Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Feferman, Solomon (b. 1928 d. 2016) Co-Author Distance Author ID: feferman.solomon Published as: Feferman, Solomon; Feferman, S. External Links: MGP · Wikidata · Math-Net.Ru · dblp · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 130 Publications since 1957, including 7 Books 16 Contributions as Editor · 13 Further Contributions Biographic References: 7 Publications Co-Authors: 37 Co-Authors with 41 Joint Publications 994 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 107 single-authored 11 Gödel, Kurt 7 Parsons, Charles D. 7 Sieg, Wilfried 6 Barwise, Kenneth Jon 6 Simpson, Stephen G. 5 Burdman Feferman, Anita 5 Jäger, Gerhard 4 Dawson, John W. jun. 4 Eklof, Paul C. 4 Goldfarb, Warren D. 4 Keisler, Howard Jerome 3 Aczel, Peter 3 Barendregt, Hendrik Pieter 3 Davis, Martin David 3 Gandy, Robin O. 3 Kechris, Alexander S. 3 Kreisel, Georg 3 Shore, Richard Arnold 3 Statman, Richard 3 Turing, Alan Mathison 2 Baldwin, John T. 2 Baudisch, Andreas 2 Burgess, John P. 2 Devlin, Keith J. 2 Dickmann, Max A. 2 Ebbinghaus, Heinz-Dieter 2 Enderton, Herbert B. 2 Flum, Jörg 2 Fourman, Michael Paul 2 Harrington, Leo A. 2 Hellman, Geoffrey 2 Horty, John F. 2 Jech, Thomas J. 2 Juhász, István 2 Kaufmann, Matt 2 Kock, Anders Jungersen 2 Kolaitis, Phokion G. 2 Kunen, Kenneth 2 Lifschitz, Vladimir 2 Macintyre, Angus John 2 Makkai, Michael 2 Makowsky, Johann-Andreas 2 Martin, Donald A. 2 McCarty, David Charles 2 Morley, Michael Darwin 2 Moschovakis, Yiannis Nicholas 2 Mundici, Daniele 2 Nadel, Mark E. 2 Paris, Jeffrey Bruce 2 Pohlers, Wolfram 2 Rabin, Michael O. 2 Reyes, Gonzalo E. 2 Rudin, Mary Ellen 2 Schmerl, James H. 2 Schwichtenberg, Helmut 2 Seese, Detlef G. 2 Shönfield, Joseph R. 2 Smoryński, Craig 2 Spector, Clifford 2 Steinhorn, Charles I. 2 Strahm, Thomas 2 Stroyan, Keith D. 2 Troelstra, Anne Sjerp 2 Tuschik, Hans-Peter 2 Väänänen, Jouko Antero 2 Visser, Albert 2 Weese, Martin 2 Ziegler, Martin 1 Appel, Andrew W. 1 Artemov, Sergei 1 Avigad, Jeremy 1 Blum, Lenore 1 Böhm, Corrado 1 Boolos, George S. 1 Buchholz, Wilfried 1 Bunder, Martin W. 1 Burge, Tyler 1 Church, Alonzo 1 Cohen, Paul Joseph 1 Coppo, Mario 1 de Bruijn, Nicolaas Govert 1 Dezani-Ciancaglini, Mariangiola 1 Diller, Justus 1 Dummett, Michael Anthony Eardley 1 Ehrenfeucht, Andrzej 1 Engeler, Erwin 1 Fenstad, Jens Erik 1 Fitch, Frederic Brenton 1 Friedman, Harvey M. 1 Friedman, Sy-David 1 Gaal, Lisl 1 Gale, David 1 Gilmore, Paul C. 1 Gupta, Anil 1 Henkin, Leon Albert 1 Herzberger, Hans G. 1 Hindley, J. Roger 1 Howard, William Alvin 1 Hyland, J. Martin E. 1 Kearns, John T. ...and 42 more Co-Authors all top 5 Serials 9 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 6 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 5 Fundamenta Mathematicae 4 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 4 Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics 3 Synthese 3 Notices of the American Mathematical Society 3 The Review of Symbolic Logic 2 Archiv für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung 2 Compositio Mathematica 2 Journal of Philosophical Logic 2 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 2 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 2 Lecture Notes in Logic 2 Perspectives in Mathematical Logic 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 The Mathematical Intelligencer 1 Revista Colombiana de Matemáticas 1 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 1 Boletim da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática 1 Information and Computation 1 Modern Logic 1 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 1 Philosophia Mathematica. Series III 1 Erkenntnis 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Logica Universalis 1 Logical Methods in Computer Science 1 Philosophia Scientiae 1 Tributes 1 Outstanding Contributions to Logic 1 The Journal of Philosophy 1 Perspectives in Logic 1 Logic and Computation in Philosophy all top 5 Fields 123 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 49 History and biography (01-XX) 17 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 10 Computer science (68-XX) 7 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 1 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 130 Publications have been cited 2,071 times in 1,342 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The first order properties of products of algebraic systems. Zbl 0088.24803 Feferman, S.; Vaught, R. L. 182 1959 Proof theory. 