Edit Profile (opens in new tab) Fortin, Michel Co-Author Distance Author ID: fortin.michel Published as: Fortin, M.; Fortin, Michel External Links: MGP · ORCID · Wikidata · Google Scholar · ResearchGate · dblp · IdRef · theses.fr Documents Indexed: 96 Publications since 1971, including 4 Books 4 Contributions as Editor Co-Authors: 63 Co-Authors with 86 Joint Publications 1,289 Co-Co-Authors all top 5 Co-Authors 12 single-authored 16 Fortin, André 13 Brezzi, Franco 12 Habashi, Wagdi G. 7 Farhloul, Mohamed 7 Tanguy, Philippe A. 6 Soulaimani, Azzeddine 5 Dutto, Laura Cecilia 5 Vallet, Marie-Gabrielle 4 Dompierre, Julien 4 Robichaud, Michel P. 4 Yang, Geng 3 Ait-Ali-Yahia, Djaffar 3 Boffi, Daniele 3 Boivin, Sylvain 3 Bourgault, Yves 3 Delfour, Michel Claude 3 Dhatt, Gouri 3 El Maliki, Abderrahman 3 Marini, Luisa Donatella 3 Ouellet, Yvon 3 Pierre, Roger 2 Baruzzi, Guido S. 2 Bercovier, Michel 2 Choplin, L. 2 Deteix, Jean 2 Douglas, Jim jun. 2 Engelman, Michael S. 2 Gervais, Jean-Jacques 2 Glowinski, Roland 2 Guénette, Robert 2 Manouzi, Hassan 2 Mghazli, Zoubida 2 Peyret, Roger 2 Temam, Roger Meyer 2 Tibirna, Cristian 1 Arnold, Douglas Norman 1 Bathe, Klaus-Jürgen 1 Ben Salah, Nizar 1 Benmoussa, K. 1 Bertrand, François 1 Bois, Richard 1 Chamberland, Éric 1 Diop, Thierno 1 Durán, Ricardo G. 1 Esselaoui, Driss 1 Ghaly, Wahid S. 1 Goldberger, N. 1 Kari, Chadi 1 Liu, Joseph W. H. 1 Mounim, Serghini A. 1 Nguyen, Van Ngoc 1 Perréal, Yves 1 Pichelin, Élisabeth 1 Pitt, François 1 Pouliot, Benoit 1 Rezgui, Ali 1 Robitaille, Carl 1 Souissi, Ali 1 Soulie, M. 1 Stenberg, Rolf 1 Strigberger, J. 1 Tardieu, Nicolas 1 Thomasset, François all top 5 Serials 19 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 13 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 7 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 6 Numerische Mathematik 4 Calcolo 3 Journal of Computational Physics 3 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 2 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 2 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 2 Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 2 Revue Européenne des Éléments Finis 2 Advances in Computational Mathematics 2 Springer Series in Computational Mathematics 1 Mathematics of Computation 1 Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 1 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 1 RAIRO. Analyse Numérique 1 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 1 Communications in Applied Numerical Methods 1 COMPEL 1 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 1 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 1 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 1 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Proceedings 1 Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis 1 Journal de Mécanique 1 CRM Proceedings & Lecture Notes 1 Lecture Notes in Mathematics 1 Méthodes Mathématiques de l’Informatique 1 Studies in Mathematics and its Applications 1 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering all top 5 Fields 71 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 58 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 24 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 20 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 5 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 3 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 2 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 2 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 1 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 1 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 1 Quantum theory (81-XX) 1 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) Publications by Year all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications Citations contained in zbMATH Open 87 Publications have been cited 7,930 times in 6,376 Documents Cited by ▼ Year ▼ Mixed and hybrid finite element methods. Zbl 0788.73002 Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel 3,473 1991 Mixed finite element methods and applications. Zbl 1277.65092 Boffi, Daniele; Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel 1,163 2013 Augmented Lagrangian methods: Applications to the numerical solution of boundary-value problems. (Transl. from the French). Zbl 0525.65045 543 1983 A stable finite element for the Stokes equations. Zbl 0593.76039 Arnold, D. N.; Brezzi, F.; Fortin, M. 506 1984 Finite-difference solutions of a non-linear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 0477.65086 Delfour, M.; Fortin, M.; Payre, G. 171 1981 Mixed finite elements for second order elliptic problems in three variables. Zbl 0631.65107 Brezzi, Franco; Douglas, Jim jun.; Durán, Ricardo; Fortin, Michel 171 1987 Efficient rectangular mixed finite elements in two and three space variables. Zbl 0689.65065 