Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Fisher, Ronald Aylmer (b. 1890 d. 1962) Co-Author Distance Author ID: fisher.ronald-aylmer Published as: Fisher, R. A.; Fisher, Ronald A.; Fisher, Sir Ronald A.; Fisher, Ronald; Fisher, Ronald Aylmer; Fisher, Sir Ronald; Fisher, Sir R.; Fisher, R.-A. more...less External Links: MacTutor · MGP · Wikidata · GND · IdRef Documents Indexed: 122 Publications since 1912, including 22 Books 1 Further Contribution Biographic References: 37 Publications Co-Authors: 6 Co-Authors with 15 Joint Publications 18 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 104 single-authored 7 Yates, Frank 3 Bennett, J. H. 3 Wishart, John 2 Cornish, Edmund Alfred 1 Ansell, P. R. 1 Cowan, Jack D. 1 Dugué, Daniel 1 Haldane, John Burdon Sanderson 1 Hodgkin, A. L. 1 Huxley, Andrew Fielding 1 McCulloch, Warren Sturgis 1 Murray, James Dickson 1 Pitts, Walter Harry 1 Provine, William B. 1 Rinzel, John 1 Tippett, Leonard Henry Caleb 1 Turing, Alan Mathison all top 5 Serials 33 Annals of Eugenics 9 Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 9 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A 5 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B 4 Biometrics 4 Sankhyā. Series A. Methods and Techniques 4 Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society. Second Series 3 The Mathematical Gazette 3 Sankhyā 2 Econometrica 2 Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Séances de l’Académie des Sciences, Paris 2 Nature, London 2 Science 2 Annals of Mathematical Statistics 2 Journal of the Royal Statistical Society 1 Metrika 1 Technometrics 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences 1 Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 1 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series A 1 Revue de l’Institut International de Statistique all top 5 Fields 22 Statistics (62-XX) 5 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 5 History and biography (01-XX) 5 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 2 Combinatorics (05-XX) 2 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 1 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 102 Publications have been cited 5,979 times in 5,310 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ The wave of advance of advantageous genes. JFM 63.1111.04 Fisher, R. A. 1,495 1937 The genetical theory of natural selection. JFM 56.1106.13 Fisher, R. A. 619 1930 Theory of statistical estimation. JFM 51.0385.01 Fisher, R. A. 396 1925 Limiting forms of the frequency distribution of the largest or smallest member of a sample. JFM 54.0560.05 Fisher, R. A.; Tippett, L. H. C. 391 1928 On the mathematical foundations of theoretical statistics. JFM 48.1280.02 Fisher, R. A. 357 1922 Statistical methods for research workers. JFM 51.0414.08 Fisher, R. A. 252 1925 Statistical methods for research workers. 4th ed. revised and enlarged. JFM 58.1161.04 Fisher, R. A. 177 1932 Statistical methods and scientific inference. Zbl 0070.36903 Fisher, Ronald A. 142 1956 The logic of inductive inference. Zbl 0011.03205 Fisher, R. A. 141 1935 Inverse probability. JFM 56.1083.05 Fisher, R. A. 136 1930 Statistical methods for research workers. 5th revised and enlarged edition. JFM 60.1162.01 Fisher, R. A. 103 1934 Moments and cumulants in the specification of distributions. JFM 63.1081.01 Cornish, E. A.; Fisher, R. A. 92 1937 Tests of significance in harmonic analysis. JFM 55.0950.16 Fisher, R. A. 91 1929 Statistical methods for research workers. 7th ed. JFM 64.0544.03 Fisher, R. A. 90 1938 Statistical methods and scientific inference. 