2nd ed. Zbl 0609.03019 Takeuti, Gaisi 165 1987 To H. B. Curry: Essays on combinatory logic, lambda calculus and formalism. Zbl 0469.03006 148 1980 Iterated inductive definitions and subsystems of analysis: recent proof-theoretical studies. Zbl 0489.03022 Buchholz, Wilfried; Feferman, Solomon; Pohlers, Wolfram; Sieg, Wilfried 135 1981 Arithmetization of metamathematics in a general setting. Zbl 0095.24301 Feferman, S. 115 1960 Model-theoretic logics. (Parts A-C). Zbl 0587.03001 108 1985 Systems of predicative analysis. Zbl 0134.01101 Feferman, S. 98 1964 Gödel’s functional (“Dialectica”) interpretation. Zbl 0913.03053 Avigad, Jeremy; Feferman, Solomon 92 1998 Reflecting on incompleteness. Zbl 0746.03046 Feferman, Solomon 87 1991 A language and axioms for explicit mathematics. Zbl 0357.02029 Feferman, Solomon 85 1975 Constructive theories of functions and classes. Zbl 0441.03022 Feferman, Solomon 73 1979 Transfinite recursive progressions of axiomatic theories. Zbl 0117.25402 Feferman, S. 65 1963 Some applications of the notions of forcing and generic sets. Zbl 0129.26401 Feferman, S. 56 1965 Toward useful type-free theories. I. Zbl 0574.03043 Feferman, Solomon 53 1984 Systems of predicative analysis. II: Representations of ordinals. Zbl 0162.02201 Feferman, S. 41 1968 Collected works. Volume II: Publications 1938-1974. Ed. by Solomon Feferman et al. Zbl 0698.01023 Gödel, Kurt 39 1990 Collected works. Volume I: Publications 1929–1936. Ed. by Solomon Feferman et al. Zbl 0592.01035 Gödel, Kurt 36 1986 Iterated inductive fixed-point theories: Application to Hancock’s conjecture. Zbl 0522.03045 Feferman, Solomon 32 1982 Recent essays on truth and the liar paradox. Zbl 0623.03001 32 1984 Collected Works. Vol. III: Unpublished essays and lectures. Ed. by Solomon Feferman. Zbl 0826.01038 Goedel, Kurt 30 1995 In the light of logic. Zbl 0918.01044 Feferman, Solomon 29 1998 Formal theories for transfinite iterations of generalized inductive definitions and some subsystems of analysis. Zbl 0218.02024 Feferman, S. 29 1970 Hilbert’s Program relativized: Proof-theoretical and foundational reductions. Zbl 0656.03002 Feferman, Solomon 28 1988 Model-theoretic logics. (Parts D-F). Zbl 0587.03002 26 1985 Does mathematics need new axioms? Zbl 0977.03002 Feferman, Solomon; Friedman, Harvey M.; Maddy, Penelope; Steel, John R. 24 2000 Logic, logics, and logicism. Zbl 0972.03005 Feferman, Solomon 24 1999 Alfred Tarski. Life and logic. Zbl 1062.03002 Feferman, Anita Burdman; Feferman, Solomon 24 2004 Two notes on abstract model theory. I: Properties invariant on the range of definable relations between structures. Zbl 0296.02026 Feferman, Solomon 22 1974 Persistent and invariant formulas relative to theories of higher order. Zbl 0234.02038 Feferman, S.; Kreisel, Georg 21 1966 Lectures on proof theory. Zbl 0248.02033 Feferman, Solomon 21 1968 Systems of explicit mathematics with non-constructive \(\mu\)-operator. I. Zbl 0794.03074 Feferman, Solomon; Jäger, Gerhard 20 1993 Persistent and invariant formulas for outer extensions. Zbl 0162.01601 Feferman, S. 20 1968 Systems of explicit mathematics with non-constructive \(\mu\)-operator. II. Zbl 0868.03026 Feferman, Solomon; Jäger, Gerhard 17 1996 The unfolding of non-finitist arithmetic. Zbl 0959.03048 Feferman, Solomon; Strahm, Thomas 17 2000 Incompleteness along paths in progressions of theories. Zbl 0117.25701 Feferman, S.; Spector, C. 17 1963 Operational set theory and small large cardinals. Zbl 1183.03044 Feferman, Solomon 15 2009 Axioms for determinateness and truth. Zbl 1204.03007 Feferman, Solomon 15 2008 Categorical foundations and foundations of category theory. Zbl 0401.18001 Feferman, Solomon 14 1977 Handbook of mathematical logic. With the cooperation of H. J. Keisler, K. Kunen, Y. N. Moschovakis, A. S. Troelstra. 