method for the shallow-water equations. Zbl 0454.76032 Fairweather, G.; Navon, I. M. 7 1980 Optimal superconvergent one step quadratic spline collocation methods. Zbl 1155.65089 Bialecki, B.; Fairweather, G.; Karageorghis, A.; Nguyen, Q. N. 7 2008 Optimal superconvergent one step nodal cubic spline collocation methods. Zbl 1091.65118 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas 7 2005 ADI finite element Galerkin methods for two-dimensional tempered fractional integro-differential equations. Zbl 1529.65081 Qiu, Wenlin; Fairweather, Graeme; Yang, Xuehua; Zhang, Haixiang 7 2023 A new alternating direction method for parabolic equations in three space variables. Zbl 0137.33302 Fairweather, G.; Mitchell, A. R. 6 1965 Analysis of acoustic scattering in fluids and solids by the method of fundamental solutions. Zbl 0722.76073 Shippy, D. J.; Kondapalli, P. S.; Fairweather, G. 6 1990 The extrapolated Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for a quasilinear parabolic problem with nonlocal boundary conditions. Zbl 1309.65141 Bialecki, B.; Fairweather, G.; López-Marcos, J. 5 2015 An additive Schwarz algorithm for piecewise Hermite bicubic orthogonal spline collocation. Zbl 0798.65105 Bialecki, Bernard; Cai, X.-C.; Dryja, M.; Fairweather, G. 4 1994 Orthogonal cubic spline collocation solution of underwater acoustic wave propagation problems. Zbl 1360.76291 Robinson, Mark P.; Fairweather, Graeme 4 1993 An investigation of Romberg quadrature. Zbl 0394.65008 Fairweather, Graeme; Keast, Pat 4 1978 A quadratic spline collocation method for the Dirichlet biharmonic problem. Zbl 1434.65290 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Maack, Jonathan 4 2020 High-order discrete-time orthogonal spline collocation methods for singularly perturbed 1D parabolic reaction-diffusion problems. Zbl 07771401 Mishra, Pankaj; Sharma, Kapil K.; Pani, Amiya K.; Fairweather, Graeme 4 2020 Optimal superconvergent one step quadratic spline collocation methods for Helmholtz problems. Zbl 1157.65470 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Nguyen, Que N. 3 2008 Matrix decomposition algorithms for the finite element Galerkin method with piecewise Hermite cubics. Zbl 1172.65062 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Knudson, David B.; Lipman, D. Abram; Nguyen, Que N.; Sun, Weiwei; Weinberg, Gadalia M. 3 2009 Matrix decomposition algorithms for arbitrary order \(C^0\) tensor product finite element systems. Zbl 1297.65029 Du, Kui; Fairweather, Graeme; Sun, Weiwei 3 2015 The Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for one-dimensional parabolic problems with interfaces. Zbl 1456.65059 Bhal, Santosh Kumar; Danumjaya, P.; Fairweather, G. 3 2021 Numerical integration. Recent developments, software and applications. (Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Numerical Integration. Recent Developments, Software and Applications, Halifax, Canada, August 11-15, 1986). Zbl 0611.00023 3 1987 Direct numerical spline methods for first-order Fredholm integro- differential equations. Zbl 0799.65153 Micula, Gheorghe; Fairweather, Graeme 2 1993 On the extrapolation of Galerkin methods for parabolic problems. Zbl 0282.65080 Fairweather, G.; Johnson, J. P. 2 1975 On the approximate solution of a diffusion problem by Galerkin methods. Zbl 0428.65062 Fairweather, G. 2 1979 Convergence analyses of Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation methods for linear parabolic problems in two space variables. Zbl 1347.65147 Khebchareon, Morrakot; Pani, Amiya Kumar; Fairweather, Graeme 2 2016 A parameter uniform orthogonal spline collocation method for singularly perturbed semilinear reaction-diffusion problems in one dimension. Zbl 07880238 Mishra, Pankaj; Fairweather, Graeme; Sharma, Kapil K. 2 2019 A fourth-order orthogonal spline collocation method for two-dimensional Helmholtz problems with interfaces. Zbl 07777674 Bhal, Santosh Kumar; Danumjaya, Palla; Fairweather, Graeme 