3rd ed. Zbl 0281.62002 Fisher, Sir Ronald A. 86 1973 The fiducial argument in statistical inference. JFM 62.1345.02 Fisher, R. A. 84 1936 The effect of methods of ascertainment upon the estimation of frequencies. JFM 62.1373.02 Fisher, R. A. 78 1935 Disperion on a sphere. Zbl 0051.37105 Fisher, Ronald 74 1953 An examination of the different possible solutions of a problem in incomplete blocks. Zbl 0063.01383 Fisher, R. A. 64 1940 Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research. JFM 64.1202.02 Fisher, R. A.; Yates, F. 63 1938 Two new properties of mathematical likelihood. Zbl 0009.21902 Fisher, R. A. 60 1934 The statistical utilization of multiple measurements. Zbl 0019.35703 Fisher, R. A. 49 1938 The percentile points of distributions having known cumulants. Zbl 0095.13704 Fisher, Sir Ronald A.; Cornish, E. A. 47 1960 The general sampling distribution of the multiple correlation coefficient. JFM 54.0558.03 Fisher, R. A. 45 1928 Contributions to mathematical statistics. Zbl 0040.36201 Fisher, R. A. 43 1950 Moments and product moments of sampling distributions. JFM 55.0924.01 Fisher, R. A. 35 1929 Statistical tables for Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research. Rev. ed. Research. Rev. ed. Zbl 0030.31503 Fisher, Ronald A.; Yates, Frank 34 1948 The logic of inductive inference. JFM 61.1308.06 Fisher, R. A. 34 1935 The distribution of gene ratios for rare mutations. JFM 56.1107.09 Fisher, R. A. 32 1930 The precision of discriminant functions. Zbl 0063.01384 Fisher, R. A. 30 1940 On an absolute criterion for fitting frequency curves. JFM 43.0302.01 Fisher, R. A. 27 1912 The genetical theory of natural selection. A complete variorum edition. Edited and with a foreword and notes by J. H. Bennett. Revised reprint of the 1930 original. Zbl 1033.92022 Fisher, R. A. 27 1999 The design of experiments. JFM 61.0566.03 Fisher, R. A. 26 1937 Statistical methods and scientific induction. Zbl 0066.38008 Fisher, Ronald 26 1955 The sampling distribution of some statistics obtained from nonlinear equations. Zbl 0022.37202 Fisher, R. A. 26 1939 Applications of “Student’s” distribution. JFM 51.0387.01 Fisher, R. A. 25 1925 The negative binomial distribution. Zbl 0060.29608 Fisher, R. A. 21 1941 The moments of the distribution for normal samples of measures of departure from normality. JFM 56.1106.16 Fisher, R. A. 20 1930 Statistical inference and analysis. Selected correspondence of R. A. Fisher. Ed. by J. H. Bennett. Zbl 0712.01007 Fisher, R. A. 20 1990 Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research. 2. edit. Zbl 0028.41204 Fisher, Ronald A.; Yates, Frank 20 1943 Two new properties of mathematical likelihood. JFM 60.1156.01 Fisher, R. A. 18 1934 The theory of confounding in factorial experiments in relation to the theory of groups. Zbl 0060.31502 Fisher, R. A. 18 1942 A system of confounding for factors with more than two alternatives, giving completely orthogonal cubes and higher powers. Zbl 0060.31503 Fisher, R. A. 17 1945 The concepts of inverse probability and fiducial probability referring to unknown parameters. Zbl 0006.17401 Fisher, R. A. 17 1933 The theory of inbreeding. Zbl 0040.22603 Fisher, Ronald A. 15 1949 The comparison of samples with possibly unequal variances. Zbl 0022.06307 Fisher, R. A. 14 1939 Statistical methods for research workers. 14th ed. revised and enlarged. Zbl 0283.62002 Fisher, Sir Ronald A. 13 1973 Statistical methods for research workers. 3rd ed. JFM 56.1106.12 Fisher, R. A. 13 1930 On a test of significance in Pearson’s Biometrika Tables (No. 11). Zbl 0070.37304 Fisher, Sir Ronald 12 1956 The \(6\times 6\) Latin squares. Zbl 0010.10301 Fisher, R. A.; Yates, F. 12 1934 The 6x6 Latin squares. JFM 60.0875.07 Fisher, R. A.; Yates, F. 11 1934 Statistical methods for research workers. 