2nd printing. Zbl 0443.03001 14 1978 Set-theoretical invariance criteria for logicality. Zbl 1197.03035 Feferman, Solomon 14 2010 Collected works. Vol. IV: Correspondence, A–G. Edited by Solomon Feferman, John W. Dawson jun., Warren Goldfarb, Charles Parsons and Wilfried Sieg. Zbl 1026.01019 Gödel, Kurt 14 2003 Collected works. Vol. V: Correspondence, H–Z. Edited by Solomon Feferman, John W. Dawson jun., Warren Goldfarb, Charles Parsons and Wilfried Sieg. Zbl 1026.01020 Gödel, Kurt 14 2003 Does mathematics need new axioms? Zbl 1076.00501 Feferman, Solomon 14 1999 Gödel’s program for new axioms: Why, where, how and what? Zbl 0857.03034 Feferman, Solomon 13 1996 Applications of many-sorted interpolation theorems. Zbl 0311.02060 Feferman, Solomon 12 1974 Predicative foundations of arithmetic. Zbl 0816.03030 Feferman, Solomon; Hellman, Geoffrey 11 1995 Infinitary properties, local functors, and systems of ordinal functions. Zbl 0302.02018 Feferman, Solomon 11 1972 Logics for termination and correctness of functional programs. Zbl 0754.03018 Feferman, Solomon 11 1992 Does reductive proof theory have a viable rationale? Zbl 0971.03058 Feferman, Solomon 11 2000 Degrees of unsolvability associated with classes of formalized theories. Zbl 0078.00603 Feferman, Solomon 11 1957 Classifications of recursive functions by means of hierarchies. Zbl 0106.00602 Feferman, Solomon 10 1962 A theory of variable types. Zbl 0615.03045 Feferman, Solomon 10 1985 In memoriam: Kenneth Jon Barwise, 1942–2000. Zbl 0972.01040 Feferman, Solomon 10 2000 Representability of recursively enumerable sets in formal theories. Zbl 0118.25102 Ehrenfeucht, A.; Feferman, S. 10 1961 Set-theoretical foundations of category theory. Zbl 0213.03001 Feferman, S. 10 1969 Monotone inductive definitions. Zbl 0525.03037 Feferman, Solomon 9 1982 Which quantifiers are logical? A combined semantical and inferential criterion. Zbl 1437.03020 Feferman, Solomon 9 2015 Logics for termination and correctness of functional programs. II: Logics of strength PRA. Zbl 0790.03029 Feferman, Solomon 8 1992 Predicatively reducible systems of set theory. Zbl 0312.02051 Feferman, Solomon 8 1974 Generalized recursion theory II. Proceedings of the 1977 Oslo Symposium. Zbl 0453.03047 8 1978 Collected works. Volume III: Unpublished essays and lectures. Edited by Solomon Feferman and others. Paperback ed. Zbl 1074.01015 Gödel, Kurt 8 2001 Polymorphic typed lambda-calculi in a type-free axiomatic framework. Zbl 0701.03007 Feferman, Solomon 8 1990 Harmonious logic: Craig’s interpolation theorem and its descendants. Zbl 1169.03027 Feferman, Solomon 8 2008 Handbook of mathematical logic. With the cooperation of H. J. Keisler, K. Kunen, Y. N. Moschovakis and A. S. Troelstra. Reprint. Zbl 0528.03001 7 1982 Choice principles, the bar rule and autonomously iterated comprehension schemes in analysis. Zbl 0525.03038 Feferman, S.; Jaeger, G. 7 1983 Unfolding finitist arithmetic. Zbl 1232.03053 Feferman, Solomon; Strahm, Thomas 7 2010 And so on …: reasoning with infinite diagrams. Zbl 1274.00016 Feferman, Solomon 7 2012 The significance of Weyl’s Das Kontinuum. Zbl 1012.03005 Feferman, Solomon 7 2002 Mathematical intuition vs. mathematical monsters. Zbl 1001.03012 Feferman, Solomon 7 2000 Autonomous transfinite progressions and the extent of predicative mathematics. Zbl 0198.32302 Feferman, S. 7 1968 Collected works of A. M. Turing. Mathematical logic. Edited by R. O. Gandy and C. E. M. Yates. Including prefaces by Solomon Feferman. Zbl 0986.01023 Turing, A. M. 7 2001 Finitary inductively presented logics. Zbl 0823.03032 Feferman, Solomon 6 1994 Two notes on abstract model theory. II: Languages for which the set of valid sentences is semi-invariantly implicitly definable. Zbl 0335.02034 Feferman, Solomon 6 1975 Generalizing set-theoretical model theory and an analogue theory on admissible sets. Zbl 0439.03010 Feferman, Solomon 6 1979 Typical ambiguity: trying to have your cake and eat it too. Zbl 1060.03009 Feferman, Solomon 6 2004 Inductively presented systems and the formalization of meta-mathematics. Zbl 0516.03006 Feferman, Solomon 5 1982 A new approach to abstract data types. II: Computation on ADTs as ordinary computation. Zbl 0819.68078 Feferman, S. 5 1992 Gödel’s Dialectica interpretation and its two-way stretch. Zbl 0815.03036 Feferman, Solomon 5 1993 What does logic have to tell us about mathematical proofs? Zbl 0426.03011 Feferman, Solomon 5 1979 Finitary inductively presented logics. Zbl 0682.03031 Feferman, Solomon 5 1989 Turing in the land of O(z). Zbl 0663.01008 Feferman, Solomon 5 1988 Challenges to predicative foundations of arithmetic. Zbl 0991.03052 Feferman, Solomon; Hellman, Geoffrey 5 2000 Predicative provability in set theory. Zbl 0148.25403 Feferman, S. 5 1966 A fortuitous year with Leon Henkin. Zbl 1326.03004 Feferman, Solomon 5 2014 Feferman on foundations. Logic, mathematics, philosophy. Zbl 1394.03005 5 2017 The operational perspective: three routes. Zbl 1439.03018 Feferman, Solomon 5 2016 Recursion in total functionals of finite type. Zbl 0365.02030 Feferman, Solomon 4 1977 Inductive schemata and recursively continuous functionals. Zbl 0422.03023 Feferman, Solomon 4 1977 On the strength of some semi-constructive theories. Zbl 1244.03166 Feferman, Solomon 4 2010 The proof theory of classical and constructive inductive definitions. A forty year saga, 1968–2008. Zbl 1244.03003 Feferman, Solomon 4 2010 Kreisel’s “unwinding” program. Zbl 0889.03045 Feferman, Solomon 4 1996 The Gödel editorial project: a synopsis. Zbl 1089.03003 Feferman, Solomon 4 2005 Kurt Gödel. Essays for his centennial. Zbl 1196.03006 4 2010 Foundations of unlimited category theory: what remains to be done. Zbl 1275.18005 Feferman, Solomon 4 2013 Enriched stratified systems for the foundations of category theory. Zbl 1148.18302 Feferman, Solomon 4 2006 Relationships between constructive, predicative and classical systems of analysis. Zbl 1017.03036 Feferman, Solomon 4 2002 Collected works. Volume I: Publications 1929–1936. Edited by Solomon Feferman and others. Paperback ed. Zbl 0973.01104 Gödel, Kurt 4 2001 The number systems. Foundations of algebra and analysis. Zbl 0117.25803 Feferman, S. 4 1964 1-consistency and faithful interpretations. Zbl 0122.24502 Feferman, S.; Kreisel, Georg; Orey, S. 4 1962 Intensionality in mathematics. Zbl 0558.03002 Feferman, Solomon 3 1985 Feferman on foundations. Logic, mathematics, philosophy. Zbl 1394.03005 5 2017 The operational perspective: three routes. Zbl 1439.03018 Feferman, Solomon 5 2016 Parsons and I: sympathies and differences. Zbl 1477.03008 Feferman, Solomon 3 2016 Model-theoretic logics. New edition of the 1985 original published by Springer. Zbl 1390.03002 2 2016 Which quantifiers are logical? A combined semantical and inferential criterion. Zbl 1437.03020 Feferman, Solomon 9 2015 Theses for computation and recursion on concrete and abstract structures. Zbl 1403.03004 Feferman, Solomon 2 2015 A fortuitous year with Leon Henkin. Zbl 1326.03004 Feferman, Solomon 5 2014 Foundations of unlimited category theory: what remains to be done. Zbl 1275.18005 Feferman, Solomon 4 2013 And so on …: reasoning with infinite diagrams. Zbl 1274.00016 Feferman, Solomon 7 2012 Axiomatizing truth: why and how? Zbl 1315.03003 Feferman, Solomon 3 2012 On the strength of some semi-constructive theories. Zbl 1315.03115 Feferman, Solomon 3 2012 Lieber Herr Bernays! Lieber Herr Gödel! Gödel on finitism, constructivity, and Hilbert’s program. Zbl 1311.01020 Feferman, Solomon 1 2011 Set-theoretical invariance criteria for logicality. Zbl 1197.03035 Feferman, Solomon 14 2010 Unfolding finitist arithmetic. Zbl 1232.03053 Feferman, Solomon; Strahm, Thomas 7 2010 On the strength of some semi-constructive theories. Zbl 1244.03166 Feferman, Solomon 4 2010 The proof theory of classical and constructive inductive definitions. A forty year saga, 1968–2008. Zbl 1244.03003 Feferman, Solomon 4 2010 Kurt Gödel. Essays for his centennial. Zbl 1196.03006 4 2010 