2 2020 High-order orthogonal spline collocation methods for two-point boundary value problems with interfaces. Zbl 1453.65190 Bhal, Santosh Kumar; Danumjaya, P.; Fairweather, G. 2 2020 On the \(H^{-1}\)-Galerkin method for second-order linear two-point boundary value problems. Zbl 0546.65056 Fairweather, Graeme; Keast, Patrick; Diaz, Julio Cesar 1 1984 On the application of extrapolation, deferred correction and defect correction to discrete-time Galerkin methods for parabolic problems. Zbl 0573.65086 Fairweather, G.; Saylor, A. V. 1 1983 A Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for vibration problems. Zbl 0994.74081 Li, Bingkun; Fairweather, Graeme; Bialecki, Bernard 1 2000 Some computational results of an improved A. D. I. method for the Dirichlet problem. Zbl 0148.39404 Fairweather, G.; Mitchell, A. R. 1 1966 Errata: Alternating-direction Galerkin methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems on rectangular polygons. Zbl 0331.65078 Dendy, J. E. jun.; Fairweather, G. 1 1976 ADI finite element Galerkin methods for two-dimensional tempered fractional integro-differential equations. Zbl 1529.65081 Qiu, Wenlin; Fairweather, Graeme; Yang, Xuehua; Zhang, Haixiang 7 2023 The Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for one-dimensional parabolic problems with interfaces. Zbl 1456.65059 Bhal, Santosh Kumar; Danumjaya, P.; Fairweather, G. 3 2021 A quadratic spline collocation method for the Dirichlet biharmonic problem. Zbl 1434.65290 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Maack, Jonathan 4 2020 High-order discrete-time orthogonal spline collocation methods for singularly perturbed 1D parabolic reaction-diffusion problems. Zbl 07771401 Mishra, Pankaj; Sharma, Kapil K.; Pani, Amiya K.; Fairweather, Graeme 4 2020 A fourth-order orthogonal spline collocation method for two-dimensional Helmholtz problems with interfaces. Zbl 07777674 Bhal, Santosh Kumar; Danumjaya, Palla; Fairweather, Graeme 2 2020 High-order orthogonal spline collocation methods for two-point boundary value problems with interfaces. Zbl 1453.65190 Bhal, Santosh Kumar; Danumjaya, P.; Fairweather, G. 2 2020 A parameter uniform orthogonal spline collocation method for singularly perturbed semilinear reaction-diffusion problems in one dimension. Zbl 07880238 Mishra, Pankaj; Fairweather, Graeme; Sharma, Kapil K. 2 2019 Convergence analyses of Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation methods for linear parabolic problems in two space variables. Zbl 1347.65147 Khebchareon, Morrakot; Pani, Amiya Kumar; Fairweather, Graeme 2 2016 An ADI Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for the two-dimensional fractional diffusion-wave equation. Zbl 1328.65216 Fairweather, Graeme; Yang, Xuehua; Xu, Da; Zhang, Haixiang 44 2015 A backward Euler orthogonal spline collocation method for the time-fractional Fokker-Planck equation. Zbl 1352.65392 Fairweather, Graeme; Zhang, Haixiang; Yang, Xuehua; Xu, Da 19 2015 An ADI extrapolated Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems on evolving domains. Zbl 1352.65393 Fernandes, Ryan I.; Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme 15 2015 Alternating direction implicit Galerkin methods for an evolution equation with a positive-type memory term. Zbl 1328.65209 Khebchareon, Morrakot; Pani, Amiya K.; Fairweather, Graeme 14 2015 The extrapolated Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for a quasilinear parabolic problem with nonlocal boundary conditions. Zbl 1309.65141 Bialecki, B.; Fairweather, G.; López-Marcos, J. 5 2015 Matrix decomposition algorithms for arbitrary order \(C^0\) tensor product finite element systems. Zbl 1297.65029 Du, Kui; Fairweather, Graeme; Sun, Weiwei 3 2015 The Crank-Nicolson Hermite cubic orthogonal spline collocation method for the heat equation with nonlocal boundary conditions. Zbl 1279.80005 Bialecki, B.; Fairweather, G.; López-Marcos, J. C. 10 2013 An ADI