Brezzi, Franco; Douglas, Jim jun.; Fortin, Michel; Marini, L. Donatella 151 1987 A minimal stabilisation procedure for mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1009.65067 Brezzi, F.; Fortin, M. 130 2001 An analysis of the convergence of mixed finite element methods. Zbl 0373.65055 Fortin, Michel 112 1977 Error analysis of mixed-interpolated elements for Reissner-Mindlin plates. Zbl 0751.73053 Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel; Stenberg, Rolf 98 1991 Mixed-interpolated elements for Reissner-Mindlin plates. Zbl 0705.73238 Brezzi, Franco; Bathe, Klaus-Jürgen; Fortin, Michel 98 1989 Old and new finite elements for incompressible flows. Zbl 0467.76030 Fortin, Michel 93 1981 A non-conforming piecewise quadratic finite element on triangles. Zbl 0514.73068 Fortin, M.; Soulie, M. 87 1983 Reduced symmetry elements in linear elasticity. Zbl 1154.74041 Boffi, Daniele; Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel 81 2009 Methodes de Lagrangian augmente. Applications a la resolution numerique de problemes aux limites. Zbl 0491.65036 81 1982 Numerical approximation of Mindlin-Reissner plates. Zbl 0596.73058 Brezzi, F.; Fortin, M. 74 1986 Anisotropic mesh adaption: Towards user-independent, mesh-independent and solver-independent CFD. I: General principles. Zbl 0981.76052 Habashi, Wagdi G.; Dompierre, Julien; Bourgault, Yves; Ait-Ali-Yahia, Djaffar; Fortin, Michel; Vallet, Marie-Gabrielle 71 2000 A new approach for the FEM simulation of viscoelastic flows. Zbl 0672.76010 Fortin, Michel; Fortin, André 58 1989 Dual hybrid methods for the elasticity and the Stokes problems: A unified approach. Zbl 0880.73064 Farhloul, Mohamed; Fortin, Michel 48 1997 On the convergence of the mixed method of Crochet and Marchal for viscoelastic flows. Zbl 0692.76002 Fortin, M.; Pierre, R. 42 1989 Anisotropic mesh adaptation: towards user-independent, mesh-independent and solver-independent CFD. III: Unstructured meshes. Zbl 1101.76356 Dompierre, Julien; Vallet, Marie-Gabrielle; Bourgault, Yves; Fortin, Michel; Habashi, Wagdi G. 41 2002 Mixed finite element methods with continuous stresses. Zbl 0774.73066 Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel; Marini, L. Donatella 36 1993 A new mixed finite element for the Stokes and elasticity problems. Zbl 0777.76051 Farhloul, M.; Fortin, M. 35 1993 Finite elements for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1182.76895 Boffi, Daniele; Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel 29 2008 Finite element simulation of two- and three-dimensional free surface flows. Zbl 0761.76037 Soulaïmani, A.; Fortin, M.; Dhatt, G.; Ouellet, Y. 28 1991 Experiments with several elements for viscous incompressible flows. Zbl 0573.76032 Fortin, M.; Fortin, A. 27 1985 Résolution numérique des équations de Navier-Stokes pour un fluide incompressible. (Numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid). Zbl 0225.76016 Fortin, M.; Peyret, R.; Temam, R. 27 1971 A three-dimensional quadratic nonconforming element. Zbl 0577.65008 Fortin, M. 24 1985 A conservative stabilized finite element method for the magneto-hydrodynamic equations. Zbl 0938.76049 Ben Salah, Nizar; Soulaimani, Azzeddine; Habashi, Wagdi G.; Fortin, Michel 24 1999 A generalization of Uzawa’s algorithm for the solution of the Navier- Stokes equations. Zbl 0592.76040 Fortin, M.; Fortin, A. 21 1985 Error analysis of piecewise constant pressure approximations of Darcy’s law. Zbl 1116.76051 Brezzi, F.; Fortin, M.; Marini, L. D. 20 2006 Numerical analysis of the modified EVSS method. Zbl 0896.76040 Fortin, Michel; Guénette, Robert; Pierre, Roger 19 1997 A finite element procedure for viscoelastic flows. Zbl 0634.76007 Fortin, M.; Esselaoui, D. 19 1987 Anisotropic mesh adaptation: towards user-independent, mesh-independent and solver-independent CFD. II: Structured grids. Zbl 1101.76350 Ait-Ali-Yahia, Djaffar; Baruzzi, Guido; Habashi, Wagdi G.; Fortin, Michel; Dompierre, Julien; Vallet, Marie-Gabrielle 19 2002 Mixed finite-element methods for incompressible flow problems. Zbl 0395.76023 Fortin, M.; Thomasset, F. 18 1979 Finite element solution of compressible viscous flows using conservative variables. Zbl 0848.76039 Soulaïmani, Azzeddine; Fortin, Michel 18 1994 Finite element solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0801.76043 Fortin, Michel 16 1993 A directionally adaptive methodology using an edge-based error estimate on quadrilateral grids. Zbl 0884.76036 Ait-Ali-Yahia, D.; Habashi, W. G.; Tam, A.; Vallet, M.