Proofs, categories and computations. Essays in honor of Grigori Mints. With the collaboration of Vladik Kreinovich, Vladimir Lifschitz, and Ruy de Queiroz. Zbl 1203.03007 2 2010 Operational set theory and small large cardinals. Zbl 1183.03044 Feferman, Solomon 15 2009 Axioms for determinateness and truth. Zbl 1204.03007 Feferman, Solomon 15 2008 Harmonious logic: Craig’s interpolation theorem and its descendants. Zbl 1169.03027 Feferman, Solomon 8 2008 Andrzej Mostowski: an appreciation. Zbl 1148.01308 Feferman, Solomon 1 2008 Enriched stratified systems for the foundations of category theory. Zbl 1148.18302 Feferman, Solomon 4 2006 Are there absolutely unsolvable problems? Gödel’s dichotomy. Zbl 1113.03008 Feferman, Solomon 3 2006 Tarski’s influence on computer science. Zbl 1126.03005 Feferman, Solomon 3 2006 Turing’s thesis. Zbl 1142.03300 Feferman, Solomon 2 2006 The impact of the incompleteness theorem on mathematics. Zbl 1100.03004 Feferman, Solomon 1 2006 The Gödel editorial project: a synopsis. Zbl 1089.03003 Feferman, Solomon 4 2005 Alfred Tarski. Life and logic. Zbl 1062.03002 Feferman, Anita Burdman; Feferman, Solomon 24 2004 Typical ambiguity: trying to have your cake and eat it too. Zbl 1060.03009 Feferman, Solomon 6 2004 Tarski’s conception of logic. Zbl 1055.03003 Feferman, Solomon 3 2004 Collected works. Vol. IV: Correspondence, A–G. Edited by Solomon Feferman, John W. Dawson jun., Warren Goldfarb, Charles Parsons and Wilfried Sieg. Zbl 1026.01019 Gödel, Kurt 14 2003 Collected works. Vol. V: Correspondence, H–Z. Edited by Solomon Feferman, John W. Dawson jun., Warren Goldfarb, Charles Parsons and Wilfried Sieg. Zbl 1026.01020 Gödel, Kurt 14 2003 The significance of Weyl’s Das Kontinuum. Zbl 1012.03005 Feferman, Solomon 7 2002 Relationships between constructive, predicative and classical systems of analysis. Zbl 1017.03036 Feferman, Solomon 4 2002 Highlights in proof theory. Zbl 1013.03068 Feferman, Solomon 1 2002 Collected works. Volume III: Unpublished essays and lectures. Edited by Solomon Feferman and others. Paperback ed. Zbl 1074.01015 Gödel, Kurt 8 2001 Collected works of A. M. Turing. Mathematical logic. Edited by R. O. Gandy and C. E. M. Yates. Including prefaces by Solomon Feferman. Zbl 0986.01023 Turing, A. M. 7 2001 Collected works. Volume I: Publications 1929–1936. Edited by Solomon Feferman and others. Paperback ed. Zbl 0973.01104 Gödel, Kurt 4 2001 Collected works. Volume II: Publications 1938–1974. Edited by Solomon Feferman and others. Paperback ed. Zbl 1074.01014 Gödel, Kurt 2 2001 Does mathematics need new axioms? Zbl 0977.03002 Feferman, Solomon; Friedman, Harvey M.; Maddy, Penelope; Steel, John R. 24 2000 The unfolding of non-finitist arithmetic. Zbl 0959.03048 Feferman, Solomon; Strahm, Thomas 17 2000 Does reductive proof theory have a viable rationale? Zbl 0971.03058 Feferman, Solomon 11 2000 In memoriam: Kenneth Jon Barwise, 1942–2000. Zbl 0972.01040 Feferman, Solomon 10 2000 Mathematical intuition vs. mathematical monsters. Zbl 1001.03012 Feferman, Solomon 7 2000 Challenges to predicative foundations of arithmetic. Zbl 0991.03052 Feferman, Solomon; Hellman, Geoffrey 5 2000 Logic, logics, and logicism. Zbl 0972.03005 Feferman, Solomon 24 1999 Does mathematics need new axioms? Zbl 1076.00501 Feferman, Solomon 14 1999 Tarski and Gödel: Between the lines. Zbl 0973.01031 Feferman, Solomon 2 1999 Gödel’s functional (“Dialectica”) interpretation. Zbl 0913.03053 Avigad, Jeremy; Feferman, Solomon 92 1998 In the light of logic. Zbl 0918.01044 Feferman, Solomon 29 1998 Systems of explicit mathematics with non-constructive \(\mu\)-operator. II. Zbl 0868.03026 Feferman, Solomon; Jäger, Gerhard 17 1996 Gödel’s program for new axioms: Why, where, how and what? Zbl 0857.03034 Feferman, Solomon 13 1996 Kreisel’s “unwinding” program. Zbl 0889.03045 Feferman, Solomon 4 1996 Computation on abstract data types. The extensional approach, with an application to streams. Zbl 0858.03048 Feferman, Solomon 2 1996 Collected Works. Vol. III: Unpublished essays and lectures. Ed. by Solomon Feferman. Zbl 