extrapolated Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems. Zbl 1284.65026 Fernandes, Ryan I.; Fairweather, Graeme 22 2012 Matrix decomposition algorithms for elliptic boundary value problems: A survey. Zbl 1208.65036 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas 33 2011 Compact optimal quadratic spline collocation methods for the Helmholtz equation. Zbl 1218.65135 Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Maack, Jon 18 2011 ADI orthogonal spline collocation methods for parabolic partial integro-differential equations. Zbl 1191.65186 Pani, Amiya Kumar; Fairweather, Graeme; Fernandes, Ryan I. 36 2010 Matrix decomposition algorithms for the \(C^{0}\)-quadratic finite element Galerkin method. Zbl 1176.65132 Du, Kui; Fairweather, Graeme; Nguyen, Que N.; Sun, Weiwei 9 2009 Three-dimensional image reconstruction using the PF/MFS technique. Zbl 1244.65224 Tankelevich, R.; Fairweather, G.; Karageorghis, A. 9 2009 Matrix decomposition algorithms for the finite element Galerkin method with piecewise Hermite cubics. Zbl 1172.65062 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Knudson, David B.; Lipman, D. Abram; Nguyen, Que N.; Sun, Weiwei; Weinberg, Gadalia M. 3 2009 Alternating direction implicit orthogonal spline collocation methods for an evolution equation with a positive-type memory term. Zbl 1160.65068 Pani, Amiya Kumar; Fairweather, Graeme; Fernandes, Ryan I. 39 2008 Orthogonal spline collocation methods for the stream function-vorticity formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1168.76037 Fairweather, Graeme; Ma, Heping; Sun, Weiwei 12 2008 Optimal superconvergent one step quadratic spline collocation methods. Zbl 1155.65089 Bialecki, B.; Fairweather, G.; Karageorghis, A.; Nguyen, Q. N. 7 2008 Optimal superconvergent one step quadratic spline collocation methods for Helmholtz problems. Zbl 1157.65470 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Nguyen, Que N. 3 2008 Potential field based geometric modelling using the method of fundamental solutions. Zbl 1130.65035 Tankelevich, Roman; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Smyrlis, Yiorgos-Sokratis 14 2006 Asymptotic expansions and Richardson extrapolation of approximate solutions for second order elliptic problems on rectangular domains by mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1388.76359 Fairweather, Graeme; Lin, Qun; Lin, Yanping; Wang, Junping; Zhang, Shuhua 14 2006 A matrix decomposition MFS algorithm for axisymmetric biharmonic problems. Zbl 1067.65135 Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Smyrlis, Yiorgos-Sokratis 9 2005 Optimal superconvergent one step nodal cubic spline collocation methods. Zbl 1091.65118 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas 7 2005 Algorithms for almost block diagonal linear systems. Zbl 1062.65031 Fairweather, Graeme; Gladwell, Ian 29 2004 The method of fundamental solutions for scattering and radiation problems. Zbl 1060.76649 Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas; Martin, P. A. 133 2003 Matrix decomposition algorithms for modified spline collocation for Helmholtz problems. Zbl 1035.65135 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas 11 2003 \(H^1\)-Galerkin mixed finite element methods for parabolic partial integro-differential equations. Zbl 1008.65101 Pani, Amiya K.; Fairweather, Graeme 67 2002 An H\(^{1}\)-Galerkin mixed finite element method for an evolution equation with a positive-type memory term. Zbl 1047.65085 Pani, Amiya K.; Fairweather, Graeme 13 2002 Discrete-time orthogonal spline collocation methods for vibration problems. Zbl 1028.74022 Li, Bingkun; Fairweather, Graeme; Bialecki, Bernard 11 2002 Orthogonal spline collocation methods for partial differential equations. Zbl 0971.65105 Bialecki, B.; Fairweather, G. 70 2001 The method of fundamental solutions for axisymmetric elasticity problems. Zbl 1011.74005 Karageorghis, A.; Fairweather, G. 32 2000 Almost