2nd ed. JFM 54.0573.07 Fisher, R. A. 10 1928 On a distribution yielding the error functions of several well known statistics. JFM 54.0564.02 Fisher, R. A. 10 1928 Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research. Zbl 0079.35206 Fisher, Sir Ronald A.; Yates, Frank 10 1957 The simultaneous distribution of correlation coefficients. Zbl 0105.33702 Fisher, Ronald A. 8 1962 Sampling the reference set. Zbl 0095.33402 Fisher, Ronald A. 8 1961 The statistical utilization of multiple measurements. JFM 64.1216.01 Fisher, R. A. 7 1938 Uncertain inference. JFM 62.1010.02 Fisher, Ronald Aylmer 7 1936 The asymptotic approach to Behrens’s integral, with further tables for the \(d\) test of significance. Zbl 0063.01385 Fisher, R. A. 7 1941 Uncertain inference. Zbl 0015.36301 Fisher, Ronald Aylmer 7 1936 Expansion of “Student’s” integral in powers of \(n^{-1}\). JFM 51.0387.03 Fisher, R. A. 6 1925 A theoretical system of selection for homostyle Primula. Zbl 0040.22704 Fisher, R. A. 6 1949 The place of the design of experiments in the logic of scientific inference. Zbl 0138.14102 Fisher, R. A. 6 1965 Statistical methods, experimental design and scientific inference. A re-issue of ‘Statistical methods for research workers’, ‘The design of experiments’, and ‘Statistical methods and scientific inference’. Ed. by J. H. Bennett. With a foreword by F. Yates. Zbl 0705.62003 Fisher, R. A. 6 1990 Professor Karl Pearson and the method of moments. JFM 63.1089.05 Fisher, R. A. 5 1937 The concepts of inverse probability and fiducial probability referring to unknown parameters. JFM 59.1207.02 Fisher, R. A. 5 1933 The logical inversion of the notion of the random variable. Zbl 0060.30110 Fisher, R. A. 5 1945 A quantitative theory of genetic recombination and chiasma formation. Zbl 0129.34801 Fisher, R. A. 5 1964 Randomisation, and an old enigma of card play. Zbl 0010.17403 Fisher, R. A. 5 1934 The comparison of samples with possibly unequal variances. JFM 65.0596.03 Fisher, R. A. 4 1939 Collected papers of R. A. Fisher. Vol. I, 1912-24. Zbl 0292.62002 Fisher, R. A. 4 1971 Inverse probability and the use of likelihood. JFM 58.1181.06 Fisher, R. A. 4 1932 New tables of Behrens’ test of significance. Zbl 0072.36006 Fisher, R. A.; Healy, M. J. R. 4 1956 On the similarity of the distributions found for the test of significance in harmonic analysis and in Steven’s problem in geometrical probability. Zbl 0063.01382 Fisher, R. A. 4 1940 The mathematical distributions used in the common tests of significance. Zbl 0012.21702 Fisher, R. A. 4 1935 The precision of discriminant functions. JFM 66.0647.01 Fisher, R. A. 3 1940 The amount of information supplied by records of families as a function of the linkage in the population sampled. JFM 62.1374.01 Fisher, R. A. 3 1935 The underworld of probability. Zbl 0081.35902 Fisher, Ronald A. 3 1957 On some extensions of Bayesian inference proposed by Mr. Lindley. Zbl 0098.32704 Fisher, R. A. 3 1960 “Student.” Nachruf auf W. S. Gosset. Zbl 0020.14806 Fisher, R. A. 3 1939 The sampling distribution of some statistics obtained from non-linear equations. JFM 65.0572.03 Fisher, R. A. 2 1939 Note on Dr. Burnside’s recent paper on errors of observation. JFM 49.0372.01 Fisher, R. A. 2 1923 The detection of linkage with “dominant” abnormalities. JFM 62.1374.03 Fisher, R. A. 2 1935 The derivation of the pattern formulae of two-way partitions from those of simpler patterns. JFM 57.0625.01 Fisher, R. A.; Wishart, John 2 1931 Applications of vector analysis to geometry. JFM 44.0686.02 Fisher, R. A. 2 1913 Un résultat assez inattendu d’arithmétique des lois de probabilité. Zbl 0038.08602 Fisher, Ronald Aylmer; Dugue, Daniel 2 1948 Completely orthogonal \(9\times 9\) squares. A correction. Zbl 0060.02705 Fisher, R. A. 2 1942 A note on fiducial inference. Zbl 0063.01381 Fisher, R. A. 2 1939 New cyclic solutions to problems in incomplete blocks. Zbl 0063.01386 Fisher, R. A. 2 1942 Mathematical probability in the natural sciences. Zbl 0094.31701 Fisher, R. A. 2 1959 The derivation of the pattern formulae of two-way partitions from those of simpler patterns. Zbl 0003.35704 Fisher, R. A.; Wishart, John 2 1931 Inverse probability and the use of likelihood. Zbl 0005.17404 Fisher, R. A. 2 1932 “Student”. JFM 65.1091.05 Fisher, R. A. 1 1939 Note on the numerical evalution of a Bessel function derivative. JFM 52.0368.02 Ansell, P. R.; Fisher, R. A. 1 1926 The detection of linkage with recessive abnormalities. JFM 62.1374.04 Fisher, R. A. 1 1936 Randomisation, and an old enigma of card