0826.01038 Goedel, Kurt 30 1995 Predicative foundations of arithmetic. Zbl 0816.03030 Feferman, Solomon; Hellman, Geoffrey 11 1995 Finitary inductively presented logics. Zbl 0823.03032 Feferman, Solomon 6 1994 Systems of explicit mathematics with non-constructive \(\mu\)-operator. I. Zbl 0794.03074 Feferman, Solomon; Jäger, Gerhard 20 1993 Gödel’s Dialectica interpretation and its two-way stretch. Zbl 0815.03036 Feferman, Solomon 5 1993 Logics for termination and correctness of functional programs. Zbl 0754.03018 Feferman, Solomon 11 1992 Logics for termination and correctness of functional programs. II: Logics of strength PRA. Zbl 0790.03029 Feferman, Solomon 8 1992 A new approach to abstract data types. II: Computation on ADTs as ordinary computation. Zbl 0819.68078 Feferman, S. 5 1992 A new approach to abstract data types. I: Informal development. Zbl 0825.68456 Feferman, Solomon 3 1992 Jean van Heijenoort (1912-1986). Zbl 0755.01026 Burdman Feferman, Anita; Feferman, Solomon 1 1992 Reflecting on incompleteness. Zbl 0746.03046 Feferman, Solomon 87 1991 Collected works. Volume II: Publications 1938-1974. Ed. by Solomon Feferman et al. Zbl 0698.01023 Gödel, Kurt 39 1990 Polymorphic typed lambda-calculi in a type-free axiomatic framework. Zbl 0701.03007 Feferman, Solomon 8 1990 Finitary inductively presented logics. Zbl 0682.03031 Feferman, Solomon 5 1989 The number systems. Foundations of algebra and analysis. 2nd ed. Zbl 0674.00001 Feferman, Solomon 2 1989 Hilbert’s Program relativized: Proof-theoretical and foundational reductions. Zbl 0656.03002 Feferman, Solomon 28 1988 Turing in the land of O(z). Zbl 0663.01008 Feferman, Solomon 5 1988 Proof theory. 2nd ed. Zbl 0609.03019 Takeuti, Gaisi 165 1987 Collected works. Volume I: Publications 1929–1936. Ed. by Solomon Feferman et al. Zbl 0592.01035 Gödel, Kurt 36 1986 Model-theoretic logics. (Parts A-C). Zbl 0587.03001 108 1985 Model-theoretic logics. (Parts D-F). Zbl 0587.03002 26 1985 A theory of variable types. Zbl 0615.03045 Feferman, Solomon 10 1985 Intensionality in mathematics. Zbl 0558.03002 Feferman, Solomon 3 1985 Julia Bowman Robinson 1919-1985. Zbl 0571.01026 Henkin, L.; Lehmer, D. H.; Lehmer, Emma; Scott, E.; Kelley, J.; Gaal, L.; Gale, D.; Davis, M.; MacLane, S.; Niven, I.; Pitcher, E.; Blum, L.; Feferman, S. 1 1985 Toward useful type-free theories. I. Zbl 0574.03043 Feferman, Solomon 53 1984 Recent essays on truth and the liar paradox. Zbl 0623.03001 32 1984 Between constructive and classical mathematics. Zbl 0578.03031 Feferman, Solomon 2 1984 Choice principles, the bar rule and autonomously iterated comprehension schemes in analysis. Zbl 0525.03038 Feferman, S.; Jaeger, G. 7 1983 Iterated inductive fixed-point theories: Application to Hancock’s conjecture. Zbl 0522.03045 Feferman, Solomon 32 1982 Monotone inductive definitions. Zbl 0525.03037 Feferman, Solomon 9 1982 Handbook of mathematical logic. With the cooperation of H. J. Keisler, K. Kunen, Y. N. Moschovakis and A. S. Troelstra. Reprint. Zbl 0528.03001 7 1982 Inductively presented systems and the formalization of meta-mathematics. Zbl 0516.03006 Feferman, Solomon 5 1982 Iterated inductive definitions and subsystems of analysis: recent proof-theoretical studies. Zbl 0489.03022 Buchholz, Wilfried; Feferman, Solomon; Pohlers, Wolfram; Sieg, Wilfried 135 1981 To H. B. Curry: Essays on combinatory logic, lambda calculus and formalism. Zbl 0469.03006 148 1980 Constructive theories of functions and classes. Zbl 0441.03022 Feferman, Solomon 73 1979 Generalizing set-theoretical model theory and an analogue theory on admissible sets. Zbl 0439.03010 Feferman, Solomon 6 1979 What does logic have to tell us about mathematical proofs? Zbl 0426.03011 Feferman, Solomon 5 1979 Handbook of mathematical logic. With the cooperation of H. J. Keisler, K. Kunen, Y. N. Moschovakis, A. S. Troelstra. 