-G.; Fortin, M. 16 1996 Simple continuous pressure elements for two- and three-dimensional incompressible flows. Zbl 0608.76024 Soulaimani, Azzeddine; Fortin, Michel; Ouellet, Yvon; Dhatt, Gouri; Bertrand, François 13 1987 A fully optimal anisotropic mesh adaptation method based on a hierarchical error estimator. Zbl 1243.65143 Bois, Richard; Fortin, Michel; Fortin, André 11 2012 Iterative solvers for 3D linear and nonlinear elasticity problems: displacement and mixed formulations. Zbl 1202.74005 El Maliki, Abderrahman; Fortin, Michel; Tardieu, Nicolas; Fortin, André 11 2010 A preconditioned generalized minimal residual algorithm for the numerical solution of viscoelastic fluid flows. Zbl 0708.76012 Fortin, André; Fortin, Michel 9 1990 Anisotropic mesh adaptation: A step towards a mesh-independent and user-independent CFD. Zbl 0940.76034 Habashi, W. G.; Fortin, M.; Dompierre, J.; Vallet, M.-G.; Bourgault, Y. 9 1998 An iterative implementation of the Uzawa algorithm for 3-D fluid flow problems. Zbl 0684.76038 Robichaud, Michel P.; Tanguy, Philippe A.; Fortin, M. 9 1990 A numerical simulation of the transition to turbulence in a two- dimensional flow. Zbl 0611.76071 Fortin, A.; Fortin, M.; Gervais, J. J. 9 1987 Iterative stabilization of the bilinear velocity-constant pressure element. Zbl 0687.76029 Fortin, M.; Boivin, S. 8 1990 An efficient hierarchical preconditioner for quadratic discretizations of finite element problems. Zbl 1249.65232 El Maliki, A.; Guénette, R.; Fortin, M. 7 2011 Finite element simulation of dip coating. II: Non-Newtonian fluids. Zbl 0567.76003 Tanguy, P.; Fortin, M.; Choplin, L. 6 1984 Stability analysis of discrete generalized Stokes problems. Zbl 0793.76052 Fortin, M.; Pierre, R. 6 1992 On finite element approximation and stabilization methods for compressible viscous flows. Zbl 0784.76048 Fortin, M.; Manouzi, H.; Soulaimani, A. 6 1993 A mixed nonconforming finite element for the elasticity and Stokes problems. Zbl 1044.74042 Farhloul, M.; Fortin, M. 6 1999 A method for finite element parallel viscous compressible flow calculations. Zbl 0815.76042 Dutto, Laura C.; Habashi, Wagdi G.; Robichaud, Michel P.; Fortin, Michel 5 1994 Schwarz’s decomposition method for incompressible flow problems. Zbl 0652.76022 Fortin, M.; Aboulaich, R. 5 1988 Review and complements on mixed-hybrid finite element methods for fluid flows. Zbl 1134.76383 Farhloul, M.; Fortin, M. 5 2002 Finite element simulation of dip coating. I: Newtonian fluids. Zbl 0567.76002 Tanguy, P.; Fortin, M.; Choplin, L. 4 1984 Inexact block Jacobi-Broyden methods for solving nonlinear systems of equations. Zbl 0890.65044 Yang, Geng; Dutto, Laura C.; Fortin, Michel 4 1997 A mixed finite element for the Stokes problem using quadrilateral elements. Zbl 0834.76050 Farhloul, Mohamed; Fortin, Michel 4 1995 An algebraic multilevel parallelizable preconditioner for large-scale CFD problems. Zbl 0923.76247 Dutto, Laura C.; Habashi, Wagdi G.; Fortin, Michel 4 1997 An updated Lagrangian method with error estimation and adaptive remeshing for very large deformation elasticity problems. Zbl 1352.74393 Léger, S.; Fortin, A.; Tibirna, C.; Fortin, M. 4 2014 On a new edge-based gradient recovery technique. Zbl 1352.65536 Pouliot, B.; Fortin, M.; Fortin, A.; Chamberland, É. 4 2013 A nonconforming mixed finite element for second-order elliptic problems. Zbl 0883.65087 Farhloul, Mohamed; Fortin, Michel 3 1997 Approximation des fonctions à divergence nulle par la méthode des éléments finis. Zbl 0277.76024 Fortin, Michel 3 1973 Some special purpose preconditioners for conjugate gradient-like methods applied to CFD. Zbl 0778.76077 Strigberger, J.; Baruzzi, G.; Habashi, W.; Fortin, M. 3 1993 Parallelizable block diagonal preconditioners for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0847.76032 Dutto, Laura C.; Habashi, Wagdi G.; Fortin, Michel 3 1994 Error analysis of mixed finite elements for cylindrical shells. Zbl 0958.74075 Yang, Geng; Delfour, Michel C.; Fortin, Michel 3 1999 A posteriori estimation and mesh adaptation. (Estimation a posteriori et adaptation de maillages.) Zbl 0943.00026 3 2000 Une note sur les méthodes de caractéristiques et de Lesaint-Raviart pour les problèmes hyperboliques stationnaires. (A note on the methods of characteristics and of Lesaint-Raviart for stationary hyperbolic problems). Zbl 0687.65088 Fortin, Michel; Fortin, André 3 1989 Mixed and hybrid finite element methods for convection-diffusion equations and their relationships with finite volume. Zbl 1108.65116 Fortin, M.; Mounim, Serghini A. 3 2005 Anisotropic mesh adaptation through hierarchical error estimators. Zbl 1018.65124 Fortin, Michel 3 2001 Calcul des écoulements d’un fluide visqueux incompressible. (Calculation of a incompressible viscous fluid flow.). Zbl 0232.76033 Fortin, M.; Peyret, R.; Temam, R. 3 1971 A treatment of wall boundaries for turbulent flows by the use of a transmission finite element method. Zbl 0825.76428 Manouzi, H.; Fortin, M. 2 1991 Large-scale computational fluid dynamics by the finite element method. Zbl 0807.76034 Habashi, W. G.; Robichaud, M.; Nguyen, V.