play. JFM 60.1198.23 Fisher, R. A. 1 1934 The analysis of variance with various binomial transformations. Zbl 0058.12706 Fisher, Ronald 1 1954 The weighted mean of two normal samples with unknown variance ratio. Zbl 0099.35701 Fisher, Ronald A. 1 1961 The significance of deviations from expectation in a Poisson series. Zbl 0124.09905 Fisher, R. A. 1 1964 Some combinatorial theorems and enumerations connected with the numbers of diagonal types of a Latin square. Zbl 0060.02704 Fisher, R. A. 1 1942 The genetical theory of natural selection. A complete variorum edition. Edited and with a foreword and notes by J. H. Bennett. Revised reprint of the 1930 original. Zbl 1033.92022 Fisher, R. A. 27 1999 Statistical inference and analysis. Selected correspondence of R. A. Fisher. Ed. by J. H. Bennett. Zbl 0712.01007 Fisher, R. A. 20 1990 Statistical methods, experimental design and scientific inference. A re-issue of ‘Statistical methods for research workers’, ‘The design of experiments’, and ‘Statistical methods and scientific inference’. Ed. by J. H. Bennett. With a foreword by F. Yates. Zbl 0705.62003 Fisher, R. A. 6 1990 Statistical methods and scientific inference. 3rd ed. Zbl 0281.62002 Fisher, Sir Ronald A. 86 1973 Statistical methods for research workers. 14th ed. revised and enlarged. Zbl 0283.62002 Fisher, Sir Ronald A. 13 1973 Collected papers of R. A. Fisher. Vol. I, 1912-24. Zbl 0292.62002 Fisher, R. A. 4 1971 The place of the design of experiments in the logic of scientific inference. Zbl 0138.14102 Fisher, R. A. 6 1965 A quantitative theory of genetic recombination and chiasma formation. Zbl 0129.34801 Fisher, R. A. 5 1964 The significance of deviations from expectation in a Poisson series. Zbl 0124.09905 Fisher, R. A. 1 1964 The simultaneous distribution of correlation coefficients. Zbl 0105.33702 Fisher, Ronald A. 8 1962 Sampling the reference set. Zbl 0095.33402 Fisher, Ronald A. 8 1961 The weighted mean of two normal samples with unknown variance ratio. Zbl 0099.35701 Fisher, Ronald A. 1 1961 The percentile points of distributions having known cumulants. Zbl 0095.13704 Fisher, Sir Ronald A.; Cornish, E. A. 47 1960 On some extensions of Bayesian inference proposed by Mr. Lindley. Zbl 0098.32704 Fisher, R. A. 3 1960 Mathematical probability in the natural sciences. Zbl 0094.31701 Fisher, R. A. 2 1959 Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research. Zbl 0079.35206 Fisher, Sir Ronald A.; Yates, Frank 10 1957 The underworld of probability. Zbl 0081.35902 Fisher, Ronald A. 3 1957 Statistical methods and scientific inference. Zbl 0070.36903 Fisher, Ronald A. 142 1956 On a test of significance in Pearson’s Biometrika Tables (No. 11). Zbl 0070.37304 Fisher, Sir Ronald 12 1956 New tables of Behrens’ test of significance. Zbl 0072.36006 Fisher, R. A.; Healy, M. J. R. 4 1956 Statistical methods and scientific induction. Zbl 0066.38008 Fisher, Ronald 26 1955 The analysis of variance with various binomial transformations. Zbl 0058.12706 Fisher, Ronald 1 1954 Disperion on a sphere. Zbl 0051.37105 Fisher, Ronald 74 1953 Contributions to mathematical statistics. Zbl 0040.36201 Fisher, R. A. 43 1950 The theory of inbreeding. Zbl 0040.22603 Fisher, Ronald A. 15 1949 A theoretical system of selection for homostyle Primula. Zbl 0040.22704 Fisher, R. A. 6 1949 Statistical tables for Biological, Agricultural and Medical Research. Rev. ed. Research. Rev. ed. Zbl 0030.31503 Fisher, Ronald A.; Yates, Frank 34 1948 Un résultat assez inattendu d’arithmétique des lois de probabilité. Zbl 0038.08602 Fisher, Ronald Aylmer; Dugue, Daniel 2 1948 A system of confounding for factors with more than two alternatives, giving completely orthogonal cubes and higher powers. Zbl 0060.31503 Fisher, R. A. 17 1945 The logical inversion of the notion of the random variable. Zbl 0060.30110 Fisher, R. A. 5 1945 Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research. 