block diagonal linear systems: sequential and parallel solution techniques, and applications. Zbl 1051.65018 Amodio, P.; Cash, J. R.; Roussos, G.; Wright, R. W.; Fairweather, G.; Gladwell, I.; Kraut, G. L.; Paprzycki, M. 20 2000 A Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for vibration problems. Zbl 0994.74081 Li, Bingkun; Fairweather, Graeme; Bialecki, Bernard 1 2000 The method of fundamental solutions for axisymmetric potential problems. Zbl 0932.74078 Karageorghis, Andreas; Fairweather, Graeme 34 1999 The method of fundamental solutions for elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0922.65074 Fairweather, Graeme; Karageorghis, Andreas 521 1998 Discrete-time orthogonal spline collocation methods for Schrödinger equations in two space variables. Zbl 0911.65095 Li, Bingkun; Fairweather, Graeme; Bialecki, Bernard 30 1998 Orthogonal spline collocation methods for biharmonic problems. Zbl 0908.65103 Lou, Zhou-Ming; Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme 11 1998 Galerkin methods for a semilinear parabolic problem with nonlocal boundary conditions. Zbl 0868.65068 Fairweather, G.; López-Marcos, J. C. 31 1996 Matrix decomposition algorithms in orthogonal spline collocation for separable elliptic boundary value problems. Zbl 0820.65009 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme 13 1995 Spline collocation methods for a class of hyperbolic partial integro- differential equations. Zbl 0814.65137 Fairweather, Graeme 39 1994 Orthogonal spline collocation methods for Schrödinger-type equations in one space variable. Zbl 0806.65123 Robinson, Mark P.; Fairweather, Graeme 35 1994 An explicit extrapolated box scheme for the Gurtin-MacCamy equation. Zbl 0792.65108 Fairweather, G.; López-Marcos, J. C. 7 1994 Fourier methods for piecewise Hermite bicubic orthogonal spline collocation. Zbl 0805.65107 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, G.; Remington, K. A. 7 1994 An additive Schwarz algorithm for piecewise Hermite bicubic orthogonal spline collocation. Zbl 0798.65105 Bialecki, Bernard; Cai, X.-C.; Dryja, M.; Fairweather, G. 4 1994 Analysis of alternating direction collocation methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems in two space variables. Zbl 0768.65067 Fernandes, Ryan I.; Fairweather, Graeme 33 1993 Matrix decomposition algorithms for separable elliptic boundary value problems in two space dimensions. Zbl 0781.65031 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme 19 1993 A fourth-order cubic spline method for linear second-order two-point boundary-value problems. Zbl 0790.65078 Sloan, Ian H.; Tran, Dat; Fairweather, Graeme 12 1993 On the numerical solution of the cubic Schrödinger equation in one space variable. Zbl 0766.65112 Robinson, M. P.; Fairweather, G.; Herbst, B. M. 8 1993 Orthogonal cubic spline collocation solution of underwater acoustic wave propagation problems. Zbl 1360.76291 Robinson, Mark P.; Fairweather, Graeme 4 1993 Direct numerical spline methods for first-order Fredholm integro- differential equations. Zbl 0799.65153 Micula, Gheorghe; Fairweather, Graeme 2 1993 Orthogonal spline collocation methods for some partial integrodifferential equations. Zbl 0756.65157 Yan, Yi; Fairweather, Graeme 56 1992 Fast direct solvers for piecewise Hermite bicubic orthogonal spline collocation equations. Zbl 0752.65076 Bialecki, Bernard; Fairweather, Graeme; Bennett, Karin R. 23 1992 Algorithm 704: ABDPACK and ABBPACK-FORTRAN programs for the solution of almost block diagonal linear systems arising in spline collocation at Gaussian points with monomial basis functions. Zbl 0892.65051 Majaess, Fouad; Keast, Patrick; Fairweather, Graeme; Bennett, Karin R. 14 1992 The method of fundamental solutions for transmission and scattering of elastic waves. Zbl 0825.73150 Kondapalli, Prasanna S.; Shippy, David J.; Fairweather, Graeme 14 1992 The solution of almost block diagonal linear systems arising in spline collocation