-N.; Ghaly, W. S.; Fortin, M.; Liu, J. W. H. 2 1994 Analysis of a mixed finite element for the Stokes problem. II: Construction and error estimates. (Analyse d’un élément mixte pour le problème de Stokes. II: Construction et estimations d’erreur.) Zbl 0765.65114 Fortin, M.; Mghazli, Z. 2 1992 Simulation of the hydrodynamic model of semiconductor devices by a finite element method. Zbl 1017.82501 Fortin, Michel; Yang, Geng; Perréal, Yves 2 1996 A finite element method for Bingham fluid flows. Zbl 0463.76003 Bercovier, M.; Engelman, M.; Fortin, M. 2 1980 Development of new triangular elements for free surface flows. Zbl 0612.76013 Dhatt, Gouri; Soulaimani, Azzeddine; Ouellet, Yvon; Fortin, Michel 2 1986 An improved finite element iterative method for three-dimensional fluid flow problems. Zbl 0687.76033 Robichaud, M. P.; Tanguy, P. A.; Fortin, M. 2 1989 Numerical simulation of viscous flows in hydraulic turbomachinery by the finite element method. Zbl 0604.76028 Fortin, A.; Fortin, M.; Tanguy, P. 2 1986 Two comments on: Consistent vs. reduced integration penalty methods for incompressible media using several old and new elements. Zbl 0512.76002 Fortin, Michel 1 1983 Numerical simulation of viscous flows in turbomachines. Zbl 0551.76023 Fortin, A.; Fortin, M.; Tanguy, P. 1 1983 Problèmes de surfaces libres en mécanique des fluides. (Free boundary problems in fluid mechanics). Zbl 0779.76022 Fortin, Michel 1 1992 Utilisation de la méthode des éléments finis en mécanique des fluides. I. Zbl 0351.76030 Fortin, M. 1 1976 An anisotropic artificial viscosity method: Application to the simulation of compressible viscous flows. Zbl 0903.76050 Boivin, S.; Fortin, M. 1 1996 Numerical experiments on a posteriori error estimator. (Étude numérique d’estimations d’erreur a posteriori.) Zbl 0961.65094 Pichelin, Élisabeth; Fortin, Michel; Boivin, Sylvain 1 2000 Simulation of forming processes by FEM with a Bingham fluid model. Zbl 0591.76005 Bercovier, M.; Engelman, M.; Fortin, M.; Goldberger, N. 1 1986 Domain decomposition methods for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0768.76047 Fortin, M.; Aboulaich, R.; Kari, C.; Pitt, F. 1 1991 Preconditioned iteration for saddle-point systems with bound constraints arising in contact problems. Zbl 1297.74083 El maliki, A.; Fortin, M.; Deteix, J.; Fortin, A. 1 2013 An updated Lagrangian method with error estimation and adaptive remeshing for very large deformation elasticity problems. Zbl 1352.74393 Léger, S.; Fortin, A.; Tibirna, C.; Fortin, M. 4 2014 Mixed finite element methods and applications. Zbl 1277.65092 Boffi, Daniele; Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel 1,163 2013 On a new edge-based gradient recovery technique. Zbl 1352.65536 Pouliot, B.; Fortin, M.; Fortin, A.; Chamberland, É. 4 2013 Preconditioned iteration for saddle-point systems with bound constraints arising in contact problems. Zbl 1297.74083 El maliki, A.; Fortin, M.; Deteix, J.; Fortin, A. 1 2013 A fully optimal anisotropic mesh adaptation method based on a hierarchical error estimator. Zbl 1243.65143 Bois, Richard; Fortin, Michel; Fortin, André 11 2012 An efficient hierarchical preconditioner for quadratic discretizations of finite element problems. Zbl 1249.65232 El Maliki, A.; Guénette, R.; Fortin, M. 7 2011 Iterative solvers for 3D linear and nonlinear elasticity problems: displacement and mixed formulations. Zbl 1202.74005 El Maliki, Abderrahman; Fortin, Michel; Tardieu, Nicolas; Fortin, André 11 2010 Reduced symmetry elements in linear elasticity. Zbl 1154.74041 Boffi, Daniele; Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel 81 2009 Finite elements for the Stokes problem. Zbl 1182.76895 Boffi, Daniele; Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel 29 2008 Error analysis of piecewise constant pressure approximations of Darcy’s law. Zbl 1116.76051 Brezzi, F.; Fortin, M.; Marini, L. D. 20 2006 Mixed and hybrid finite element methods for convection-diffusion equations and their relationships with finite volume. Zbl 1108.65116 Fortin, M.; Mounim, Serghini A. 3 2005 Anisotropic mesh adaptation: towards user-independent, mesh-independent and solver-independent CFD. III: Unstructured meshes. Zbl 1101.76356 Dompierre, Julien; Vallet, Marie-Gabrielle; Bourgault, Yves; Fortin, Michel; Habashi, Wagdi G. 41 2002 Anisotropic mesh adaptation: towards user-independent, mesh-independent and solver-independent CFD. II: Structured grids. Zbl 1101.76350 Ait-Ali-Yahia, Djaffar; Baruzzi, Guido; Habashi, Wagdi G.; Fortin, Michel; Dompierre, Julien; Vallet, Marie-Gabrielle 19 2002 Review and complements on mixed-hybrid finite element methods for fluid flows. Zbl 1134.76383 Farhloul, M.; Fortin, M. 5 2002 A minimal stabilisation procedure for mixed finite element methods. Zbl 1009.65067 Brezzi, F.; Fortin, M. 130 2001 Anisotropic mesh adaptation through hierarchical error estimators. Zbl 1018.65124 Fortin, Michel 3 2001 Anisotropic