2. edit. Zbl 0028.41204 Fisher, Ronald A.; Yates, Frank 20 1943 The theory of confounding in factorial experiments in relation to the theory of groups. Zbl 0060.31502 Fisher, R. A. 18 1942 Completely orthogonal \(9\times 9\) squares. A correction. Zbl 0060.02705 Fisher, R. A. 2 1942 New cyclic solutions to problems in incomplete blocks. Zbl 0063.01386 Fisher, R. A. 2 1942 Some combinatorial theorems and enumerations connected with the numbers of diagonal types of a Latin square. Zbl 0060.02704 Fisher, R. A. 1 1942 The negative binomial distribution. Zbl 0060.29608 Fisher, R. A. 21 1941 The asymptotic approach to Behrens’s integral, with further tables for the \(d\) test of significance. Zbl 0063.01385 Fisher, R. A. 7 1941 An examination of the different possible solutions of a problem in incomplete blocks. Zbl 0063.01383 Fisher, R. A. 64 1940 The precision of discriminant functions. Zbl 0063.01384 Fisher, R. A. 30 1940 On the similarity of the distributions found for the test of significance in harmonic analysis and in Steven’s problem in geometrical probability. Zbl 0063.01382 Fisher, R. A. 4 1940 The precision of discriminant functions. JFM 66.0647.01 Fisher, R. A. 3 1940 The sampling distribution of some statistics obtained from nonlinear equations. Zbl 0022.37202 Fisher, R. A. 26 1939 The comparison of samples with possibly unequal variances. Zbl 0022.06307 Fisher, R. A. 14 1939 The comparison of samples with possibly unequal variances. JFM 65.0596.03 Fisher, R. A. 4 1939 “Student.” Nachruf auf W. S. Gosset. Zbl 0020.14806 Fisher, R. A. 3 1939 The sampling distribution of some statistics obtained from non-linear equations. JFM 65.0572.03 Fisher, R. A. 2 1939 A note on fiducial inference. Zbl 0063.01381 Fisher, R. A. 2 1939 “Student”. JFM 65.1091.05 Fisher, R. A. 1 1939 Stage of development as a factor influencing the variance in the number of offspring, frequency of mutants and related quantities. Zbl 0022.25202 Fisher, R. A. 1 1939 Statistical methods for research workers. 7th ed. JFM 64.0544.03 Fisher, R. A. 90 1938 Statistical tables for biological, agricultural and medical research. JFM 64.1202.02 Fisher, R. A.; Yates, F. 63 1938 The statistical utilization of multiple measurements. Zbl 0019.35703 Fisher, R. A. 49 1938 The statistical utilization of multiple measurements. JFM 64.1216.01 Fisher, R. A. 7 1938 The wave of advance of advantageous genes. JFM 63.1111.04 Fisher, R. A. 1,495 1937 Moments and cumulants in the specification of distributions. JFM 63.1081.01 Cornish, E. A.; Fisher, R. A. 92 1937 The design of experiments. JFM 61.0566.03 Fisher, R. A. 26 1937 Professor Karl Pearson and the method of moments. JFM 63.1089.05 Fisher, R. A. 5 1937 The fiducial argument in statistical inference. JFM 62.1345.02 Fisher, R. A. 84 1936 Uncertain inference. JFM 62.1010.02 Fisher, Ronald Aylmer 7 1936 Uncertain inference. Zbl 0015.36301 Fisher, Ronald Aylmer 7 1936 The detection of linkage with recessive abnormalities. JFM 62.1374.04 Fisher, R. A. 1 1936 The logic of inductive inference. Zbl 0011.03205 Fisher, R. A. 141 1935 The effect of methods of ascertainment upon the estimation of frequencies. JFM 62.1373.02 Fisher, R. A. 78 1935 The logic of inductive inference. JFM 61.1308.06 Fisher, R. A. 34 1935 The mathematical distributions used in the common tests of significance. Zbl 0012.21702 Fisher, R. A. 4 1935 The amount of information supplied by records of families as a function of the linkage in the population sampled. JFM 62.1374.01 Fisher, R. A. 3 1935 The detection of linkage with “dominant” abnormalities. JFM 62.1374.03 Fisher, R. A. 2 1935 Statistical methods for research workers. 