at Gaussian points with monomial basis functions. Zbl 0892.65050 Majaess, Fouad; Keast, Patrick; Fairweather, Graeme; Bennett, Karin R. 13 1992 The reformulation and numerical solution of certain nonclassical initial- boundary value problems. Zbl 0722.65062 Fairweather, Graeme; Saylor, Rick D. 36 1991 An alternating direction Galerkin method for a class of second-order hyperbolic equations in two space variables. Zbl 0747.65082 Fernandes, Ryan I.; Fairweather, Graeme 22 1991 A box method for a nonlinear equation of population dynamics. Zbl 0734.92023 Fairweather, G.; López-Marcos, J. C. 15 1991 Galerkin and collocation methods for partial integro-differential equations. Zbl 0737.65103 Fairweather, G. 8 1991 Analysis of acoustic scattering in fluids and solids by the method of fundamental solutions. Zbl 0722.76073 Shippy, D. J.; Kondapalli, P. S.; Fairweather, G. 6 1990 The simple layer potential method of fundamental solutions for certain biharmonic problems. Zbl 0687.76028 Karageorghis, Andreas; Fairweather, Graeme 25 1989 The method of fundamental solutions for the solution of nonlinear plane potential problems. Zbl 0676.65110 Karageorghis, A.; Fairweather, G. 23 1989 A survey of spline collocation methods for the numerical solution of differential equations. Zbl 0679.65058 Fairweather, Graeme; Maede, Daniel 23 1989 Finite element methods for nonlinear parabolic and hyperbolic partial integro-differential equations. Zbl 0726.65160 Fairweather, Graeme; Yanik, Elizabeth G. 1 1989 Finite element methods for parabolic and hyperbolic partial integro- differential equations. Zbl 0657.65142 Yanik, Elizabeth G.; Fairweather, Graeme 103 1988 The Almansi method of fundamental solutions for solving biharmonic problems. Zbl 0639.65066 Karageorghis, Andreas; Fairweather, Graeme 24 1988 Remark on algorithm 603. Zbl 0645.65017 Diaz, J. C.; Fairweather, G.; Keast, P. 1 1988 The method of fundamental solutions for the numerical solution of the biharmonic equation. Zbl 0618.65108 Karageorghis, Andreas; Fairweather, Graeme 114 1987 Numerical integration. Recent developments, software and applications. (Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Numerical Integration. Recent Developments, Software and Applications, Halifax, Canada, August 11-15, 1986). Zbl 0611.00023 3 1987 An assessment of numerical software for solving two-point boundary-value problems arising in heat transfer. Zbl 0619.76046 Fairweather, Graeme; Vedha-Nayagam, M. 1 1987 Analyses of spline collocation methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems in two space variables. Zbl 0595.65122 Greenwell-Yanik, C. E.; Fairweather, G. 29 1986 The method of fundamental solutions for problems in potential flow. Zbl 0546.76021 Johnston, R. L.; Fairweather, G. 43 1984 A survey of higher-order methods for the numerical integration of semidiscrete parabolic problems. Zbl 0561.65087 Seward, W. L.; Fairweather, G.; Johnston, R. L. 9 1984 On the \(H^{-1}\)-Galerkin method for second-order linear two-point boundary value problems. Zbl 0546.65056 Fairweather, Graeme; Keast, Patrick; Diaz, Julio Cesar 1 1984 FORTRAN packages for solving certain almost block diagonal linear systems by modified alternate row and column elimination. Zbl 0516.65013 Diaz, J. C.; Fairweather, G.; Keast, P. 49 1983 On the application of extrapolation, deferred correction and defect correction to discrete-time Galerkin methods for parabolic problems. Zbl 0573.65086 Fairweather, G.; Saylor, A. V. 1 1983 The method of fundamental solutions for problems in potential theory. Zbl 0511.65087 Fairweather, Graeme; Johnston, R. L. 12 1982 A linear ADI method for the shallow-water equations. Zbl 0454.76032 Fairweather, G.; Navon, I. M. 7 1980 On the numerical solution of two-dimensional potential problems by an improved boundary integral equation method. Zbl 0397.65080 Fairweather, Graeme; Rizzo, Frank J.; Shippy, David J.; Wu, Yensen S. 21 1979 On the approximate