mesh adaption: Towards user-independent, mesh-independent and solver-independent CFD. I: General principles. Zbl 0981.76052 Habashi, Wagdi G.; Dompierre, Julien; Bourgault, Yves; Ait-Ali-Yahia, Djaffar; Fortin, Michel; Vallet, Marie-Gabrielle 71 2000 A posteriori estimation and mesh adaptation. (Estimation a posteriori et adaptation de maillages.) Zbl 0943.00026 3 2000 Numerical experiments on a posteriori error estimator. (Étude numérique d’estimations d’erreur a posteriori.) Zbl 0961.65094 Pichelin, Élisabeth; Fortin, Michel; Boivin, Sylvain 1 2000 A conservative stabilized finite element method for the magneto-hydrodynamic equations. Zbl 0938.76049 Ben Salah, Nizar; Soulaimani, Azzeddine; Habashi, Wagdi G.; Fortin, Michel 24 1999 A mixed nonconforming finite element for the elasticity and Stokes problems. Zbl 1044.74042 Farhloul, M.; Fortin, M. 6 1999 Error analysis of mixed finite elements for cylindrical shells. Zbl 0958.74075 Yang, Geng; Delfour, Michel C.; Fortin, Michel 3 1999 Anisotropic mesh adaptation: A step towards a mesh-independent and user-independent CFD. Zbl 0940.76034 Habashi, W. G.; Fortin, M.; Dompierre, J.; Vallet, M.-G.; Bourgault, Y. 9 1998 Dual hybrid methods for the elasticity and the Stokes problems: A unified approach. Zbl 0880.73064 Farhloul, Mohamed; Fortin, Michel 48 1997 Numerical analysis of the modified EVSS method. Zbl 0896.76040 Fortin, Michel; Guénette, Robert; Pierre, Roger 19 1997 Inexact block Jacobi-Broyden methods for solving nonlinear systems of equations. Zbl 0890.65044 Yang, Geng; Dutto, Laura C.; Fortin, Michel 4 1997 An algebraic multilevel parallelizable preconditioner for large-scale CFD problems. Zbl 0923.76247 Dutto, Laura C.; Habashi, Wagdi G.; Fortin, Michel 4 1997 A nonconforming mixed finite element for second-order elliptic problems. Zbl 0883.65087 Farhloul, Mohamed; Fortin, Michel 3 1997 A directionally adaptive methodology using an edge-based error estimate on quadrilateral grids. Zbl 0884.76036 Ait-Ali-Yahia, D.; Habashi, W. G.; Tam, A.; Vallet, M.-G.; Fortin, M. 16 1996 Simulation of the hydrodynamic model of semiconductor devices by a finite element method. Zbl 1017.82501 Fortin, Michel; Yang, Geng; Perréal, Yves 2 1996 An anisotropic artificial viscosity method: Application to the simulation of compressible viscous flows. Zbl 0903.76050 Boivin, S.; Fortin, M. 1 1996 A mixed finite element for the Stokes problem using quadrilateral elements. Zbl 0834.76050 Farhloul, Mohamed; Fortin, Michel 4 1995 Finite element solution of compressible viscous flows using conservative variables. Zbl 0848.76039 Soulaïmani, Azzeddine; Fortin, Michel 18 1994 A method for finite element parallel viscous compressible flow calculations. Zbl 0815.76042 Dutto, Laura C.; Habashi, Wagdi G.; Robichaud, Michel P.; Fortin, Michel 5 1994 Parallelizable block diagonal preconditioners for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0847.76032 Dutto, Laura C.; Habashi, Wagdi G.; Fortin, Michel 3 1994 Large-scale computational fluid dynamics by the finite element method. Zbl 0807.76034 Habashi, W. G.; Robichaud, M.; Nguyen, V.-N.; Ghaly, W. S.; Fortin, M.; Liu, J. W. H. 2 1994 Mixed finite element methods with continuous stresses. Zbl 0774.73066 Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel; Marini, L. Donatella 36 1993 A new mixed finite element for the Stokes and elasticity problems. Zbl 0777.76051 Farhloul, M.; Fortin, M. 35 1993 Finite element solution of the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0801.76043 Fortin, Michel 16 1993 On finite element approximation and stabilization methods for compressible viscous flows. Zbl 0784.76048 Fortin, M.; Manouzi, H.; Soulaimani, A. 6 1993 Some special purpose preconditioners for conjugate gradient-like methods applied to CFD. Zbl 0778.76077 Strigberger, J.; Baruzzi, G.; Habashi, W.; Fortin, M. 3 1993 Stability analysis of discrete generalized Stokes problems. Zbl 0793.76052 Fortin, M.; Pierre, R. 6 1992 Analysis of a mixed finite element for the Stokes problem. II: Construction and error estimates. (Analyse d’un élément mixte pour le problème de Stokes. II: Construction et estimations d’erreur.) Zbl 0765.65114 Fortin, M.; Mghazli, Z. 2 1992 Problèmes de surfaces libres en mécanique des fluides. (Free boundary problems in fluid mechanics). Zbl 0779.76022 Fortin, Michel 1 1992 Mixed and hybrid finite element methods. Zbl 0788.73002 Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel 3,473 1991 Error analysis of mixed-interpolated elements for Reissner-Mindlin plates. Zbl 0751.73053 Brezzi, Franco; Fortin, Michel; Stenberg, Rolf 98 1991 Finite element simulation of two- and three-dimensional free surface flows. Zbl 0761.76037 Soulaïmani, A.; Fortin, M.; Dhatt, G.; Ouellet, Y. 28 1991 A treatment of wall boundaries for turbulent flows by the use of a transmission finite element