5th revised and enlarged edition. JFM 60.1162.01 Fisher, R. A. 103 1934 Two new properties of mathematical likelihood. Zbl 0009.21902 Fisher, R. A. 60 1934 Two new properties of mathematical likelihood. JFM 60.1156.01 Fisher, R. A. 18 1934 The \(6\times 6\) Latin squares. Zbl 0010.10301 Fisher, R. A.; Yates, F. 12 1934 The 6x6 Latin squares. JFM 60.0875.07 Fisher, R. A.; Yates, F. 11 1934 Randomisation, and an old enigma of card play. Zbl 0010.17403 Fisher, R. A. 5 1934 Randomisation, and an old enigma of card play. JFM 60.1198.23 Fisher, R. A. 1 1934 Probability likelihood and quantity of information in the logic of uncertain inference. Zbl 0010.07101 Fisher, R. A. 1 1934 The concepts of inverse probability and fiducial probability referring to unknown parameters. Zbl 0006.17401 Fisher, R. A. 17 1933 The concepts of inverse probability and fiducial probability referring to unknown parameters. JFM 59.1207.02 Fisher, R. A. 5 1933 Statistical methods for research workers. 4th ed. revised and enlarged. JFM 58.1161.04 Fisher, R. A. 177 1932 Inverse probability and the use of likelihood. JFM 58.1181.06 Fisher, R. A. 4 1932 Inverse probability and the use of likelihood. Zbl 0005.17404 Fisher, R. A. 2 1932 The derivation of the pattern formulae of two-way partitions from those of simpler patterns. JFM 57.0625.01 Fisher, R. A.; Wishart, John 2 1931 The derivation of the pattern formulae of two-way partitions from those of simpler patterns. Zbl 0003.35704 Fisher, R. A.; Wishart, John 2 1931 The genetical theory of natural selection. JFM 56.1106.13 Fisher, R. A. 619 1930 Inverse probability. JFM 56.1083.05 Fisher, R. A. 136 1930 The distribution of gene ratios for rare mutations. JFM 56.1107.09 Fisher, R. A. 32 1930 The moments of the distribution for normal samples of measures of departure from normality. JFM 56.1106.16 Fisher, R. A. 20 1930 Statistical methods for research workers. 3rd ed. JFM 56.1106.12 Fisher, R. A. 13 1930 Tests of significance in harmonic analysis. JFM 55.0950.16 Fisher, R. A. 91 1929 Moments and product moments of sampling distributions. JFM 55.0924.01 Fisher, R. A. 35 1929 Limiting forms of the frequency distribution of the largest or smallest member of a sample. JFM 54.0560.05 Fisher, R. A.; Tippett, L. H. C. 391 1928 The general sampling distribution of the multiple correlation coefficient. JFM 54.0558.03 Fisher, R. A. 45 1928 Statistical methods for research workers. 2nd ed. JFM 54.0573.07 Fisher, R. A. 10 1928 On a distribution yielding the error functions of several well known statistics. JFM 54.0564.02 Fisher, R. A. 10 1928 Note on the numerical evalution of a Bessel function derivative. JFM 52.0368.02 Ansell, P. R.; Fisher, R. A. 1 1926 Theory of statistical estimation. JFM 51.0385.01 Fisher, R. A. 396 1925 Statistical methods for research workers. JFM 51.0414.08 Fisher, R. A. 252 1925 Applications of “Student’s” distribution. JFM 51.0387.01 Fisher, R. A. 25 1925 Expansion of “Student’s” integral in powers of \(n^{-1}\). JFM 51.0387.03 Fisher, R. A. 6 1925 Note on Dr. Burnside’s recent paper on errors of observation. JFM 49.0372.01 Fisher, R. A. 2 1923 On the mathematical foundations of theoretical statistics. JFM 48.1280.02 Fisher, R. A. 357 1922 ...and 2 more Documents all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 7,697 Authors 43 Nadarajah, Saralees 33 Shen, Wenxian 32 Macías-Díaz, Jorge Eduardo 32 Withers, Christopher Stroude 31 Hamel, François 29 Simpson, Matthew J. 28 Li, Wan-Tong 25 Feldman, Marcus W. 24 Fraser, Donald A. S. 23 Lessard, Sabin 22 Du, Yihong 21 Nalewajski, Roman F. 20 Bailey, Rosemary A. 20 Bickel, David R. 18 Hannig, Jan 18 Lutscher, Frithjof 17 Berestycki, Henri 17 Dehesa, Jesús S. 17 Nadin, Grégoire 17 Wang, Zhicheng 16 Roques, Lionel J. 16 Zlatoš, Andrej 14 Balakrishnan, Narayanaswamy 14 Martin, Ryan 13 Alfaro, Matthieu 13 Liang, Xing 13 Mukhopadhyay, Nitis 13 Petrovskii, Sergei V. 13 Ryzhik, Lenya 13 Salako, Rachidi Bolaji 12 Eshel, Ilan 12 Guillou, Armelle 11 McCue, Scott William 11 Reid, Nancy 11 Roquejoffre, Jean-Michel 11 Yin, Jingxue 10 Bennett, Bruce M. 10 Brunet, Éric 10 Leal de Carvalho Gomes, Maria Ivette 10 Henderson, Christopher 10 Lin, Guo 10 Luo, Shunlong 10 Maini, Philip Kumar 10 Mudholkar, Govind S. 10 Rossi, Luca 10 Sen, K. D. 10 Uyenoyama, Marcy K. 9 Beh, Eric J. 9 Bradshaw-Hajek, Bronwyn H. 9 Etheridge, Alison Mary 9 Guo, Jong-Shenq 9 