solution of a diffusion problem by Galerkin methods. Zbl 0428.65062 Fairweather, G. 2 1979 Finite element Galerkin methods for differential equations. Zbl 0372.65044 Fairweather, Graeme 72 1978 A note on the efficient implementation of certain Padé methods for linear parabolic problems. Zbl 0384.65036 Fairweather, Graeme 10 1978 An investigation of Romberg quadrature. Zbl 0394.65008 Fairweather, Graeme; Keast, Pat 4 1978 Errata: Alternating-direction Galerkin methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems on rectangular polygons. Zbl 0331.65078 Dendy, J. E. jun.; Fairweather, G. 1 1976 Alternating-direction Galerkin methods for parabolic and hyperbolic problems on rectangular polygons. Zbl 0295.65062 Dendy, J. E. jun.; Fairweather, G. 20 1975 On the extrapolation of Galerkin methods for parabolic problems. Zbl 0282.65080 Fairweather, G.; Johnson, J. P. 2 1975 Three-level Galerkin methods for parabolic equations. Zbl 0313.65107 Dupont, Todd; Fairweather, Graeme; Johnson, J. Peter 36 1974 Galerkin method for vibration problems in two space variables. Zbl 0246.65031 Fairweather, Graeme 8 1972 On the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a class of Hessenberg matrices. Zbl 0217.52603 Fairweather, G. 11 1971 A new computational procedure for A.D.I. methods. Zbl 0252.65072 Fairweather, G.; Mitchell, A. R. 47 1967 Some stable difference approximations to a fourth-order parabolic partial differential equation. Zbl 0147.13801 Fairweather, G.; Gourlay, A. R. 18 1967 Some high accuracy difference with a Splitting operator for equations of parabolic and elliptic type. Zbl 0148.39403 Fairweather, G.; Gourlay, A. R.; Mitchell, A. R. 13 1967 Some computational results of an improved A. D. I. method for the Dirichlet problem. Zbl 0148.39404 Fairweather, G.; Mitchell, A. R. 1 1966 ...and 3 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,850 Authors 74 Karageorghis, Andreas 63 Xu, Da 59 Chen, Ching-Shyang 45 Chen, Wen 42 Fairweather, Graeme 32 Bialecki, Bernard 31 Lesnic, Daniel 29 Marin, Liviu 29 Yang, Xuehua 27 Zhang, Haixiang 25 Dehghan Takht Fooladi, Mehdi 24 Gu, Yan 24 Young, Der-Liang 21 Lin, Ji 21 Qiu, Wenlin 19 Fu, Zhuojia 19 Johansson, B. Tomas 19 Li, Zi-Cai 18 Fan, Chia-Ming 18 Tsai, Chia-Cheng 17 Alves, Carlos J. S. 17 Pani, Amiya Kumar 17 Qiao, Leijie 17 Smyrlis, Yiorgos-Sokratis 15 Wang, Fajie 14 Cheng, Alexander H.-D. 14 Sun, Linlin 13 Li, Jichun 13 Qin, Qinghua 13 Qu, Wenzhen 13 Šarler, Božidar 13 Sun, Weiwei 12 Li, Ming 11 Abbasbandy, Saeid 11 Jorge, Juan Carlos 11 Potier-Ferry, Michel 10 Kolodziej, Jan Adam 10 Sapagovas, Mifodijus 10 Shi, Dongyang 10 Wei, Ting 10 Zhang, Chuanzeng 9 Danumjaya, Palla 9 Fernandes, Ryan I. 9 Godinho, Luís M. C. 9 Li, Hong 9 Liu, Chein-Shan 9 Liu, Xiaoyan 9 Liu, Yang 9 Sun, Yao 8 Bujanda, Blanca 8 Chen, Jeng-Tzong 8 He, Yinnian 8 Huang, Hung-Tsai 8 Khaliq, Abdul Qayyum Masud 8 Shivanian, Elyas 8 Sinha, Rajen Kumar 8 Tadeu, António J. B. 7 Antunes, Pedro Ricardo Simão 7 Avazzadeh, Zakieh 7 Bhal, Santosh Kumar 7 Du, Kui 7 Grabski, Jakub Krzysztof 7 Hou, Tianliang 7 Li, Junpu 7 Lin, Yanping 7 Martins, Nuno F. M. 7 Mitchell, Andrew Ronald 7 Mohanty, Ranjan Kumar 7 Ramachandran, Palghat A. 7 Reddy, Gujji Murali Mohan 7 Reeve, Thomas 7 Valtchev, Svilen S. 7 Wang, Hui 7 Wang, Jinfeng 7 Wei, Xing 7 Whiteman, John Robert 6 Abou-Dina, Moustafa S. 6 Boroomand, Bijan 6 Chapko, Roman 6 Doha, Eid H. 6 Hendy, Ahmed S. 6 Hon, Yiu-Chung 6 Li, Xiaolin 6 Li, Xin 6 Ling, Leevan 6 Liu, Qingguo 6 Muir, Paul H. 6 Shaw, Simon 6 Yang, Fenglian 6 Zhou, Zhaojie 5 Arora, Shelly 5 Aslefallah, Mohammad 5 Balakrishnan, Karthik 5 Berger, J. R. 5 Brunner, Hermann 5 Chen, Bin 5 Chen, Hongbin 5 Chen, Kue-Hong 5 Chiang, John Y. 5 Čiegis, Raimondas ...and 1,750 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 214 Serials 257 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 105 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 101 