method. Zbl 0825.76428 Manouzi, H.; Fortin, M. 2 1991 Domain decomposition methods for the Navier-Stokes equations. Zbl 0768.76047 Fortin, M.; Aboulaich, R.; Kari, C.; Pitt, F. 1 1991 A preconditioned generalized minimal residual algorithm for the numerical solution of viscoelastic fluid flows. Zbl 0708.76012 Fortin, André; Fortin, Michel 9 1990 An iterative implementation of the Uzawa algorithm for 3-D fluid flow problems. Zbl 0684.76038 Robichaud, Michel P.; Tanguy, Philippe A.; Fortin, M. 9 1990 Iterative stabilization of the bilinear velocity-constant pressure element. Zbl 0687.76029 Fortin, M.; Boivin, S. 8 1990 Mixed-interpolated elements for Reissner-Mindlin plates. Zbl 0705.73238 Brezzi, Franco; Bathe, Klaus-Jürgen; Fortin, Michel 98 1989 A new approach for the FEM simulation of viscoelastic flows. Zbl 0672.76010 Fortin, Michel; Fortin, André 58 1989 On the convergence of the mixed method of Crochet and Marchal for viscoelastic flows. Zbl 0692.76002 Fortin, M.; Pierre, R. 42 1989 Une note sur les méthodes de caractéristiques et de Lesaint-Raviart pour les problèmes hyperboliques stationnaires. (A note on the methods of characteristics and of Lesaint-Raviart for stationary hyperbolic problems). Zbl 0687.65088 Fortin, Michel; Fortin, André 3 1989 An improved finite element iterative method for three-dimensional fluid flow problems. Zbl 0687.76033 Robichaud, M. P.; Tanguy, P. A.; Fortin, M. 2 1989 Schwarz’s decomposition method for incompressible flow problems. Zbl 0652.76022 Fortin, M.; Aboulaich, R. 5 1988 Mixed finite elements for second order elliptic problems in three variables. Zbl 0631.65107 Brezzi, Franco; Douglas, Jim jun.; Durán, Ricardo; Fortin, Michel 171 1987 Efficient rectangular mixed finite elements in two and three space variables. Zbl 0689.65065 Brezzi, Franco; Douglas, Jim jun.; Fortin, Michel; Marini, L. Donatella 151 1987 A finite element procedure for viscoelastic flows. Zbl 0634.76007 Fortin, M.; Esselaoui, D. 19 1987 Simple continuous pressure elements for two- and three-dimensional incompressible flows. Zbl 0608.76024 Soulaimani, Azzeddine; Fortin, Michel; Ouellet, Yvon; Dhatt, Gouri; Bertrand, François 13 1987 A numerical simulation of the transition to turbulence in a two- dimensional flow. Zbl 0611.76071 Fortin, A.; Fortin, M.; Gervais, J. J. 9 1987 Numerical approximation of Mindlin-Reissner plates. Zbl 0596.73058 Brezzi, F.; Fortin, M. 74 1986 Development of new triangular elements for free surface flows. Zbl 0612.76013 Dhatt, Gouri; Soulaimani, Azzeddine; Ouellet, Yvon; Fortin, Michel 2 1986 Numerical simulation of viscous flows in hydraulic turbomachinery by the finite element method. Zbl 0604.76028 Fortin, A.; Fortin, M.; Tanguy, P. 2 1986 Simulation of forming processes by FEM with a Bingham fluid model. Zbl 0591.76005 Bercovier, M.; Engelman, M.; Fortin, M.; Goldberger, N. 1 1986 Experiments with several elements for viscous incompressible flows. Zbl 0573.76032 Fortin, M.; Fortin, A. 27 1985 A three-dimensional quadratic nonconforming element. Zbl 0577.65008 Fortin, M. 24 1985 A generalization of Uzawa’s algorithm for the solution of the Navier- Stokes equations. Zbl 0592.76040 Fortin, M.; Fortin, A. 21 1985 A stable finite element for the Stokes equations. Zbl 0593.76039 Arnold, D. N.; Brezzi, F.; Fortin, M. 506 1984 Finite element simulation of dip coating. II: Non-Newtonian fluids. Zbl 0567.76003 Tanguy, P.; Fortin, M.; Choplin, L. 6 1984 Finite element simulation of dip coating. I: Newtonian fluids. Zbl 0567.76002 Tanguy, P.; Fortin, M.; Choplin, L. 4 1984 Augmented Lagrangian methods: Applications to the numerical solution of boundary-value problems. (Transl. from the French). Zbl 0525.65045 543 1983 A non-conforming piecewise quadratic finite element on triangles. Zbl 0514.73068 Fortin, M.; Soulie, M. 87 1983 Two comments on: Consistent vs. reduced integration penalty methods for incompressible media using several old and new elements. Zbl 0512.76002 Fortin, Michel 1 1983 Numerical simulation of viscous flows in turbomachines. Zbl 0551.76023 Fortin, A.; Fortin, M.; Tanguy, P. 1 1983 Methodes de Lagrangian augmente. Applications a la resolution numerique de problemes aux limites. Zbl 0491.65036 81 1982 Finite-difference solutions of a non-linear Schrödinger equation. Zbl 0477.65086 Delfour, M.; Fortin, M.; Payre, G. 171 1981 Old and new finite elements for incompressible flows. Zbl 0467.76030 Fortin, Michel 93 1981 A finite element method for Bingham fluid flows. Zbl 0463.76003 Bercovier, M.; Engelman, M.; Fortin, M. 2 1980 Mixed finite-element methods for incompressible flow problems. Zbl 0395.76023 Fortin, M.; Thomasset, F. 18 1979 An analysis of the convergence of mixed finite element methods. Zbl 0373.65055 Fortin, Michel 112 1977 Utilisation de la méthode des éléments finis en mécanique des fluides. I. Zbl 0351.76030 Fortin, M. 1 