Guo, Shangjiang 9 Krishnamoorthy, Kalimuthu 9 Lewis, Mark Alun 9 Mimura, Masayasu 9 Vovk, Vladimir G. 9 Wakeley, John 9 Yi, Taishan 8 Berestycki, Julien 8 Bouin, Emeric 8 Davison, Anthony C. 8 Ducrot, Arnaud 8 Ferraz do Nascimento, Fernando 8 Iwasa, Yoh 8 Landman, Kerry A. 8 Powell, James A. 8 Shapovalov, Aleksandr V. 8 Spanos, Aris 8 Tsai, Je-Chiang 8 Wu, Changhong 8 Xie, Minge 8 Yáñez, Rafael J. 8 Zhou, Maolin 7 Akahira, Masafumi 7 Aoki, Kenichi 7 Baker, Ruth Elizabeth 7 Beirlant, Jan 7 Broadbridge, Philip 7 Cafaro, Carlo 7 Chen, Zhongxue 7 El-Hachem, Maud 7 Engen, Steinar 7 Gandarias Núñez, Maria Luz 7 Giletti, Thomas 7 Goegebeur, Yuri 7 Grafen, Alan 7 Kel’manov, Aleksandr Vasil’evich 7 Kharazmi, Omid 7 Lam, King-Yeung 7 Lee, Thomas C. M. 7 Li, Bingtuan 7 McDermott, Michael P. 7 Ogasawara, Haruhiko 7 Palencia, José Luis Díaz 7 Pollak, Edward 7 Shigesada, Nanako 7 Sinha, Bimal Kumar 7 Sprott, David A. 7 Sun, Ningkui 7 Vazquez, Juan Luis ...and 7,597 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 652 Serials 283 Theoretical Population Biology 157 Communications in Statistics. Theory and Methods 157 Journal of Theoretical Biology 145 Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 120 Journal of Mathematical Biology 88 Journal of Differential Equations 85 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 80 Statistical Science 80 Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 78 Statistics & Probability Letters 75 Communications in Statistics. Simulation and Computation 72 Mathematical Biosciences 62 Psychometrika 61 Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 59 Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 59 The Annals of Statistics 57 Physica A 52 Journal of Multivariate Analysis 50 International Statistical Review 49 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 49 Journal of Applied Statistics 46 Physics Letters. A 44 Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 43 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 43 Physica D 39 The Canadian Journal of Statistics 38 Journal of Statistical Physics 38 Metrika 36 The American Statistician 33 Biometrics 33 Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods & Applications. Series A: Theory and Methods 33 Statistical Papers 33 Extremes 33 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series B 32 Journal of the American Statistical Association 32 Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 32 The Annals of Applied Statistics 31 Applied Mathematics and Computation 30 Journal of Econometrics 30 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 29 Applied Mathematics Letters 29 Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 28 Biometrical Journal 28 International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 27 Statistics 27 Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 27 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 26 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 26 Nonlinearity 25 Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis 25 Computational Statistics 23 Discrete Mathematics 23 Journal of Mathematical Physics 23 Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 23 Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice 22 Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 21 Synthese 20 Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées. Neuvième Série 20 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 20 Chaos 20 Electronic Journal of Statistics 19 Statistica Neerlandica 19 Test 18 International Journal of Theoretical Physics 18 Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 18 Statistics in Medicine 17 SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 16 Journal of Computational Physics 16 Journal of Functional Analysis 16 Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics 15 Journal of Combinatorial Theory. Series A 15 Journal of Mathematical Psychology 15 Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 