Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Feodoritova, O. B. Co-Author Distance Author ID: feodoritova.o-b Published as: Feodoritova, O. B.; Feodoritova, O. Documents Indexed: 32 Publications since 1989 Co-Authors: 24 Co-Authors with 32 Joint Publications 268 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 0 single-authored 29 Zhukov, Viktor Timofeevich 17 Novikova, N. D. 3 Bondarenko, Andrii V. 3 Bondarev, A. E. 3 Galaktionov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 3 Godunov, Sergeĭ Konstantinovich 3 Manukovsky, K. V. 2 Krasnov, M. M. 2 Rykov, Yurii G. 2 Zabrodin, Aleksei Valerievich 1 Andreev, S. V. 1 Babii, D. P. 1 Bobkov, Vladimir G. 1 Borisov, V. E. 1 Duben’, A. P. 1 Fedorenko, R. P. 1 Ilovayskaya, E. B. 1 Kamenetskii, D. S. 1 Kravchenko, Sergey V. 1 Ososkov, M. V. 1 Strakhovskaya, L. G. 1 Young, David P. 1 Zheltov, S. Yu. 1 Zhukov, A. T. all top 5 Serials 9 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 9 Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie 4 Mathematica Montisnigri 3 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 2 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 1 Programming and Computer Software 1 Institut Prikladnoĭ Matematiki Imeni M. V. Keldysha Rossiĭskoĭ Akademii Nauk. Moskva. Preprint 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) all top 5 Fields 19 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 14 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 14 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 5 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 2 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 1 Computer science (68-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 19 Publications have been cited 49 times in 36 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Multigrid method for elliptic equations with anisotropic discontinuous coefficients. Zbl 1325.65171 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 6 2015 On the difference approximations of overdetermined hyperbolic equations of classical mathematical physics. Zbl 1210.35168 Babij, D. P.; Godunov, S. K.; Zhukov, V. T.; Feodoritova, O. B. 6 2007 On the solution of evolution equations based on multigrid and explicit iterative methods. Zbl 1327.65189 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 4 2015 An approach to time integration of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1456.76086 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 4 2020 A method of solving the two-dimensional equations of the dynamics of a heat-conducting gas in regions of complicated shape. Zbl 0798.76062 Zhukov, V. T.; Zabrodin, A. V.; Feodoritova, O. B. 3 1993 Parallel multigrid method for solving elliptic equations. Zbl 1313.35068 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 3 2014 On development of parallel algorithms for solving parabolic and elliptic equations. Zbl 1468.65132 Zhukov, V. T.; Feodoritova, O. B. 3 2021 Multigrid for anisotropic diffusion problems based on adaptive Chebyshev’s smoothers. Zbl 1324.76064 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 3 2014 Multigrid for finite element discretizations of aerodynamics equations. Zbl 1228.76045 Zhukov, V. T.; Feodoritova, O. B. 3 2011 Iterative algorithms for higher order finite elements schemes. Zbl 1058.65106 Feodoritova, O. B.; Young, D. P.; Zhukov, V. T. 3 2004 Development of numerical methodology for unsteady fluid-solid thermal interaction in multicomponent flow simulation. Zbl 07688790 Feodoritova, O. B.; Novikova, N. D.; Zhukov, V. T. 3 2023 Features of the numerical simulation of the target of inertial thermonuclear synthesis in the approximation of heat conduction gas dynamics. Zbl 0835.76069 Zhukov, V. T.; Zabrodin, A. V.; Feodoritova, O. B. 1 1994 Systems of quasilinear conservation laws and algorithmization of variational principles. Zbl 1336.35235 Rykov, Yu. G.; Feodoritova, O. B. 1 2015 An explicit-iterative scheme for the time integration of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1457.76113 Zhukov, V. T.; Feodoritova, O. B.; Novikova, N. D.; Duben’, A. P. 1 2020 An adaptive Chebyshev iterative method. Zbl 1447.65177 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 1 2018 Multigrid method for numerical modelling of high temperature superconductors. Zbl 1499.65477 Feodoritova, O. B.; Krasnov, M. M.; Novikova, N. D.; Zhukov, V. T. 1 2022 Numerical simulation of aerodynamics of vertical-axis wind turbines. Zbl 1456.76099 Bobkov, V. G.; Bondarev, A. E.; Bondarenko, A. V.; Galaktionov, V. A.; Zhukov, V. T.; Manukovskiĭ, K. V.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 1 2020 Computational model for high-speed multicomponent flows. Zbl 1488.35416 Borisov, V. E.; Feodoritova, O. B.; Novikova, N. D.; Rykov, Yu. G.; Zhukov, V. T. 1 2020 Numerical method of quasi-isometric parametrization for two-dimensional curvilinear domains. Zbl 1451.65017 Godunov, S. K.; Zhukov, V. T.; Feodoritova, O. B. 1 2020 Development of numerical methodology for unsteady fluid-solid thermal interaction in multicomponent flow simulation. Zbl 07688790 Feodoritova, O. B.; Novikova, N. D.; Zhukov, V. T. 3 2023 Multigrid method for numerical modelling of high temperature superconductors. Zbl 1499.65477 Feodoritova, O. B.; Krasnov, M. M.; Novikova, N. D.; Zhukov, V. T. 1 2022 On development of parallel algorithms for solving parabolic and elliptic equations. Zbl 1468.65132 Zhukov, V. T.; Feodoritova, O. B. 3 2021 An approach to time integration of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1456.76086 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 4 2020 An explicit-iterative scheme for the time integration of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 1457.76113 Zhukov, V. T.; Feodoritova, O. B.; Novikova, N. D.; Duben’, A. P. 1 2020 Numerical simulation of aerodynamics of vertical-axis wind turbines. Zbl 1456.76099 Bobkov, V. G.; Bondarev, A. E.; Bondarenko, A. V.; Galaktionov, V. A.; Zhukov, V. T.; Manukovskiĭ, K. V.