1976 Approximation des fonctions à divergence nulle par la méthode des éléments finis. Zbl 0277.76024 Fortin, Michel 3 1973 Résolution numérique des équations de Navier-Stokes pour un fluide incompressible. (Numerical solution of Navier-Stokes equations for an incompressible fluid). Zbl 0225.76016 Fortin, M.; Peyret, R.; Temam, R. 27 1971 Calcul des écoulements d’un fluide visqueux incompressible. (Calculation of a incompressible viscous fluid flow.). Zbl 0232.76033 Fortin, M.; Peyret, R.; Temam, R. 3 1971 all cited Publications top 5 cited Publications all top 5 Cited by 6,558 Authors 115 Gatica, Gabriel N. 58 Carstensen, Carsten 52 Ruiz-Baier, Ricardo 50 Zhang, Shangyou 49 Codina, Ramon 43 Yotov, Ivan 42 Oyarzúa, Ricardo 41 Cockburn, Bernardo 41 Vohralík, Martin 39 Beirão da Veiga, Lourenço 39 He, Yinnian 39 Meddahi, Salim 38 Chen, Zhangxin 38 Ye, Xiu 37 Boffi, Daniele 35 Brezzi, Franco 35 Fortin, Michel 35 Lovadina, Carlo 32 Wheeler, Mary Fanett 31 Hu, Jun 29 Duan, Huoyuan 29 Xie, Xiaoping 28 Gastaldi, Lucia 28 Huang, Xuehai 28 Stenberg, Rolf 28 Wohlmuth, Barbara I. 27 Rui, Hongxing 26 Caucao, Sergio 26 Chen, Yanping 26 Manzini, Gianmarco 26 Schöberl, Joachim 26 Xu, Jinchao 25 Linke, Alexander 25 Luo, Zhendong 25 Repin, Sergeĭ Igorevich 24 Devloo, Philippe Remy Bernard 24 Fortin, André 24 Gopalakrishnan, Jay 24 Li, Jian 24 Rozza, Gianluigi 24 Wang, Junping 24 Yuan, Xiaoming 23 Di Pietro, Daniele Antonio 23 Hughes, Thomas J. R. 23 Park, Eun-Jae 23 Sayas, Francisco-Javier 22 Arbogast, Todd 22 Auricchio, Ferdinando 22 Farhloul, Mohamed 22 Glowinski, Roland 22 Hou, Tianliang 22 Huang, Yunqing 22 Lamichhane, Bishnu Prasad 22 Lee, Jeonghun J. 22 Ma, Changfeng 22 Winther, Ragnar 21 Demkowicz, Leszek 21 Franca, Leopoldo Luis Cabo Penna 21 Hu, Xiaozhe 21 Marini, Luisa Donatella 21 Marquez-Duran, Antonio M. 21 Mu, Lin 21 Radu, Florin Adrian 21 Sun, Shuyu 20 Ainsworth, Mark 20 Cai, Zhiqiang 20 Chen, Jinru 20 Gomes, Sônia Maria 20 Nordbotten, Jan Martin 20 Qiu, Weifeng 20 Schröder, Jörg 20 Starke, Gerhard 19 Cervera, Miguel 19 Chen, Long 19 Chiumenti, Michele 19 Chung, Tsz Shun Eric 19 Koko, Jonas 19 Mora, David 19 Nicaise, Serge 19 Sacco, Riccardo 19 Zhang, Jiansong 18 Alduncin, Gonzalo 18 Ciarlet, Patrick jun. 18 Farhat, Charbel H. 18 Fumagalli, Alessio 18 He, Bingsheng 18 Hoppe, Ronald H. W. 18 Lederer, Philip Lukas 18 Merdon, Christian 18 Nakshatrala, Kalyana B. 18 Quarteroni, Alfio M. 18 Rhebergen, Sander 18 Vassilevski, Panayot Spirov 18 Zhang, Zhimin 17 Arnold, Douglas Norman 17 Badia, Santiago 17 Barrenechea, Gabriel R. 17 Han, Deren 17 Mardal, Kent-Andre 17 Pavarino, Luca Franco ...and 6,458 more Authors all top 5 Cited in 350 Serials 802 Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 330 Journal of Computational Physics 322 Computers & Mathematics with Applications 286 Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 261 Journal of Scientific Computing 258 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 226 Numerische Mathematik 215 Mathematics of Computation 188 Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations 166 Applied Numerical Mathematics 160 Applied Mathematics and Computation 152 SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 122 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis 120 International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 118 SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 101 M\(^3\)AS. Mathematical Models & Methods in Applied Sciences 84 Computational Mechanics 75 Computers and Fluids 75 Calcolo 73 Computational Geosciences 63 Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications 63 Advances in Computational Mathematics 55 Numerical Algorithms 47 Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 45 Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics 43 Applied Mathematics Letters 39 Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 39 RAIRO. Modélisation Mathématique et Analyse Numérique 37 Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering 37 M2AN. Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Analysis. ESAIM, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics 34 Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 33 Comptes Rendus. Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Paris 31 Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 30 Computational and Applied Mathematics 29 International Journal of Computer Mathematics 28 Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization 28 Applied Mathematical Modelling 28 Science China. Mathematics 27 Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 26 BIT 26 International Journal of Numerical Analysis and Modeling 25 Applicable Analysis 25 Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 24 Computational Optimization and Applications 23 International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics 23 Communications in Computational Physics 22 ZAMM. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik 22 Journal of Numerical Mathematics 21 Computer Physics Communications 21 Applications of Mathematics 20 Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 19 Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 18 Computing and Visualization in Science 17 Journal of Fluid Mechanics 16 Mathematical Problems in Engineering 16 East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics 16 SMAI Journal of Computational Mathematics 15 SIAM Journal on Optimization 15 Abstract and Applied Analysis 14 Acta Mechanica 14 Applied Mathematics and Mechanics. (English Edition) 14 Mathematical Programming. Series A. Series B 13 Computing 13 Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 13 Russian Journal of Numerical Analysis and Mathematical Modelling 13 Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 13 Foundations of Computational Mathematics 13 Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing 13 Multiscale Modeling & Simulation 13 International Journal of Computational Methods 12 Journal of Applied Mathematics 12 Acta Numerica 12 Boundary Value Problems 12 SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 12 S\(\vec{\text{e}}\)MA Journal 11 Journal of Computational Mathematics 11 European Journal of Mechanics. B. Fluids 10 Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics 10 Linear Algebra and its Applications 10 Nonlinear Analysis. Real World Applications 9 International Journal of Engineering Science 9 Applied Mathematics and Optimization 9 Mathematical and Computer Modelling 9 International Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat & Fluid Flow 9 Journal of Inequalities and Applications 9 Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics 9 European Journal of Mechanics. A. Solids 9 Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 9 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series S 8 Inverse Problems 8 SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 8 Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 8 Applied Mathematics. Series B (English Edition) 8 ETNA. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis 8 European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics (ESAIM): Control, Optimization and Calculus of Variations 8 Advances in Difference Equations 8 Inverse Problems and Imaging 7 Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica. English Series 7 Optimization 7 SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications ...and 250 more Serials all top 5 Cited in 50 Fields 4,645 Numerical analysis (65-XX) 2,838 Fluid mechanics (76-XX) 2,012 Partial differential equations (35-XX) 1,472 Mechanics of deformable solids (74-XX) 368 Calculus of variations and optimal control; optimization (49-XX) 264 Operations research, mathematical programming (90-XX) 203 Optics, electromagnetic theory (78-XX) 127 Biology and other natural sciences (92-XX) 115 Classical thermodynamics, heat transfer (80-XX) 107 Geophysics (86-XX) 96 Operator theory (47-XX) 75 Statistical mechanics, structure of matter (82-XX) 60 Computer science (68-XX) 44 Global analysis, analysis on manifolds (58-XX) 43 Approximations and expansions (41-XX) 41 Systems theory; control (93-XX) 40 Linear and multilinear algebra; matrix theory (15-XX) 40 Quantum theory (81-XX) 37 Information and communication theory, circuits (94-XX) 36 Probability theory and stochastic processes (60-XX) 32 Integral equations (45-XX) 31 Dynamical systems and ergodic theory (37-XX) 26 Potential theory (31-XX) 25 Functional analysis (46-XX) 24 Real functions (26-XX) 24 Ordinary differential equations (34-XX) 19 Mechanics of particles and systems (70-XX) 18 Statistics (62-XX) 13 Game theory, economics, finance, and other social and behavioral sciences (91-XX) 7 History and biography (01-XX) 7 Harmonic analysis on Euclidean spaces (42-XX) 7 Differential geometry (53-XX) 7 Relativity and gravitational theory (83-XX) 6 Combinatorics (05-XX) 6 Measure and integration (28-XX) 5 Difference and functional equations (39-XX) 4 Astronomy and astrophysics (85-XX) 3 General and overarching topics; collections (00-XX) 3 Special functions (33-XX) 3 Integral transforms, operational calculus (44-XX) 3 Convex and discrete geometry (52-XX) 2 Geometry (51-XX) 2 General topology (54-XX) 2 Mathematics education (97-XX) 1 Nonassociative rings and algebras (17-XX) 1 Group theory and generalizations (20-XX) 1 Functions of a complex variable (30-XX) 1 Several complex variables and analytic spaces (32-XX) 1 Algebraic topology (55-XX) 1 Manifolds and cell complexes (57-XX) Citations by Year Wikidata Timeline The data are displayed as stored in Wikidata under a Creative Commons CC0 License. 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