15 Insurance Mathematics & Economics 15 Journal of Time Series Analysis 15 Stochastic Processes and their Applications 15 Quantum Information Processing 14 Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 14 Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations 14 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society 14 Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 14 Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics 14 Sankhyā. Series A 13 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 13 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 13 Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré. Analyse Non Linéaire 13 Annals of Operations Research 13 Pattern Recognition 13 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 13 Environmetrics 12 Information Sciences 12 SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 12 Journal of Mathematical Sciences (New York) 12 New Journal of Physics 11 ZAMP. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik 11 The Annals of Probability 11 Acta Applicandae Mathematicae 11 Designs, Codes and Cryptography 11 Linear Algebra and its Applications 11 Bernoulli ...and 552 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 59 Fields 2,341 Statistics (62-XX) 1,373 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 1,215 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 620 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 484 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 314 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 206 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 188 Quantum theory (81-XX) 165 Computer science (68-XX) 156 Combinatorics (05-XX) 151 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 136 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 131 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 106 History and biography (01-XX) 80 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 71 Integral equations (45-XX) 68 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 60 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 50 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 49 Operator theory (47-XX) 46 Differential geometry (53-XX) 41 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 37 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 37 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 35 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 33 Special functions (33-XX) 32 Geophysics (86-XX) 30 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 25 Real functions (26-XX) 24 Functional analysis (46-XX) 24 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 21 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 17 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 16 Mathematical logic and foundations (03-XX) 15 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 14 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 11 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 11 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 10 Geometry (51-XX) 9 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 8 Measure and integration (28-XX) 7 Number theory (11-XX) 7 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 7 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 5 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 5 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) 4 Algebraic geometry (14-XX) 4 Topological groups, Lie groups (22-XX) 4 General topology (54-XX) 4 Mathematics education (97-XX) 3 Commutative algebra (13-XX) 3 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 2 Order, lattices, ordered algebraic structures (06-XX) 2 Field theory and polynomials (12-XX) 2 Associative rings and algebras (16-XX) 2 Potential theory (31-XX) 2 Abstract harmonic analysis (43-XX) 2 Algebraic topology (55-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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