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 1 2020 Computational model for high-speed multicomponent flows. Zbl 1488.35416 Borisov, V. E.; Feodoritova, O. B.; Novikova, N. D.; Rykov, Yu. G.; Zhukov, V. T. 1 2020 Numerical method of quasi-isometric parametrization for two-dimensional curvilinear domains. Zbl 1451.65017 Godunov, S. K.; Zhukov, V. T.; Feodoritova, O. B. 1 2020 An adaptive Chebyshev iterative method. Zbl 1447.65177 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 1 2018 Multigrid method for elliptic equations with anisotropic discontinuous coefficients. Zbl 1325.65171 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 6 2015 On the solution of evolution equations based on multigrid and explicit iterative methods. Zbl 1327.65189 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 4 2015 Systems of quasilinear conservation laws and algorithmization of variational principles. Zbl 1336.35235 Rykov, Yu. G.; Feodoritova, O. B. 1 2015 Parallel multigrid method for solving elliptic equations. Zbl 1313.35068 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 3 2014 Multigrid for anisotropic diffusion problems based on adaptive Chebyshev’s smoothers. Zbl 1324.76064 Zhukov, V. T.; Novikova, N. D.; Feodoritova, O. B. 3 2014 Multigrid for finite element discretizations of aerodynamics equations. Zbl 1228.76045 Zhukov, V. T.; Feodoritova, O. B. 3 2011 On the difference approximations of overdetermined hyperbolic equations of classical mathematical physics. Zbl 1210.35168 Babij, D. P.; Godunov, S. K.; Zhukov, V. T.; Feodoritova, O. B. 6 2007 Iterative algorithms for higher order finite elements schemes. Zbl 1058.65106 Feodoritova, O. B.; Young, D. P.; Zhukov, V. T. 3 2004 Features of the numerical simulation of the target of inertial thermonuclear synthesis in the approximation of heat conduction gas dynamics. Zbl 0835.76069 Zhukov, V. T.; Zabrodin, A. V.; Feodoritova, O. B. 1 1994 A method of solving the two-dimensional equations of the dynamics of a heat-conducting gas in regions of complicated shape. Zbl 0798.76062 Zhukov, V. T.; Zabrodin, A. V.; Feodoritova, O. B. 3 1993 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 58 Authors 14 Zhukov, Viktor Timofeevich 13 Feodoritova, O. B. 9 Novikova, N. D. 3 Bochev, M. A. 2 Gorobets, Andrey V. 2 Pan, Kejia 2 Saurel, Richard 2 Sayidova, N. S. 2 Wu, Xiaoxin 2 Yu, Yunlong 1 Aksenov, Alexey G. 1 Belykh, Vladimir Nikitich 1 Bondarenko, Andrii V. 1 Bondarev, A. E. 1 Brushlinskij, K. V. 1 Burmasheva, Natal’ya Vladimirovna 1 Chetverushkin, Boris Nikolaevich 1 Duben’, A. P. 1 Fahurdinov, I. A. 1 Favrie, Nicolas 1 Galaktionov, Vladimir Aleksandrovich 1 Gasilov, Vladimir A. 1 Gavrilyuk, Sergey L. 1 Godunov, Sergeĭ Konstantinovich 1 Gordin, Vladimir A. 1 Grmela, Miroslav 1 Hu, Hongling 1 Kamenetskii, D. S. 1 Kiselev, Sergey P. 1 Kraiko, A. N. 1 Kravchenko, Sergey V. 1 Kudryavtsev, Alexey N. 1 Kulikovskiĭ, Andreĭ Gennad’evich 1 Lazareva, Galina G. 1 LeMartelot, S. 1 Li, Zhilin 1 Magomedov, A. R. 1 Malek, Rajae 1 Mali, V. I. 1 Manukovsky, K. V. 1 Nkonga, Boniface 1 Ol’khovskaya, O. G. 1 Peshkov, Ilya M. 1 Peskova, Elizaveta Evgen’evna 1 Prosviryakov, Evgeniĭ Yur’evich 1 Pukhnachov, Vladislav Vasil’evich 1 Romenskii, Evgenii I. 1 Ryaben’kiĭ, Viktor Solomonovich 1 Rykov, Yurii G. 1 Savenkov, E. B. 1 Shadrin, D. A. 1 Sheng, Zhiqiang 1 Sukov, Sergeĭ Aleksandrovich 1 Trashkeev, S. I. 1 Vaskevich, Vladimir Leont’evich 1 Yazovtseva, O. S. 1 Yuan, Guangwei 1 Ziti, Chérif all top 5 Cited in 14 Serials 9 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 6 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 6 Matematicheskoe Modelirovanie 3 Journal of Computational Physics 2 Zhurnal Vychislitel’noĭ Matematiki i Matematicheskoĭ Fiziki 1 Russian Mathematical Surveys 1 Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 1 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 1 Doklady Mathematics 1 Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics 1 Communications in Computational Physics 1 Vestnik Samarskogo Gosudarstvennogo Tekhnicheskogo Universiteta. Seriya Fiziko-Matematicheskie Nauki 1 International Journal of Differential Equations all top 5 Cited in 11 Fields 21 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 17 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 10 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 8 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 2 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 2 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 History and biography (01-XX) 1 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 1 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 1 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) Citations by Year