2nd printing. Zbl 0443.03001 14 1978 Generalized recursion theory II. Proceedings of the 1977 Oslo Symposium. Zbl 0453.03047 8 1978 Categorical foundations and foundations of category theory. Zbl 0401.18001 Feferman, Solomon 14 1977 Recursion in total functionals of finite type. Zbl 0365.02030 Feferman, Solomon 4 1977 Inductive schemata and recursively continuous functionals. Zbl 0422.03023 Feferman, Solomon 4 1977 Generating schemes for partial recursively continuous functionals (summary). Zbl 0446.03035 Feferman, Solomon 2 1977 A language and axioms for explicit mathematics. Zbl 0357.02029 Feferman, Solomon 85 1975 Two notes on abstract model theory. II: Languages for which the set of valid sentences is semi-invariantly implicitly definable. Zbl 0335.02034 Feferman, Solomon 6 1975 ...and 30 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 1,044 Authors 33 Rathjen, Michael 31 Feferman, Solomon 31 Jäger, Gerhard 27 Sanders, Sam 21 Strahm, Thomas 17 Visser, Albert 17 Weiermann, Andreas 15 Kurahashi, Taishi 15 Shelah, Saharon 14 Beklemishev, Lev D. 14 Makowsky, Johann-Andreas 12 Halbach, Volker 12 Nicolai, Carlo 11 Maksimova, Larisa L’vovna 11 Väänänen, Jouko Antero 10 Cantini, Andrea 10 Kahle, Reinhard 9 Avron, Arnon 9 Ferreira, Fernando 9 Kohlenbach, Ulrich Wilhelm 9 Kuncak, Viktor 9 Leigh, Graham Emil 9 Normann, Dag 9 Pohlers, Wolfram 9 Rabinovich, Alexander 9 Sieg, Wilfried 9 Terwijn, Sebastiaan A. 8 Fernández Duque, David 8 Oliva, Paulo 8 Sato, Kentaro 8 van Benthem, Johan F. A. K. 7 Avigad, Jeremy 7 Freund, Anton 7 Fujimoto, Kentaro 7 Macintyre, Angus John 6 Arai, Toshiyasu 6 Joosten, Joost J. 6 Pakhomov, Fedor N. 6 Petrakis, Iosif 6 Shapiro, Stewart 6 Simpson, Stephen G. 5 Badia, Guillermo 5 Barton, Neil 5 Bonnay, Denis 5 Cohen, Liron 5 Doria, Francisco Antonio 5 Enayat, Ali 5 Farah, Ilijas 5 Gordeev, Lev 5 Horsten, Leon 5 Kentaro, Sato 5 Meadows, Toby 5 Mundici, Daniele 5 Németi, István 5 Rossi, Lorenzo 5 Studer, Thomas 5 ten Cate, Balder David 5 Wainer, Stanley Scott 5 Westerståhl, Dag 4 Andréka, Hajnal 4 Anellis, Irving Henry 4 Berger, Ulrich 4 Burris, Stanley N. 4 Caicedo, Xavier 4 Constable, Robert Lee 4 Crosilla, Laura 4 Crossley, John Newsome 4 Da Costa, Newton Carneiro Affonso 4 Dean, Walter 4 Fischer, Martin 4 Friedman, Harvey M. 4 Friedman, Sy-David 4 Frittaion, Emanuele 4 Fujiwara, Makoto 4 Gilmore, Paul C. 4 Glass, Thomas A. 4 Grabmayr, Balthasar 4 Hernest, Mircea-Dan 4 Katz, Mikhail G. 4 Kolaitis, Phokion G. 4 Langer, Alexander 4 Lempp, Steffen 4 Makkai, Michael 4 Maschio, Samuele 4 Murawski, Roman 4 Olin, Philip 4 Olkhovikov, Grigory K. 4 Rantala, Veikko 4 Sacks, Gerald Enoch 4 Schindler, Thomas 4 Schmidt, Diana 4 Scowcroft, Philip 4 Stern, Johannes 4 Sudoplatov, Sergeĭ Vladimirovich 4 Tachtsis, Eleftherios 4 Towsner, Henry 4 Tupailo, Sergei 4 Van den Berg, Benno 4 Walsh, Sean 4 Wilken, Gunnar ...and 944 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 143 Serials 186 Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 84 The Journal of Symbolic Logic 57 Journal of Philosophical Logic 52 Archive for Mathematical Logic 52 The Review of Symbolic Logic 48 Studia Logica 46 Synthese 46 The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 40 Theoretical Computer Science 34 Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 24 Archiv für Mathematische Logik und Grundlagenforschung 24 Mathematical Logic Quarterly (MLQ) 22 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 20 Information and Computation 18 Logica Universalis 15 Algebra Universalis 12 Algebra and Logic 11 Israel Journal of Mathematics 10 Artificial Intelligence 10 Journal of Algebra 10 Siberian Mathematical Journal 10 Logical Methods in Computer Science 9 Advances in Mathematics 9 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 8 The Mathematical Intelligencer 7 Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 7 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 6 Journal of Computer and System Sciences 6 Journal of Logic, Language and Information 6 Erkenntnis 5 Mathematical Notes 5 Compositio Mathematica 5 Mathematical Structures in Computer Science 5 Theory of Computing Systems 5 Topoi 5 Foundations of Science 5 Journal of Mathematical Logic 5 Logic and Logical Philosophy 4 Applied Mathematics and Computation 4 Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society 4 Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico della Università di Padova 4 Journal of Automated Reasoning 4 Indagationes Mathematicae. New Series 4 Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 4 Nôus 4 Journal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming 3 Journal of Soviet Mathematics 3 Monatshefte für Mathematik 3 Pacific Journal of Mathematics 3 History and Philosophy of Logic 3 Journal of Symbolic Computation 3 Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society. New Series 3 Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 3 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 3 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 3 The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming 3 ACM Transactions on Computational Logic 3 Foundations of Physics 3 Sibirskie Èlektronnye Matematicheskie Izvestiya 3 Forum of Mathematics, Sigma 3 Computability 2 Acta Informatica 2 Discrete Applied Mathematics 2 Mathematische Semesterberichte 2 Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata. Serie Quarta 2 Cahiers de Topologie et Géométrie Différentielle Catégoriques 2 Fuzzy Sets and Systems 2 Mathematical Systems Theory 2 Mathematische Zeitschrift 2 Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society 2 Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University 2 Order 2 Historia Mathematica 2 Bulletin of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Mathematics 2 Formal Methods in System Design 2 Applied Categorical Structures 2 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 2 Doklady Mathematics 2 Fundamenta Informaticae 2 Portugaliae Mathematica. Nova Série 2 Journal of Applied Logic 2 Oberwolfach Reports 2 Science in Context 1 Acta Mathematica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 1 American Mathematical Monthly 1 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Information Processing Letters 1 Jahresbericht der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung (DMV) 1 Letters in Mathematical Physics 1 Periodica Mathematica Hungarica 1 Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Annales Scientifiques de l’Université de Clermont-Ferrand II. Mathématiques 1 Archiv der Mathematik 1 Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France 1 Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae 1 Fundamenta Mathematicae 1 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series B 1 Journal of Functional Analysis ...and 43 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 38 Fields 1,207 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 216 Computer science (68-XX) 90 History and biography (01-XX) 78 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 46 Category theory; homological algebra (18-XX) 43 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 30 Combinatorics (05-XX) 30 General algebraic systems (08-XX) 18 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 17 General topology (54-XX) 11 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 10 Number theory (11-XX) 10 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 10 Quantum theory (81-XX) 8 Real functions (26-XX) 7 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 7 Measure and integration (28-XX) 6 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 6 Functional analysis (46-XX) 6 Geometry (51-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 4 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 4 Mathematics education (97-XX) 3 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 3 Sequences, series, summability (40-XX) 3 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 3 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 2 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 1 Operator theory (47-XX) 1 Differential geometry (53-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 1 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 1 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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