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 80 Applied Mathematics and Computation 71 Journal of Computational Physics 59 Applied Numerical Mathematics 57 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 44 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 40 Numerical Algorithms 39 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 36 Journal of Scientific Computing 33 Applied Mathematical Modelling 25 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 23 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 22 Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering 21 Numerische Mathematik 21 Advances in Computational Mathematics 20 Computational and Applied Mathematics 19 Mathematics of Computation 18 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 17 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 17 Computational Mechanics 15 Applied Mathematics Letters 10 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 9 Applicable Analysis 9 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 9 BIT 9 Computing 9 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 9 Journal of Integral Equations and Applications 9 Mathematical Modelling and Analysis 8 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 8 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 8 International Journal of Computational Methods 7 Calcolo 7 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 7 Advances in Difference Equations 6 Computers and Fluids 6 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 6 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 6 Communications in Computational Physics 5 Journal of Engineering Mathematics 5 Wave Motion 5 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 5 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. 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Real World Applications 4 Journal of Function Spaces 3 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 3 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 3 International Journal of Solids and Structures 3 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 3 Journal of Mathematical Physics 3 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 3 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 3 International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 3 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 3 Applications of Mathematics 3 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 3 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. Section A. Mathematics 3 The Journal of Analysis 3 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 3 Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 3 International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation 3 Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics 3 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 3 International Journal for Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics 3 Advances in Numerical Analysis 3 Journal of Applied Analysis and Computation 3 Results in Applied Mathematics 2 Computer Physics Communications 2 Journal of Mathematical Biology 2 ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 2 Journal of Differential Equations 2 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 2 RAIRO. Analyse Numérique 2 Optimal Control Applications & Methods 2 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 2 Advances in Engineering Software 2 Physics of Fluids 2 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 2 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 2 Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society 2 Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 2 Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids 2 Multibody System Dynamics 2 Nonlinear Dynamics 2 Sibirskiĭ Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki 2 European Journal of Mechanics. A. 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